Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association

Page created by Troy Porter
Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association
Nature in Mind
Activities Programme
February - March
Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association
How to get involved
                                                        You can apply to Nature in Mind if you are over 18, feel you are
                                                        excluded or experience mental health difficulties such as depression
                                                        or anxiety, and would find it difficult to access local heritage and
                                                        nature sites without support. You do not need a medical diagnosis.

                                                        To take part in Nature in Mind ask your support worker, health
                                                        professional, or doctor to complete our referral form, or you can
                                                        complete it yourself if you wish.

                                                        t: 0115 970 9591
                                                        w: (for referral form)

                                                        Once we have received your completed referral form we will contact
                                                        you by letter to let you know that you have been accepted and are
                                                        now free to book onto activities.

                                                        Conservation Activities: Making a difference to
                                                        natural heritage.

What is Nature in Mind?                                 British Wildlife is under threat and needs all the support it can get.
                                                        Conservation activities offer us the chance to help look after local
Nature in Mind is a Framework service for               green spaces and make them better for both wildlife and people.
adults which draws on the unique capacity               Some organisations run free events for Nature in Mind and the
of heritage and nature to restore and improve           conservation activities offer an opportunity to give something back.
mental and physical health.

Evidence shows that spending time in heritage
                                                        Activities take place at a gentle pace with regular breaks for rest and a
and natural environments can:                           hot drink. They can help you develop new skills such as learning to use
                                                        tools and how certain wildlife areas are looked after and why. Activities
•        Reduce stress and anxiety                      may include trimming back vegetation, controlling invasive species,
•        Help reduce the need for medication            planting, and managing hedgerows. Why not give it a go and feel like
•        Reduce levels of depression                    you are making a difference to natural heritage.
•        Help overcome isolation and social exclusion
•        Improve physical health
•        Improve mood and self esteem.

Nature in Mind provides varied opportunities
and activities related to heritage and nature
in small, supportive groups. See inside for
our activities.

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Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association
To book on an activity or to request a referral form please         Ground Rules
contact Nature in Mind. See contact details on the back page.
                                                                    When attending an activity please abide by the following ground rules
                                                                    that were decided by Nature in Mind participants.
       Some of our trips leave from Central Office, Val Roberts
       House. The full address is Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory     •   You must not bring drugs or alcohol along to our activities
       Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 6NX                               •   If you arrive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you will be
                                                                        asked to leave
       It is important to book onto any activity that you want to   •   Please respect other people’s personal space
       attend. Please make your own way to the meeting point.       •   There are certain words that some people find offensive. Please
       We cannot refund your travel expenses. Please let us             don’t swear at others and try to moderate your language around
       know if you are booked on an activity and cannot attend          other people
       – somebody else may want your place.                         •   The Nature in Mind service is used by people with many different
                                                                        backgrounds, please be respectful of others’ beliefs and cultural
       Please wear suitable clothing (including waterproofs)
                                                                    •   Be aware that others have different levels of ability and might
       and sturdy footwear. We have some walking boots and              struggle occasionally, try to be understanding and support others
       waterproofs you can borrow – please let us know in               where possible
       advance if you need these.                                   •   If a member of staff asks you to do something (usually related to
                                                                        health and safety) please do it. Nature in Mind promises not to
       Please aim to arrive in good time to start the activity.         make unreasonable requests of its participants
       The finish time is approximate and may vary depending        •   Please use safety gear and protective clothing, such as cycle
       on traffic conditions and other factors.                         helmets, if we ask you to. We have a legal responsibility to advise
                                                                        you of safety issues when we are doing activities outdoors.
       Please let us know if your contact details change or you
                                                                    Do take a moment to think about what these rules mean in practice.
       would prefer not to be on our mailing list.
                                                                    For example, to respect someone’s personal space means that if they
                                                                    do not want to give you their mobile number or meet you alone. You
       All activities are FREE but please pay for your own bus,     should accept this and not keep trying to persuade them.
       tram or train fares unless otherwise indicated. Minibus
       trips are usually free.

At some events there is a suggested donation of £1 for a meal.
You can still attend the activity and have a meal if you cannot
afford to pay.

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Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association
Nature in Mind February Activities                                                     Nature in Mind February Activities

Monday 3 February
                                           Monday 3 February rd
                                                                                     Wednesday 5 Februaryth
                                                                                                                                  Wednesday 5th February
Country Estate Walk:                       Arboretum Walk                            Gunthorpe Lock                               Origins and Meanings of
Bradgate Country Park                                                                                                             Local Names
                                           Join us for a gentle stroll around        Gunthorpe Lock in the village of
                                           Nottingham’s oldest public park as        Gunthorpe is one of the largest locks        Come along and find out the
Join volunteer walk leader, Alan                                                     on the River Trent which was once a
Davies for this three and a half mile      we experience the nature on our                                                        origins and meanings of surnames
                                           doorstep. Slow pace, some slopes.         major trading route. It’s still possible     common to Nottingham and
walk starting in the pretty village                                                  to see commercial barges, but now
of Newton Linford in Leicestershire.                                                                                              surrounding areas. Local researcher,
                                               The Arboretum Café at                 it’s better known for great waterway         Paul Cullen, will be joining us to
From here we enter the wooded                                                        walks. In partnership with the Canal
deer park of Bradgate taking the               Waverley Street entrance                                                           tell us the history behind the most
                                                                                     and River Trust we will focus on the         common surnames of our area and
easy hill up to the War Memorial and                                                 cleaning of the Lock fixtures and
the viewpoint at Old John’s Tower.             1.30pm - 2.30pm                                                                    he has also offered to explain the
                                                                                     fittings and controlling vegetation          meanings of our surnames.
                                           Hot drinks will be provided.              along the paths.
From there we descend to the new
Visitors’ Centre and on our return                                                                                                Let us know if you would like to know
                                                                                        Rushcliffe Villager bus at bus stop       the history of your surname even
journey pass the remains of a manor                                                     C11 on Canal Street (outside the
house where a Queen of England                                                                                                    if you are not able to attend the
                                                                                        Crown Court) for 10am
once lived. This is an easy walk on        Tuesday 4th February                                                                   session.
good paths and trails.                     Allotment - Spring                           10.15am - 4pm                                 The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West,
   Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory
                                           Vegetables Sowing and                                                                      Nottingham NG7 4EQ
                                                                                     Public transport – please pay your
   Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6NX           Planting                                  own fare. Please don’t buy a Robin               11am - 2pm
                                                                                     Hood ticket as we will be buying
   10am - 4pm                              Join us for a range of tasks, as well     tickets on the bus.
                                           as a cup of tea, on our friendly and                                                   Drinks and hot food will be provided.
Please bring some lunch.                   welcoming allotment site. Help            Please bring lunch. Hot drink and
Minibus will be provided.                  us to grow a variety of fruit and         biscuits will be provided.
                                           vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
Tuesday 4th February                       cook with produce and share a meal
                                           whilst making friends and picking up      Thursday 6th February
Nest Boxes at the
                                           new skills.                               Cook and Eat - Pancakes around the world
                                           It’s time to get the last of the garlic   Try something different on Shrove Tuesday (25th Feb) other than our traditional
At today’s session we will be working      bulbs planted and sow our broad           pancake with sugar and lemon. Get inspired by finding out how people around
with Park Ranger, Simon Jenkins            beans as the growing season starts.       the world celebrate International Pancake Day and try out some recipes from
to build nest boxes for both birds                                                   different continents.
and bats. Some of the boxes will               St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road
be situated around the park while                                                    All dishes will be plant-based and dairy free and some will be gluten free.
others can be taken home. All                  10.30am - 2pm                         Please contact us if you have any concerns regarding food intolerances or
materials and tools are provided.                                                    allergies.
                                           Drinks, snacks and lunch will be
   Arboretum Band Stand                    provided. Suggested donation £1.             The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West, Nottingham NG7 4EQ

   10am - 2pm                                                                           10am - 2pm

Please bring some lunch. Hot drinks                                                  Drinks and hot food will be provided.
will be provided.
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Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association
Nature in Mind February Activities                                                   Nature in Mind February Activities

Friday 7 February
                                             Friday 7 February
                                                                                     Tuesday 11 February
                                                                                                                                  Tuesday 11th February
Conservation at                              Allotment - Hand                        Bushcraft Skills at                          Allotment - Setting up a
Attenborough Nature                          Drumming                                Sherwood Pines                               Willow Bed
                                             Join us for a range of tasks, as well   Join Forestry Commission Rangers             Join us for a range of tasks, as well
Today we’ll be joining the Open              as a cup of tea, on our friendly and    Bob and Karina for bushcraft around          as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
Door group and travelling out                welcoming allotment site. Help          the camp fire. Have ago at fire              welcoming allotment site. Help
to this beautiful nature reserve,            us to grow a variety of fruit and       lighting without matches as well             us to grow a variety of fruit and
once a gravel quarry, to work with           vegetables, from sowing to harvest,     as some green woodworking in a               vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust               cook with produce and share a meal      secluded forest setting. Relaxed fun,        cook with produce and share a meal
helping to improve natural heritage          whilst making friends and picking up    no experience necessary.                     whilst making friends and picking up
at Attenborough in order to benefit          new skills.                                                                          new skills.
wildlife and people. Activities will be                                                 Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory
at a gentle pace with plenty of time         Find out about African Djembe              Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6NX             Michael (Ecoworks) will be leading
to observe any interesting wildlife.         drums and rhythms, join the drum                                                     us in setting up a willow bed on our
                                             circle, shake percussion or sit back       10am - 4pm                                allotment to benefit the wildlife and
   10am - 4pm                                and enjoy the beats                                                                  provide us with wood to coppice for
                                                                                     Please bring some lunch.                     crafts and kindling.
   Indigo bus stop on Friar Lane                 St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road     Minibus will be provided.
                                                                                                                                     St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road
Public transport – please pay your               10.30am - 2pm                       Wednesday 12 Februaryth

own fare. A Robin Hood ticket (£5.10)                                                                                                10.30am - 2pm
                                             Drinks, snacks and lunch will be        Newstead Bike Ride
can be used all day on buses and
trams.                                       provided. Suggested donation £1.                                                     Drinks, snacks and lunch will be
                                                                                     A group ride for confident cyclists          provided. Suggested donation £1.
                                                                                     starting from Bullwell Community
Please bring some lunch.                                                             Garden and following national cycle
                                             Monday 10th February                    route 6 for a ride to Newstead Abbey,
Monday 10th February
                                             Arboretum Walk                          in North Nottinghamshire. We’ll be
BFF Woodthorpe Park                                                                  cycling along old railway lines and
                                             Join us for a gentle stroll around      passing Mill Lakes, Hucknall, and Linby
Join Nature in Mind and Best Foot            Nottingham’s oldest public park as      before arriving at Newstead Abbey
Forward walk leaders on a gentle             we experience the nature on our         the home of Lord Byron. This ride is
stroll around this 19th Century Grade II     doorstep. Slow pace, some slopes        relatively flat and will be 15 miles
listed manor which sits amidst a mix                                                 in total.
of landscapes. Two mile walk.                    1.30pm - 2.30pm
                                                                                     Staff will speak with all participants
   Bus stop P2 on Lower Parliament               The Arboretum Café at               regarding their cycling confidence
   Street at 10am                                Waverley Street entrance            when booking on this event.

   Alternatively make your own way           Hot drinks will be provided.            Bikes and helmets provided.
   to Sherwood Community Centre,
   Mansfield Road NG5 3FN - 10.15am                                                     Bus stop T1 on Milton Street
                                                                                        for bus 17
   10am - 12pm
                                                                                        10am - 3pm
Smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes is
not permitted on Health Walks.                                                       Please bring your own lunch and a
   07                                                                                water bottle.                                                                    08
Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association
Nature in Mind February Activities                                                  Nature in Mind February Activities

                                           Thursday 13 February
                                                             th                    Thursday 13 February
                                                                                                                               Friday 14th February
                                           Coal to Nature: Bestwood                Sherwood Observatory                        Conservation at
                                           Country Park                                                                        Clifton Grove
                                                                                   Sherwood Observatory is the
                                           Bestwood has a rich and diverse         home of the Mansfield and Sutton
                                                                                                                               Join Park Ranger, Simon Jenkins at
                                           history from medieval hunting           Astronomical Society and is situated
                                                                                                                               this beautiful Nature Reserve with
                                           forest to large scale coal mining       in Sutton-in-Ashfield overlooking the
                                                                                                                               adjacent woodland. Our task today
                                           in the 19th Century. The old spoil      town of Mansfield. The Observatory
                                                                                                                               is to remove sycamore saplings that
                                           heap is now a haven for a wealth of     building was built by the founders of
                                                                                                                               will give native trees more light and
                                           wildlife including many orchids and     the society and was opened in 1986.
                                                                                                                               space to grow. Work will take place
                                           butterflies in the summer.                                                          at a gentle pace with plenty of time
                                                                                   Our evening will consist of an
                                                                                                                               for breaks.
                                           This walk is three miles with slopes.   interactive talk on the history of the
                                           We will be using Robin Hood ticket      observatory, the site itself and plans
                                                                                                                                  Bus stop B2 on Beastmarket Hill at
                                           (£5.10) today as we will be taking a    for the future. Also the wonders of
                                                                                                                                  10.10am (bus 1 is at 10.20am)
                                           NCT bus to the park and returning       the universe including black holes,
                                           by tram.                                search for alien life forms and the
                                                                                                                                  10.10am - 3.30pm
                                                                                   future of space travel. Plus a chance
                                               Bus stop P5 on Parliament Street    for stargazing through the 24’’
                                                                                                                               Please bring some lunch. Hot drinks
                                               at 10.30am (bus 89 leaves at        Newtonian telescope (Clear skies
                                                                                                                               and biscuits will be provided.
                                               10.40am)                            permitting).
                                                                                                                               Public transport - please pay your
                                               10.30am - 3pm                          Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory
                                                                                                                               own fare.
                                                                                      Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6NX
                                           Public transport – please pay your
                                           own fare. Please bring some lunch.         6.15pm - 9.30pm

                                                                                   Hot drinks and a minibus will be
Thursday 13th February                                                             provided.
Permaculture Talk                                                                  Friday 14th February
Paul Paine (Ecoworks) will be leading                                              Allotment - Signs of Spring
a session explaining permaculture
and how we can design systems                                                      Join us for a range of tasks, as well as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
to meet our own needs whilst                                                       welcoming allotment site. Help us to grow a variety of fruit and vegetables,
enhancing biodiversity, reducing                                                   from sowing to harvest, cook with produce and share a meal whilst making
our impact on the planet and                                                       friends and picking up new skills.
creating a fairer world for us all.
                                                                                   The first signs of spring are a welcome sight after winter. We’ll be looking
   The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West,                                                for trees budding, bulbs shooting, birds nesting whilst listening out for the
   Nottingham NG7 4EQ                                                              birdsong.

   11am - 2pm                                                                         St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road

Drinks and hot food will be provided.                                                 10.30am - 2pm

                                                                                   Drinks, snacks and lunch provided. Suggested donation of £1.

 09                                                                                                                                                                  10
Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association
Nature in Mind February Activities                                                Nature in Mind February Activities

Monday 17 February
                                            Monday 17 Februaryth
                                                                                   Friday 21 February
                                                                                                                             Monday 24th February
Arboretum Short Walk                        Canal and River Walk                   Allotment: Wash-Stands                    Nature in Mind Meeting
                                                                                   for Hands and Vegetables
Join us for a gentle stroll around          Enjoy a tranquil stroll along two of                                             A chance for you to come and have
Nottingham’s oldest public park             Nottingham’s heritage waterways,       Join us for a range of tasks, as well     your say about Nature in Mind. Join
as we experience the nature on              namely the Nottingham and Beeston      as a cup of tea, on our friendly and      us for an informal meeting where you
our doorstep. Slow pace and some            Canal and the River Trent. Alighting   welcoming allotment site. Help            can tell us what you like and what
slopes.                                     the tram at Nottingham University      us to grow a variety of fruit and         you don’t – we’re always interested in
                                            we’ll trace the canal back into the    vegetables, from sowing to harvest,       your feedback. Staff will also be filling
      The Arboretum Café at                 city centre and out again as it        cook with produce and share a meal        in forms with you towards completing
      Waverley Street entrance              merges with the River Trent.           whilst making friends and picking up      the Nature in Mind evaluation for our
                                                                                   new skills.                               funders.
      1.30pm - 2.30pm                       We’ll follow the Trent along the
                                            embankment before looping back         To make it safer and easier for us            The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West,
                                            into Nottingham. Four miles on the     to cook our tasty lunches we will be          Nottingham NG7 4EQ
Tuesday 18th February                       flat.                                  making a stand for our new hand
Allotment - Supporting                                                             wash basin and setting up a new               12pm - 1.15pm
                                               Nottingham Market Square            sink to wash our vegetables.
our Birds in Spring                            tram stop                                                                     Drinks and hot food provided.

Join us for a range of tasks, as well                                                 St Ann’s Allotments, Ransom Road
as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
                                               11am - 3pm                                                                    Tuesday 25th February
welcoming allotment site. Help                                                        10.30am - 2pm                          Narrowboat Trip and
                                            Please bring some lunch.
us to grow a variety of fruit and
                                                                                   Drinks, snacks and lunch provided.        Craft Workshop
vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
cook with produce and share a meal         Wednesday 19 February   th              Suggested donation £1.
                                                                                                                             Enjoy a tranquil trip along the
whilst making friends and picking up       Heritage Art Workshop:                                                            Nottingham and Beeston Canal with
new skills.                                                                        Monday 24 February
                                           Tools and Industry -                                                              the Nottingham Narrowboat Project.
                                                                                   Arboretum Short Walk                      Learn something of the history of the
As we pass into Spring birds start         Drawing                                                                           canal and have a go at steering the
to nest and we will be making                                                      Join us for a gentle stroll around        boat and working the locks.
them welcome on our allotment by           We will taking both old tools and
                                                                                   Nottingham’s oldest public park
providing for their needs.                 industry as inspiration for this
                                                                                   as we experience the nature on            Heading to the Canal side Heritage
                                           drawing workshop with Beth Wise.
                                                                                   our doorstep. Slow pace and some          Centre for a 90 minute craft session
      St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road      Tools and images will be provided
                                                                                   slopes.                                   making a variety of everlasting
                                           however if you wish to bring any old
                                                                                                                             flowers before traveling back to
      10.30am - 2pm                        tools along then please feel free to
                                                                                      The Arboretum Café at                  Nottingham on the boat. Places are
                                           do so.
                                                                                      Waverley Street entrance               limited for this trip.
Drinks, snacks and lunch will be
provided. Suggested donation of £1.            The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West,
                                                                                      1.30pm - 2.30pm                            Carrington Street (above the
                                               Nottingham NG7 4EQ
                                               10.30am - 2pm
                                                                                                                                 10.15am - 4pm
                                           Drinks and biscuits will be provided.
                                                                                                                             Please note that we will be on the
                                           Please bring some lunch.
                                                                                                                             boat for 3 to 4 hours, there are toilets!

                                                                                                                             Please bring some lunch. Hot
 11                                                                                                                          drinks and biscuits provided.           12
Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association
Nature in Mind February Activities                                                   Nature in Mind February Activities

Tuesday 25 February
                                              Wednesday 26 Februaryth                 Thursday 27 February
                                                                                                                                  Thursday 27th February
Allotment - Willow Craft                      Circus Skills Workshop:                 Sustrans at The Burrow                      Framework Knitters
on Pancake Day                                The ‘Clown of Clowns’                                                               Museum
                                                                                      Sustrans are a UK Cycling and
                                              Lives On                                Walking Charity providing support
Join us for a range of tasks, as well                                                                                             The Framework Knitters Museum
as a cup of tea, on our friendly and                                                  and information to individuals and          in Ruddington is a unique surviving
                                              Every first Sunday in February          community groups.
welcoming allotment site. Help us             clowns from around all over the                                                     example of a 19th century framework
to grow a variety of fruit and                world gather in London to celebrate                                                 knitters’ yard. Nottingham has
vegetables, from sowing to harvest,                                                   This afternoon Charlotte Arkley             a 400 year history of framework
                                              the life of Joseph Grimaldi, one of     (Sustrans) will be delivering a travel
cook with produce and share a meal            the most famous clowns in history.                                                  knitting, from its role in the Industrial
whilst making friends and picking up                                                  planning workshop to promote their          Revolution to the infamous Luddite
                                              Join Michail Athinaios for a physical   services plus offers available to
new skills.                                   theatre and clowning workshop in                                                    riots of the 1800s, with framework
                                                                                      individuals and groups.                     knitting giving birth to the
                                              tribute of Joseph Grimaldi. We will
Have a go at turning wildlife friendly,       be learning about clowning history                                                  Nottingham lace industry.
easily grown willow into wonderful                                                    Pop in and find out about the
                                              and Grimaldi who was one of the         cheapest and most sustainable
handcrafted items with Michael at             most influential clowns.                                                            Have a go at using the museum’s
Ecoworks. Taste our gluten free/dairy                                                 ways to get around, build a bike            antique knitting machines to create
free chickpea pancakes on Shrove                                                      scheme and possibly even be                 your own unique knee pads. Then in
                                                  The Pavilion, The Forest            entitled for a new free bike!
Tuesday.                                          Recreation Ground, Nottingham                                                   the afternoon try them out as you
                                                                                                                                  work alongside volunteers to get the
   St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road                                                       The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West,         garden into shape for the season
                                                  10.30am - 12.30pm                      Nottingham NG7 4EQ                       ahead. Places are limited.
   10.30am - 2pm                              Hot drinks and biscuits will be            2pm - 4pm                                   Bus stop B2 on Beastmarket Hill
Drinks, snacks and lunch provided.                                                                                                   for bus 3 at 9.45am
Suggested donation £1.
                                                                                                                                     9.30am - 4pm
Wednesday 26 Februaryth
                                                                                                                                  Public transport, please bring your
Nottingham Industrial Museum                                                                                                      own fare.
Come and learn about Nottinghamshire’s industrial heritage at Nottingham                                                          Please bring some lunch.
Industrial Museum. The fascinating collection explores our rich industrial
history reflecting local industries such as mining, railways, bicycles,
motorcycles, lace, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, tobacco and

Plus there is a collection of working steam and diesel engines. Today’s visit
includes a guided tour of the museum focussing on the Raleigh Bicycle
Company. The museum is located in the grounds of Wollaton Park so there will
be an optional gentle stroll around the lake after our tour.

   Bus stop J5 on Milton Street

   10.15am - 3pm

Please bring some lunch.

  13                                                                                                                                                                     14
Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association
Nature in Mind February Activities                                                    Nature in Mind February Activities

                                           Friday 28 February
                                                                                     Friday 28 February

                                           Heritage Landscape Walk:                  Allotment - Outdoor
                                           River Trent Wildlife                      Cooking and Food Origins
                                           Today we’ll be joining the Nature         Join us for a range of tasks, as well
                                           Nomads group. This monthly group          as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
                                           explores wildlife around Nottingham       welcoming allotment site. Help
                                           using public transport. Today we’ll       us to grow a variety of fruit and
                                           be catching the bus to Burton Joyce       vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
                                           and walking along the River Trent         cook with produce and share a meal
                                           to Netherfield Lagoons looking for        whilst making friends and picking up
                                           interesting wildlife along the way.       new skills.

                                           Approx 3 to 4 miles, mostly flat, some    We will be looking at the origins
                                           standing.                                 and nutritional benefits of seasonal
                                                                                     vegetables and cooking up a tasty
                                               Left lion in Nottingham Market        lunch to share on our waste wood
Friday 28th February                           Square                                burning rocket stoves using crops
Drum Club - World                                                                    grown on site. Come and join in
                                               10.15am - 4pm                         lighting the stoves, keeping the fires
Rhythms                                                                              burning, and chopping firewood,
                                           Public transport – please pay your        preparing the food and sharing a
Led by local percussionist Crispin
                                           own fare. A ticket to Burton Joyce will   tasty lunch.
Harris today’s session will raise
                                           cost £3.40 (you cannot use a Robin
awareness of a range of percussive
                                           Hood ticket). We will be catching            St Ann’s Allotments, Ransom Road
approaches as used in various
                                           a NCT bus back from Netherfield
cultures from around the world. We
                                           Lagoons.                                     10.30am - 2pm
will learn and play styles including
Latin, Samba, Klezmer, and Reggae.
                                           Please bring some lunch.                  Drinks, snacks and lunch will be
                                                                                     provided. Suggested donation of £1.
This is a great opportunity to try out
instruments while learning about the
history and heritage of rhythms and
their influence on modern music. All

   Beeston Resource Centre, Middle
   Street, Beeston

   2pm - 4pm

Catch bus 36 at bus stop A4 (near
Nottingham Central Library) or
catch Line 3 Toton tram to Beeston.
Buses and trams stops outside
Beeston Resource Centre.

 15                                                                                                                                                16
Nature in Mind Activities Programme February - March - Framework Housing Association
Nature in Mind March Activities                                                       Nature in Mind March Activities

Monday 2 Marchnd
                                             Monday 2 March  nd
                                                                                       Wednesday 4 March  th                      Wednesday 4th March
Arboretum Short Walk                         Heritage Landscape Walk:                  Cook and Eat - The                         Introduction to
                                             Shining Cliff Woods                       Mediterranean Diet                         Orienteering
Join us for a gentle stroll around
Nottingham’s oldest public park              In the company of volunteer walk          Research into the Mediterranean            Join Nature in Mind volunteer Alan
as we experience the nature on               leader Alan Davies we’ll start walking    diet has shown this style of eating        Davies to learn some basic map
our doorstep. Slow pace and some             from near Ambergate in Derbyshire         can increase our likelihood of living      reading skills before putting these
slopes.                                      and stroll through the beautiful          longer and healthier. Find out why         into practice around the orienteering
                                             wooded area at Shining Cliff which        this is so and how we can make our         course at Woodthorpe Grange Park.
   The Arboretum Café at Waverley            clings to the side of the Derwent         own diets more Mediterranean. Cook
   Street entrance                           Valley. We will talk about the wood’s     and eat some dishes incorporating             Bus stop P2 on Lower Parliament
                                             history and look for the first signs of   elements of the diet with Tia and             Street
   1.30pm - 2.30pm                           spring. 3 miles, some slopes, some        Kate showing us some traditional
                                             stiles.                                   recipes from Greece and Italy.                10am - 1.30pm
Hot drinks will be provided.
                                                Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory          All dishes will be plant-based and         Please bring some lunch, drinks will
                                                Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6NX          dairy free and some will be gluten         be provided.
                                                                                       free. Please contact us if you have
                                                10am - 4pm                             any concerns regarding food
                                                                                       intolerances or allergies.
                                                                                                                                  Thursday 5th March
                                             Please bring some lunch. Minibus will                                                Walled Kitchen Garden
Tuesday 3rd March                            be provided.                                 The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West,        at Wollaton Park
                                                                                          Nottingham NG7 4EQ
Allotment - Willow Craft
                                                                                                                                  The walled garden dates back to
                                                                                          10am - 2pm                              the 1780’s and was used to grow fruit
Join us for a range of tasks, as well
as a cup of tea, on our friendly and                                                                                              and vegetables for Wollaton Hall. It
                                                                                       Drinks and hot food provided.              originally contained a 75 foot long
welcoming allotment site. Help
                                                                                                                                  conservatory and in front of that
us to grow a variety of fruit and                                                      Thursday 5th March                         was an herbaceous garden that
vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
cook with produce and share a                                                          Colwick Woods                              grew flowers to be used in the Hall.
meal whilst making friends and                                                                                                    Enjoy a guided tour of the walled
picking up new skills.                                                                 Colwick Woods is one of the city’s         garden and join volunteers as part
                                                                                       hidden gems. This 50 hectare site          of its restoration process by clearing
Have a go at turning wildlife friendly,                                                of rich grassland and ancient              vegetation and looking for original
easily grown willow into wonderful                                                     woodland provides an oasis of              bricks. There is the option to go for
handcrafted items or carry on from                                                     tranquillity just one mile from the        a stroll around Wollaton Park after
where you left off last time with                                                      bustle of Nottingham city centre.          lunch.
Michael at Ecoworks.                                                                   Our visit will consist of a two to
                                                                                       three mile guided walk focusing on            Bus stop J5 on Milton Street for bus
   St Ann’s Allotments, Ransom                                                         history, species identification and           30 at 9.50am
   Road                                                                                conservation management, plus a
                                                                                       practical maintenance task. Today’s           9.40am - 2.30pm
   10.30am - 2pm                                                                       activities will be led by members of
                                                                                       Friends of Colwick Woods..                 Public transport – please pay your
Drinks, snacks and lunch provided.                                                                                                own fare.
Suggested donation of £1.                                                                 Bus stop K2 on Kings Street
                                                                                          for bus 43                              Please bring some lunch. Hot drink
                                                                                                                                  and biscuits provided.                 18
                                                                                          10am - 3pm
Nature in Mind March Activities                                                       Nature in Mind March Activities

Friday 6 March
                                             Friday 6 March
                                                                                       Monday 9 March

Framework Knitters                           Lunch Club at Bulwell Forest              Art in the Landscape:
Museum                                       Community Garden                          Yorkshire Sculpture Park
The Framework Knitters Museum                Come and visit Bulwell Forest             Enjoy a guided tour of some of the
in Ruddington is a unique surviving          Community Garden and see how              wonderful sculptures set outdoors
example of a 19th century framework          the site is developing. Help out with     amid the landscaped grounds of this
knitters’ yard. Nottingham has               seasonal gardening jobs and enjoy         historic country estate. Approx three
a 400 year history of framework              a shared meal as part of their weekly     miles, some slopes.
knitting, from its role in the Industrial    Lunch Club.
Revolution to the infamous Luddite                                                        Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory
riots of the 1800s, with framework              Bus stop T1 on Milton Street for bus      Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6NX
knitting giving birth to the                    17 at 10.30am or meet us there at
Nottingham lace industry.                       11am                                      10am - 4pm

Have a go at using the museum’s                 10.30am - 2.30pm                       Please bring some lunch. Minibus will
antique knitting machines to create                                                    be provided.
your own unique knee pads. Then in           Hot drinks and food will be provided.
the afternoon try them out as you                                                      Tuesday 10th March
work alongside volunteers to get the                                                   Conservation at
garden into shape for the season             Monday 9th March                          Attenborough Nature
ahead. Places are limited.
                                             Gamelan                                   Reserve
   Bus stop B2 on Beastmarket Hill for                                                                                             Tuesday 10th March
                                             A fantastic and rare opportunity          Today we’ll be joining the Open
   bus 3 at 9.45am                                                                                                                 Allotment - Signs of Spring
                                             to play the full set of traditional       Door group and travelling out
   9.30am - 4pm                              Javanese Gamelan instruments.             to this beautiful nature reserve,           Join us for a range of tasks, as well
                                                                                       once a gravel quarry, to work with          as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
Please bring some lunch.                     Learn to play the instruments of          Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust              welcoming allotment site. Help
Public transport - please pay your           the Javanese Gamelan orchestra            helping to improve natural heritage         us to grow a variety of fruit and
own fare.                                    with giant Gongs, Metallophones,          at Attenborough in order to benefit         vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
                                             Xylophones and Drums.                     wildlife and people.                        cook with produce and share a meal
Monday 9th March                                                                                                                   whilst making friends and picking up
                                             No previous experience needed.            Activities will be at a gentle pace
Arboretum Short Walk                                                                                                               new skills.
                                                                                       with plenty of time to observe any
                                                Beeston Resource Centre, Middle        interesting wildlife.
Join us for a gentle stroll around                                                                                                 The first signs of spring are a
                                                Street, Beeston
Nottingham’s oldest public park                                                                                                    welcome sight after winter. We’ll
                                                                                          Indigo bus stop on Friar Lane for        be looking for trees budding, bulbs
as we experience the nature on
                                                Bus 36 at bus stop A4 (near               10am
our doorstep. Slow pace and some                                                                                                   shooting and birds nesting whilst
                                                Central Library) or catch Line 3
slopes.                                                                                                                            listening out for the birdsong.
                                                Toton tram to Beeston. Buses and          10am - 4pm
                                                trams stop at Middle Street by the
   The Arboretum Café at                                                                                                              St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road
                                                Resource Centre.                       Public transport – please pay your
   Waverley Street entrance
                                                                                       own fare. A Robin Hood ticket (£5.10)          10.30am - 2pm
                                                10.30am - 1pm                          can be used all day on buses and
   1.30pm - 2.30pm
                                                                                       trams.                                      Drinks, snacks and lunch provided.
                                             Drinks and snacks will be provided.
Hot drinks will be provided.                                                                                                       Suggested donation £1.
                                                                                       Please bring some lunch.
  19                                                                                                                                                                     20
Nature in Mind March Activities                                                      Nature in Mind March Activities

Wednesday 11 March  th
                                             Wednesday 11 March th
                                                                                     Thursday 12 March
                                                                                                                                  Friday 13th March
Heritage Art Workshop                        BFF City Parks Walk                     Matlock 3 Mile Walk                          Conservation at
Tools and Industry:                                                                                                               Clifton Grove
                                             3 mile walk with ‘Best Foot Forward     Starting from the train station this
Lino Printing                                Group’ along the boundaries of          circular walk takes in fantastic views       Join Park Ranger Simon Jenkins at
                                             Sneinton and St Anns passing            of Matlock Bath plus Riber Castle            this beautiful Nature Reserve with
Following on from last month’s               through Victoria Park, King Edward      and Matlock itself. The return walk
workshop we will using our drawings                                                                                               adjacent woodland. Our task today
                                             Park, Stonebridge City farm and         follows the river Derwent back to our        is to carry on removing sycamore
of old tools and industry for this lino      Green’s Windmill.                       starting point.
printing workshop with Beth Wise.                                                                                                 saplings that will give native trees
                                                                                                                                  more light and space to grow.
                                                Outside Victoria Leisure Centre,     Please note this walk has a steep
Tools and images will be provided               Gedling Street, Nottingham           incline at the start which we will take
however if you wish to bring any old                                                                                              Work will take place at a gentle pace
                                                NG1 1DB                              very slowly.                                 with plenty of time for breaks.
tools along then please feel free to
do so. Carve a tile and have a go at            10.30am - 12.30pm                       Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory
printing with ink.                                                                                                                   Bus stop B2 on Beastmarket Hill at
                                                                                        Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6NX                10.10am - Bus 1 is at 10.20am
                                             Smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes
   The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West,          is not permitted on Health Walks.          10am - 3.30pm
   Nottingham NG7 4EQ                                                                                                                10.10am - 3.30pm
                                                                                     Hot drinks and minibus will be               Please bring some lunch.
   10am - 2pm                                Thursday 12th March                     provided.                                    Hot drinks and biscuits provided.
Please bring some lunch.
                                             Origins and Meanings of
                                             Local Names                             Friday 13th March                            Public transport - please pay your
Drinks and biscuits will be provided.
                                                                                     Allotment - Spring                           own fare.
                                             Come along and find out the             Seed Sowing
                                             origins and meanings of surnames
                                             common to Nottingham and                Join us for a range of tasks, as well
                                             surrounding areas. Local researcher,    as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
                                             Paul Cullen, will be joining us to      welcoming allotment site. Help
                                             tell us the history behind the most     us to grow a variety of fruit and
                                             common surnames of our area and         vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
                                             he has also offered to explain the      cook with produce and share a meal
                                             meanings of our surnames.               whilst making friends and picking up
                                                                                     new skills.
                                             Let us know if you would like to know
                                             the history of your surname even        It’s still early in the growing season
                                             if you are not able to attend the       but there are some flower and
                                             session.                                vegetable seeds we can sow now
                                                                                     including wildflowers, annuals, peas,
                                                The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West,     beetroot, chard and brassicas.
                                                Nottingham NG7 4EQ
                                                                                        St Ann’s Allotments, Ransom Road
                                                11am - 2pm
                                                                                        10.30am - 2pm
                                             Drinks and hot food will be provided.
                                                                                     Drinks, snacks and lunch will be
                                                                                     provided. Suggested donation of £1.
  21                                                                                                                                                                   22
Nature in Mind March Activities                                                        Nature in Mind March Activities

Monday 16 Marchth
                                            Monday 16 March th
                                                                                       Tuesday 17 March

Pony Handling with                          Arboretum Short Walk                       Allotment - Spring Equinox
Helping Hooves                                                                         Allotment Celebration
                                            Join us for a gentle stroll around
Helping Hooves is an Equine led             Nottingham’s oldest public park            Join us for a range of tasks, as well
development centre working                  as we experience the nature on             as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
specifically with people                    our doorstep. Slow pace and some           welcoming allotment site. Help
experiencing mental health                  slopes.                                    us to grow a variety of fruit and
difficulties. They work solely through                                                 vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
non ridden horsemanship and                    The Arboretum Café at                   cook with produce and share a meal
handling and use equine therapy                Waverley Street entrance                whilst making friends and picking up
as a basis to everything they do.                                                      new skills.
Located on the outskirts of Derby              1.30pm - 2.30pm
city in a peaceful rural location with                                                 We will be celebrating the days
a small herd of four ponies, we will        Hot drinks will be provided.               starting to get longer than the nights
be building relationships with the                                                     with a fire, food, crafts and hand
horses and learning about equine            Tuesday 17th March                         drumming
behaviour and psychology.                   Art Workshop at Lakeside
                                                                                          St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road
We will enjoy a group handling              Mat Collishaw rose to prominence
session learning the basics of              in the 1990s as one of the defining           10.30am -2pm
moving and leading safely.                  generation of Young British Artists.
                                            Often drawing on subjects from the         Drinks, snacks and lunch provided.
   Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory                                                       Suggested donation £1.
   Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6NX
                                            history of art and photography, his                                                    Wednesday 18th March
                                            works focus on opposites such as
                                            nature and artifice. A preoccupation                                                   Southwell Workhouse and
   10.15am - 2pm                            has been his fascination with early                                                    Walk
                                            forms of photography and other
Please bring some lunch.                    Victorian devices such as the                                                          After a 3 mile walk around Southwell
Hot drinks and biscuits will be             zoetrope.                                                                              area led by NIM volunteer Alan
provided.                                                                                                                          Davies we will head off to The
                                            Featuring his 2016 installation Albion                                                 Workhouse for a self guided tour.
                                            – a ghostly apparition of the Major
                                            Oak, this is the first major exhibition                                                Built in 1824 and situated just outside
                                            of Collishaw’s work to be mounted                                                      the town and the most complete
                                            in the city of his birth. After a wander                                               workhouse in existence it soon
                                            round the exhibition we will take part                                                 became a blueprint for workhouses
                                            in a practical art workshop.                                                           throughout the country.

                                               Nottingham Market Square tram                                                          Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory
                                               stop                                                                                   Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6NX

                                               10.30am - 3pm                                                                          10am - 3.30pm

                                            Please bring some lunch.                                                               Please bring some lunch.
  Mat Collishaw                             Hot drinks and biscuits will be                                                        Drinks will be provided.
  23                                                                                                                                                                    24
Nature in Mind March Activities

Thursday 19 March

Narrow Boat Trip
Enjoy a tranquil trip along the Nottingham and Beeston Canal and River Trent
with the Nottingham Narrowboat Project. In our narrow boats we’ll be heading
to Colwick Country Park where we can get out and stretch our legs for 20
minutes before heading back to Nottingham. Learn something of the history of
the canal and have a go at steering the boat and working the locks. Places are
limited for this trip.

   Carrington Street (above the canal) at 10.15am

   10.15am - 3.30pm

Please note that we will be on the boats for about 4 hours – there are toilets!

Please bring some lunch. Hot drinks and biscuits will be provided.

Friday 20th March                            Friday 20th March
Woodpeckers at                               Best Foot Forward
Wollaton Park                                Embankment Walk
Today we’ll be joining the Nature            This is a steady walk 2-3 miles
Nomads group. This monthly group
                                                                                      Friday 20th March
                                             along the beautiful tree-lined
explores wildlife around Nottingham          embankment – crossing the                Allotment - Wash-Stands
using public transport.                      river Trent at Wilford Bridge and        for Hands and Vegetables
                                             returning to the starting point at the
We will be looking for signs of              Embankment gates.                        Join us for a range of tasks, as well
Britain’s 3 woodpecker species                                                        as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
including the elusive lesser spotted            The Embankment gates at               welcoming allotment site. Help
woodpecker. Approx 2 miles, some                10.20am or, meet a bus stop W4        us to grow a variety of fruit and
slopes, some standing.                          on Lower Parliament Street at         vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
                                                10am                                  cook with produce, share a meal
   Nottingham Market Square                                                           and pick up new skills.
                                                10am - 1pm
   10am - 4pm                                                                         To make it safer and easier for us
                                             Smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes       to cook our tasty lunches we will be
Public transport – please pay your           is not permitted on Health Walks.        making a stand for our new hand
own fare. A Robin Hood ticket (£5.10)                                                 wash basin and setting up a new
will cover buses and trams all day.                                                   sink to wash our vegetables.

Please bring some lunch.                                                                 St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road

                                                                                         10.30am - 2pm

                                                                                      Drinks, snacks and lunch provided.
                                                                                      Suggested donation £1.
 25                                                                                                                          26
Nature in Mind March Activities                                                   Nature in Mind March Activities

Monday 23 Marchrd
                                            Monday 23 March rd
                                                                                 Tuesday 24 March th
                                                                                                                              Tuesday 24th March
Nature in Mind Meeting                      Arboretum Short Walk                 Industrial Heritage:                         Allotment - Outdoor
                                                                                 Cromford Mill and Village                    Cooking and Food Origins
A chance for you to come and have           Join us for a gentle stroll around
your say about Nature in Mind. Join         Nottingham’s oldest public park      Cromford remains as an intact                Join us for a range of tasks, as well
us for an informal meeting where            as we experience the nature on       example of an 18th century industrial        as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
you can tell us what you like and           our doorstep. Slow pace and some     village. It was largely built to support     welcoming allotment site. Help
what you don’t.                             slopes.                              Cromford Mill, the world’s first             us to grow a variety of fruit and
                                                                                 successful water powered cotton              vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
We’re always interested in your                 The Arboretum Café at            spinning mill, built in 1771 by Sir          cook with produce and share a meal
feedback. Staff will also be filling in         Waverley Street entrance         Richard Arkwright.                           whilst making friends and picking up
forms with you towards completing                                                                                             new skills.
the Nature in Mind evaluation for our           1.30pm - 2.30pm                  A tour of the mill from The Arkwright
funders.                                                                         Society will be followed by a tour of        We will be looking at the origins
                                            Hot drinks will be provided.         the historical features of the village       and nutritional benefits of seasonal
   The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West,                                              with volunteer Paul Scotting. We will        vegetables and cooking up a tasty
   Nottingham NG7 4EQ                                                            also have time to walk along the             lunch to share on our waste wood
                                                                                 canal and see adjacent countryside.          burning rocket stoves using crops
   12pm - 1.15pm                                                                 Three mile walk with hills.                  grown on site. Come and join in
                                                                                                                              lighting the stoves, keeping the
Drinks and hot food provided.                                                       Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory             fires burning, chopping firewood,
                                                                                    Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6NX             preparing the food and sharing a
                                                                                                                              tasty lunch.
                                                                                    10am - 4.30pm
                                                                                                                                 St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road
                                                                                 Please bring some lunch. Minibus will
                                                                                 be provided.                                    10.30am - 2pm

                                                                                                                              Drinks, snacks and lunch provided.
                                                                                                                              Suggested donation £1.

                                                                                 Wednesday 25th March
                                                                                 Circus Skills Workshop: Exploring
                                                                                 Object Manipulation
                                                                                 Through a sequence of movements and the use of juggling props, we will
                                                                                 create and explore routines with singular and multiple props.

                                                                                 Join Michail Athinaios for the latest Circus Skills Workshop. Everyone is
                                                                                 welcome, come and have a play or watch!

                                                                                    The Pavilion, The Forest Recreation Ground, Nottingham

                                                                                    10.30am - 12.30pm

                                                                                 Hot drinks and biscuits will be provided.

 27                                                                                                                                                                28
Nature in Mind March Activities

Wednesday 25th March                         Thursday 26th March
12 Mile City Bike Ride                       Windmill Community
Today’s ride will begin at Arkwright
Meadows Community Gardens                    A selection of activities for us to get
and will follow the track alongside          involved in today including regular
the River Trent leading to Holme             gardening tasks plus re-edging the
Pierpont Country Park. Depending             herb beds and creating new plant
on the weather and group we will             beds for a selection of dyer’s plants.
have the option to continue our ride
to Cotgrave Country Park before                 Bus stop W2 on Lower Parliament
returning to AMC Gardens.                       Street (outside Wilko)

Today’s ride is for confident cyclists.         Alternatively, make your own way
Staff will speak with all participants          to Windmill Community Garden,
when booking on this event about                Ascot Drive (near Collins Cash
their cycling experience. Bikes                 and Carry) for 10.30am
                                                10am - 3pm
   Bus stop W4 on Lower Parliament
   Street at 10am                            Hot drinks and tasty food will be
   Alternatively, meet at AMC
   Gardens, off Wilford Grove, The
   Meadows NG2 2HZ at 10.30am

   10am - 4pm

Friday 27th March
Allotment - Welcoming Wildlife
Join us for a range of tasks, as well as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
welcoming allotment site. Help us to grow a variety of fruit and vegetables,
from sowing to harvest, cook with produce and share a meal whilst making
friends and picking up new skills.

Many species of wildlife are in decline in the UK and we will be looking at what
we can do to support mammals, birds, insects, amphibians and all the other
wildlife that our allotment can support and improving on what we already

   St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road

   10.30am - 2pm

Drinks, snacks and lunch provided. Suggested donation £1.
 29                                                                                    30
Nature in Mind March Activities                                                      Nature in Mind March Activities

Friday 27th March                                                                    Monday 30th March                           Tuesday 31st March
Drum Club - World                                                                    Arboretum Short Walk                        Allotment - Wild
Rhythms                                                                                                                          Food Walk
                                                                                     Join us for a gentle stroll around
Led by local percussionist Crispin                                                   Nottingham’s oldest public park
                                                                                                                                 Join us for a range of tasks, as well
Harris today’s session will raise                                                    as we experience the nature on
                                                                                                                                 as a cup of tea, on our friendly and
awareness of a range of percussive                                                   our doorstep. Slow pace and some
                                                                                                                                 welcoming allotment site. Help
approaches as used in various                                                        slopes.
                                                                                                                                 us to grow a variety of fruit and
cultures from around the world.                                                                                                  vegetables, from sowing to harvest,
                                                                                        The Arboretum Café at
                                                                                                                                 cook with produce and share a meal
We will learn and play styles                                                           Waverley Street entrance
                                                                                                                                 whilst making friends and picking up
including Latin, Samba, Klezmer, and                                                                                             new skills.
Reggae. This is a great opportunity                                                     1.30pm - 2.30pm
to try out instruments while learning                                                                                            Paul Paine will be showing us the
about the history and heritage of                                                    Hot drinks will be provided.
                                                                                                                                 wild food available to us at this time
rhythms and their influence on                                                                                                   of year on St. Anns allotments.
modern music. All welcome
                                                                                                                                    St Ann’s Allotment, Ransom Road
   Beeston Resource Centre, Middle          Monday 30th March
   Street, Beeston                          Heritage Landscape Walk:                                                                10.30am - 2pm

   Catch bus 36 at bus stop A4              Langford Lowfields Nature                                                            Drinks, snacks and lunch provided.
   (near Nottingham Central                 Reserve                                                                              Suggested donation £1.
   Library) or catch Line 3 Toton
   tram to Beeston. Buses and               Langford Lowfields, near Newark
   trams stops outside Beeston              is a flagship partnership project
   Resource Centre.                         involving the RSPB and Tarmac,
                                            showcasing wetland habitat
   2pm - 4pm                                creation on a large scale. A thriving
                                            reed bed sits at the heart of this
Drinks, snacks and lunch provided.          expanding reserve, with wildlife
Suggested donation £1.                      highlights including bitterns,
                                            bearded tits, marsh harriers, starling
                                            murmurations and colourful

                                            Enjoy a guided walk in the company
                                            of RSPB staff member Joe Harris.
                                            Three miles on the flat, some

                                               Val Roberts House, 25 Gregory
                                               Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6NX

                                               10am - 4pm

                                            Please bring some lunch.
                                            Minibus will be provided.
  31                                                                                                                                                                  32
Nature in Mind Other Activities                                                               Nature in Mind Other Activities

Other Activities                                                                             Other Activities
The following organisations are also         Arkwright Meadows Community                     Dig In Community Allotment                   Gardening sessions at Windmill
running activities - please contact          Gardens, Kirkby Gardens, The Meadows            (Stapleford)                                 Community Gardens
them individually for more information:
                                             Volunteering opportunities for all abilities.   Volunteer opportunities.                         Ascot Drive off Aspley Lane,
Nottinghamshire County Council Park                                                                                                           Bobbersmill, NG8 5HD
Activities:                                     Wednesdays & Thursdays at                    Telephone 07943 700302            10am - 12pm and 1pm - 3pm                                                                     Mondays 10am - 1pm and
countryside/countryparks/                                                                    See website for details:                         Thursdays 10am - 4pm
                                             Every Tuesday to Saturday, 10am - 3pm                        (including lunch).
St Ann’s Community Orchard                   Tandoor oven available to hire £5 per
Activity Days are on the third Sunday        session. Bring your own dough.                  Nottingham Park Rangers                      Contact 07816 899978 for details.
of every month. Our activity days have
been attracting people from the local        Please phone ahead 0115 986 7777                Gentle local Wednesday walk.                 Use NCT turquoise bus 77 to AS17 stop
community each month for more                                                                                                             on Aspley Lane.
than seven years. They often focus on        Cook and Eat, Arkwright Meadows                    Meet at the Forest (Pavilion)
looking after the site, providing informal   Community Gardens                                                                            Best Foot Forward – Health Walks
activities and special events such           Come and learn some simple and                     Every Wednesday 10.30am - 11.30am         A free activity and everyone is welcome.
as our season celebrations. They are         healthy cooking skills with us, socialise,                                                   Telephone Nicky Newberry on
informal, community-led and are open         and eat. We have limited spaces so              Bulwell Forest Garden                        0115 841 4473.
to everyone! Refreshments available.         please call ahead on 0115 986 7777 if you       Nottingham
                                             are planning on joining us.                                                                  Mondays - Bestwood Walk Woodthorpe
For information telephone 0115 958 9255.                                                        Austin Street, Bulwell, Nottingham,       Grange Walk
                                                Every Tuesday 11am - 1pm                        NG6 9JU (behind Cantrell School           Tuesdays – Nuthall Railway Walk
   St Ann’s Allotments, Ransom Road                                                             playing field).                           Wednesdays – St Ann’s & Sneinton Walk,
                                             Cycling with Ridewise, Arkwright                                                             Strelley Woodland and Countryside Walk
   Third Sunday of every month.              Meadows Community Gardens                          Garden Club: Drop-in sessions on 1st      Thursdays – Mary Potter Walk
   12pm - 4pm                                On the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.          and 3rd Wednesdays of each month          Fridays – Wollaton Park Walk, Victoria
                                                                                                10am - 1pm                                Embankment Walk & Old Basford Walk.
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust               Evening Yoga, Arkwright Meadows
Conservation Volunteer Days                  Community Gardens                               The Garden Club is for all ages, abilities   Beeston Resource Centre
                                             Every Monday evening, two different             and level of gardening knowledge, no         Providing a wide range of activities
   Wednesdays and Thursdays                  classes, one at 6pm - 7pm and the               previous experience necessary, tools         and events for everyone including
                                             other at 7.30pm - 8.30pm.                       and gloves provided.                         gardening, arts and crafts, music
Telephone Julie Reed on 0115 958 8242                                                                                                     (guitar, keyboards, drums), wellbeing
                                             Summerwood Community Garden,                    Advice, share tips and make new friends.     and walking groups.
Bestwood Country Park Conservation           Summerwood Lane Allotments, Clifton
Volunteers                                   Volunteer Fridays and spend as little           For more information visit                       Beeston Resource Centre, 74 Middle
                                             time or as long as you want and in return       www.                   Street, Beeston NG9 2AR
   Every Monday 10am - 3pm                   lunch and gardening tips will be provided.
   (excluding Bank holidays)                                                                 Ecoworks Community Garden,                   Open seven days a week.
                                                Every Friday meet 10am at the                St Ann’s Allotments, Ransom Road             Telephone 0115 925 2516
Telephone 0115 927 3674                         allotment gates
                                                                                             Supershed project, green build and
                                             Contact Emma 07944 124423 or,                   landscaping opportunities, all welcome.
                                             Leo on 07816 036084
                                                                                                Tuesdays 10am - 3pm
                                             Please see website for more details:
                                                              Contact Paul on 07973116291

 33                                                                                                                                                                               34
External Special Events                         External Special Events

Special Events

Please note that the following activities are not organised by
Nature in Mind.

Arkwright Meadows Community Gardens, Kirkby Gardens,
The Meadows

Please phone 0115 986 7777 for more details. There may be a cost for
some of these activities.

•        Family lantern making session - for adults and children together
         to make lanterns to illuminate the gardens at our Light Night event.
         Saturday 1st February

•        Lantern making for our Light Night event - two Wednesday
         evening sessions on 29th January and 5th February for adults to help
         us create a host of lanterns to illuminate the community gardens
         for our Light Night event on Saturday 8th February.

•        Light Nght event at the Gardens - Saturday 8th February.

    35                                                                                                    36
If you have any question about the listed activities
or anything else, please feel free to get in touch with
Nature in Mind.

Address: The Burrow, 40 Forest Road West,
Nottingham NG7 4EQ
t: 0115 970 9591
Follow our social media channels



 37                                                       38
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