National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET

Page created by Stephen Wolf
National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET
National Wedding Month February 2021   Page 1
National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET
Savings strategies for weddings
     The question was popped; the en-
gagement ring presented. What's the
next step on the road to the wedding?
Saving should definitely be on couples'
     A wedding is likely the most costly
party couples will ever throw. Accord-
ing to The Knot's 2019 Real Weddings
Study, the average cost of a wedding in
2019 was $33,900. There are many dif-
ferent costs associated with weddings.
Some are predictable, while others are
     Investopedia says the vast major-
ity of couples budget too little for their
weddings and also end up spending
more than they had planned. Various
strategies can make it easier to save
for a wedding and avoid a post-wedding
financial hangover.
                 Get informed
     It's impossible to budget for a wed-
ding and ultimately save without knowl-
edge of what services and items cost in
the region where you live. A wedding in
New York City will be expensive, while
a wedding in Mississippi will cost a lot
less, indicates SuperMoney's guide to
wedding costs.
     Conduct some research and find out
what photographers, florists, transpor-
tation providers, reception halls, and
wedding wardrobe vendors charge for
common services. This will paint a vivid
picture of what a wedding may cost in
your area.
            Flesh out the budget
     Once you have gathered estimates,
you can then figure out a financial goal.                                                                                                     Photo by Metro Creative Connection
This also is when you can determine          Various strategies can make it easier to save for a wedding and avoid a post-wedding financial hangover.
where to rein in spending and where
you might want to splurge.                   may be available through your bank or     funds to wedding savings. Do you need     have concrete confirmation. A parent
     If having a video memory of the         employer. An automatic savings plan       a takeout coffee in the morning or can    may host the rehearsal dinner. One's
wedding is not a top priority, you can       will pull a set amount from a personal    you brew a pot at home? Might you be      relative may offer to pass down an an-
skip videography services. If you have       checking account into a savings account   able to scale back on streaming ser-      tique wedding gown to wear. But rather
a special flower that you like, you may      through auto-draft. The bride and groom   vices? Do you feel comfortable buying     than simply removing these gifts from
want to budget more for that bloom even      can link individual checking accounts     less expensive store brand groceries      your savings calculations, keep them
if it isn't in season.                       to one savings account to contribute      over name brands? Small cost savings      as a safety net to put toward unforseen
Set up a dedicated savings account           jointly.                                  can quickly add up.                       expenses.
     One of the easiest ways to save for               Avoid overspending                            Add up gifts                   Saving for a wedding can be chal-
big-ticket items like a wedding, home           An analysis of your spending habits       Factor in deduction of expenses that   lenging. But various strategies can help
purchase or other financial goals is to      will likely reveal areas where you can    other people will commit to covering      couples plan their dream weddings
use an automatic savings account that        scale back so you can devote more         for wedding expenses, but only if you     without breaking the bank.

Page 2                                                                                                                                               Love is in the air
National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET
Wedding planning tips and tricks
    Recently engaged couples are often                                                                                                        • Decide on a guest list. Planning de-
so swept up in the excitement surround-                                                                                                    cisions are often based around the pro-
ing their engagements that they can be                                                                                                     jected number of guests. You'll need to
forgiven for initially overlooking all the                                                                                                 have a ballpark figure regarding guests
wedding planning that awaits them.                                                                                                         before you can choose a venue and
Planning a wedding is no small task, but                                                                                                   make other decisions, such as where
many couples very much enjoy all the                                                                                                       guests will stay. And if the majority of
hard work that goes into making their                                                                                                      guests are coming from a certain area,
special day a success.                                                                                                                     such as your hometown, you may want
    It's hard for newly engaged couples                                                                                                    to bring the wedding to them instead of
who have never before planned a wed-                                                                                                       asking them to come to you.
ding to know what awaits them. But the                                                                                                        • Create a priorities list. Make a list
following tips can help make the wed-                                                                 Photo by Metro Creative Connection   of at least three things that are most
ding planning process go smoothly.           Take your time planning your wedding.                                                         important for each of you. It may be the
    • Find your organization method.                                                                                                       ceremony location, the food or another
Organization is the key to pulling off       all the tasks that lie ahead.               yourself more time to plan can make for           factor. Knowing what is important can
the wedding of your dreams. Whether              • Take your time. There's no rush       a wonderful wedding day.                          help you negotiate prices and under-
your organizational style is best served     to the altar. Feel free to extend the en-      • Discuss the budget openly and                stand what to look for when planning.
by jotting details like dates and deposit    gagement long enough to keep stress         honestly. Did you know a New York City               These are some of the considerations
deadlines down in a notebook or utilizing    levels down and get the location and        wedding can cost $77,000, according               couples should make while planning
an online spreadsheet or smartphone          ceremony of your dreams. Many re-           to Money magazine? Wedding costs                  their weddings. While it's important to
app, choose your method early on.            cently engaged couples feel pressured       can vary widely, and couples should sit           consider these factors and others, it's
Keeping information and reminders in         to get married right away. Stretching out   down together to decide what they can             also important that couples have fun
one place can make it easier to manage       the engagement to save money or give        afford and are willing to pay for.                when planning their nuptials.

National Wedding Month February 2021                                                                                                                                       Page 3
National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET
Make a statement with your cake
   Brides and grooms may pour over           glaze tinted in the couple's wedding                                                           • Sometimes a statement comes by
every detail of their weddings, but few      colors.                                                                                     way of texture.
components of the festivities may be as         This artistic expression can be espe-                                                       Even an all-white cake can be
fun, especially for foodies, as deciding     cially stunning in boho-chic weddings.                                                      dressed up with interesting textural
what the wedding cake will look like.           • Statement tiers also are popular.                                                      effects. Ruffles, lace, embossing, and
   Couples who want to deliver show-         The cake may be traditional in nearly                                                       3-D rosettes are different textural com-
stopping visuals often express some          every way, but couples then set the cake                                                    ponents that can be incorporated in
measure of their creativity and per-         apart by featuring an elaborate design                                                      cake designs.
sonalities through statement wedding         or a different hue in one tier.                                                                • Couples also may want to tell their
cakes.                                          • Martha Stewart Weddings advises                                                        unique stories with cake. Individual tiers
   Many couples now eschew the clas-         that more than just color can be used to                                                    designed to reflect various milestone
sic three-tiered white cake in favor of a    make a statement. Lifelike sugar flowers                                                    moments from the couple's relationship
dessert that garners instant attention.      can really set cakes apart.                                                                 can be quite engaging.
Whether the cake is brightly colored            Guests may not be sure if they can                                                          • Capitalizing on the trend of edgier
or hand-painted, a towering architec-        consume all aspects of some cakes. But                                                      weddings, couples may opt for darker
tural marvel or shimmering in metallics,     delicate sugar flowers taste as good as                                                     hues on their cakes - even a black tier
couples are opting to make a statement       they look.                                                                                  - or nontraditional geometric shapes to
with their confections.                         • Hand-painted tiles on a cake are                                                       the cake itself or its design elements.
   Apart from clever cake-toppers, here      another way to add panache.                                                                    Statement cakes can really say
are ways to stand apart when dessert            A bride and groom may be inspired                                                        something about the couple getting
is served.                                   by a European vacation or the stained-                                                      married.
   • According to the Perfect Wedding        glass effects of religious windows and                 Photo by Metro Creative Connection      Much like other wedding elements,
Guide, a rising trend in cakes is to cover   want to add that feel to the tiers of the   Texture can help your wedding cake              cakes provide a window into the minds
a white or naked cake with translucent       cake.                                       make a statement.                               of happy couples.

Page 4                                                                                                                                                       Love is in the air
National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET
How to find the perfect wedding florist
   Weddings join the lives of two loving
individuals so they can share their future
with one another. Various elements help
make weddings both momentous and
   Some weddings adhere to themes
that are designed to make an impres-
sion and showcase couples' person-
alities. Floral arrangements are key
components of wedding themes, as they
help to establish ambiance at both the
ceremony and reception.
   Flowers can easily help couples
achieve a desired vibe, whether that's
rustic, romantic, modern, or even whim-
sical. Skilled florists may use a variety of
flowers and foliage, as well as dramatic
displays to help create the couple's wed-
ding day vision.
   According to an internal study from
the wedding advice and planning re-
source The Knot, which surveyed more
than 27,000 couples who got married
in 2019, the average cost of wedding
flowers was $2,000 in 2019.
   However, the cost of floral arrange-
ments can vary depending on the
scope of the arrangements and choice
of flowers, including whether they're in
season or not.
   It is essential for couples to spend
time vetting potential florists to find one
who will produce their desired vision
at a price that fits their budget. These
guidelines can make the process go
more smoothly.
   • Establish your theme early on. Flo-
ral arrangements will complement and
enhance other elements of the wedding,
including color scheme and the wedding                                                                                                               Photo by Metro Creative Connection
theme. If your wedding theme ties into         It is essential for couples to spend time vetting potential florists to find one who will produce their desired vision at a price
a specific season, you will work with the      that fits their budget.
florist to find blooms and other pieces
that coordinate. For example, winter           or groomsmen vests so that colors can        headpiece, petals to sprinkle, table            • Explain your budget. Research the
weddings with white, ice blue and silver       be complemented.                             centerpieces, altar arrangements, pew       average cost of floral arrangements and
color schemes may coordinate with                  • Create a list of desired items. Flo-   or chair decorations, and cake decora-      let the florist know what you can afford.
white ranunculus flowers, dahlias, dusty       rists may sell items a la carte or have      tions.                                      This can help the florist narrow down
miller foliage, and viburnum berries.          packages of common floral pieces for            • Go easy on aroma. Tread lightly        options or make substitutions that fit
   • Bring swatches and photographs            wedding celebrations. Types of floral        when selecting blooms that have strong      your theme and your budget.
to consultations. It is easier to explain      arrangements include bridal bouquet,         aromas. They may be beautiful, but              Couples can take certain steps as
color palettes to a florist with examples      bridesmaids' bouquets, maid of honor         many people are sensitive to smells.        they choose floral arrangements for their
in hand. Show the florist the types of ar-     bouquet, corsages for mothers/grand-         Allergies also may be exacerbated by        weddings. Cost should not be the only
rangements you prefer and have actual          mothers, boutonnieres for groomsmen          flowers with strong aromas. Discuss op-     factor in the decision, even though it is
fabric swatches from bridesmaid gowns          and fathers/grandfathers, flower girl        tions with the florist before proceeding.   an important one.

National Wedding Month February 2021                                                                                                                                       Page 5
National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET
Tools for keeping wedding guests informed
    Weddings give couples an opportu-
nity to share the joy of joining their lives
together with a host of friends and family
members. Guests liven up the party and
help make the celebration that much
more memorable.
    According to The Knot 2019 Real
Weddings Study, the average wedding
in the United States hosts 131 people.
Data indicates this number has been
slowly decreasing over the years, after
the average wedding size reached an
all-time high of 153 in 2007.
    No matter how big or how small the
guest list, keeping guests informed of
what's happening regarding the upcom-
ing nuptials is a courtesy couples can
provide. Couples can explore various
avenues for keeping guests informed
and ensuring they'll be able to take part
in the festivities.
    Save-the-date announcements
    Save-the-date announcements have
become an increasingly popular com-
ponent of wedding planning. Instead of
waiting on the wedding invitation, which
traditionally arrives one or two months
prior to the wedding itself, save-the-date
cards provide guests with an advanced
advertisement of the celebration to
    According to the photo and invitation
specialists at Shutterfly, it's customary
to send save-the-date notes around six
months before the wedding.
    For a destination wedding, which will
require extra travel plans, an eight- to
12-month advance can be helpful.
    Save-the-date cards generally have                                                                                                             Photo by Metro Creative Connection
basic information, including the wedding       Couples can explore various avenues for keeping guests informed and ensuring they'll be able to take part in the
date and the venue. Many will feature          festivities.
a photo of the couple as well. If you're
planning on sending save-the-date              that can help answer questions that          memories and anecdotes can be in-            These apps also can prove invaluable
announcements, coordinate with your            guests may have. The website can             cluded.                                   when conferring with wedding vendors,
photographer to have a photo taken             spell out specifics, including dress code,          Video conferencing apps            such as florists or musicians.
exclusively for these cards.                   whether children are invited, the names         As the world continues to adapt in        You also can schedule smaller meet-
            Wedding website                    of wedding party participants, overnight     the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,        ings with specific guests who may be
    Couples are increasingly embracing         accommodations, transportation provid-       video conferencing applications like      playing key roles in the wedding, such
technology as they plan their weddings.        ers, and even restaurants near the hotel     Facetime, Zoom and Microsoft Teams        as those giving speeches, doing read-
Brides magazine states that, during the        for a quick bite between ceremony and        enable people involved in the planning    ings, escorting guests, or serving in
typical 15-month engagement period, 48         reception.                                   process to routinely "gather" and go      other capacities.
percent of couples will launch a wedding          Wedding websites also can be used         over details about the wedding, helping      Certain resources can help couples
website.                                       as fun ways to keep guests engaged.          to limit in-person meetings as much as    keep guests informed about what's to
    A wedding website is a versatile tool      "Throwback Thursday" photos or funny         possible.                                 come in regard to their weddings.

Page 6                                                                                                                                                    Love is in the air
National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET
Keep guests safe during the pandemic
   Happy couples planning to tie the                                                              In addition, cities or regions whose     guests. Social distance markers also
knot in 2020 confronted a challenge                                                           responses to the virus have been suc-        can be placed on the ground throughout
they likely never saw coming. While                                                           cessful may have relaxed restrictions        the venue to make it easy for guests to
many couples fear inclement weather                                                           more than areas that are still strug-        stay six feet apart from one another.
on their wedding days, 2020's prospec-                                                        gling.                                          • Choose an outdoor venue. The
tive brides and grooms had to contend                                                             The WHO notes the importance of          Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
with something far more fearful than                                                          checking local guidelines prior to plan-     vention notes that the COVID-19 virus
rain clouds.                                                                                  ning an event, and that's especially         spreads very easily through person-
   The outbreak of the novel coronavi-                                                        important for couples who hope to get        to-person contact and that the risk of
rus that began in the winter of 2019-20                                                       married in towns or cities where they do     spreading the virus is greater when
and was ultimately declared a pandemic                                                        not currently reside.                        spending time indoors.
by the World Health Organization put                                                              • Keep guests up to date about pre-         Couples can mitigate some of that
many couples'wedding plans in peril.                     Photo by Metro Creative Connection   cautions. Include detailed information       risk by tying the knot outdoors and then
   In an effort to stop the spread of the   Take precautions as you organize your             about the safety measures that will be       hosting an outdoor reception where
virus and protect those most vulnerable     ceremony and reception.                           implemented during the wedding on            tables are kept at least six feet apart.
to it, governments across the globe                                                           your wedding website. Insert a card             Weddings will be different until the
placed restrictions on social gatherings,   the WHO recommends they take cer-                 detailing this information into your invi-   world puts COVID-19 in its rearview
including weddings. Those restrictions      tain precautions as they organize their           tation envelopes as well so all guests       mirror. In the meantime, it's up to happy
prompted some couples to postpone           ceremonies and receptions.                        know what to expect when they accept         couples to keep their guests safe come
their nuptials until 2021, while others        • Confirm local regulations. Restric-          the invitation. In addition, remind guests   the big day.
tied the knot at considerably smaller       tions related to COVID-19 differ greatly          of the safety precautions throughout the        Editor’s Note: Please consult your
ceremonies than they initially planned      by region. Areas that were not hit hard           ceremony.                                    local laws and regulations before pub-
for.                                        by the virus may not have as many                     • Provide sanitary supplies. Make        lishing this story to confirm its content
   Couples planning to tie the knot in      restrictions in place as those that were          sure hand sanitizer, soap, water, and        aligns with mandates currently in place
the months ahead can still do so, but       devastated by the outbreak.                       masks are readily available for all          in your city.

National Wedding Month February 2021                                                                                                                                      Page 7
National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET
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National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET National Wedding Month February 2021 - NET
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