NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich

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NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich
NASA Earth Science Division Response        Michael Freilich

to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey:
                                            Division Director
                                       Earth Science Division

SSB Agency Roundtable                              May 2, 2018
NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich
2017 Decadal Survey Snapshot
  2017 DECADAL SURVEY   • Publicly released January 5, 2018

                        • Supports the ESD (and international) Program of Record

                        • Prioritizes observations rather than specific missions

                        • Emphasis on competition as cost-control method

                        • Explicitly allows implementation flexibility

                        • Explicitly encourages and notes value of international

                        • Endorses existing balances in ESD portfolio
NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich
                          NASA Earth Science                                                                                                                   Landsat 9 (2020)
                                                                                                                                                        PACE (2022)

    Primary Ops           FY17 Program of Record                                                                                              GeoCARB (~2021)

    Extended Ops                                                                                                               TROPICS (12) (~2021)
                                                                                                                     MAIA (~2021)
                                                                                                         Sentinel-6A/B (2020, 2025)
                                                                                              NI-SAR (2021)
ISS Instruments                                                                      SWOT (2021)
CATS, LIS (2020), SAGE III (2020)                                         TEMPO (2018)                                                                      Invests/CubeSats
TSIS-1 (2020) OCO-3 (2018),                                    GRACE-FO (2) (2018)                                                                          RAVAN (2016) ✔
ECOSTRESS (2018), GEDI (2018)                                                                                                                               IceCube (2017) ✔
CLARREO-PF (2020)                                                                                           NISTAR, EPIC
                                                                      ICESat-2 (2018)                                                                       MiRaTA (2017) ✔
                                                                                        CYGNSS (8) (2019)   (DSCOVR / NOAA)
                                                                                                            (2019)                                          HARP (2018)
JPSS-2 Instruments                                 Suomi NPP
                                                                          SMAP                                                                              TEMPEST-D (2018)
                                                                          (>2022)                                                                           RainCube (2018)
RBI (2018), OMPS-Limb (2018)                       (NOAA)
                                                   (>2022)                                                                                                  CubeRRT (2018)
                                                                                  Landsat 7        QuikSCAT     SORCE,                                      CIRiS (2018*)
                                                                                  (USGS)           (2017)       TCTE (NOAA)                                 CIRAS (2018*)
                                                                    Terra (>2021)                               (2017)
                                                                                  (~2022)                                                                   CSIM (2018)
                                       Landsat 8
                                       (USGS)                                                                                                               LMPC (TBD)
                                                                        Aqua (>2022)
                                                                                                                                                            * Target date,
                                                                                      CloudSat (~2018)                                                        not yet manifested
                                    GPM (>2022)                                                          CALIPSO (>2022)

                                                                                                                       Aura (>2022)
                                            OCO-2 (>2022)                                                                             OSTM/Jason-2 (NOAA)
NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich
2017 Decadal Survey Snapshot (cont.)
                        •    Recommends “Continuity Measurement” strand ($150M full mission cost cap)
  2017 DECADAL SURVEY        as an addition to the existing Venture-class program
                        •    Identifies 5 ”Designated” observables for mandatory acquisition (Aerosols;
                             Clouds, Convection, & Precipitation; Mass Change; Surface Biology &
                             Geology; Surface Deformation & Change)
                        •   Calls for “cost-capping” essentially all missions
                        •   Introduces a new competed “Explorer” flight line with $350M cost constraint, 3
                            observables to be chosen by ESD from among 6 identified
                        •   Calls for “Incubator Program” between Technology, R&A, and Flight to mature
                            specific technologies for important – but presently immature – measurements
                            (preparation for next Decadal)
                        •   ESD is conducting focused community forums (for 12-18 months) to
                            translate the recommendations into an executable program and, for
                            Flight, a portfolio of specific, realistic, launch-ordered missions and
                                     Decadal new mission budget wedge opens late FY21
                                     First full community forum May 10, 2018 (HQ and online)
NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich
Communicating our plans and progress:
    • ESD’s Decadal Survey web page:
    • Use the web page to…
       •   See meeting and telecon announcements
       •   Ask questions
       •   Find answers to questions, as they become available
       •   View records of progress and decisions

NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich
International Engagement
• ESD has conducted focused Decadal Survey telecons/meetings with key
  international partners
   • Bilateral, HQ-level, face-to-face meetings planned over the next 6 months
   • Some directed international partnerships may originate from ESD/HQ
• Centers are explicitly encouraged to discuss and explore possible observable
  implementation approaches with international partners
   • Multi-center joint efforts appreciated
   • Keep ESD leadership informed
• ESD will make final partnership determinations and then codify necessary
  international agreements
NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich
NASA Earth Science Partners
Current Operating Missions                                                               OSTM/Jason-2
                                                                                         (NOAA, CNES)

                                                ISS: SAGE III


                                                           Landsat 7
                                                                            (FMI, NVR,
                                 Suomi NPP   NISTAR, EPIC
                                 (NOAA)      (DSCOVR / NOAA)

                                                       TCTE            CALIPSO
                     Landsat 8
                                                       (NOAA)          (CNES)
NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich
ESD Partnership Missions in Development

           GRACE FO
           LRD: Apr 2018                       Sentinel 6A/B               Landsat 9               SWOT
    Global mass & water variation                                          ABC: 2021                                                NISAR
                                               ABC: 2021/2026                                   ABC: Apr 2022                    ABC: Sep 2022
                                               Ocean Altimetry            Land Imaging     Sea surface & fresh water              Cryosphere,
            Partner: GFZ                                                                         height, slope               ecosystems, deformation
   Science & science processing           Partner: NOAA                 Partner: USGS
   Mission operations            Science data dissemination        Ground system           Partner: CNES
                                                                     Mission Operations                                         Partner: ISRO
   Optical                       Ground stations                                          Spacecraft bus                   S-Band SAR
   components of Laser Ranging                                                             Science instruments              Spacecraft bus
    Instrument                              Partner: ESA                                     (Nadir Altimeter,                Spacecraft operations
   Launch Services               Spacecraft bus                                            DORIS, KaRIn RF                  Science Downlink
                                  Science instruments (Poseidon-4                           Unit subsystem)                  S-Band processing
                                   Altimeter, DORIS, GNSS POD)
                                  Satellite control center (during                            Partner: CSA
                                   LEOP)                                                    Klystrons for KaRIn

                                            Partner: EUMETSAT                                 Partner: UKSA
                                       Mission/System coordinator,                         Duplexers for KaRIn       * Implementation = Phase C/D
                                       Satellite control center (Ops)
                                       Science data processing                                                        **Delivery of payload to host
                                       Science data dissemination
                                       Data archiving                                                             ABC=Agency Baseline Commitment
                                       Ground stations
NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich
Earth Venture Continuity (EVC) Decisions

NASA Earth Science Division Response to the 2017 ESAS Decadal Survey: SSB Agency Roundtable - Michael Freilich
ESD Top Level Approach to EVC
• ESD will use EVC to demonstrate a technique/approach for making long-term
  measurements with the appropriate characteristics (a “continuity demonstration”)

• Criteria for selecting an EVC project:
    –   Capability of the instrument/characteristics of the data
    –   Cost of future copies
    –   Accommodatability
    –   Producibility
    –   Ease of technology infusion (optional)

• Payload Classification will be Class C or D, as stated in the AO for a specific
• EVC will NOT address continuity beyond the demonstration
   – Minimum demonstration period is 1 year beyond on-orbit commissioning
    – Additional on-orbit acquisition will not be under the cost cap

•   The ESD objective will be to fly 3 EVC missions in the decade                    10
Targeted Solicitations
• Given the RBI termination, EVC-1 will be a targeted AO for radiation budget

• Future EVC solicitations may:

   • Target a single observation for a given imperative (similar to EVC-1)

   • Target a set of observations (e.g. solar irradiance, ozone, and CO2)

• ESD will maintain the flexibility to pursue either of the above options, but it is
  expected that most will be single observation targeted

• However, once we know what we want to do with the next EVC, ESD will alert the
  community to our intentions

Designated Observables (DO) – Decisions

Designated Observables Summary
                                                                                                                                   ESAS maximum
     Observable                  Science/Applications Summary                              Candidate Measurement                        cost

Aerosols              Aerosol properties, aerosol vertical profiles, and cloud     Backscatter lidar and multichannel/multi-         CATE Cap
                      properties to understand their effects on climate and air   angle/polarization imaging radiometer flown
                      quality                                                     together on the same platform

Clouds, Convection,   Coupled cloud-precipitation state and dynamics for          Radar(s), with multi-frequency passive             CATE Cap
And Precipitation     monitoring global hydrological cycle and understanding      microwave and sub-mm radiometer
                      contributing processes including cloud feedback

Mass Change           Large-scale Earth dynamics measured by the changing         Spacecraft ranging measurement                      Est Cap
                      mass distribution within and                                of gravity anomaly
                      between the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, ground water,
                      and ice sheets
Surface Biology and   Earth surface geology and biology,                          Hyperspectral imagery in the                       CATE Cap
Geology               ground/water temperature, snow reflectivity, active         visible and shortwave infrared,
                      geologic processes, vegetation traits and algal biomass     multi- or hyperspectral imagery in the thermal
Surface               Earth surface dynamics from earthquakes and landslides      Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar            Est Cap
Deformation and       to ice sheets and permafrost                                (InSAR) with ionospheric correction
Change                                                                                                                                $500M

Designated Missions/Observing Systems
                   Sequencing to Meet DS Objectives
• First two missions/observing systems
   – Surface Biology and Geology (Budget:
ESD DO Programmatic Architecture
• Designated Observables Studies
   – Rapid solicitation for Multi-Center Study Proposals
   – Specific direction for expectations
   – A target KDP-A Date will be provided in early FY19 to the study teams for the first two D.O.s
     (SBG; Aerosols/CPP)

• Mission Responsibility
   – Directed to NASA Centers

• Instruments
   – Partner Contributions
   – Competed via Announcement of Opportunity (SMD/ESD selection)

• Spacecraft
   – Partner Contributions
   – RFP to Industry by the NASA Center responsible for the mission

Designated Observable Studies
• DRAFT Scope of Mission Studies
   – Develop top-level objectives
   – Identify potential international and/or interagency partners, and/or private sector participation
   – Synergies with other D.O., ESD, or non-NASA missions
   – Identify needed technology refinement efforts, precursor campaigns, and post launch validation
   – Conduct Airborne campaigns
   – Run OSSEs
   – Develop required capability for mission and instruments
   – Sequencing/approach for instrument/spacecraft development (i.e. approach for designing the
     spacecraft without knowing the instrument interfaces, or vice-versa)
   – Recommend cost target for instruments
   – Application community assessments

• Study scope will be refined in the coming weeks and included in the call for multi-
  center mission study proposals


NASA Earth Science Division Elements

       Flight (incl. Data Systems)                                Research & Analysis
Develops, launches, and operates NASA’s fleet of         Supports integrative research that advances
Earth-observing satellites, instruments, and aircraft.   knowledge of the Earth as a system. Six focus areas
Manages data systems to make data and information        plus field campaigns, modeling, and scientific
products freely and openly available.                    computing.

      Technology                                                  Applied Sciences
Develops and demonstrates technologies for future        Develops, tests, and supports innovative uses of Earth
satellite and airborne missions: Instruments,            observations and scientific knowledge to inform private
Information Systems, Components, InSpace Validation      and public sector planning, decisions, and actions.
(cubesat and small-sat form factors).                    Activities include disaster response support and capacity
R&A Selected Highlights
• Field Work
    • 2018 Cloud and Aerosol Monsoonal Processes Exp’t (near Phillipines); EXPORTS field program (NE Pacific; in
      coordination with NSF), FLARE (Alaska), HyspIRI (Hawaii), ABoVE (surface only); 2019 FIREChem (Kansas; with NOAA)
• New Competed Science Programs (highlights only – many ROSES calls)
    • Selected new round of Interdisciplinary Science investigators – 28 principal investigators – 5 topics, $34M over three years
    • Solicited for competed science teams for newly launched missions/instruments (CYGNSS, SAGE III), new combined
      Terra/Aqua/Suomi-NPP science
• Modeling and Data Assimilation
    • GMAO evolved and transitioned to a “hybrid 4D VAR” data assimilation system
• Enabling Capabilities
    • Built a modular computing facility at ARC and expanded SMD’s supercomputing capacity to 6 pflops; expanded capacity at
      NCCS to 3.5 pflops.
    • Installed antenna at MSFC for real-time receipt of GOES-16 for SPoRT (jointly with NOAA); antenna for GOES-S on order
    • Purchased 60 new/improved/reliable sensors for AERONET to replace ~20% of existing sensors in 2018
Earth Science Technology
 Advanced Technology                                                    IIP                        AIST
 Initiatives (ATI)

           ACT                       InVEST                  Instrument Incubator       Advanced Information
                                                             Program                    Systems Technology
Advanced Component         In-Space Validation               Robust new instrument      Innovative advances in
Technologies               of Earth Science Tech.            developments and            on-orbit and ground
Development of critical    On-orbit technology validation    measurement techniques     technologies to generate,
components and             and risk reduction for small                                 manage, and exploit data
subsystems for             instruments and instrument        17 new projects awarded    in the 5-20 year horizon
instruments & platforms    systems that could not other-     in FY17. Future
                           wise be fully tested on the       solicitations/             22 new projects awarded
12 projects awarded in                                       selections planned in FY   in FY17. Future
2018. Future               ground or in airborne systems.
                                                             2019 and FY 2022           solicitations/selections
solicitations/selections   Future solicitations/selections                              planned in FY 2018,
planned in FY 2020 and     planned in FY 2018 & FY                                      FY 2020 and FY 2022
FY 2023                    2021                                                                                     21
Applied Sciences Program: Selected Highlights–2018
    Disasters                                            Food Security and                             SERVIR
    ROSES call for applications                          Agriculture Consortium                        New Amazonia regional hub for South
    focused on a few disaster types –                    New effort led by UMd to advance              America is planned to open in Spring.
    flood, hurricane, earthquake.                        uses of Earth obs for humanitarian
                                                         pursuits, economic growth, and                DEVELOP
    Water Resources                                      resilience in food systems in U.S.            2018 marks the 20th year for this
    Call to support water resources                      and globally.                                 development, workforce & Earth
    management. Two-step process                                                                       science applications program.
    planned.                                             Impact Assessments                            ARSET Trainings
    Sustainable                                          VALUABLES Consortium                          Over 15 professional-level hands-on
    Development Goals                                    conducting economic studies on                and webinar trainings on remote
                                                         Earth science; also arranging                 sensing to reach people across all 50
    Earth science call for applications
                                                         venues for Earth scientists wanting           U.S. States again in 2018.
    and research on SDG 14 (oceans)
                                                         to learn about policy and economic
    and SDG 15 (life on land).
A   P P LI CATI O NS   A   RE AS   |   M   I S S I O N    S   UP P O RT   |   C   APACI TY   B   UI LDI NG
Earth Science Partnerships
 Harnessing commercial and NGO partnerships to amplify our work to understand the Earth as an
integrated system and enable societal benefit by essentially leveraging the expertise of NASA and
                   the partners to achieve together what neither could alone.

                                Current Partners

                      • Advancing the ability of remote sensing to inform
                         economic valuation of ecosystem services
                         • Increasing the public’s access to and use of
                            Earth observations to explore our planet
        • Integrating Earth observations into humanitarian decision making to strengthen
                      global resilience to environmental shocks and stressors
       • Supporting decision making in smart cities by integrating Earth observations into
                                     cloud-based services
Progress Since ESAS 2007

                   Finding 2A: The NASA ESD program has
                   made important progress during the
                   decade, partially recovering from the
                   underfunded state it was in a decade
                   ago . . .
                   Finding 2B: NOAA progress during the
                   decade was hampered by major
                   programmatic adjustments . . .
                   Finding 2C: The USGS has transformed
                   the Landsat program via the Sustainable
                   Land Imaging (SLI) program . . .

NASA Portfolio Balance
• Earth Science research: maintain at approximately 24%
  of the budget (22-26%)
    • Includes 18% for openly competed research and analysis
    • Includes approximately 3% each for computing and
• Applications program: maintain at 2-3% of the budget
• Technology program: increase from its current 3% to
  about 5%
• Flight programs, including Venture: maintain at 50-60%
  of the budget
• Mission Operations: maintain at 8-12% of the budget

Quick Summary of Recommendations
                             2                      SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS
                    Address 35 key science/applications questions, from among hundreds
                    suggested. Highest priority objectives fell into six categories:
                     •   Coupling of the Water and Energy Cycles
                     •   Ecosystem Change
                     •   Extending & Improving Weather and Air Quality Forecasts
                     •   Sea Level Rise
1                    •   Reducing Climate Uncertainty & Informing Societal Response                  4
                     •   Surface Dynamics, Geological Hazards and Disasters
VISION & STRATEGY                                                                                PROGRAMMATICS
 “Thriving on our            3                  OBSERVATIONS                                     •       CROSS-AGENCY
 Changing Planet”    Augment the Program of Record with eight priority                           •       NASA
                     observables:                                                                          • Flight
                     •     Five that are specified/designated to be implemented:                           • Technology
                              •   Aerosols
                              •   Clouds, Convection, & Precipitation
                                                                                                           • Applications
                              •   Mass Change                                                    •       NOAA
                              •   Surface Biology & Geology                                      •       USGS
                              •   Surface Deformation & Change
                     •     Three others to be selected competitively from among six candidates
                     •     Structure new mission program elements to accomplish this                                 26
Summary of Top Science and
Applications Priorities*   * Complete set of Questions and
Science &                                                        Science & Applications Questions
                                                                                                   Objectives in Table 3.3
Applications Topic                                        addressed by MOST IMPORTANT Objectives
Coupling of the Water   (H-1) How is the water cycle changing? Are changes in evapotranspiration and precipitation accelerating, with
and Energy Cycles       greater rates of evapotranspiration and thereby precipitation, and how are these changes expressed in the space-time
                        distribution of rainfall, snowfall, evapotranspiration, and the frequency and magnitude of extremes such as droughts
                        and floods?
                         (H-2) How do anthropogenic changes in climate, land use, water use, and water storage interact and modify the
                        water and energy cycles locally, regionally and globally and what are the short- and long-term consequences?
Ecosystem Change        (E-1) What are the structure, function, and biodiversity of Earth’s ecosystems, and how and why are they changing
                        in time and space?
                        (E-2) What are the fluxes (of carbon, water, nutrients, and energy) between ecosystems and the atmosphere, the
                        ocean and the solid Earth, and how and why are they changing?
                        (E-3) What are the fluxes (of carbon, water, nutrients, and energy) within ecosystems, and how and why are they
Extending &             (W-1) What planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes are integral to the air-surface (land, ocean and sea ice)
Improving Weather       exchanges of energy, momentum and mass, and how do these impact weather forecasts and air quality simulations?
and Air Quality         (W-2) How can environmental predictions of weather and air quality be extended to seamlessly forecast Earth
Forecasts               System conditions at lead times of 1 week to 2 months?
                        (W-4) Why do convective storms, heavy precipitation, and clouds occur exactly when and where they do?
                        (W-5) What processes determine the spatio-temporal structure of important air pollutants and their concomitant
                        adverse impact on human health, agriculture, and ecosystems?
Reducing Climate        (C-2) How can we reduce the uncertainty in the amount of future warming of the Earth as a function of fossil fuel
Uncertainty &           emissions, improve our ability to predict local and regional climate response to natural and anthropogenic forcings,
Informing Societal      and reduce the uncertainty in global climate sensitivity that drives uncertainty in future economic impacts and
Response                mitigation/adaptation strategies?
Sea Level Rise          (C-1) How much will sea level rise, globally and regionally, over the next decade and beyond, and what will be the
                        role of ice sheets and ocean heat storage?
                        (S-3) How will local sea level change along coastlines around the world in the next decade to century?
Surface Dynamics,       (S-1) How can large-scale geological hazards be accurately forecasted and eventually predicted in a socially relevant
Geological Hazards      timeframe?
Observing System Priorities

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