2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives

Page created by Greg Fuller
2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives

2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives

The Stamford Partnership is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on improving the quality of life for all Stamford residents,
businesses, and stakeholders. We bring people, companies, governments, and nonprofits together to reimagine and
shape our shared future. Focused on economic and social impact, we’re guided by our three pillars:

  Public Private Partnership                 Ecosystem Development                        Talent Development
  We create and empower coalitions          We build programs and services            We believe that the workforce of
  to help transform Stamford.               for high potential industries and         the future is built on lifelong
  Together, we foster a city that’s fully   networks—to encourage innovation,         learning, soft skills, and technical
  connected, powered by                     growth, and connectivity.                 knowhow. And we help individuals
  technology, and with sustainability                                                 and companies grow with these
  at the core of all we do.                                                           concepts at the forefront.
2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives

1978 The Stamford                    1996 Stamford Public                      2008 Neighbors Link                     2020 Stamford
                                     Education Foundation                      is launched,
Economic Assistance                                                                                                    Innovation Week
                                     is launched from The
Corporation is formed by                                                       supporting Stamford’s                   merges with the
local business leaders.                                                        immigrant community.                    Partnership.

                   1988 The Stamford                       2000 The Waterside                     2016 The Partnership
                   Partnership takes its                   Coalition is formed as a               leads the effort to refresh
                   current name and form                   project of the Partnership.            the City’s branding.

                                                                     2004 The Mill River Park
                            1992 The Stamford                        Collaborative is formed,               2019 SWIFI, Stamford’s
                            Partnership creates                      eventually growing to                  first and only free public
                            the DSSD, known                          become Stamford’s                      WiFi network, launches in
                            today as Stamford                        ‘central park.’                        downtown Stamford

         1987 The Stamford                        1998 UConn Stamford                    2012 Advocacy
         Chamber of Commerce                      opens in downtown                      efforts lead to major
         is formed through the                    Stamford, led by the                   updates at the Stamford
         Stamford Partnership.                    Stamford Partnership.                  Transportation Center
2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives
The Stamford Partnership By the Numbers
                                                 Total SWIFI Logons (public WiFi network)
We foster an economic and social
ecosystem that creates new opportunities         $161,000
and helps individuals thrive. Together, we       COVID-19 Community Support Funding
make a lasting, positive impact on our
community.                                       20,000+
                                                 Subscribers & Followers
The Partnership has been instrumental in         $5,450,000
initiating UConn’s expansion and relocation      Direct Impact Grant Pipeline
to downtown Stamford, providing free
public WiFi, producing Stamford Innovation       875+
Week, rebranding the City, reimagining our       Dining Bond Purchase Requests
mobility strategy, and fostering Stamford
Downtown, Mill River Park Collaborative,         100+
Stamford Chamber of Commerce,                    Participating Agencies & Companies
Waterside Coalition, East Side Partnership,      16+
and many other organizations.                    Local Non-profits Incubated
2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives
Jonathan Bailey                John Emra                        Thomas Madden                   Lisa Riley
COO                            President, New England           Economic Development Director   Global Head of Events
Stamford Health                AT&T                             City of Stamford                Forrester
Heather Cavanagh               Margaret Feeney                  David Mannis                    Caroline Simmons
President                      Head of Innovation               Board of Finance                144th District Representative
Stamford Chamber of Commerce   NatWest Markets                  City of Stamford                CT House of Representatives
Terrence Cheng                 Ursuline Foley                   David Martin                    Randy Skigen
President                      Board of Directors               Mayor                           Board of Directors
CSCU                           Provident Bank                   City of Stamford                Stamford Partnership
Scott Conley                   Joe Goett                        Daniel Morris | Treasurer       David Stein
President                      Financial Advisor                Senior Advisor                  City of Stamford
The Cradlerock Group           Wells Fargo Advisors             Belpointe Asset Management      Zoning Board Chair
April Condon | Vice Chair      Jodi Gutierrez | Chairperson     David Noble                     Dan Stolzenbach | Past Chair
Partner                        Vice President                   Werth Institute Director        General Manager
Day Pitney                     George Comfort & Sons            UCONN                           Stamford Town Center
Steve Cooper                   Zsofia Jamieson                  Chris Perrett                   Rowena Track
Partner                        Managing Director, Incubation    Vice President                  CEO
Robinson+Cole                  Imaginary                        Peoples United Bank             BGCS
Shannon Daniels                Alice Knapp                      Michael Pollard                 Andrew Sufian
Founder & CEO                  President                        Chief of Staff                  Vice President
Encaptiv                       Ferguson Library                 City of Stamford                Rubenstein Partners
Gloria DePina                  David Kooris                     Matt Quinones                   Ann Zucker
Member                         President                        President                       Partner
Board of Representatives       Stamford Downtown                Board of Representatives        Carmody Law

                     Jon Winkel CEO Susan Duarte Director of Finance Jessica Bacigalupi Program Director
         Staff       Cynthia Lyon Program Director Rebecca Oullette Program Fellow John Carlo Bookkeeper
2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives
2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives

 Public Private Partnership            Ecosystem Development                      Talent Development
SWIFI                                COVID-19 Response & Recovery            Leadership Fairfield County
 Free, high-speed public WIFI in      Responsive program development          The region’s premier leadership
 the heart of Stamford                to support critical needs and gaps      development program

Non-profit Incubator                 Stamford Innovation Week                The Stamford Promise
 Services and resources to host       New England’s largest and               Guaranteed scholarships for
 and accelerate small non-profits     fastest-growing innovation festival     academic performance.

COVID-19 Community Fund              Mobility Planning                       TechFWD
 COVID relief fund supporting food    Charting a course for Stamford’s        Digital training program to upskill
 and housing security                 future first and last mile solutions    and reskill our future workforce.

The DreamUp Campaign                 Data Science Working Group              The Data Leaders Network
 The Partnership’s programs that      Advocating for for transformative       Helping data and analytics
 drive economic mobility              investment in Data Science              professionals network and grow

Paradigm                             Regional Sector Partners                The Cyber Leaders Network
 Collaborative grant application      Organizing the region’s tech- and       Connecting regional cybersecurity
 program for economic recovery        data-dependent companies                talent, accelerating the industry
2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives
Dream Up
Reigniting economic mobility. Unlocking inclusive growth.

 The DreamUp campaign encompasses the projects, programs, and initiatives of the Stamford Partnership
 that mitigate or combat systemic biases—and the factors that perpetuate class- and race-based
 disadvantages and inequities.

 Employing a programmatic approach, the themes that govern our strategy are economic mobility,
 inclusive growth, equity, and inclusion. Within the DreamUp platform, we provide the resources,
 knowledge, and experiences needed to create bias-defying personal, professional, and business growth

 We chose the term “Dream Up” to encompass our efforts as it inspires many facets of our work:
 To DreamUp the ideas, concepts, and actions that help move people and communities forward
 To DreamUp and achieve a better life for you, your family, and future generations
 To DreamUp about the deep issues and inequities at the root of economic disadvantage

 The work is urgent. The need is great. The time is now.
2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives
Dream Up
Reigniting economic mobility. Unlocking inclusive growth.

SWIFI                                       TechFWD                                      Stamford Promise
SWIFI has always provided reliable, free,
                                            TechFWD will provide low- and no-cost        The Stamford Promise will provide merit-
high speed internet access. During
                                            tech skill training programs. The skills     based, guaranteed $5,000/year
COVID-19, the network became critical
                                            focus on the platforms and concepts          scholarships for Stamford’s public school
infrastructure, helping Stamford’s
                                            needed to start or grow a business. With     students. The Program will also provide
residents access online services and
                                            TechFWD training, individuals can enter      need-based scholarships above the
resources. The network was used
                                            or reenter the workforce with                base amount to ensure that no child with
62,457 times since April 1st 2020, with
                                            marketable, saleable skills valued at        the desire to attend college cannot
a monthly usage growth rate of ~20%.
                                            $30-$60/hour.                                because of means.

Nonprofit Incubator                         Paradigm                                     Mobility Planning
Through fiduciary and fiscal sponsorship    Paradigm hosts the PPP projects and          The Partnership operates a mobility
services, the Partnership has incubated     collaborations of the Stamford               program that is seeking significant state
16 organizations and hosted countless       Partnership. Most recently, Paradigm         and federal support for large-scale,
others. In the last 24 months, fiscal       partnered with UConn and The FEAT            transformative transportation projects
sponsorships programs and received          Collective to pursue a $750,000 EDA          in Stamford. The Partnership also
and distributed over $980,000 directly      grant. If awarded, the grant will fund the   proposed Shared Mobility Principles,
in Stamford.                                creation of a regional WMBE support          which was ultimately adopted by the
                                            hub, based in and focused on Stamford.       Board of Reps.
2021 OVERVIEW THE STAMFORD PARTNERSHIP - Stamford Board of Representatives
CASE STUDY                                  Special COVID-19 Related Projects
The Partnership’s Role in Covid-19
                                          Stamford Restaurant Bonds
                                          Restaurants got revenue when they needed it most
COVID-19 has changed many lives.          with our discounted gift certificate portal.
Stamford residents and businesses were
                                          COVID-19 Community Support Fund
no exception. To help these individuals
                                          The Partnership serves as the program’s fiscal
and companies fight through this
                                          sponsor—helping fund food security organizations
challenging period, the Stamford
                                          in a time of great need.
Partnership spearheaded initiatives
designed to help support and protect
                                          McKinsey Partnership
our most vulnerable citizens and
                                          The Partnership worked with McKinsey in a
businesses in our community.
                                          response and recovery planning series.
As a city-wide, agile organization the
Partnership was empowered to quickly      Stamford Hospital Collaboration
and efficiently develop new programs      The Partnership helped arrange a $50,000 gift from
and services.                             the Werth Family Foundation to Stamford Hospital—
                                          accelerating the use of life-saving convalescent
                                          blood plasma therapy.

 The Stamford Partnerships seeks out our greatest challenges and opportunities. Most often, the best solution is a
 project or campaign. But oftentimes, an entire coalition must be assembled, and more sustainable solutions
 developed. The Stamford Partnership has helped to form and incubate many of the region’s most notable and
 successful organizations, including;

 Community Development                                       Economic Development
 The East Side Partnership                                    The Stamford Chamber of Commerce
 Neighbor’s Link (now Building 1 Community)                   Stamford Downtown
 Stamford’s COVID-19 Community Support Fund                   Stamford’s Innovation District
 The Waterside Coalition

 Revitalization                                              Education & Governmental
 Reinventing Stamford                                         The Mill River Park Collaborative
 The South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone               Stamford Public Education Foundation
 The West Side Neighborhood Revitalization Zone               Stamford Census

                                                                                                TechFWD’s Python Crash Course

Description & Key Features                                                                               Comps | Key Insights
  The innovation campus model serves and global and super-regional destination for
  advanced research, research partnerships, undergraduate and graduate work in data                                             Virginia Tech Innovation Campus / Amazon HQ2
  science, talent development, and co-located R&D in partnership with major corporations                                        Ÿ Seed state investment of $250M
  and research grants.                                                                                                          Ÿ VT commits $250 to build $500M campus
  Ÿ Competitive with the largest data science initiatives in the United States                                                  Ÿ Used as primary incentive to woo Amazon HQ2
  Ÿ Economies of scale with economic outputs and benefits                                                                       Ÿ 300,000sqft academic and R&D facility
  Ÿ Larger scale projects more effectively solicit private sector attention and investment                                      Ÿ 250,000sqft partner space
  Ÿ Stamford already rated a top destination for foreign direct investment and company relocation                               Ÿ Total budget forecasted to be $1B by 2035
  Ÿ Produces computer and data science talent at highest rate, more quickly and completely                                      Ÿ Amazon commitment of ~25,000 jobs
     addressing concern of incumbent and prospective corporate citizens

  Location Snapshot                                                                                                             NYC / Cornell Technion / Mark Jacobs
  Ÿ There are excellent leasing options available in and around Stamford Train Station including                                Ÿ NYC launched initiative with $100M and land
    Silicon Harbor (former Pitney Bowes HQ), the WWE Building, the NatWest Building                                                 contribution
  Ÿ Redevelopment opportunities include The Stamford Train Station, Stamford Town Center,                                       Ÿ   8,000 forecasted academic and campus jobs
    Burlington Coat Factory, 14-acre Boatyard Site (The Peninsula)                                                              Ÿ   $23B economic benefit over first 30 years
  Ÿ Available parcels include numerous properties contiguous to the Stamford Train Station and                                  Ÿ   Co-located with NYC Google campus 2012-2017
    Stamford Hospital                                                                                                           Ÿ   Model was driven by a thorough RFI and RFP process
                                                                                                                                Ÿ   $133M Philanthropic commit from Irwin Mark Jacobs

  5-year impact and cost summary
                                                                                                                                Boston University / Rafik B. Hariri Institute
      Direct jobs             Total jobs                Project cost        Innovation C. Investment                            Ÿ $290M investment in new building development
      5-6K                   10-12K                     $550M                     $105M                                         Ÿ Funded with $1.85B Comp Science fundraising
                                                                                                                                Ÿ 354,000sqft facility
  5-year Budget Forecast ($M)                                                                                                   Ÿ Home to BU mathematics, statistics, and computer
                                                                                                                                    science programs, as well as the Rafik B. Hariri Institute
    Space      Scholarship    Setup & Ops     Faculty        Tech         Staff    Programming                                      for Computing and Computational Science &
   200              100         100            50            25          15            5       AdvanceCT EAP
                                                                                                                                    Engineering                                         12

                                         Cornell Tech focuses on creating pioneering leaders and
                                         technologies for the digital age, through research, technology
                                         commercialization, and graduate-level education at the professional
                                         master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral levels.

                                         Our premise is that the rapid pace of innovation in the digital age
                                         calls for new approaches to commercializing university technology,
                                         new levels of strategic collaboration between companies and
                                         universities, and new curricula for graduate education. We are
                                         creating new academic programs that blend technical depth,
                                         business knowhow, design skills and a “builder” mindset.

                                         KEY POINTs
                                         • NYC used desirable land and $100M in cash incentives to attract
                                           top institutions
                                         • The city used a structured process to attract Cornell Tech,
                                           culminating in a competitive RFP
                                         • Process was stage gated, with clear go/no-go decision points
                                           after each phase of attraction
Source: https://tech.cornell.edu/about   • Partnership with local universities was encouraged, as was
                                           community engagement
Academic Program               Incubator / Accelerator    Certification Institute     Talent Bridge
 ●   1,000 grads/year            ●    Post-doc comp and    ●   Google, Microsoft,      ●   Insurtech and
 ●   Global professor                 data sci                 IBM Partner                 Manufacturing,
     talent                      ●    Fintech              ●   5,000 Workforce             Hartford
 ●   Fellowship                  ●    Cybersecurity            Ready/year              ●   Biotech, New Haven
                                 ●    AI                   ●   Hyper-intensive, 30-    ●   CSCU Partnership to
                                 ●    Digital Media            90 day employer-            High-potential
                                                               partnered track with
                                                           ●   Code Academy
                                                           ●   Major Diversity

  Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Initiatives

  Corporate Colocation & Studio(s)

  Research & Commercialization Partnerships

  Community Events & Programming

 Scholarship                                                    Pathways
 The Institute is designed to ensure that anyone who wants      The institute will work with employers to establish internship
 to build a career in tech can do so, regardless of income,     and full-time hiring commitments, directly from the institute’s
 wealth, and other historically limiting factors. Need-based    programs. The matching program will rely heavily on need
 scholarships will be funded by a hybrid model of program       and demographics.
 funds and philanthropic support.

                                                                Hiring, Spending, & Contract Commits
 Entry Points                                                   Data Science jobs are secure, high-paying, and growing. They
 The Institute will be coupled with FastFWD, a program          are just the type of career opportunity that can end cycles of
 that provides entry-level tech training regardless of          poverty.
 income or skill level. The program, when completed,
 qualifies individuals to pursue a bachelors in computer
 science with partnered universities.                           Hiring Local
                                                                It takes a village to support a major data science center. DSI
                                                                will work with local media, organizations, and partners to
 Nontraditional Education                                       ensure the staff of the DSI reflects the community in which it
 The Institute will house a large-scale certification program   operates. ~25% of jobs created impact living wage and/or
 and code academy. With these alternative education             minority targets.
 programs more individuals of more diverse economic
 backgrounds will have access to education and jobs.
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