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TECHNICAL DIMENSION The TransContinuum Initiative: exploiting the full range of digital technologies for the prediction of weather and climate extremes The extremes prediction use case By PETER BAUER, MARC DURANTON and MICHAEL MALMS Dealing responsibly with extreme events requires not only a drastic change in the ways society addresses its energy and population crises. It also requires a new capability for using present and future information on the Earth system to reliably predict the occurrence and impact of such events. A breakthrough in Europe’s predictive capability can be made manifest through science and technology solutions delivering as yet unseen levels of predictive reliability with real value for society. The “TransContinuum Initiative”, initiated by ETP4HPC, ECSO, BDVA, 5GIA, EU MATHS IN, CLAIRE, AIOTI and HiPEAC, offers unprecedented opportunities to overcome the technological limitations currently hampering progress in this area. Beyond providing this use case with better technology solutions, the initiative offers a foundation for an Earth system – computational science collaboration that will eventually lead to science and technology being truly co-developed, and thus to sustainable benefit for one of today’s most relevant applications and for European technology providers. Key insights Key recommendations • The reliable prediction of weather • Future systems will require at least • Interoperable machine learning tool- and climate extremes represents an 100 times more computational power kits facilitating the portability of data extreme-scale computing and data for producing reliable predictions of processing in the cloud and workflow handling challenge. Earth-system extremes with short lead management options in the cloud for times. It will require implementing an orchestrating the rather complex data • The European and global Earth system Earth-system digital twin – a cyber- assimilation and Earth-system simulation science community has established a physical entanglement. A solution is a workloads should be developed solid network of technology solutions layered federation with fewer elements for its complex and time critical work- • Several domains need to be simultane- near the heavy workloads and more flows; however, they will not scale to ously promoted: elements at the observational data meet future requirements. • for software: interactive workflows, pre-processing front-end and the data mathematical methods and algorithms, • Climate change and the urgency for analytics post-processing back-end. high-productivity programming envi- societies to adapt to future extremes • The extensive use of edge computing ronments, performance models and require new technology solutions that needs low-cost yet high-performance optimization tools. provide breakthroughs for how we computing facilities and to overcome • for hardware: heterogeneous proces- observe and simulate the Earth system. the data-transfer bottlenecks between sor configurations through accele- • The cross-disciplinary “TransContinuum the computing and data intensive parts rators and data-flow engines, high- Initiative (TCI)” promises true co-design of the digital twin and downstream bandwidth memory, deep memory opportunities exploiting the entire applications hierarchies for I/O and storage, super- breadth of digital technologies for the fast interconnects and configurable benefit of skilful extremes prediction computing including the supporting capabilities in Europe. system software stack. 44
THE EXTREMES PREDICTION USE CASE The use case which is crucially important for decision- is the ultimate goal. The loop shown in the Natural hazards represent some of the making on tight schedules [4]. figure would be open as humans are continu- most important socio-economic chal- ally influencing nature, for example through lenges our society faces in the decades to Europe currently leads the world in CO2 emissions at global scale or irrigation in come. Natural hazards have caused over medium-range weather prediction and is agriculture at small scales. But natural vari- 1 million fatalities and over 3 trillion Euros also a major competence centre for global ability can also affect the system and needs of economic loss worldwide in the last climate prediction [5,6]. For decades, HPC to be replicated, for example extreme events twenty years, and this trend is accelerat- has been a key enabler for this track-record such as volcanic eruptions injecting large ing as a result of the drastic rise in demand and has led to weather and climate predic- amounts of ash into the atmosphere leading for resources and population growth. The tion becoming one of the leading use cases to a change in radiative forcing. combination of likelihood and impact for computing and data handling at large makes extremes and climate action failure scale. The apparent change in computing Beyond advancing present-day Earth- the leading threats for our society [1,2,3]. architectures has stimulated a wide range system simulation and observation capa- of programmes that aim to prepare the bilities, the digital twin would close the gap The “Earth system extremes” use case operational Earth-system monitoring and between Earth system science and socio- relies on very complex numerical Earth prediction infrastructures for future tech- economic sectors in which it might be system simulation models that ingest nologies [7]. These programmes increas- applied and facilitate a high level of flexible hundreds of millions of observations per ingly realize that it will take more than intervention by non-science/technology day to help improve the formulation of progress in HPC to fulfil future extremes experts. Hiding the complexity of the digi- the physical process representation as well prediction targets. This is where the need tal TransContinuum from the user is key as produce the initial conditions used for to exploit the opportunities offered by the to success for user-driven digital twins [9]. launching predictions of the future. This entire digital TransContinuum [8] comes logic applies equally to weather timescales into play, and where new ways of co-devel- As shown in Fig. 1, the TransContin- of days or weeks and climate timescales oping Earth system and computational uum embeds smart sensors and IoT within of decades. These systems are also run as science need to be found. smart networks supplying data to extreme- ensembles whereby each ensemble member scale computing and big data handling represents both initial condition and model Implementing an Earth-system digital platforms. These platforms exploit cloud uncertainty. The result is a prediction of twin – called the cyber-physical entangle- services across workflows giving access state, but also a prediction of uncertainty, ment in Fig. 1 – through these technologies to additional distributed computing and Figure 1: Main elements of digital continuum and relevance for extremes prediction use case including readiness of both application and technologies (green = established in production, but not optimal in performance; yellow = research, not in production mode; red = novel and unexplored). 45
TECHNICAL DIMENSION data analytics capabilities. Mathematical observations and perform on-the-fly data the desired quality of service for different methods and algorithms as well as artificial pre-processing. data flows. The extremes prediction use intelligence and machine learning provide case is particularly HPC- and big data- the glue between the elements of the Trans- However, observations from commod- driven and creates a significant footprint for Continuum. Cybersecurity acts as a shield ity devices deployed on e.g. phones, car the supporting communication networks. for the entire loop. Such a methodological sensors and specialized industrial devices Pre-processing in edge devices can already framework based on extremes prediction monitoring agriculture, renewable energy offload some of this burden as this use case also offers gains for other domains. sources and infrastructures also offer data requires near real-time data availability at that is currently inaccessible to operational the HPC facilities. The extensive use of edge Challenges along the TransContinuum services and that can fill vast observational computing needs low-cost yet high-perfor- Assessing the challenges for the gaps in less developed countries, offers mance computing facilities that will interact extremes prediction use case with respect much finer resolution in densely populated with end devices as well as with one another. to the TransContinuum requires a closer areas and in regions of significant socio- look at the production workflow in today’s economic interest [11]. Beyond techni- Given the decade-long evolution of systems and how they are likely to evolve cal challenges, a generic approach for fast interconnected data collection, transmis- in the future. access to commercial data for public use sion, pre-processing, centralized HPC via public-private partnerships is required, and post-processing, and dissemination Smart sensors and Internet of Things which is already on the agenda of inter- in weather prediction workflows there is At present, Earth-system observa- governmental organisations like the World little room for optimization of present-day tions that are used operationally already Meteorological Organization. This element systems. However, workloads, data volumes comprise hundreds of millions of observa- of the TransContinuum is only developing and data diversity grow much faster than tions collected daily to monitor the atmos- now and has huge potential. in the past and the demand for providing phere, oceans, cryosphere, biosphere and more skilful predictions is more urgent than the solid Earth, the largest data volumes Smart networks and services ever before. Therefore, network and service being provided close to a hundred satellite Collecting and transferring massive solutions need to orchestrate and dynami- instruments [10]. This volume is expected amounts of diverse data from devices scat- cally manage data routing and computing to increase by several orders of magni- tered in multiple areas via distributed pre- resources with much more flexibility and tude in the next decade, bringing with it a processing centres to centralized digital scalability. Whether both performance and need to ingest such observations in digital platforms and computing centres requires cost-effectiveness need dedicated solutions twin systems within hours. Smart sensor a suitable network infrastructure. Evolved or whether it can be achieved by a mixture technology is highly relevant for satellite networks and services should offer secure of commercial and institutional systems is instruments that can perform targeted and trustable solutions that will support an as yet unsolved question. Figure 2: a) The volume of worldwide climate and daily weather forecast data is expanding rapidly, creating challenges for both physical archiving and sharing, as well as for ease of access, particularly for non-experts. The figure shows the projected increase in global climate data holdings for climate models, remotely sensed data, and in situ instrumental/proxy data (from [12]). b) Daily data volumes produced by the 50-member ECMWF weather forecast ensemble at today’s spatial resolution of 18 km, the next upgrade to 9 km and the expected configuration in 2025. 46
THE EXTREMES PREDICTION USE CASE Big data and data analytics water, food, energy, health, finance and the decomposition of workflows such that The volume of Earth-system observa- civil protection. Machine learning-based the production chain can exploit the full tion and simulation data in weather predic- quality control and error correction, infor- processing and analysis potential of the tion already exceeds hundreds of TBytes/ mation extraction and data compression as TransContinuum. A likely solution is a day while climate projection programmes well as processing acceleration will be key. layered federation with fewer elements near produce PByte-sized archives, which take the heavy workloads and more elements at climate scientists years to analyse (see High-performance and cloud computing the observational data pre-processing front- Fig. 2) [12]. The extrapolation of data Today, experimental and operational end and the data analytics post-processing volumes and production rates to advanced Earth-system simulations use petascale back-end. This distribution also needs to Earth-system digital twins will prohibit the HPC infrastructures, and the expectation be driven by the urgency of product deliv- effective and timely information extraction is that future systems will require at least ery as, particularly for extremes prediction, that is critical for timely actions to antici- 100 times more computational power for processing speed trumps all other consid- pate and mitigate the effects of extremes. producing reliable predictions of Earth- erations. Both simulations and observations need to system extremes with lead times that be generated and combined in the Earth- are sufficient for society and industry to Adding flexibility without sacrificing system digital twin within minutes to hours respond [13]. This need translates into a performance through the TransContin- of time-critical workflows towards near- new software paradigm to gain full and uum is where most of the strategic recom- real-time decision-making. sustainable access to low-energy process- mendations for research and innovation ing capabilities, dense memory hierar- compiled by the European Technology Overcoming the data-transfer bottle- chies as well as post-processing and data Platform for HPC (ETP4HPC) [15], the Big necks between the computing and data dissemination pipelines that are optimally Data Value Association (BDVA) [16] and intensive parts of the digital twin and configured across centralized and cloud- High Performance Embedded Architec- downstream applications is crucial, and based facilities. European leadership in this ture and Compilation (HiPEAC) [17] are future workflow management needs to software domain offers a unique opportu- positioned. For software, these are interac- make such applications an integral part of nity to turn European investment in HPC tive workflows, mathematical methods and the observation and prediction infrastruc- digital technology into real value. algorithms, high-productivity program- ture. Powerful data analytics technology ming environments, performance models and methodologies offer the only option A big challenge is the definition of the and optimization tools. For hardware, to make the effective conversion from evolution of today’s strongly centralized heterogeneous processor configurations PBytes/day of raw data to Mbytes/day of workload and data lifecycle management through accelerators and dataflow engines, usable information. This conversion must towards a more distributed system – still high-bandwidth memory, deep memory be tailored to individual sectors needing to being data-centric to keep big data near hierarchies for I/O and storage, super-fast prepare and respond to extremes, namely extreme-scale computing – that allows interconnects and configurable computing Figure 3: Main components of extremes prediction workflow, their alignment with edge, high-performance and cloud computing elements of the TransContinuum, and key contributions of machine learning to workflow enhancements. 47
TECHNICAL DIMENSION including the supporting system software data analytics. Here, the biggest gaps are tions will not scale to meet future require- stack are part of the agenda [14]. interoperable machine learning toolkits ments. True near-sensor, edge processing facilitating the portability of data process- does not yet exist and IoT devices are not For the prediction of extremes, the main ing in the cloud and workflow management yet used; smart and configurable networks computing tasks are currently performed options in the cloud for orchestrating the as well as flexible HPC and cloud solutions on centralized, dedicated systems where rather complex data assimilation and Earth- are not available; and even for the extreme- the main data storage facilities also lie. system simulation workloads (see Fig. 3). scale computing and data handling tasks, The observational input data flow crosses the present algorithmic and programming all levels of edge, cloud and centralized Conclusions frameworks do not allow the exploitation of computing during which selected pre- Predicting environmental extremes the real potential of emerging technologies. processing steps are exercised, for example, clearly has an extreme-scale computing for satellite data collection and pre-process- and data footprint. It has reached a point Building on past European science ing at distributed receiving stations of the where only through significant investment and technology programmes such as the ground segment, their further dissemina- in all parts of the TransContinuum can Future and Emerging Technology for HPC tion and processing by space agencies and the future needs of our society for reliable (FET-HPC) [18] under Horizon 2020, the meteorological centres, and assimilation information on the present and future of recent implementation of the EuroHPC into models at prediction centres. Similar our planet be fulfilled. These investments Joint Undertaking, and the Copernicus data flow mechanisms exist for ground- must go hand in hand with investments in Programme, Europe has actually rec- based meteorological observation taken basic Earth system science, to better under- ognized the present gaps and needs for from networks, stations and (few) commer- stand key processes and their interaction, serious investments. This has motivated the cial providers. and for service provision ensuring that ambitious Destination Earth action [19]. In Earth system data is translated into useful support of the Green Deal and the European Increasingly however, the back-end of information for society. strategy for data [20], Destination Earth model output data processing interfacing promises to bring the Earth system science, with commercial service providers is being While the present digital infrastructures digital TransContinuum and service devel- placed into the cloud, which also offers support weather and climate prediction well opment strands together assigning the better access to machine learning-based enough, the chosen domain-specific solu- highest priority to extremes prediction and 48
THE EXTREMES PREDICTION USE CASE climate adaptation. The programme has adapted the concept of digital twins of the Earth system for this purpose as promoted by HiPEAC and ETP4HPC and its strong digital infrastructure contribution has huge potential for achieving European technol- ogy leadership by addressing one of the principal challenges for today’s society. References [1] UNISDR, “Economic losses, poverty & disasters, 1998- 2017”, (UNISDR, Geneva, 2018) [2] AON, “Weather, climate & catastrophe insight”, Annual report, (AON, Chicago, 2020) [3] WEF, “The global risks report 2020”, Insight report 15th edition, (World Economic Forum, Geneva, 2020) [4] P. Bauer, A. Thorpe, and G. Brunet (2015). The quiet revolution of numerical weather prediction. Nature, 525(7567), 47-55. [5] R. A. Kerr (2012). One Sandy forecast a bigger winner than others. Science, 736-737. [6] P. Voosen (2019). New climate models predict a warming surge. Science, 16. [7] P. Neumann, J. Biercamp, (2019, September). ESiWACE: On European Infrastructure Efforts for Weather and Climate Modeling at Exascale. In 2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience) (pp. 498-501). IEEE. [8] “TransContinuum Initiative (TCI): our vision”, https:// [9] P. Bauer, B. Stevens, & W. Hazeleger (2020). A digital twin of Earth for the green transition. Nature Climate Change, submitted. [10] W. Balogh, and K. Toshiyuki. “The World Meteorological Organization and Space-Based Observations for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services.” In Space Capacity Building in the XXI Century, pp. 223-232. Springer, Cham, 2020. [11] J. M. Talavera, L. E. Tobón, J. A. Gómez, M. A. Culman, J. M. Aranda, D. T. Parra, ... & L. E. Garreta, (2017). Review of IoT applications in agro-industrial and environmental fields. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 142, 283-297. [12] J. T. Overpeck, G. A. Meehl, S. Bony & D. R. Easterling (2011). Climate data challenges in the 21st century. Science, 331(6018), 700-702. This document is part of the HiPEAC [13] T. C. Schulthess, P. Bauer, N. Wedi, O. Fuhrer, T. Hoefler & C. Schär (2018). Reflecting on the goal Peter Bauer is the Deputy Director Vision available at and baseline for exascale computing: a roadmap based V.1, January 2021. on weather and climate simulations. Computing in of the Research Department at the European Centre for Medium-Range Cite as: P. Bauer, M. Duranton, and M. Malms. Science & Engineering, 21(1), 30-41. The extremes prediction use case. [14] P. Bauer, P. D. Dueben, T. Hoefler, T. Quintino, Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK. T. Schulthess & N. P. Wedi (2020), The digital In M. Duranton et al., editors, HiPEAC Vision revolution of Earth-system science. Nature 2021, pages 44-49, Jan 2021. Computational Science, submitted. The HiPEAC project has received funding from [15] ETP4HPC, Marc Duranton is researcher at the the European Union’s Horizon 2020 ETP4HPC_SRA4_2020_web(1).pdf Research and Technology Department research and innovation programme under [16] BDVA, of CEA (Alternative energies and Atomic grant agreement number 871174. [17] HiPEAC, [18] “European HPC technology research projects”, https:// Energy Commission), France and the © HiPEAC 2021 coordinator of the HiPEAC Vision 2021. hpc-technology-research-projects [19] “Destination Earth (DestinE)”, digital-single-market/en/destination-earth-destine [20] “A European Strategy for Data”, Michael Malms is the SRA lead editor digital-single-market/en/european-strategy-data within the office team of ETP4HPC and main initiator and coordinator of the TransContinuum Initiative. 49
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