Modelling of strong motion generation areas for a great earthquake in central seismic gap region of Himalayas using the modified semi-empirical ...
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J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2019) 128:100 c Indian Academy of Sciences Modelling of strong motion generation areas for a great earthquake in central seismic gap region of Himalayas using the modified semi-empirical approach Sandeep1 , A Joshi2 , S K Sah1 , Parveen Kumar3 , *, Sohan Lal2 and Kamal2 1 Department of Geophysics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. 2 Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India. 3 Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun, India. *Corresponding author. e-mail: MS received 1 February 2018; revised 15 September 2018; accepted 19 September 2018; published online 2 April 2019 Over the past decades, strong motion generation areas (SMGAs) have received significant attention in the modelling of high-frequency records. Herein, we propose the source model for a scenario earthquake (Mw 8.5) in the central seismic gap region of Himalayas. On the rupture plane, three SMGAs have been identified. Further, SMGA parameters are evaluated using available empirical relations. The spatiotemporal distribution of aftershocks is utilised to locate these SMGAs on the rupture plane. Further, the modified semi-empirical technique (MSET) is used to simulate the strong motion records. It has been observed that the study area can expect peak ground acceleration of >100 cm/s2 and its distribution is mainly affected by the location of nucleation point in the rupture plane. Furthermore, the estimated peak ground acceleration (PGA) values are comparable with the earlier studies in the region. This confirms the robustness of generated rupture model with three SMGAs and the reliability of MSET to simulate high-frequency records. Keywords. Central seismic gap; semi-empirical; SMGA; 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake. 1. Introduction Fifty million years ago, the collision between the the great 1905 Kangra earthquake and 1934 Bihar Eurasian and Indian plates resulted into the rise earthquake mainshocks (figure 1). They suggested of Himalayas. Over the past two centuries, four that the CSG can be a possible zone for two future earthquakes of magnitude above 8 have occurred great earthquakes (Mw ≥ 8). Meanwhile, Bilham in the Himalayan belt and no great earthquake et al. (2001) also predicted a future earthquake had occurred since 1950 (Bilham 1995; Khattri (Mw ≥ 8) based on the strain accumulation study. 1999). However, the major portion of the converg- Recently, Srivastava et al. (2015) demonstrated ing plate boundary remains unruptured. Therefore, two different seismic gaps in the Himalayan region Khattri and Tyagi (1983) and Khattri (1987) have by systematically studying the data from differ- described three seismic gaps along the Himalayan ent sources. In seismic gap category 1, earthquake belt based on the seismicity pattern of the region. of magnitude ≥8 has occurred and could reoc- The central seismic gap (CSG) is the longest one cur. In seismic gap category 2, earthquakes with that stretches between the epicentral locations of magnitude
100 Page 2 of 12 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2019) 128:100 1905 Kangra Study Area Earthquake Ce ntr al Se ism ic G 1916 ap Earthquake M CT MB T 1934 Bihar Nepal Earthquake Figure 1. Stretch between the great 1905 Kangra earthquake and the 1934 Bihar earthquake shows the identified CSG (Khattri 1987). Dotted rectangle shows the study area; solid rectangle represents the possible location of the rupture plane for Mw 8.5 magnitude earthquake in CSG (Yu et al. 1995). Seismicity shown in figure is for the time periods of 1505–2011 (map modified after Kayal 2014; Srivastava et al. 2015). as shown in figure 1. The major portion of the In this context, the semi-empirical technique Himalayas in the Uttarakhand region lies in cat- (Midorikawa 1993) has been developed as a power- egory 1 seismic gap and prone to an earthquake ful tool that effectively simulates the strong motion of magnitude >8.0 (figure 1). This region com- records. In this technique, aftershock records have prises many large hydroelectric power plants and been successfully replaced with the envelope func- hence requires detailed examination of the seis- tion of time records. Therefore, this paper demon- mic hazard. For this purpose, the estimation of strates the application of modified semi-empirical earthquake engineering parameters such as peak technique (MSET) to model SMGAs in the rupture ground motion values using simulated records is plane of great earthquake in the CSG region. desirable. Using the specific source patch models, strong motion records can be successfully mod- elled. These patches with high slip rate along with 2. Geology and seismotectonics the rupture plane are termed as strong motion generation areas (SMGAs) (Miyake et al. 2003). The Kumaon and Garhwal regions of Himalayas Many research groups such as Miyake et al. (1999, are the two most putative sites of future dev- 2001, 2003), Kamae and Kawabe (2004), Miya- astating earthquakes. The high seismicity and hara and Sasatani (2004), Suzuki and Iwata (2007), active thrust system demonstrated that the Main Takiguchi et al. (2011), Kurahashi and Irikura Boundary Thrust (MBT) and Main Central Thrust (2011) and Asano and Iwata (2012) have suc- (MCT) are the most significant tectonic features of cessfully simulated strong motion records using the above regions. High-grade metamorphic crys- empirical Green’s function technique and rupture talline rocks occurred in the north of MCT while model incorporating SMGAs. However, the above the brittle fracture characterised MBT (figure 2). approach is quite reliable but the requirement of However, several research groups have contradicted aftershock records is a primary obstacle. the above view on seismotectonics of Himalayas.
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2019) 128:100 Page 3 of 12 100 PURO BARK BHAT UTTA GHAN RUDR TEHR SRIN KARN KOSA 1916 Indo Nepal Earthquake Figure 2. Geological and seismicity map of the Kumaon and Garhwal Himalaya along with 10 recording stations (red triangle). Three rectangles are the rupture planes (Joshi 2004; Wells and Coppersmith 1994) of the 1916 Indo Nepal (Mw 7.0), 1991 Uttarkashi (Mw 6.8) and 1999 Chamoli (Mw 6.5) earthquakes in this region. Black dots represent the epicentre of the earthquakes of Mw > 4. MCT, Main Central Thrust; MBT, Main Boundary Thrust; HFT, Himalayan Frontal Thrust (map modified after Chopra et al. 2012). For instance, Ni and Barazangi (1984) proposed standard (BIS) has subdivided India into four that the MCT is less active than the MBT and sug- seismic zones – II, III, IV and V. Seismic zones II gested other adjacent thrusts in the Himalayan arc. and V are the lowest and highest earthquake prone On the other hand, Seeber et al. (1981) postulated areas, respectively. The Uttarakhand state falls in that seismicity is mostly concentrated between the between the seismic zones IV and V, and hence, MBT and MCT and the earthquakes of interme- it is referred as high earthquake prone area. More- diate magnitude are usually occurred on a steeply over, Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program dipping basement thrust of MCT. According to the (GSHAP) data revealed that the state of Uttarak- IMD catalogue (2012), 11 earthquakes of magni- hand falls in a region of high to very-high seismic tude between 6 and 7 were reported in the western hazard. However, Joshi and Mohan (2010) reported part of CSG. This comprises 1916 Indo Nepal the assessment of seismic hazards for moderate (Mw 7.0), the 1991 Uttarkashi (Mw 6.8) and the earthquakes in Himalayas using the deterministic 1999 Chamoli (Mw 6.5) earthquakes. The rupture approach. Bhatia et al. (1999) identified two source planes of aforementioned earthquakes have been zones of M7.5 earthquakes in Himalayas. Further- shown in figure 2. more, Nath et al. (2008) postulated that the ground On the basis of intensity sustained from past motion of a scenario earthquake (Mw 8.5) has 10% earthquakes, the IS:1893 (2002) Bureau of Indian exceedance probability for the next 50 yrs. Over
100 Page 4 of 12 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2019) 128:100 the past decades, this region has also witnessed the rupture length and width, respectively. The enormous seismicity (figure 2). correction function F (t) is represented as follows: F (t) = δ(t) + [(N − 1)/TR (1 − exp(−1))] 3. Methodology × exp(−t/TR ), (3) In this paper, the MSET pioneered by Midorikawa where δ (t) denotes the delta function, N represents (1993) has been used to simulate strong motion the total number of subfaults along the rupture records (Sandeep et al. 2014b). Over the past length or width and TR is the rise time of the target decades, many researchers have successfully used earthquake. the above-mentioned technique in simulating strong However, this technique demands appropriate motions (e.g., Joshi and Patel 1997; Kumar et al. windowing of the corrected simulated records. In 1997; Joshi et al. 1999, 2001, 2012a, b, 2014, this regard, Kameda and Sugito (1978) suggested 2015; Joshi 2001, 2004; Joshi and Midorikawa the functional form of acceleration envelope eij (t), 2004; Sandeep et al. 2014a, b, 2015, Sandeep et al. which was further modified by Joshi (2004). The 2017a, b, c). In the MSET technique, the rupture multiplication of corrected simulated acceleration plane of the target earthquake is subdivided into recorded with envelope function eij (t) generates the equal area grids and called as subfaults. The divi- final acceleration record acij (t) as follows: sion is governed by self-similarity laws, suggested by Aki (1967) and later modified by Kanamori acij (t) = eij (t) · Aij (t) (4) and Anderson (1975). After several years, Boore (1983) described the acceleration spectra A(f, R) and the envelope function eij (t) is described as as follows: follows: A (f, R) = CS (f ) D (f ) F (f, R) , (1) eij (t) = Tss (t/Td ) · exp (1 − t/Td ) , (5) where Td and Tss represent the duration parameter where C is a constant scaling factor, S(f ) and and transmission coefficient, respectively. D(f ) are the source acceleration spectrum (Brune The summation of all acceleration records acij (t) 1970) and attenuation of high frequencies, respec- released from different subfaults in different time tively, and F (f, R) represents the attenuation periods tij delivers the final simulated acceleration factor (Boore 1983). records Ac(t) for target earthquake and is given as The present technique entails the multiplication follows: of theoretical filters proposed by Boore (1983) N N with band limited spectrum and finite duration white Gaussian noise. The above-mentioned out- Ac(t) = acij (t − tij ). (6) i=1 j=1 come obtains the acceleration spectra for each subfault, which correspond to acceleration records in the time domain. Due to the difference between In recent years, Sandeep et al. (2014a) modified the slip duration of the target and small earthquake the above technique and successfully used to sim- (subfaults), these acceleration records need to be ulate the strong motion for the 1991 Uttarkashi corrected and thus combining the earlier simulated earthquake in the western part of CSG. In this records aij (t) with correction function F (t). paper, the same approach has been exploited to The corrected acceleration records Aij (t) are gen- simulate strong motion results for the scenario erated by combining the earlier simulated records earthquake of magnitude 8.5 in the CSG region. aij (t) with the correction function F (t) (Irikura and Kamae 1994; Irikura et al. 1997) as follows: 4. Data In this work, the dataset from three different Aij (t) = F (t) × aij (t), (2) research papers was used to locate the position of responsible rupture plane and SMGAs within it. where Aij (t) is the corrected acceleration record The 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake prompted Kayal and i and j show the subfault position along et al. (1995) to install a temporary microearthquake
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2019) 128:100 Page 5 of 12 100 Table 1. Details of three different data sets used in the present study. Total Depth recorded range Network Time period events Magnitude (km) Source Temporary microearthquake 2 November to 124 2.5–6.8 ≤26 Kayal et al. (1995) seismograph network 4 December 1991 (33 days) USGS seismograph network 1973–2014 50 2.2–5.5 ≤30 USGS Strong motion station network 2006–2014 110 2.5–5.4 ≤31 Kumar et al. (2015a, b) seismicity project MoES, GoI. 31.5 Legend USGS Ut t Kayal a ra Major Events E.Sc. Events kh Shimla an 31 d 1991 Uttarkashi 24 0k m 30.5 1999 Latitute (0N) Chamoli MC T 30 km MB 80 29.5 T 29 Nepal 28.5 77 78 79 80 81 Longitude (0E) Figure 3. Estimated source model with three SMGAs for the probable great earthquake (Mw 8.5) in CSG. Solid and hollow circles are the events located by Kayal et al. (1995) and Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, in this region. Solid and hollow stars show the events from USGS and three major events in the region. Dimension of the total rupture area is taken after Yu et al. (1995). (Map after Mukhopadhyay et al. 2011.) MCT, Main Central Thrust; MBT, Main Boundary Thrust; MFT, Main Frontal Thrust. network in the region. A total of 124 after- the period 1973–2014 and were also incorporated shocks were recorded at this microearthquake in the present study ( A network and were used for the present study brief description and spatial distribution of these (Kayal et al. 1995). events are represented in table 1 and figure 3, Under a seismicity project funded by the respectively. Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, a network of 14 stations in the highly moun- tainous terrain of the Kumaon Himalaya was 5. Rupture model for scenario earthquake installed. These work stations are maintained by in CSG the Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Insti- tute of Technology Roorkee. A total of 110 events Yu et al. (1995) proposed a rupture plane of were recorded on this network during 2006–2014 dimensions 240 km × 80 km for a scenario earth- and were included in this work. In addition, USGS quake having a magnitude 8.5 in the CSG region recorded 50 events in the same region during and was used in the present study. However, other
100 Page 6 of 12 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2019) 128:100 Table 2. Source parameters of SMGAs identified in the present study. SMGAs N Strike Dip Length (km) Width (km) M0 dyne cm References Kanamori and Yu et al. (1995) (suggested Wells and Coppersmith CMT Harvard; Anderson (1975) for great earthquake) (1994) USGS SMGA1 5 317◦ 6◦ 48 36 0.8 × 1026 ◦ SMGA2 4 317 6◦ 44 32 7.77 × 1025 ◦ SMGA3 4 317 6◦ 45 32 8.25 × 1025 N : number of subfaults. Table 3. Velocity model (Yu et al. 1995) of the region. different empirical relations. Wyss (1979) postu- Thickness Vs Density lated the magnitude–rupture area relation that (km) (km/s) (kg/m3 ) successfully predicted the earthquake of magnitude 8.43 for the above suggested rupture dimensions. 0.4 2.00 1800 The current and past seismicity of the Himalaya 1.0 2.86 2400 region demonstrated that the rupture plane is 15.0 2.97 2600 placed in the north of MBT. Therefore, we utilised 30.0 3.43 2900 a northeast dipping fault at a depth of 18 km with strike of 317◦ and dip of 14◦ for this scenario earth- quake (Yu et al. 1995). Considering the surface research groups including Araya and Kiureghian offsets along a fault and background seismicity of (1988) and Wells and Coppersmith (1994) esti- the region, the high slip rate area on the fault plane mated 260 km × 80 km rupture dimensions using can be determined (Irikura and Miyake 2011). In (a) (b) (c) BARK BHAT BARK BHAT BARK BHAT 300 PGA=252 1000 PGA=630 300 PGA=266 1000 PGA=520 300 PGA=112 300 PGA=178 150 500 150 500 150 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 Acceleration (cm/s2) -150 -500 -150 -500 -150 -150 -300 -1000 -300 -1000 -300 -300 GHAN KARN GHAN KARN GHAN KARN 500 PGA=400 300 PGA=197 500 PGA=402 300 PGA=212 500 PGA=240 300 PGA=332 250 150 250 150 250 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 -250 -150 -250 -150 -250 -150 -500 -300 -500 -300 -500 -300 KOSA PURO KOSA PURO KOSA PURO 300 500 300 500 1000 300 PGA=101 PGA=439 PGA=109 PGA=430 PGA=350 PGA=102 150 250 150 250 500 150 Acceleration (cm/s2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -150 -250 -150 -250 -500 -150 -300 -500 -300 -500 -1000 -300 RUDR SRIN RUDR SRIN RUDR SRIN 300 300 300 300 300 300 150 PGA=210 PGA=230 PGA=203 PGA=219 PGA=310 PGA=300 150 150 150 150 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 -150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -300 -300 -300 -300 -300 -300 TEHR UTTA TEHR UTTA TEHR UTTA 500 1000 PGA=855 500 1000 PGA=840 300 300 PGA=197 PGA=516 PGA=535 PGA=233 250 500 250 500 150 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 -250 -500 -250 -500 -150 -150 -500 -1000 -500 -1000 -300 -300 0 35 70 0 35 70 0 35 70 0 35 70 0 35 70 0 35 70 Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Figure 4. Simulated acceleration records for the probable great earthquake (Mw 8.5) at BARK, GHAN, KOSA, RUDR, TEHR, BHAT, KARN, PURO, SRIN and UTTA stations assuming the epicentre of the probable great earthquake as the location of nucleation point of: (a) SMGA1, (b) SMGA2 and (c) SMGA3.
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2019) 128:100 Page 7 of 12 100 the present study, three SMGAs were identified 1000 Legend Mainshock in SMGA1 based on three different clusters of 284 earthquake Mainshock in SMGA2 Mainshock in SMGA3 events in the Himalaya region (figure 3). Each cluster serves as different source of energy and Peak Ground Acceleration (cm/s2) 750 possible location of SMGAs in the rupture plane. These are modelled as SMGAs and termed as SMGA1, SMGA2 and SMGA3. During a future great earthquake, the actual location of SMGAs 500 may alter, which directly influences the acceler- ation results. However, dense GPS network may provide better slip rates and absolute locations of SMGAs. On the basis of self-similarity relations 250 (Kanamori and Anderson 1975), the rupture plane of SMGA1, SMGA2 and SMGA3 was partitioned into 5 × 5, 4 × 4 and 4 × 4 grids, respectively, as BARK GHAN KOSA RUDR TEHR BHAT KARN PURO SRIN UTTA NDL CHD HDW shown in figure 3 and table 2. Event of Mw 5.4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 was used as a subfault for rupture division of Site Number SMGA1 and SMGA2, whereas Mw 5.2 was utilised for SMGA3. The selection of the events was care- Figure 5. Variation of simulated PGA at every site for three fully done as these have similar faulting mechanism different possible locations of mainshock. and focal depth as that of the target earthquake. 1500 The seismicity of the study area described that Legend Present Study the epicentres of Uttarkashi and Chamoli earth- Sharma and Bungum (2006); r=0.893 Chopra et al. (2012); r=0.705 quakes are situated in SMGA1 and SMGA2, respec- 1250 Sharma et al. (2013); r=0.789 Peak Ground Acceleration (cm/s2) tively. On the basis of this study, these events (i.e., rupture planes and seismic moments) are consid- 1000 ered as SMGA1 and SMGA2. On the other hand, SMGA3 is located in the Kumaon region along the boundary of India and Nepal. Therefore, the 1980 750 Nepal earthquake (Mw 6.5) in the eastern Kumaon region is considered as SMGA3. The USGS and 500 Global Centroid–Moment–Tensor (CMT) provided the fault plane mechanism for 1991 Uttarkashi (φ = 296◦ , δ = 5◦ and λ = 90◦ ), 1999 Chamoli 250 (φ = 282◦ , δ = 9◦ and λ = 95◦ ) and 1980 BARK GHAN RUDR TEHR BHAT KARN PURO SRIN UTTA Nepal China earthquake (φ = 290◦ , δ = 21◦ and 0 λ = 91◦ ), which have been used for SMGAs. The 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 high dip (21◦ ) for the 1980 Nepal earthquake than Site Number the Uttarkashi (∼5◦ ) and Chamoli (∼9◦ ) earth- quakes suggests that the Main Himalayan Thrust Figure 6. Comparison of simulated PGA values in the present study with other studies in the region. ‘r’ represents (MHT) is much steeper in the Kumaon region than the correlation coefficient values between simulated PGA in the Garhwal region. In addition, Kumar et al. and other three studies in the region. (2015b) reported two different attenuation rela- tions 96f1.06 and 65f1.07 for Garhwal and Kumaon was situated at a depth of 18 km in the fourth layer regions, respectively, which have been considered of this velocity model. for the strong motion study in this work. These two aforementioned factors, i.e., steeper dip of fault plane and different attenuation characteristics of 6. Results and discussion the Kumaon region explain the different distribu- tion pattern of predicted PGA values in the case In the present work, the entire study area of SMGA3. (extending between latitude 76−83◦ E and longi- Yu et al. (1995) derived a velocity model for this tude 28–32◦ N) was divided into 0.5◦ × 0.5◦ square region as described in table 3. The rupture plane grids. MSET was used to simulate the horizontal
100 Page 8 of 12 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2019) 128:100 Table 4. PGA values at different locations for three different locations of mainshock in rupture plane. PGA (gal) PGA (gal) PGA (gal) mainshock mainshock mainshock Station location in location in location in Geology of the region Station code SMGA1 SMGA2 SMGA3 (Sharma et al. 2013) Barkot BARK 252 266 112 Quartzite and phyllites Ghansali GHAN 400 402 240 Quartzite and phyllites Kosani KOSA 101 109 350 Quartzite, schist and granite Rudra Prayag RUDR 210 203 310 Quartzite, schist and granite Tehri TEHR 516 535 273 Quartzitic phyllite and schistose phyllite Bhatwari BHAT 630 520 178 Quartzites, schists and gneisses Karan Prayag KARN 197 212 332 Quartzitic phyllites and massive quartzites Purola PURO 439 430 102 Quartzite and phyllites Sri Nagar SRIN 230 219 300 Quartzite Uttarkashi UTTA 855 840 197 Quartzite and phyllites New Delhi NDL 100 80 220 Alluvium Chandigarh CHD 300 220 100 Alluvium Haridwar HDW 600 500 250 Alluvium 32 Himachal Pardesh 1000 gal 950 900 Shimla 850 31 Utt 800 a ra kh 750 an Chandigarh d 700 650 Latitude (0N) 600 Haridwar 550 30 500 Ne 450 pa 400 l 350 Haryana 300 29 250 200 New Delhi Bareilley 150 100 Uttar Pradesh 50 28 0 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 0 Longitude ( E) Figure 7. Isoacceleration map of the region assuming the location of the probable earthquake in SMGA1 close to the mainshock of the 1991 earthquake in the Uttarkashi region. component of strong motion records at every corner of the probable earthquake was considered as the of the grid. Figure 4 shows the simulated records at nucleation point of SMGA1, SMGA2 and SMGA3 10 real recording sites. In the source model, SMGAs (the extreme northeast of every SMGA). The led to the peculiar shapes at different stations variation of simulated PGA at every site for three (SRIN, TEHR and UTTA). As a consequence, different locations of mainshock is described in three different cases correspond to three different figure 5 and table 4. possible locations of nucleation point of the proba- Moreover, the simulated PGA values are com- ble earthquake (8.5) were assumed. The epicentre pared with earlier studies for the same region using
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2019) 128:100 Page 9 of 12 100 32 Himachal Pardesh 1000 gal 950 900 Shimla 850 31 Utt 800 ara kh 750 an Chandigarh d 700 650 Latitude (0N) 600 Haridwar 30 550 500 Ne 450 pa 400 l 350 Haryana 300 29 250 200 New Delhi Bareilley 150 100 Uttar Pradesh 50 28 0 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 0 Longitude ( E) Figure 8. Isoacceleration map of the region assuming the location of the probable earthquake in SMGA2 close to the mainshock of the 1999 earthquake in the Chamoli region. 32 Himachal Pardesh 1000 gal 950 900 Shimla 850 31 Utt 800 a ra kh 750 an 700 Chandigarh d 650 Latitude (0N) 600 Haridwar 550 30 500 450 Ne pa 400 l 350 Haryana 300 29 250 200 New Delhi 150 Bareilley 100 Uttar Pradesh 50 28 0 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 0 Longitude ( E) Figure 9. Isoacceleration map of the region assuming the location of the probable earthquake in SMGA3. the correlation coefficient (r) as shown in figure 6. CSG region has been estimated. An attempt is (Chopra et al. 2012; Sharma et al. 2013; Sharma made to evaluate the PGA distribution in the and Bungum 2006). Isoacceleration maps for all region using MSET. It is observed that PGA val- the three possible locations of mainshock have been ues are comparable for the assumed epicentre of developed using simulated records at every corner probable earthquake in SMGA1 and SMGA2. The of the grid (figures 7–9). highest PGA is estimated at Uttarkashi station, whereas the lowest is obtained at Kosani. How- ever, Kosani would experience the highest PGA 7. Conclusions and future scope for mainshock location in SMGA3, whereas Purola site would observe the lowest. Haridwar, Chandi- In conclusion, a source model with three SMGAs garh and New Delhi would observe PGA values for a future probable earthquake (Mw 8.5) in the of 600, 300 and 100 gal, respectively, for the
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