NASA Commercial Space Lecture Series - Bringing the Civil, Commercial and Defense Community Together to Solve Space Sustainability - FINAL

Page created by Andrew Frazier
NASA Commercial Space Lecture Series - Bringing the Civil, Commercial and Defense Community Together to Solve Space Sustainability - FINAL
NASA Commercial Space Lecture Series

Bringing the Civil, Commercial and Defense
Community Together to Solve Space

3 November, 2021

                                        Named to Fast Company’s Annual List of the
                                        World’s Most Innovative Companies 2021, ranked
                                        5th in the space category.
NASA Commercial Space Lecture Series - Bringing the Civil, Commercial and Defense Community Together to Solve Space Sustainability - FINAL
Who We Are

Charlie McGillis                 Holly Highfill
VP, Business Development         Director, Customer Engagement &   Strategy
NASA Commercial Space Lecture Series - Bringing the Civil, Commercial and Defense Community Together to Solve Space Sustainability - FINAL
What We Do

  “   Our Mission is to elevate our customers’
      abilities to monitor, simulate, and
      optimize their space systems with our
      dynamic virtual environments and
      decision intelligence technology.

      Our Vision is to accelerate space
      sustainability to create a safer, more
      connected world.
NASA Commercial Space Lecture Series - Bringing the Civil, Commercial and Defense Community Together to Solve Space Sustainability - FINAL
Industry Overview
NASA Commercial Space Lecture Series - Bringing the Civil, Commercial and Defense Community Together to Solve Space Sustainability - FINAL
The Commercialization of the Space Domain

•    100,000 satellites scheduled for
     launch over the next 10 years
•    300+ launches scheduled for 2022
•    Global space economy forecast to
     grow from $350B to $1T by 2040
•    $8.9B invested in the commercial
     space sector in 2020, up $3B from
•    800 Owner-Operators from 80+
     around the world
NASA Commercial Space Lecture Series - Bringing the Civil, Commercial and Defense Community Together to Solve Space Sustainability - FINAL
The Militarization of the Space Domain
NASA Commercial Space Lecture Series - Bringing the Civil, Commercial and Defense Community Together to Solve Space Sustainability - FINAL
Space Sustainability

Maintaining a sustainable space environment

     Establishing       Training the
      Norms of           NewSpace
      Behavior           Workforce
NASA Commercial Space Lecture Series - Bringing the Civil, Commercial and Defense Community Together to Solve Space Sustainability - FINAL
Setting Norms of
The Need for Norms of Behavior

                 300%             130M            30X
               Increase in        Pieces of      Growth in
                launches           debris         number
             compared to 2021                   of satellites

        RPO                                500K
     Innovative         More security     Conjunction    Viewing windows
    technologies       raising behavior      alerts       for research are
      increase                by           everyday         decreasing
   unpredictability   non-cooperatives
Standard Setting Processes Today
A Different Strategy: Collaborative Tool-Based Standard

     Identify the      Understand         Create more     Implement those
   right users and   their processes       standards        standards into
   get them in the     and identify         through        tools that solve
     same room            where          collaboration,     user problems
                       community       communication,         and easily
                     wide standards     and consensus       integrate into
                      are already in                       their workflow
Slingshot Beacon

                   Ingest > Analyze > Filter
                    > Prioritize > Connect >
                     Collaborate > Resolve
Training the NewSpace
The Need for Training

                       11%                    17%
                   Growth in the       Growth in STEM
                  Space Economy         occupations

             12%               46 yr                3%
          Decrease in        Average age of     of Engineering
        interest in STEM       the space         Degrees are
                               workforce        Astrodynamics
Slingshot Laboratory: Closing the Astro Gap

                           IMMERSIVE         ANYWHERE           REAL-TIME
                                                                                  EASY TO USE
                          EXPERIENCE          ACCESS             COLLAB
                          Learning on       Leveraging        Real-time           Laboratory’s
                          your terms from   AWS, Laboratory   sharing and         simple UI allows
                          2.5D to mixed     is web            collaborating       beginners and
                          reality,          accessible on     allows for easier   advanced users
                          communicating     any device,       and faster          to quickly start
                          key concepts      giving you the    problem solving     harnessing the
   Teach Space by         quickly and
                                            flexibility to
                                            learn from
                                                              and deeper
                                                                                  real physics
    Doing Space.
The Role of Government in the New Space Era

                                               Government Funding in New Space as of June 2021

              Source: NSR Report
Thank you!
Charlie McGillis                       Holly Highfill
Vice President, Business Development   Director, Customer Engagement &         Strategy
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