Narrative for Health Care Organizations in Ontario - Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

Page created by Cody Walsh
Narrative for Health Care Organizations in Ontario - Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

Narrative for Health Care
Organizations in Ontario
February 23, 2023
2   NARRATIVE QIP 2023/24                            Org ID 54400 | Chartwell Wynfield LTC Residence

                            Chartwell Wynfield is home to 172 residents in Oshawa Ontario.
                            We strive to be the best place to work and live. In order to do this,
                            we are committed to improving the quality of life and overall
                            experience by providing care and service that align with our mission
                            and corporate Values of RESPECT. Our Mission is to provide a
                            happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life experience for seniors.

                            The Home’s Continuous Quality Improvement Committee, led by
                            the Home’s Administrator, includes representatives from all
                            disciplines, as well as a resident and a family member, as well as the
                            Home’s Medical Director, Dietitian, and other community partners.
                            This committee meets quarterly, and will bring forward any
                            concerns from other committees, including Residents and Family
                            Councils. This Committee currently meets in a hybrid model, some
                            members live and some virtually. This allows everyone to
                            participate in reviewing quality indicators and initiatives, and allows
                            members to share their ideas, input and feedback. This Committee
                            determines priorities for the year, including quality improvement
                            activities for indicators, Resident and Employee Satisfaction, and
                            does so by participating in annual program evaluations. The
                            Committee communicates with the Home via postings on a Quality
                            Improvement Board, as well as during town hall and department
                            meetings, and Residents and Family Councils.

                            The Home provides long term care services to residents with a
                            variety of complex medical and nursing needs. As an early adopter
                            for the BSO program with dedicated funding, we will continue our
                            work in spread and sustainability both within the home and the
                            community as part of our agreement. In addition, Chartwell’s
                            IMAGINE program, has led to additional education for team
3     NARRATIVE QIP 2023/24                                                                       Org ID 54400 | Chartwell Wynfield LTC Residence

members, continuing to increase resident engagement in life at the          REFLECTIONS SINCE YOUR LAST QIP SUBMISSION
Home. Chartwell Wynfield LTC Residence is dedicated to the
                                                                            Since submission of the last QIP, the Home has continued to
provision of excellent care and services for its residents, utilizing the
                                                                            experienced challenges based on the COVID-19 pandemic. Now
Home's staff, volunteers and community resources. During the
                                                                            that the pandemic is ultimately transitioning to more endemic in
pandemic, the Home had to become experts in Infection Prevention
                                                                            nature in Ontario and Canada, the Home had been able to refocus
and Control, and as part of the Home’s 2022-2023 plan, has
                                                                            on the quality initiatives in the Home. Part of this including
demonstrated significant improvements in this area during 2022-
                                                                            expanding membership of our Continuous Quality Improvement
2023. Additionally, as seen in progress report, Falls Prevention
                                                                            Committee to include a resident and family member, and all
program has shown great improvement in 2022-2023 based on
                                                                            internal and external partners. Action plans from Resident and Staff
work done by the Home. As per the Home’s dedication to quality
                                                                            Satisfaction surveys rendered action plans to assist in overall quality
improvement, the Home continues to maintain 3 year accreditation
                                                                            improvement at the Home. The Home implemented requirements
status with CARF, Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation
                                                                            for new Fixing Long Term Care Act and found successful solutions
                                                                            for ongoing human resource challenges. As evident by the
                                                                            indicators, the Home did see improvement in two areas of focus in
The Home prides itself on being accessible for residents, families,
                                                                            the plan from 2022-2023. Exceeding the goal set for Falls
and team members, ultimately creating a safe environment for
                                                                            Prevention was a major success for the team and residents.
                                                                            Although the Home did not meet the goal set for worsened
                                                                            pressure ulcers, we acknowledge there was improvement noted
Our Values incorporate
                                                                            from initiation of our plan, and with focus on this area in 2023-
                                                                            2024, we are confident that the Home will realign quality indicators
Respect - We honor and celebrate seniors
                                                                            with provincial and Chartwell averages.
Empathy – We believe compassion is contagious
Service Excellence – We Believe in providing excellence in customer         PATIENT/CLIENT/RESIDENT ENGAGEMENT AND
service                                                                     PARTNERING
Performance – We believe in delivering and rewarding results
Education – We believe in lifelong learning                                 The Home works with it’s Residents and Family Councils each year
Commitment – We value commitment to the Chartwell Family                    to review a satisfaction survey to be provided to everyone for
Trust –     We believe in keeping our promises and doing the right          feedback. Both Councils review the proposed survey for any
thing.                                                                      additions or changes. Our Survey was available for completion in a
                                                                            paper copy, or online from June 6-24, 2022. Team members were
                                                                            available to assist residents to complete their survey as requested.
                                                                            Clarification provided only as needed. Once results are received
4    NARRATIVE QIP 2023/24                                                                Org ID 54400 | Chartwell Wynfield LTC Residence

back, they are reviewed by both Councils. Overall satisfaction for   2022. Both Councils were very pleased with the plan and focus on
residents was 31%, a slight decline from 35% the previous year.      improvement for residents in the Home. This process will continue
Our Residents Council reviewed on November 23, 2022, Family          into 2023, providing the Home with valuable feedback to continue
Council reviewed results and action plans January 18, 2023 (based    to focus on resident and family satisfaction.
on their meeting schedule) and was reviewed by the Continuous
Quality Improvement Committee on December 8, 2023.                   PROVIDER EXPERIENCE
Additionally, the Quality Improvement lead (Administrator) of the    The Home is as dedicated to employee satisfaction as it is Resident
Home held focus groups with residents to gain further feedback,      and Family Satisfaction. This is demonstrated by completing annual
which were completed on November 6 and 8, 2022. This feedback        satisfaction survey, solicitation of feedback and input into action
was used to complete action plans for 2023 year. The Home also       plans, and execution of the plans. The employee satisfaction survey
met and communicated results with the team on October 25, also       was completed from June 6th-June 24th, 2022. Results were
gaining team input for their satisfaction survey action plans.       received and communicated October 26, 2023, and feedback into
                                                                     development of an action plan solicited. The Home did implement
The Home and residents celebrated some successes from the            some of the action items from previous year’s survey including
previous year’s survey, despite seeing an overall decline in         improving daily provision of information at team up meetings.
satisfaction. The team saw an increase in team members providing     Additionally, schedule for reception team was adjusted to have
care in both nursing and recreation teams. This improved             more coverage time to address inquiries from visitors. Staffing
timeliness of care provision for the residents and feedback was      compliment was increased, and new job routines created for new
positive during focus groups. The recreation team also re-           roles, to assist with provision of excellent care for our residents.
implemented outings and completed a specific request for a           Also, job shadowing was encouraged to increase knowledge of
breakfast outing which was enjoyed by many. Additionally, the        other roles, and improve teamwork. Chartwell corporate team has
Home highlighted resident choice meals, themed meals, special        initiated Lifespeak, a resource with many videos, education and
meals (BBQs, Corn Roasts) and also reeducated cooks regarding        support resources available to all team members. Team members
recipe provision, all to help improve satisfaction of food at the    also have onsite support from the Home’s Social Service Worker
Home. The Home also implemented a continental style breakfast        and external supports through an Employee and Family Assistance
for those residents who prefer to rise later in the morning,         Program. The Home provides appreciation events throughout the
therefore missing the seated breakfast meal.                         year including themed events with games and prizes, or special
                                                                     meals, and snacks. To support retention efforts the home actively
The Home’s Quality Improvement plan has also been shared with        participated in administering pandemic premiums for PSW staff
both Councils for input and feedback. The Residents Council          through government initiatives which are now permanent in
reviewed on July 20, 2022 and the Family Council on September 18,    nature, and retention funding was provided for the RNs/RPNs in the
5     NARRATIVE QIP 2023/24                                                                    Org ID 54400 | Chartwell Wynfield LTC Residence

Home. The Home has focused on human resources, implementing              completes practice exercises to grow confidence in responding to
a corporate recruitment strategy, providing a referral bonus to          Code White incidents. The Home ensures mandatory reporting of
current team members. The Home maintains contracts with agency           critical incidents based on the current regulations.
partners, utilizing their services where required. However, we
focus on student learning and mentoring, and encourage student           The Joint Health and Safety Committee, a group made up of both
applicants. The Home has participated in Supervised Practice             leadership and front-line team members, complete a risk
Experience Partnership with College of Nurses of Ontario, assisting      assessment annually, reviewing and sharing any feedback with the
internally trained nurses reach their goal to nurse in Canada.           Home’s leadership team to address. Individual concerns brought
                                                                         forward following requirements of the Occupational Health and
WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION                                            Safety Act. Supports for our team members include onsite access
The Home reviews the Workplace Violence Prevention policy                to the Home’s Social Service Worker, Employee and Family
annually, posting a signed copy in the Home. Additionally, posters       Assistance Programs, WSIB for any workplace injuries and
reminding all visitors, team and residents that this is a respectful     Chartwell’s corporate Health and Safety team.
environment are spread throughout the Home. These note that
disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated. Upon hire, each team      PATIENT SAFETY
member receives education on Workplace Violence Prevention               The Home uses various methods to monitor and analyze patient
policy, and all team members review annually thereafter. In 2022,        safety. One of which is our internal reporting process. Any incident
the home hosted sessions on diversity, dangers of biases,                is documented in our internal documentation system, Point Click
inclusiveness, and respectful workplace from the Home’s                  Care, and shared through report to alert members of the team. If
Administrator and Human Resource Managers. The Home also                 required, these incidences would be reported through Mandatory
educates team members on Whistleblower protection and policy,            Reporting or Critical Incident reporting system. These Critical
which prevents any retaliation to someone bringing forward a             incidents are tracked and analyzed by the Home. Critical incidents
complaint. Any breaches of this policy are addressed.                    are reviewed at the Professional Advisory Committee, as well as
                                                                         with the newly revitalized Continuous Quality Improvement
Team members receive education on Responsive                             Committee. This team also reviews annual Program Evaluations
behaviours/personal expressions, Dementia, Mental Health, and            which often include discussions regarding critical incident
many have attended the IMAGINE program. This program focuses             occurrences and trends. The Home also tracks, reviews, and
on supporting residents to live their lives to their full potential by   analyzes complaints received. This is helpful to identify if a concern
examining staff approach, expressions having meaning, and how to         is repeating or focused on one neighbourhood in the Home. The
engage residents into meaningful activity. Team members received         Continuous Quality Improvement Committee and Leadership
education on Code White, and how to respond. The Home also               Committee review these at every meeting, to track trends, and
6     NARRATIVE QIP 2023/24                                                                    Org ID 54400 | Chartwell Wynfield LTC Residence

discuss plans for improvement.                                            5%.

In addition to tracking and analyzing data from critical incidents and    HEALTH EQUITY
complaints, the home reviews other indicators regarding resident          Chartwell Wynfield LTC is dedicated to an inclusive environment for
safety including; medication errors, resident falls, and infection        all residents, families, visitors and team members. The Home has
rates. All of these are reviewed at monthly Leadership meetings, as       focused on diversity and inclusion training in 2022 for its team
well as at Continuous Quality Improvement Committee meetings.             members and has focused on celebrating cultural events as well. In
Discussions and feedback are always incorporated back into the            2022, the team hosted a Caribbean festival celebration for residents
improvement plan for the Home. Annual program evaluations for             and team members, as well as Chinese New Year, Diwali, Truth and
each program, are also completed and reviewed by the Continuous           Reconciliation Day, and many other cultural celebrations. The
Quality Improvement Committee.                                            Continuous Quality Improvement Committee and Leadership
As a result of these evaluations and reviews of trends as previously      Committees, review Strategic Panning annually, and part of this
discussed the Home develops action plans which may result in              plan is completing a Cultural Competency and Diversity Plan. Using
education for team members, revisions of resident care plans,             data collected for residents; Point Click Care assessments, our
communication to team through memos, and team up meetings or              Recreation Assessments, All-About-Me posters, conversations with
huddles. For instance, Infection Prevention and Control was a             residents and care conferences, the Home revises and updates its
major focus for our Home in 2022, and while working to improve            plan accordingly. Additionally, Chartwell corporate team has
this program, additional education for families was also provided, to     started to include gathering of more focused demographic data on
ensure they understood proper hand hygiene and donning and                annual staff surveys, to assist in focusing on creating a more
doffing for isolation purposes.                                           inclusive organization.

The Home shows dedication to resident safety by conducting an             Through gathering of this data, the Home can connect with
annual Medication Safety Self-Assessment, guiding the home’s              community organizations for supportive programming for residents.
focus with regards to safe medication management. Additionally,            This may include finding a companion or friend that a resident can
the Home is making improvements including implementing                    speak to in their preferred language. The Home maintains a list of
Medication Safety Technology. The Home now has an Automatic               team members who speak languages other than English, who can
Drug Cabinet, which dispenses medications safely and securely.            support residents and families as a result. The Home supports
The Home uses Falls Prevention funding to provide individualized          resident programs centred on cultural diversity and inclusion. The
falls and injury prevention interventions to its residents. The efforts   Home has hosted PRIDE week for several years now, highlighting
made in the Falls prevention program at the Wynfield LTC in 2022,         that the Home is accepting of all people; race, gender and culture.
have demonstrated a significant improvement, decreasing falls by          At a corporate level, Chartwell has formed a Diversity and Inclusion
7    NARRATIVE QIP 2023/24                                                                Org ID 54400 | Chartwell Wynfield LTC Residence

Committee, with resources available to all of our Homes, the
Wynfield LTC included.                                         SIGN-OFF
                                                               It is recommended that the following individuals review and sign-off on your
CONTACT INFORMATION/DESIGNATED LEAD                            organization’s Quality Improvement Plan (where applicable):
Debbie McCance                                                 I have reviewed and approved our organization’s Quality Improvement Plan on
Administrator/Quality Lead                                     February 23, 2023
Chartwell Wynfield LTC Residence
451 Woodmount Drive
Oshawa, ON L1G 8E3
                                                                   Christine Maragh-DRO, Board Chair / Licensee or delegate
Phone: (905) 571-0065 Ext. 502

                                                                   Debbie McCance-Administrator, Administrator /Executive Director

                                                                   Debbie McCance-Quality Program Lead, Quality Committee Chair or

                                                                   Barb Murphy-Director Quality Chartwell, Other leadership as
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