My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association

Page created by Rhonda Santos
My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association
#yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                  AN INITIATIVE BY
                                                                                                            PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION

                                   My Neighbourhood,
                                   My Home!
                                   Singapore is a multi-racial society that celebrates the diversity and
                                   vibrancy of different cultures, ethnicities and religions. What better
                                   way to discover the gastronomical cuisines, heritage and architectural
                                   landmarks and recreational activities than to start with a leisurely
                                   stroll around your neighbourhood. An initiative of the People’s
                                   Association, “Your Neighbourly Welcome Guide” contains colourful
                                   anecdotes and well-kept secrets from residents and volunteers. These
                                   unique stories of places, activities and experiences are happening
                                   right in your neighbourhood.

                                   Discover Jalan Besar GRC and Potong Pasir SMC, and other
                                   neighbourhoods through the e-guides here:

                                                                                                                            No part of this
                                                                                                                            without the wr
                                                                                                                            Association. A

                                                                                                                            Photo Disclaim
                                                                                                                            Several photog
                                                                                                                            during the pre-

                                                                                                                            Copyright © 20
                                                                                                                            All information
                                                                                                                            (April 2022).
2   #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                            #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                            3
My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association
#yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                  AN INITIATIVE BY
                                                                                                                                                                                   PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION

                                                                                                          My Neighbourhood,
                                       Singapore Together is about the Government working with
                                       Singaporeans, and Singaporeans working with one another, to
                                                                                                          My Home!
                                       build our future Singapore. The Government will open up more
                                       partnership opportunities for Singaporeans to participate. The     Singapore is a multi-racial society that celebrates the diversity and
                                       Government also hopes to support more citizen-led efforts.         vibrancy of different cultures, ethnicities and religions. What better
                                       Whatever our background or interests, we can each step             way to discover the gastronomical cuisines, heritage and architectural
                                       forward to contribute in areas that we care about. By working      landmarks and recreational activities than to start with a leisurely
                                       together, we can turn diversity into strength and transform
                                       challenges into opportunities, to build a Singapore that present
                                                                                                          stroll around your neighbourhood. An initiative of the People’s
                                       and future generations of Singaporeans will be proud of.           Association, “Your Neighbourly Welcome Guide” contains colourful
                                                                                                          anecdotes and well-kept secrets from residents and volunteers. These
                                                                                                          unique stories of places, activities and experiences are happening
                                                                                                          right in your neighbourhood.

                                                                                                          Discover Jalan Besar GRC and Potong Pasir SMC, and other
                                                                                                          neighbourhoods through the e-guides here:

    No part of this guidebook may be reproduced
    without the written permission of People’s
    Association. All rights reserved.                                   SPECIAL THANKS

    Photo Disclaimer:                                                   The Woodleigh Residences
    Several photographs in this book were taken
    during the pre-COVID-19 period.

    Copyright © 2021 by People’s Association.
    All information is correct at time of publication
    (April 2022).
4                         #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                                                             #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                            5
My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association
Welcome to Our
                                                                                                 Connect With
P07      Food Hunt                           P15      Discover Sights                  P23
                                                                                                 Your Community
•   One of the most well known hawker       •    A 55-metre-long colourful             •   Get together at the symbolic
    centres in Singapore                         boatshaped bridge                         Jalan Besar stadium

•   Michelin Bib Gourmand hawker stalls     •    The symbolic Whampoa dragon           •   Celebrate the festivities at the annual
                                                                                           Chinatown street light-up
•   A treasure since the 1970s and more!    •    Iconic architectures and more!

                                                                                                 Be A Part Of
P09      Tracing Our Roots                   P19      Fun In The Sun                   P25
                                                                                                 The Community
•   Discover the distinctly colourful façade •   An urban park on reclaimed land       •   Provide daily meals for seniors and
    of Indian Heritage Centre                                                              lower-income families
                                             •   A hidden nature gem built around
•   Learn about the heritage and culture         a reservoir                           •   Collect and sort preloved
    of Kreta Ayer                                                                          Baju Raya for residents
                                             •   Singapore’s longest river and more!
•   Immerse in Malay cultural experiences                                              •   Join a series of health talks for the
    and more!                                                                              seniors and more!

                                                                                                                                     Temple St
My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association

    FOOD                                  FESTIVALS &                          THE OLD &
    PARADISE                              CULTURES                             THE NEW
    Ask almost anyone, and they
    will tell you eating is one of
    our favourite things to do!
                                          As a vibrant cityscape with many
                                          cultures, Singapore has many
                                          festivals and events for everyone
                                                                               Old shophouses amidst shiny new
                                                                               skyscrapers. In Singapore, one
                                                                               way we keep our history alive is
    Our multicultural identity has        to join. People from all different   through active conservation. A                                                           Jalan Besar GRC &
    opened us to the wide variety         racial and cultural backgrounds      lot of the old houses, shophouses
    of cuisines and culinary trends.      can enjoy exciting festivals like    and places of significance have                                                          Potong Pasir SMC
    A definite treat for your taste       the Chingay festival, Thaipusam,     been preserved to remind us of
    buds, experience the richness of      Deepavali, Hari Raya Puasa and       our roots. Some of these places                                                          Welcome to our neighbourhood!
    our different spices, coconut and     Mid-Autumn festival.                 are where early immigrants lived                                                         You can enjoy both traditional
    pandan as you chew into our                                                or worked. While exploring our                                                           dishes and modern take on local
    flavourful local delights which you                                        neighbourhoods, you will find                                                            cuisine reinvented by the many
    can find around the corner.                                                charming old-school places woven                                                         cafes near the two rivers, the
                                                                               into our cosmopolitan lifestyle and                                                      Rochor River and the Kallang
                                                                               given new lives as eateries, shops,                                                      River, and find places that are rich
                                                                               or other indulgences.                                                                    in history in Jalan Besar. As you
                                                                                                                                                                        roam the distinctive streetscape
                                                                                                                                                                        of Jalan Besar, keep a look out
                       Experience a slice of Singapore right in your neighbourhood!                                                                                     for the Jalan Besar Heritage trail
                                                                                                                                                                        that highlights various interesting
                       Discover an eclectic mix of food, heritage, shopping, culture                                                                                    architecture and activities you can
                       and more right at your doorstep and mingle with people in your                                                                                   take part in!
                       neighbourhood through fun-filled workshops and events.                                        Whampoa HDB block
3                                             #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                               #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                          4 4
My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association
A VIBRANT                                                                                           AWAY FROM
    STREETSCAPE                                                                                         THE CITY
      Jalan Besar GRC                                                                                     Potong Pasir SMC

    Made up of Kampong Glam,                                                                            Potong Pasir, meaning “cut sand”
    Kolam Ayer, Kreta Ayer –                                                                            in Malay, is often overlooked. The
    Kim Seng and Whampoa, the                                                                           area used to be a sand quarry
    Jalan Besar neighbourhood is                                                                        surrounded by kampung in the
    home to beautifully conserved                                                                       early days. Today, it is known
    shophouses and places of                                                                            as a quaint Singaporean town
    worship that tell the tales of                                                                      — that isn’t home to a shopping
    various clans, from the Bugis and                                                                   mall. Instead, you can find local
    Boyanese to the Peranakans and                                                                      convenience stores and eateries
    Chinese clans.                                                                                      that are cherished by residents
                                                                                                        that enjoy the rare idyllic pace the
                                                                                                        neighbourhood has to offer.

                                 JALAN BESAR GRC

                                                                       JALAN BESAR GRC
                                                                       POTONG PASIR SMC
5                                       #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide     #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                          6
My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association
FOOD HUNT                                                                                                                            KEEP OUR
                                                                                                                                                                   TABLES CLEAN
                           From savoury dishes to sweet snacks or desserts, a plethora of
                           food options awaits the adventurous foodie. Explore a variety of
                           local eats right in your neighbourhood today!                                                                                                                      In Singapore, it’s mandatory
                                                                                                                                                                                              for us to return our trays after
                                                                                                                                                                                              our meal to the designated
                                                                                                                                                                                              tray return zones in hawker
                                                                                                                                                                                              centres to keep our tables
                                                                                                                                                                                              clean for the next patron.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Let’s keep our hawker
                                                                                                                                                                                              centres clean together!

    MAXWELL                               AMOY STREET                         BENDEMEER                            GOLDEN MILE                        SIMS VISTA MARKET                     WHAMPOA DRIVE
    FOOD CENTRE                           FOOD CENTRE                         MARKET &                             FOOD CENTRE                        & FOOD CENTRE                         MAKAN PLACE
      1 Kadayanallur Street                 7 Maxwell Road                    FOOD CENTRE                            505 Beach Road                     49 Sims Place                         Whampoa Drive
                                                                                29 Bendemeer Road
    This food centre is popular among     Located in the heart of the                                              Golden Mile Food Centre has        Sims Vista Market & Food centre       Whampoa Drive Makan Place is
    the locals and tourists alike. It’s   Central Business District (CBD)     Don’t be surprised by the long       been around since the 1970s.       is a popular hawker centre            a popular wet market and food
    famed for its delicious local food    area, this hawker is packed with    queues at this food centre. Locals   Split between two levels, the      packed with local delicacies such     centre that serves up a wide
    from the famous chicken rice          patrons during lunch time. Filled   enjoy having a heartwarming          food centre is located on the      as Fried Beehoon, Nasi Lemak,         variety of delicious local delights.
    to fish soup to Rojak, and even       with Michelin Bib Gourmand food     meal of Laksa, beef noodles, fried   lower level and it’s known for     Soon Kueh and Ban Mian. A             Come and savour some of the
    traditional snacks like oyster cake   centre stalls, you can sample       carrot cake and curry rice before    affordable food options and a      notable dish here is a green chili    favourite dishes such as fried
    and Peranakan Kuehs.                  a mixture of new and familiar       they begin their day!                good range of halal food stalls.   chicken rice that is reminiscent of   Hokkien Prawn Noodles, dried
                                          hawker fare such as fried Kway                                                                              Ayam Penyet.                          Ban Mian and Lor Mee!
                                          Teow, ramen and more.

7                                             #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                                                #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                             8
My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association
TRACING                                                                                  INDIAN HERITAGE

                                                                                               5 Campbell Lane

                                                                                             This heritage centre showcases
                                                                                             the culture, heritage and
                                                                                             history of Singaporean Indians.
                                                                                             Look out for the distinctly
    Our neighbourhoods are rich with heritage and history. Take a walk
                                                                                             colourful facade inspired by the
    down the streets and you will find historical places and conserved                       traditional Indian stepwell.
    architecture, each with a story to tell.

                                                                                             WAR MEMORIAL
                                                                                               Bounded by Nicoll Highway,
                                                                                             Stamford Road, Beach Road
                                                                                             and Bras Basah Road

                                                                                             The war memorial was officially
                                                                                             unveiled in 1967 in remembrance
                                                                                             of the civilians who perished in
                                                                                             World War II. The four columns
                                                                                             represent the races of Singapore
                                                                                             bonded tightly at the base to
                                                                                             signify unity.

                                                                                             KRETA AYER
                                                                                             HERITAGE GALLERY
                                                                                               28A Kreta Ayer Road

                                                                                             Learn about the heritage and
                                                                                             culture of Kreta Ayer through a
                                                                                             showcase of photographs and
                                                                                             objects and discover how the
                                                                                             area has evolved from the old
                                                                                             days till today.

                         LET’S BE
                                             When visiting various heritage sites, refrain
                                             from making too much noise out of respect.
                                             Together, let’s create a pleasant experience
                                             of our cultural heritage!

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My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association
KRETA AYER                                                         MASJID ALKAFF
     PEOPLE’S THEATRE                                                   UPPER SERANGOON
       30A Kreta Ayer Road                                                66 Pheng Geck Avenue

     The theatre was built in 1969 as                                   The mosque was built by a
     a permanent stage for cultural                                     well-known and affluent Arab
     shows. Today, Kreta Ayer People’s                                  Family, the Alkaffs, for the local
     Theatre continues to stage art                                     Muslim community at large.
     and cultural shows with a strong                                   The mosque is most distinctly
     emphasis on Chinese opera.                                         recognised for the design of its
                                                                        minaret which adopts a pencil-
                                                                        like shape, influenced by Ottoman
                                                                        Islamic architecture.
       495 Havelock Road                                                SRI SIVA
     The temple boasts over 100                                         DURGA TEMPLE
     years of history and is dedicated                                    8 Potong Pasir Avenue 2
     to the Jade Emperor. The temple
     was established in 1887 by Mr.                                     The history of Sri Siva Durga
     Cheang Hong Lim, a prominent                                       Temple can be traced back
     merchant and philanthropist.                                       to 1906. In the late 1980s, a
                                                                        number of sculptors, architects
                                                                        and skilled workers constructed
                                                                        this temple that now becomes
     MASJID HAJJAH                                                      the main fixture at Potong Pasir.
     RAHIMABI                                                           The temple also holds major
                                                                        events yearly.
       76 Kim Keat Road

     The mosque was built in 1984.                                      MALAY HERITAGE
     Kebun Limau, or lime garden                                        CENTRE
     in Malay, refers to the old
     name of the area populated                                           85 Sultan Gate
     with lime trees in the 1800s.
     The mosque is also named                                           Opened in June 2005, the Malay
     after the philanthropist Hajjah                                    Heritage Centre (MHC) acts
     Rahima Bee Ahmad Angullia.                                         as a vital heritage institution
                                                                        for the Malay community in
                                                                        Singapore. Situated in Kampong
                                                                        Glam precinct, visitors can
                                                                        look forward to exploring the
                                                                        wonderful cultural experiences
                                                                        at the centre such as the
                                                                        exhibitions and programmes.

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My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association
                                                                        MEMORIAL HALL
                                                                          12 Tai Gin Road

                                                                        The Sun Yat Sen Nanyang
                                                                        Memorial Hall is a must-see
                                                                        attraction for Chinese history
                                                                        buffs. Gain insights into his
                                                                        relationship with prominent
                                                                        community leaders and his
                                                                        personal life through old photos
                                                                        and personal items at the five
                                                                        galleries in the museum.

                                                                        SRI SRINIVASA
                                                                        PERUMAL TEMPLE
                                                                          397 Serangoon Road

                                                                        Constructed in 1855, the Sri
                                                                        Srinivasa Perumal Temple is
                                                                        one of Singapore’s oldest Hindu
                                                                        temples. It was gazetted as a
                                                                        national monument in 1978.
                                                                        You can admire the five-tiered
                                                                        gopuram at the entrance, which is
                                                                        adorned with various avatars of
                                                                        Vishnu, flora and abstract motifs.

                                                                        KWAN IM THONG
                                                                        HOOD CHO TEMPLE
                                                                          178 Waterloo Street
       Woodleigh Park                                                   Built in 1884, Kwan Im Thong
                                                                        Hood Cho Temple is a popular
     Almost invisible from the main                                     temple for devotees who worship
     road, these black and white                                        Guan Yin, the Chinese goddess of
     residential houses exude a quiet,                                  mercy. The temple is a hallmark
     serene charm.                                                      of traditional Chinese temple
                                                                        courtyard architecture and
                                                                        craftsmanship that were popular
                                                                        in the late 19th century.

13                                       #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                        #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide   14
My Neighbourhood, My Home! - People's Association
DISCOVER                                                                                  MARINA BARRAGE

                                                                                                 8 Marina Gardens Drive

                                                                                               Marina Barrage is Singapore’s
                                                                                               most urbanised water
                                                                                               catchment at Marina Barrage.
                                                                                               Besides being a reservoir, its
                                                                                               recognisable sloping green
                    If you enjoy soaking in the sun and feeling the cool breeze against your   roof makes it a great place for
                    skin, come discover these sights and take scenic walks while basking in    kite flying and picnics.
                    the beauty of your neighbourhood.

                                                                                               ALKAFF BRIDGE
                                                                                                 1 Havelock Road

                                                                                               Spot this 55-metre-long colourful
                                                                                               boatshaped bridge along
                                                                                               Robertson Quay. Painted by
                                                                                               late Filipino artist Pacita Abad,
                                                                                               and restored in 2019, this bridge
                                                                                               is a symbol of the Singapore-
                                                                                               Philippines ties.

                                                                                               KOLAM AYER
                                                                                               ABC WATERFRONT
                                                                                                 64 Kallang Bahru

                                                                                               This 200-metre stretch along
                                                                                               Kallang River underwent a
                                                                                               makeover in 2008 and became
                                                                                               a waterfront leisure spot for
                                                                                               residents of Kolam Ayer, featuring
                                                                                               floating look-out decks and
                                                                                               interactive water features to get
                                                                                               closer to the waters.

                                                CLEAN &
                                           While going on walks, let’s ensure we keep
           N       NE                      our surroundings clean to preserve the
                                           beauty of our outdoor spaces! Remember


                                           to discard your litter properly!


          SW   S

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                                                                           LAKE FOR
                                                                           BIDADARI ESTATE

                                                                           The new Alkaff Lake is a
                                                                           great place to take a respite
                                                                           from the bustling city. Located
                                                                           in a new Bidadari Park, the
                                                                           park will integrate with an          *Artist Impression by The Woodleigh Residences
                                                                           existing Memorial Garden as a
                                                                           commemoration of the heritage of
                                                                           Bidadari Cemetery.

                                                                           POTONG PASIR
                                                                           PUBLIC HOUSING
                                                                             Potong Pasir Avenue 3

                                                                           Spot the iconic slanted roofs on
                                                                           public housing blocks in Potong
                                                                           Pasir. Look out for the words
                                                                           ‘Welcome to Potong Pasir’ sign at
                                                                           the top of block 142!

                                                                           WHAMPOA DRAGON
                                                                           FOUNTAIN STATUE
                                                                             85 Whampoa Drive

     KAMPONG GLAM                                                          A 4-metre-tall slender Chinese
       Kampong Glam                                                        dragon stands in front of Block 85
                                                                           Whampoa Drive. The dragon
     Once an ethnic enclave for the                                        with meticulously hand-pasted
     Muslim community, Kampong                                             porcelain scales has been a
     Glam has been gazetted as a                                           symbolic landmark ever since the
     conservation area. Explore the                                        town was built in the 1970s.
     district for its heritage businesses
     in food, perfumery, and others.

17                                          #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                         #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                    18
FUN SUN                             IN THE                                                      THE PROMONTORY
                                                                                                     @ MARINA BAY
                                                                                                       11 Marina Boulevard

                                                                                                     The park created on reclaimed
                                                                                                     land has unblocked views of
     If you prefer to be out and about, working out in green spaces or just                          the beautiful Singapore skyline
                                                                                                     and is a common venue used for
     taking leisurely walks, add these outdoor neighbourhood spaces to                               recreational activities and events.
     your list for your next day out in the sun.

                                                                                                     PEARL’S HILL
                                                                                                     CITY PARK
                                                                                                       Along Chin Swee Road,
                                                                                                     Pearl’s Hill Road

                                                                                                     A hidden nature gem built
                                                                                                     around a reservoir on top of a
                                                                                                     hill, the park is a great place to
                                                                                                     take a breather from the hustle
                                                                                                     and bustle of city life. Visitors can
                                                                                                     look forward to seeing tembusu
                                                                                                     trees and beautiful lotus plants
                                                                                                     by the pond.

                                                                                                     KALLANG RIVER
                                                                                                       Kallang River

                                                                                                     Starting at Lower Peirce Reservoir
                                                                                                     and ending at Kallang Basin, the
                                                                                                     10km Kallang River is Singapore’s
                                                                                                     longest river. WIth meandering
                                                                                                     streams and green landscape, it
                                                                                                     makes for a leisurely cycling trip.

                                                                                                     ABC WATERWAY @
                                     FOOTPATH                                                        KALLANG RIVER
                                                                                                     (POTONG PASIR)

                                            COURTESY                                                   Between Potong Pasir Avenue
                                                                                                     1 and St Andrew’s Junior School

                                                                                                     The waterway along Kallang
                                                                                                     River has been revitalised with
                                                                                                     natural landscaping and look-
                                                                    Remember that we share a         out decks. Enjoy a leisurely cycle
                                                                    common footpath. If you are      along the water in either direction
                                                                    a cyclist, please give way to    towards Singapore Sports Hub or
                                                                    pedestrians and ring your bell   Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park.
                                                                    politely in advance to alert
                                                                    them if needed.

19                                   #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                                            #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide   20
A LEISURELY STROLL                                                                                        Follow this route to discover some interesting outdoor
                                                                                                               places in our neighbourhood!

                                                                                                                                                                         Look out for the
                                                                                                                                                                         Park Connector
                                                                                                                                                                         Network (PCN)!
                                                                                                                                                                       This path continues into other
                                                                                                                                                                       neighbourhoods through an island-
                                                                                                                                                                       wide greenery network known as the
                                                                                                                                                                       Park Connector Network. Look out for
     ESPLANADE                          YOUTH                              HELIX BRIDGE                        MARINA BAY                                              the PCN signages and maps as you
                                                                                                                                                                       navigate your way along the roads,
     OUTDOOR THEATRE                    OLYMPIC PARK                       The 280-metre-long bridge has       WATERFRONT                                              scenic rivers and canals that link you
     With Marina Bay as its backdrop,   Named to commemorate the           a distinctive aesthetics inspired   PROMENADE                                               to the major parks. Hop on a bicycle or
     Esplanade Outdoor Theatre          inaugural Youth Olympic Games      by the double helix of the DNA                                                              simply jog along the park connectors!
                                                                           structure. It connects Marina       A 3.5km waterfront walkway
     is a relaxing place to enjoy       hosted by Singapore, the                                               along the bay that brings people
     performances or simply to take a   park features art installations    Centre to the Bayfront District.
                                                                                                               across many attractions such
     breather and enjoy the skyline.    designed in various mediums by                                         as Spectra, an outdoor light and
                                        local youths.                                                          water show, the helix bridge and
                                                                                                               the ArtScience Museum
21                                          #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                                          #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                   22
     Immerse in the culture and buzz of your
     neighbourhood. Take the first step to say hello
     to your friendly neighbours and you might even
     gain a few buddies along the way.

                                                                   JALAN BESAR
                                                                     100 Tyrwhitt Road
                                                                   After the war, the stadium was                                      CHINATOWN
                                                                   used as a site for inaugural
                                                                   events, rallies and the first ever                                  CHINESE NEW YEAR
                                                                   Singapore Armed Forces Day                                          AND MID -AUTUMN
                                                                   parade on 11 July 1969. Today,                                      FESTIVAL STREET
                                                                   the Jalan Besar stadium is a
                                                                   well-known venue used to host                                       LIGHT-UP
                                                                   Singaporean football events.                                          Chinatown

                                                                                                                                       The Street Light-up, a perennial
                                                                                                                                       favorite and mainstay of the
                                                                                                                                       annual Chinatown Chinese New
                                                                                                                                       Year and Mid-Autumn Festival
                                                                                                                                       celebrations, will see the streets
                                                                                                                                       of Chinatown dressed in festive
                                                                                                                                       décor. Stretching across New
                                                                                                                                       Bridge Road, Eu Tong Sen Street,
                                                                                                                                       and South Bridge Road, the
                                                                                                                                       Street Light-Up features thematic
                                                                                                                                       lanterns and is a must-visit during
                                                                                                                                       the festive periods.

23                                  #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                        #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                         24
BE A PART OF THE                                                                                   BREAKFAST WITH LOVE                                       A bi-weekly senior outreach
                                                                                                                                                                  programme organised by

                                                                                                                                                                  Kampong Glam Youth Network for
                                                                                                                                                                  residents to bond over exercise
                                                                                                                                                                  and cultural performances.

                                                                                                                                                                  Visit Kampong Glam CC
                                                                                                                                                                  for more information.

          Connect with your community as you get to know people from
          all walks of life. Make like-minded friends and pick up new skills
          through fun-filled activities. A neighbourhood is not just about the
          places, it is also about the people.
                                                                                                        LOVE CONNECT @ BEACH ROAD                                 Together with PEACE-Connect
                                                                                                                                                                  Senior Activity Centre (SAC), Love
                                                                                                                                                                  Connect provides daily meals for
                                                                                                                                                                  seniors and lower-income families
                                                                                                                                                                  residing in Beach Road precinct.
     GIVE AND TAKE MARKET                                         A joint initiative of Jalan Besar
                                                                  GRC Grassroots Organisations                                                                    Visit Kampong Glam CC
                                                                  (GROs) and Central Singapore                                                                    for more information.
                                                                  Community Development Council
                                                                  (CDC), it aims to lighten the cost
                                                                  of living for lower-income families
                                                                  and nurture a spirit of giving
                                                                  within the community.

                                                                  Visit               KOLAM AYER CARES                                          Kolam Ayer Cares is an event
                                                                  ourjalanbesar                                                                                   conducted in a “supermarket”
                                                                  for more information.                                                                           format where lower-income
                                                                                                                                                                  residents can select rations and
                                                                                                                                                                  daily necessities at the event.
     CATCHPLUS                                                    This programme targets
                                                                  children and youths between                                                                     Visit Kolam Ayer CC
                                                                  7 years old and 16 years old                                                                    for more information.
                                                                  that help build confidence
                                                                  and develop values through
                                                                  activities-based learning.

                                                                  Visit Kreta Ayer CC
                                                                  for more information.
                                                                                                        HARI RAYA DONATION DRIVE                                  This meaningful initiative aims to
                                                                                                                                                                  collect preloved Baju Raya from
                                                                                                                                                                  donors and give it a second life by
                                                                                                                                                                  donating it to someone in need.

     JOYPLUS                                                      This pilot programme aims                                                                       Visit Kolam Ayer CC
                                                                  to support lower income                                                                         for more information.
                                                                  residents living in Kreta Ayer
                                                                  where they can select food,
                                                                  personal care items and
                                                                  laundry supplies.

                                                                  Visit Kreta Ayer CC
                                                                  for more information.

25                                 #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                                    #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                         26
WEEKLY DISTRIBUTION TO SENIORS                          A collaboration with Food from
                                                             the Heart, a variety of items such
                                                             as ration packs, trays of eggs,
                                                             fresh fruits and vegetables are
                                                             distributed to vulnerable seniors.

                                                             Visit Whampoa CC or
                                                             Kallang CC for more information.

     MONTHLY MEAL VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION                       This scheme helps vulnerable
                                                             seniors to defray their living
                                                             expenses by providing monthly
                                                             meal vouchers that can be used
                                                             at participating food stalls.

                                                             Visit Whampoa CC or
                                                             Kallang CC for more information.

     THE R.O.S.E PROGRAMME                                   The programme aims to
                                                             provide beneficiaries with
                                                             necessities such as rice, oil,
                                                             sugar, and other essentials. It
                                                             also encourages volunteerism
                                                             within the community.

                                                             Visit Potong Pasir CC
                                                             for more information.

     TCM HEALTH TALK SERIES                                  A series of health talks is
                                                             conducted over Zoom every                                                                                 *Volunteers helping out at Jalan Besar GRC
                                                             3rd Wednesday of the month                                                                                                         Give & Take event
                                                             for the seniors to have a better
                                                             understanding of TCM.
                                                                                                     STEP FORWARD TO
                                                             Visit Potong Pasir CC
                                                             for more information

                                                                                                  Keep a lookout for volunteering
                                                                                                  opportunities in your neighbourhood
                                                                                                  today! Join an initiative and lend
                                                                                                  a helping hand. Together, we can
                                                                                                  make our neighbourhood a better
                                                                                                  place for everyone!
27                            #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                                              #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                28
            SERVICES                                                                                        PAYNOW
                                                                                                            This banking app allows
                                                                                                            you to:
                                                                                                                                            COMMUNITY                          POSTAL
                                                                                                            • Transfer money instantly      People’s Association (PA)          SingPost
     Stay updated on Singapore’s digital services with                                                        and with ease just by using            
     these mobile applications and websites.                                                                  phone number or NRIC
                                                                                                                                            Ministry of Culture,               PUBLIC HOUSING
                                                                                                      ...   SGSECURE
                                                                                                                                            Community and Youth
                                                                                                                                                      Housing and Development
                                                                                                            This SGSecure app allows                                           Board (HDB)
     MOBILE APPS                                                                                            you to:                         Ministry of Social and Family

     EAPPT@ICA                          MYTRANSPORT.SG                     ONESERVICE                       • Receive broadcast                        Town Councils
     This ICA mobile app allows         This transport mobile app          This government app allows         messages during an                                     
     you to:                            allows you to:                     you to report the following        emergency                     Singapore Together
                                                                           issues in your neighbourhood:                                                       TAX
     • Book your appointment            • Access your frequently                                            • Locate the nearest AED in
                                                                                                              your vicinity                                                    Inland Revenue Authority of
       with ICA to complete your          used bus information and         • Cleanliness issues                                             EDUCATION                          Singapore (IRAS)
       application processes              traffic services
                                                                           • Maintenance of roads           • Send information and files    Ministry of Education (MOE)
     • View existing appointments       • Manage push                        and footpaths                    to authorities in an
       at the appointments tab            notifications to receive MRT                                        emergency situation                                              TRANSPORT
                                          or road alerts                   • Water supply and                                               IMMIGRATION                        Land Transport Authority
     • Locate SingPost outlets for                                           drains issues                  WIRELESS@SGX
                                                                                                                                            Immigration & Checkpoints          (LTA)
       collection of ICA certificates   • Plan your trip with different                                     The Wireless@SGx app            Authority (ICA)          
                                          transport options                • Pest related issues            allows you to:        
     MYENV                                                                                                                                                                     TransitLink
                                        NLB MOBILE                         • Horticultural issues           • Automatically connect
     This weather and                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                              your device to                LABOUR
     environment app:                   The library service allows         • Animal related issues
                                        you to:                                                               Wireless@SGx network          Ministry of Manpower (MOM)
     • Provides you with location-                                                                                                
       based weather information        • Set up multiple user profiles    PARKING.SG                       • Locate the Wireless@SGx
                                          and borrow library materials     This parking app allows            spots on an interactive map
     • Allows you to call NEA             (e-books)                        you to:
                                                                                                            • Run diagnostics that can
     • Make a report to NEA             • Pay fees online                  • Calculate parking fees           help improve the network
       attaching photos and videos
                                        • View loan and reservation        • Pay for parking online         • Receive important updates
                                                                           • Make changes to your
                                        • View events happening              parking sessions

                                          at libraries

29                                          #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                                        #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                 30
WELCOME TO OUR                                                                                 TOWN
                                                                                                    COUNCIL OFFICE                             LET’S BE
     NEIGHBOURHOOD                                                                                    Jalan Besar Town Council
                                                                                                    (Main Office)

                                                                                                    Address: 70 Geylang Bahru,
                                                                                                    #01-2719, S330070
     NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE CENTRE/POST                                  SINGAPORE                    Tel: 6298 9222                                                    In Singapore, we keep our
                                                                       POST OFFICE                                                                                    surroundings clean and green
      Bukit Merah East                Potong Pasir                                                    Jalan Besar Town Council                                        to ensure a high standard
     Neighbourhood Police Centre     Neighbourhood Police Post           Chinatown Branch           (Potong Pasir Office)                                             of hygiene and protect our
                                                                                                                                                                      environment. Together, let’s
     Address: 391 New Bridge         Address: 142 Potong Pasir                                                                                                        ensure we pick up after
                                                                       Address: 101 Upper Cross     Address: 121 Potong Pasir
                                                                                                                                                                      ourselves and keep our
     Road, #03-112, Police           Avenue 3, #01-240, S350142        Street, #B1-17A, People’s    Avenue 1, #01-271, S350121                                        surroundings clean!
     Cantonment Complex,             Tel: 1800 282 9999                Park Centre, S058357         Tel: 62845000 / 62845161
     Block A, S088762
     Tel: 1800 236 9999               River Valley                       Crawford Branch              Jalan Besar Town Council
                                     Neighbourhood Police Post                                      (Chin Swee Office)
       Kim Seng Neighbourhood                                          Address: 15 Beach Road,
     Police Post (e-Kiosk)           Address: 4 Delta Avenue,          #01-4685, S190015            Address: 54 Chin Swee Road,
                                     #01-02, S161004                                                #01-23, S160054
     Address: 5 Beo Crescent,        Tel: 1800 278 9999                  Potong Pasir Branch        Tel: 62989222 (Office Hours)
     S169981                                                                                        1800-241 7711 (24 Hours)          Kallang Polyclinic and
                                       Rochor Neighbourhood            Address: 6 Potong Pasir                                      Long Term Care (Upcoming)
       Kreta Ayer Neighbourhood      Police Centre                     Avenue 2, #02-01, S358361
     Police Post (Self-Help Kiosk)                                                                  COMMUNITY
                                                                                                                                    Address: 701 Serangoon
                                     Address: 11 Kampong Kapor           Tiong Bahru Branch         LIBRARY
                                                                                                                                    Road, S328263
     Address: 55 North Canal         Road, S208678
     Road, S059288                   Tel: 1800 294 9999                Address: 28 Tiong Bahru        library@chinatown
                                                                                                                                      Outram Singhealth
                                                                       Road, #01-141/147, S163028                                   Polyclinic
      Marina Bay                       Whampoa Neighbourhood                                        Address: 133 New Bridge
     Neighbourhood Police Centre     Police Post                         Towner Branch              Road, #04-12, Chinatown
                                                                                                    Point, S059413                  Address: 3 Second Hospital
                                                                                                                                    Avenue, #02-00, Health
     Address: 70 Marina View,        Address: 29 Jalan Bahagia,        Address: 101 Towner Road,
                                                                                                      National Library              Promotion Board Building,
     S018962                         #01-368, Whampoa Vista,           #01-204/206, S322101                                         S168937
     Tel: 1800 222 9999              S320029
                                     Tel: 1800 250 7999                                             Address: 100 Victoria Street,

31                                      #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                                                   #yourneighbourlywelcomeguide                                  32
                                       The People’s Association was established on 1 July 1960
NEIGHBOURHOOD!                         to promote racial harmony and social cohesion in Singapore.
                                       Our mission is to build and bridge communities in achieving
                                       one people, one Singapore.

  We hope that you will enjoy our      The People’s Association offers a wide range of programmes
 neighbourhood as much as we do.       and volunteering opportunities for Singaporeans from all
                                       walks of life through a network of over 2,000 Grassroots
Remember this is just the beginning,   Organisations, over 100 Community Clubs, five Community
 there’s so much more that awaits      Development Councils, National Community Leadership
                                       Institute and PAssion WaVe.
 you in our friendly neighbourhood!

Our community is always here for
you. Reach out to us, we are just a
    phone call or email away!

        Stay abreast of community
         integration programmes:    More information at

                                       or scan the QR code below:
IMPORTANT INFORMATION                                                                   COMMUNITY CLUBS
EMERGENCY                    USEFUL                                                     KAMPONG GLAM                            KRETA AYER
CONTACTS                     CONTACTS                                                                                           KIM SENG
                                                                                        Kampong Glam
Emergency Ambulance          Essential Maintenance         National                     Community Club                          Kim Seng
and Fire                     Service Unit (for common      Environment Agency           Address: 385 Beach Road,                Community Centre
995                          estate areas)                 6225 5632                    S199581                                 Address: 570 Havelock
                             1800 241 7711                                              Tel: 6295 0741               Facebook   Road, S169640             Facebook
Non-Emergency                                              Public Utilities Board                                               Tel: 6272 3878
Ambulance                    Building & Construction       (to report floods/           Jalan Besar
1777                         Authority (to report          drain obstructions)          Community Club                          Kreta Ayer
                             structural defects in         1800 225 5782                Address: 69 Jellicoe Road,              Community Club
Police Emergency             condominiums and non-                                      S208737                                 Address: 28A Kreta Ayer
999                          public housing buildings)     Land Transport Authority     Tel: 6298 6110                          Road, S088995
                             1800 342 5222                 (for roads, crossings, bus                                           Tel: 6222 3597
Police Emergency SMS                                       services/stops)              KOLAM AYER
(if not possible to call)    General Utilities             1800 225 5582                                                        POTONG PASIR SMC
71999                        1800 778 8888 (SP)                                         Geylang West
                             1800 225 5782 (PUB)           National Parks Board         Community Club                          Potong Pasir
Police Hotline (for crime-   1800 752 1800 (City Energy)   1800 471 7300                Address: 1205 Upper Boon                Community Club
related information)                                                                    Keng Road, S387311                      Address: 6 Potong Pasir
1800 255 0000                Community Mediation           Animal & Veterinary          Tel: 6748 3024               Facebook   Avenue 2, S358361
                             Centre (for neighbour         Service                                                              Tel: 6280 1182            Facebook
Fire Hazard Reporting        disputes)                     1800 476 1600                Kolam Ayer
(SCDF)                       1800 225 5529                                              Community Club
1800 280 0000                                                                           Address: 1 Geylang Bahru
                                                                                        Lane, S339631                           Kallang Community Club
                                                                                        Tel: 6293 5572                          Address: 45 Boon Keng
                                                                                                                                Road, S337991
                                                                                                                                Tel: 6298 4582
                                                                                                                                Community Club
                                                                                                                                Address: 300 Whampoa
                                                                                                                                Drive, S327737
                                                                                                                                Tel: 6254 7060
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