Application for Patronage of a new 600 pupil Post Primary School for Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath to open in September 2021 - October 2020 - LMETB

Page created by Melanie Bryant
Application for Patronage of a new 600 pupil Post Primary School for Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath to open in September 2021 - October 2020 - LMETB
Application for Patronage of a new 600 pupil Post
Primary School for Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath to
             open in September 2021

                    October 2020


This document has been prepared by Louth and Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB) in
response to the Department of Education and Skills invitation to apply for the establishment and
patronage of a new post primary school to open in Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath in September 2021.

This will be a second post primary school for Dunshaughlin as Dunshaughlin Community College
is under the patronage of LMETB and demand for places continues to exceed supply. To find out
more about Dunshaughlin Community College please visit the school website on

This document includes three sections:

      Introduction and Overview of LMETB
      LMETB Vision for the new 600 pupil post primary school which will open in
       Dunshaughlin in September 2021
      LMETB Patronage of New Post Primary School Working Group

Section 1 Introduction and Overview of LMETB

Louth and Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB) is the largest comprehensive educational
provider in the Louth and Meath region with a range of educational services from primary to post
primary and further education and training.

1.1 LMETB Schools, Colleges and Centres of Further Education and Training
LMETB currently manage four Community National Schools, a Centre for European Schooling,
seventeen post primary schools including one school with Post Leaving Certificate provision and two
dedicated Post Leaving Certificate colleges.

LMETB is also joint patron of six Community Schools located in Ardee, Ashbourne, Athboy,
Drogheda, Kells and Trim. A listing of all LMETB Schools and Colleges are included on our website and have been included in Appendix 1 of this submission.

Each of our LMETB schools have proven themselves as centres of excellence in teaching, learning and
assessment in their local community. LMETB schools provide a welcoming atmosphere for students,
staff, parents and the local communities in which they operate. The LMETB post primary experience is
one where a warm relationship exists between teachers and learners and the atmosphere in lessons is
positive and conducive to learning. A broad and balanced curriculum with a diverse range of co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities where the aptitudes of students are central to its design is
available in LMETB schools. Each of these schools has built a very positive reputation in the local
communities in which they operate and each school continues to enjoy strong parental support and a
high level of satisfaction with the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. LMETB look forward to
replicating this excellence and innovation in education in the new 600 pupil post primary school for
Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath.

At Further Education and Training level, LMETB manage nine Youthreach Centres, a Regional Skills
and Training Centre and an extensive range of Adult Education Services throughout counties Louth and
Meath, including Adult Learning Services, Community Education, Back to Education Initiatives (BTEI),
VTOS and Adult Guidance.

Louth and Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB) was established under the Education and
Training Boards Act 2013. The Act which took effect from 1st July 2013 provided for the dissolution
of thirty three Vocational Education Committees and the establishment of sixteen Education and
Training Boards (ETBs) through a process of aggregating existing VECs. LMETB was formed due to
the aggregation of Co. Louth and Co. Meath VECs.

The Further Education and Training Act 2013 which was signed into law in July 2013 established
SOLAS, the Further Education and Training Authority with responsibility for planning, funding and
co-ordination of the Further Education and Training Services provided by ETBs. This Act also
provided for the transfer of the former FAS training functions and staff to the newly formed ETBs.
On 1st July 2014, the former FAS training centre in Dundalk, Co. Louth therefore came under the
governance of LMETB.

LMETB is a progressive dynamic organisation which responds to the needs of a growing population.

Demographic changes and population growth in counties Louth and Meath has contributed to this
very exciting and challenging period for LMETB. Increased enrolments and the commencement of
four new post primary schools in Ashbourne, Drogheda, Dundalk and Navan over the last number
of years coupled with an extensive number of building extension projects to LMETB schools and
colleges in both counties reflect these changes. In September 2019, LMETB opened its doors to a
new Community National School in Ashbourne, Co. Meath and in September 2020 Dunshaughlin
Community National School and Enfield Community College, both in Co. Meath opened under the
patronage of LMETB.

1.2 LMETB Vision and Values
Louth and Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB) is committed to excellence and
innovation in the education of young people and adults through the provision of dynamic services
delivered by professional staff. We are proud to serve the communities of counties Louth and Meath,
work with our educational partners and contribute to the development and growth of the
Louth/Meath region. LMETB aims to be the leading provider of quality education and services for
the people of counties Louth and Meath through the management and delivery of a diverse range of
accessible, progressive and responsive programmes.

Underpinning LMETB’s Mission Statement is a set of core values and principles which were
developed in consultation with all stakeholder groups. These core values and principles are outlined
as follows:

 Excellence          All stakeholders are afforded the highest standards of service provision

 Innovation      Staff and learners are encouraged to be progressive, creative and dynamic in
                 their teaching and learning practices. Staff and learners are encouraged to
                 explore the use of ICT to enhance teaching and learning
 Learner Centred LMETB programmes and services are delivered in response to the
                 needs of the learners in counties Louth and Meath.
 Supporting      Transfer, Transition and Guidance Programmes and supports are provided to
 Transition      all learners to ensure they make the right choices regarding career pathways
                 and choices and that they transition successfully from one phase of their
                 educational journey to another
 Learning        A lifelong learning perspective is promoted among staff and learners

 Equality            All learners are provided with access to education and supports that
                     maximise learning opportunities and help them to reach their potential

 Inclusion           All learners are enabled to participate effectively in education, particularly
                     those groups who may have experienced exclusion or isolation

 Holistic            The programmes and services available in LMETB cultivate the moral,
                     emotional, physical, social, psychological and spiritual dimensions of the
 Professionalism     Staff, learners and our stakeholders are encouraged to interact with each other in
                     a courteous, respectful and professional manner where diversity is welcomed and

Responsiveness    An awareness of national and local requirements forms the basis for provision

Wellbeing         The programmes and services available in LMETB strive to develop learners’
                  self - confidence and promote learner wellbeing
Fairness          All policies, procedures and practices of LMETB are just and reasonable

Integrity         Staff, learners and stakeholders are encouraged to ensure they act honestly,
                  ethically transparently. Highest standards in confidentiality where applicable
                  are promoted
Partnersh         Programmes and services are developed and delivered in conjunction
ip &              with key stakeholder groups and organisations
Value for Money The work of LMETB is conducted in an efficient, transparent manner with
                due regard for public accountability

2. LMETB Vision for a new 600 pupil post primary school which will open in Dunshaughlin,
Co. Meath in September 2021

The new 600 pupil post primary school will be a multi - denominational, co –educational post primary
school under the patronage of LMETB, a leader in educational provision and the patron of the largest
range of schools and educational programmes in Counties Louth and Meath. As a multi - denominational
school, the school will accept students of all faiths and of none. The medium of instruction at the school
will be English.
Our vision for the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin is of a welcoming, inclusive, diverse and
dynamic school that provides a quality learning experience with the learner as core. This vision is linked
to LMETB’s high level strategic goal included in LMETB’s Strategy Statement 2017 – 2021 ‘Excellence
in Education and Training to Achieve, Progress and Innovate’.
Students at the school will feel a sense of belonging and will develop a love of learning through a positive
and happy school experience. Students will be motivated and provided with opportunities to become
active and responsible participants in their own learning. The school community will work with all
partners and stakeholders to prepare knowledgeable and socially responsible citizens for the future.
The school will expect all members of the school community to treat one another with respect. The school
will promote high standards of behaviour centred on respect including respect for self, staff, other
students, visitors to the school and respect for property.
Students at the school will have a school uniform which will give students a sense of belonging to a
particular school and create an identity for the new school in the community. Once appointed the
Principal of the new Post Primary School will consult with incoming 1st Year Parents/Guardians on
the school uniform.
2.1 The new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin - Ownership and Management
The school will operate as a non - designated community college. It is the policy of the LMETB through
the Chief Executive, Mr. Martin O’ Brien, to devolve responsibility for the day to day leading and
managing of the school to the Principal and the Deputy Principal. The Senior Management team will be
ably assisted by the Assistant Principal I, Assistant Principal II and teaching teams to promote top quality
leadership for learning at the school. Secretarial, caretaking and cleaning staff will be on hand to support
school management throughout each academic year.
The school’s Board of Management will consist of not more than 12 members nominated or elected as set
out below:
 Numbers of Board Members                                                      Nominee
 Four ETB Members                                                              ETB Nominees
 Two Parents of students currently enrolled in the school (one male, one       Parent Nominees
 Two members of the school’s teaching staff (one male, one female)             Teacher Nominees
 Four representative(s) from primary schools within the school’s               Board of Management
 catchment area, or from local associations/organisations, or from             Nominees
 industry/commerce or from students over the age of 18 years who are
 currently enrolled in the school

All members of the school/college Board of Management will be formally appointed to the Board of
Management by LMETB irrespective of whether they are a parent, teacher or Board of Management
nominees. This requirement will also apply to the filling of casual vacancies as much as to the
establishment of a Board. The School Principal will be Secretary to the Board of Management.
The Board of Management will be responsible for high standards of governance at the school. The
Principal will keep the Board of Management well informed on school matters. A Financial Report will
be provided to the Board of Management at each meeting for discussion on school finances. At the end of
all Board of Management meetings, the Board will compile an agreed report and a written copy of this
will be circulated to the relevant stakeholders.
The Board will be responsible for ensuring that a very effective system of policy development and review
is in place and that all stakeholders including students, staff, parents and the Board of Management are
consulted in policy formulation, development and review.
The Board of Management of the school will have specific responsibility, following consultation with
principals, teachers and parents for preparing a Code of Behaviour for the students registered at the school
as outlined in the Education Welfare Act 2000, S23.
Board of Management members will also be provided with training twice yearly by LMETB to assist
them in fulfilling their role of members of the school’s Board of Management.
LMETB suggest that in order to support a multi denominational school of the future for Dunshaughlin, a
patron must have the ability to give school Boards of Management professional support in terms of
Corporate Governance. LMETB commit to providing the Board of Management of the school with a
range of professional support in the areas of Educational Leadership, Human Resources, Finance and
Administrative matters, Capital Works, Information and Communications Technologies, Corporate
Governance and Audit back up and support.

2.2 Child Protection at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin
The new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will have a Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk
Assessment in place. The name of the designated liaison person for child protection matters will be
prominently displayed in the school’s reception area. All teachers will be aware that they are mandated
persons and of their responsibilities in that regard.
Ongoing continuous professional development will be provided to the Designated Liaison Person (DLP),
the Deputy Designated Liaison Person (DDLP) and teachers as mandated persons. Training will be
provided through a combination of school training, LMETB training and training facilitated by external
agencies including the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST).
As per Chapter 9 of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools 2017, the
Principal will provide a Child Protection Oversight Report to the members of the Board of Management
at each meeting. The Board of Management will also engage in a yearly review of the Child
Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment.

2.3 Department of Education and Skills Subjects & Programmes at the new Post Primary School in
The new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will offer students a broad and balanced curriculum and
the full range of Department of Education and Skills curricular subjects and programmes. Each of these
Programmes will be resourced, planned and co-ordinated. These programmes will include:
      The Junior Certificate
      The Junior Certificate Schools Programme (DEIS Schools)
      Transition Year (optional)
      The Leaving Certificate Established
      The Leaving Certificate Applied
      The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

The curriculum on offer at the school will be the Department of Education and Skills approved
syllabi/specifications as developed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). The
Department of Education and Skills NCCA Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate Religious
Education syllabi will be offered at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin.
The curriculum on offer will be developed following a survey of parents/guardians of students who will
enrol in the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin. The curriculum on offer will also have regard to
the availability of resources to teach each subject. Parents/Guardians will be informed prior to their child
commencing their post primary education at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin of the subject
choices that the school can make available to their child.
Core teams will be established for each of the programmes and subject departments will be formed to
develop a range of resources and sharing of expertise as the subject departments grow within the school.
There will be a strong focus on improvement and collaboration in teaching, learning and assessment. The
school will be encouraged to develop peer observation programmes for teaching staff to facilitate the
exchange of best practice methodologies and promote professional dialogue and discussion. Teaching
staff will be encouraged to continually review, evaluate and develop formative approaches to assessment.
Programmes such as TY, LCVP and LCA will be reviewed regularly and the views of parents and
students will be sought in a formal and systematic basis to ensure these programmes maintain a high
quality of service delivery.
The curriculum on offer at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will comprise a range of active
teaching, learning and assessment methodologies which will be differentiated to meet the needs of
students. Opportunities to bring the curriculum to life will be provided within the classroom and in
provision of a broad and diverse range of co-curricular and extra - curricular activities.
There will be active promotion of a culture of innovation in the school with a view to improving the
learning experience and outcomes for all students. An effective School Self Evaluation process will be in
place at the school. A thorough analysis of student attainment by individual subject departments and the
development of action plans for improvement and moving forward will be carried out by each subject
department on an annual basis. The new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will open its doors at a
time when post primary schools are progressing the Implementation of Junior Cycle Reform. Supporting
teachers, students and parents/guardians through these changes will be key for school management and
teaching staff. Information nights for parents/guardians will be scheduled in the school. Teaching staff
will attend whole school and subject

specific CPD as scheduled by the Department of Education and Skills Support Service, Junior Cycle for
Teachers (JCT).
Collaborative planning will ensure support for members of subject teams in planning for teaching and
learning of the new subject specifications for Junior Cycle. School management in consultation with
students, staff and parents/guardians will continually review provision at Junior Cycle to ensure the
optimal programme of subjects and short courses are available to students enrolled in the new Post
Primary School in Dunshaughlin.
The Framework for Junior Cycle (2015) provides for a new area of learning at Junior Cycle called
Wellbeing. Wellbeing will cross the three years of junior cycle and build on substantial work already
taking place in schools in support of students’ wellbeing. This area of learning will make the school’s
culture and ethos and commitment to wellbeing visible to students. It will include learning opportunities
to enhance the physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing of students. It will also enable students to
build life skills and develop a strong sense of connectedness to their school and to their community.
As the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) have now launched the review of
Senior Cycle, regular updates will be provided for staff on progression of same.

2.4 Digital technologies in Teaching, Learning and Assessment at the new Post Primary School in
Digital technology has transformed the world we live in and students at the new Post Primary School in
Dunshaughlin must become engaged thinkers, active learners, knowledge constructors and global citizens
to flourish in modern society and the economy.
The school will therefore require a targeted and innovative use of technology to enrich teaching, learning
and assessment at the school.
Students and teachers at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will experience the benefits of
an up to date ICT system with Wi-Fi access in all classrooms and data projector and computer in each
classroom and teaching and learning space.
The school will be supported by LMETB in implementing the actions outlined in the Digital Strategy for
Schools 2015 – 2020 and any additional strategies. Management at the new Post Primary School in
Dunshaughlin will engage in consultation with students, staff and parents regarding the use of digital
technologies at the school.
LMETB’s ICT Department will provide ICT services and technical support for all staff and students in
LMETB. Each student and staff member at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will have an email address and access to a centrally hosted helpdesk system. Students and Staff will also
have access to online platforms to support a blended and/or online teaching and learning experience when
relevant. Training will also be provided to parents/guardians to support their son/daughter in this regard.
Subject and Programme Departments at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will also have
access through the LMETB ICT Department to a hosted SharePoint (Office 365) where they can upload
subject specifications, teaching and learning material, resources and subject/programme department
plans for all members of the department to access and share.

2.5 Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin
Academic subjects and co-curricular and extra-curricular activities complement each other and assist in
developing well rounded, socially skilled and healthier students who have experience working in teams.
Students who are actively involved in such activities tend to improve their academic grades also. This
may be due to increased motivation, self – esteem and organisational and time management skills. With
the wide and diverse range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities which will be on offer at the
new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin, it is envisaged that students will be in a position to choose
an activity that appeals to them personally. Examples of proposed activities include:
 Gaelic                             Rugby                              Soccer
 Badminton                          Camogie                            Athletics
 Basketball                         Drama                              Debating
 Guitar                             Cookery Club                       Choir
 Photography                        Computer Club                      Musicals
 Art Club                           Junk Kouture                       Mathletes
 Enterprise/Mini Company            Young Social Innovator             Swimming
 Young Scientist                    Fundraising Activities             Gold
 Art Exhibitions                    Gaisce President’s Award           Book Club
 Green Schools Committee            Local, Regional, National &        School Radio
                                    International Educational

2.6 Themed Weeks at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin
The new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin would over time develop a series of themed weeks for
implementation during the academic year. The purpose of these weeks are to complement teaching and
learning experiences in the classroom and also to raise awareness around various themes and topics.
The following themed weeks will be built into the school’s academic calendar:
 Maths/Numeracy                     Literacy                           Wellbeing
 Anti Bullying                      Safer Internet                     Active Schools
 Technology Subjects                Celebrating                        Green Schools
 Road Safety                        Science                            Seachtain na Gaeilge
 Study Skills                       Enterprise                         Coding

2.7 Student Voice and Student Leadership at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin
The Student Council at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will be a valuable resource for
management, staff and students as it will enable students to have an active role in the many school related
areas including policy making for the school. The Student Council will provide a means of
communication between the students, staff and management. The council will have opportunities to
discuss issues of concern raised by students and bring their concerns and suggested solutions to the notice
of management for consideration. The council may also organise fundraising events, thus raising
awareness and funds for various charities. Opportunities will also be provided for the Student Council to
meet with the Board of Management and discuss their plans for an academic year.

As the school grows and develops, the Student Council will be comprised of elected representatives from
each year group. A member of staff will liaise with the Student Council throughout the academic year.
It is also envisaged that the Student Council will become involved in the School Self Evaluation Process
throughout the school year. As part of the School Self Evaluation process school management and
teachers will be encouraged to seek feedback from the students on different strategies being used to
support teaching, learning and assessment in the school. The Student Council may play an active role in
this regard. Training on the process will be provided to members of the Student Council to assist them in
their role as part of school self-evaluation.
Examples of other leadership roles envisaged for students attending the new Post Primary School in
Dunshaughlin include a peer mentoring system, prefect system, green schools committee, amber flag
committee, yellow flag committee and school digital leaders. All of these leadership roles will also
supported by training for the students concerned to assist them in fulfilling their role.

2.8 Support for Students at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin
Care for students will be a major priority at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin. Care structures
will be well supported by staff in key positions such as form teachers, year heads and members of the
student services team.
Students attending the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will have access to a diverse range of
student supports including:
      Transfer and Transition Programme from Primary to Post Primary and Post Primary to Further
       Education and Training/Higher Education/Apprenticeship/Employment
      Class Tutor and Year Head System
      Book Rental Scheme
      After School Study
      Student Mentoring Programme
      Guidance and Counselling
      Social Personal and Health Education
      Relationships and Sexuality Education
      Special Educational Needs Teams
      School Completion Project Worker & Home School Community Liaison (DEIS schools)

The new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will also have a Pastoral Care Team who will meet
weekly to consider how the school community is responding to student needs and in particular those
students dealing with particular challenges. Effective partnerships will also be developed with the
Educational Welfare Services, TUSLA, National Educational Psychological Services (NEPS) and the
National Council for Special Education (NCSE).
Guidance and Counselling services available to students will include counselling, assessment and
psychometric testing, information on education, training and employment opportunities, educational
development programmes and personal and social development programmes.

As students at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin enter Senior Cycle they will be supported in
making informed choices on their educational career post Leaving Certificate. We expect that graduates
of the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will, similar to other LMETB graduates at post primary
level, progress to third level education in the areas of Nursing, Engineering, Veterinary Science, Social
Work, International Business, Law, Actuarial Maths, Education, Biotechnology, Arts, Dentistry,
Languages, Finance, Tourism and Medicine to name but a few. Students will also have options to
progress to Post Leaving Certificate courses, apprenticeships and directly into employment.
2.9 Supporting students with Special Educational Needs at the new Post Primary School in
The new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will be committed to supporting students with Special
Educational Needs (SEN) and effective structures will be in place for this to happen. A core team of
qualified SEN teachers will co-ordinate SEN provision at the school. The school will develop co-
operative teaching teams to include in class support and team teaching as support models for these
students. Student Support Files will be developed for SEN students in partnership with students, staff,
parents and external agencies working with the student including NCSE, HSE and NEPS. School
management will also work closely with the Department of Education and Skills, LMETB and other
agencies regarding planning for the inclusion of Special Needs Units for students with Autism at the
new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin.

2.10 Monitoring and Tracking of Student Achievement

To ensure each student is supported in achieving their potential the school will engage in ongoing
monitoring and tracking of student progress over the course of their time in the school. Regular reports
will be provided to parents/guardians to advise them of academic progress. Year Heads, teaching staff and
Guidance Counsellors will be available to advise students and their parents/guardians regarding progress
to date, target setting and any additional supports needed to reach specific targets.

2.11 Celebrating Student, Staff and Whole School Successes and Achievements at the new Post
Primary School in Dunshaughlin
At the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin there will be numerous opportunities to reward
students for their achievements and successes throughout the academic year. The school will
communicate successes and achievements to parents by organising awards ceremonies, graduation
ceremonies, school newsletters, letters/notes of commendation sent home and regular updates on the
school’s website, Facebook and twitter pages. The school will be encouraged to compile an Annual
Report at the end of each academic year to record school activities, projects, achievements and
It is expected that students may be awarded in the following areas: attendance, state examination
achievement, subject achievement, extra - curricular achievement, co-curricular achievement, student of
the year, Gaisce awards, Business in the Community scholarships and student leadership awards.
The Corporate Education Services (CES) section of LMETB administers the annual Gaeltacht
scholarships scheme under which a number of students in LMETB schools/colleges are provided with
financial assistance towards the cost of attending courses in the Gaeltacht during the summer period.

2.12 Partnership with Parents/Guardians at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin
The Parents Association at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will be an integral part of the
school community. Section 26 of the Education Act, 1998 states that the parents of students of a
recognised school may establish, and maintain from among their number, a parents’ association for that
school and membership of that association shall be open to all parents of students of that school.
The Parents Association will make a vital and valuable contribution to the school’s promotion, growth
and development as the Parents Association provides for the formal involvement of parents in the affairs
of the school.
Parents will be kept informed of the work of the school through a report provided at each of the Parents
Association meetings. The school website will incorporate a section for Parents/Guardians.
Parent Teacher Meetings will also be held for each Year group during the academic year.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to attend these meetings as they provide valuable opportunities to meet
with the school’s teaching staff and identify areas where the student is excelling as well as discussing and
identifying additional supports that may be needed to ensure a student can achieve their potential during
their time at the school.
The school will communicate with parents using modern technologies including text, email, school
website, twitter page and Facebook page. As the school develops it may explore the possibility of a
school app as an additional means of communication with parents.
Book Rental Payments and Proposed Contributions from Parents/Guardians will be collected through an
online payment system capable of tracking payments made and providing receipts to parents/guardians.
Monies collected through the online payments system will be lodged directly to the LMETB bank
account as LMETB schools operate a cashless system.

2.13 School Accommodation at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin
The new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will be a purpose built post primary school capable of
catering for up to 600 students. The school will have the full suite of specialist classrooms, teaching and
learning spaces, offices and workshops including those for:
 Science                             Construction                       Guidance suite
 Art                                 DCG                                Multimedia learning laboratory
 Home Economics                      Engineering                        Canteen/social space
 Technology                          Music                              Special Needs Unit
 Woodwork                            Gymnasium & fitness suite          Play Area & Playing fields

Each of the specialist and general classrooms at the school will be fully equipped and resourced with up
to date ICT facilities.
The Buildings/Capital Works section in LMETB will work closely with the Department of Education and
Skills and the management of the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin in constructing a state of the
art building for the students and staff of the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin.
The new school building will be constructed in accordance with the most up to date suite of Department
of Education and Skills Technical Guidance Documents. The new school building will be compliant with

Buildings Control (Amendment) Regulations, Disabled Access Certification, Fire Safety Certification and
Planning Permission and support in this regard will be provided by the Buildings Unit, LMETB on behalf
of the Principal of the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin.
The LMETB Buildings Unit has extensive experience in progressing and completing major capital
educational projects in Counties Louth and Meath. LMETB has also co-ordinated devolved building
projects on behalf of the Department of Education and Skills. This experience and expertise will be of
significance when commencing the process of a new build for a 600 pupil post primary school.

2.14 Recruitment of Staff for the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin
The Human Resources Section, LMETB will work with the Director of Schools, LMETB in ensuring that
the school is staffed with competent, capable and enthusiastic teachers who will work collectively with
LMETB and school management in ensuring high quality teaching, learning and assessment for students
at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin.
LMETB will offer staff of the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin regular opportunities for
Continuous Professional Development over their career with us at LMETB. LMETB newly appointed
school leaders and teachers are required to engage in a series of LMETB induction events to ensure that
they remain at the cutting edge of their profession. School leaders and teachers are also facilitated in
attending CPD outside LMETB which is being provided by many of the Higher Education Institutes and
the National Support Services of the Department of Education and Skills including the Professional
Development Service for Teachers (PDST), the Centre for School Leadership (CSL) and Junior Cycle for
Teachers (JCT).
Recruitment procedures will be those nationally agreed between the Department of Education and Skills,
school patrons and trade unions. Teaching staff must be registered with the Teaching Council and have
Garda Vetting clearance prior to appointment.

2.15 Governance and Legislative Framework
Louth and Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB) is governed by a Board comprising
twenty-one members. The LMETB board is collectively responsible for promoting the success of the
ETB by directing and controlling the ETB’s activities.

In order to deliver good governance in the ETB, the Board must act in the interest of the ETB at all
times, consistent with the requirements of legislation and government policies. The LMETB Board is
required to confirm to the Minister for Education and Skills that they comply with the up to date
requirements of the Code of Practice in their governance practices and procedures. Board members at
all times must act on a fully informed basis, in good faith, with due diligence and care, and always in
the best interest of the ETB, subject to the objectives set by the Government. The LMETB Board is
supported by Boards of Management in LMETB schools, colleges and Youthreach Centres.

The Board of Management of the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will be in a position to
engage in training at LMETB level to assist them in carrying out their role as Board of Management
members. LMETB has also established a Finance Committee and an Audit Committee in
accordance with Section 45(1) of the Education and Training Boards Act 2013 which support the
work of the LMETB Board.

Within our LMETB administrative offices, our administrative staff will provide support to the new
Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin in a range of areas including Human Resources, ICT, Finance
and Corporate Education Services. This network of support at Head Office level supports the work of
the LMETB Board in ensuring that the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin and all other
LMETB schools/colleges/centres are compliant in the areas of Corporate Governance as per
Department of Education and Skills Circular Letter 0002/2019.

Support for the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin will be provided through the LMETB
administrative offices which are currently based in Abbey Road, Navan, Co. Meath and Chapel
Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth. The LMETB Director of Schools will also support the leadership team
and staff at the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin in each of the areas of Leadership of
Teaching and Learning, Governance and Management, Workforce Planning and Performance
Management and co-ordination of the ETB’s Management Team. The LMETB provides a
comprehensive CPD programme for it Schools Leadership Team through regular workshops,
conferences and school visits. The new School Leadership Team at the new Post Primary School in
Dunshaughlin will also have access to the LMETB School Leadership Forum and a School Leaders
Online Platform of resources to support leading teaching, learning and assessment in our schools.

Public Procurement is the acquisition, whether under formal contract or not, of works, supplies and
services of Public Bodies. It ranges from the purchase of routine supplies or services to formal
tendering and placing contracts for large infrastructural projects. LMETB, as a Public Body works
with The Office of Government Procurement (OGP), Education Procurement Services (EPS) and
ETBI in procuring works, supplies and services. This helps to eliminate duplication across LMETB
and ensure value for money. It also ensures that the procurement expertise and experience that exists
is harnessed and applied consistently to all procurement activities. LMETB’s Procurement Office
will work closely with the Principal of the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin in keeping the
school updated on new contracts as they are rolled out and provide contract management for all
services and supplies. This support will afford the Principal at the new Post Primary School in
Dunshaughlin more time to lead teaching, learning and assessment at the school.

The new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin annual budget will issue from the Finance Section
and regular monthly reports will be provided to the Principal of the new Post Primary School in
Dunshaughlin outlining opening balances in each of the budget codes, income, expenditure and
closing balance at month end. The Principal as Secretary to the Board of Management will bring this
report to the meeting of the Board of Management for discussion on school finances. Members of
the Finance Department, LMETB will visit the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin on a
regular basis to discuss budgets and any major projects that need additional support from the
LMETB. Any finance related queries from the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin can be
referred to members of the Finance team at LMETB.

2.16 Use of the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin school facilities in the local community
LMETB wishes to make its sports facilities (halls, room, court and pitches) generally and conveniently
available to local community groups on the basis of responsible use and care and reasonable sharing by
user groups of the costs involved in caretaking and maintenance of such facilities. The LMETB have
developed a policy on School/Centre and Property Usage for this purpose and the new Post Primary
School in Dunshaughlin will be included in this policy.

   3. LMETB Patronage of New Post Primary School Working Group

The LMETB has formed a working group for developing the vision for the new Post Primary School in
Dunshaughlin and for overseeing links with parents, schools and agencies in the Dunshaughlin area in
the coming weeks when the official patronage campaign commences. This group will be led by the Chief
Executive, LMETB, Mr. Martin G O’ Brien and the Director of Schools, LMETB Ms. Fiona Kindlon.
Members of the LMETB Schools Leadership Team, Members of the LMETB Board and Administrative
staff from Head Office are also represented on the Working Group.
Information will be available via our LMETB Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. Contact will
also be made with each of the Primary schools in the area.
A dedicated ‘LMETB Patronage Campaign 2021’ webpage on the LMETB website will
include all information relating to the new Post Primary School in Dunshaughlin and parents/guardians
will have a direct email address, through which they can channel queries to the LMETB Working
LMETB agrees to maintain expenditure on promotional material within overall limits established for each
identified area where the new schools are to be established in 2021. LMETB agree to provide statements
of expenditure for the purpose of satisfying these requirements. LMETB will also be able to produce any
necessary documentation, if requested to do so by the Department officials, for the purposes of
verification of expenditure incurred in connection with this application process.

Appendix 1

LMETB Post Primary Schools (16)

 Beaufort College, Navan, Co. Meath                 
 Bush Post Primary School, Dundalk, Co. Louth       
 Dunshaughlin Community College, Dunshaughlin,      
 Co. Meath
 Coláiste Chú Chulainn, Dundalk, Co. Louth          
 Coláiste na hInse, Laytown, Co. Meath              
 Coláiste na Mí, Navan, Co. Meath                   
 Coláiste Pobail, Rathcairn, Co. Meath              
 Coláiste de Lacy, Ashbourne, Co. Meath             
 Enfield Community College, Enfield, Co. Meath      
 O’ Carolan College, Nobber, Co. Meath              
 O’ Fiaich College, Dundalk, Co. Louth              
 Ratoath College, Ratoath, Co. Meath                
 Scoil Uí Mhuirí, Dunleer, Co. Louth                
 Colaiste Clavin, Longwood, Co. Meath               
 St. Oliver’s Post Primary School, Oldcastle, Co. Meath
 St. Oliver’s Community College, Drogheda, Co. Louth
 St. Peter’s College, Dunboyne, Co. Meath           

LMETB Community National Schools (1)
 Ard Rí Community National School, Navan, Co. Meath  
 Faughart Community National School, Faughart, Dundalk, Co.
 DunshaughlinCommunity National School, Dunshaughlin,
 Co. Meath
 Ashbourne Community National School, Ashbourne, Co. 

LMETB Centre for European Schooling (1)
 Centre for European Schooling, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath

LMETB Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) Colleges (2)
 Drogheda Institute of Further Education (DIFE)      
 Dunboyne College of Further Education (DCFE)        

LMETB Second Level Schools with PLC provision (2)
 O’ Fiaich College, Dundalk                          

LMETB Regionals Skills & Training Centre

 Regional Skills Training Centre, Dundalk             

Community Schools – Joint Patron
 Ardee Community School                               
 Ashbourne Community School                           
Athboy Community School      
Ballymakenny College         
St. Ciaran’s Community School, Kells
Boyne Community School, Trim 

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