Music & Lyrics by Additional Music & Lyrics by Book by - Elba Central School District

Page created by Carlos Andrews
Music & Lyrics by Additional Music & Lyrics by Book by - Elba Central School District
Spring 2020


 Elba Central School Drama Club

March 27 & 28, 2020
                 Music & Lyrics by
              Elton John & Tim Rice
           Additional Music & Lyrics by
Lebo M, Mark Mancina, Jay Ri kin, and Hans Zimmer
                     Book by
           Roger Allers & Irene Mecchi
   Based on the Broadway production directed by
                   Julie Taymor

     Tickets will be on sale now!
Music & Lyrics by Additional Music & Lyrics by Book by - Elba Central School District
Elba Central School

                                    Superintendent—Ned Dale

                            March 2020

                            Dear Parents and Guardians,

                            Spring is finally here! It was a very interesting and exciting winter in Elba! This summer is going to be very
                            busy with the building and campus being under an incredible amount of repair and renovation.
The Board of Education and I set a goal to continue to improve our communication this year so that everyone was able to have the
necessary information possible about what is happening at Elba. We have been using the robotic phone and email system frequently to
send updates and reminders for all of our parents and guardians. Mr. Beehler has taken on the additional responsibility of using Twitter
for our athletics scores and games. Our website is being continuously updated as well with resources and other information about what
is happening around the district. If you are not receiving the phone calls or emails, please contact the Elementary or Jr./Sr. High School
offices to make sure that they have your correct information. We really need to know when phone numbers or email addresses change
so that we can make sure you stay informed.
As we continue to improve the academic programs for our students, I must commend the faculty and staff here. We have had some
incredible staff development that continues to address student engagement, as well as the literacy needs of our students. It was also
important to support our staff as we develop our resources for our Advanced Placement courses. Departments and grade levels in both
schools have continued to work on developing their curriculum so that they have clarity about what they are teaching each and every
day. There is critical research about how this can improve student achievement. Our new Agriculture program has grown exponentially
and I look forward to seeing how far this program will go. Students have had opportunities to learn during “Lunch and Learns” that
have been coordinated by Mrs. Rosales and Mrs. Riner. At the elementary level, I expect that we will be focusing on the area of math
over the next year. We will be using a new text and resources to develop the math skills of our students.
The Board of Education has also taken on several challenges to ensure that Elba maintains the high standards that everyone has come to
expect. You will be able to read more information about the budget and how we are anticipating a 2% tax increase that would impact an
average homeowner’s taxes $39 for the year. In addition, the Preservation Project that was approved last year will require us to move
almost all of our classrooms while floors, windows and other repairs are done. The main goal was to preserve the building as a commu-
nity asset without needing additional taxes to cover the cost. As we continue to do some long term planning, I anticipate seeking some
feedback about the building and district’s needs so that we continue to offer diverse and high quality programs.
Our school will be a busy place over the next few months. I look forward to visiting different athletic events, the musical and other
celebrations over the next few months. Our young musicians will be ready to perform on our May 19th concert, art show and budget
vote. They have steadily improved since the winter concert and I want to see us continue to have a strong arts program as well.
Please feel free to call, stop by or email!
Yours in Partnership,
Ned Dale

  Thank You!
  The Elba Elementary Student Council would like to thank the
  family of Reyburn Campbell Sr. in honoring us to receive
  memorials in Mr. Campbell’s memory for elementary students
                                                                                          Friday, March 20th 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
  needing school supplies. We would also like
                                                                                         Small Gymnasium at Elba Central School
  to thank everyone who donated in his                                                 Contact Mrs. Jennifer Manley for more information
  memory.                                                                                           585-757-9967 ext. 1240

  Your kindness is appreciated.
Music & Lyrics by Additional Music & Lyrics by Book by - Elba Central School District
Spring 2020 Newsletter

                     JSHS PRINCIPAL—Gretchen Rosales
Dear Parents and Guardians;

         Springtime is one of my favorite times of year; the green grass arrives again and flowers will start to
bloom. With this upcoming season, we see how our students have really grown this year as well! We are
preparing for everything that is ahead in the second half of the year, and it is an exciting time.

          We have our Lion King musical scheduled for March 27th and 28th. Our art shows will be held in
May, along with musical concerts scheduled for May and June. Spring sports schedules will fill up quickly, as
well. It promises to be a very busy season.

         In the spring, we also prepare for New York State assessments for our 7th and 8th grade students and the 9-12 graders will
continue to prepare for Regents exams. Assessments help us to determine how well our students have learned throughout the year, as
well as how our teachers can improve their instruction. Please stay tuned throughout the next few weeks as we share further
information about assessments and any potential schedule changes.

         Our upperclassmen and women will start to look toward that which makes being a junior or senior so special. We have the
prom, award banquets, and graduation. Please add Saturday, June 27th at 10:00 a.m. to your calendar. Elba Central School’s Senior
Class graduation is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful graduation ceremonies around. I am honored to be celebrating this special
day with the Class of 2020.

         Please remind your children about the importance of
working hard during the second semester and coming to
                                                                 Important Dates:
school ready to learn every day. The junior and senior high         March 9th—Board of Education Meeting 7:00 pm—Library
school teachers are a dedicated group of educators and they         March 20th—Red Cross Blood Drive 9 am-2 pm—Small Gym
look forward to helping all of our students to be successful.       March 24th-25th—Grades 3-8 NYS ELA Assessments
As always, please reach out and share any questions, concerns,      March 27th & 28th—ECS Drama Club Production of
or ideas with me. It continues to be a privilege to serve the                               The Lion King Jr
Elba community as the secondary principal.                          March 31st—JSHS National Honor Society Ceremony—Aud
                                                                    April 17th—Daddy/Daughter Dance—Cafeteria 6:30 pm
                                                                    April 6th—13th—No School—Spring Recess
Sincerely yours,                                                    April 14th—Board of Education Meeting—7:00 pm—Library
Gretchen Rosales                                                    April 21st & 22nd—Grades 3-8 Math Assessments
                                                                    April 29th—BOCES NTHS Ceremony—Auditorium– 6:00 pm
JSHS Principal
                                                                    May 3rd—GSO Concert—Auditorium
                                                                    May 11th—Public Budget Hearing for 2020/21 Budget 6:30 pm
                                                                                 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 pm—Library
                                                                    May 19th—Annual School Budget/BOE Member Vote
 Congratulations Fanny!                                                         12 pm-8 pm—Auditorium Lobby
                                                                                  4:00 pm—Hall of Fame Foundation Beef on Weck
                                                                                 7:00 pm—Spring Fine Arts Festival (Auditorium and
                                                                    May 20th—Walk to School Day
                                                                               —Red Cross Blood Drive 9 am—2 pm—Small Gym
                                                                 *    May 21st—Loved One’s Luncheon
                                                                    May 22nd & 25th—Memorial Day Recess—No School
                                                                    May 30th—Jr/Sr Prom at The LeRoyan
                                                                    June 1st—Athletics Awards Ceremony—Auditorium—6:00 pm
                                                                    June 8th—Board of Education Meeting—7:00 pm—Library
                                                                    June 8th—9th—Senior Class Trip
                                                                    June 12th—Jr High Awards Assembly—Auditorium—8:00 am
                                                                    June 15th—HS Awards Assembly—Auditorium—7:00 pm
 On your winning design for the cover of the                        June 17th-24th—Regents Exams
 Rochester Automobile Dealers Association (RADA)                    June 19th—Elementary Field Trip
                                                                    June 27th—Class of 2020 Graduation—10:00 am—Auditorium
 Rochester Auto Show Program
Music & Lyrics by Additional Music & Lyrics by Book by - Elba Central School District
Elba Central School
                                         ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL— Carol Bush
                          March 2020

                          Dear Parents and Guardians,

                         It is hard to believe that we are halfway through the third quarter. There’s been a lot happening at Elba
                         Elementary over the past few months and I’m excited to share it with you. First, 2019-2020 has been the
                         year of babies! Four of our elementary teachers have welcomed little ones into the world and we couldn’t
                         be happier for them. Angelica Conway welcomed Charlotte Anne in August 2019. Jessica Millington
                         welcomed Brady John in September 2019. Anmarie Maher welcomed Hannah Marie in December 2019.
                         Amy Damasiewicz welcomed Greyson Michael in January 2020. We are happy to report that everyone is
                         healthy and happy! (A huge thank you goes out to Ms. Samantha Berl and Mrs. Rita Fischer who covered
 for our elementary teachers while they were out on maternity leave.)

 Aside from the exciting baby news, things are running smoothly at Elba Elementary. We are in our third full year of implementa-
 tion in Reading Workshop and our first full year of Writing Workshop. We love the workshop model! Students are developing a
 love of reading and writing, and our teachers are able to address the varying ability levels within their classroom. We are also
 working to strengthen our math program at Elba Elementary. Throughout the month of March, we will be exploring a variety of
 new math resources that include a combination of print and digital resources and are better aligned to the Next Generation Learning
 Standards. We’re looking forward to upgrading our curriculum!

 The past few weeks have been filled with lots of learning and lots of fun for our students. Most recently, we participated in
                     Celebrate Reading Week. The theme for this week was “Blast off to Reading” and revolved around a space
                     theme! Students enjoyed many different activities, from spirit days and door decorating to energetic assem-
                     blies and a moon room. Students had a “blast”! They were even treated to an afternoon called “Explore and
                     More” where they were able to rotate through a variety of engaging activities. Overall, the week was a huge

 Another event that is sure to be “out of this world” is our Loved Ones Luncheon. This event is happening on
 Thursday, May 21st, so mark your calendars. On that day, all of our elementary students will have the
 opportunity to bring a loved one to lunch with them. This might be a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or any
 other loved one our students choose! Students love this event and look forward to having a special lunch with
 those that are close to them. This year, BEST will be hosting the Scholastic Book Fair on the day of the Loved
 Ones Luncheon. So not only will students get to eat lunch with their friends and family, but they will also have
 the opportunity to visit the book fair together. We are looking forward to a great event!

 With spring just around the corner, so is the busiest time of the school year. We have a lot in store for our
 elementary students this spring… So please be on the lookout for newsletters and flyers highlighting these
 special events!

 Happy Spring!

 Carol H. Bush
 Elementary Principal

Chapter 1 Page Turners
By: Bethany Anderson

Chapter 1 Page Turners is a “Battle of the Books” type of competition for students who
enjoy reading and consists of students in third through sixth grade. Students worked in
teams and competed against other area schools to answer questions about each of the
                       required books. At the fall competition, Elba Chapter 1
                       finished with 15 points. With only two months to prepare in
                       between the competitions, Elba then scored an impressive 21
                       points in the spring. Great teamwork was demonstrated by all who competed.

                        Chapter 1 third grade members included Maggie Caparco, Makayla Fischer, Ellie Grubb, Brooklyn
                        Jachimowicz, Addison Marsceill, Jenedith Portugal, Charlotte Reiner, and Lucy Torrey. Fourth-grade
                        members included Isacc Aragon, Cynthia Capper, Laina Casper, Liam Howard, Delilah Snell, and Jordynn
                        Thompson. Fifth-grade members included Brayden Jachimowicz (captain) and Roselin Sanchez. Sixth-grade
                        members included DiLicia Davis (captain), Tyara Davis (captain), and Tristan Snell (captain).
Music & Lyrics by Additional Music & Lyrics by Book by - Elba Central School District
Spring 2020 Newsletter
                                                               UPK at ECS
                                    The Elba Central School will once again have a Universal Pre-Kindergarten class for the 2020-2021
                                    school year. If you have a child that will be 4 years old on or before December 1, 2020, and are
                                    interested in sending your child to UPK, please contact the Elementary Office at 757-9967, ext. 1600 to
                                    confirm your child is registered in our system and on our screening list for the 2020-2021 school year.
                                    Application packets will be mailed out to our current list of UPK-eligible students by the end of
                                    February. Thank you!

                                                     Kindergarten Screening
Children who reside in the Elba Central School District and who will be five years of age on or before December 1, 2020 are eligible for
entrance to Kindergarten in September of 2020.

New families in the school district should notify the school immediately if they have a child that will enter Kindergarten in September.
Parents (current and new) may contact the Elba Elementary office by calling 757-9967,
ext. 1600 to confirm your child is registered in our system. Information may also be sent
to the Elba Elementary School office, PO Box 370, Elba, NY 14058.

Screening for all children expecting to enter Kindergarten in September will be held by
appointment in May. Parents should bring the child’s birth certificate, social security card
and certificate of immunization. All students entering Kindergarten are required, by law,
to have a physical prior to starting school. Parents of children new to Elba are asked to
bring proof of residency to their screening appointment. This can be a copy of a mortgage
or lease agreement or a copy of a tax bill. Thank you!

  6th Graders Celebrate Research Projects
  Articles and photos by Rita Fischer

  For several weeks in December and January, 6th graders in Mrs. Thompson’s and Mrs. Maher’s classes
  spent time researching different subjects and creating presentations on their chosen topics. Posters and
  slide presentations about many subjects including everything from Parkinson’s Disease, Split Personality
  and Virtual Reality to Basketball, Allergies and Fishing were created by the students. These projects, along
  with many others, were on display on Friday, February 7 in the school cafeteria. Students were available to
  discuss their research and answer questions for visitors which included several elementary classes,
  teachers, parents and others.
  Liz Calarco-Smith, mother of 6th grader, Noah Calarco-Smith, remarked how impressed she was with the
  projects. Mrs. Thompson explained that each student became an expert in their field of research. She said, “     6th Grader, Addison Keberle,
  By allowing students to choose their own topics, we are already inspiring their interest in completing the       explains her research on
                                                                                                                   Chemical Reaction to fellow
  assignment. They were anxious to share their passion for these topics.”                                          elementary students.
  Students are eager to research further topics in the future. Now that they have
  experience in the research process, future projects are expected to be even more
     Fletcher Norton (second from
     right) shares his research on New
     York Yankee history with fellow
     baseball fans.

                                                                                                Wednesday, May 20th 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
                                                                                                Small Gymnasium at Elba Central School
                                                                                              Contact Mrs. Jennifer Manley for more information
                                                                                                           585-757-9967 ext. 1240
                                                  6th Grader, Tristan Snell (on
                                                  right) shares his research on
                                                  Marvel and DC Comics with other
Music & Lyrics by Additional Music & Lyrics by Book by - Elba Central School District
Elba Central School
                                 ELBA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
                              20 week Marking Period – January 2020
                                 Principal’s List with Honors 3.5 - 4.0
                                       Principal’s List 3.0 – 3.4
4th Grade                            5TH Grade                          6TH Grade
HONORS                               HONORS                             HONORS
Laina Casper                                                            Hannah Baldwin
Madison Lowe                         PRINCIPAL’S LIST                   Mark Bondaruk
                                     Avalynn Buczek                     Addison Keberle
PRINCIPAL’S LIST                     Brayden Jachimowicz                Lyllian Miller
Elle Bentley                         Lily Kasprzyk                      Lydia Ross
Nico Calarco-Smith                   Lucia Longoria                     Bing Zuber
Cynthia Capper                       Madilyn Marks
Harley Gildner                       Madison Marks                      PRINCIPAL’S LIST
Liam Howard                          Laney Mickey                       Noah Calarco-Smith
Aiden Hyman                          Jaquelin Portugal                  Constance Campagna
Ryan Marsceill                       Brianna Totten                     Evelyn Chadbourne
Jackson Miller                       Mason Vigiano                      Alahna Chatt
Dakota Reigle                                                           Lillian Finkney
Jacob Rombaut                                                           Jada Fite
Delilah Snell                                                           Caroline Luft
Brynn Stackhouse                                                        Caleb Mack
Clara Torrey                                                            Jennifer Portugal
                                                                        Jade Winn

    Spring Walk to School Day
Please join the staff and faculty of ECS for
our annual Spring Walk to School Day!
Where: Town of Elba Highway Dept., 7 Maple Ave                                       B.E.S.T.
When: Wednesday, May 20th
Time:   Meet @ 7:00 am—start walking @ 7:15
                                                                                     Friday, April 17th
                                                                                     6:00-8:30 p.m.
                                                      Book Fair
                                                      May 20th & 21st

                                                                           SAVE THE DATE
                                                                         Loved Ones Luncheon
                                                                                 May 21st
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Spring 2020 Newsletter
                         ELBA JR/SR HIGH CENTRAL SCHOOL
                                 2019-2020 School Year
GRADE 7                 Merit Roll              Merit Roll (Cont’d)
High Honor              Abrahaam Izucar         Jacob Schnitzer         GRADE 12
Owen Bentley            Adrian Mateos           Frank Warriner          High Honor
Jillian Brewer          Chelsea Jo Vanelli      Arron Wyder             Zachary Boldt
Bailey Brunner          Addison Warriner                                Morgan Harrington
Sadee Dillon            Michael Warriner        GRADE 11                Isabella Riner
Mary Engelhardt         Margaret Winspear       High Honor
Amy Garcia Vasquez                              Taylor Augello          Honor
Tyler Havens            GRADE 9                 Madison Harrington      Colton Dillon
Hudson Luft             High Honor              Austin Hunt             Lauryn Engle
Alexa Ocampo            Isabella Mateos         Lucia LoBello           Greyson Huntington
Sydney Reilly           Aidan McClurg           Madison Muehlig         Camryn Knapp
Jason Rowe              Taimi Pike              Fanny Venegas           Kelly Mickey
                        Emily Rowe                                      Collin O’Halloran
Honor Roll              Honor Roll              Carter Augello          Merit
Cooper Augello          Kyra Brunner            Kelsea Augello          Paige Heale
Madalyn Hall            Rick Engelhardt         Leah Bezon              Jacob Long
Lyla Marsceill          Cameron Havens          Andrew Hare             Donald Manes III
Mariah Ognibene                                 Zachary Howard          Esmeralda Ocampo
Dulce Reyes Barranco    Merit Roll              Caleb Scouten           Tyler Stevens
Isaac Volpe             Amelia Brewer           Donovan Sherman         Olga Zuniga Reza
                        Ian Keberle             Lilliana Thompson
Merit Roll              Gabriella Szalay        Kallie Totten
Jesus Aragon                                    Lizzie Tristan
Hannah Chaplin          GRADE 10                Brynn Walczak
Breanna Crimes          High Honor              Miah Werth
Abigail Russell         Alexandra Belluscio
Zachary Woods           Selena Giselle Franco   Merit
                        Georgia Luft            Jessica Andrade
GRADE 8                 Laci Sewar              Brandon Boyce
High Honor              Cody Soules-Robinson    Madison Cline-Deville
Kennedy Augello         Carolyn Sybertz         Adam Kowalski
Ava Chatt               Sarah Volpe             Ana Dalay Mateos
Annabella Laney                                 Kyle Norton
Alexandra Manley        Honor Roll              Kiah Rosendale
Adison Norton           Veronica Aponte
Madison Thompson        Lindsay Augello
Rachel Walls            Jacob Beale
                        Dakota Brinkman
Honor Roll              Zachary Marsceill
Lillyan Cook            Caden Muehlig
Halie Deville
Mark Felschow           GRADE 10
Jose Gonzalez           Merit Roll
Dante Grubb             Virginia Gomez
Alexander Marks         Charles (CJ) Gottler
Emma Pangrazio          Randy Gregory
Angelo Penna            Adrianna Long
Brianna Soria           Christopher Olguin
Teresa Webster          Guillermo Roque
Holly Wilcox
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Elba Central School

                                           Sensory Walk – “The Beanstalk”
                                                 By Sherry Anauo, COTA
                                      Occupational Therapy Elba Central School District

There is good news to share at Elba as we come back in 2020! We have been fortunate to have many faculty, staff and
community members here at Elba Central School share their time and expertise over a 2 year period for the purpose of
creating a Sensory Walk for our students. The Sensory Walk is in the Lower Level of the Elementary Wing. It is a
walking, stepping, hopping, reaching left to right, and thinking course! Its purpose is to allow students to engage in
movement patterns that will help them establish organizational patterns and regulate for learning. The Sensory walk’s
location in the lower level is such that a whole class can pass through the course in a few minutes as they are enroute to
their scheduled classes. As a tribute to Elba's agricultural heritage, there is a beautiful beanstalk to start the path. Foot
patterns to step and hand patterns along the wall move students left-to-right (think of reading and writing). A bear crawl
is next, followed by a foot pattern. Students can hop or step to the lily pads, then finish with a yoga pose. Elements
within the course can be changed to incorporate different classroom concepts.

Many thanks to the teachers and administrative staff who participated in the planning and shared their creative ideas.
Thank you to Building and Grounds staff for their expertise and guidance. We have a beautiful and durable path! Thank
you to the Board of Education for your support.

Thank you also, to Wraptile Graphics for your creativity, guidance and generosity with your time!

Please come down and “Walk The Beanstalk!”

Elba Elementary
Art News
Nicole Hodge, Elementary
Art Teacher
Music & Lyrics by Additional Music & Lyrics by Book by - Elba Central School District
Spring 2020 Newsletter
                                        Cold Outside But Hot in the Gym
Winter Sports Athletes continue to get the job done on the court and in
the classroom, as our Varsity Girls Basketball, Varsity Boys Basketball,
and Varsity Cheer were all recognized by the New York State Public
High School Athletic Association as      Scholar Athlete Teams. Much
like anything in life, putting in time is what makes you successful.
Lancer athletes understand and apply this concept to their lives as
student-athletes. Parents, teachers, administrators and the community
are all very proud of this accomplishment.

Lancer success does not stop in the classroom. Both the Girls and Boys
Varsity teams earned the honor of #1 Seed going into Sectionals in Class
                                                  D2. The girls were
                                                  honored at the #1
                                                  seed luncheon hosted
                                                  by Section V while
                                                  the     Boys      were
                                                  recognized at #1 seed dinner
                                                  also hosted by Section V.
                                                  This is quite an honor con-
                                                  sidering there are 12 and 13
                                                  teams     in    each    class
                                                  respectively.     The Girls
                                                  Basketball team finished the
                                                  regular season with an
                                                  impressive 18-2 record. The
                                                  Boys      Basketball    team
                                                  finished the regular season

Individual Accomplishments:

Girls Basketball All-Stars include Lauryn Engle, Brynn Walczak, and Leah
Bezon. Lauryn was also selected to represent the GR Seniors in the
Exceptional Senior game at Albion on March 13th @ 5:00pm.

                            Boys Basketball All-Stars include Collin O’Halloran and Colton Dillon. Collin O’Halloran also set the
                            school record in assists with 360, and Colton Dillon broke Joe Bezon’s all-time scoring record of 1240
                            points and currently sits at 1273 career points. Colton will represent the GR in the Ronald McDonald
                            All-Star game. Both Collin and Colton will represent the GR in the Exceptional Senior game at Albion
                            on March 13th following the girls game.
                            Indoor Track Sectionals:
                            Fanny Venegas —Sectional Champion in the 1500M
                            Kelly Mickey—3rd Place in the 55m and 5th place in the 300m

                 Elba Sports Boosters-Show off our Newly Updated School Logo!
                 Show your school spirit and get your 3x5 Elba Lancers Spirit Flag - $25 each pole
                 (pocket or grommet style)
                  Window decal stickers also available-$1 each
                 They will be available at various upcoming events, at the Elba School District Of-
                 fice or by contacting any Sports Boosters member or Lea Ann Hall 585-409-1312

                 Congratulations to all of our Elba Winter Athletes!
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Elba Central School
                             ECS Transportation Department
                             Andy Reeb, Transportation Coordinator

                             Transportation Requests
                             For the safety of students, parents and guardians may
                             only provide one pickup and one drop off address for
                             their child(ren). These may both be the same or may
                             be two different addresses.

For example, a student may be picked up at home and dropped off at a day care
provider. Both addresses must be within the boundaries of the school district. It is
important to note that we will not bus a student to any other address.

Should you move or change day care providers, you may contact the Elementary or
JSHS office of the change, but we will not be able to vary from the addresses you
provide for any other reason.

Student safety is our #1 priority. Please contact the Transportation Office if you
have any questions regarding your child’s transportation. The Transportation Office
number is 757-9967 x1750 or you can email me at

                             Please Drive Carefully!!

                        Nominate Your Favorite Elba Educator
Elba’s B.E.S.T. PTSA commi ee is looking for your support and input. We will be awarding two individuals within the Elba School
District with the “Elba’s B.E.S.T. Educator Award”. One individual for Pre‐k ‐6 and one for 7‐12th grades. We are asking your family
to think about who stands out from our dedicated staff, complete the form below and return it to school with your child (in a
sealed envelope labeled B.E.S.T.) OR email your nomina on to Your nominee can be anyone who has had
a posi ve impact and made a las ng difference in your child/children’s lives. Examples include bus driver, secretary, administrator,
cafeteria helper, teacher, teacher’s aide, therapist, nurse or their special area teacher. Quali es of the B.E.S.T. Educator could be:
someone who always gives you a hug or high five, has given important advice, who is always willing to stay a er and help with
homework, or who goes above and beyond to make each lesson exci ng.

Congratula ons to our last year’s recipients Jeane e Vigneri and Carolyn Stegman!

Thank you in advance for your feedback. The individuals with the most nomina ons will receive the award. The awards will be
presented at an assembly prior to the end of the school year. Help us acknowledge and award Elba’s B.E.S.T. Educator!

Please fill out the form below and return it to the school by May 1, 2020.

Name of Nominee:___________________________________________________

Why are you nomina ng this person? (Please use addi onal paper if needed)
Spring 2020 Newsletter

                 Health Office News
FLU or COLD To prevent widespread flu in the school, we
recommend that your child stay home from school if experiencing flu
or cold symptoms. To decide whether or not to send your child to
school, please consider the following...                                                             Hands
Signs and             Influenza                  Cold Symptom
Onset                Abrupt                     Gradual                 Wash Your Hands the Right Way
Fever                Usual; lasts 3-4 days      Rare                     Sing and Scrub: Wash with warm soap & water for at
Aches                Usual; often severe        Slight                     least 20 seconds (the time it takes to sing “Happy
Chills               Fairly common              Uncommon                   Birthday” twice).
Fatigue, weakness    Usual                      Sometimes                  Do the Elbow Cough: Teach kids to cough into
Sneezing             Sometimes                  Common                     elbows, not hands, where they are more likely to spread
Stuffy nose          Sometimes                  Common                     bacteria & viruses.
Sore throat          Sometimes                  Common                   Disinfect Hot Spots: Kids touch up to 300 surfaces eve-
Chest discomfort                                                           ry 30 minutes, so disinfect doorknobs, light switches,
& cough              Common; can be severe Mild to moderate                faucets, toys.
Headache             Common                Rare
                                                                        When Soap & Water are not Available – Use Hand
What are the emergency warning signs of flu sickness?                   Sanitizer or Hand Wipes
In children
 Fast breathing or trouble breathing                                  Hand Sanitizers:
     Bluish skin color                                                   Use one or two squirts or pumps of the product.
 Not drinking enough luids                                             Rub hands together briskly, including the front and
                                                                           back, between fingers, around and under nails until
 Not waking up or not interacting                                        hands are dry.
 Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
 Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and             Wipes:
     worse cough                                                         Wipe all areas of hands until they are visibly clean.
 Fever with a rash
                                                                         Use one or more wipes and dispose in an appropriate
                                                                             trash container.
                                                                         Let hands air dry.
In adults
                                                                        Top 5 Germ Hotspots:
 Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
 Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen                                Phone receivers
 Sudden dizziness                                                        Refrigerator, microwave and door handles
                                                                           Light switches
 Confusion                                                               TV Remote
 Severe or persistent vomiting
 Flu-like symptoms that improve but then return with fever and        Follow Good Health Guidelines: Eat right, exercise and get
     worse cough                                                        plenty of sleep to help boost the body’s ability to fight the effects of
In addition to the signs above, get medical help right away for any
infant who has any of these signs:                                       Interested in Learning Yoga?
 Being unable to eat
 Has trouble breathing                                                 Contact Mrs. Manley at 757-9967 x1240, if you are interested in
 Has no tears when crying                                              learning Chair Yoga as a way to build core and flexibility while
 Significantly fewer wet diapers than normal                           working on mindfulness. Instruction is adjusted so that
                                                                         participants may perform the exercises while sitting or standing
Colds are the most contagious during the first 48 hours. A child who     next to a chair for support (no mat work or on the ground). If
has a fever should remain at home until "fever free" for a minimum of    there is enough interest we will offer classes right here at ECS for
24 hours, without a fever reducer medication. A child who has started    $5/class per person.
antibiotics needs to be on the medication for 48 hours before
considered non-contagious and able to return to school. Often when a
                                                                         Currently we have several staff and faculty
child awakens with vague complaints it is wise to observe your child
at home for an hour or two before deciding whether or not to bring       participating in floor mat Yoga every Thursday
him or her to school. Keeping a sick child at home will minimize the     from 4-5 pm. Cost is $5/class per person.
spread of infections and viruses in the classroom.                       No mat needed. Bring your water.
Elba Central School
                               Elba Central School
Board of Education Member Petitions
District Residents interested in serving on the Board of Education can pick up nominating petitions at the Elba Central
School District Office on business days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Candidates must file their nominating
petitions, having at least 25 signatures of qualified voters with the District Clerk of Elba Central School, District Office,
57 South Main St., Elba, NY by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 20, 2020. This
year’s election will be to elect one member of the Board of Education for a term            Annual Budget Hearing
of five years.                                                                                Monday, May 11, 2020
    Qualifications for membership on a School Board include:                                      6:30 p.m.
    Must be a qualified voter of the District
                                                                                              Library Media Center
    Have been a resident of the District for a continuous and uninterrupted                2020/21 Budget Vote
      period of one year
                                                                                                and Election
    18 years of age or older                                                               Tuesday, May 19, 2020
    A citizen of the United States                                                           Noon—8:00 p.m.
Absentee Ballots                                                                               Auditorium Lobby

Elba Central School District qualified residents can obtain and use absentee ballots for District elections. To obtain an
absentee ballot, residents must submit an application and be unable to appear at the vote in person for one of the
following reasons:

    Patient in a hospital or unable to appear due to illness or physical disability;
    Occupation or business which will require an individual to be outside of the county or city of his or her residence on
      the day of the vote;
    Absence from your voting residence due to confinement in jail awaiting action by a grand jury, awaiting trial or is
      confined in prison after conviction for an offense other than a felony;
    Absence from the District on the day of the vote due to caring for a spouse, child or parent for any of the above
    Anyone with a permanent illness or disability;
Applications must be received at the District Office at least seven (7) days before the election if a ballot is to be mailed to
the voter. Absentee Ballots will be available on Wednesday, April 22, 2020. Completed ballots must be returned by 5:00
p.m. on the day of the vote.
For further information, please contact Donna Harris, District Clerk at (585) 757-9967 x1033.

     ECS Hall of Fame Scholarships                          121 Threadz
 The Elba Central School Hall of Fame Scholarship           Due to your generous donations to 121 Threadz, our shelves are
 applications for the Class of 2020 are available!          very well stocked. At this time, we cannot accept anymore donations.
                                                            Please look in future newsletters for updates on donations.
 Two students from this year’s graduating class will
 each receive a $400 scholarship. Check out the link        If you would like to come in and “shop” - Please contact Mrs. Manley
 on the Elba Central School’s website to apply. Go to       or Mrs. Casper.
 the District tab and Hall of Fame and scroll to bottom
 of page.                                                                   Thank you for your generosity!
 The deadline is May 31 .

                      Hall of Fame Foundation:
                      SAVE THE DATE!!! Beef on Weck Dinner on May 19th to support our
                      Elba Central School Hall of Fame! Tickets will be on sale in the district office on April
                      1st! Buy your tickets early-in the past we have sold out!

Do you know a Lancer that should be nominated for achieving great things?
Nominate them for the Hall of Fame! Applications are accepted year round and are available through the school's web-
site. The Hall of Fame Committee encourages you to nominate those you think have represented ECS well! We love Lanc-
er success stories and generosity!
Spring 2020 Newsletter
ECS Hall of Fame Foundation
The Elba Central School Hall of Fame Foundation Committee is very
excited to share images from the 2020 induction to our newest Hall of
Fame members! The Hall of Fame hosted a dinner at Terry Hills on
Saturday, February 15th. Friends and family members of staff member
Don Willmott, Class of 1945 and staff member Paul Joslin, and Class of
1992 Paul Birch joined us as we celebrated their successes. Here is a
little more about our newest Hall of Fame members.

Nominated by his wife Erma, Paul Joslin graduated from Elba in
1945. Following graduation Paul served his country in the Navy and
attended Cornell University. Paul began his teaching career in
Warsaw, eventually returning to his alma mater to teach agriculture and
science from 1954-1959.                                                      Paul Birch, Don Willmott and Ken Post (accepting for Paul Joslin)

Paul earned his masters’ degree in science from the University of the South, a masters’ degree in education and a doctoral degree in
biology and science education from the University of Rochester. His collegiate teaching began as a professor at U of R and
continued at Drake University until 1994, when he retired. Paul’s work at Drake University led him to positions of Professor of
Science Education and Chair. He has been able to teach, as a visiting scholar, in Perth Australia at Curtin University and Fulbright
Laureate to the University of Ile-Ife, Nigeria Africa as well as adjunct professor at the University of Iowa and Iowa State
University. He has also co-authored high school textbooks as well as other scientific and education research, and film and book

Mr. Joslin, in his career, has earned many accolades for his work. He received the Exemplary Service Award by the National
Association for Research in Science Education, Distinguished Achievement Award, from the Washington Education Press
Association, and Who’s Who in Science Education Around the World by the International Council of Associations of Science
Besides his many accolades and accomplishments in his work as a professor, he has dedicated his life in service to his
community. While living in Elba he was Village Clerk and served as a trustee and elder at the Presbyterian Church and volunteered
with the Elba Fire Department. In Iowa he continues to serve in his church, Kiwanis and Torch Club. Paul and his wife have been
able to travel and explore in thirty-three countries on five continents and in all of the U.S. states. He continues to write a column for
the Cornell University Alumni Magazine, teach retirees and speaks and writes on the science/theology interface.
Paul and wife, Erma, live and entertain their four generation family of forty-eight on a 230 acre farm retreat in Southern Iowa.

Don Willmott found his way to Elba Central School in 1969 as student teacher from SUNY Brockport. It was then that he found
his home at Elba Central School, dedicating his life to the students and staff teaching health and physical education, coaching, and
acting as the Athletic Director for 32 years. Don retired in 2002 with “No regrets!”

As the girls varsity soccer coach and boys basketball coach, Don earned many accolades including Coach of the Year and
Section 5 Class D Championships in boys basketball in the years 1970-71 and 1971-72! As the Athletic Director, Don served as
league president and Section 5 Athletic Administrators President for many years.
Even when school was not in session, Mr. Willmott dedicated his time for many summers as the Elba Recreation Director serving
the youth of our community. He also led the boys basketball recreation program earning himself the Village of Elba Make a
Difference Award in 1997.
After his retirement in 2002, Don and his wife, Sandy, relocated to Penn Yan, NY where Don continues his life of service to
others. Don is a member of the Penn Yan Lions Club and has earned many service awards including the Distinguished Community
Service Award for his work building handicapped ramps for residents in need.
Don is a husband, and father to 3 children, Terri, Brett, and Kevin and grandfather to 7 grandchildren. He was nominated by Mr.
Tom Nowak, a friend and colleague at ECS.
After graduating as Valedictorian from ECS in 1992, Paul Birch attended the US Air Force Academy graduating in 1996 as a
Distinguished Graduate. He attended MIT from 1996-1998, earning a Master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering. His
Military duty as a Weapons Systems Officer and Pilot in the F-15 E Strike Eagle took him around the world in support of every
major US military operation of the last two decades. In 2014, Paul earned a PhD in Military Strategy from the Air University. Along
with the E-15, he has also piloted the KC-10, E- 3, E-8, U-2 and Q-4.
Paul is currently the Commander of the 93rd Air Ground Wing Operation Wing, headquartered in Valdosta, Georgia, at Moody Air
Force Base. He is currently serving the United States Air Force in his 24th year of active-duty. He is married to Amanda, an Air
Force Officer, and is the son of Robert and Sylvia Birch who still reside in Elba.

Paul was nominated by his teacher/coach/guidance counselor, Mr. Tom Nowak.
Elba Central School
From the Town of Elba
  * Phases 1, 2 and 3 are complete and residents can hook up at any time, contact Trisha Werth (585-757-6827, ext. 1) if you have
    questions. Restoration will continue in the Spring.
 * Phase 4 (water storage tank) is currently in the building phase.
 * Phase 5 is underway.
 * Phase 6 will begin in 2020.

ZONING BOARD - The Town of Elba Zoning Board is in need of a new member. Please contact Trisha at 757-2762, ext. 1 if you
are interested.

DOG LICENSES - Please stop by the Town Clerk's office to license your dog(s). New York State Law REQUIRES that all dogs
must be licensed in the Town, City or Village where the dog is harbored at the age of 4 months. For new dog licenses, a current ra-
bies certificate and a spay/neuter certificate (if applicable) is required. For a renewal, a rabies certificate (if required) must be pre-
sented. Fees for unaltered dogs are $15.00 and for spayed/neutered dogs is $5.00. A license is a lost dog's ticket home!

TOWN HIGHWAY – Work zones play a key role in maintaining and upgrading our town’s highway system. Drivers can make
roads safer by simply SLOWING down and obeying work zones - it is the LAW! We have had several close calls recently in El-
ba. If these instances continue we will need to completely shut the road down while performing the necessary work. Our Highway
employees and contractors would like to go home to their families every night – so please, SLOW DOWN!

ELBA TOWN OFFICES – The property originally owned by M&T Bank has officially been turned over to the Town of Elba. The
Town is working with engineers and contractors to renovate the building to ensure it is compliant with USDA regulations. This will
house the future Elba Town offices.

FLAGS - Retired American flags are collected at any time! Feel free to drop them off to Trisha in the Town Clerk's office. We will
pass them onto the Boy Scouts.

From the Village of Elba:
The Village Election is on Wednesday March 18, 2020, from noon to 9 pm. Voting takes place at 4 South Main Street (across from
Chap’s). Please come out and vote.
Planning or Zoning Boards and Board of Assessment Review: We welcome any resident who is interested in serving as a member
of one of these Boards. The Planning and Zoning Boards meet once a month. Please contact the Village Clerk at 757-6889 for
Major Projects:
We have secured a grant to study the Village sewer plant and sewer system. This is required to secure funding for mandated upgrades
at the sewer plant and for any repairs or improvements to the sewer system infrastructure.
Main Street:
We have had positive feedback with regard to the Christmas flags on the decorative light posts. The Village, using Main Street
beautification grant funds is in the process of acquiring decorative flags for each season.
Village Park:
Reminder: if you would like to reserve the Park Pavilion, the Village begins accepting reservations March 1. Call the Village Clerk at
Norman Itjen - Mayor

             The Elba Fire Department would like to remind everyone to change their smoke detector
             batteries when you change your clocks! Smoke detectors save lives, but only if they are working! It's also a
             good time to go over the escape plan should there be a fire.

Have you heard? The Elba Fire Department will be hosting the Onion Festival once again in Elba Village Park on August
7th and 8th! Save the dates and keep an eye out in the next newsletter for more details!
Spring 2020 Newsletter
The Elba Betterment Committee would like to thank everyone who contributed to and/or attended our
Christmas in the Park event this past year. Special thanks to Tim Tomczak, members of the St. Padre Pio Choir and Barry Flanders
for their part in making our small, but festive event even more special. For those of you who are missing having all those trees lit up
in the park, we are hoping that with the help of some community volunteers, we will be able to go back to that format in the future.
          But for now we are very excited to announce that we have received a grant from the Genesee Orleans Regional Arts
Council (GO ART) to help fund a program this coming spring and summer called EBC- Music and More. The plan is to bring free
concerts into the park, and to also provide food and family fun in conjunction with them. The idea is, come for dinner, and stay for
the music and fun!
          The second exciting part is that we are inviting local non profits, as well as local businesses to come in and sell food or
merchandise, promote upcoming events and raffles, or just come and enjoy the fun. With each concert (7 are planned so far), we will
choose a theme and have food and/or activities related to that theme. For example, BEST is getting ready to “Rock out with Bobby”,
when Bobby and the Pedestrians performs.
          We are holding meetings with some groups who have already expressed an interest, but there is still time to add any group
who would like to be involved to the mix. Another idea we would like to pursue is to have local musicians who are looking to
perhaps open for some of our bands – like acoustic sets, or a couple of original songs. We are hoping our own ECS musicians will
take part as well.
The concert schedule looks like this:
 Wednesday, June 24 – Corfu Pembroke Community Band
                All American theme
 Monday, July 6 – Old Hippies
 Friday, July 17 – Jimmie Leggs (Jazz)
 Tuesday, July 21 – Bobby and the Pedestrians
              BEST – Rock out with Bobby
 Sunday, August 2 – Front Porch Pickers
              Car cruise
 Friday, August 14 - Savage Cabbage
 Wednesday, August 26 – Genesee Ted
*There may be others added as we determine interest.
Those we have met with so far have suggested things like tie-dye, ice cream social, wine and cheese nights, movie night and more.
We still have many details to work out, but the schedule is set and we are gearing up for a great summer. We hope you will want to
be a part of it. Please contact Pauli at or 356-1561 to share your ideas, offer your help or sign up your

                   English for Adults                                                    Inglés para adultos
                  The Second Semester!                                                  El segundo semestre!
    The second semester for fifteen adults learning English at                 ¡El segundo semestre para los quince adultos
Elba Central has been extremely successful! After just a few         aprendiendo inglés en Elba Central ha sido extremadamente
months of improving their reading, writing, listening and            exitoso! Después de unos meses de mejorar sus habilidades de
speaking skills on Tuesday evenings, these dedicated students        lectura, escritura, comprensión auditiva y expresión oral los
expanded their sessions to include Thursday evenings in              martes por la noche, estos estudiantes dedicados ampliaron sus
February and March. Classes on Thursday evenings gave                sesiones incluyendo los jueves por la noche en febrero y marzo.
students more time to practice the skills they had learned. In       Las clases los jueves por la noche dieron a los estudiantes más
March, the students spent a special evening at Richmond              tiempo para practicar las habilidades que habían aprendido. En
Memorial Library in Batavia where they toured the library and        marzo, los estudiantes pasaran una noche especial en la Bibli-
received library cards. Mrs. Fischer said, “I am so happy these      oteca Richmond Memorial en Batavia, donde visitaran la bibli-
students and their families will be able to take advantage of the    oteca y recibirán tarjetas de la biblioteca. Estoy muy feliz de
services offered at the library. Most did not know that the          que estos estudiantes y sus familias puedan aprovechar los ser-
library was even available to them!”                                 vicios ofrecidos en la biblioteca. ¡La mayoría no sabía que la
                                                                     biblioteca estaba disponible para ellos!
    English classes are held on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00 P.M.         Las clases de inglés se imparten los martes de 7:00 a 8:00 p.m.
and on Thursdays from 6:00-8:00 P.M. in room 119 at Elba             y los jueves de 6:00 a 8:00 p.m. en la sala 119 de la Escuela
Central School.     Classes are in session through March 26 and      Central de Elba. Las clases están en sesión hasta el 26 de marzo
will resume on April 14 after spring break. Classes are free and     y se reanudarán el 14 de abril después de las vacaciones de
open to the public. Please contact Mrs. Rita Fischer at              primavera. Las clases son gratuitas y abiertas al público. or 585.993.1785, if you are interested in       Comuníquese con la Sra. Rita Fischer a o
attending the classes.                                               al 585.993.1785, si está interesado en asistir a las clases.
Elba Central School District                                                                            ECRWSS
 57 South Main Street                                                                                    Non-Profit Organization
 P. O. Box 370                                                                                           U.S. Postage Paid
 Elba, NY 14058-0370                                                                                     Permit #31
                                                                                                         Batavia, NY 14021-0031

Board of Educa on Members
Michael Augello, President
Michael Riner, Vice President
Michael T. Hare
Dean Norton
                                             DISTRICT RESIDENT
Travis Torrey
Trisha Werth
Michael Zuber

Administra on
Ned Dale, Superintendent
Gretchen Rosales, JSHS Principal
Carol Bush, Elementary Principal

Web Addresses

                                   7th Annual Elba Central School Alumni Reunion
     We would like to invite all Elba Alumni or those who at one time attended Elba Central School to our Annual Alumni Reunion.
     All Classes are welcome.
     This year the Class of 1970 will be honored as they celebrate 50 years.
     Date: June 6, 2020
     Place: Elba Fire Department Recreation Hall—corner of 262 & 98 Elba
     Time: Social Hour at 4:00 pm—Dinner at 6 pm
     Dinner will be buffet style, preceded by appetizers & punch. A cash bar will be available.
     Tickets are $30/person
     Checks made out to Elba Alumni Association must accompany the attached reservation form. Reservations should be made
     ASAP. A tour of the school will take place for those interested. Meet at the north door under the arch at 3:00 pm.

     Send form to Susan (Berg) Michalak 17 Warren Street Batavia, NY 14020
     Questions can also be directed to Susan at 585-409-7756.

     Alumni’s Name ________________________________________ Grad Year ________________________
     (Include Maiden name)               or last year & grade attended ECS________________________
     Spouse’s Name if an Alumni ______________________________ Grad Year ________________________
     (Include Maiden name)
     Spouse’s Name if not an Alumni ____________________________________________________________
     Phone ____________________________ Email ______________________________________________

     # Attending ________ Amount Enclosed ________________                         # Attending Tour of School ___________
                                                      ***Please Print Clearly***
     Reservations must be received by May 22, 2020 for you to be listed in our Alumni Booklet.
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