Municipal elections in northern Kosovo: towards a new balance? -

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Municipal elections
 in northern Kosovo:
towards a new balance?

   Filip Ejdus, Leon Malazogu and Milan Nič

                                              DAV4 Full Report | 1
Municipal elections in northern Kosovo:
                                   towards a new balance?

                            By Filip Ejdus, Leon Malazogu and Milan Nič1

   Executive summary
     The municipal elections in Kosovo on                            While the northern politicians have
     3 November will be a litmus test for                            embraced a passive boycott, several
     the Brussels Agreement and for the                              violent incidents herald a climate of
     normalisation of relations between                              active intimidation that could seriously
     Serbia and Kosovo, but also an omen                             reduce turnout or potentially halt the
     for the EU’s ability to impose stability                        electoral process altogether. The EU
     in its backyard. This paper aims to                             seems willing to accept a fairly low
     assist all stakeholders to the Brussels                         turnout as a sufficient legal basis for the
     Agreement to work effectively                                   new municipal institutions. However, it
     toward a positive outcome in                                    is hard to see any serious contingency
     northern Kosovo (as differently as this                         preparations – a Plan B – to put things
     outcome may be assessed by each                                 back on track in case of derailment.
     of them), but also to prepare for                               The paper looks at the challenges
     contingencies.                                                  ahead and analyses the latest
     The voter turnout in the four Serb-                             developments among the north
     majority northern municipalities is as                          Kosovo Serb political elite and the roles
     important as their relations with                               played by Belgrade and Prishtina. It
     Prishtina afterwards.                                           ends with a consideration of four
                                                                     scenarios for the elections and their
                                                                     aftermath (summarised on the next

  Filip Ejdus is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences/University of Belgrade and member of the Management

Board of the Belgrade Centre of Security Policy. Leon Malazogu is Director of the Democracy for Development Institute in
Prishtina. Milan Nič is Senior Fellow at the Central European Policy Institute, a regional think tank based in Bratislava. This paper
is the first in a series of research papers published within the project “Visegrad Support for Dialogue between Serbia and
Kosovo”, and is supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

More desired outcome

              The optimistic scenario                       The realistic scenario

              § More than 30% of K/Serbs vote              § The turnout hovers around 15-30%
              § Undisputed electoral process               § The election process is disputed by
              § The joint list must form coalitions with      limited violence but is not derailed
                 other K/Serb parties, also in the          § The joint list dominates the
                 south                                         Association of Serb Municipalities
              § The Association of Serb                    § The new municipal structures
                 Municipalities smoothly established           maintain distance from Prishtina
              § Interim Assembly fades into                § K/Albanian majority increasingly
                 irrelevance                                   nervous about state dysfunctionality
              § The EU sponsored Belgrade-Prishtina        § Belgrade-Prishtina negotiations
                 negotiations move into the next               continue at slower pace	
                 phase, tackling new issues	

                                                                                                        More likely
Less likely

              The disastrous scenario                       The pessimistic scenario

              § Active boycott results in a turnout        § Security incidents, active boycott,
                 below 5%                                      turnout at 5%-15%
              § Violent incidents lead to the              § Prishtina rejects high by-mail turnout
                 withdrawal of OSCE staff from              § K/Albanians acquire significant
                 polling stations in northern Kosovo           share in northern municipalities
              § Prishtina appoints provisional             § Interim Assembly steps up resistance
                 structures (with or without consent           and grows in importance
                 of Belgrade)                               § Inter-ethnic tensions increase and
              § New barricades, KFOR use of force,            Belgrade-Prishtina normalisation is in
                 new cycle of violence                         jeopardy
              § Fall of Serbian government
              § Deadlock in Belgrade-Prishtina talks,
                 stalemate in Serbia’s EU accession

                                               Less desired outcome

Introduction                                            outcome (as differently as this outcome
                                                        may be assessed by each of the
On 19 April 2013, Serbia and Kosovo                     stakeholders), but also to prepare for
signed an agreement which has the                       contingencies. The paper starts with a
potential to be historic, if fully                      reflection on the preparations for the
implemented. 2 Mediated by the EU, it                   municipal elections, analyses the roles
was designed to defuse the last conflict                and preferences of Belgrade and
in the Western Balkans, and remove one                  Prishtina, and then zooms in on the latest
of the main logjams on the paths of                     developments in northern Kosovo. Lastly,
Serbia     and   Kosovo     towards   EU                the paper considers four scenarios for
membership. The Brussels Agreement, the                 the elections themselves and their
moniker it quickly acquired, could thus                 aftermath. Delineating an optimistic,
be a harbinger of a new era in the                      realistic, pessimistic as well as a disastrous
relationship between Belgrade and                       scenario, the paper also explores the
Prishtina, as well as for their European                forces that could push developments in
transformation.                                         one way or another.
The agreement provided for the inclusion
of the four northernmost Serb-majority
municipalities into Kosovo's legal system.              1. Preparations for
The          establishment      of       an                the elections
Association/Community of Serb-majority
municipalities is to further grant them                 As      with   the    Agreement     itself,
significant self-governance (some say                   preparations for the elections have been
autonomy). The process is to be set in                  fraught with tensions and ambiguities.
motion after municipal elections which                  Belgrade and Prishtina have maintained
are scheduled to take place on 3                        their declaratory commitment, but have
November. As only legal and legitimate                  not done all they could to smooth
municipal authorities may establish the                 transition on the ground. The mayors and
Association (through the delegation of                  most political representatives of the
councillors upwards), the participation of              northern Kosovo Serbs have mounted a
Serbs in the upcoming elections is                      boycott against elections, while recent
crucial. The elections will be a litmus test            violence in the north raises serious
for the Brussels Agreement, but also a                  security concerns that could potentially
portent for the EU’s ability to impose                  undermine the entire process.
stability in its backyard.
                                                        The Brussels Agreement foresees that
This paper aims to analyse the                          “municipal elections shall be organised
challenges ahead and to assist all                      in the northern municipalities in 2013 with
stakeholders to the Brussels Agreement                  the facilitation of the OSCE in
to work effectively toward a positive                   accordance with Kosovo law and
                                                        international standards”. 3 The OSCE will
2The First Agreement of Principles Governing the
                                                        practically organise the elections in
Normalisation of Relations, full text available here:
3224154/Originalni%20tekst%20sporazuma.pdf              3   Point 12 of the Brussels Agreement.
northern Kosovo, on behalf of Kosovo’s         and leave the name and logo of the
Central Election Commission (CEC). The         CEC, under clear pressure from the
OSCE is to place two observers in each         political top brass.
polling station and potentially in sites in
Serbia.                                        The most important election-related
                                               deadline was 4 September for the
The uncertainty stems not only from the        registration of political entities and the
complexities on the ground, but also           certification of candidate lists. While
from the 15 vaguely defined points of the      negotiations continued until days before
agreement itself, which leave ample            the deadline, Kosovo Serbs submitted 18
wiggle room for different interpretations.     lists, competing in 24 (out of 38)
For Prishtina, the Agreement is an             municipalities including the four northern
important step towards full normalisation      ones. Two lists (one of them openly
between two sovereign countries and            supported by Serbia’s Government)
will   eventually    lead    to     Serbia’s   were instructed by the CEC to remove
recognition     of     Kosovo     as      an   the word “Serbia” from the name. 4 The
independent state. Belgrade insists that       deadline for the registration of voters
the Agreement is status-neutral and that       living outside of Kosovo was first
elections are intended to bring more of        scheduled for 11 September but was
Serbia    into    Kosovo.    During      the   then extended to 17 September.
negotiations, the ambiguity of the text        Belgrade hastily submitted to the OSCE
served      constructively    to      reach    around 40,000 applications of displaced
agreement and mask the remaining               Kosovo Serbs who wanted to register to
disagreements.      However,     if     such   vote in Kosovo’s municipal elections.
nebulous wording was the maximum               Some 6,600 applications were accepted
compromise that could be reached,              while all others were rejected as
differences were ultimately bound to           incomplete – mainly due to the absence
clash on the ground.                           of a present or former address in Kosovo
                                               or other proof of residence. An
One of the points of disagreement was          additional number of around 12,000
the appearance of “Republic of Kosova”         Serbs were added to the Voters List
on the ballot paper. From Serbia’s point       during negotiations in Brussels. 5 Prishtina
of view, no symbols of Kosovo’s                has, in the meantime, prepared for
statehood were acceptable on the               elections, and it has gone out of its way
ballot given that the Brussels Agreement
is status-neutral. At the same time,           4 The Government of Serbia which proposed the list
                                               Civil Initiative Serbia changed the name into Serbian
Kosovo refers to the wording that
                                               Civic Initiative (Ser. Građanska inicijativa srpska). The
elections are organised “in accordance         other problematic list was initially entitled Serbia,
with Kosovo law” (point 11), hence its         Democracy, Justice Oliver Ivanović. It changed its
                                               name into SDJ-Oliver Ivanović (Ser. Građanska
insistence to maintain the same
                                               inicijativa SDP –Oliver Ivanović).
appearance as in previous elections. The       5 Tanjug. 1 October 2013. “Jos 12.000 ce upisati za

issue was finally resolved in early            izbore.”
September when Kosovo’s CEC decided
to remove the reference to the republic        ed&utm_medium=twitter
to   accommodate         Serb    requests.      The Government of Serbia invited the
Considering the strategic importance of         Serbs from Kosovo as well as those
northern participation, senior political        eligible to vote from Serbia to participate
leadership has weighed in to get the            in the elections, as did the Serbian
CEC to violate its rules and extend the         Orthodox Church. It also sponsored a
deadline for voter registration in Serbia,      joint list in the shape of a civic initiative in
drop mention of the Republic, and               the north as well as in the south. The
accept the recruitment in its senior            argument put forward by Belgrade is
echelons of a Serb from the north.              that the joint list reduces wasted votes,
                                                increases the representation of Serbs,
2. Serbia’s storylines                          and as such is the best way for the north
                                                Kosovo Serbs to speak with one voice,
   and strategies                               stand jointly for their interests and enjoy
Belgrade has maintained a three-                Serbia’s official support. While the joint list
pronged       discourse    regarding      the   makes sense in the municipalities where
Agreement in general and elections in           Serbs are a numerical minority, it makes
particular. The first storyline is aimed at     little sense in the four northernmost
Brussels and can be summarised as               municipalities where Serbs have an
“Serbia is giving up effective control over     overwhelming majority. In effect, the
the north of Kosovo, but will not, at least     single list could easily take virtually all the
for the time being, recognise Kosovo”.          councillors, leaving no opposition.
Tailored for the domestic audience, the         Prishtina fears that the real aim behind
second storyline interprets the Brussels        the single list is to ensure that the
Agreement as a “victory over Prishtina”         Association remains firmly in Belgrade’s
and “the maximum Belgrade could get             hands, an interpretation strengthened by
at this point”. According to this narrative,    provocative statements from the Serbian
Kosovo Serbs will obtain legitimate             Minister for Kosovo Aleksandar Vulin.
institutions, while Serbia has not swerved
from its pledge “never to recognise             Looming early elections in Serbia may
Kosovo’s unilateral independence”. The          also be adding to a tendency not to
third storyline aims to mobilise north          implement the dialogue as agreed
Kosovo Serbs, to whom the Agreement             upon. Most recently, after being denied
was presented as a vehicle to retain            entry into Kosovo by Prishtina during the
Serbia’s      presence       and      disrupt   electoral campaign, Serbia’s Prime
independent        Kosovo     from    within.   Minister Ivica Dacic threatened to leave
Prishtina is especially concerned with this     all future negotiations if the decision
narrative, fearing that the Association of      were not revoked. Although Dacic was
Serb Municipalities could become                officially supposed to travel to Kosovo to
Belgrade’s Trojan Horse within a                start the campaign in favour of the
gradually Daytonised and dysfunctional          Belgrade- sponsored joint list (in the
Kosovo.                                         southern municipality, not in the north!),
                                                his pompous reaction may also mark the
                                                beginning of the electoral campaign for

the next     parliamentary    elections    in   Belgrade and, as such, is easier                        to
Serbia.                                         control. This is the main concern                      for
                                                Prishtina, and may be a reason                         for
One of the reasons why the Government           Kosovo Albanian parties to forge                          a
of Serbia chose to set up a joint list          broad coalition along ethnic lines                       in
(registered as a civic initiative) was to       return.
avoid the registration of Belgrade-based
parties with authorities in Prishtina. If the   3. Northern Kosovo
governing parties from Belgrade (SNS
and SPS) had registered their Kosovo               Serbs: anxiety and
branches with the CEC as fully fledged             fragmentation
new parties (and new acronyms), they
would have been more vulnerable to              In spite of the policy shift in Belgrade,
criticism by the extreme right for treason.     many Serbs in northern Kosovo have
Indeed, up until recently, Belgrade had         refused    to    accept     the   Brussels
tried to keep the municipal elections low       Agreement, although resistance is
on the domestic agenda, in order to             gradually wearing away. Over the past
shield itself from Kosovo-related criticism     14 years, northern Serbs were mobilised
at home.                                        primarily by the desire to remain part of
                                                Serbia and have often consciously
A significant by-product of the joint civic     withdrawn themselves from decision-
list option (or possibly one of the main        making, leaving responsibility squarely in
objectives) has been the marginalisation        the hands of the Belgrade authorities.
of Serb parties which already participate
in Kosovo’s institutional life. At the same
                                                Since they were not present at EU-
time, the Government of Serbia has
                                                sponsored negotiations, northern Serbs
failed to gain the support for elections of
                                                were taken aback by the swiftness of the
the most influential mayors and political
                                                Agreement. Accusing Belgrade of a sell-
leaders in the four northern-most
                                                out, the political establishment in the
municipalities, who remain adamantly
                                                north established an Interim Assembly as
opposed to the Agreement. It is no
                                                a vehicle to undermine the efforts to
surprise that they could not persuade the
                                                elect new municipalities.6 The most vocal
officials of the Democratic Party of
                                                opponents of the Agreement believe
Serbia (DSS), in opposition in Serbia, to
                                                that, without electoral legitimacy, Serbia
participate. However, Belgrade was also
                                                would be unable to close its institutions
unable to gain the support of most of the
                                                and transfer its financial support to
northern leaders who belong to
                                                Kosovo Serbs through the newly formed
branches of Serbia’s ruling parties, with
                                                Association, as planned. The new
the notable exception of Krstimir Pantic,
                                                institutions  would     then    eventually
former Municipal President of northern (in
                                                collapse. In the meantime, they hope
Serbia referred to as Kosovska) Mitrovica.
Crowding out other groupings paves the          6At the meeting held on 16 August the Assembly
                                                declared that the municipal elections were
way for Belgrade to ensure the
                                                unacceptable because they violate both the
Association reflects the government in          constitution of Serbia and the UNSC resolution 1244.
global power shifts could bring a more          The real challenge is that northern Serbs
auspicious resolution of the situation in       face not only the fear of abandonment
Kosovo’s north. In their view, a cold           by Serbia, but also a sudden transition to
peace must lead to a new dialogue               a free-market economy, which has been
between them and Prishtina for either           delayed for political reasons. Apart from
partition  or   at    least  full-fledged       smugglers and the political class, those
autonomy for the north.                         dependent on state salaries may feel the
                                                main impact. While the well-connected
It is difficult for the Serbs from northern     smugglers may find ways to tap into the
Kosovo to accept the transition, for they       fresh funding that will flow to the north,
lived relatively well during the 14 years of    targeted social assistance programmes
political limbo, with state salaries coming     should be among the priorities to assist
from both capitals. People in northern          ordinary citizens struggling with the
Kosovo are concerned that essential             sudden transition.
services could be cut as they abandon
one system for the other. A rough               Very few Serbs from the north express
estimate indicates that around 85% of all       readiness to participate in the elections.
income in the north depends on the              The     main     lingering    question    is
public sector, about three-quarters of          consequently how active the boycott is
which is from Serbia and a quarter from         likely to be. While northern politicians
Kosovo. The planned closure of the              have embraced a passive boycott,
Serbia-financed institutions and their          several incidents, one of them deadly,
reintegration       into   Kosovo’s     legal   herald a climate of more active
framework will result in significantly lower    intimidation that may reduce turnout to
salaries and jobs (for example in local         a trickle or could stop polling altogether.7
administration and hospitals).
                                                In spite of those widely shared concerns,
Left with few allies, northern Serbs have       opinion polls suggest that opposition to
developed a siege mentality which has           the Brussels Agreement may not be as
actively nurtured the fear of a “silent         unanimous as it seems. According to
exodus”, further worsened by the                polls conducted in June and July 2013,
looming       shut-down    of    Belgrade’s     the expected turnout is 17% in Northern
institutions. Without state-run institutions,   Mitrovica, 21% in Zubin Potok, 24% in
the fear is that local elites (teachers,        Zve an/Zveçan         and      38%         in
doctors, judges) will leave and the rest of     Leposavi /Leposaviq. 8 Given            that
the population may follow. The discourse        Belgrade has certified its joint list in the
of the “silent exodus” may be an                meantime, the turnout is likely to be
instrument of political pressure or a sign      higher, as long as the security and
of desperation. But in reality, any exodus      political     environment     does       not
is more likely to happen as a result of
lack of salaries than the emotional pain        7 The killing of a EULEX customs officer from Lithuania
of being part of Kosovo.                        was among a number of violent incidents that
                                                occurred in September.

deteriorate. Many Serbs in the north may       Association. This is not only a political
also be driven to vote by the narrative        dilemma – joining requires the blessing of
that the Association of the Serb               mayors who will lose real competences
Municipalities is the vehicle for Serbia’s     to this supra-municipal body. Other Serb-
continued      presence       in   Kosovo.     majority municipalities may not be able
Nevertheless, even if a larger-than-           to muster the two-thirds of the vote in the
expected percentage of the population          Assembly required to join the Association.
cast their ballot, most northern Serbs will    But given that all assistance from Serbia is
boycott the elections. Given the               likely to come through the Association,
circumstances, the EU and the rest of the      staying away may be a difficult choice.
international community is probably            In addition, southern Serbs fear that the
willing to accept a fairly low turnout as a    constant political focus on the north
sufficient legal basis to establish            sidelines their more serious problems,
municipal government.                          which the Association may exacerbate.

The campaign in northern Kosovo is likely      Prior to the Brussels Agreement, the Serb
to be a low-key affair without                 political scene in Kosovo was effectively
enthusiasm.       Northern         mayoral     divided into two camps: the Belgrade
candidates are unlikely to focus on            Serbs following Serbia’s official position
concrete projects, and may use sombre          and Thaci’s Serbs, as the SLS and its
messages such as “we had to do this”,          supporters, who have been willing to
“we will try to change terms as we go          work with Kosovo institutions, were often
along” and “we have to live with this          labelled by their critics. Although
legal framework, but we will resist and will   Belgrade proposed the joint list with the
never accept independence”. Such a             aim of unifying the Serb electorate in
tepid campaign environment is unlikely         Kosovo around its platform, in practice it
to boost spirits and lead to a high            has only led to its further fragmentation.
turnout, since voters expect visionary         Now two more camps are emerging. The
leaders who can project optimism into          third camp is nobody’s Serbs, coalescing
the future.                                    around DSS and SRS, as continual spoilers
                                               of the peace process who enjoy limited
The      situation    becomes        further   backing. The fourth camp emerging is
complicated when southern Serbs are            composed of a number of local
factored into the equation. While all Serb     groupings, for virtually every municipality
parties should be in principle enthusiastic    has at least one Serb local civic initiative
about the Association, they may be less        which supports integration, but sees an
so given Serbia’s insistence of its full       interest in distancing themselves from
control. In their view, Serbia is now          mainstream groupings.
advocating the same policy for which it
had criticised the SLS in 2009 when it had     4. Four scenarios
the courage to participate in elections,
then against Serbia’s will. If the SLS wins    Given the complexity and volatility of the
several municipalities in the South, as        situation in northern Kosovo, it is clear
expected, it is unclear if it will join the    that there is a wide range of possible
outcomes both on 3 November and in its          with     representation     from    several
aftermath. Voter turnout aside, which           groupings. The electoral process is seen
scenario unfolds in the north will also be      as largely free, fair and transparent. The
determined by the dismantling and               opponents undertake a passive boycott
reintegration of parallel institutions,         of the elections, but due to the intensive
especially the police and courts. Talks on      campaign by Belgrade, their campaign
both counts have stalled with serious           rings hollow. In this scenario, the few
disagreements, and if there is no success       violations of the code of conduct and
by early November, it could have serious        polling procedures are insufficient to risk
implications. Security on election day          the integrity of the process. The local
can hardly be guaranteed if the careers         assemblies of the four municipalities
of hundreds of security officials are in        convene and elect mayors who accept
question. Similarly, if judges are not in       Prishtina as the source of their legal
place, it is unclear who will address the       framework. Given the relatively high
complaints and appeals that emerge as           turnout of other groupings too, the
a result of the electoral process.              Belgrade-sponsored joint list is unable to
                                                form a mirror-image executive authority
On the basis of our analysis, we have           composed of Serbian Progressive Party
developed      four   distinct  scenarios:      (SNS) and Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)
optimistic, realistic, pessimistic and          cadre only. A pluralistic majority has to
disastrous. The scenario planning is            negotiate      across   several    political
intended to serve as a basis for all the        groupings, enabling the necessary
stakeholders to work more effectively           starting point for democratic deliberation
toward their most desired outcomes, but         and pluralism that, over time, relegates
also to cooperate to avoid the more             ethno-politics to a matter of secondary
calamitous scenarios. The scenarios             priority. The Association of Serbian
should not be seen as a forecast, but           Municipalities is established, composed
rather as an analytical exercise. In reality,   of other groupings as well and
elements of different scenarios will            cooperates closely with Prishtina. Left
probably be combined in a fashion that          without     financial    resources     and
is impossible to predict at the present         legitimacy, the Interim Assembly fades
time. Moreover, the scenarios aim to            into irrelevance together with other
help decision-makers to imagine the full        spoilers. Ordinary Serbs seek to secure
horizon of the possible electoral               their prosperity in the new environment
outcomes and to help them better                and successful elections encourage all
prepare for the aftermath. The following        the stakeholders to move the agenda
section is, therefore, not an exercise in       forward. The EU gains enough credibility
futurology but an intervention into the         to conclude an overarching agreement
present.                                        between Belgrade and Prishtina to
                                                mediate in post-conflict situations further
1. The optimistic scenario (highly unlikely)    afield.

More than 30% of Serbs in the north cast
their ballot to elect municipal assemblies,
2. The disastrous scenario (unlikely but       3. The pessimistic scenario (quite likely)
                                               Turnout is less than 15%, but higher than
Polling stations close due to violent          5% due to intimidation and security
incidents which prompt the OSCE to             incidents. Despite low turnout, local
withdraw its staff. A variation of the same    structures are established, although
scenario can also unfold if turnout is         probably of a temporary nature. The
below 5%. An active boycott and                Albanian      minority     in    the   north
intimidation create a climate of fear          commands a disproportionately large
sufficiently effective to deter most Serbs     share in the local assemblies. Turnout
from voting. In short, elections are largely   among displaced Serbs is suspiciously
contested or seen as a sheer failure.          high: Prishtina rejects a significant
                                               number of by-mail ballots, and Belgrade
This is the scenario that is in dire need of   calls for another round of technical
the seemingly missing Plan B. If it unfolds,   discussions in Brussels. The representatives
the new municipal institutions in northern     of the Interim Assembly feel encouraged
Kosovo will not be established, creating       to step up their active opposition to the
a dangerous political (and legal)              Brussels    Agreement,        creating    an
vacuum. Prishtina would find it difficult to   environment where security incidents
appoint provisional structures, and if it      receive indirect political cover. Northern
were to do so, they would need to be           Kosovo ends up having two parallel
supported by Belgrade (it would be             structures, one whose legitimacy is
Belgrade de facto appointing them              challenged by the local population and
anyway, which returns northern Kosovo          the other whose legitimacy is challenged
back to the pre-election status quo).          by everybody else – not too dissimilar
Whether the solution is negotiated or          from the current situation. This would
simply imposed, it would not be                cement          current        uncertainties,
implementable without the use of               maintaining      and      potentially  even
coercive force, which KFOR is reluctant        increasing inter-ethnic tension in the
to deploy. This, in turn would mobilise        north. The rejectionist attitude and the
northern Serbs back to the barricades,         lack of legitimate and legal leaders in
maintain      low-tension     conflict  and    northern Kosovo would reduce the
potentially lead to a new cycle of             space for further dialogue between
violence. The barricade on the main            Belgrade and Prishtina.
bridge in Mitrovica is unlikely to be
removed, foregoing the chance to               4. The realistic scenario (most likely)
reintroduce      some     normality.    The
explosive situation in northern Kosovo         Turnout is low at between 15 and 30%,
might lead to the fall of the Government       but      enough     to   meet     the    low
in Belgrade followed by new elections,         expectations of minimum legitimacy. The
stalemate in Serbia’s EU accession             joint list wins the majority of votes, which
process and interim deadlock in                reduces the presence of an opposition
Belgrade-Prishtina negotiations.               that could promote good governance
                                               and necessary checks and balances.
The legislative and executive structures
of the four municipalities in the north
reflect the party structure of the Serbian
government continuing the rhetoric that
they will defend Serbia’s presence in
Kosovo.      Their    dominance       chokes
democratic deliberation and stifles the
development of pluralist democracy in
the municipalities and in the Association.
On a strategic level, the newly
established local assemblies dominated
by the joint-list representatives in northern
Kosovo might feel the need to compete
for patriotic credentials and adopt an
even more combative stance towards
Prishtina than Belgrade. While Serbia
continues to talk to Prishtina, the northern
mayors hesitate, which upholds fears of a
two-pronged strategy, especially if
serious haggling continues to follow the
implementation         of    the      Brussels
Agreement. The Association accepts its
role within Prishtina’s legal framework,
but also enjoys legal status in Serbia’s
system, effectively treated as a Serbian
state institution too.

The major risk in this scenario is that the
Kosovo-Albanian majority sees the
developments as a major threat to the
new state’s functionality. The semi-
rejectionist attitude of the northern Serbs
demonstrates Belgrade’s powerlessness
and could increase calls for up to three
parallel dialogue processes: (a) northern
municipalities with Kosovo institutions, (b)
a tri-partite dialogue for the Association,
and (c) on further normalisation between
Prishtina and Belgrade.

Conclusions                                    deterioration could drive southern Serbs
                                               to move to the north, which some
Neither the EU nor the broader                 conspiracy theories argue is Belgrade’s
international community seem to be             real plan. Effectively abandoning the
prepared for the possibility of failed         south could provide the basis for a
elections in northern Kosovo, or for           renewed push to partition the north, or at
unintended outcomes in their aftermath.        least cement territorial autonomy for the
The existence of an overarching                four northern municipalities.
international consensus may deter
rejectionist spoilers, but the impotence of    The momentous change taking place in
the international stakeholders vis-à-vis       the north, a de facto transfer of
deadly attacks may test whether they           sovereignty after 14 years, is no easy feat
are capable of disciplining wrongdoers.        and should be gradual. The future of the
Indeed, the seeming absence of a back-         Kosovo Serb community in the north is
up plan may further encourage spoilers.        primarily at stake and it is important to
Given the challenges, it is vital that there   recognise and manage the anxiety this
be some serious contingency planning           brings. Elections will bring the northern
by the EU in advance of 3 November on          Serbs within Kosovo’s fold in terms of
how to put things back on track in case        legal sovereignty, but it will also insulate
of derailment. As we describe above,           them with the kind of protection that few
some derailment is to be anticipated           communities of this size enjoy elsewhere.
and cannot be perceived as an                  For Prishtina, it will be essential not to
unexpected outcome.                            make tactical mistakes that could instill
                                               fear and lead to needless northern Serb
One of the indicators of successful            migration. The EU should ensure that both
elections is the development of the            Prishtina    and       Belgrade     behave
Association of Serbian Municipalities. In      responsibly in the pre- and post-election
variations of our realistic scenario, a        period.
powerful Association under Belgrade’s
heavy      control  may    spur    ethnic      The municipal elections are an important
mobilisation among Kosovo Albanians,
                                               step in the integration of northern Serbs
leading to broad coalitions that leave         into Kosovo’s legal system – but they are
ethnic      Serbs     and      nationalist
                                               the beginning of the process, not the
Vetëvendosje in the opposition (in mixed       end. Overseeing the elections, will not be
southern municipalities and potentially in
                                               the last balancing act that the EU will
the next national parliament). This could      need to undertake to see the process
have harmful effects not only on inter-
                                               through to the end.
ethnic relations across Kosovo, but also
on the few checks and balances on the
Prishtina government already in place.

Another indicator of successful elections
is the improvement/deterioration of the
inter-ethnic climate in Kosovo. A serious
© Central European Policy Institute - A think-tank by the Slovak Atlantic Commission - October 8, 2013
           This report was published with the support of the International Visegrad Fund.

                                                                         CENTRAL EUROPEAN POLICY INSTITUTE

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