MSc Dispute Resolution - MINI PROSPECTUS

Page created by Elizabeth Welch
MSc Dispute Resolution - MINI PROSPECTUS
                              MINI PROSPECTUS

MSc Dispute Resolution - MINI PROSPECTUS
MSc Dispute Resolution
ExIT AWARDS: MSc (180 credits)/ PgDip (120 credits)/ PgCert (60 credits)
SINGLE MODULES: Some modules are available to study as single modules for individuals who
register as associate students.

This innovative MSc gives those with a strong           Content overview
interest in dispute resolution a deep understanding     The MSc Dispute Resolution provides a
of both theory and practice in this crucial area.       comprehensive survey of the main forms of
Taught mainly online by our experienced team of         dispute resolution and the principles that underpin
academics and practitioners, the course provides        each one. This includes looking at mediation,
tailored and flexible learning for professionals        investigative and adjudicative approaches, and
seeking to deepen and widen their knowledge of          complaint handling. In addition, the course allows
disputes and how they are resolved.                     students to consider issues that are relevant to all
Our unique focus                                        forms of dispute resolution through modules such
There are several distinctive aspects of the MSc        as Communication in Dispute Settings. In keeping
Dispute Resolution:                                     with the practice-related nature of the course,
                                                        we offer students the opportunity to undertake
• We focus on a particular type of dispute – those     a project-based module in an area of particular
   between ordinary individuals and powerful            interest to them. Students completing the full MSc
   organisations, such as consumers and banks,          also have the opportunity to undertake a significant
   for example, or citizens and the state – and we      piece of empirical research, with the potential to
   are particularly concerned with the mechanisms       help develop the theory and practice of dispute
   and principles which relate to these areas.          resolution.
• W
   e provide both theoretical and practice-related     Teaching, learning and assessment
  learning, drawing on our expert team to provide       The student learning experience has been
  a learning experience that is theoretically rich as   designed to be interactive, rich and rewarding.
  well as highly practical.                             The online modules use the latest technology to
• The course is available as a PgCert, PgDip           engage students in a variety of tasks, discussions
   or MSc according to each student’s preferred         and quizzes to assist their learning. The course
   outcome. The PgCert is available entirely online     is based around the idea of creating an online
   while the PgDip and MSc are available by             learning community with fellow students,
   blended learning (a mix of online and campus         where experiences and insights are shared and
   -based modules).                                     developed together. Our campus-based modules,
                                                        each taught face-to-face over four days, offer the
The teaching team are enthusiastic about their          chance to meet fellow students and engage in a
areas of expertise and just as enthusiastic about       range of innovative learning exercises. Across all
sharing their knowledge with you. Your fellow           modules, you will be involved in a range of varied
students will come from a wide range of both            and relevant activities, including group work,
geographical and organisational backgrounds,            reports, case studies, personal reflections, essays
enhancing the overall experience. What our              and projects.
students have in common is an enthusiasm for
learning and an ambition to succeed. If you are
considering applying and can add your mix of
enthusiasm and ambition to the course we would
be delighted to discuss entry.
Course structure and modules
Students undertaking the full MSc must achieve         Careers
180 credit points. The course’s structure and          The MSc Dispute Resolution allows interested
the modules currently available are shown below        professionals to develop within their current
(all modules are 15 credit points, except the          roles or branch out into related or completely
dissertation which is worth 60 credit points).         new areas of dispute resolution.
PgCert Dispute Resolution (60 credit points)
All students must first complete the four modules
which form part of the PgCert Dispute Resolution,
before progressing to the PgDip or the MSc. The        Module spotlight
PgCert modules below are only available online.        The Fundamentals of Dispute Resolution
• The Fundamentals of Dispute Resolution               This is the core introductory module. It
                                                       provides an introduction to the course and
• Independent Investigation and Adjudication           helps students to gel into an online learning
• Complaint Management and Consumer Behaviour          community. The module seeks to introduce
                                                       core concepts that underpin all forms of
• Mediation Theory                                     dispute resolution, as well as looking at key
                                                       controversies in the field and the developing
PgDip Dispute Resolution (120 credit points)           policy context for dispute resolution.
Students who successfully complete the PgCert          Sessions include looking at the development
Dispute Resolution may proceed to the PgDip.           of informal justice, exploring the differences
                                                       between adjudicative and non-adjudicative
All students must complete the following online
                                                       dispute resolution, and considering broader
modules:                                               issues, for instance the relationship between
• Communication in Dispute Settings                    various forms of dispute resolution and
                                                       access to justice for consumers and citizens.
• Research Methods                                     Module assessment includes a short piece of
                                                       group work and the production of a briefing
Students must also choose between two of the           paper where students must imagine they are
following three optional modules:                      a civil servant briefing a government minister.
• Complaint Handling Practice (campus-based)
                                                       Complaint Handling Practice (campus-based)
• Mediation Practice (campus-based)                    This module is offered over four days at
                                                       QMU’s campus. The module provides
• Dispute Resolution Project                           an in-depth exploration of advanced
MSc Dispute Resolution (180 credit points)             complaint handling practices, such as
                                                       negotiating complaint resolutions, managing
Students who have successfully completed the           investigative conversations and managing
PG Dip may proceed to the MSc. This involves           stakeholders during investigations. The
completion of a dissertation worth 60 credit points,   module uses a mix of teaching methods
which allows students to conduct a substantial piece   including role play, peer-observation and
of empirical or theoretical research into a dispute    feedback, and expert review. Assessment
                                                       for the module includes observation of
resolution topic of their choice.
                                                       practice during the campus based teaching
                                                       and a personal reflective statement.
“The Consumer Insight Centre
Key details
                                                    is delighted to offer this new
Delivery: Online learning (PgCert) or blended
learning (PgDip, MSc). Part- time only.             qualification to professionals
Minimum and maximum completion times:               interested in dispute resolution
PgCert (1 – 4 years); Pg Dip (2 – 5 years);
MSc (2.5 – 7 years).
                                                    between consumers and
                                                    businesses and between citizens
Entry requirements: Students will normally
have a degree or equivalent in any subject          and the state. We are passionate
and relevant professional experience.               about supporting dispute
Prospective students without a degree
but with substantial relevant professional
                                                    resolution professionals in the
experience are also welcome to apply                development of their careers and
following discussion with the programme             look forward to welcoming our
                                                    first students in January 2015.
International: Where your honours degree
                                                    As course leader, I would be
has not been studied in English, you will
be required to provide evidence of English          pleased to discuss the course
language competence at no less than IELTS           with you and to answer any
6.5 with no individual component score less
than 6.0.
                                                    questions you may have. I look
                                                    forward to hearing from you.”
Accreditation of prior learning: You may be
granted exemption from studying a module            Chris Gill, MSc Dispute
or modules up to a maximum of 60 credit             Resolution Course Leader
points, provided you can demonstrate
successful achievement of all the learning
Start date: September (except in 2015,
where there will also be a January start date)
Application deadline: none
                                                   Useful links
                                                   How to apply:
Apply:                               students/advice_on_applying/how_to_apply.htm
More information: Chris Gill (cgill@qmu.           Fees and funding: or +44(0)131 474 0000.                      fees_charges.htm
Fees                                               PG study at QMU:
In academic year 2014/15, the fees for             students/postgraduate/postgraduate.htm
UK/EU students are: Full MSc £6,000, or
£600 / 15 credit module and £1,200 for
                                                   Contact Details
                                                   Please contact us for advice on how to apply or
the dissertation. The fees for international
                                                   with any application queries you may have on:
students are £11,300 for the full MSc.
                                                   Tel: +44(0)131 4740000
It is anticipated that for entry in 2015/16, the
fees for UK/EU students will rise to £6,400        Email:
for the full MSc or £640 / 15 credit module
                                                   Queen Margaret University, EH21 6UU
and £1,280 for the dissertation. The fees
for international students are likely to be        We look forward to hearing from you.
£12,000 for the full MSc.
The Consumer Insight Centre

The effective resolution of disputes between         achieving deeper insights into their current area
consumers and businesses and between citizens        of expertise. It is, therefore, ideally suited to those
and the state is an area of increasing importance    wishing to progress their careers within their own
in the UK and internationally. Alternative dispute   organisations or those wishing to break into a
resolution and the informal justice system more      new area of dispute resolution. For professionals
generally have been subject to significant growth    working in aligned areas or simply interested in
over the last few decades. Driven by demands         dispute resolution (for instance policymakers,
for greater access to justice, simplicity and        advocacy staff or managers) the MSc Dispute
consumer empowerment, more and more                  Resolution offers a unique chance to develop
disputes are now being dealt with by complaint       their understanding of the theory and practice of
handlers, adjudicators, ombudsman schemes            dispute resolution.
and mediators, rather than by the courts. This
is an area both of significant development and of    Our expertise
underlying controversy: what are the best ways       The Consumer Insight Centre (the Centre) is a
of dealing with disputes and are current systems     specialist unit within the University’s Division of
of justice delivering for consumers and citizens?    Business, Enterprise and Management. The MSc
                                                     sits at the apex of a suite of short, undergraduate
Why study with us?                                   level courses offered by the Centre, which
There has never been a more challenging time         has been described as having “an excellent
to study in this field and the Consumer Insight      reputation as a centre for ombudsman and
Centre’s MSc Dispute Resolution seeks to provide     complaint handling practice” by the International
students with a rich, theoretically informed and     Ombudsman Institute. The Centre offers two
practical understanding of the context, principles   Ombudsman Association approved qualifications:
and practices of dispute resolution. The MSc         the Professional Award in Ombudsman and
Dispute Resolution is aimed at ‘professionals with   Complaint Handling Practice and the Professional
an interest in the resolution of disputes between    Certificate in Ombudsman and Complaint
consumers and businesses and between citizens        Handling Practice. We have also worked closely
and the state’. This is a unique focus amongst       with major UK ombudsman organisations,
available postgraduate dispute resolution            including the Financial Ombudsman Service and
courses, with the MSc being specifically aimed       the Legal Ombudsman on in-house accredited
at professionals in the workplace and targeted       training courses. As a result of this work, we have
at a particular form of dispute resolution: that     played a key role in starting to professionalise this
between individuals (often with limited power and    area of dispute resolution, developing unique and
resources) and large organisations.                  innovative learning solutions for dispute resolution
The MSc Dispute Resolution offers students
already working in the field of dispute resolution   The Centre also offers a range of courses for
(be that complaint handling, adjudication,           complaint handlers. This includes the Public
investigation or mediation) or those with a          Services Complaint Management Award, an
demonstrable interest in these areas, with an        accredited qualification aimed at staff working
opportunity to develop a broader understanding       in public service organisations including health
of dispute resolution at the same time as            services, local government and housing
associations. We also work with private sector        online modules provide students with a varied
complaint handlers, such as a pioneering              and challenging experience. Students also have
in-house programme of complaint handling              the opportunity to complement online modules
training for a major UK bank. In addition, we         with a more traditional learning format, and two
run Masterclasses on topics such as apology,          campus based modules are available. These
managing difficult behaviour and root cause           provide opportunities for interactive learning, role
analysis. We also run short courses in mediation      play, peer and expert observation and a range
as part of our ever-developing offer for those        of interactive exercises designed to provide
interested in dispute resolution.                     students with deep practice-related insights into
                                                      dispute resolution.
Industry links and insights
The Centre’s team brings together the best            Career prospects
aspects of academic and professional expertise        The MSc Dispute Resolution has been developed
in order to deliver the highest quality learning      in close consultation with employers and
experience for students. Our academic expertise       professionals in the dispute resolution area. The
is in consumer policy, communication, law,            MSc will provide students with a qualification
socio-legal studies, dispute resolution, and          which is relevant to the workplace and will
ombudsman studies.          This is complemented      maximise students’ potential to develop within
by a ‘panel of experts’ drawn from the dispute        their existing and new careers. One of the key
resolution sector, who bring a wealth of senior       benefits of the course will be the opportunity to
professional experience, knowledge and insight        network with fellow professionals from a diverse
to our courses. These include former Deputy           range of backgrounds and organisations.
Ombudsmen, mediators and legal experts. We
also have excellent wider contacts in the sector,     Further information
allowing us to draw on professional insights for      Please contact the course leader (Chris Gill,
guest lectures and online seminars. Together, our to discuss your application.
team delivers high quality, rigorous, academically-   Please email us or arrange a visit to talk about
underpinned learning that is tailored to the          your options.
workplace and the industries we serve.

Innovative learning and teaching
The Centre prides itself on offering unique and
innovative learning experiences for our students.
The MSc Dispute Resolution is available through
a combination of online distance learning and
face-to-face teaching. The online learning
experience is designed to provide a flexible and
stimulating learning environment which is ideally
suited to busy professionals who are studying
part time. Through discussions, quizzes and
a range of interesting tasks and exercises, our
Postgraduate study at QMU

Queen Margaret University is committed to            • Excellent on-site student halls of residence
providing thoroughly relevant teaching and           that have the capacity to house up to 800
research. A high proportion of our academics         students (and which are available for students
participate in research and our specialist           attending short, campus-based modules).
research centres have gained worldwide
                                                     • A sports centre that includes a fitness suite,
recognition. We have the highest proportion of
                                                     weights room, exercise studio, sports hall and
research active staff of all the ‘modern’ Scottish
universities and we perform at the highest level
in developing pioneering expertise that cuts         • A University café, shop, JobShop, and
across our specialist fields, the three flagships:   Contemplation Room (non-denominational).
health and rehabilitation; creativity and culture;
and sustainable business. The latter includes        Course structure
the Consumer Insight Centre, which specialises
                                                     All postgraduate degrees on offer at QMU
in the area of dispute resolution.
                                                     are research-based and develop the skills of
Our approach to learning and teaching is             analysis, problem-solving and critical thinking
student-centred and we will do our utmost            with a strong theoretical and practice-related
to equip you with the expertise you need to          focus. Generally our courses have the following
develop in your career. Many of our students         features:
become accomplished leaders in their chosen
                                                     • modular in structure;
field. As a vocationally-focused university,
our courses are designed to ensure that our          • flexible delivery formats (including online
graduates develop the skills which are sought        distance learning);
after by the public, private and commercial
                                                     • designed for your ongoing career and
                                                     personal development; and
Although the MSc Dispute Resolution is
                                                     • provide a combination of research, theory
available largely by online distance learning,
                                                     and practice.
Queen Margaret University offers a fantastic
campus for those who decide to join us on
the campus-based modules. Our modern,
purpose-built campus features:                       “It was really beneficial to
• An outstanding Learning Resource                    have a Personal Academic
Centre with modern high-tech facilities and
incorporating a wide range of flexible study
                                                      Tutor: one point of contact
spaces to suit different learning styles (many        who I could turn to when I
resources are also available online for distance      needed a bit of advice.”
                                                     Isabel Mendes
                                                     MA Arts and Cultural Management
Personal Academic Tutor
At QMU, each student is assigned a Personal
Academic Tutor (PAT) who will help guide you
through your studies with us. Your PAT will
normally be your main source of advice and
guidance relating to your academic studies and
can also expertly refer you to other support
services if needed.

Financial support
We generally expect that students applying for
the MSc Dispute Resolution will be self-funded
or part funded by their employers.
However, some additional financial support
may be available. This will vary according
to where you live, what you are intending to
study, your family circumstances and whether
you have previously received funding as a
student and your country of origin. QMU is
pleased to offer a number of opportunities to
apply for Scholarships and Bursaries for both
undergraduate and postgraduate and to UK,
EU and international students. Full details
regarding the types of funding that are available
can be found at
Or if you want more information please contact:
Student Funding Adviser
T: +44 (0)131 474 000 (ask for ‘Student Services’)

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