Effectiveness of GeoGebra in Developing the Conceptual Understanding of Definite Integral at Gongzim Ugyen Dorji Central School, in Haa Bhutan

Page created by Valerie Perry
Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies

                            10(4): 60-65, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60967
                            ISSN: 2581-6268

       Effectiveness of GeoGebra in Developing the
    Conceptual Understanding of Definite Integral at
 Gongzim Ugyen Dorji Central School, in Haa Bhutan
                                                                                          Kado1* and Nim Dem2
        Gongzim Ugyen Dorji Central School, Ministry of Education, Post Office Box 15001, Haa, Bhutan.
            Katsho Lower Secondary School, Ministry of Education, Post Office Box 15001, Haa, Bhutan.

                                                                                              Authors’ contributions

    This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author Kado designed the study,
performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author
          ND managed the literature searches. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

                                                                                                    Article Information

                                                                                     DOI: 10.9734/AJESS/2020/v10i430276
                                                    (1) Dr. Bashar H. Malkawi, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
                                                (1) Altaf Ahmad Bhat, Islamic University of Science and Technology, India.
                                                                           (2) Alice Dhliwayo, Solusi University, Zimbabwe.
                                                                      (3) Hafte Amsalu Kahsay, Wollo University, Ethiopia.
                                             Complete Peer review History: http://www.sdiarticle4.com/review-history/60967

                                                                                           Received 28 June 2020
                                                                                     Accepted 01 September 2020
  Original Research Article
                                                                                     Published 15 September 2020


 As recommended by the Education Blueprint 2014-2020, education system in Bhutan transformed
 from traditional instructions to technology-enriched and enabled teaching and learning environment
 with adoption of emerging and relevant technology to produce the globally competent learners. The
 integration of educational technology in the teaching and learning of definite integral creates a
 conceptually rich learning environment. From this perspective, this study aims to
 ascertain the effectiveness of a computer-assisted instruction method using GeoGebra in
 developing the conceptual understanding of definite integral for grade 12 students. This study
 employed a quasi-experiment static-group comparison design with 60 students from
 Gongzim Ugyen Dorji Central School in Haa. The students were divided into two equal groups.
 Group ‘A’ used the GeoGebra software, while group ‘B’ used the conventional method to learn
 definite integral. The data were collected through Definite Integral Knowledge Test. An
 Independent sample t-test was employed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
 (SPSS 22.0). Findings of the study showed that students who were taught using GeoGebra


*Corresponding author: Email: kadoscs@education.gov.bt;
Kado and Dem; AJESS, 10(4): 60-65, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60967

 outperformed those who learned through conventional methods. The results confirmed that
 GeoGebra software is capable of enhancing and significantly improving students’ conceptual
 understanding of definite integral.

Keywords: Calculus; definite Integral; conceptual understanding; GeoGebra.

1. INTRODUCTION                                             In literature, there is broad theoretical and
                                                            experimental evidence to support that limit,
The ideas of the calculus were independently                derivative, and integral are epistemologically
discovered by Newton and Leibnitz in 17                     difficult concepts for the learners, while the
century. Calculus means, “Small Stones”                     concept of definite integral is even harder for
because it is like understanding something by               learners [7, 8, 9]. Learners could correctly use
looking at small pieces [1].        It is divided           operational knowledge to manipulate the
into two branches, differential and integral                algebraic functions symbolically, but they fail to
calculus.   Differential    calculus     concerns           interpret meaning. In a study that explored
with how things change with respect                         students’ understanding of definite integral
to time, while integral calculus integrate the              concept, [9] found that most students’ do not
small pieces together to find how much is there             have sufficient conceptual understanding of
[2]                                                         definite integral, their dominant knowledge was
                                                            the procedural knowledge and their ability for
Calculus is considered as vital topics in                   multiple representation of concepts were limited.
mathematics due to widespread application                   [10] administered a questionnaire that aimed at
across the multidisciplinary fields such as                 investigating students’ understandings of the
biological   sciences,     physical      sciences,          concepts associated with the definite integral as
engineering, social sciences, and economics [3].            well as their computation skills. He found that
Considering its significance, it is paramount to            students’ understanding of definite integral is
focus the teaching and learning of integral                 rather instrumental or mechanical. Despite the
calculus   on     developing      the    relational         wealth of literature available in this field in
understanding/conceptual understanding instead              international context, there are limited academic
of instrumental or mechanical understanding.                discourse in the Bhutanese context that focus on
From our search of the literature, it is clear that         developing the conceptual understanding of
new calculus courses should place less                      definite integral. Thus, this research attempts to
emphasis on complex skills and emphasize                    enhance students’ conceptual understanding of
conceptual     development       [4].They      also         definite integral using the GeoGebra.
recommended future research to focus on
enhancing     the     conceptual      development           GeoGebra is open-source software developed by
as this understanding can have a profound                   Markus Hohenwarter in 2002 for teaching and
impact on students’ ability to solve in definite            learning Mathematics from primary to the
integral.                                                   university level [11]. It combines many aspects of
                                                            different     mathematical       packages,    and
Despite the importance of the emphasizing the               dynamically joins Geometry, Algebra and
teaching and learning of calculus on conceptual             Calculus. The numerous calculus- related
development, the conventional teaching and                  interactive worksheets and methods developed
learning of definite integral that relies on symbols        by teachers and researchers are available
and notations, has been the preferred method of             (www.geogebra.org). Based on the site,
calculus instructions for decades. There is a               GeoGebra users have reached 100 million
body of evidence that suggest that teaching and             students, while GeoGebra researchers based on
learning of definite integral focus more on                 Google Scholar have 15,800 published scientific
computational process rather than underlying                papers [3].
concepts that resulted in routine algebraic
manipulations [5,6] . Thus the traditional                  Studies have shown that an improvement in
approach of teaching and learning helps to                  calculus concept can be achieved by integration
develop the skills of manipulating algebraically,           of educational technology in teaching and
understanding instrumentally and memorizing the             learning as it have potential to have positive
formulae instead of comprehending conceptual                impact on students’ conceptual understanding of
or relational proficiencies.                                calculus[3, 12].Realizing the efficacy of

Kado and Dem; AJESS, 10(4): 60-65, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60967

technology enriched and enabled learning                    of efficacy of GeoGebra in mathematics in
environment , Bhutan Education Blueprint 2014-              general, calculus in particular.
2020 recommended a shift in educational system
by leveraging ICT to produce globally competent             1.1 Objectives of the Study
learners to address the need of fourth industrial
revolution[13].    Subsequently,     Ministry    of         This study has two main objectives:
Education launched its education ICT master
plan called iSherig, on May, 2019, to harness the              i.   Developing the Conceptual or Relational
potential benefit of ICT in teaching and learning                   Understanding of Definite Integral
by    creating     a    platform   for    effective           ii.   To compare the conceptual knowledge
communication, enabling access to information                       of students in treatment and control
and     knowledge,     and     conceptually    rich                 groups
learning environment where students construct
their own knowledge, visualize and experiment               1.2 Research Questions
                                                            What is the impact of GeoGebra software on the
As enshrine in our Education Blue print 2014-               achievement of conceptual understanding of the
2020, teachers in Bhutan embarked the journey               definite integrals?
of embracing educational technology to enhance
teaching and learning. The educational                      2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
technology like GeoGebra software chosen as a
teaching method has the potential to visualize              This study used a quasi-experimental static-
the conceptual definition of definite integral as           group comparison design to compare the
the limiting process. Further support is given by           effectiveness of the GeoGebra in developing the
[3] that generally asserts that GeoGebra is a               conceptual understanding of definite integral for
digital tools that helps to develop the concept             the students who received GeoGebra enriched
image of definite integral and helps to visualize           instructions and students who received traditional
the abstract concept algebraically, numerically             instructions. This method was the best approach
and graphically. The embedded mixed method                  as it attempts to study the effect of the treatment
design study showed that the computer assisted              on intact groups rather than being able to
instructions method using GeoGebra had                      randomly assign participants to the experimental
significant influence on teaching and learning              or control groups [17, 18].
outcome of definite integral. Additionally, this
study found to facilitate conceptual learning of            The participants consist of 94 students from
the definite integral [15]. [16] conducted a quasi-         grade 12 mathematics students at Gongzim
experimental study to investigate the efficacy of           Ugyen Dorji Central School. The cluster random
developing conceptual understanding and                     sampling was adopted to select 60 out of 94
procedural knowledge of 124 high school                     students from 3 sections. The students were then
students in Indonesia. The finding revealed that            divided into two groups; one was a treatment
treatment group showed significant gained in                group and the other was the control. Students in
conceptual knowledge compared to control                    the treatment group were taught definite integral
group.                                                      using the GeoGebra software. Students in the
                                                            control group were taught through normal
In nutshell, it is clear from the extensive                 conventional learning.
evidences in literature that students’ knowledge
was rather an instrumental or mechanical as they            A Definite Integral Knowledge Test (DIKT),
know how to manipulate the algebraic expression             consisting of six questions modified from BHSEC
symbolically but had complexity in elucidating the          Mathematics Book-II for Class XII students of
meaning. The present study was designed to                  Bhutan were used to collect the data (Malhotra,
enhance learners’ conceptual or relational                  Gupta, & Gangal, 2020). . Instrument was piloted
understanding in definite integral. Based on                to ensure its reliability and validity. The average
literature research, no similar study was                   Item objective Congruence (IOC) was 0.89,
conducted in Bhutan; therefore, our study sheds             validating the appropriateness for the study. The
light on the efficacy of digital tools like GeoGebra        reliability of the instrument was proven high with
having significant impact for acquiring conceptual          item reliability of 0.88. Comparative statistical
knowledge in definite integral. This study also             analysis was done using the t-test. The
serves as stepping stone for further investigation          independent sample t-test was used to compare

Kado and Dem; AJESS, 10(4): 60-65, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60967

the learning achievement between the control              experimental and control group as shown in the
and experiment group. The inferential t-test with         Table 3.
p 0.05). Additionally Levene’s test for equality        applied to these groups to identify differences
of variances of scores for two groups (EG& CG)            caused by the treatment.
were conducted as shown in the Table 2.
                                                          An independent sample t-test conducted for
The Levene’s test indicated that the assumption           comparison of post-test scores between
of homogeneity of variance of pre-test was met            experimental and control group showed
as     value is greater than 0.05 ( (1,62) =              significant mean difference between EG ( =
6.571, = 0.78) .However, the variation of post-           56.95,     = 4.66 ) and CG (M = 23.83,           =
test scores for both the groups was not same as           10.52); (42.730) = 16.276, = 0.000(two tailed).
p-value is less than 0.05 ( (1,42.73) =                   The magnitude of the differences in the means
17.714, = 0.00). Thus, the assumption of equal            (mean
variances had been violated.                              difference                                       =
                                                          33.125,95% : 29.057 37.193) was very high
3.1 Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test                  (eta squared = 0.91). This indicates that there
                                                          was a statistically significant difference in post-
Scores of DIKT
                                                          test scores between experimental and control
                                                          group. The test scores of an experimental group
An independent sample t-test was conducted to
                                                          were significantly higher than the test scores of
determine the difference in DIKT between the
                                                          the control group.

              Table 1. Test of normality with one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test
                                         Pretest-EG          Posttest-EG     Pretest-CG       Posttest-CG
 N                                       32                  32              30               30
 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z                    .978                .944            .986             1.406
 Sig. (2-tailed)                         .294                .335            .285             .038
                         Significant level: >0.05—no significant, 0.05—no significant, 0.05—no significant,
Kado and Dem; AJESS, 10(4): 60-65, 2020; Article no.AJESS.60967


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