MRT-2 checkpoint protein is required for germline immortality and telomere replication in C. elegans

Page created by Keith Watkins

MRT-2 checkpoint protein is required
for germline immortality and telomere
replication in C. elegans
Shawn Ahmed & Jonathan Hodgkin
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge CB2 2QH, UK

The germ line is an immortal cell lineage that is passed inde®nitely from one generation to the next. To identify the genes that are
required for germline immortality, we isolated Caenorhabditis elegans mutants with mortal germ linesÐworms that can
reproduce for several healthy generations but eventually become sterile. One of these mortal germline (mrt ) mutants, mrt-2,
exhibits progressive telomere shortening and accumulates end-to-end chromosome fusions in later generations, indicating that
the MRT-2 protein is required for telomere replication. In addition, the germ line of mrt-2 is hypersensitive to X-rays and to
transposon activity. Therefore, mrt-2 has defects in responding both to damaged DNA and to normal double-strand breaks present
at telomeres. mrt-2 encodes a homologue of a checkpoint gene that is required to sense DNA damage in yeast. These results
indicate that telomeres may be identi®ed as a type of DNA damage and then repaired by the telomere-replication enzyme

In most higher organisms, the germ line is responsible for perpetua-                                                                     A screen for mortal germline mutants
tion of the species. Differentiated germ cells fuse together to form a                                                                   To investigate how the germ line achieves immortality, a screen was
zygote, which then develops into an organism containing a soma                                                                           conducted for C. elegans mutants with mortal germ lines. Four
and a new germ line, and this cycle repeats until a species becomes                                                                      hundred lines were established from single F2 progeny of ethyl-
extinct. Thus, the germ line has the ability to proliferate inde®nitely                                                                  methanesulphonate (EMS) mutagenized worms and grown clonally
and can be thought of as an immortal cell lineage1.                                                                                      for 16 generations at 25 8C. Sixteen independent mortal germline
   We decided to study the problem of germline immortality in                                                                            mutants were identi®ed that become effectively sterile (,2 progeny
the nematode C. elegans. C. elegans worms clearly demarcate their                                                                        per worm) between generations F4 and F16 (Fig. 1). All of these mrt
germs cells from the very ®rst zygotic cell division2. In addition,                                                                      mutants behaved as expected for single recessive mutations when
C. elegans populations are normally composed of self-fertilizing                                                                         they were outcrossed (data not shown). The unexpectedly large
hermaphrodites that are homozygous at most or all genetic loci3.                                                                         number of mrt mutants that were identi®ed in our small pilot screen
Therefore, a single worm can give rise to generations of descendants                                                                     suggests a conservative estimate of ,50 genes that are speci®cally
that are essentially genetically identical and whose germ lines                                                                          required for germline immortality in C. elegans (the forward
represent a single continuous immortal cell lineage.                                                                                     mutation frequency per gene is, on average, 1 in every 4,000 F2
   We have identi®ed a number of C. elegans mutants with mortal                                                                          progeny from EMS-mutagenized worms)21.
germ lines. The mrt-2 mutant displays the telomere shortening and                                                                          Of these 16 mrt mutants, 12 are temperature-sensitive and will
late-onset chromosome fusion phenotypes that are seen in `telo-                                                                          grow inde®nitely at 15 8C or 20 8C, but will become sterile if they are
merase-negative' mouse and yeast mutants4±6. Telomerase is a                                                                             shifted to 25 8C for several generations (data not shown). There are
reverse transcriptase that adds repeats to the ends of chromosomes7.                                                                     two possible explanations for the large number of temperature-
Five genes are known to be required for telomerase activity in vivo8.                                                                    sensitive mortal germline mutants that we uncovered. First, these
Mutations in these genes result in late-onset sterility/senescence,
and end-to-end chromosome fusions that can be explained by
progressive telomere shortening4±6,8±10. However, the telomerase-                                                                                                                       8
defective C. elegans mrt-2 mutant has additional phenotypes: it
displays weak chromosome loss at all times and is also hypersen-
                                                                                                                                                                    Number of mutants

sitive to agents that damage DNA. These results suggest that mrt-2
may have a defect in its response to DNA damage (a defect in DNA                                                                                                                        4
repair, in a DNA damage checkpoint, or in both).
   Some yeast mutants with defects in double-strand break DNA
repair (ku, sir and the mre11/xrs2/rad50 nuclease mutants) have                                                                                                                         2

short telomeres11±15. In addition, a number of mutants that have
defects in sensing DNA damage (DNA damage checkpoint mutants)                                                                                                                           0
also exhibit telomere defects. For example, de®ciencies in the







human ATM checkpoint protein result in aberrant telomere                                                                                                                                          Generation at sterility
shortening16,17, and a number of yeast checkpoint mutants have
short but stable telomeres18±20. mrt-2 encodes the C. elegans homo-                                                                      Figure 1 The generation at sterility for 16 mortal germline mutants. Clonal strains were
logue of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad1+ and Saccharomyces                                                                           grown on petri dishes at 25 8C and could grow for two generations per dish before
cerevisiae RAD17 checkpoint genes. Although the S. pombe rad1                                                                            starvation. Strains were passaged by transferring six L1 larvae to a fresh dish, which
mutant has shorter telomeres than wild type19, it does not exhibit                                                                       ensured that zygotic or maternal sterile mutations that may have been segregating in the
the telomere catastrophe that we ®nd in the higher eukaryote                                                                             mutant strains would not be mistakenly identi®ed as mrt mutations. Lines were scored as
C. elegans.                                                                                                                              `sterile' when there were less than two progeny per worm per plate.

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temperature-sensitive mutations may identify genes that are                                                                             maintain them. One of these mutants, mrt-2 (e2663), became sterile
required to protect the germ line against damage that accumulates                                                                       at generation F14 when it was ®rst identi®ed in our mortal germline
only at high temperature. Second, there may be some redundancy in                                                                       screen. mrt-2 was outcrossed several times, and homozygous mrt-2
the genes that control germline immortality, such that one only                                                                         lines were re-established. The generation at sterility for 23 different
observes a mutant phenotype at high temperature when one branch                                                                         mrt-2 lines varied widely, from generation F10 to generation F28 (Fig.
of a pathway has been knocked out by temperature and the other                                                                          2a). However, different F2 lines from the same F1 heterozygote all
branch by mutation.                                                                                                                     became sterile at about the same time (Fig. 2b; and data not shown).
   Four of the mortal germline mutants that we isolated became                                                                          These results suggest that mrt-2 accumulates some kind of damage
sterile at all temperatures (data not shown). These non-tempera-                                                                        that is inherited and segregates evenly amongst the progeny of an
ture-sensitive mrt mutants must be outcrossed periodically to                                                                           outcross. In addition, mrt-2 produces normal brood sizes at
                                                                                                                                        generation F2 (about 300 progeny per worm), but brood size
                                                                                                                                        gradually drops to the point of sterility (Fig. 2b). This gradual
      a                                                                                                                                 drop in brood size indicates that the germ line of mrt-2 accumulates
                                               8                                                                                        damage slowly over many generations. mrt-2 has additional pheno-
                                                                                                                                        types, described below, which led us to focus attention on it.
                       Number of mrt-2 lines

                                                                                                                                        Genome instability in the mrt-2 mutant
                                                                                                                                        C. elegans populations are normally composed of XX hermaphro-
                                                                                                                                        dites, but XO males occasionally arise as a result of X-chromosome
                                                                                                                                        loss22. mrt-2 displays a weak high incidence of males (Him)
                                                                                                                                        phenotype and produces 0:9 6 0:6% males (n ˆ 25, F3 broods) as
                                                                                                                                        opposed to the 0.2% normally observed in wild type. This increase
                                               0                                                                                        in X-chromosome loss suggests a defect in genome stability.
                                                                                                                                           Although the mrt-2 germ line is not signi®cantly hypersensitive










                                                                        Generation at sterility                                         to ultraviolet light (data not shown), it is hypersensitive to X-rays
                                                                                                                                        (Fig. 3a) which can damage DNA by inducing double-strand breaks.
                                                                                                                                        In another test of the ability of mrt-2 to withstand double-strand
                                                                               Generation                                               breaks, we used a C. elegans mutator strain, mut-2(r459), which has
                                                                                                                                        high levels of transposon activity in its germ line that are likely to
                                                   F4      F6     F8       F10     F12           F14     F16    F18     F20 F22         result in double-strand breaks23. The germ lines of mrt-2;mut-
                                    A1              W      M      M        F           S                                                2(r459) double mutants gave rise to progeny with two to three
                                                                                                                                        times the level of lethality expected for the sum of the single mutants
                                    A4              W      M      W        F           S
                                    A5              W      M      M        F           F         S
          mrt-2 line

                                    B1              W      W      W        M           F         S
                                    B2              W      W      W        W           M         S
                                    B3              M      W      W        W           M         F       S
                                    B4              W      W      W        W           W         M       F      S
                                    B5              W      W      W        W           M         M       M      S                                                      10
                                                                                                                                                      Survival (%)

                                    C1              W      W      M        W           W         M       F      F       S                                                                                                 Wild type
                                    C2              W      W      W        W           W         M       F      M       M      S                                        1


                                                                                                                                                                             0        2      4     6      8    10
                                                                                                                                                                                     Dose of X-rays (krad)

                                                   Wild type (W)                                       Medium (M)

                                                                                                                                                      Lethality (%)



                                                        Few (F)                                         Sterile (S)
Figure 2 The Mortal Germline phenotype of mrt-2. a, The generation at sterility for 23                                                                                           mut-2; mut-2/+; mut-2; mut-2; mut-2; mut-2;
                                                                                                                                                                                 mrt-2/+ mrt-2 mrt-2 mrt-2 mrt-2 mrt-2
different mrt-2 F2 lines. b, Brood size drops for 12 mrt-2 lines. Three different mrt-2/+ F1                                                                                                   (expected) (A)   (B)    (C)
lines (A, B and C) gave rise to the mrt-2 sibling lines that are shown. Brood size was
determined by examining plates seeded with 6 mrt-2 L1 larvae after 7 days of growth at
20 8C. Plates were scored as wild type (W), medium (M), few (F) and sterile (S). A light-                                               Figure 3 mrt-2 has defects in responding to DNA damage. a, mrt-2 germ lines are more
brown Escherichia coli lawn used to feed C. elegans worms is visible on M, F and S plates.                                              sensitive to X-rays than are N2 wild-type germ lines (10 broods scored at each dose).
Brood sizes of individual worms at these stages were wild type, 262 6 115 (4 6 4 dead                                                   b, Levels of embryonic lethality in three independent lines (A, B and C) of mut-2; mrt-2
eggs); medium, 70 6 52 (13 6 12 dead eggs); few, 20 6 11 (55 6 31 dead eggs); and                                                       double mutants and their mut-2;mrt-2/+ and mut-2/+;mrt-2 siblings (9±10 broods
sterile, 4 6 5 (47 6 43 dead eggs) (10 broods scored at each level of fecundity; 5 each                                                 scored for each column). The expected additive lethality for mut-2 and mrt-2 is indicated
from 2 different lines).                                                                                                                (dark grey).

                                                                                                                            © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd                                NATURE | VOL 403 | 13 JANUARY 2000 |
(Fig. 3b). The simplest explanation for this synergistic mrt-2;mut-                         chromosome fusions24. Although in most organisms dicentric
2(r459) lethality is that mrt-2 is defective in responding to double-                       chromosome fusions are frequently torn apart during mitosis25,
strand breaks caused either by transposition or by X-rays.                                  C. elegans has holocentric chromosomes26, therefore chromosome
                                                                                            fusions are stable and can be mapped genetically24. The dominant
Chromosome fusions and telomere shortening                                                  Him phenotype from 12 independent mrt-2 lines consistently
To gain further insight into the genome stability defect of mrt-2,                          mapped to one end of the X chromosome (data not shown). In
mrt-2 worms were stained with diamidinophenolindole (DAPI) and                              three out of three cases examined, this phenotype also mapped to
their chromosomes were examined. Early generation mrt-2 worms                               the end of an autosome (different in each case) (Fig. 4c), con®rming
had the six pairs of chromosomes expected for wild-type, whereas                            the presence of X-autosome chromosome fusions in late-generation
late generation mrt-2 worms contained only three, four or ®ve                               mrt-2 worms. All chromosome fusions tested were homozygous
DAPI-staining chromosome pairs per worm, suggesting the occur-                              viable (n ˆ 10; data not shown), indicating that they were not
rence of chromosome fusions (Fig. 4a). In addition, the number of                           missing any essential genes and were therefore probably end-to-end
visible chromosome pairs decreased over the course of eight                                 chromosome fusions.
generations in late-generation mrt-2 lines (Fig. 4b).                                          The late-onset end-to-end chromosome fusion phenotype of
   When late-generation mrt-2 worms were outcrossed, we fre-                                mrt-2 suggested a defect in telomere replication4±6. C. elegans has
quently observed a dominant Him phenotype. This unusual pheno-                              telomeres consisting of simple tandem TTAGGC repeats similar to
type is known to occur in C. elegans as a result of X-autosome                              those found in most other eukaryotes27. In Southern blots, the
                                                                                            telomeres of wild-type worms appear as a smear that runs from 2 to
          a                                                                                 7 kilobases (kb) and either stays fairly constant in length at 20 8C
                                                                                            (Fig. 5a), or increases in length if worms have short telomeres to
                                                             6 chromosome pairs             begin with (Fig. 5b). In contrast, the telomeres of mrt-2 worms
                                                                    (early)                 shorten at a rate of about 12 base pairs (bp) per cell division (about
                                                                                            125 bp per generation and an estimated 10 cell divisions per
                                                                                            generation) (Fig. 5). mrt-2 telomeres shorten progressively at least
                                                                                            until generation F18 (Fig. 5c), by which time most mrt-2 lines have
                                                             5 chromosome pairs             become sterile (Fig. 2a). Occasional telomere signals disappear as
                                                                                            mrt-2 worms are passaged (Fig. 5a, arrow), which may be the
                                                                                            consequence of a telomere fusion event, a recombination event,
                                                                                            or perhaps the segregation of long and short alleles of a particular
                                                             4 chromosome pairs
                                                                    (late)                     In initial experiments, mrt-2 lines always produced X-autosome
                                                                                            chromosome fusions that had fused at the right end of the X
                                                                                            chromosome (n ˆ 5). This result indicates that the right telomere
                                                                                            of the X chromosome may be prone to fusion events, perhaps
                                                             3 chromosome pairs             because it is shorter than the left. To test this possibility, we
                                                                    (late)                  identi®ed several mrt-2 lines that were homozygous for a short
                                                                                            telomere at the left end of the X chromosome. Four independent
                                                                                            X-autosome chromosome fusions were recovered from these lines,
                                                                                            of which two had fused at the right end and two had fused at the left
           Number of worms

                                                                            6               end of the X chromosome (Fig. 2d, eT5; and data not shown). Thus,
                             30                                             5               the left end of the X chromosome will undergo late-generation
                                                                            4               chromosome fusions events if its initial length is short. These results
                                                                                            suggest that telomere shortening causes the late on-set chromosome
                                                                     Chromosome             fusions observed in mrt-2 (Fig. 2).
                              0                                          pairs                 A dominant-negative allele of the telomere-binding protein TRF2
                                  Wild F24 F28 F32 F24 F28 F32                              can induce end-to-end chromosome fusions in mammalian cells28.
                                  type   mrt-2 (1)   mrt-2 (2)                              This phenotype occurs within a few cell divisions, however, and the
          c                                                                                 resulting telomere±telomere fusions produce an increase in telo-
                      eT4                                                                   mere length as observed by Southern blot28. End-to-end chromo-
                                  unc-1       unc-3 unc-64          dpy-1                   some fusions have also been observed in mice mutant for
                                          X                   III
                                                                                            poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, and telomere length in these mice
                       eT5                                                                  is short but stable29. These chromosome-fusion phenotypes are
                                  unc-3   X   unc-1 unc-64    III   dpy-1                   distinct from the late-onset chromosome fusion and progressive
                                                                                            telomere shortening phenotypes observed in mrt-2. Instead, mrt-2
                      eT6                                                                   is similar to the telomerase-negative mouse and yeast mutants,
                                              unc-1 dpy-9
                                                                    dpy-4                   which also experience progressive telomere shortening, late-onset
                                                                                            chromosome fusions and late-onset sterility/senescence4±6,9.
Figure 4 mrt-2 exhibits late-onset end-to-end chromosome fusions. a, DAPI-stained           Although yeast telomerase-negative mutants can use recombination
early and late generation mrt-2 oocyte nuclei arrested at metaphase I in diakinesis (when   to periodically recover from senescence5,30, we have never observed a
homologous chromosomes are synapsed together). To ensure that chromosome numbers            mrt-2 line to recover from its Mortal Germline phenotype (Fig. 2).
were accurately determined, three or more oocytes with clearly separated bivalents were     The late-onset sterility of mrt-2 lines probably results from increas-
scored per worm. These are photographs of representative nuclei in which all                ing numbers of chromosome fusions, which will lead to meiotic
chromosome pairs happen to lie in the same plane of focus. b, Number of worms               non-disjunction and massive aneuploidy.
containing a particular number of visible chromosome pairs. Wild-type control and
successive generations of two late generation mrt-2 strains (1 and 2) are shown.            mrt-2 is a checkpoint gene
c, X-autosome chromosome fusions isolated from mrt-2 display pseudo-linkage between         The mrt-2 mutant is defective in responding both to normal double-
an end of the X chromosome and an end of an autosome.                                       strand breaks present at telomeres and to abnormal DNA damage

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                                                                            © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd                                                    161
caused by X-rays and transposition. We mapped mrt-2 between dpy-                                                                   introns. Five independent extrachromosomal arrays containing the
18 and nob-1 on the right arm of chromosome III (Fig. 6a). Blast                                                                   wild type Y41C4A.14 gene were able to rescue the X-ray hypersen-
analysis of this region of the genome revealed a gene Y41C4A.14,                                                                   sitivity, telomere shortening and Mortal Germline phenotypes of
also known as hpr-1, a homologue of the S. pombe rad1+ checkpoint                                                                  mrt-2 (Fig. 6c, d; and data not shown). In contrast, when green
gene31,32. The S. pombe rad1 mutant is hypersensitive to X-rays33 and                                                              ¯uorescent protein was inserted in-frame between exons 1 and 2 of
has short telomeres19. This candidate gene was sequenced in mrt-                                                                   Y41C4A.14, the fusion construct failed to rescue mrt-2 (data not
2(e2663) and contained a mutation in the 39 splice junction of the                                                                 shown), con®rming that mrt-2 is the Y41C4A.14 checkpoint gene.
second intron (Fig. 6b). This mutation occurs in a highly conserved                                                                   mrt-2 is the C. elegans homologue of the S. pombe rad1+ and
AG dinucleotide that is found at the 39 ends of most C. elegans                                                                    S. cerevisiae RAD17 checkpoint genes that are conserved from yeast

                                                 a                                                    b                                                                            c

                                                      8                      8                             8                                                                              8
                                                      7                      7                             7                                                                              7
                                                      6                      6                             6                                                                              6
                                                      5                      5                             5                                                                              5
                                                      4                      4                             4
                                                 kb                                                   kb                                                                           kb     4

                                                      3                      3                             3                                                                              3

                                                      2                                                                                                                                                                                      Internal
                                                                             2                             2                                                                              2

                                                          F4 F6 F8 F10           F4 F6 F8 F10                  M F4 F6 F8 F10 F4 F6 F8 F10                                                      M F6 F10 F14 F18
                                                            Wild type               mrt-2                                    Wild type               mrt-2                                                    mrt-2

Figure 5 mrt-2 has a progressive telomere-shortening phenotype. Southern blots were                                                wild-type F2 are picked, telomeres from the parent with short telomeres will elongate as
probed with the C. elegans telomere sequence (TTAGGC)26. a, mrt-2 telomeres shorten                                                they equilibrate back to normal lengths. In contrast, telomeres of a sibling mrt-2 strain all
progressively. An arrow marks an mrt-2 telomere that vanishes in this lineage. b, If a C.                                          shorten progressively. c, Telomere length of a mrt-2 strain grown until generation F18.
elegans strain with short telomeres, such as mrt-2, is crossed with a wild-type strain and

        a                       Physical distance                        370 kb                  80 kb

                                                            tra-1       dpy-18        mrt-2                    nob-1                 e
                               Genetic map position
                                                             6.7          8.6 (16/45) 10.6      (29/45)         14.3                     h R AD 1           1    M PL L T QQI QD E DDQ Y SL V AS L D NV RN LS T I LK A IHF R EH A TC FA T K NG I K VT VE N A K CV QA N AF I Q A G IF Q E F
                                 (recombinants)                                                                                          m R AD 1
                                                                                                                                         d m RA D 1
                                                                                                                                                                 M PL L T QYN EE E YEQ Y CL V AS L D NV RN LS T V LK A IHF R EH A TC FA T K NG I K VT VE N A K CV QA N AF I Q A D VF Q E F
                                                                                                                                                                 - -- M T DVE PS P YGD C KF V AR V E HI KT FI Q A IK S ICF N DY G MV QV S E DG L R IT VE Q G K SI QA T LF M P P G AF M E F
                                                                                                                                         c e MR T - 2       1    - -- - - -ME LE T GQC T IM E LK K E NV KE LA Q V FK T VAF K DT G TW HA S E AG M K IT VD D G S YQ LA S VF I N P A FF S S F
                                                                                                                                         s p Ra d 1 p       1    - -- - - --- -- - --- - MF Q AE T V CL KQ IQ S T LR C IDF S KE C TI EI T S RG L R FA VE E S Q SL QA H AF L D K S LF Q T F
                                                                                                                                         s c Ra d 1 7 p     1    - -- M R INS EL A NKF S AS T VH L E HI TT AL S C LT P FGS K DD V LI FI D A DG L S FV RE N N H VI KI Q LL L S R E LF M S Y
       b                                 a e2663
                                                                                                                                         u m Re c 1         1    M P- - A EGA CD A ASL M TL T AT L S DV TG LA N L LK S VAI Q TH A VV IA S S SG L E II TE L N R TL QA H AY L Y S H MF D S Y

                                                                                                                                         h R AD 1          73    K VQ - - -- - -- - -EE S VT F RI N LT V LL DC L S IF G --- - -- - -- -S S P MP G T -- -- - - - -- LT A LR M C Y QGY G Y Y
                                    ttccagGAATTC                        Y41C4A.14                                                        m R AD 1
                                                                                                                                         d m RA D 1
                                                                                                                                                                 V IQ - - -- - -- - -EE S VT F RI N LT I LL DC L S IF G --- - -- - -- -S S P TP G T -- -- - - - -- LT A LR M C Y QGY G H Y
                                                                                                                                                                 R VQ - - -- - -- - --D F QC F GV K MN V LS EC L S LF G --- - -- - -- -- S A DC S - -- -- - - - -- -- - LR M M Y RDK G D D
                                Intron 2 Exon 3                                                                                          c e MR T - 2
                                                                                                                                         s p Ra d 1 p
                                                                                                                                                                 K VR - - -- - -- - -EE I VS M KI S IK S IS EF L S IS E --- - -- - NS SS S - -- - - -- -- - - - -- -- - VK V S Y PGM F Q M
                                                                                                                                                                 N FQ G D SD - -- - -GD T YM F QT M IS P LL QS L S IY T D-G K ER I ST SA W D QP T V N- -- I M H KR GV I CK V Q Y NGP G C P
                                                                                                                                         s c Ra d 1 7 p    70    S YR N - -- - -- E TED H MK L CV K IN H IL DS V S VM N --- - -- - -- RN S D DI - - -- -- - - - -- -V E CT L S Y DGH G S H
                                                                                                                                         u m Re c 1        71    R FE N A QD . .. D EPD S VS F EV N LQ T WI SC L N IF G GVG P SR P HS SS S G LP G F R. .. S S S AK AT R MK L S Y QGH G N H

                                                                                                                                         h R AD 1         11 5   G YP L M LFL EE G G-V V TV CK I N T QE PE E TL D FD F CST N -V I NK II L Q SE G L RE AF S E L DM TS E VL Q I TMSP - - -
                                                                                                                                         m R AD 1         11 5   G HP L M LFL EE G G-V V TV CK I T T QE PE E TL D FD F CST N -V M NK II L Q SE G L RE AF S E L DM TG D VL Q I TVSP - - -
                                                                                                                                         d m RA D 1       10 8   P LK I I LYP HD D DDV S TE CA I K T MD CD E PI D YD Q NLK D PD L NV IF V R GP N L SK VF N E L EK SA E EF E F VTSP - - -
                                                                                                                                         c e MR T - 2     10 4   F QP V K MLV ED A DGW V AR GN F T T TL AD Q EL D FE F DDA G -V L AT YL L K TQ V L KE II K V L SL KP L NI R K KFIK L Q T
        c                                                           d                                                                    s p Ra d 1 p
                                                                                                                                         s c Ra d 1 7 p
                                                                                                                                                          11 9
                                                                                                                                                          11 6
                                                                                                                                                                 G CP F I WEV EE M AGY A TA CE L L T ME CE D DV D IN R LAS T -L C TK II M K SN W L YD AL V E L DN NM G EN L I IHTS - - -
                                                                                                                                                                 G SP F V LIF ED S FIS E RV EY S T Y LI KD F DT N GL E LDR E RI S FE AI I K GE A L HS AL K D L KE IG C KE C Y VYAK T E A
                                                                                                                                         u m Re c 1       24 5   G NP L V LEL EQ D ANV L TR VS M S T YE PS F LT D MV F EPQ N -M V AQ VI V A SE L M QS AF T E I DA SC K KL S I LITS P H S
                                80                                       8                                                               h R AD 1         18 3   - -- - - --- -- - -- - - -- -- - - - -- -- - DK P YF R LST F GN AG S SH L D YP K - -- -- - DSD L ME A FH C N Q T QVN - -
                                                                         7                                                               m R AD 1
                                                                                                                                         d m RA D 1
                                                                                                                                                          18 3
                                                                                                                                                          17 8
                                                                                                                                                                 - -- - - --- -- - -- - - -- -- - - - -- -- - DK P YF R LST F GN AG S SH L D YP K - -- -- - DSD L VE A FH C D K T QVN - -
                                                                                                                                                                 - -- - - --- -- - -- - - -- -- - - - -- -- - NR P HF K ITT V GI MQ A VF S V EV A K -- -- - TSP M MM M FN C K Q T VVA - -
                                                                         6                                                               c e MR T - 2     17 6   F SK K N FFF WI F EK N D FD DT S R T VR IQ F TK N SL C FTT F GD VG E TT V S IP S - -- -- - RSL Q ME S VK C L E E VEF - -
       Progeny at 6 krad (%)


                                                                                                                                         s p Ra d 1 p     18 8   - S- - - --- -- - -- - - -- -- - - - -- -- - QK S TF L LRC V GA LS T TE I E YP N - -- -- - EKS V LE S FE T D S E NTY - -
                                60                                       5                                                               s c Ra d 1 7 p
                                                                                                                                         u m Re c 1
                                                                                                                                                          18 6
                                                                                                                                                          31 7
                                                                                                                                                                 N -- - - --- -- - -- - - -- -- - - - -- -- - DE N VF A LIS K SQ LG F SK I K LP S - -- NR S ILE K LQ V FD G D S T TVI D G
                                                                                                                                                                 L ST - - --- -- Y DG D Q RT EA P A P TK RN T SA S ML K FRA I SD TG S SE M E FP A S LT SS D PTG V IE K FV A L P G SSE Q -

                                                                    kb 4                                                                 h R AD 1
                                                                                                                                         m R AD 1
                                                                                                                                                          22 1
                                                                                                                                                          22 1
                                                                                                                                                                 - -- - - RYK IS L LKP S TK AL V L SC K VS IR T D NR G FLS L QY M IR N- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - --ED G Q I
                                                                                                                                                                 - -- - - RYK LS L LKP S TK AL A L SC K VS IR T D NR G FLS L QY M IR N- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - --ED G Q I
                                                                                                                                         d m RA D 1       21 7   - -- - - RYK SQ Q IRM T NK AM Q S AT K VA IK T N SV G LLE L HL V MQ G- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - --DS Q E E
                                                                                                                                         c e MR T - 2     24 1   - -- - - SYL LS L IQR M TT AF I L AT K LI LR V D ER G VLS C QF S ID H- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - --GE G N A
                                40                                       3                                                               s p Ra d 1 p     22 7   - -- - - SYR FS L IRH A LK AL Q V GS K VN LR I D EN G TLS I QI M LV G- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - --QE G L C
                                                                                                                                         s c Ra d 1 7 p   23 0   F AV I G FFD FT S FDK I RK ST K I AS K VL FR M D VH G VLS V NI L SQ TD D V II T D TT RP S N N R PG S IR Q L Q LPKD Y P G
                                                                                                                                         u m Re c 1       38 2   - -- - - WYD FT L LSR T MS VL R S SI K TS LR M D EA G LIS F QF M MP KY R R AA A A GA PL T N A A AG - -- - Q A AHED E Q D

                                                                                                                                         h R AD 1         26 4   C FV E Y YCC PD E EVP E SE S -- - -- - -- -- - - -- - --- - -- - -- -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- - --- - -- - -

                                                                                                                                         m R AD 1         26 4   C FV E Y YCC PD E EVP E S- - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- - --- - -- - -- -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- - --- - -- - -


                                20                                       2
                                                                                                                                         d m RA D 1
                                                                                                                                         c e MR T - 2
                                                                                                                                                          26 0
                                                                                                                                                          28 4
                                                                                                                                                                 I FI Q F FII PL L NTD - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- - --- - -- - -- -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- - --- - -- - -
                                                                                                                                                                 S YI E F LTV PA D EEE - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- - --- - -- - -- -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- - --- - -- - -
                                                                                                                                         s p Ra d 1 p     27 0   T FV D F CIV PL D LVS E DE E ED E EE E PA ES N Q SD N NVL R ND P NY R- - - GD A E TE DE D S- - -- - --- - -- - -
                                                                                                                                         s c Ra d 1 7 p   30 3   I VI E V CML EK E SID E AA Q TE I EL L ME TN E L GN R NSF K KS T IR K. . . KN R E SE DE E NH C KY P TKD I PI F F
                                                                                                                                         u m Re c 1       44 6   A FC E F LCC PL D TST L IV - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- - --- - -- - -- -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - -- - --- - -- - -

                                                                             M F7 F9 F11 F13 F7 F9 F11 F13
                                     Wild type       pY41C4A.14
                                             mrt-2 (e2663)
                                                                                      mrt-2 (e2663)

Figure 6 mrt-2 encodes a homologue of the S. pombe rad1+ and S. cerevisiae RAD17                                                   sensitivity of mrt-2(e2663) strains. Non-rescued mrt-2 sibs and N2 wild type controls are
checkpoint genes. a, mrt-2 was mapped between dpy-18 and nob-1 using three-factor                                                  shown (5 broods scored for each column). d, Telomere length in a mrt-2 strain carrying an
crosses50, by picking Dpy-non-Nob and Nob-non-Dpy F2 progeny from dpy-18nob-1/                                                     extrachromosomal array containing pY41C4A.14. A non-rescued mrt-2(e2663) sibling
mrt-2 F1 and scoring the X-ray hypersensitivity phenotype in the F3 generation. The                                                strain is shown for comparison. e, MRT-2 homologues. Identities are highlighted in black
number of recombinants picked between these genes is indicated in parentheses.                                                     and conservative substitutions in grey. The proteins are human RAD1 (hRAD1), mouse
Although mrt-2 maps closer to dpy-18 than to nob-1, mrt-2 is only 80 kb from nob-1                                                 RAD1 (mRAD1), D. melanogaster RAD1 (dmRAD1), C. elegans MRT-2 (ceMRT-2), S.
indicating that there may be some distortion of genetic distance near nob-1. b, mrt-2                                              pombe Rad1p (spRad1p), S. cerevisiae Rad1p (scRad1p) and U. maydis Rec1 (umRec1).
(e2663) contains a G to A mutation in the splice acceptor of intron 2 of the                                                       Long stretches of non-homologous sequences were omitted (dotted line) for ScRad1p and
Y41C4A.14/hpr-1 checkpoint gene. c, Two extrachromosomal arrays containing a single                                                umRec1. Sequences were aligned using clustalW1.7 and then manually adjusted.
7-kb geneÐthe wild type Y41C4A.14 gene (pY41C4.14)Ðrescue the X-ray hyper-

                                                                                                          © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd                                                      NATURE | VOL 403 | 13 JANUARY 2000 |
to mammals (Fig. 6e)31,32,34,35. In yeast, these genes are required to     Methods
delay cell-cycle progression in response to DNA damage or in               Strains
response to a block in DNA replication33,36,37. As might be expected       C. elegans strains were mutagenized, cultured and crossed as described50. All experiments
for a C. elegans checkpoint mutant, the germ line of mrt-2 is              were carried out at 20 8C unless otherwise stated.
defective in responding to DNA damage caused by X-rays and
transposition (Fig. 3). In addition, mrt-2 exhibits the progressive        X-ray hypersensitivity
telomere shortening, end-to-end chromosome fusion, and late-               Young L4 larvae were irradiated in a Torrex X-ray machine at 143kV, and larvae were
onset sterility phenotypes that are seen in `telomerase-negative'          picked to separate plates and transferred after 48 h and again after 24 h. Plates were scored
                                                                           for adult progeny 36 h after transfer. The number of progeny from irradiated worms was
mouse and yeast mutants4±6. Thus, the mrt-2 checkpoint gene is
                                                                           compared with that of unirradiated siblings to give the percentage of survival after
required for telomere replication. Although several yeast checkpoint       irradiation, providing a measure of how sensitive a worm's germ line is to X-rays.
mutants including S. pombe rad1 have telomeres that equilibrate to
lengths that are shorter than wild type, they do not exhibit the           mrt-2 molecular genetics
progressive telomere shortening and senescence phenotypes char-            The Y41C4A.14 gene was ampli®ed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from multiple
acteristic of yeast telomerase mutants19. Curiously, S. pombe rad1+ is     wild-type and mrt-2(e2663) strains and sequenced directly to ascertain the presence of the
in the same epistasis group as rad3+ (ref. 33), and a rad3,tel1 double     mrt-2(e2663) splice-junction mutation. The wild-type Y41C4A.14 gene including its 4-kb
                                                                           promoter was PCR-ampli®ed from a Y41C4 yeast arti®cial chromosome (YAC) miniprep
mutant that is mutant for two related phosphatidylinositol-3-like
                                                                           for subcloning. Plasmid DNA was injected at 0.5 ng ml-1 pY41C4A.14 (FspI-linearized),
kinases has a `telomerase-negative' phenotype in vivo6. The homo-          0.5 ng ml-1 pCes1943 (rol-6, gift of Diana Janke) (NruI-linearized) and 50 ng ml-1 N2
logous S. cerevisiae double mutant, mec1,tel1, also appears to lack        genomic DNA (PvuII-linearized).
telomerase activity in vivo20. Although tel1 mutants do not have
major defects in checkpoint function38,39, these results argue that the    Telomere length
rad1+/RAD17/mrt-2 checkpoint may be required for telomere                  Genomic DNA was prepared using a Puregene DNA isolation kit (Gentra). HinFI-digested
replication in yeast, and that genetic redundancy may mask this            genomic DNA was separated on 0.6% agarose gels at 1.5Vcm-1, and Southern blotting was
                                                                           carried out using a digoxygenin-dUTP-labelled PCR probe according to manufacturer's
function in single checkpoint mutants.
                                                                           protocols (Boehringer Mannheim). The probe was made using T3 and Te12
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cerevisiae, the rad1+/RAD17/mrt-2 checkpoint can delay the cell            cTel55X plasmid27 using PCR.
cycle in response to a single double-strand break40. Telomeres are
                                                                           Received 17 August; accepted 29 October 1999.
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39. Matsuura, A., Naito, T. & Ishikawa, F. Genetic control of telomere integrity in Schizosaccharomyces
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