Mr. David Shelnutt, Principal - Alachua County Public Schools
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HURRICANE TRACKER: Fall 2018 Mr. David Shelnutt, Principal Hello Hurricanes! We are al- which will allow ready several weeks back into the you to have ac- new school year. The school year curate grades, has been a successful one, and I attendance rec- am very proud of the amazing ords, and other work our students do on a daily important infor- basis. The 2018-2019 school year mation. I also is going to be a great one. want to personal- GHS students, faculty, and ly invite all GHS staff continue to work very hard to parents to join make academic success of all stu- our PTSA, the dents our number one goal. We parent-teacher- continue to strive for a 100% student organiza- graduation rate. Our students con- tion which pro- tinue to show improved perfor- vides amazing mance on state and national ex- support for our ams. I want to congratulate all students and Hurricanes for their accomplish- school. We are ments in the classroom. always in need I want to invite all parents and of volunteers and additional parent guardians to get connected with support. If you use social media, school and be prepared for life af- GHS. Please make sure we have ter graduation. Go Canes! please follow the GHS Twitter accurate phone numbers, email (@GHSHurricanes) account to addresses, and residential address- keep up with all school related es. GHS sends out a variety of news and updates in real time. information home, and it is vital Thank you for your support of that we have your accurate contact Gainesville High School. We information. Both students and want to partner with you to help parents have access to Skyward, your student be successful in
Tracking the Storm: In This Issue 1. Letter from David Shelnutt, Principal 6. Student Government News/Storm Surge School Store 2. Table of Contents/Note from Dr. Melissa Mauldin, 7. FLA/ESA/ACT Test Prep Courses Activities Director 8. GHS Forging a Partnership 3. GHS Vision Statement 9. Stand-out ‘Canes News, Dates for Interim & Report 4. Guidance Information from Dr. Mallory Becker, AP Cards, A Message from The Media Center for Student Services 10. GHS PTSA 5. Hospitality and Tourism Management Program; Mu 11. ESOL Closet; GHS Drama Club Alpha Theta (Math Team); Cafeteria Highlights 12. Yearbook Ad Night, Molding A Clay Program A Note From Dr. Melissa Mauldin, Activities Director Welcome home, Hurricanes! The first few weeks of school have been packed with excitement and activity. It’s so great to see everyone back on campus, catching up with old friends and meeting new people. I hope that all of our students are looking for ways to be involved in the life of GHS. Students have many opportuni- ties to join co-curricular activities here, from clubs, to sports, to performing arts. If you haven’t yet joined any clubs or other co-curricular organizations at GHS, I encourage you to consider the clubs listed below. We have several new clubs at GHS this year, so be sure to find your niche! Contact the respective sponsor for club information. Club Advisor(s) Club Advisor(s) Club Advisor(s) INTEREST CLUBS INTEREST CLUBS STEERING COMMITTEES Best Buddies Ansell Physics Watts McIntyre/ Freshman Black Student Union Edmonds SHPE Jr. Watts Patterson Canes for SkillsUSA Eury Sophomore Riverso/Parfait Simonton Gainesville Student Wellness Junior Kraus/Mauldin Heckathorn Canes on da Mic Harris Advocates Senior Kraus/Mauldin Canes Sisterhood Washington/ Clark Table Top Gaming Conde SERVICE CLUBS Chess Conde Technical Theatre Shepherd Habitat for Parfait Clay Truman Women in STEM Riverso Humanity DECA Bekaert Young Democrats Fields/Conde Interact (Rotary) Plavac Drama/Thespian Shepherd Young Republicans Floyd Key McLeod Earth Paxson Youth Fossil Paxson/Waddell March of Dimes Butfiloski FCA Forgione SGA Mauldin We would love to include Fishing Bauer HONOR SOCIETIES achievements of your student GSA Drew/ Heckathorn Debate/ Forensics Paxson in future newsletters. So tell HOSA Plavac FFEA Ellis us about it! Send any rele- International Riverso/ Robinson Rapp/Henehan/ vant information to PTSA Mu Alpha Theta Overcash Investment Forgione (, National Honor Model UN Haynes/Conde McLeod/ Overcash marking the message “For Society/DM Newspaper/ National Technical Newsletter”. Note: Content Eury Plavac Journalism Honor Society will need administrator ap- NJROTC Mullins/Wait Spanish Honor proval prior to printing. Gil/ Rodriguez Photography Eury Society 2
Guidance Information Dr. Mallory Becker, Assistant Principal for Student Services Welcome Back. Here are a few notes on Guidance, the ACT and SAT, and credit retrieval. Guidance Counselor Information Guidance: The easiest way to reach Guidance Guidance Alphabet Email Address Counselors is via email. Counselor Feel free to email me at Pamela Gonzales A–G Please be aware that all Carly Heckathorn H–Q Gainesville High School Tammy Stuve R–Z students need to pass two Kenneth Mercer Cambridge state tests in order to graduate. The first test is the Algebra I End of Course exam. The second test is the 10th grade Florida ACT Registration Information Standards Assessment (FSA) for grades 9 - 12. Test Date Registration Late Regn Dead- ACT and SAT Deadline line/ Fee Required I hope that almost all seniors will take the ACT or SAT in September or October. Many college bound Sept. 8, 2018 August 12, 2018 August 26, 2018 seniors will take the ACT or SAT in order to improve Oct. 27, 2018 Sept. 28, 2018 October 14, 2017 their score. Others seniors will take the ACT or SAT Dec. 8, 2018 November 2, 2018 November 19, 2018 in order to earn a concordant score (19 on ACT Read- ing; 430 on SAT Verbal) that satisfies the FSA gradu- February 9, 2019 January 11, 2019 January 18, 2019 ation requirement. Test dates for this school year are April 13, 2019 March 8, 2019 March 25, 2019 listed in the tables to the right. Seniors hoping to improve a previous score would June 8, 2019 May 3 2019 May 20, 2019 likely need to take the SAT in October, November, or December. Juniors will likely take the SAT in March, July 13, 2019 June 14, 2019 June 24, 2019 May, or June. Please see your Guidance Counselor for advice on which test is right for you. SAT Registration Information Credits Test Date Registration Late Registration In a perfect world, each sophomore would start the Deadline Deadline year with six credits, each junior with 12 credits and October 6, 2018 September 7, 2018 September 26, 2018 each senior with 18 credits. Students need 24 credits to graduate. If you have failed a class, please see your November 3, 2018 October 5, 2018 October 24, 2018 Guidance Counselor. There are several options open December 1, 2018 November 2, 2018 November 20, 2018 to earn credit. Please see the table on the next page. I wish you the best as you continue to make GHS a March 9, 2019 February 8, 2019 February 27, 2019 great school during and after the school day. May 4, 2019 April 5, 2019 April 24, 2019 Go Canes! June 1, 2019 May 3, 2019 May 22, 2019 4
How To Make Up Credits Op ons Notes Credit Retrieval Op on Program (CROP) Operates a er school and during the Summer; computer based Virtual School Students can choose Alachua eSchool or Florida Virtual School; computer based; eSchool operates during the school year and FLVS operates year around Adult Educa on Operates a er school and during the Summer; paper based Hospitality And Tourism Management Program The Hospitality & Tourism Man- The Hospitality & Tourism program Students in the program have the agement Program is a four-year elective is designed to include four classroom opportunity to learn job skills by work- program at Gainesville High School, courses as well as an off-site workplace ing in the school store. Since the class- spearheaded by Mrs. Dawn Bekaert, a internship. GHS students partner with room is a computer lab, technology is a 13-year veteran of the hotel industry. local hotels and other tourism-related component of every year of the pro- This program focuses on preparing stu- businesses to provide hands-on learning gram and a focus at year two. dents to enter the hospitality & tourism of both industry-certified technology Fieldtrips, college tours and guest industry. In addition to ServSafe food and best practices. During the past few speakers are all frequent occurrences safety certification, an industry-certified years, dozens of students in the program for students in the Hospitality & Tour- curriculum is also taught that has certi- have obtained employment, in great part ism Program. Freshmen and sopho- fications available in a variety of entry- due to the certifications, training and mores interested in the program should level hospitality positions. Students experience gained through this program. contact their guidance counselor to sign who complete the program will have an Most of these students obtained jobs in up. For more information about the opportunity to receive a Certified Hos- the hospitality & tourism industry. Sev- program, contact Dawn Bekaert at pitality and Tourism Management Pro- eral have gone on to pursue hospitality or (352) 955- fessional certification (CHTMP). In degrees at colleges around the state. 6707. addition, this is a Bright Futures Gold Seal certified program. Mu Alpha Theta (Math Team) The goal of the Hospitality & Tour- ism Management Program is to give Anyone planning to compete in MAϴ this year must register in the school students both the knowledge and expe- store by Friday, October 12th. Registration is $25, and the store is open from rience to enter the hospitality industry 7:50 to 8:20 before school. Our first competition is the Rickards Invitational and succeed. Whether students are at Rickards High School on November 10th. See Mrs. Rapp in C-9 to register planning to go to college after gradua- for the competition. The fee for registration fee is $30. tion or directly into the workforce, this program can be the first step toward a successful career in the ever-growing, Cafeteria Highlights ever more challenging hospitality in- dustry. “The Hospitality and Tourism Rushed mornings happen to all of us! If you have not had the time to eat industry is Florida’s largest employer, breakfast or pack lunch or are just extra hungry, stop by at the school cafete- representing close to one million jobs in ria. ALL students at GHS, regardless of federal lunch status, can avail of free the Sunshine State.” –Carol Dover, President, Florida Restaurant & Lodg- breakfast and lunch. Also, the SBAC Food Truck will be at GHS during ing Association. lunch on Wednesdays. Enjoy the treat. 5
GHS Student Government News The GHS Student Government continues to serve GHS and the Gainesville com- munity. These young leaders have been working throughout the summer, planning events and co-curricular activities for GHS students. We invite all of our alumni, parents, and students to join in the great fun of this year’s homecoming: “Out of This World”. Homecoming 2018 activities are sched- uled as follows: Wednesday, October 17: Stor m War ning pep rally in the main auditor ium at 6pm ($5 in advance, $10 at the door). Come cheer on our team before they play Leesburg Thursday night! Thursday, October 18: Football game vs. Leesbur g and halftime pr esentation of Homecoming Court, 7:30pm at Citizens Field ($7). This is a “black out”, so wear your Homecoming 2018 t-shirt and other black clothing to the game. Thursday, October 18: Dance at the Senior Recr eation Center , 9pm-midnight ($10 in advance, $15 at the door). Students are encouraged to head straight to the dance after leaving the game (vs. Leesburg). You can dress up, or come as you are. GHS Student Body Officers Top Row Don’t miss out on Homecoming 2018 activities! (left to right): Tiana Henderson (Student Body Vice President), Chance GHS Student Government will be sending delegates to the Florida Association of Block (Student Body President) Student Councils in Boca Raton, Florida March 1-4, 2019. Delegates will have the Bottom Row (left to right): Nick Han- opportunity to hear from motivational speakers and meet and collaborate with son (Student Body Speaker of the House), Angel Amigo (Student Body many other delegates from every district in Florida. Secretary), Robbie Collins (Student If you are not in Senate, how do you become a House Member? House members Body Treasurer), Jessica Harry (Senior are selected from their first periods and meet monthly. House members are the life- Class President) line for information and input from all first period classes. Our Inter Club Council (ICC) is made up of the President of each club and meets before school on the first Wednesday of each month (unless other- wise notified). SGA would like to thank these local businesses for their support of our students and activities: Bolay, Chipotle 13th Street, Florida Credit Union, Jos. A. Bank, and Terrell’s Bar-B-Que. The Storm Surge School Store is Your Source for all Your Canes Needs The Storm Surge school store is one of the best and perhaps most underutilized amenities available to students at Gaines- ville High School. Located just past the cafeteria, it is open before and after school daily. It is becoming a popular place to pay club dues and get all your GHS essentials. Available whenever the doors are open is the wide variety of t-shirts and other clothing items, most of which meet GHS dress code standards. School supplies and other spirit items, including handmade jewelry, can also be purchased in the Storm Surge school store. The Storm Surge is run by students involved in the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program. Students learn valua- ble entrepreneurship skills relevant to running a small business, including marketing, inventory control, accounting and cus- tomer services. They are instrumental in selecting and designing new clothing featured in the store. In addition, they gain val- uable work experience and earn volunteer service hours. The Storm Surge also houses the Canes Coffee Shop in the mornings. Operating as a separate enterprise and run by stu- dents in the Community Based Training program, the Canes Coffee Shop offers reasonably priced coffee, hot tea, and hot chocolate with a variety of toppings and flavor additions. In addition to great morning beverages, the Canes Coffee Shop has made-to-order fruit smoothies, as well as frozen coffee drinks. 6
FSA ELA and ACT Prep Classes (All sessions are in the Media Center.) Session # Boot Camp Focus Boot Camp Saturdays: 9am-12pm (Media Center) 1 Writing: Thesis/Introduction 12/1/18 2 Writing: Integrating Evidence (Quoting, Para- 02/09/19 phrasing, and Citing) 3 Writing: Claim/Counterclaim 02/23/19 4 Reading: Key Ideas and Details 3/02/19 5 Reading: Craft and Structure 3/16/19 6 Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 4/27/19 Are YOU worried about passing the FSA ELA or the ACT Reading test? Do you feel that a li le extra help is what you need? Come join us as we review strategies that will help YOU be successful on the FSA ELA test (or the ACT Reading). Small group instruc on Snacks will be provided Don’t miss out on these opportuni es to get the help you need with preparing for upcoming assessments. We are here to help! 7
Forging An Effective Partnership Between Parents And Gainesville High School One of the most beneficial aspects provides a wealth of information mation is available on the school of teaching is building positive relation- about what’s currently happening on website, under the community tab/ ships with parents. Gainesville High campus. The link to the page is PTSA. The group is also active on hopes to achieve this in the hopes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. providing an environment in which GHS0151 Find the links on Pg. 10. teachers and students can be successful. 4. Email — Faculty and staff email 9. Volunteer Opportunities — If you Students who see their parents com- addresses are located on the Gaines- would like to volunteer at GHS or municating with their teachers on a reg- ville High School website under the with any of our clubs, sports teams, or ular basis know their parents trust the faculty and staff tab. other organizations, you should com- teacher and will likely put more effort 5. Telephone — You may call to leave plete the online application at: into school. During their child’s high a message for a faculty or staff mem- ACPSapp. You must have an ap- school years, many parents attempt to ber. Our goal is for phone calls to be proved application on file in order to give their child a sense of independ- returned within 48 hours. volunteer. Applications are good for ence, which often leads to less parent- teacher communication, unless there is 6. Parent/Teacher Conferences — one year, July 1-June 30. a behavioral or academic issue. At You may schedule a conference with 10. Join the School Advisory Council Gainesville High School, we welcome your child’s teacher by contacting — The SAC is a team of people rep- parents to get involved in all aspects of your child’s guidance counselor. For resenting various segments of the the school. The following illustrates specific counselor assignments, see community, which consists of par- ways in which parents can become in- the table on page 4 in Dr. Becker’s ents, teachers, students, administra- volved at Gainesville High School. message. tors, support staff, business/ industry 7. Open House — During our open people and other interested communi- 1. Correct Contact Information — If house event on campus, you will have ty members. The purpose of a SAC is your contact information changes, the opportunity to visit each of your to assist in the preparation and evalu- please make sure you update it in a child’s classes and hear information ation of the results of the school im- timely manner. Ms. Ko, GHS Data- about what your child will learn dur- provement plan and to assist the prin- base Specialist, will be able to update ing the school year, as well as teach- cipal with the annual school budget. your phone number and email ad- ers’ expectations for your child. Please email the Principal, Mr. David dress. Parents will need to bring in Shelnutt, at if identification and two proofs of resi- 8. Join the GHS PTSA — The pur- you are interested in serving on the dency. (Examples: mortgage, lease, pose of the PTSA is to enhance stu- GRU bill, cable bill) to the Guidance School Advisory Committee. dent and faculty endeavors through- Office. It is very important that we be out the school year. It includes par- 11. Interim Reports and Report able to reach you. ents, teachers, and students who sup- Cards — Interim reports are issued to port GHS through memberships, vol- students midway through each nine- 2. Skyward Family Access — The unteering, and reinforcement of the week grading period, and report cards district is using Skyward to keep school’s overall mission. are issued to students at the end of track of students’ grades and other each nine-week grading period (see important information. Skyward Fam- The 2018-2019 PTSA Officers are: table below). Please contact your stu- ily Access is available to students and Teresa Ferguson (President/Events/ dent’s teacher if their grade is a “D” parents/guardians and is a great way Social Media); Tina Gor ske (Vice or “F” in the class. We want to be to stay updated on your child’s aca- President/Advocacy); Betsy Gar d- sure all of our students have a suc- demic progress in each of their clas- ner (Treasurer); Stephanie Kolb cessful high school experience and ses. Parents can contact the school for (Secretary/ Fundraising); Nicole graduate on time. help setting up a Skyward account Tutton (Member at Large/Honor Roll and using it. Socials); and Leela Kumaran 3. Gainesville High School Website — (Newsletters). Additional infor - The Gainesville High School website 8
Stand-Out Canes News Outstanding Passing Rates National Merit Program Stars Phoenix Bear, Kyleigh Beecham, Al- Last year’s Cambridge students had Five GHS exandra Cagle, Sophia Deleon, Phoe- a perfect 100% passing rate in these students are be Gordon, Sierra Hagle, Dane My- five AICE exams: Global Perspec- semi-finalists ers, Cassidy O’Neill and Edward tives and Research, Environmental in the 2019 Scott. Management, Marine Science, National Freshman is a Broadcom Finalist Spanish Language, and General Pa- Merit Pro- Freshman, Janani Kumaran, is one of per. Kudos to them and their teach- gram: Jack- ers! 94% earned their diploma— 30 students in the nation selected to son Avery, be a finalist at the Broadcom Masters 67% with ‘merit’ and 27% with Grace Engel, Competition, to be held in Washing- ‘distinction.’ 6 courses (Math, Eng- Zachary ton, DC. The honor is in recognition lish Language, Chemistry, Biology, Goff, Benjamin Rodriguez, and of the work she did as part of her English Literature and Thinking Baleigh Sweeney. Skills had higher than 90% passing middle school science fair project. Another 10 students received com- continued on Pg. 12 rates. mendable recognitions: Natalie Allen, Dates For Progress Reports And Report Cards Interim Reports Issued End of 9 Weeks Report Cards Issued September 21 October 15 October 26 November 30 January 11 January 24 February 14 March 20 March 29 April 30 May 31 *End of June A Message from The Media Center If you have a chance, be sure to visit media center during the school day with list will be available for check out be- the GHS library media center. Our me- a pass to check out books or magazines ginning in mid-May. Students may dia center has over 22,000 books to or use the computers for assignments. keep these books to read during sum- choose from, current magazines to pe- mer vacation, and return them when Also, there is a link on the GHS home ruse, and 26 computers for students to school starts in August. The summer page to our library media center. On our use for class assignments. The media reading list can be found on the GHS library media center web page, there are center is open to students before school website. helpful links for school assignments at 8:00 am Monday through Friday, dur- such as Purdue Owl, Citation Machine, We are dedicated to helping our GHS ing lunch, and after school for tutoring Easy Bib, GHS card catalog, Alachua students become successful, life-long from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Tuesday County Library databases (research), learners! Happy reading! through Thursday. Tutoring is free for internet safety, and other resources. students and is done by GHS teachers. April Hogan, Media Specialist Students are also welcome to visit the Books on the GHS summer reading Rob Coe, Media Specialist Barbara Smith, Media Assistant For Students Who Carry EpiPens/Inhalers If a student carries an EpiPen or inhaler in his/her backpack for emergencies, Nurse Day MUST have an authorization form filled out by the parents. Forms are available at the clinic or can be downloaded from the SBAC website ( filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=28540&dataid=45975&FileName=Self-Carry-Med-Consent-Form.pdf). 9
Gainesville High School PTSA Dear GHS ‘Canes Family, The 2018-2019 year at GHS has been off to a great start and we welcome you all to join us on our celebration of this school and its students, faculty and staff! The GHS Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), formerly GHS Academic Boosters, is a non-profit 501(c)(3) member of National PTA. Here is where we all come together to support the overall academic mission at GHS and help students succeed by enhancing student and faculty endeavors throughout the year. W e help fundraise, provide student scholarships, organize ceremonies to celebrate academic achievements, support GHS activities, provide volunteers, and more! We have already hosted or supported several events and will continue throughout the 2018-2019 school year: August: Faculty and Staff Welcome Back Breakfast; Parent Orientation during Hurricane Happening September: Open House October: National Custodial Workers Day, Storm Warning, Homecoming Dance November: Academic Recognition Awards and Breakfast December: Holiday Luncheon for Faculty and Staff February: Community Fun Event April: Prom May: Teacher Appreciation Week; Academic Awards and Scholarships Ceremonies Quarterly: General Membership Meetings, A /B Honor Roll Ice Cream Socials To increase our ability to support the annual events, awards, scholarships and grants, we rely on fundraisers and donations, including sales of spirit wear (GHS Hurricane flip-flops, GHS t-shirts, magnets) and requests for donations (grant applications, letters to businesses). Our online store is at Why do we raise funds? We support our students, faculty, and staff in areas related to academics and the overall school. Over the years, we have awarded general and subject area scholarships. This year we are proud to initiate two new com- mittees to award senior scholarships and faculty grants. We post these recognitions on our social media sites as they are awarded and print information in event programs. We ask that every interested parent, teacher, student and community member join GHS PTSA– collaboration and sup- port are critical to success. We need your ideas, enthusiasm, talents, decorations, time and other assistance to put togeth- er these events and to grow stronger as a community. We have great fun in the process and give all of our students op- portunities to learn, grow, and fully engage in the GHS experience. We welcome your participation and input to help make this year another great year. Membership forms are available at the front office or on the GHS website (look for the Community tab and click on PTSA) Feel free to contact GHS PTSA Officers at or through social media with ideas or questions. The officers of the PTSA for the 2018-2019 year are: Teresa Ferguson (President/Events/Social Media); Tina Gorske (Vice President/Advocacy); Betsy Gardner (Treasurer); Stephanie Kolb (Secretary/ Fundraising); Nicole Tutton (Member at Large/Honor Roll Socials); and Leela Kumar an (Newsletters). Members receive email information throughout the year from Principal Shelnutt and the GHS PTSA with details about activities and ways to participate. Want to stay even more connected and informed on a regular basis? Follow us: Face- Book: @ghsptsa1, Instagram: @ghsptsa1, or Twitter: @ghs_ptsa1 We are proud to support our GHS Community! Go ‘Canes! 10
ESOL - A Helping Hand GHS Drama Club The ESOL Closet was established more than 20 years ago to help all Alachua County families in need, including ESOL families. We take all things small to large — from hotel shampoo bottles and jewelry, to beds, couches, appliances and everything in between. We take food, cleaning items, clothes and sports equip- ment, toys and books. We find families in need, or they find us through guidance counselors, the ESOL Parent Liaisons, What’s the deal with GHS Drama Club? A busy Fall schedule that includes a veteran groups, etc. If you are downsiz- World Premier One Act, auditions for the Spring musical and thespian compe- ing or upgrading, cleaning out your titions! homes or know people who are moving, pass on the mission of the ESOL Closet- helping families so that their children can We are so excited to announce that GHS has spend more time thinking about their been chosen to be the first Theater group to studies than how to afford basic needs present the World Premier of Don Zolidis’ for the home. We have a pick-up truck to “Ten Ways to Survive the End of the pick up your donations. We can even World”!!!!! Join us October 11th, 12th and 13th offer you a tax donation letter. at 7pm for this hilarious One Act that presents a satirical how-to guide for surviving death by Although I retired from teaching at GHS, various means, such as killer rabbits, sentient my husband and I have continued, with apes, smart home electronics and more. Tickets the great support of Mr. Shelnutt, to keep the ESOL Closet going and available to are $7 for all and available at the door. all. You can call me at 352-281-0836 or call the school at 352-955-6707 or e-mail GHS Drama will be performing me at for more “Footloose” (Feb. 7,8,9,14,15,16)! Keep an eye details about picking up or dropping off out in mid-October for the audition announcement for this fun, fast-paced and your donations. dance-filled show. Auditions are open to all GHS Students! Our thanks to all those people who help support the Closet - Dr. Kathy, Kamil Theater is our sport! In late November/early December, GHS Troupe 3614 and Gloria, and Aria Salmasinia, owner travels to Ocala for the District 12 Thespian Festival where we will compete in of Auto Plaza on North Main Street. If you are looking for a used car, first con- Individual and Group events, such as Monologues, Pantomimes, One Acts, and sult with Aria, a GHS graduate. Musicals. Top Performers have an opportunity to travel to the State Thespian Festival in Tampa this spring. Thank you, Louise Yariv It’s not too late to join Drama Club! Sound exciting? Want more information? See Mrs. Shepherd if you’d like to be part of this big, fun and crazy family called Drama Club. Find us on Facebook! - Liam Scott Public page: @HurricanePlayers Booster page: @GHSDramaClubBoosters 11
Continued from Pg. 9 NJROTC 5th Annual Yearbook Ad Night ‘Canes Navy Parents of Seniors! cadets assisted with the set up The upcoming school year holds many challenges and joys for you and your sen- - for Alachua ior student. Your soon-to-be graduate deserves all the praise and recognition they County’s Gold will get. An excellent way to share your pride is by placing a congratulatory ad in Star Family the yearbook. To streamline the process of purchasing and creating an ad, we will Memorial hold a YEARBOOK AD NIGHT in October. ground breaking in August 2018. Sports YEARBOOK AD NIGHT is a one-stop shopping experience: parents bring their photos and payment (cash, check, or credit/debit card). Parents will work with a ∗ Sophomore, Tamari Davis, and Jun- yearbook staffer who will help them design the ad for their child. It’s a win-win ior, Alissa Humphrey, were nomi- nated by FL Dairy Farmers 2018 situation: yearbook gets the ads completed on time, and parents get the help they 3A Girls Track & Field Athlete of want and need… and to further sweeten the deal, the purchase of a full-page ad the Year and 2018 7A State Soft- completed during YEARBOOK AD NIGHT includes a free yearbook. ball Player of the Year respectively. You can come to Ad Night without a reservation, but we prefer you book a time ∗ The football team is winning some slot by going here: great games. Tramel Brown, Jalen Kelsey and Luke Mathews were Save the date! Join us Tuesday evening, October 23, from 4 pm to 8 pm in the named to Sun’s “Super 11” presea- yearbook room (H-1). Br ing whatever photos you’d like to use. We will have son football team. a scanner to scan your prints. Please bring your digital photos on a flash drive or ∗ The Lady ‘Canes Volleyball team CD (not on a phone). won the Elise We’ll have free coffee and snacks. In just one evening, you can mark three things Bush off your to-do list (buying a yearbook, buying an ad, creating an ad). Invita- tional Full-page ads include a yearbook! Tourna- ment at Regular ad rates YEARBOOK AD NIGHT rates (Oct 23 only) Bolles. The varsity team includes Full-page $350 $320 Kyleigh Beecham, Nicole Brandt, Half-page $250 $220 Sarah Berto, Melissa Brown, Cate Cannon, Lily Haas, Sierra Hagle, Quarter-page $150 $125 Tiffany Reccoppa, Sara Slayton, Morgan Spear, Jasmyn Solomon, Contact Wayne Eury with any questions: and Jayden Tompkins. See you on October 23! ∗ The ‘Canes boys’ and girls’ swim teams placed 3rd overall in the City Meet on 9/22/18. Molding a Clay Program ∗ GHS Cross Country teams placed In her article, “Adventures in Rebuilding a High School Clay overall 7th (girls) and 5th (boys) at Program,” Sara Truman writes about the challenges of teach- the Bob Hans Invitational. The boys’ and girls’ teams placed 3rd ing in an urban high school and how she not only took the and 9th respectively at the Bobcat high school’s clay program from dwindling to thriving, but Classic. Ani Veltcheva and Nick also became a community leader and mentor for fellow dis- Cain placed among the top 10 run- trict teachers. ners at both meets. 12
You can also read