Mountain Vista Connection - Mountain Vista Communities

Page created by Tom Harrington
Mountain Vista Connection - Mountain Vista Communities
Mountain Vista Connection

                                                                                                         March 2021

                       You could qualify! The Michaels Organization
                       is accepting scholarship applications for the
                       2021/2022 school year!
                       Last year, nine MVC residents
                       received a combined total of
                       $49,500 in scholarship grants,
                       that’s an average of $5,500
                       per person!!
Printed application packets are
available at the MVC Housing Office.
The deadline for completed applications
                                                                                                         INSIDE THIS ISSUE
is April 15, 2021. Additional
information, can be found at                                                                             Wild Huachuca…………...3                                                                                Community
                                                                                                         Resident Happenings…..6-7
                                                                                                         Kids Corner…..………......9

ENERGY USAGE!                                                                                            Coloring Sheet.….….......10
Utility usage has increased since the Department of Army paused the Utility Conservation Program.        Calendar…………............11
MVC pays for all resident utility usage. Your BAH does not just pay for “rent”. It includes utilities,
Emergency Services, refuse services, Maintenance and more. Utilities are electricity, gas, water and

                                      ENERGY SAVING TIPS:
    Unplug “vampire” electronics while not in use.
    Use ceiling and oscillating fans before cranking up the A/C.
    Cover food with a lid while cooking on the stovetop or use a crockpot.

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WATERING POLICY                                         CHILDREN AT HOME POLICY
Please abide by the Fort                                Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Fort
Huachuca Watering Policy.                               Huachuca Policy on children being
Sprinklers and soaker hoses                             unattended at home or around the community
are currently prohibited                                (playgrounds, etc).
through March. Sprinklers
may NOT be used until April.                            Children aged 4 and under require close
Attended hand-held hoses to                             supervision at all times. Ages five (5) to nine
water newly seeded lawns,                               (9) will not be left alone at home, in parked
trees, shrubs, gardens and                              vehicles, or permitted in any public facility or
flowers may be used throughout the year at any time.    public area without adult supervision or the
                                                        presence of a licensed childcare provider.
          SPRING CLEANING TIPS!                         Children 10 years old may be left alone at
                                                        home or outside unattended for up to 3 hours,
                       *The return air vent in your
                                                        but must have access to indirect supervision
                            home should be dusted
                                                        (neighbor or parent by phone).
                      regularly! Keeping the vents
                     cleaned will help increase air     Ages 11-13 years may be left alone for no
                       flow into your home, which       longer than 6 hours with access to adult
                      means your Air Conditioner        supervision or intermittent supervision.
     and Heating system will not have to work so        Children 11-12 years of age may babysit
hard to produce your desired temperatures. This         siblings (babysitting course is strongly
 will help reduce utility usage! The picture to the     recommended).
      left is an example of a vent that is in need of   For more information please refer to the MVC
                                            cleaning.   Resident Guidelines and Community
                            *Get rid of hard water      Handbook for the complete Fort Huachuca
                       stains around your kitchen       Children at Home Policy (14048)
                         sink with this easy home
                                                        AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER
                       made tip! Fill a spray bottle
                               half way with white                           During the upcoming school
                         vinegar. Add a 1/4 cup of                       breaks, please plan accordingly
  lemon juice and fill the remaining space of the                         for your routine service orders.
                                                                         MVC Technicians will not enter
 bottle with regular dish soap (i.e. Dawn). Shake
                                                                                    your home, even with
  bottle and spray all around the faucet and sink
                                                                           Permission to Enter, if a child
 area. Let sit for 30 minutes. Scrub and rinse the
                                                        under the age of 18 is home alone. Remember to
      grime away. Check out the before and after
                                                        schedule work orders at a time that you are able
                                                                             to be home with any minors.
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                                                        GOT PESTS?
                                                        If you are experiencing a pest
                                                        problem, contact the MVC
                                                        Maintenance Office.
                                                        Tips for a pest free home:
                                                         Remove pet waste from the yard.
                                                         Use bleach to clean trash bin quarterly to
                                                          keep odors away from the exterior of your
                                                         Clean surfaces to remove sticky substances.
                                                         Use Home Defense quarterly for indoors
                                                          and around the outside perimeter.
                                                         Regularly clean and sanitize your home,
                                                          with particular attention to food
                                                          preparation and storage areas.

              Bees are common in this area
              during the Spring and Summer. If a
               swarm is buzzing around your
               home, please wait 24-48 hours
              before reporting to MVC
Maintenance as it is likely they are just resting as
they pass through. If a hive is present, please
contact Maintenance.

               NEW CATEGORY ALERT!

   MVC will now add in a Wild Huachuca fact to
   each Newsletter! Wild Huachuca will feature
   informative flyers about the local wildlife,
   seasonal tips for you as a resident and the
   occasional real life photo of animals in the area!

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                      Community Information
                                                                          GRILLING SAFETY
A 30 day (minimum) Notice to Vacate                                       Use the following safety tips to
is required when leaving MVC. It is                                       be on your way to safe grilling:
okay to give more than 30 days!                                            Propane and charcoal
Advanced notice is always appreciated,                                      barbecue grills must only be
                   this assists us in                                       used outdoors!
                   placing incoming                                        Position the grill well away
                   families who are on                                      from siding and out from
                   the waitlist.                                            under eaves and
                                                                            overhanging branches.

TRAMPOLINE POLICY!                                                         Keep children and pets away
                                                                            from the grill area by
 Trampolines must have a clearly visible, permanently attached
                                                                            declaring a 3-foot “kid-free
  label with the service member’s name, address and phone number
                                                                            zone” around the grilling
 Trampolines must be securely anchored to the ground and NOT               area.
  attached to the house or fence (a no charge digging permit from
  MVC maintenance will be required)                                       Propane
 Trampolines must have safety nets                                       Grills: Check
                                                                          the gas cylinder
    Trampolines are allowed only in fenced-in back yards
                                                                          hose for leaks
 An adult (18 years or older) must be                                    before using it
  present to supervise trampoline use
                                                                          for the first time
 Any damages caused by trampolines                                       each year. A light soap and
  will be at the resident’s expense                                       water solution applied to the
                                                                          hose will quickly reveal
RISING STAR                                                               escaping propane by releasing
MVC congratulates Anthony Morales for being
                                                                          bubbles. If you determine your
chosen as the February Rising Star.                                       grill has a gas leak, and there is
Anthony has been with Mountain Vista                                      no flame:
Communities since November 2011 and has been
nominated as the MVC Rising Star 3 times. He                               Turn off the gas tank and
previously received this acknowledgment January                             grill.
2019 and June 2020.
Anthony never says no to anything and always goes
                                                                           If the leak stops, get the grill
above and beyond to help other team members                                 serviced by a professional
when needed. Anthony is always willing to work overtime when required       before using it again.
and maintains a positive attitude. He is very knowledgeable about our
inventory of homes and how to maintain them. He takes pride in his work    If the leak does not stop, call
and strives to continually improve his performance.
                                                                            the fire department at 520-
Way to go Anthony!                                                          533-2116.
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                            Maintenance Message

It’s the time of year where you can begin laying grass seed in an effort to have a luscious green lawn. If planning to remove
and/or prevent weeds with a chemical spray in backyards before applying the grass seed, you should take action now to
eliminate the chance of contamination to the soil. Applying a preemergent herbicide now will kill weeds before they emerge
from the soil. Use a post-emergent herbicide to kill weeds that are currently visible.
You are responsible for the care and maintenance of your yard to include removing weeds from the front and side yards as
well as maintaining the backyard. Applying a pre-emergent herbicide will assist with weed control throughout the heavy
growing season.
To prepare your yard we recommend following these steps:

   Soften the soil by applying water and tilling the ground.

   Gentle raking after you have spread the seed will help level out the soil and prevent any bird or insects from eating the
    grass seed.

   It is very important to water the area frequently to avoid the soil from drying out.
When maintaining your yard, follow these safety reminders:

   Store gas powered equipment and gasoline containers in a properly ventilated area such as the garage but not in
    storage closets.

   Only one gallon of gasoline, plus what is in the equipment (lawn mowers, edgers, tilers, etc.) shall be stored in ventilated
    storage areas only.

NEED TOOLS?                                                         FREE GRASS SEED!
  AAA Fort Storage has lawn                                        Starting Monday, April 12th call the
   care equipment for rent!                                         MVC Maintenance Office at 520-458-
  Visit them online at                                             5885 to claim your FREE bag of grass                                         seed.
  Contact them at 520-458-5770. They are                           *One FREE bag of Bermuda
   located at 255 Kayetan Dr. in Sierra Vista!                      grass seed per household.*

        Facilities Director: Juan Mendoza | Facilities Operations Manager: Bridgette Ritchey
                                 Work Order Desk: (520) 458-5885
         E-Mail: | Address: 110 Meyer Avenue Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613
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                 Resident Happenings
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                        Resident Happenings
                                      Thank you to all the
                              families who participated in
                                last months Grab & Go! &
                                Chalk your Walk Contest!

For the last 9 years, MVC has teamed up with the
American Red Cross to host a least one blood drive
each year. February blood drive was a HUGE success.
There is a critical need for blood donors of all blood
types. Every three seconds, someone in the U.S. is in
need of blood. Every day, blood donors help patients of
all ages and circumstances.
It is not too late for you to donate! Visit to find a local Blood Drive near you!
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  Complete the word search puzzle by March 26th and turn it in to       Name:_____________________
  the MVC Housing Office for a chance to win a $10 gift card! We will   Phone:____________________
  randomly select the winner who completes the puzzle correctly.        Address:___________________

  to Ray Roberts
  for winning the
   February word
      search. Ray
   received a $10
 gift card. Thank
    you to all who

 FORT FACT                The DeAnza Housing Area is named after Juan
                          Bautista DeAnza, a Spanish explorer and
 colonizer. He established an overland route to California, departing from
 Tubac in present day Arizona. On a second trip he founded Tucson in
 1775 and San Francisco in 1776. DeAnza built many military garrisons in
 Sonora and Pimeria Alta.

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    Happy Birthday to all MVC residents celebrating this month! Special
    shoutout to Emberlei Lovato who received a $10 gift card to Cold Stone from
    the Febraury Birthday drawing!! Congratulations Emberlei!
    Stop by the MVC Housing Office to enter your child(ren) into the monthly birthday
    drawing. Contest is open to all children ages 1-18. Entries must be received by March
    26th.Winner will receive a prize and be announced in the MVC April Newsletter.

  Shout out to Christina Parsons for winning the February coloring contest. Christina won a $10 gift card to Cold
  Stone. Thank you to all who participated!
  The children's coloring contest is available until March 26th. Coloring sheets are available at the MVC Housing
  Office and on the MVC Facebook page. All submissions must be received at the MVC Housing Office no later than
  March 26th. Contest winner is selected randomly via random drawing and their art work will be published in the
  April Newsletter.

Mountain Vista Connection - Mountain Vista Communities
Thank you for participating in the Coloring Contest! All submission must be received in the MVC Community Management Office no later than
March 26th. Contest winner is selected via random drawing. Winner will receive a prize and have their artwork published in the next months
MVC Newsletter.
Name:_______________________ Phone:_____________________ Address:______________________ Age:_________

Service Member:___________________
March 2021
      Sun               Mon                   Tue          Wed          Thu             Fri        Sat

                   1                  2                3            4              5          6
                                                         PICK UP

 7                 8                  9                10           11             12         13
                                                         PICK UP

 14                15                 16               17           18             19         20

 21                22                 23               24           25             26         27
                                                         PICK UP

 28                29                 30               31
                                                        PICK UP

Coloring Contest, Word Search, and Birthday of the month contests are due March 26th.

            Your Community
            Management Team
                                                           Simply search for Mountain Vista Communities
  Shellie Cerecke — Community Director
                                                             and like us! Be sure to follow us for updates,
  Jolene Cooper — Assistant Community Director                contests, and important announcements.
  Heather Ford — Marketing Coordinator

  Monica Duvernay — Bookkeeper

  DeAnne Currington— Leasing Specialist E1-E6

  Stephanie Martin — Leasing Specialist E7-O8

  Jacqueline Sanders - Policy Administrator

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