Mother-daughter relationship and daughter's self-esteem in female college students

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EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
                 Eurasia J Biosci 14, 2455-2459 (2020)

                 Mother-daughter relationship and daughter’s self-esteem
                 in female college students
                 Izzatul Fithriyah 1,2*, Nalini Muhdi 1,3, Yunias Setiawati 1,3, Nining Febriyana 1,3
                   Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60131, INDONESIA
                   Department of Psychiatry, Universitas Airlangga Hospital, Surabaya 60115, INDONESIA
                   Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine-Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
                 60131, INDONESIA
                 *Corresponding author:

                     Introduction: Mothers play an important role in the development of their daughter’s self-esteem.
                     This study aimed to examine the correlation between mother-daughter relationship and daughter self-
                     esteem in female college student at Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
                     Methods: This was an analytic cross-sectional study. Mother-daughter relationship was measured
                     by mother-adult daughter questionnaire (MADQ). The self-esteem was measured by Rosenberg self-
                     esteem scale (RSES).
                     Results: Connectedness and interdependency subscale in the mother-daughter relationship had
                     significant correlation to daughter’s self-esteem (p = 0.000, r = 0.333; p = 0.016, r 0.025;
                     repspectively). This showed that the higher connectedness and interdependency between mother
                     and daughter, the higher level of self-esteem in daughters. However, the trust in hierarchy subscale
                     did not correlate to daughter’s self-esteem (p = 0.515).
                     Conclusion: Connectedness and interdependency in mother-daughter relationship were important
                     to daughter’s self-esteem.

                     Keywords: mother-daughter relationship, self-esteem, daughter

                     Fithriyah L, Muhdi N, Setiawati Y, Febriyana N (2020) Mother-daughter relationship and daughter’s
                     self-esteem in female college students. Eurasia J Biosci 14: 2455-2459.

                     © 2020 Fithriyah et al.
                     This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

   INTRODUCTION                                                      of energy and interest, feelings of guilt, reduced
                                                                     concentration and attention, loss of appetite, and the
    Typically, psychological capital is very important in            presence of thoughts about death or suicide (Agus et al.
students (Ahmed et al., 2017). Therein, for daughters,               2019, Starki et al. 2019). Adolescents from lower-
mothers play an essential role in the development of                 income families or neighborhoods also report higher rate
their self-esteem. The quality of daughters’ experiences             of suicidal ideation (CheeK.-Y. et al. 2015). Other
with their mothers is positively related to self-esteem. In          studies suggest low self-esteem shows lower physical
addition, when a mother supports and shows interest in               and mental health, poorer economic prospects, and
her daughter’s ideals, she will support the development              higher levels of criminal behavior (Trzesniewski et al.
of her daughter’s psychological well-being. In addition,             2006). The prevalence of depression in medical
mother-daughter relationships have a significant role in             students is higher than general population (Alkaff et al.
the lives of girls (Luo, 2020). Girls who have insecure              2018). Female students undergoing medical education
bonds with their mothers during infancy tend to have                 study programs experience higher psychiatric disorders.
psychological problems and are not functioning well,                 Previous study also support that female medical
such as reactive attachment disorder, personality                    students show more disruption in axis I multiaxial
problems, and interpersonal relationship problems,                   diagnosis than male students (Strous et al. 2012).
especially in adulthood (Onayli, 2010).                              According to a study with respondents of medical
    Self-esteem is one of the factors that determine a               students in Egypt (Haseeb et al., 2020), the results of
person’s mental health. Self-esteem that is owned by an              neuroticism and depression scores were higher in
individual shows whether the individual has high or low              female students than in male students (Amr et al. 2008).
self-esteem (Djau et al. 2017). Low self-esteem is very              Another report in 2009 showed that female students
closely related to depression, hopelessness, and
suicidal ideas (Overholser et al. 1995). Stress can occur                                                     Received: October 2019
causing the induction of depressive symptoms (Effendy                                                           Accepted: April 2020
et al. 2019). They with depressive mood experience loss                                                            Printed: July 2020

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 2455-2459 (2020)                                                           Fithriyah et al.

Table 1. Mother-daughter relationship score, with connectedness, interdependency and trust in hierarchy subscale and
self-esteem score
             Variables                N          Minimum Score           Maximum Score             Mean                SD
          Connectedness              115              20                      45                   37.69              5.37
         Interdependency             115               3                      15                   12.72              2.28
         Trust in hierarchy          115               8                      30                   23.20              3.76
            Self-esteem              115               9                      26                   18.29              3.35

showed higher psychiatric disorders and obtained a               Table 2. Correlation of mother-daughter relationship with
significant negative correlation of psychiatric morbidity        self-esteem
                                                                              Variables                  p               r
with self-esteem (Aarif et al. 2009). In addition, utilization             Connectedness               0.000           0.333
of psychotropic medication for treatment of psychiatric                   Interdependency              0.016           0.225
disorders in children and adolescents increase (CheeK.                    Trust in hierarchy           0.515             -

Y. et al. 2016). Therefore, this study examined the
correlation between mother-daughter relationship and             the highest level of education of mothers was college
daughter self-esteem in female college student at                graduates (69.5%). Most of the mothers of the study
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.            subjects were working outside the home (47%). Mostly,
                                                                 the income of subject parents was above 5 million
   METHODS                                                       (61.7%) with mostly democratic parenting parents
    This was an analytic cross-sectional design study of
                                                                     The subjects mostly had to cover a distance of 0-5
female students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas
                                                                 km (32.8%), met with mothers every day (31%), and
Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia. This study was
                                                                 communicated with their mothers every day (74.1%). If
conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas
                                                                 cost was no longer a problem, most research subjects
Airlangga, Surabaya in September 2015. This study
                                                                 (50%) wanted communication with the same frequency
used cluster random sampling method. Samples were
                                                                 as now. The research subjects were 65.5% who stated
taken at each level in the first, second, third and fourth
                                                                 that their relationship with their mother was closer than
year with a minimum sample size of n = 112. Sample
                                                                 other family members, and the level of satisfaction of the
and data collection was carried out after obtaining
                                                                 subjects towards their relationship with the mother was
approval from the Ethics Commission of the Faculty of
                                                                 the overwhelming majority.
Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. The inclusion criteria in
                                                                     Before analyzing the relationship of the mother-
this study were female students of the Faculty of
                                                                 daughter relationship subscale and the level of self-
Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, aged ≥18
                                                                 esteem, the data distribution normality test was
years, still having biological mothers, being cared for by
                                                                 conducted with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov One-Sample
biological mothers both in total and assisted by others,
                                                                 test with the result that the subscale data
obtaining information about this study (listed in the
                                                                 connectedness, trust in hierarchy, and self-esteem were
information for consent), willing to follow it (sign informed
                                                                 normally distributed, while the interdependency
consent), and understanding Indonesian verbally and in
                                                                 subscale was not normally distributed. The normally
writing. The exclusion criteria for this study were
                                                                 distributed connectedness and trust in hierarchy
respondents who did not complete the questionnaire.
                                                                 subscales were correlated with the level of self-esteem
The instruments used in this study were demographic
                                                                 with the Pearson’s correlation test. Interdependency
data collection sheets, mother-daughter relationship
                                                                 scale not normally distributed was correlated with the
questionnaire (MADQ) sheets and self-esteem
                                                                 level of self-esteem using Spearman’s correlation test.
questionnaire sheets using Rosenberg self-esteem
                                                                     The connectedness subscale had a significant
scale (RSES). Data were analyzed statistically using
                                                                 meaningful relationship with the level of self-esteem (p
Pearson’s correlation test if data were normally
                                                                 = 0.000). This shows that the higher connectedness
distributed and Spearman’s correlation test if data were
                                                                 between mother and daughter, the higher level of self-
not normally distributed.
                                                                 esteem in girls. The interdependency subscale had a
                                                                 significant relationship with the level of self-esteem but
                                                                 with weak strength (p = 0.016). This means that the
     Subjects who met the inclusion criteria and agreed to       higher the level of interdependency, the higher the level
participate in this study were 116 persons. One subject          of self-esteem. This trust subscale of hierarchy had no
was excluded because she did not complete the                    relationship with self-esteem (p = 0.515). This indicates
questionnaire. The data processed amounted to 115                that the higher or lower the scale of trust in hierarchy
people. Most of the study subjects were 21 years old             was not related to the level of self-esteem (Table 2).
(50.4%) with mostly Javanese (75.7%) and mostly in the
first birth order (44.3%). The marital status of the parents
of the study subjects was mostly married (94.8%), and

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 2455-2459 (2020)                                                        Fithriyah et al.

   DISCUSSION                                                  Connectedness will show behavior that is emotionally
    The     dimensions        of    connectedness      and     close, indicating a concern. Connectedness is often
interdependency in mother-daughter relationships are           termed closeness in some literature (Rastogi 2002).
related to the level of self-esteem. The value of              Closeness of children with significant figures, mother, is
connectedness has the same value as the average of             significantly related to self-esteem. The relationship a
the connectedness subscale in previous study in Turkey         child has with a significant figure, in this case the mother,
on 426 female students with an average value of                will affect the perception of how the child will carry
connectedness as much as 37.80, SD = 5.43 (Rastogi             themselves. Child’s reflection and acceptance of the
2002). Most subjects communicated with their mothers           opinion of significant figures contribute to the formation
every day, and they stated that their relationship with        of self-esteem (Burnett et al. 1996). Parents, especially
their mothers was very satisfying (Sittisom, 2020). The        mothers, who have a high level of connectedness will
closeness between girls and mothers in the study               enjoy time together, communicate freely and openly,
subjects shows a secure attachment andcan provide a            support and respect, share life values, and have an
sense of security and comfort and give positive                optimistic outlook on the future. Closeness between
affirmationsto girls.                                          daughter and mother shows a strong attachment and
    The value of interdependency in this study was             can provide a sense of security and comfort to the girl
higher compared to previous study conducted in Turkey.         and can give positive affirmation to the girl. The close
Interdependence indicates emotional and practical              relationship of parents, in this case the mother, will be a
dependence on mother and child relationships in a              protective factor against the prevention of various kinds
positive context. In the high interdependence, there is a      of mental and social health problems (such as
relationship seeking advice and assistance between the         substance abuse, violence, unwanted pregnancy) (Lezin
mother and child with a feeling of openness without any        et al. 2004). However, there are still many factors
pressure (Rastogi 2002). The small difference in the           influencing the level of self-esteem in addition to
value of interdependence in this study from before could       closeness in mother-daughter relationships.
be due to cultural differences in the two countries.               In this study, the interdependency subscale had a
Interdependence assessment is closely related to a             meaningful but weak relationship with the level of self-
country’s culture.                                             esteem. This results are in accordance with theory that
    The value of trust in hierarchy in the subjects of this    interdependency has a positive meaning in which a girl
study was higher than that of previous studies in Turkey.      tries to seek advice or help from her mother, vice versa.
Trust in hierarchy shows intergenerational relationships       Interdependency also includes emotional dependence
in several collectivistic cultures. Women who score high       without distress (Rastogi 2002). The results of this study
on this subscale will show high obedience to the mother        are also consistent with previous study in 63 young
regardless of the age of the daughter. Trust in hierarchy      adults, showing independence is negatively related to
shows respect for mother’s wisdom because of her               self-esteem. The higher level of independence, the
higher status in the family (Rastogi 2002).                    lower the level of self-esteem a daughter has. It also
    The level of self-esteem in this study was lower than      means that the interdependence of girls and their
that of the study in Turkey. This is consistent with the       mothers will have a good effect on self-esteem (Bosacki
theory that self-esteem in the Asian race is lower than        et al. 1997). According to a meta-analysis study in 1999,
the Caucasoid (Sarandria 2012). Another study on               positive interdependence in the form of cooperation had
medical students in the suburbs of India showed a              a positive relationship with self-esteem. Positive
similar average of self-esteem values of 18.97±4.23.           interdependence can occur if there is a positive
This could be due to Indonesia and India being                 relationship between individuals to achieve a positive
developing countries with the same economic level and          goal. Valuable collaboration in positive interdependence
having the same racial family, Asian (IMF 2015). In            will result in psychological health rather than
accordance with existing theories, that the level of self-     independence where one aspect of psychological health
esteem may also be influenced by racial groups and             is self-esteem. The experience of cooperation in positive
social and economic status (Sarandria 2012).                   interdependence is related to the intrinsic belief that
    The connectedness subscale had a significant               someone is valuable, and others will judge the positive
meaningful relationship with the level of self-esteem.         side of someone that is, capable, competent and
This is consistent with previous research that                 successful compared to others. On the other hand,
connectedness is significantly related to the level of self-   independence leading to individualism tends to lead to
esteem. The higher the level of connectedness, the             conditional self-esteem based on winning or losing and
higher the level of self-esteem (Onayli et al. 2013).          leads to basic self-rejection. Positive interdependence
Women who have high scores on connectedness will be            gives positive results: higher achievement, higher level
able to share feelings and opinions with their mothers         of reasoning, more accurate perspective taking, more
and also show satisfaction in mother-child relationships.      accepted by others, and a more positive attitude towards
                                                               conflict (Stanne, Mary Beth et al. 1999).

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 2455-2459 (2020)                                                   Fithriyah et al.

    The trust in hierarchy subscale in mother-daughter          CONCLUSION
relationship did not show a meaningful relationship with         The level of the mother-daughter relationship among
the level of self-esteem. These results are consistent       female students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas
with previous research conducted in Turkey. There are        Airlangga showed quite good results with the average
no significant relationship between trust in hierarchy and   value being above the middle range value and the level
the level of self-esteem. Trust in hierarchy subscale of     of self-esteem showing the average range. The
mother-daughter relationships changes according to           dimensions of connectedness and interdependency in
cultural change (Onayli et al. 2013). The hierarchy of       mother-daughter relationships are related to the level of
mother-daughter        relationships   differs    between    self-esteem. The dimension of trust in the hierarchy
generations. The old generation lives in control, while      subscale is not related to the level of self-esteem.
the current generation is more autonomous. In this           Connectedness in mother-daughter relationships is
study, trust in hierarchy was not a predictor of self-       strongly correlated with the level of self-esteem.
    Limitations in this study are the research subjects
consisting of specific population of female students of
the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga with a           We thank Prof. Mudita Rastogi who has permitted
limited sample. Therefore, the results of the study          the use of the mother-adult daughter relationship
cannot be generalized to the general population of girls.    questionnaire and Mrs. Sarandria who has permitted the
This study also uses a self-measured rating scale that       use of the Indonesian version of the Rosenberg self-
can lead to social desirability problems and can affect      esteem scale questionnaire in this study.
research results; thus it requires cross-validation of
research with more extensive and more diverse

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