Page created by Angela Guerrero
51   JUNE 2017                         WWW.MOTA-ENGIL.COM

        OF THE YEAR

MARKET                     IN PORTUGAL       IN AFRICA
A Leader
with global vision.

      25                   3                          278                  Leader in    European
      Countries            Continents                 Companies            Portugal     Top 30

With over 70 years of History, Mota-Engil has a business track record of excellence
in Portugal and in the world. Guided by a global and diversified strategy of success,
the Group operates in 25 countries, asserting itself with the competency and
innovation that made it national leader in the construction sector and a reference
at international level.

Mota-Engil. A world of inspiration
06                                                                                                                           14
      INSTITUTIONAL                                                                                                          Dam of Alto Tâmega,
                                                                                                                             one of the largest projects
INTERNATIONAL                                              MOTA‑ENGIL ANGOLA WILL                                            hydroelectrics in Europe
Corporation of the Year                          06        EXECUTE A NEW PROJECT
                                                           in the Port of Cabinda                            48

NET PROFIT OF                                              MOTA‑ENGIL DIVERSIFIES
50 million euros in 2016                         08        its activity in Mozambique                         52

Results of 2016                                  10        for the Port Project in Cape Verde                56

14                                                         62
      EUROPE                                                      LATIN AMERICA

MOTA‑ENGIL IN ONE OF                                       MOTA-ENGIL MEXICO LEADING
THE LARGEST                                                with state-of-the-art Soluctions                  62              Tanzania, a new challenge
Hydroelectrics projects in Europe                14                                                                          in Africa
                                                           THE RIGHT INVESTMENT
IHSSAN KHALIFEH                                            in the management of
a true life examples                             16        environmental services in Mexico                  64

IN THE ELECTRIFICATION                                     NEW AWARDS
of the Minho Railway                             18        in Peru                                           70

MOTA‑ENGIL ENTERS                                          INSTALLATION OF BRIDGE
the United Kindom's market                       21        in record time                                    74

NATIONAL WASTE FORUM EGF                                   ECB COMPLETED TIPLAM
definition of the national strategy              24        project for Vale                                  75

TRIAZA INAUGURATES                                                                                                           64
Non-Hazardous Waste Treatment
Centre of Azambuja                               34        80                                                                GISA: The right investment in the
                                                                                                                             Management of Environmental
                                                                   PEOPLE                                                    Services in Mexico

42                                                         NEW EDITON OF START@ME                            80


a new challenge in Africa                        42

MOTA-ENGIL ENSURES NEW ROAD                                PORTO COM SENTIDO
infrastructure project in Angola 43                        MAMF Exhibits 67 Works                            82


 DIRECTOR                      EDITING                        PUBLICATION                   PRINTER                      LEGAL DEPOSIT             ONLINE EDITION
 Gonçalo Moura Martins         Mota‑Engil, SGPS, SA           Mota‑Engil, SGPS, SA          Tutti Frutti - Produção      307551/10
 EDITOR                        HEAD OFFICE                    DESIGN                        PRINT RUN                    DISTRIBUTION              Available at:
 Pedro Arrais                  Rua do Rego Lameiro, 38        WHITE_Brand Services          900 units                    FREE OF CHARGE  
                               4300-454 Porto

 Alexandra Pericão · Ana Loureiro · Ana Pires · Carlos Garibay · Danilo do Prado · Duarte Braga · Hugo Maçãs · Joana Viegas · Katarzyna
 Dobranzka · Lia Ascaciabar · Lóide Almeida · Luís Filipe Monteiro · Luís Moreira da Silva · Luís Tomás · Manuel Mota · Nuno Heitor · Paula
 Coutinho · Paulo Costa · Paulo Pereira · Pedro Branquinho · Pedro Couceiro · Regina Sequeira · Rui Laia · Sandra Regufe · Susana Guerreiro ·
 Vicente de Paula Junior



                                                                              GONÇALO MOURA MARTINS
                                                                              Chief Executive Officer

                                                 his edition of SINERGIA focuses on the Group’s internationalisation,

                                                 not only because an independent entity recently recognized the
                                                 work regarding the expansion and the diversification of the Group,
                                      but also – and above all – because the Group is closer than ever to achieve it's
                                      ongoing, unfinished challenge to conquer, as a whole, it's aspiration to grow,
                 Our goal in          mitigate risk through diversification and make itself resilient to different
                                      global economic scenarios.
                every process
          of internationalisation:    This challenge can only be achieved through geographic diversification
            creating long-lasting     rooted in the meticulous management of each project and business, focusing
                                      on profitability and on the creation of future value for the organisation.
           relationships of trust     But above all, this challenge can only be fully achieved through expertise.
           which are resilient in
       difficult times and ensuring   Therefore, in this edition of SINERGIA, we are featuring some of our
                                      most diverse projects in progress in different countries and, especially,
           that our stakeholders      demonstrating the high standard of quality and technical expertise we bring
       in every market know that      to every new project.
          Mota‑Engil will always
              be there to meet        Indeed, this has been the underlying premise of the Group’s internationalisation
                                      project: guaranteeing, in every market and every new project, the same
               the challenges.        degree of excellence that made us leaders in Portugal and a European
                                      benchmark in the construction and infrastructure management, as well
                                      as in the environment industries.

                  “                   Along with the business dynamics that we need to offer to compete in the
                                      global market where we operate, SINERGIA also presents initiatives for
                                      developing the human capital, innovation and social responsibility to which
                                      we are committed in every community we work in.

                                      This sense of commitment and local engagement has allowed us to achieve
                                      our goal in every process of internationalisation: creating long-lasting

relationships of trust which are resilient in difficult times and ensuring
that our stakeholders in every market know that Mota‑Engil will always
be there to meet the challenges, regardless of the context or difficulties
of their clients, acting in partnership and with a strong sense of commitment
at all times.
                                                                                    At a time when much
It has been with this attitude and focus that Mota‑Engil has succeeded               is said about ratings
in executing its long-term strategic vision each time it enters a new
market. The sense of commitment and our proven expertise on the ground,
                                                                                   between economies (...),
underpinned by a culture of work and 70 years of cumulative knowledge              i would say that it was
and experience to be passed down to each new generation, are also crucial.         our rating of expertise
                                                                                that has allowed Mota‑Engil
Although we come from a small European country less able to compete
globally with other countries, our intense dedication and commitment to             to be chosen for some
achieve what others sometimes believe is impossible has been our gateway            of the largest projects
for winning projects of noteworthy size and complexity, such as the most             underway in Africa
recent examples of Rwanda, Tanzania, Mozambique and even Mexico.
                                                                                  and Latin America in the
This is the result we have achieved in recent years, which we are confident        Infrastruture industry.
that, starting in 2018, with the help of a more positive economic setting,
will allow us to achieve the goals we have set for 2020.

At a time when much is said about ratings between economies, and in a
highly competitive society between countries on a global scale, i would say
that it was our rating of expertise that has allowed Mota‑Engil to be chosen
for some of the largest projects underway in Africa and Latin America in the
Infrastruture industry.
As we discuss in this edition, we also have dam construction and railway
modernisation projects underway in Portugal, showing the country’s
return on Public Investment, which we hope will consolidate to drive the
economic growth most recently envisioned for the Portuguese economy
by international entities.
                                                                                         THIS EDITION
Rooted in our knowledge and expertise, we must give continuity to the process
                                                                                         OF SINERGIA
of internationalising the Group's know-how.
                                                                                         FOCUSES ON:
If today we are recognised worldwide in the area of engineering and in
segments such as the construction of dams, roads and railways, we must
                                                                                  • Group’s internationalisation;
also be recognised in the area of the environment where, through EGF
and SUMA, we are a European benchmark due to our existing knowledge               • Initiatives for developing the
and technology, with the ambition and ability to increase our presence               human capital, innovation and
                                                                                     social responsibility;
in the globe.
                                                                                  • Dam construction and railway
Above all, we must keep working as a Group, cohesive and sustained                   modernisation projects
by the strategy laid out for 2020.                                                   underway in Portugal;
                                                                                  • Environmental services where,
We have responded to the growing demands of the market, either through               through EGF and SUMA,
the quality that sets us apart, as thanks to the the wide range of services         we are a European benchmark.
that Mota‑Engil is proud to be able to ensure.

                                                                                                      SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   05


                                     OF THE YEAR
                                      MOTA‑ENGIL WAS DISTINGUISHED AMONG
                                       WORLD-RENOWNED MULTINATIONALS.

               ota-Engil has been                In the category in which Mota‑Engil         with regard to the business in Africa in
               distinguished at the AFRICA       was distinguished, Coca-Cola, Siemens,      the short term and its main challenges.
               CEO FORUM Awards with the         Allianz, Orange and Vitol were also         Manuel Mota explained that “today, we
     INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION OF                nominated, which clearly reveals high       have a portfolio that enables us to look
     THE YEAR prize, which it shares equally     standards in the selection of companies     to the future with serenity and to design
     with Allianz. The award ceremony took       renowned for their operation in Africa.     sustainable growth for the business over
     place in Geneva, where the Group                                                        the next few years”.
     was represented by Manuel Mota,             For Manuel Mota, “this prize is an
     CEO of Mota‑Engil Africa.                   exceptional recognition for Mota‑Engil,     When asked about the biggest challenges,
                                                 and one that puts it on a par with the      Manuel Mota stated that “over this
     This is one of the most important events    main companies operating in Africa.         past year we have achieved greater
     on the African business calendar,           Internally, it is also the recognition of   diversification of the customer base and
     bringing together the most influential      the work being carried out and which        greater integration of business know-how
     CEOs of companies operating in Africa.      will enable to resume growth this year      among the various markets, enabling
     The initiative gives participants the       in the operation in Africa”.                leveraging work experience in specific
     chance to exchange experiences and                                                      areas in a few markets in the search for
     opinions about the issues affecting their   In view of the expectation of growth,       new opportunities and new clients in the
     companies' economic development.            we asked Manuel Mota to share his vision    markets where we operate. For example,


we have a wide experience in mining            that we've been working on. The clients’      Every year, the AFRICA CEO FORUM
in Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe,           openness to these solutions, both via         recognises the companies and investors
which is important to extend in the rest       PPPs and via direct funding to the            who have marked the year in Africa.
of the region. However, it is true that        Government by multilateral entities or        The event is attended by specialists from
many of the countries where we operate         by commercial banking is also of great        financial markets and, this year, received
have a variety of clients in this industry     importance to us. However, above all else,    over 500 CEOs from around the globe, as
far higher than the one in Mozambique,         and in spite of the contracts awarded         well as various bankers and hundreds of
Malawi and Zimbabwe. The Railway and           for large projects, it is important for the   internationally-renowned personalities.
Electromechanical Industries are other         company to maintain focus on its daily
examples of areas where the scope of the       activity and on the importance of regular
activity in this region can be expanded”.      contracts in various markets to maintain
                                               sustainable performance and growth.
The Holding’s Director and CEO of              Large projects are opportunities, but they
Mota‑Engil Africa has a vision of the          are opportunities to make a leap that has
market that is very relevant: “in the public   to be accompanied by greater presence
sector, the crucial factor today and for the   and consistency with regard to the regular
future is, without a doubt, the structuring    opportunities that the multiple markets
                                                                                             Manuel Mota received the award
of funding for clients, and this is an area    provide us”.                                  on behalf of Mota‑Engil

                                                                                                                              SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   07


                                          NET PROFIT OF
                           50 MILLION EUROS
                                IN 2016
                                MOTA‑ENGIL REMAINS AMONG THE BEST-IN-CLASS
                                            AT EUROPEAN LEVEL.

                n a difficult context in several   reaching 839 million euros, Africa           European construction companies
                major countries where the          709 million euros and Latin America          in terms of operating profitability.
                Group operates, the results        729 million euros. As a result, the Group
     achieved in 2016 reflect Mota‑Engil’s         is better prepared to respond in times       Thus, and with significant impact
     resilience and ability to achieve the         when different dynamics are experienced      motivated by the non-recurring effect from
     strategic goals set out, namely efficient     in the different continents.                 the sale of assets, the Group reached a net
     management of working capital,                                                             profit of 50 million euros in 2016.
     investment control and execution              Regarding the contribution to the
     of the sale of assets.                        EBITDA, Mota‑Engil Africa should be          Within the financial component, the
                                                   highlighted. Despite its 15% decrease        reduction of net debt by 20%, representing
     Turnover reached 2.2 billion euros, a value   in turnover, the EBITDA increased by         296 million euros, stands out, with this
     hindered by exchange rate variations, with    5%, and the year ended with a very           indicator amounting to 1,159 million euros.
     the EBITDA margin remaining at 15%,           positive margin of 26%. Regarding
     in line with the previous year.               Europe, it is worth noting the increase in   With the end of the year of Mota‑Engil
                                                   EBITDA generated by the Environmental        Group’s 70th anniversary, and looking
     In terms of the Group’s performance,          sphere, which amounted to 113 million        towards the future, we should highlight the
     emphasis should be given to the               euros and registered a margin of 34%,        4.4 billion euros order book, a number that
     growing balance in the contribution           compared to 20% in the previous year,        ensures the development of the Group’s
     to the turnover from each of the regions      contributing to maintaining Mota‑Engil       activity in line with its strategic goals; some
     where the Group operates, with Europe         as best-in-class among the largest           of the largest contracts announced in 2017

A word of support
                                                                                                 and incentive to the
                                                                                              continuation of the path
                                                                                              we are pursuing, certain
                                                                                                   that Mota‑Engil
                                                                                                will find, in its union,
                                                                                               the strength it needs to
                                                                                              reach its proposed goals.

                                                                                                      ANTÓNIO MOTA

in Africa are not included in the value        pursuing, certain that Mota‑Engil will
mentioned previously.                          find, in its union, the strength it needs
                                               to reach its proposed goals”.                         TURNOVER
Looking ahead, the Chairman of
the Board of Directors, António                Similarly, CEO Gonçalo Moura Martins
Mota, conveyed in his message in               stated that “the group continues,
the Company's Report & Accounts,               cohesively and as a whole, to project its

                                                                                                    €2,210 M
“a word of support and incentive to            future and shape its destiny as it has
the continuation of the path we are            always done throughout its history”.

                                                         12M '16      12M '15
 (Thousands of Euros)
 TURNOVER                                                2,210,081     2,433,640    (9.2%)
                                                                                                    €841 M
 EBITDA                                                    337,946      366,846     (7.9%)
 EBIT                                                       80,863       165,867   (51.9%)
 Net financial income                                      -102,617      -90,467   (13.4%)
 Net income/losses from associated companies
 Profit before tax
                                                                                                    €708 M
 Consolidated net profit                                    67,507        52,131    25.4%
 Attributable to:
                                                                                                    Latin America
   Non-controlling interests

                                                                                                    €727 M
                                                            17,350        34,003   (50.1%)
   THE GROUP                                                 50,157       18,128   163.3%

                                                                                                               SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   09


                                  THE 2016 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                   WERE APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

     Representatives of              Mota‑Engil’s shareholders met in a         approval of the Management Report,
     75.95% of the capital,          General Assembly on 24 May, in the         Balance Sheet and remaining financial
                                     auditorium of Manuel António da Mota       statements concerning the 2016 financial
     corresponding to 77.09%         Foundation, in Porto.                      year should be highlighted.
     of the voting rights, were
     present in this session.        Representatives of 75.95% of the equity,   The proposal for Profit Appropriation
                                     corresponding to 77.09% of the voting      involving the distribution of a
                                     rights, attended this session. All items   dividend amounting to 0.13 euros per
                                     on the agenda were approved always         share, and the Report on the Practices
                                     with over 90% of the votes cast in the     of Corporate Governance, were also
                                     assembly meeting. The unanimous            approved unanimously.


           A NEW BRAND IN

Mota‑Engil’s         At the end of 2016, Mota‑Engil Group,           the business, if it becomes necessary
                     in conjunction with Novo Banco, sold to         to work under this brand in the future.
communication        Ardian, the largest European infrastructure     It is not the case right now, since this
department           fund, the concessions held by Ascendi in        is a holding company”.
promoted the         Portugal. The agreement established that
                     this entity would own the infrastructure        For Mota‑Engil’s Communication
rebranding work
                     operator’s brand.                               Department, this was the second
from Ascendi Group                                                   rebranding project in one year after
to LINEAS.           For this reason, Mota‑Engil’s Communication     EGF had also needed to change its
                     Department promoted the rebranding of its       brand to disassociate itself from the
                     entity that holds the existing assets in the    Águas de Portugal group, after the
                     area of transport infrastructure concessions,   company’s privatisation. Pedro Arrais
                     with Ascendi Group now becoming Lineas.         characterised the process as “very
                                                                     positive due to the contribution it
                     As a result, all assets are now concentrated    provided to the modernisation of EGF’s
                     under this new brand.                           image and due to the reinforcement
                                                                     of the group feeling created between
                     For Pedro Arrais, Communications                EGF and its subsidiaries”.
                     Director of Mota‑Engil, “the project
                     resulted from a contractual obligation in
                     the present; however, we worked on this
                     new identity looking ahead by establishing
                     the goal of creating a brand that is easy to
                     remember in order to create strong levels
                     of notoriety as well as a relationship with

                                                                                              SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   11


                                            MAJOR WORKS
                                              EXPO‘98 WAS THE THEME OF THE
                                                     SECOND VOLUME.

               n an initiative promoted by          in one of the most successful editions of the    to build a better, more prosperous and
               the Chairman of the Board of         international exposition ever.                   developed country”. Additionally, António
               Directors, a collection of books                                                      Mota states that “to relive what is recounted
     on construction works and events that          Aiming at being faithful to history,             in the book strengthens the conviction in
     shaped the history of Mota‑Engil Group         and rigorous in the details concerning           human ability”, considering the challenge
     was created.                                   engineering and use of technology at the         this project posed to the country and from
                                                    time, the importance of the Portuguese           which Portugal came out as a clear winner.
     After the first volume dedicated to the        Engineering’s role is duly and fairly
     work of regularisation of the Mondego          highlighted by Carlos Oliveira Santos,           In order to enrich the project, the book
     River, a remarkable project since it enabled   the author of this volume, and of the            also includes testimonials from highly
     the then Mota e Companhia to assert itself     previous one.                                    recognised public figures who actively
     in one of Portugal’s largest works in the                                                       participated in the execution of this major
     20th century, the second book focused on       As mentioned by António Mota in the              project that was Expo ‘98, carried out in a
     the projects carried out in the 1998 Lisbon    preface, “history is memory, and these           short amount of time and involving all the
     World Exposition – Expo ‘98.                   times when the result of the work of             Portuguese society.
                                                    thousands of people are put to paper, help
     In a project of great importance in            us to reflect on the past, but also to look to
     modernising Portugal’s image at the            the future, projecting how our experience
     international level, and which offered         and accumulated knowledge can serve
     Lisbon a new centrality, highlighting the
     many and diverse works that Mota‑Engil
     carried out during the end of the 90s
     was a demanding exercise. It involved
     the contribution of many of the Group’s                 In a project of great importance in modernising
     employees who, through their testimonials,             Portugal’s image at the international level, it was a
     shared the experience and some of the                demanding exercise and that involved the contribution
     greatest achievements of this true national
                                                                    of many of the Group’s employees.
     ambition. It was a dream that became reality

    Book of Expo '98

    Book of Baixo Mondego

    Collection of Major Works
    Another book that tells
    the story of one of the
    key‑moments of the
    Mota‑Engil Group history.

    Aerial image during
    the construction period

2   Aerial image after the
    construction period

                             SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   13


                           MOTA‑ENGIL IN ONE
                            OF THE LARGEST
                    PROJECTS IN EUROPE

                                                   Venda Nova III dam and the construction       Iberdrola’s Alto Tâmega system represents
                                                   of the Foz Tua dam, the Alto Tâmega dam       one of the largest hydroelectric projects
                                                   will be Mota‑Engil’s new hydroelectric        carried out in Europe, with its installed
                                                   project, which will have a double-curved      power generating an annual production
                                                   concrete arch structure with a height of      of 1,800 gigawatt-hour (GWh), equivalent
                                                   106.5 metres, in addition to the external     to 4% of Portugal’s consumption.
                                                   hydroelectric power station, which will
                                                   be located near the dam and includes two      AN EXPERIENCE THAT SPEAKS
                                                   generator groups of 80 MW each for the        FOR ITSELF
                                                   production of electrical energy.              In a technical area where Portuguese

                berdrola, one of the largest                                                     engineering is recognised worldwide,
                utilities in the world, recently   Additionally, the consortium will build       Mota‑Engil, as the clear leader in the
                awarded the Portuguese-Spanish     the power station’s hydraulic circuit, the    construction industry in Portugal,
     consortium composed of Mota‑Engil,            works for the river’s diversion and the       has a vast experience of hydroelectric
     Acciona and Edivisa the contract,             tunnel for access to the processing unit.     works, with the execution of over
     amounting to 110 million euros, for the       The Gouvães intake tunnel will have a         40 dam projects built in eight countries
     construction of the Alto Tâmega dam,          length of approximately 4.7 kilometres        (Portugal, Angola, Namibia, Malawi,
     with an additional contract for the same      and a diameter of 7.3 metres when coated      Cape Verde, Tunisia, Peru and Brazil).
     infrastructure, concerning the construction   with concrete, and the excavation will be     In each new project, the company seeks
     of the plant’s intake tunnel, amounting       carried out on four work fronts at the same   to implement the most efficient solutions
     to 50 million euros.                          time. The collection structure located in     for the highest optimisation in its
                                                   the Gouvães reservoir, in the Torno River,    execution, according to the defined goals,
     After recently completing, in Portugal,       the floodgate well and other ancillary        in a true partnership with the clients,
     the works for the power expansion of the      works will also be built.                     nurtured from the start.



                                       2                                                                                            3

                                                                                                              Dam of Pedrogão

                                                                                                              Dam of Calueque

                                                                                                              Dam of Venda Nova
                                                                                                              Dam of Alto Lindoso

                                                HYDRAULIC EXPERIENCE

NAME             COUNTRY           TYPE     NAME             COUNTRY            TYPE     NAME              COUNTRY                  TYPE
Maranon Dam      Peru       Concrete Wall   Bouçais Dam      Portugal    Concrete Wall   Paredes Carregal Portugal          Concrete Wall
Foz Tua Dam      Portugal   Concrete Wall   Pinhel Dam       Portugal    Concrete Wall   Nunes Dam         Portugal         Concrete Wall
Calueque Dam     Angola     Concrete Wall   Minutos Dam      Portugal   Earthwall Dam    Ponte do Bico     Portugal         Concrete Wall
Venda Nova III   Portugal   Concrete Wall   R'Mil Dam        Tunisia         RCC Dam     Caldeirão Dam     Portugal         Concrete Wall
Lichenza Dam     Malawi         RCC Dam     Ribeiradio Dam   Portugal    Concrete Wall   Alto Lindoso      Portugal         Concrete Wall
Ferradosa Dam    Portugal   Concrete Wall   Penacova Dam     Portugal    Concrete Wall   Ouvadas Dam       Portugal         Concrete Wall
Pedrogão Dam     Portugal   Concrete Wall   Sabugal Dam      Portugal   Earthwall Dam    Ermida Dam        Portugal         Concrete Wall
Venda Nova II    Portugal         Tunnel    Vermiosa Dam     Portugal   Earthwall Dam    Vila Viçosa Dam   Portugal         Concrete Wall
Vila Cova Dam    Portugal   Concrete Wall   Alfaiates Dam    Portugal   Earthwall Dam    Torrão Dam        Portugal         Concrete Wall
Rabaçal dam      Portugal   Concrete Wall   Odeleite Dam     Portugal   Earthwall Dam    Lucefit Dam       Portugal        Earthwall Dam
                                            Fagilde Dam      Portugal    Concrete Wall   Vigia Dam         Portugal        Earthwall Dam

                                                                                                                      SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   15


                       IHSSAN KHALIFEH,

                                      hssan Khalifeh is a young Syrian     After the internship where he followed
                                      who studied Civil Engineering        up the works for the expansion of
                                      at Yarmouk Private University,       motorway A1, in Gaia, he was invited
                             in Damascus, when the war in Syria started.   to work with the Group. Ihssan
                                                                           recognizes that “the assistance from my
                             After an urgent application for a             mentor, José Balsas, the construction
                             scholarship, in March 2014 he travelled       manager, was crucial, not only during
                             aboard a Portuguese military plane that       the preparation of the internship’s
                             brought him from the Syrian capital to        report, but also because he gave me the
                             Portugal. At the time, he had his sights      opportunity to continue working in the
                             on Lisbon, but soon became amazed by          company”. Regarding the construction
                             the university town of Aveiro, where          work where he did the internship and
                             he was enrolled in the masters in Civil       worked, he explains that “it was enticing
                             Engineering and was very well received        since, in addition to paving, it also has
                             by both colleagues and professors.            structures, underpasses, walls etc”.

                             After a successful academic career            Ihssan Khalifeh does not know exactly
     IHSSAN KHALIFEH         and a master’s thesis, in which he            when he learned Portuguese, but
                             had a grade of 18 out of 20, on “Road         he remembers that when he joined
                             paving using hot bituminous mixture”,         Mota‑Engil, he was already proficient
                             a technique that enables better drainage      in writing and, as such, asked his
                             and run-off of water on roads, Ihssan         colleagues not to talk to him in English.
                             Khalifeh joined Mota‑Engil Engenharia         It took just a few months to start correctly
                             e Construção team.                            speaking Portuguese, to “be able to ask

Receiving the invitation
                                                                                             to work here was an
                                                                                        incredible feeling since this
                                                                                         was my first choice! I like
                                                                                          the company and the fact
                                                                                           that the Group is always
                                                                                           looking for new markets
                                                                                             and more challenges.
                                                                                         I always wanted to work in
                                                                                         an international company!

                                                                                                      IHSSAN KHALIFEH

many questions, in order to learn more      parents and sister, who live in Jordan,     Attentive to the world around us and
about Engineering”.                         and whom I visited in 2015".                with the solidarity that characterises
                                                                                        it, Mota‑Engil is one of the companies
About choosing Mota‑Engil, the answer       Currently, the young engineer is living     supporting the Global Platform for
is simple and straightforward: “When        in Porto with two older brothers.           Academic Emergency Assistance to
I arrived in Portugal, I did my research    However, this situation will soon           Syrian Students, an initiative of the
to determine which were the best            change because Ihssan will take on          former President of the Republic Jorge
construction companies; thus, when my       the challenge of being Deputy Director      Sampaio, which has brought several
advisor said I could have an internship,    of a new project of Mota‑Engil: the         Syrian refugees to Portugal so they
I immediately suggested contacting          Sanitary Landfill for Eastern Algarve,      could continue their studies.
Mota‑Engil. Afterwards, receiving the       in the region of Loulé.
invitation to work here was an incredible                                               As for Ihssan Khalifeh, who is now
feeling since this was my first choice!     Ihssan Khalifeh states that he follows      25 years old, he has his whole life ahead
I like the company and the fact that the    Syria’s situation daily and he does         of him, to build as he pleases.
Group is always looking for new markets     so with hope, but feels “ready to be
and more challenges. I always wanted        away from his family”. For this reason,
to work in an international company!”       currently Ihssan has no plans of going
                                            back to his country: “I believe I am on
In the plane that brought him to            the right track in my career and am very
Portugal, there were 40 other people,       much enjoying working at Mota‑Engil
young people with whom Ihssan               and living in Portugal. It is a beautiful
remains in contact because “it is a way     and peaceful country with everything
to maintain a connection with the home      I enjoy, with good beaches, mountains
country, although I regularly talk to my    and excellent food”, he emphasises.

                                                                                                                SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   17


                             THE PROJECT WILL ALLOW INCREASING
                                     FREIGHT CAPACITY.

     The fact that the project
                                             n order to improve the sector,   in the proposed technical solutions,
     focuses on a railway                    the Portuguese Government        Mota‑Engil won the tender and will
                                             has implemented the 2016–        demonstrate that it always meets the
     axis with considerable       2020 Rail Investment Plan, in which the     greatest challenges for the country's
     movement, increases the      modernisation of the Minho Railway is       development. The works of the Project
     challenge for Mota‑Engil.    noteworthy since it aims to improve and     for the Electrification of the Minho
                                  increase the mobility of people and goods   Railway between Nine and Viana do
                                  in the regions of Greater Porto and Alto    Castelo (with intervention also in the
                                  Minho, and between these and Galicia.       technical stations) have already started.

                                  As a company with great know-how            Integrated into the comprehensive network
                                  and proven examples of top quality,         of the Trans-European Transport Network
                                  execution strictness and competitiveness    (TEN-T), the project of the Minho Railway

Electrification                                Electrification

                                                                                                                             STRATEGIC PLAN FOR
                                                                                                                               TRANSPORT AND
  With voltage of 25 kV/50Hz                        With voltage of 25 kV / 50 Hz
  With DC voltage of 1500 V                      Not electrified

 Not electrified

                                                                                                                                 In 2015, the Portuguese
                                                                                        New Connection
                                                                                        Viseu - Beira Alta

                                                                                                                             Government approved the final
                                                                                                                          revised version of the Strategic Plan
                                                                                                                            for Transport and Infrastructure
                                                                                                                           (PETI3+) for the 2014–2020 period,
                                                                                                                             with a total investment that will
                                                                                                                              exceed six billion euros, and
                                                                                                                           which includes the 2016–2020 Rail
                                                                                                                                     Investment Plan.

                                                                                                                              Concerning the rail sector,
                                                                                                                          the investment in priority projects
                                                                                                                           amounts to 2,639 million euros,
                                                                                                                            61% of which are estimated to
                                                                  New Connection
                                                                Sines - South Railway
                                                                                                                          potentially be funded by EU funds
                                                                                                                            and 39% of which via national

 1                                              2
Caption: Characteristics                       Caption: Forecast                                                               SOURCE: Ministério da Economia
of the national railway                        of the national railway
network in 2013                                network in 2020/22

is a top priority as it constitutes            electrification in the alternating current                    for the crossing of longer trains with
a relevant strategic cross-border              system to 25 kV/ 50 Hz, station and                           more carriages than those currently
connection for the country, in particular      halt layout changes of the Nine – Viana                       travelling on the line. Additionally,
for the northern region of Portugal and        do Castelo stretch, waterproofing of                          the efficiency of electric trains is
 a support for the movements of goods          the existing tunnels along the stretch,                       incomparably higher and the operating
and passengers arriving or departing           heightening and widening of the existing                      costs are much lower. It will also be better
from Spain. Due to being located near the      passenger platforms, construction of the                      for the passengers because electric trains
port of Leixões (a key infrastructure of the   cable tray on platforms and on the line                       provide greater comfort, with smoother
Atlantic corridor), the Minho Railway also     track, lowering of the platform in the                        starting and braking”.
ensures, from an intermodal/multimodal         areas with overhead crossings to make
perspective, the flow of goods between         the overhead line compatible with the                         However, the fact that the project focuses
the port of Leixões and Spain, namely          existing engineering structures.                              on a railway axis with considerable
the region of Galicia; and as such should                                                                    movement, both of goods and of
be considered a complementary axis             With regard to the execution, the                             passengers, increases the challenge for
to the Atlantic Corridor.                      construction manager, Paulo Costa,                            Mota‑Engil regarding the minimisation
                                               explains that one of the main advantages                      of the project’s impact on the regular
Amounting to around 16 million euros           of this intervention is that “it will enable                  movement of the trains. “We have
and with a completion deadline of              increasing the freight transport capacity                     constraints associated with the fact this
540 days, the intervention project             by over 50% since some of the technical                       is a single track with considerable traffic,
in the Minho Railway includes the              stations will be widened to allow                             namely of goods, which limits the time

                                                                                                                                         SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017    19

                                                  country, at the operational, economic,       The next step for the modernisation of the
                                                  environmental and safety levels. In terms    Minho Railway will be electrification of
                                                  of circulation, the modernisation of the     the Viana do Castelo – Valença, currently
                                                  railway will enable the movement of          in tender phase.
                                                  freight trains with lengths of 750 metres,
                                                  and will also increase the efficiency
                                                  of the transport system through better
                                                  fleet management, contributing to the
                                                  reduction of operating and maintenance
                                                  costs of the railway operators.

                                                  The introduction of new operating
                                                  models in the passenger trains will also
                                                  bring clear benefits in the reduction of
                                                  journey times (about 30 minutes in the               Mota‑Engil has a
                                                  inter-regional service between Porto
     Construction Manager                                                                             proven track record
                                                  and Valença, currently between 120
                                                  and 132 minutes) and in the elimination             in the rail sector at
                                                  of the transhipment in Nine.                         the international
     frame for closing the track during the                                                         level, in several of the
     night to carry out the work. There is        It has been several years since
     also the issue regarding the movement        important rail works have been carried
                                                                                                      countries where we
     of passengers and the fact that we have      out in our country; but I believe this             operate, and thus the
     to change the routes of entry and exit       could be the beginning of a new cycle.            company is obviously
     in the station itself and in the platforms   "Mota‑Engil has a proven track record
     for train access. Additionally, we must      in the rail sector at the international
                                                                                                      very well prepared
     not forget that we are also on a line that   level, in several of the countries where            for new challenges
     crosses a few towns. It is a factor which    we operate, and thus the company is                 arising in Portugal.
     must be taken into account since there       obviously very well prepared for new
     are buildings practically neighbouring       challenges arising in Portugal", claims
     the railway”, stated Paulo Costa.            Paulo Costa. "We have the resources,
                                                  both human and equipment." "That
     These intervention works in the Minho        is why we are always prepared. Let
     Railway are of great importance              the opportunity arise and we will
                                                                                                               PAULO COSTA
     to the northern region and to the            do the work!”, he concludes.                              Contruction Manager


                              MOTA‑ENGIL ENTERS
                 THE UNITED KINGDOM’S
                            EXPANDS ITS ACTIVITY TO ENGLAND.

Glan Agua, present in Ireland for             conditions to expand its operation to the     to the tenders it includes and, for MEIC,
10 years and market leader in the design,     entire United Kingdom.                        to ensure strong business relationships
construction, operation and maintenance                                                     with some of the main construction
of Water and Waste Water Treatment            Contacted by Sinergia, the market’s           groups present in the market and some
Plants, was awarded the first contract in     manager, Luís Moreira da Silva, mentions      of the smaller local companies, to begin
the United Kingdom with the Irton Water       that “the signing of this first contract      the activity and acquire the necessary
Treatment Works project of the Morgan         is merely symbolic, but justifies the         market skills. All of this is accomplished
Sindall Sweco Joint Venture.                  adopted strategy of focusing on the           by winning contracts and extending our
                                              United Kingdom’s market as a whole,           business activity to the different industries
The contract includes the design-and-build    instead of focusing on a single region.       and geographies”.
of a Water Treatment Plant that               The water industry in the United Kingdom
specialises in the treatment of pesticides    is developed with 5-year regional
from agricultural activity. This is an area   infrastructure investment plans, and
of increasing importance in projects          Glan Agua, with its young and quite
in the United Kingdom, in a market            innovative team, has been well received
segment in which Glan Agua can add            and has guaranteed a few business
value due to its innovative nature and        relationships with the main companies
experience acquired in the Irish market.      operating in this industry. Due to its size
                                              and certainty in investment, the United
The company of the Mota‑Engil Group           Kingdom has all the potential to become
has achieved major progresses in other        Glan Agua’s main market in the medium                     IRISH MARKET EXPANSION

parts of the United Kingdom and was           term, crucial to increase the client
recently pre-qualified for projects of        portfolio and reduce business risk”.
Northern Ireland Water, Yorkshire Water
and Affinity Water. The materialisation       Additionally, Luís Moreira da Silva
of this first contract in the United          mentions that for the near future, the
Kingdom reflects the investment made          Mota‑Engil Group’s objective in this
last year through the opening of the          market includes “positioning Glan Agua
new offices in Ireland and the opening        in the consortia that will compete for
of facilities in the North of London,         the management of the next investment
with the aim of endowing the Group with       cycle, thus ensuring immediate access

                                                                                                                     SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   21


                                    FAJNY DOM
                MOTA‑ENGIL CONTINUES
                 SUCCESSFUL PROJECT
                     ON KRAKOW
                            PHASE 5 OF FAJNY DOM RESIDENTIAL.

     In 2009, Mota‑Engil was        Mota‑Engil Central Europe (MECE) is         and underground areas specifically
                                    building in Krakow phase 5 of Fajny         devoted to bicycle parking.
     awarded the Construction of    Dom, a residential project that includes
     the Year prize by the Polish   the construction of 300 new apartments      It should be noted that, in 2009,
     Association of Engineers for   in 7-storey buildings and distributed       Mota‑Engil was awarded the Construction
     the development of the         among studios with 27 m 2, and two,         of the Year prize by the Polish Association
                                    three and four bedroom apartments, with     of Engineers for the development of the
     Fajny Dom original project.    areas of 36, 50 and 75 m 2, respectively,   Fajny Dom original project. This is an
                                    with each apartment having a green area     important award bestowed for almost
                                    on the ground floor.                        30 years in Poland and which recognises
                                                                                the construction quality fostered in
                                    Fajny Dom is the first cyclist-friendly     this project.
                                    project in Krakow, having outside areas



              The public authority responsible for         of the International Construction and
              labour inspection in Poland announced        Architecture Fair (BUDMA) programme.
              the results of the “Build Safely” contest:
              Mota‑Engil Central Europe (MECE)             The award was received on behalf
              was awarded second place for the             of MECE by Rafal Luczak, head of the
              construction of the Ostrow Wielkopolski      Environment and Safety Department in
              bypass on Motorway S11.                      S11’s construction work, acknowledging
                                                           the work carried out by the company
              The ceremony took place in Poznan,           and its focus on training in this key area
              in a conference dedicated to safety in       in order to ensure suitable work and
              the construction sector, which was part      safety conditions.

                                                                                   SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   23


                 EGF ADVOCATES GREATER
                   DEFINITION OF THE
                   NATIONAL STRATEGY
                           DECADE IN THE SECTOR WERE DISCUSSED.

                our representatives of EGF         in addition to the goals of material            LOOKING AT THE MBTS AS PART
                joined the panel of speakers       recycling, and, consequently, EGF is            OF THE SOLUTION
                for the debates around the issue   focusing on interpreting the directives on      In order to comply with the European
     of energy recovery, the goals defined in      waste that will be adopted and transferred      goals of diverting organic matter from
     PERSU 2020, the Integrated System for         to the entire European Union”. He also          landfills and preparing it for reuse
     the Management of Packaging Waste             explained that “we must also bear in            and recycling, the country invested
     (SIGRE – Sistema Integrado de Gestão          mind that there are two realities in the        in mechanical and biological treatment
     de Resíduos de Embalagens) and tariff         country: on the one hand the reality of         units (MBT) for the treatment of
     regulation, where they called for greater     Porto and Lisbon, and on the other, the         unsorted municipal waste.
     definition of the national strategy           reality of the rest of the country, which has
     regarding waste treatment and recovery        other systems and where a technological         EGF has 13 mechanical treatment
     options in which to invest in Portugal.       investment was made based on the                units and 14 biological treatment units
                                                   mechanical and biological treatment units       representing a high investment, aided
     In this sense, and in the course of the       (MBT). Therefore, this must be taken into       by European funds that are in full use.
     panel devoted to energy recovery,             account and considered in the analysis          In the panel devoted to the discussion
     Ismael Gaspar, Chairman of the Board          regarding what kind of solution to be           around the PERSU 2020 national plan,
     of Directors of EGF, argued that “energy      adopted in solving the problem of the           which defined widely contested targets
     recovery is a scenario to consider,           fraction of unsorted municipal waste".          for all Municipal Waste Treatment

Energy recovery is a
                                                                                           scenario to consider, in
                                                                                           addition to the goals of
                                                                                          material recycling, and,
                                                                                            consequently, EGF is
                                                                                          focusing on interpreting
                                                                                           the directives on waste
                                                                                          that will be adopted and
                                                                                          transferred to the entire
                                                                                              European Union.

                                                                                                        ISMAEL GASPAR
                                                                                              Chairman of the Board of Directors of EGF

Systems, EGF’s Production Director,         thus contributing to the fulfilment         Marta Guerreiro, Head of EGF’s
Miguel Lisboa, argued that “there has       of the targets for the next decade.         Engineering Department, presented
been discussion around the role of          This is my expectation”.                    the audience with facts and specific
MBTs in meeting the targets for 2025                                                    examples faced by citizens and
and 2030, since, under the principles of    WE GO TO GREAT LENGTHS TO RECYCLE           businesses every day around which the
the Circular Economy, there will be an      The topic of the new Integrated System      discussion was centred: “we have the
increasing focus on selective collection,   for the Management of Packaging Waste       flow of selective collection and the flow
including the flows of organic matter.      (SIGRE – Sistema Integrado de Gestão        of unsorted collection, and after four
The future waste management model,          de Resíduos de Embalagens) and its          months since the new licenses came
based on the European guidelines and        operationalisation was also a widely        into effect, we still have no guarantee
on the established waste hierarchy, must    discussed topic at the event.               regarding any kind of outlet for the
result from a progressive adaptation                                                    materials coming from our mechanical
of the current model ensuring that          At the beginning of the year, the           and biological treatment units. We need
the investments made continue to            dynamics of the new licences enabled the    the whole system to be working for our
add value. The MBTs shall remain in         entry of a second managing entity in the    facilities to dispose of the materials and
activity, recovering recyclable items and   sector, and soon a third, but the change    work properly”, she explained.
diverting organic material from landfills   still has undefined situations triggering   Another controversial topic, which has not
through the production of compost and       several consequences.                       yet been resolved, was also mentioned

                                                                                                                       SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   25

     MECHANICAL                          by EGF’s representative concerning the      those packages to private entities is
     TREATMENT                           new licenses “that promote the removal      a topic with many legal and technical
     AND BIOLOGICAL                      of secondary packaging from SIGRE’s         implications from the perspective of the
     (TMB) UNITS                         scope, which may cause breaks of material   entire investment and framework already
                                         in the systems of approximately 60%”.       drawn up.”
     EGF has 13 mechanical treatment
     units and 14 biological treatment   In the panel devoted to the merits and      EGF has thus sought to provide, as leader
     units representing a high           demerits of limiting sectors, EGF was       in the waste sector in Portugal, with
     investment, aided by European
     funds that are in full use.         represented by Marta Neves, Head of         technical contributions in several areas
                                         the Legal and Regulatory Department,        that enable making the waste sector
                                         where she stated that “investments          evolve in an integrated way and aligning
                                         were made by the municipalities, with       the national strategy with the European
                                         public and community funds, towards         directives, the rationalisation and the
                                         the treatment of municipal waste under      optimisation of the investments carried
                                         1,100 litres being performed by public      out throughout the past few years by the
                                         entities. Extending the collection of       various systems operating in Portugal.

     13 UNITS

     14 UNITS

                                         In order to comply with the European goals
                                         of diverting organic matter from landfills and
                                         preparing it for reuse and recycling, the country
                                         invested in mechanical and biological treatment
                                         units for the treatment of unsorted municipal waste.

                                               PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN
                                               VALORSUL AND EPAL
                                               Valorsul, EGF's Concessionaire, and EPAL, signed a partnership
                                               agreement to raise awareness for the efficient use of water.

PARTNERSHIP                                    Valorsul, EGF’s Concessionaire in the      entities. Schools will be a priority
Valorsul and EPAL                              West region and in the Lisbon's northern   audience and joint volunteer campaigns
                                               area, and EPAL, signed a partnership       involving the school community
Awareness for the efficient use of water and
                                               agreement to raise awareness for the       will be developed. Resources will be
for good practices regarding produced waste.
                                               efficient use of water and for good        shared to enable communication of
                                               practices regarding produced waste.        common environmental goals and
Schools will be a priority                                                                there is a possibility for joint candidacy
                                               The two companies have agreed to           for projects within the scope of the
audience, involving
                                               develop a joint strategy with specific     European Union’s programmes,
the school community.                          target audiences throughout the entire     or others.
                                               geographical area covered by both


EGF participated in the Second Angola-Portugal Forum,
an event which took place on 24 and 25 January in
Luanda (Angola).
EGF participated in the Second                 participants and to the media the                 ANGOLA-PORTUGAL FORUM
Angola-Portugal Forum, an event which          various solutions for treatment and               Angola, Luanda
took place on 24 and 25 January in             recovery of waste and the required
                                                                                                 Initiative hosted by the Portuguese
Luanda (Angola), an initiative hosted          changes in the behaviours of citizens             Business Association (AEP – Associação
by the Portuguese Business Association         and institutions regarding produced               Empresarial de Portugal), in partnership
(AEP – Associação Empresarial de               waste, which should be seen                       with AICEP Portugal Global and
                                                                                                 Portugal‑Angola Chamber of Commerce
Portugal), in partnership with AICEP           as a resource with value.
                                                                                                 and Industry.
Portugal Global and the Portugal-Angola
Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
                                               EGF presented the various
In addition to the event, which
was attended by more than 200                  solucions fot the treatment
entrepreneurs, EGF presented to the            and recovery of waste.
                                                                                                                    SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   27


                              HINDRANCE TO BIOGAS PRODUCTION.

                                              he anaerobic digesters are fed     with this, we initially considered using an
                                              by the organic matter that EGF’s   extra hydrocyclone, a system for removal
                                              concessionaires receive from the   of sand that works like dust cyclones, but
                                   unsorted municipal waste (what people         with water. However, in the meantime,
                                   do not separate at home and do not place      we realised that we had designed that
                                   in recycling banks) and transform it into     system to solve a problem that turned
                                   a sludge. This is a biological process        out not to be one. The styrofoam comes
                                   consisting of the degradation of organic      attached to the organic matter and only
                                   matter, producing biogas, which is then       with time does it get released and begin
                                   used to produce electricity.                  to float. Therefore, it occurred to us that
                                                                                 to solve the problem we would remove
                                   However, Valorlis’s biogas plant has          this contaminant through the top of
                                   recently suffered from a few constraints      the digester. In other words, we needed
                                   that have hampered production, since          to fill up the tank and try to remove
     NUNO HEITOR                   digester 1 lost its recirculation, causing    the styrofoam through the top of the
     General Manager of Valorlis   a decrease in the digester’s usable           tank, just like cleaning the foam from
                                   volume capacity. As a consequence,            a beer glass. It should be noted that the
                                   it was necessary to empty the digester        two tanks together had approximately
                                   to inspect the equipment.                     2,000 m³ of styrofoam, i.e., it was as if out
                                                                                 of the two tanks, one was not being used.
                                   During these works, the technical team        We are now installing the system, which
     This innovation of            encountered a snag: when opening the          will be ready when the second tank
                                   tank they found a height of 6 to 8 metres     is closed and then it will be tested”.
     Valorlis will certainly       of styrofoam, which forced changes in the
     lead to an active             procedures and planning. Sérgio Pires,        Taking advantage of this stop in the
     information-sharing           Head of Maintenance, recalls: “when           digester’s operation, there was also the
                                   we opened the tank for maintenance,           need to equate a few changes to the process
     process with the
                                   we thought we would have two metres           for the interventions in both digesters
     power plants of other         of sand resulting from the accumulation       to be faster and less frequent, leading
     concessionaires of EGF.       over the normal 6-year period, and to deal    to lower costs and production loss.

It is increasingly necessary
                                                                                              to find alternative income
                                                                                               sources and not being so
                                                                                             connected to the municipal
                                                                                               rate, since it is regulated
                                                                                              and there is considerable
                                                                                             pressure to reduce its value.

                                                                                                             NUNO HEITOR
                                                                                                       General Manager of Valorlis

Sérgio Pires notes that “we had to           an energy production process that,              Regarding the duration of the works,
remove around 1,000 m³ through a door        in 2015, was around 40,000 euros per            Valorlis’s team managed to make great
with a diameter of 80 cm, and we did         month with two digesters, but now, with         progress. According to Sérgio Pires,
so using vacuum-aspiration trucks,           one digester, we are very close to those        “digester 1 was in operation in December
with all their inherent costs”. João Rita,   numbers, which leads us to think that if        2016. We immediately started digester 2,
Head of the Organic Recovery Plant, also     we have two optimised digesters, as we          which initially had the worst operating
explains that “each digester only had        are trying to have, we will nearly double       indicators and it was closed in May 2017.
one entry and one exit point, making         our energy production. It is increasingly       For this reason, we substantially reduced
them quite limited, which led to multiple    necessary to find alternative income            the intervention time, mostly due to what
dead zones inside the tanks and thus to      sources and not being so connected to the       we learned, to what we were already
waste accumulation. That accumulation        municipal rate, since it is regulated and       expecting and prepared to resolve
gradually reduced each tank’s usable         there is considerable pressure to reduce        and act on”.
volume and we were losing capacity for       its value. As a result, we will need to focus
waste treatment and biogas production”.      on other sources of income and, for that        In spite of the differences between
                                             too, the more efficient we are, the more        the technologies, this innovation of
To resolve the situation, a study was        advantageous it will be for the company”.       Valorlis will certainly lead to an active
commissioned to Instituto Superior                                                           information‑sharing process with the power
Técnico. The drawings, data on flows,        Valorlis’s anaerobic digestion plant            plants of other concessionaires of EGF.
volumes and all information about the        was the first in the country to treat
material’s suspension inside the tank        organic waste from unsorted collection
were provided, which enabled numerical       and is also the first to have this kind
modelling. The findings pointed towards      of intervention. Thus, as there was a
the need to have more entry and exits        shortage of references, a few technical
points in the tank, leading to the           visits abroad were carried out. “We
construction of a machine door with          managed to understand what we could
almost 3 metres and to doubling the          find when opening the digester, and
pipes to 12.                                 to prepare in advance a few solutions
                                             to implement if any of the difficulties
Nuno Heitor, General Manager of              we observed in other facilities came up”,
Valorlis, explains that “we began with       explains João Rita.

                                                                                                                         SINERGIA 51 JUNE 2017   29


              TO RUI LAIA

                ui Laia is the Deputy Director   Rui Laia explains that “this market presents     sold in the daily market, with the possibility
                of the Energy Recovery           risks because if the producing companies         of the deficit amount being paid by the
                Department of Valorsul, where    do not inject into the network the energy        producer at a rate several times higher than
     he works for 15 years. Four years ago, he   they propose to sell every hour on the           the value of the energy sold in the market.
     decided to broaden his knowledge in a PhD   daily market, they may be penalised              Therefore, when preparing offers, it is useful
     in Mechatronics Engineering and Energy,     for the deviations, through the application      to have a strategy that maximises the result
     specialising in Energy, with a thesis       of deviation penalty factors by the system       taking into account the uncertainties in the
     on the topic of “Uncertainty and risk in    operator that seeks to maintain its balance,     production of electrical energy”.
     thermal‑wind coordination via stochastic    i.e., the energy injected into the network
     methodology”, which was recently            at each moment should be the same as             Over four years, the research of Rui Laia
     approved "with distinction and honours".    the energy consumed. If the producing            focused on adapting an algorithm that
                                                 companies make offers below what they            takes into account different variables such
     This thesis is a contribution that will     actually supply, the excess supply of energy     as the price of energy, the production’s
     prepare the electrical energy producing     is paid, at best, at the price of the energy     deviations – which depend on the available
     companies, which own wind resources,        sold in the daily market, with the possibility   wind power –, the penalty factors of the
     thermal resources or thermal-wind           of not being paid for at all. If they make       production deviations – which depend
     resources, before submitting the optimal    offers higher than what they actually            on the electrical system –, and the
     time offerings for sale of energy in the    supply, the deficit of energy is paid by the     characteristics of the thermal power plants;
     daily market.                               producer, at best, at the price of the energy    such algorithm could be used to support

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