Morningstar Media Kit 2018

Morningstar Media Kit 2018

Media Kit
Morningstar Media Kit 2018
Simplify Your Media Planning With Morningstar

We provide opportunities across a number of media
properties and conferences targeted to high-net-worth
investors, advisors, and institutional investors. We
have decades of experience delivering messaging to an
engaged, investing-minded audience.
Morningstar Media Kit 2018
Table of Contents

                    2   Site Statistics and Audience Profiles

                    8   Digital

                    32 Print

                    40 Events

                    44 Global

Morningstar Media Kit 2018
10.9 million         250,000              118,571
Individuals served   Financial advisors   Premium Members
                     served               on
Morningstar Media Kit 2018
Site Statistics and Audience Profiles

Morningstar is a leading provider of independent
investment research in North America, Europe, Australia,
and Asia. Your message and our brand recognition
help you reach engaged investors looking to make educated
investing decisions.

9 million          37                    27
Registered users   Websites              Countries
on worldwide
Morningstar Media Kit 2018
Reaching Individual Investors is our site for individual investors looking
to discover new investments, build/upgrade a portfolio,
monitor investments, and view real-time market data.
Morningstar offers an independent voice supported by more
than 318 analysts who provide continuous investment
coverage and commentary.

Site Statistics
Average monthly page views                                                 32 million
Average monthly unique visitors                                           1.4 million
Average time spent per visit                                              27 minutes
Mobile visits per month                                                         20%

Source: comScore 2017 YTD, mobile number from Google Analytics 2017 YTD                 4
Morningstar Media Kit 2018
Individual Investor Demographics

Premium Members                                                               Basic Members
Average Household Income                Average Portfolio Size                Average Household Income             Average Portfolio Size

$215,843                                $1,649,925                            $148,709                             $1,056,294
Annual Household Income                                                       Annual Household Income

                                               1.3%       < $25,000
                                                                                                                          4.3%       < $25,000

                                               1.0%       $25,000–$34,999
                                                                                                                          3.9%        $25,000–$34,999

                                               2.8%       $35,000–$49,999
                                                                                                                          7.7%        $35,000–$49,999

                                               10.4%      $50,000–$74,999
                                                                                                                          16.5%       $50,000–$74,999

                                               13.0%      $75,000–$99,999
                                                                                                                          16.9%       $75,000–$99,999

                                               27.1%      $100,000–$149,999
                                                                                                                          24.4%       $100,000–$149,999

                                               24.9%      $150,000–$249,999
                                                                                                                          16.9%       $150,000–$249,999

                                               13.3%      $250,000–$499,999
                                                                                                                          6.5%        $250,000–$499,999

                                               6.3%       > $500,000
                                                                                                                          3.0%       > $500,000

Size of Investment Portfolio (%)                                              Size of Investment Portfolio (%)
< $25,000                               0.9                                   < $25,000                            6.5
$25K–$49K                               0.7                                   $25K–$49K                            3.4
$50K–$99K                               1.8                                   $50K–$99K                            5.3
$100K–$249K                             5.5                                   $100K–$249K                          11.0
$250K–$499K                             9.7                                   $250K–$499K                          15.3
$500K–$999K                             19.8                                  $500K–$999K                          21.3
$1M–$1.999M                             26.3                                  $1M–$1.999M                          20.2
> $2M                                   35.3                                  > $2M                                17.0

Perspectives From 2017 Investor Survey

   “ is by far the most useful, convenient, and                   “For me, the biggest thing is trust. I definitely trust Morning-
    objective market tool that I know of. I would credit much of                  star, and have done so for all the years I’ve invested. It is my
    my investment success to information they have provided! ”                    most trusted, respected source of investment information. ”

Source: 2017 Morningstar Individual Investor Survey                                                                                                       5
Morningstar Media Kit 2018
Reaching Financial Advisors

We offer three ways to reach our advisor audience:, Morningstar magazine, and the Morningstar
Investment Conference. We can help place your message in
front of advisors who are actively looking for tools to research,
analyze, present, and support their recommendations.

Advisor Statistics
Registered advisors                                                            250,000
Average assets under management                                            $274 million
Average number of clients                                                          213
Refer their clients to Morningstar                                                54%

Source: 2017 Morningstar Advisor Survey and Quarterly Company Statistics                  6
Morningstar Media Kit 2018
Financial Advisor Demographics

Type                                                                                  Assets Under Management (%)

                                                 15.3%   Broker/Dealer: Independent    $1B                        4.2
                                                                                      I do not manage assets       10.5
                                                                                      Prefer not to say            9.3

Compensation Method                                                                   Perspectives From 2017 Morningstar
                                                                                      Advisor Survey
                                                 6.4%    Commission Only

                                                 33.0%   Fee Only
                                                                                         “I have used Morningstar Reports
                                                 42.6%   Fee and Commission               for over 25 years to validate my
                                                                                          investment suggestions to my clients.
                                                 15.9%   Salary
                                                                                          The independent reputation of
                                                 2.1%    Other
                                                                                          Morningstar lends credibility to my
                                                                                          presentations and a sense of comfort
                                                                                          to my clients.”

                                                                                         “Morningstar is invaluable to my
                                                                                          practice. I don’t know what I’d do
                                                                                          without it.“

Users Who
Use Morningstar software platforms           64.3%
Own or are their firm’s decision-maker       67.0%
Have visited for 5 + years   94.0%

Source: 2017 Morningstar Advisor Survey                                                                                           7
Morningstar Media Kit 2018

We help you develop programs that reach your target
audience—whether it’s a branding campaign,
product launch, or thought-leadership distribution. We
have a unique approach to developing the right
solutions for you.
A Brand New®

We’re rebuilding our site from the ground up to provide a
simpler, streamlined experience for individual investors
and advisors. All of the changes are focused on delivering the
best of Morningstar to our users.

Improved Content Curation                                          New Advertising Opportunities
We’re redesigning to support the investing tasks   Today Page: The new home page for will
that Morningstar is distinctly positioned to serve: evaluating     provide a powerful buyout experience. With a leaderboard,
and discovering new investments, building/upgrading a portfolio,   homepage video center, and half page and rectangle
and monitoring investments and the markets. The independent        options, your message will be more visible. Editorial events will
analysis and data investors rely on will be organized in a more    be better surfaced for monthly sponsorship opportunities.
relevant and useful way.
                                                                   Data Reports and Articles: Key data and research will appear all
Updated Site Functionality                                         on one page, making it easier for investors and advisors to
p M will be responsive so your message reaches       find what they need. Time spent on these pages will likely increase,
  across all devices—desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.         keeping the investor or advisor engaged with our content and
p S
   ticky ads will remaining in view as the user scrolls down      your message. All content has been organized in a way to encour-
  the page.                                                        age continuous scrolling of our pages, making any unit above or
p S
   afeFrame technology adds a layer of security for advertisers   below the fold a valuable one. As part of this enhanced design we
  and publishers.                                                  have also added horizontal content modules on the data report
                                                                   pages.  These new content modules fit into the workflow of the
                                                                   page for a more integrated feel.

Targeting Capabilities and Online Ad Units





Core Audience                                                   Standard IAB Units
Individual investors, basic and Premium Members of              A Leaderboard                              728 x 90, and financial advisors                         B Rectangle                    300 x 600, 300 x 250
                                                                C Button                           120 x 60, 88 x 31
Investment-Specific Targeting
Locates users who are monitoring or researching specific        D Text Link                           65 characters
p Investment category and editorial keyword targeting           Custom High-Impact Units
                                                                Intro Ad                                  760 x 500
Workflow Targeting                                              Content Distribution Modules                Custom
Identifies investment and recommendation pathways where users
make purchase decisions.
p Editorial, tools, and data channels

Directs your message to users determined by:
p City, designated market area, or country

Data Report Sponsorship

      A                                                           A

                                       C       B



Investors and advisors dedicate much of their research      For total ownership, a leaderboard, rectangle, or half page unit can
time to our data report pages. Sponsoring your own          be added to the program. This is a popular tactic for high-exposure
report pages helps you reach prospects when they are much   branding initiatives.
closer to making an investment decision.
                                                            These data pages also provide areas for content distribution,
                                                            allowing the advertiser to share thought leadership, white papers,
                                                            and fund manager commentary specific to each ticker.

Advisor-Focused Opportunities

At Morningstar, we have several multifaceted advisor-focused
sponsorship opportunities. These programs offer thought
leadership and content distribution to our select audience.

Also, for 2018 we have added a new advisor hub on                2018 Advisor Sponsorhip Opportunities Available: For years has been a     p Collateral distribution program
standalone website, but we have now integrated it onto           p Portfolio watchlist sponsorship
the platform. This move provides advisors with   p Quarter-end review package
seamless access to practice management content, in-depth         p Advisor Talking Points with Christine Benz
investment commentary, and other advisor-focused resources
critical to their daily workflow.

Morningstar—Advisor Portal

Advisor-Focused Opportunities

Collateral Distribution Program                                     In addition to the resource center, we’ll also provide an
Let serve as an extension of your sales team.       advisor-targeted link on each of your tickers to direct advisors
Advisors use to conduct pre-purchase research       back to your site.
and analysis before recommending investments to their clients.
                                                                    *Program requires a 12-month, non-cancellable commitment, and
p Put your sales materials directly into the hands of advisors as   is only available to asset managers directly (the program cannot be
   they conduct fund-related research                               purchased through advertising agencies).
p Give interested advisors seamless access to your sales managers
  as they’re making fund selections
p Includes static and dynamic links that update with ticker

Portfolio Watchlist Sponsorship                                     This sponsorship will include:
Reach advisors or investors as they monitor specific holdings in    p Portfolio Manager sponsor unit
their portfolio. The watchlist sponsorship allows advertisers       p Feature page with client sponsored watchlist of Morningstar
to present a selection of their investment picks in our Portfolio      data reports embedded in portfolio tool
Manager tool. The content module serves as a microsite              p Content module (100% client content)
where advertisers can provide thought leadership and additional     p 300x600 display unit
education materials.

Advisor-Focused Opportunities

  Market Outlook
  Q2 2017

  Morningstar, Inc.                            Talking Points

                                            × The S&P 500 gained 3.09% during the second quarter.
  1 Talking Points                          × Healthcare, financial services and industrials stocks outperformed during the quarter.
  2 Stock Market Outlook:
     Equity Valuations Look Lofty
  4 Second Quarter in U.S. Stock Funds:     × Energy and communication services stocks finished the quarter in the red.
     Growth on Fire
  6 International-Stock Funds Continue to
     Prosper                                × The market-cap-weighted price/fair value estimate ratio for our equity analysts' coverage universe is
  8 Bonds In The Second Quarter: The           1.05, suggesting that the market overall is slightly overvalued.
  10 Index Returns
  11 Fund Category Returns                  × Energy is currently the most undervalued sector, with a price/fair value estimate ratio of 0.96. Basic
                                               materials remains the most overvalued sector, with a price/fair value estimate of 1.24.

                                            × The large growth category led the pack this quarter among style-based fund categories, while small
                                               value lagged.

                                            × Most international-equity Morningstar Categories enjoyed strong gains during the quarter, with the
                                               exception of Latin America stock funds.

                                            × Long government funds led the fixed-income pack during the quarter.

Quarter-End Review Package                                                                                                                             Quarter-end review package schedule:
At the end of every quarter, Morningstar reflects on                                                                                                   p Last week of March: 1st Quarter Review/Market Outlook
the market over the previous three months and identifies the best                                                                                      p Last week of June: 2nd Quarter Review/Market Outlook
opportunities for investors. Coverage includes a quarter-end review.                                                                                   p Last week of September: 3rd Quarter Review/Market Outlook
We also publish a series of 10-12 market outlook articles that                                                                                         p Last week of December: 4th Quarter Review/Market Outlook
outline our analysts’ take on various parts of the market and their
picks in each sector.

Package Components
p 1
   00% SOV on all quarter-end-focused editorial content on for five days
p Home
      page presence throughout the week, with
  leaderboard and logo

Advisors Only
p Market Outlook PDF, promoted via email and on during the following quarter
p T
   wo full page ads to sponsor in the PDF

Page 2 of 9
                                                                                                        Insights from the 2017 Morningstar Investment Conference | May 2017

  Insights from the 2017 Morningstar Investment Conference
                                                                                                        The Best Investments—Anywhere
                                                                                                        Panelists from Dodge & Cox, Capital Group, and Moerus Capital
                                                                                                        Management discuss where they are finding the best opportunities
                                                                                                        around the globe.
  Christine Benz’s Talking Points
  May 2017
                                                              By Karen Wallace                          If you could go anywhere in the world to find attractive investment opportunities, where would you
                                             Talking Points Published April 27, 2017                    focus?

                                          × Most managers agreed that the U.S. stock and bond markets  thefairly
                                                                                                           question   Kevin McDevitt,
                                                                                                                 or over-valued today.senior analyst in Morningstar's manager research group, posed to
                                                                                                        panelists Charles Pohl of Dodge & Cox, Noriko Chen of Capital Group, and Amit Wadhwaney of Moerus
                                                                                                 Capital Management.
                                          × Equity managers from Dodge & Cox, Capital Group, and Moerus  Capital Management are finding values
                                            in emerging markets. Moerus Capital is interested in Turkey and Colombia, in particular.
                                                                                                    Specifically, McDevitt asked, with valuations at elevated levels around the globe, where are they finding
                                          × Dodge & Cox thinks the pharmaceutical industry—both in  opportunity?
                                                                                                      the developed and emerging markets—is
                                             undervalued relative to other sectors and to historical valuations.
  Contents                                                                                             Pohl said at Dodge & Cox they consider themselves long-term value investors, so they start with markets
  1 Talking Points
  2 The Best Investments—Anywhere
                                                                                                  that &look
                                          × Managers are finding value among global financials. Dodge     Coxcheap  on a relative,
                                                                                                              is especially fond oflong-term
  4 A Flexible Approach to Fixed Income      while Moerus Capital Management likes Italian banks, in particular.
  6 What to Expect in the Bond Market                                                              "Emerging markets have lots of attractive stuff," Pohl said. "Pharma is under pressure, in developed and
                                          × Managers of flexible-bond funds aren't overly concernedemerging  markets.
                                                                                                    about rising       Valuations
                                                                                                                 interest          [in pharmaceuticals]
                                                                                                                          rates, because  they say      are low relative to other sectors and relative to
                                             that they have the ability to buy into idiosyncratic risk. history."

                                                                                               He also added
                                          × Unconstrained bond-fund managers emphasized the importance        that investors
                                                                                                        of patience          could gain emerging-markets exposure by investing in one of the many
                                                                                                                     and evaluating
                                             performance over a full market cycle.                      developed-market pharmaceutical companies that have some exposure to emerging markets.

                                                                                                Pohl said
                                          × Fixed-income managers from BlackRock, PIMCO, and Franklin     financialexpect
                                                                                                      Templeton     stockstwo
                                                                                                                                      rate interesting post-global financial crisis. There was a huge
                                             increases this year; next year is the real unknown.        shock, followed by a tremendous regulatory burden, he explained. Regulators demanded improved
                                                                                                        balance sheets and extra liquidity, but President Donald Trump is now interested in repealing some of
                                                                                                   those regulations.
                                          × Franklin Templeton thinks the market is too complacent about              Addittothinks
                                                                                                         inflation, which     that the prolonged
                                                                                                                                    could        zero interest-rate environment, which has weighed on
                                                                                                                                          top 3% in
                                             the next 18 months.                                        banks, but which we're starting to move away from.

                                                                                                      "Financials started from low valuations," Pohl said. "You can see that the earnings progression will
                                          × Emerging-markets debt is a good value today to managers from BlackRock, PIMCO and Franklin
                                                                                                      improve, but the stocks are still undervalued because the financial crisis is fresh in investors' minds."
                                             Templeton. Franklin Templeton is especially interested in Latin American debt. PIMCO sees Mexican
                                             bonds as a good long-term value.
                                                                                                        Chen also sees opportunity in emerging markets. There is growth in emerging-markets consumer
                                                                                                        spending as well as increased trade among emerging-markets countries.
                                          × BlackRock favors securitized assets; PIMCO likes housing-related bonds.

                                                                                                        "While we do see attractive sectors, we focus on the companies. A lot of these political events give us
                                                                                                        the opportunity to buy the companies we like at slightly cheaper valuations. There are a lot of global

Advisor Talking Points with Christine Benz                                                                                                                                                                        The monthly series will include:
An educational thought leadership series with topics curated                                                                                                                                                      p Email sent to Morningstar’s advisor audience summarizing the
by Morningstar’s personal finance director, Christine Benz. Each                                                                                                                                                    topic with links to editorial and video commentary on
month, Benz and Morningstar’s editorial team publish a                                                                                                                                                    
collection of articles for advisors. Topics revolve around investment                                                                                                                                             p Talking-points PDF for advisors to use in their practice—also
trends that advisors can address with their clients.                                                                                                                                                                available for download on

The articles and video commentary are then summarized in                                                                                                                                                          Sponsor opportunities:
an email sent to advisors to help them start the conversation with                                                                                                                                                p 300 x 250 ad unit with possible content module in the
their clients.                                                                                                                                                                                                      monthly email
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  p Five- to six-page PDF with logo and full-page ad for sponsor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  p Digital presence on all talking-point content on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  p Digital presence in articles by Christine Benz on

Content Distribution Modules

Make Morningstar your communication medium. Use our
content distribution modules to distribute your own content on

Content Distribution Module                                          Options:
Deliver your content to users consistently.          p Data Reports: new horizontal content module in data reports
Our content distribution modules integrate the tools and materials   p Articles
you provide into the workflow of investors and advisors. Our         p As part of a center sponsorship
readers come to for our independent perspective      p As part of a fund report sponsorship
and unique content. Let them come to expect the same                 p Newsletters
quality perspectives, commentary, and thought leadership from you.   p Research centers—button and text links

21 Today Page Buyout

Our newly redesigned Today page features current news
and our latest analysis delivered with our upgraded leaderboard
and rectangle units. The page introduces a number of
new features, including a dominant video player that rotates
new commentary daily, new Best Investments lists, and
Your Portfolio preview.

Take over’s home page for an entire day.        Placements:
Morningstar’s Today page buyout is a great opportunity          p Today Page leaderboard
for branding and product launches or for pairing your message   p Video rectangle
with market events.                                             p Pre-roll (optional)
                                                                p Half page (optional)
                                                                p Rectangle
                                                                p Footer

Morningstar Content Sponsorships

Content sponsorships align your brand or product with
Morningstar’s editorial events and investment centers.

Center Sponsorship                                                      Special Report Weeks
Firms can be the exclusive sponsor of an entire investment              Our site editors produce content that addresses timely topics such
center on It’s a great way to gain exposure in the     as retirement, tax planning, and college savings. This is an
most popular areas, while advertising investment-related product        opportunity to align your brand directly with a particular topic or
offerings or advice. This opportunity includes a content distribution   audience. Receive exclusive, 100% SOV sponsorship of a
module and 100% SOV in each investment center.                          week long editorial event featured on’s home
                                                                        page, articles, and video pages.
Available centers include:
Exchange-Traded Funds, Bonds, Personal Finance, ETF Managed             See our 2018 editorial calendar for more information.
Portfolios, and Alternatives

                                                                                                                                              24 2018 Editorial Calendar
Editorial topics are subject to change.

January 22–27                                                           June 11–20
A 2018 Portfolio Tuneup                                                 Morningstar Investment Conference (conference runs June 11–13)
Morningstar provides investors with a thorough, yet accessible,         Morningstar analysts and editors will convene with top fund
framework for evaluating their portfolios in the new year. Topics       managers in Morningstar’s flagship annual event for advisors.
covered during the week include asset allocation and benchmark- coverage includes on-the-spot blog reports on
ing, performance evaluation, savings progress, sustainability check,    panel discussions, video interviews with top managers, and preview
fee evaluation, and tax considerations.                                 and post-event analysis on the big themes from the conference.

February 26–March 2                                                     September 17–21
Morningstar’s Guide to IRAs                                             7 Days to Retirement Readiness
Morningstar provides investors with a comprehensive guide to            Whether you’re five, 10, or two years away from retirement, let
investing in IRAs. Topics covered during the week include deter-        Morningstar experts walk you through practical steps to ensure
mining what type of IRA to invest in, how to make the most of           you’re on track. Topics covered include ballparking how much you’ll
contributions, effectively withdrawing from IRAs, IRA mistakes to       spend in retirement, strategies for maximizing income in retirement,
avoid, and Morningstar’s favorite investments for an IRA.               determining how much income your portfolio can safely provide,
                                                                        bridging a retirement shortfall, and how to build a portfolio today
March 19–23                                                             that’ll let you retire comfortably tomorrow.
Morningstar’s Guide to Dividend and Income Investing
Morningstar helps investors craft a durable plan for generating         October
income and identify the most promising investments. We’ll cover         529 College Savings Report (Best and Worst Plans: 2 days, TBD)
the spectrum of options for income-seeking investors, suggest           Every year Morningstar fund analysts revisit their assessment of
best practices for income seekers, and share top picks in dividends,    the nation’s 529 plans, including the top- and bottom-rated options.
bonds, and other income payers.                                         This content will be coupled with articles and video reports on col-
                                                                        lege savings basics for investors, including how to prioritize college
April 16–20                                                             and retirement savings, select a 529, assess alternatives to 529s,
Morningstar’s Guide to Indexing                                         size up college loans, and manage/minimize college expenses.
Morningstar analysts, researchers, and strategists will discuss how
to effectively invest in passive funds. We’ll clarify how to evaluate   November 5–9
passive investments, offer ways to best combine strategies in           Portfolio Makeover Week
portfolios, and share some of our favorite passive investment ideas.    Morningstar’s Christine Benz will make portfolios for real investors
                                                                        of different stripes. Each makeover will be accompanied by related
May 3–6                                                                 article and video reports to help investors in similar situations sort
Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting Coverage (meeting is on               through their options and manage their portfolios more effectively.
Saturday, May 5)
Readers will join Morningstar editors and strategists for coverage      December 3–7
of the annual “Woodstock for Capitalists,” including a live blog        Morningstar’s Year-End Tax Guide
of the meeting Q&A with Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, video        Morningstar’s experts share strategies investors can execute before
reports, an in-depth analysis of Berkshire Hathaway today, and          year-end to minimize the tax bite. Topics covered include what to
funds that buy like Buffett.                                            expect during capital-gains distribution season, tax-gain harvesting
                                                                        and tax-loss selling, tax-smart strategies when taking Required
May 29                                                                  Minimum Distributions, effectively managing tax-advantaged and
529 Day                                                                 taxable accounts, and formulating a retirement tax plan. Plus, we’ll
One-day coverage of National 529 College Savings Plan Day.              highlight our top tax-efficient picks.
Multimedia Events and Apps

Our cross-platform opportunities allow you to reach investors
and advisors at work, home, and everywhere in between.

Video                                                               iPad® App
Morningstar offers timely streaming video content on a variety      Morningstar® for iPad® wraps our robust data and analysis
of topics including stocks, funds, market analysis, personal        in an intuitive, elegant interface, giving users a new way
finance, and fund manager interviews along with breaking news       to research securities, evaluate portfolios, and monitor the markets.
and commentary by our team of analysts. Morningstar provides        31% of mobile visits are on an iPad.
viewers with an interactive way to connect with the investment
community.                                                          With Morningstar for iPad, users can:
p 15 second pre-roll and video center units available               p Sync with their account
p Larger home page presence with video-playing capabilities         p Find
                                                                       real-time quotes on thousands of companies and
    directly on page                                                  easily revisit recent searches
                                                                    p Monitor market performance
Mobile App
Morningstar offers mobile applications for iPhone® and Android      We offer sponsorship opportunties on a quarterly basis for 50%
that allow advertisers to reach investors and advisors on the go.   SOV of all ad units.
p Functionality includes portfolio tracking and real-time
   quotes for stocks, funds, and ETFs, as well as the latest
   financial news and analysis
p 20% of traffic on is mobile
p 300 x 50 mobile ad unit

Dedicated Emails

Send your message or offer to over 132,000 subscribers
and advisors who are looking for investment ideas and advice.
Communicate with those who have opted in to receive
offers and information carefully screened by Morningstar.

Dedicated HTML emails are sent from Morningstar on behalf of an   Scheduling
exclusive advertiser and feature 100% client-provided content.    p Delivered only on Wednesdays and Fridays, 9 a.m.–11 a.m. CT
                                                                  p Assets needed seven days prior to deployment
Program Components
Email Lists		                                  Size               Tracking
Basic member                                   71,000             p Delivered, open, and click reporting provided

Premium member                                 14,000
Financial advisors                             47,000
Custom targeted lists                          Upon Request

Email list sizes are subject to change.

Investor-Focused E-Newsletters

Sponsorship of our e-newsletters presents your brand to
those who keep up with the latest investment trends. Pair your
message with any of our 16 newsletters that range from
market summaries to Morningstar analyst picks and ratings.

Morning Digest (List size: 61,800)                                 Fund Medalist of the Week (List size: 55,180)
Highlights of new analyst reports and articles from                The complete, hand-picked list of funds our analysts love (and hate) (Premium Members only).                            (Premium Members only).

Stock Analyst Notes (List size: 41,800)                            SmartInvestor (List size: 474,300)
Delivered every morning, our take on the latest news affecting     Our weekly e-newsletter filled with ideas on investing better
the market’s biggest stocks.                                       and smarter.

Fund Spy (List size: 327,100)                                      Improving Your Finances (List size: 316,800)
An inside look at the fund industry and our favorite funds         Portfolio-planning tips in this e-newsletter alternate between
through the eyes of acknowledged fund experts.                     the columns “The Short Answer” and “Improving
                                                                   Your Finances.”
Stock Strategist and Stock Strategist (ETF Edition)
(List size: 347,800)                                               Email list sizes are subject to change.
Insights on market and industry trends as well as stock
tips from Morningstar’s stock analysts (Includes the ETF Edition
sent the second and third Wednesday of each month).

Advisor-Focused E-Newsletters

Fund Times (List size: 13,500)                                       Morningstar Weekly Wrap (List size: 10,000)
Morningstar vice president of research John Rekenthaler’s            A summary of editorial content from
columns and Morningstar’s opinion on breaking fund news.
                                                                     Manager’s View (List size: 15,500)
Investment Insights (List size: 13,900)                              Latest research reports and commentaries posted by
A look at mutual fund and stock investing by our team of analysts.   participating fund companies.

Practice Builder (List size: 14,000)                                 Advisor Digest (List size: 52,600)
New techniques and tips from advisors in the field on how to         Weekly take on the market and perspectives from industry experts.
expand your practice.
                                                                     Alternatives Monitor (List size: 1,200)
Retiring with Natalie Choate (List size: 14,000)                     Morningstar alternatives analysts keep readers up on recent
Q&A with retirement planning expert and author Natalie Choate.       performance trends; strategy shifts; manager insights; and
                                                                     fund flows among long-short, market-neutral, currency, managed
College-Savings Educator (List size: 12,900)                         futures, and other alternative investments.
An in-depth look at 529 plan issues and the ever-changing
college-savings market.


Readers of Morningstar magazine are decision-makers who
have looked to Morningstar for investing ideas and
insights since its first publication over a decade ago. Every
issue is an opportunity to reach a financial advisor or
an institutional investor ready to take action. Each issue
features a Spotlight section covering the latest investing trends.
Additional magazine features include current research
and original thinking from our research teams, snapshots of
investing developments in the U.S. and abroad, in-depth
profiles on top industry players and their investment ideas,
commentary on the fund industry and global developments, as
well as the best investment ideas from our analysts.
Morningstar Magazine Readex Research

The results of our most recent readership survey, carried out
by Readex Research, found that Morningstar magazine
was seen to have the most credible, in-depth, and relevant
investment analysis.

Morningstar Magazine Readex Survey Results

Top Amongst Leading Competitors                         Financial Advisors                                Institutional Investors

Preferred publication                                   43%                                               28%
Average time spent per issue                            45 minutes                                        38 minutes
Took action due to content or data                      69%                                               76%
Took action due to advertisements                       28%                                               36%
Most credible                                           59%                                               35%
Most in-depth                                           61%                                               39%
Most relevant                                           54%                                               38%

Source: 2016 Readex Survey. The Readex survey is conducted every two years, so this is the latest data.                             34
Morningstar Magazine Demographics

Type of Investment Professional                                                                          Assets Under Management (%)

                                                          15.8%         Broker/Dealer: Independent       < $5,000,000                  5.6
                                                                                                         $5–$9.9M                      5.3
                                                          1.4%          Broker/Dealer: Wirehouse
                                                                                                         $10–$24.9M                    11.5
                                                          19.1%         Dually Registered
                                                                                                         $25–$49.9M                    17.9
                                                          33.3%         RIA
                                                                                                         $50–$99.9M                    20.3
                                                          2.6%          Institutional Investor
                                                                                                         $100–$199.9M                  11.8

                                                          14.8%         Financial Professional           $200–$249.9M                  3.1
                                                                                                         $250–$499.9M                  6.1
                                                          13.1%         Other
                                                                                                         $500–$999.9M                  3.3
                                                                                                         > $1B                         2.8
                                                                                                         I do not manage assets        8.7
                                                                                                         Prefer not to say             3.6

Compensation Method                                                                                      Perspectives From 2016 Readex
                                                                                                         Research Survey
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                                                          39.8%         Fee Only                            “I find Morningstar magazine the
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                                                                                                             “[Morningstar magazine] is
                                                                                                              excellent, informative, and has
                                                                                                              worldwide coverage.”

Source: 2017 Morningstar Advisor Survey—Advisors who read Morningstar Magazine. Quotes are from Readex Survey.                                      35
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                                             About the Magazine                                                                                                                                                       Premium Placement Rates                                                                                                                                                                   3x Rate                                                  6x Rate
                                             Morningstar magazine is published six times a year. The                                                                                                                  Back Cover                                                                                                                                                                                          N/A                                            $16,400
                                             typical subscriber has been in the financial services industry for                                                                                                       Inside Front Cover                                                                                                                                                                        $15,900                                                  $15,150
                                             23 years, holds multiple designations, recommends a broad
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Inside Back Cover                                                                                                                                                                                   N/A                                            $13,900
                                             spectrum of products, and manages an average of $220 million in
                                             clients assets.                                                                                                                                                          Inside Front Cover Spread                                                                                                                                                                 $20,300                                                  $19,350
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Opposite TOC                                                                                                                                                                              $14,650                                                  $12,130
                                             Our readers are an engaged group of highly intelligent
                                             decision-makers, actively looking to our publication for investment                                                                                                      Custom Sponsorships
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                                             design, and investment analysis put Morningstar magazine at                                                                                                              p Gatefolds
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                      p Biannual Fund Medalist supplement

                                             Source: Morningstar Advisor Survey and 2016 Readex Survey.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               36

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              E X HI B I T 2

                                   Market Underestimates Nuclear’s                                                                                      In this article, we will focus on the third point:
                                                                                                                                                        The market underestimates the nuclear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Generation Mix Utilities generate power with a wide range of sources. How they do it directly affects their carbon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              emissions intensity.

                                   ESG Benefits
                                                                                                                                                        power industry’s positive ESG attributes. With the
                                                                                                                                                        help of Sustainalytics, we will look at the                                                               Carbon Intensity (gCO2e/kwh)
                                                                                                                                                        environmental, social, and governance factors
                                   Industry has a key role in improving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              900                                                                                                                                                                                      Generation
                                                                                                                                                        of nuclear operators.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fuel Mix
                                   utilities’ sustainability profiles.                                                                                  Environmental                                                                                         600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Oil & Gas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Natural Gas
                                                                                                                                                        Greenhouse Emissions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Biopower
                                                                                                                                                        The electricity sector is the largest emitter of                                                      300                                                                                                                                                                                      Hydro
                                                                                                                                                        greenhouse gases, responsible for 29% of total U.S.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Renewables
                                    I NV ES TM ENT RES EA RCH : EQ UI TY                  2 We think the market underestimates the returns              carbon emissions, followed by the transportation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nuclear
                                   Travis Miller, Doug Marrow, and Luke Raftis             for nuclear uprates. (The U.S. Nuclear                       (27%) and industrial (21%) sectors.                                                                   0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WEC      Great   Alliant    DTE     Ameren Westar    NRG American FirstEnergy SCANA    Duke    The     Xcel Pinnacle Public Dominion Entergy NextEra   PG&E   Exelon
                                                                                           Regulatory Commission restricts the maximum                                                                                                                                         Energy   Plains   Energy    Energy          Energy   Energy Electric                   Energy Southern Energy West Service Energy             Energy
                                                                                           electricity output a nuclear plant can produce.              Political pressure—particularly through                                                                                Group    Energy                                             Power Co.                         Company         Capital Enterprise
                                   Nuclear power is at an inflection point in              Plants can request an “uprate” to exceed                     the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2015                                                       Source: Sustainalytics.

                                   the United States, with a wide gap developing           those levels.) Most market forecasts assume                  Clean Power Plan and the international
                                   between antinuclear and pronuclear                      natural gas is the marginal generation source,               Paris Agreement—is pushing utilities to continue

                                   factions. This is a critical debate. The 99 nuclear     but our calculations show nuclear uprates                    reducing their carbon footprint. Nuclear and
                                   units in the U.S. provide 20% of the nation’s           have similar economic returns and less long-term             large-scale hydro are the only baseload                                                               Nuclear power in the United States generates an                             fossil generation—especially coal—have a                          tons in 2016. Most of this reduction comes
                                   electricity and meet essential reliability needs        capital reinvestment risk.                                   generation sources that emit minimal greenhouse                                                       average of 16 grams of carbon dioxide equivalent                            higher carbon intensity ( EX HIB IT 2 ).                          from much higher natural gas and renewable
                                   for major cities. Competition from cheap natural                                                                     gas emissions, helping meet environmental                                                             per kilowatt-hour, according to the U.S.                                                                                                      energy generation offsetting a steep drop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Department of Energy ( EX HIB IT 1 ). This output is                       The financial materiality of this differential                     in coal generation. Our forecasts assume nuclear

                                   gas generation and renewable energy are                3 Nuclear has a more favorable environmental,                 requirements for carbon emissions reductions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              comparable to that of renewable energy, on                                 depends to a large degree on uncertain U.S.                        generation grows slightly as uprates and

   (full bleed)
                                   pinching profits now, but we think a long-term           social, and governance, or ESG, profile than most           Wind and solar are emissions-free, but to
                                   perspective is important.                                other nonrenewable energy sources. Its low                  match nuclear as a firm baseload generation                                                           average. In fact, nuclear slightly outperforms solar                       environmental policies. But we think utilities with                new-build capacity offset planned and possible
                                                                                            carbon-emissions profile and reliability make it a          source, wind and solar require expensive battery                                                      and biopower on a lifecycle basis. Coal and                                superior carbon-intensity profiles are best prepared               retirements. Achieving these carbon emissions
                                   Contrary to many forecasts that show nuclear             critical contributor to meeting state and federal           backup or standby natural gas generation,                                                             petroleum are the highest carbon emitters. Natural                         to adapt to rising investor expectations for                       reductions would put the U.S. power sector

                                                                                                            1/2 PAGE
                                   dying a slow death, we forecast that U.S.                environmental policy goals.                                 which emits carbon dioxide.                                                                           gas has a significantly lower carbon-intensity                             emissions performance and tightening carbon                        ahead of schedule to meet the Clean Power
                                   nuclear-generation capacity will remain mostly                                                                                                                                                                             profile than coal and oil but is still well above                          regulations, which we believe is a given in the                    Plan’s targeted 32% reduction from 2005 levels
                                   flat during the next two decades. In our fair value                                                                                                                                                                        nuclear and renewable energy.                                              United States in the long run.                                     ( EX HIB IT 3 ).
                                   estimates and earnings forecasts, we assume
                                   nuclear generation contributes positive value           E X HI B I T 1                                                                                                                                                     Most U.S. utilities are responding to long-term                             Morningstar’s Carbon Emissions Outlook                            Waste Management: Avoiding Pitfalls
                                   for the 18 U.S. utilities we cover that own nuclear                                                                                                                                                                        pressure from regulators and investors to cut                               Utilities have made significant progress in reducing              Waste management is a crucial concern for

                                                                                           Low Emissions Nuclear power has a lifecycle carbon emissions profile similar
                                   generation. We expect some plants to close,                                                                                                                                                                                emissions. Many of the largest utilities, including                         carbon emissions. Carbon emissions from                           all power generators, but it is particularly
                                                                                           to renewable energy.
                                   but on average, the U.S. nuclear fleet will remain                                                                                                                                                                         Duke Energy DUK and American Electric Power AEP,                            power generators are down 26% since their 2007                    important for nuclear operators because of the
                                   economic, continue to operate cost-effectively,         Carbon Intensity                                                                                       gCO2e/kwh                                                   have made notable reductions. With new-build                                peak. We expect decarbonization to continue                       long-term health and environmental impacts
                                   and keep its market share near 17% of U.S.                                                                                                                         1,200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              nuclear plants uneconomic, U.S. utilities have                              through 2030 even after considering the Trump                     associated with radioactive waste. Ultimately, we
                                   electricity production.                                                                                                                                1,001                                                               achieved the bulk of these reductions by tilting                            administration’s decision to suspend the                          view waste management as an unfavorable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              their generation mix toward renewable energy and                            Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan and                       ESG issue for nuclear power. Radioactive waste
                                   We differ from the consensus because of three                                                                                              840                                                                             gas. However, U.S. utilities still trail their                              withdraw from the Paris Agreement.                                and other hazardous waste produced at
                                   main views:                                                                                                                                                          800                                                   European counterparts, such as Spain’s Iberdrola                                                                                              nuclear sites are subject to strict regulation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              IBE:ES, Italy’s Enel ENEL:IT, and the United                               We think utilities can achieve at least a 31%                      Violations can result in penalties or even the loss
                                 1 Our forecast for flat or growing U.S. nuclear                                                                                  469                                                                                         Kingdom’s SSE SSE:GB, in emissions performance.                            drop in carbon emissions from 2005 levels by 2025,                 of operating licenses.
                                   capacity is more bullish than most forecasts. In                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      primarily based on our forecast for state-level
                                   particular, we disagree with the U.S. Energy                                                                                                                                                                               U.S. utilities’ carbon emissions intensity                                 renewable portfolio standards, underconstruction                  The Department of Energy is responsible
                                   Information Administration’s prediction that                                                                                                                                                                               varies dramatically. Carbon intensity is a function                        gas generation capacity, and changes in                           for developing a long-term storage solution for
                                   nuclear capacity will fall 11% by 2040. We think the           4              12               16         18       34                                                     0                                                of generation mix. Utilities that are overweight                           nuclear generation. Through 2025, we expect                       high-level nuclear waste, but those efforts
                                   U.S. could add as much as 5% net new nuclear                 Hydro           Wind            Nuclear   Biopower   Solar    Natural Gas      Oil         Gas                                                                nuclear and renewable energy have a lower                                  utilities to reduce their carbon emissions                        have met social and political roadblocks. In the
                                   capacity by 2040.                                       Source: U.S. Department of Energy.                                                                                                                                 carbon intensity, while utilities that are long on                         by 119 million metric tons, from 1,797 million metric             meantime, utilities remain responsible for

                                   58    Morningstar October/November 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  59

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                 December/January 2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The magazine of independent research for the world’s financial professionals                                                      December/January 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Alternatives Style Box

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               BELLY BAND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (full bleed)
    (full bleed)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Prosperity in the Wings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Long hyped for its potential, India makes strides in improving its investing environment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Also in this issue

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       gActive Strategies: Science or Baloney? gRetirement Hope gAnd the latest investing trends from around the world...

Trim Dimensions 17.5” x 10.75”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Trim Dimensions 18.875” x  6”
Live 17” x 10.25”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Live 18.375” x 5.5”
Bleed 0.125”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bleed 0.125”

Morningstar Magazine 2018 Editorial Calendar
Spotlight topics are subject to change based on availability of research.

February/March 2018                                                         August/September 2018
Ad Close: Dec. 8, 2017                                                      Ad Close: June 8, 2018
Materials Due: Jan. 5, 2018                                                 Materials Due: July 6, 2018
Mail Date: Feb. 2, 2018                                                     Mail Date: Aug. 3, 2018

What Makes a Good Alternatives Fund                                         A New Approach to Bonds
Using factor analysis, we pinpoint the drivers of return of                 Is the way investors research the bond market out of date? Is
successful alternatives funds. We also explore the new                      their obsession with data points such as duration no longer valid?
Morningstar Style Box for alternatives funds to find pockets of             Are bond investors too focused on the past? We think investors
value in the alternatives universe.                                         need to take a fresh approach to fixed income. We’ll detail how a
                                                                            seemingly staid market demands new methods.
April/May 2018
Ad Close: Feb. 9, 2018                                                      October/November 2018
Materials Due: March 5, 2018                                                Ad Close: Aug. 10, 2018
Mail Date: April 2, 2018                                                    Materials Due: Sept. 6, 2018
                                                                            Mail Date: Oct. 1, 2018
State of Financial Planning
As more and more financial-planning tasks are automated, what is            ESG Gets Better
the value proposition for today’s financial advisors and their firms?       Environmental, social, governance research tools continue to
We’ll analyze the moats of advisors and wealth managers and look            improve as investors, companies, and institutions increasingly
at the generational changes occurring in the industry, with many            look to improve their ESG profiles. In this issue, we look at the
advisors retiring and millennials seeking out robo-advisors.                continuing growth of ESG investing.

June/July 2018                                                              December/January 2019
Ad Close: April 13, 2018                                                    Ad Close: Oct. 12, 2018
Materials Due: May 4, 2018                                                  Materials Due: Nov. 2, 2018
Mail Date: June 4, 2018                                                     Mail Date: Dec. 3, 2018

Packaged Investing                                                          Popularity
Today’s investors increasingly want packaged solutions to meet              When it comes to investing, you don’t want to win the popularity
their financial goals, instead of building their portfolios from the        contest. Research from Morningstar found that the least-loved
ground up using individual funds. We’ll examine the ramifications           stocks (as measured by share turnover) go on to outperform
of this shift toward multi-asset, target-date, and target-risk funds.       the most-loved ones. Is popularity the unifying concept of common
                                                                            market premiums such as value, size, and liquidity? In this issue,
Additional Distribution: 2018 Morningstar Investment Conference,            we’ll find out.
                                                                            Special Supplement: Morningstar Medalists
Special Supplement: Morningstar Medalists

A supplement to Morningstar magazine

     The magazine of independent research for the world’s financial professionals                                 August/September 2017

                                                        The Morningstar Analyst Rating for Funds was               The Morningstar Analyst Rating rests on five pillars:
                                                        launched in the U.S. in 2011 as a complement to the        Process, Performance, People, Parent, and Price.
                                                        Morningstar Rating (often referred to as the               Analysts evaluate whether a strategy is sensible

Medalists:                                             “star rating"). The rating has since been extended
                                                        to funds globally, including U.S. ETFs in 2016.
                                                                                                                   (and repeatable), performance history, the caliber of
                                                                                                                   management, the stewardship of the parent firm,
                                                                                                                   and annual expenses. Funds rated Gold, Silver,

The Complete                                           While the Morningstar Rating is a mathematical
                                                       measure of past three-, five-, and 10-year risk-adjust-
                                                       ed performance, the Morningstar Analyst Rating
                                                                                                                   and Bronze are all recommended; the differences lie
                                                                                                                   in the level of analyst conviction. The ratings
                                                                                                                   don’t express a view on a given asset class or peer

U.S. List                                              is a forward-looking assessment by analysts with
                                                       Morningstar Research Services. Morningstar
                                                       Medalists—funds rated Gold, Silver, or Bronze—are
                                                                                                                   group. Rather, the designations seek to evaluate
                                                                                                                   funds within the context of their stated objective, an
                                                                                                                   appropriate benchmark, and peer group.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Data Dashboard
                                                       funds the analysts believe can outperform a relevant
                                                       benchmark or peer group through time. Funds                 The following list is as of June 30, 2017.
                                                       rated Neutral or Negative are more likely to fall short.

                                                                                                                                                                                          Medalist Funds
Œ                                                       •                                                            ´                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Annualized Total Return %
These funds are considered best of breed. They          These funds’ advantages outweigh any disadvan-               Funds that receive this designation may have                                                                                                                                                                                                                     * Closed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Morningstar      Morningstar       Morningstar                                           to New
have distinguished themselves across all of the five    tages. They may have slightly higher fees relative           experienced manager turnover. They might charge                      Name                                                                    Morningstar Category         Analyst Rating   Fee Level         Rating            1Yr            3Yr         5Yr      Investors
pillars and warrant the highest level of conviction.    to peers, for example, a short-term period of poor           high fees, or have a record that trails higher-
                                                                                                                                                                                          Berwyn Income BERIX                                                      Allocation--15% to 30% Eq                    Low                                6.59          2.17        6.28      No

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               „                                  QQQQQ
These funds typically have stellar long-term            performance, or shortcomings at the parent firm              rated peers’. Nevertheless, these funds have
records, experienced managers, reasonable fees,         that prevent a higher rating. But the analysts have          sufficient strengths that the analysts believe they                  Fidelity Asset Manager® 20% FASIX                                        Allocation--15% to 30% Eq   ´                Low               QQQ              4.59          2.82        4.05      No
and records of treating shareholders well.              high conviction in the strategies and managers.              are worthwhile long-term investments.                                Fidelity Asset Manager® 30% FTANX                                        Allocation--15% to 30% Eq   ´                Low               QQQQ             6.65          3.50        5.35      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Inv VASIX                                   Allocation--15% to 30% Eq   Œ                Low               QQQ              3.15          3.51        4.30      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Fidelity Asset Manager® 40% FFANX                                        Allocation--30% to 50% Eq   ´                Low               QQQQ             8.66          4.01        6.49      No
121 Mutual Funds                                        273 Mutual Funds                                             476 Mutual Funds
                                                                                                                                                                                          Franklin Income A FKINX                                                  Allocation--30% to 50% Eq   ´                Low               QQQ            13.13           2.01        7.23      No
16 ETFs                                                 54 ETFs                                                      80 ETFs                                                              Hartford Balanced Income Y HBLYX                                         Allocation--30% to 50% Eq   „                Low               QQQQQ            8.51          5.82        8.65      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          JPMorgan Income Builder I JNBSX                                          Allocation--30% to 50% Eq   ´                Low               QQQQ           10.09           3.41        6.98      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Manning & Napier Pro-Blnd Cnsrv Trm S EXDAX                              Allocation--30% to 50% Eq   ´                Below Average     QQQ              5.48          1.62        4.43      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Manning & Napier Pro-Blnd Mod Trm S EXBAX                                Allocation--30% to 50% Eq   ´                Average           QQQ              7.02          1.18        5.48      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          MFS Conservative Allocation I MACIX                                      Allocation--30% to 50% Equity ´              Low               QQQQ             7.10          3.68        6.00      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          MFS Diversified Income I DIFIX                                           Allocation--30% to 50% Equity ´              Below Average     QQQQQ            6.35          4.66        7.05      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Principal Diversified Real Asset Instl PDRDX                             Allocation--30% to 50% Equity ´              Below Average     Q                5.05         -3.33        1.91      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Principal Global Div Inc Instl PGDIX                                     Allocation--30% to 50% Equity ´              Below Average     QQQQ             8.96          3.42        6.60      No

                                                                                                                    FULL PAGE AD                                                          T. Rowe Price Personal Strat Inc PRSIX
                                                                                                                                                                                          T. Rowe Price Retirement Balanced TRRIX
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Allocation--30% to 50% Equity „
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Allocation--30% to 50% Equity „
                                                                                                                                                                                          Vanguard LifeStrategy Cnsrv Gr Inv VSCGX                                 Allocation--30% to 50% Equity Œ              Low               QQQQ             6.99          4.33        6.34      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Vanguard Tax-Managed Balanced Adm VTMFX                                  Allocation--30% to 50% Equity Œ              Low               QQQQQ            8.24          6.06        8.58      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Vanguard Wellesley® Income Inv VWINX                                     Allocation--30% to 50% Equity Œ              Low               QQQQQ            4.97          5.29        7.15      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          American Funds American Balanced A ABALX                                 Allocation--50% to 70% Equity „              Low               QQQQQ          10.41           6.93       10.62      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Columbia Balanced Z CBALX                                                Allocation--50% to 70% Equity ´              Below Average     QQQQQ          10.74           6.74       10.62      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Dodge & Cox Balanced DODBX                                               Allocation--50% to 70% Equity Œ              Low               QQQQ           20.02           6.92       12.72      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Fidelity Advisor® Balanced M FAIGX                                       Allocation--50% to 70% Equity ´              Average           QQQQ           13.05           6.13        9.70      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Fidelity® Balanced FBALX                                                 Allocation--50% to 70% Equity ´              Low               QQQQQ          13.50           6.64       10.33      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Fidelity® Puritan® FPURX                                                 Allocation--50% to 70% Equity „              Low               QQQQQ          12.93           6.53       10.27      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          FPA Crescent FPACX                                                       Allocation--50% to 70% Equity Œ              Average           QQQQ           15.84           4.89        9.51      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Franklin Balanced Adv FBFZX                                              Allocation--50% to 70% Equity ´              Below Average     QQQ              9.05          4.17        8.02      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Mairs & Power Balanced Inv MAPOX                                         Allocation--50% to 70% Equity „              Low               QQQQQ            8.48          5.32        9.76      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Manning & Napier Pro-Blnd Extnd Trm S MNBAX                              Allocation--50% to 70% Equity ´              Average           QQ               9.30          1.70        7.16      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          MFS Moderate Allocation I MMAIX                                          Allocation--50% to 70% Equity ´              Below Average     QQQQ           10.03           4.51        7.98      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          MFS Total Return A MSFRX                                                 Allocation--50% to 70% Equity ´              Below Average     QQQQ             9.73          5.82        9.40      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          Oakmark Equity And Income Inv OAKBX                                      Allocation--50% to 70% Equity „              Below Average     QQQQ           17.12           4.52        9.30      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          T. Rowe Price Balanced RPBAX                                             Allocation--50% to 70% Equity „              Low               QQQQ           14.20           5.59        9.60      No
                                                                                                                                                                                          T. Rowe Price Capital Appreciation PRWCX                                 Allocation--50% to 70% Equity Œ              Low               QQQQQ          12.31           9.33       12.92      Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                         *Funds closed to new investors may still be accepting money from existing fundholders.


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