MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange

Page created by Shane Hanson
MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange
Issue 4, 2020   MSE Magazine 1
MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange

                   Stockbrokers Malawi Ltd Cedar Capital
                   Ground Floor, NBM Tours 4th Floor, Livingstone Towers
                   Corner Hannover Avenue Glyn Jones Road
                   Henderson Street PO Box 3340, Blantyre
                   PO Box 31180 Malawi
                   Blantyre 3, Malawi Tel: (265) 1 831 995
                   Tel: (265) 1 822 803
                   (265) 1 824 327
                   Fax: (265) 1 824 353

                   Continental Capital Limited Alliance Stockbrokers Ltd
                   4th Floor, Unit House Old Air Malawi Building
                   Victoria Avenue Robins Road
                   Blantyre, Malawi PO Box 510
                   Tel: (265) 1 821 300 Blantyre, Malawi
                   (265) 1 753 840 Tel:(265) 1 830 704/5

                                     Non - Members
                   Private Bag 122
                   Blantyre, Malawi
                   +265 1 821 995

                   Old Mutual Investment Group NBM Capital
                   Old Mutual Building PO Box 945
                   PO Box 393 Blantyre
                   Blantyre. Malawi Malawi
                   +265 1 820 677 +265 1 820 622

                   NICO Asset Managers Continental Capital
                   Chibisa House PO Box 1444
                   PO Box 3173 Blantyre
                   Blantyre, Malawi Malawi
                   +265 1 832 085 +265 1 821 300

                                  Corporate Advisors
                   CDH Investment Bank Standard Bank of Malawi
                   PO Box 1444, Blantyre PO Box 1111, Blantyre
                   +265 1 821 300 +265 1 774 688

                   Deloitte NICO Asset Managers
                   PO Box 187 PO Box 3173
                   Blantyre, Malawi Blantyre, Malawi
                   +265 1 820 277 +265 1 832 085

                   Old Mutual Investment Group EY
                   PO Box 393 PO Box 530
                   Blantyre , Malawi Blantyre, Malawi
                   +265 1 820 677 +265 1 876 476 / 870 367

                   My Bucks Corporation Alliance Capital Limited
                   PO Box 31567 PO Box 510
                   Lilongwe 3, Malawi Blantyre, Malawi.
                   +265 1 772 500 +265 1 830 704

2   MSE Magazine                                                           Issue 4 2020
MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange
Issue 4, 2020


        The Exchange has grown from strength to
        strength since its inception in 1994.

       Page 06
        Be up to date with the current listing requirements
        on the Malawi Stock Exchange.
       Page 08
        Learn how you can raise financing through
        issuing a bong on the exchange.
        Page 10

        An exclusive interview with CEO for Malawi
        Stock Exchange, Mr. John Robson Kamanga.
       Page 12
       What is the alternative next door one can have
       to listing on the exchange?
       Page 16
       Understand how you can buy and sell
       shares on the exchange.
       Page 24
       Get a glimpe of how a daily trading report
       at the Malawi Stock Exchange looks like.
       Page 26
       There is need to understand savings and
       investments in financial literacy.
                                                                                        Also Inside
       Page 28
       TRADING IN THE DIGITAL SPACE                                                 2   Foreword
       The world has become a global village through
       digital technology.                                                         20   Pictorial
       Page 30
                                                                                   29   FAQ,s
                                                                              10   34
       Investors need protection when                                                   2019 Trading Summary
       entering a market.
                                                                                   36   The Corporate Citizen
       Page 32

Issue 4,Issue
         20204, 2020                                                                    MSE Magazine 11
MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange
CEO’s Foreword
                                                 especially with emergence of value addition      developments. The listings requirements
                                                 business lines. Measures are however being       were last revised in 2009.
                                                 taken to resolve the power deficit.
                                                                                                  The Stock Exchange conducted various
                                                 Market Performance                               activities aimed at courting potential issuers
                                                                                                  including holding one on one business
                                                 The market registered a positive return on       clinics and, notably, held its first bond
                                                 investment of 4.38% (3.41% in US$ terms)         market symposiumin December 2019.
                                                 in 2019 compared to the return of 34.19%
                                                 (33.42% in US$ terms) in the prior year. It      Initiatives going forward
                                                 also recorded an increase in volume of shares
                                                 traded despite registering a decrease in total   Going forward, the Exchange will continue
                                                 value traded compared to the corresponding       with its efforts of implementing its strategic
                                                 period in 2018. The market transacted a          plan anchored by the improved prevailing
                                                 total of 1,393,849,808 shares at a total         macroeconomic environment. This will be
                                                 consideration of K46,370,960,122.47              done by focusing on expanding the Stock
                                                 (US$63,638,717.53)        representing     an    Exchanges’core business through increasing
                                                 increase of 45.46% in volume and marginal        number of conventional Exchange products
                                                 decline of 4.77% in traded value. There were     (equity and bonds) by engaging with
                                                 however no trades on the debt securities         potential issuers to access the market on
                                                 market.                                          their capital raising initiatives. Notably, the
                                                                                                  year 2020 will also see the rebranding of one

I  t gives me great pleasure to present to our   Market capitalization, a measure of              of its equity platforms, Alternative Capital
   esteemed investors, issuers and capital       the size of a market, increased both             Market, to Enterprise Development and
   market stakeholders the fourth edition        in Kwacha and United States Dollar               Growth Exchange (EDGEx) to underpin
of the MSE magazine for the year ended           terms      from    MK1,284,705.65million         its role in serving SME’s. Public awareness
December, 2019.When the first issue of the       (US$1,760.24 million) in January 2019 to         initiatives for the investing public will
magazine was published in 2016, we did           MK1,428,752.94million          (US$1,939.51      remain the main focus for the Exchange in
not anticipate the support and interest that     million) as at 31stDecember 2019,resulting       2020. We will also continue engaging policy
you, the readers, have shown. For this, we       from share price gains on eight listed           makers on policy issues affecting stock
are grateful.                                    companies. Market liquidity, measured by         market operations and development.
                                                 a ratio of total value of trades to market
Economic Environment.                            capitalization, was slightly lower at 3.25%      Appreciation
                                                 from 3.79% registered in 2018.
The overall macroeconomic performance                                                             I would like to sincerely thank the Registrar
during the year 2019 remained favorable to       Accomplishments for the year 2019                of Financial Institutions who, is the
capital market operations and the economy                                                         Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi, for
in general. Real GDP is estimated to have        2019 was yet another busy year for MSE as        the support rendered to the Exchange and
grown by 5% in 2019 from a rateof 4%             we continued to implement our 2016-2021          all capital market participants and members
in 2018. Inflation remained within single        strategic plan. The Exchange accomplished        who share the MSE vision of promoting a
digit for most part of the year and averaged     among others the following strategic             responsive market worthy of public trust
at 9.4%, which is marginally higher than         activities during the year:                      that is characterized by transparency and
9.2% registered in 2018. The policy rate was                                                      integrity.
revised downwards to 13.5% from 16% at           ICON properties raised MK14.70 billion
the end of 2018. To foster transmission of       through an Initial Public Offer and              Special gratitude is extended to the MSE
monetary policy, the monetary authorities        subsequently got its shares listed on the        Board of Directors, for the untiring effort,
introduced the reference rate to form the        Stock Exchange on 21 January 2019.               support and guidance in steering the
base lending rate for commercial banks. As                                                        Exchange to achieve its mandated objectives
a result, this saw a reduction in base lending   The Malawi Stock Exchange listed two             of providing a market for raising capital
rate to 12.50% at the end of 2019 from           corporate medium-term notes issued by            and trading of securities. I am also greatly
24.78% in the prior year. Returns on the         MyBucks Banking Corporation, under its           indebted to my fellow team members of the
money market also declined,as depicted by        K14 billion medium term note program.            MSE for their effort and dedication that
the return on 91 days and 364 Treasury bills                                                      has made it possible to attain the achieved
from 11.41% to 6.15% and from 12.83% to          The Malawi Stock Exchange listed three           goals. The work we have achieved has
8.32%, respectively. The exchange rate was       Government of Malawi Treasury Notes in           demonstrated that we indeed hold true to our
largely stable against the US$ recording a       the year.                                        values of Transparency, Teamwork, Fairness,
marginal depreciation of 0.93% and trading                                                        Professionalism, and Integrity. Lastly to our
at MK736.66/US$ as at 31 December                Airtel Malawi plc commenced an Initial           esteemed investors, I would like to assure
2019. This was largely driven by good levels     Public Offer in 2019 for a listing to be done    you that the MSE remains committed in
of gross forex reserves at 4.05 months’ worth    on 24 February 2020.                             propelling the market to greater heights. We
of import cover as at the end of the year. The                                                    are confident that the Exchange will attain
favourable economic indicators have created      Following automation of the trading              the aspirations encompassed in its goals.
a conducive environment for business             system, the Stock Exchange introduced two
operations and also attracting investors to      new products namely MSE Cloud and View           May God bless Malawi and all of us!
the capital market.                              Only Terminal (VOT). These have increased
                                                 the value offering to users.                     I thank you,
The economy however continues to be
faced with energy infrastructural challenges     The Malawi Stock Exchange made revisions
of intermittent power supply which has           to its Listings Requirements in order to
negatively affected business operations          ensure that regulation is responsive to market   John Robson Kamanga

 2    MSE Magazine                                                                                                               Issue 4 2020
MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange
Issue 4, 2020   MSE Magazine 3
MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange

                   We aim to promote a responsive market worthy of public trust
                   characterised by transparency and intergrity.


                   Our mission is to provide and operate a fair, orderly, transparent
                   and properly regulated capital market for the creation of value
                   to our investors and listed companies.

                   OUR CORE VALUES

                   Our core values are the defining principles by which we operate
                   as individuals and as a company. They define who we are , how
                   we work, what we believe in and what we stand for.

                   These core values are outlined as follows;

                   We believe that transparency is an essential part of our busi-
                   ness and that, it enables us to function at a higher level ,
                   accompanied by availability of full information required for
                   collaboration, cooperatin and collective decision making to our

                   Team Work
                   We are a team that is built upon the foundations of innovation,
                   success, development, problem solving, progression and client
                   relations in order to achieve a common goal of ensuring inves-
                   tor and issuer’s protection.

                   We are a business whose characteristics of fairness are a quality
                   of being just, equittable and impartial. To us, fairness means
                   uncompromising adherence to ethical values in our business

                   We believe that our professionalism is not a label we give our-
                   selves, but it is a description we hope our clients will apply to us
                   because of our positive attitude, communication, knowledge,
                   responsibility, skills, loyalty and customer care values we pro-

                   We adhere to moral principles which are ethical, honest, truth-
                   ful, upright and sincere in our conduct with our valious stake-
                   holders and we take responsibility for our actions.

4   MSE Magazine                                                                          Issue 4 2020
MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange
Issue 4, 2020
 5 Wealth  Malawi   MSE Magazine 5
MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange

                                            OUR GROWTH STORY

   Kelline   Kanyangala    is   the
   Operations Manager at the Malawi
   Stock Exchange.
     For more information, contact Malawi
     Stock Exchange on +265 1 824 233
     or or you can also
     contact your nearest broker.

 Kelline C. Kanyangala

T    he Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE)             introduced to cater for Small and Medium         over sessions that were conducted on the
     opened its doors in 1994 but started       sized companies who would like to raise          Stock Exchange trading floor. The trading
     equity trading in November 1996            capital at a lower cost by accessing public      system has greatly improved trading activity
when it first listed National Insurance         funds.                                           on the exchange and reduced the settlement
Company Limited (NICO).                                                                          cycle from T+5 to T+3.
                                                The Listings Requirements for the
Prior to the listing of the first company,      Alternative Capital Market board are             Due to automation, the number of traded
the MSE provided a market for secondary         more flexible to accommodate the unique          shares in 2019 increased by 49.46% when
trading in Government of Malawi securities      challenges that SME’s face. For instance, a
namely, Treasury Bills and Local Registered     company does not require to have a profit        compared to 2018 whilst the number of
Stocks. Since its establishment, the MSE        history to list on the Alternative Capital       transactions increased by 42.31%.
has played and continues to play a vital role   Market board whilst the Main Board
in capital market development in Malawi.        requires a three-year profit history.            The Stock Exchange has and continues to
                                                                                                 undertake various initiatives to improve
The MSE was critical to the privatisation       The platform will this year be rebranded to      awareness of the stock market in Malawi as
of state-owned enterprises and is pivotal       “EDGEx” (Enterprise Development and              guided by its strategic plan. The Exchange
to the listing of enterprises that seek to      Growth Exchange) in order to underpin            developed and distributes handbooks and
raise long-term capital for expansion and       its role in serving SME’s. The platform is       leaflets on stock market investing and capital
restructuring. The MSE has listed a total of    however yet to register a listing.               raising. The Exchange also undertakes
16 companies but also delisted 2 companies.                                                      various financial literacy initiatives such as
The number of listed companies presently        The Stock Exchange considered the                school and office visits, hosting symposiums
stands at 14 companies (Refer to the timeline   possibility that some companies would not        and workshops, conducting journalist
on the other page.)                             be willing to bring in new shareholders          seminars, participating in trade fairs and
                                                within their business and as a result the Debt   road shows, among others.
Prior to 2007, MSE only had one board           Securities Market was then established in
for listing companies, the Main board. The      2010 to cater for this group of companies.
Main Board is meant to cater for larger and                                                      The exchange has a staff compliment of
well-established companies that would like      There are currently 5 corporate bonds and 9      10 headed by the Chief Executive Officer,
to raise capital.                               government bonds listed on the MSE debt          Mr. John Robson Kamanga. Dr. Winford
                                                platform.                                        Masanjala is the Chairperson of the Board
In order to accommodate more businesses                                                          of Directors
and improve accessibility to the Exchange,      In terms of infrastructure, the Stock
the Malawi Stock Exchange introduced the        Exchange went digital in June 2018 when it
Alternative Capital Market board in 2007.       implemented use of an Automated Trading
The Alternative Capital Market board was        System (ATS). The ATS replaced the call

 6      MSE Magazine                                                                                                           Issue 4 2020
MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange
Wealth Magazine

Issue 4, 2020   Wealth Magazine 77
                 MSE Magazine
MSE Magazine 1 - Malawi Stock Exchange

                               MALAWI STOCK EXCHANGE
                           LISTING REQUIREMENTS REVIEWED
  Madalitso Mittochi

A      stock market is a highly regulated
       market, this is so because investors’
       money needs to be safeguarded at all
cost. For a stock exchange to be trusted, its
                                                 The review process was also necessitated to
                                                 align the Malawi Stock Exchange Listing
                                                 Requirements with other stock exchanges
                                                 in the region and the rest of the world.
                                                                                                    The Listings Requirements have
                                                                                                    been revised to be in line with new
                                                                                                    International Financial Reporting
integrity needs to be maintained, the issuers
and investors need to have confidence in         A qualitative approach was followed to          6.	
                                                                                                    The ListingsRequirements has been
the market.                                      benchmark the listingsrequirements with            updated to be inline with new
                                                 other stock exchanges. This was paramount          development in the capital market,
The Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) strives          in order to make the Stock Exchange
to be above par when comparedto its peers        attractive and competitive when compared           notably, automation of trading.
in the region and internationally as far as      to its counterparts in the region.
performance and regulations are concerned.                                                       It is expected that the new Listings
                                                 The Exchange engaged its stakeholders           Requirements will be implemented by the
A sound and up to date regulatory                in the process of reviewing the Listings        end of first half of 2020 once all necessary
framework enhances investor confidence           Requirements.        Listed      companies,     approvals have been met. It is the hope of
in the securities market. The laws and           Stockbrokers and other capital market           the Exchange that once the revised Listings
regulations that govern the securities market    stakeholders were consulted for their input     Requirementsis implemented it will
are there to protect investors, maintain fair,   in the review of the Listings Requirements.
orderly and efficient market, and facilitate                                                     improve the doing business on the stock
capital formation.                               As already alluded to, other stock exchanges    exchange.
                                                 in the region were engaged to benchmark
Since 2010, the Malawi financial sector has      the Listing Requirements. Views from            It will also give confidence to the issuers,
seen a number of new Acts and regulations        various stakeholders were consolidated          investing public and other stakeholders
being introduced to improve the running          and currently the Listings Requirements         because they will be assured that the stock
of business in the financial sector. In July     are awaiting submission to the Registrar of     market is regulated with robust and up to
2010, the Financial Services Act (FSA)           Financial Institutions for approvals.           date legal framework
was assented to by the president of Malawi
to regulate and supervise licensing and          One might ask, what are the expected
operations offinancial institutions in           changes that will come with this amended
Malawi.                                          ListingsRequirements? Some of the major
                                                 changes are as follows:
In addition to the FSA, the Securities Act
2010 was enacted into law to regulate all        1.	Clauses which were contradicting the
persons conducting securities business.              provisions of the above-mentioned
Securities Act 2010 replaced the then                new Acts have been revised to be in
repealed Capital Market Development Act              line with the new Acts.
1990, which used to regulate the capital
market. In 2013 a new Companies Act was          2.	
                                                    Minimum capital requirements for
enacted to replace Companies Act 1984.              listing on the Exchange have been
During the period between 2015 to date the       3.	
                                                    Enforcement    of   the     Listing
Registrar of Financial Institutions has come        Requirements has been revised and                  Madalitso Mittochi is the Finance
up with a number of Directives to enhance                                                              Manager and Company Secretary at
                                                    enhanced                                           the Malawi Stock Exchange.
implementation of Financial Services Act
and Securities Act 2010. All these changes       4.	Listing and trading practiceshave been            For more information, contact Malawi
                                                                                                       Stock Exchange on +265 1 824 233
in the legal framework necessitated the              revised so as to be in line with regional         or or you can also
review of the MSE Listings Requirements              and international best practices on               contact your nearest broker.
to be in line with the new legislations.             listing guidelines.

 8    MSE Magazine                                                                                                              Issue 4 2020
Issue 4, 2020   MSE Magazine 9

                                                               Raising finance
                                                               through issuing a bond on
                                                               the Malawi Stock Exchange
                                                             Is your company in need of financing?

                                                                                                            Noel Kadzakumanja
                                                                                                              CEO Stockbrokers Mw

      here are many ways of financing     purchase, factoring and bonds. This           The following are bonds classified
      but what is right method really     discussion is about bonds.                    according to interest:
      dependson circumstances of your
business.Regardless of which option       According to Investopedia, a bond is          Fixed rate bonds whose interest
your company takes, any choice will       defined as a fixed income instrument          remain fixed throughout the tenure of
fall under two categories, eitherequity   that represents a loan made by an             the bond.
or debt.                                  investor to a borrower (typically
                                          corporate or governmental).                   Floating rate bonds with interest that
Through equity, financing will be by                                                    fluctuates as per the current market
way of your company selling shares to     It is a unit of debt issued and securitized   reference rate.
investors, making them part owners        as tradeable asset. Worldwide, bonds
in your business. Equity finance can      are used by companies, municipalities,        Zero interest rate bonds which do not
be accessed from individual private       states, and sovereign governments to          pay any regular interest to the investor
investors or venture capitalists.         finance projects and operations.
                                                                                        Inflation linked bondswhich have their
Having mentioned equity financing         Types of bonds                                interest rate liked to inflation.
in brief, let’s turn to the main focus
of our discussion, debt financing. By     A bond can be categorised according           Perpetual bonds which do not mature
deciding to finance your business         to who issues them, according to type         and interest is paid throughout.
using debt capital, it means you are      of interest attached to it oraccording
borrowing funds that will be repaid       to itsother characteristics.                  Bonds can also be classified according
within a period of time.                                                                to their other characteristics and
                                          Named after the issuers and famous            examples are as follows
It can be for a short term, medium or     locally are treasury bonds and
long term.There are various sources       corporate bonds. The MSE has listed           Subordinated bonds which are given
of debt finance and these include         both of these.                                less priority as compared to other
bank loans, trade credit, installment                                                   bonds of a company.

10    MSE Magazine                                                                                               Issue 4 2020

 Bearer Bonds which do not carry the        Process of issuing bonds on the Malawi     on the MSE.
 name of the bond holder such that          stock exchange
 anyone who possesses them can claim                                                   Real Example of Corporate Bond
 the amount                                 In order to list on the MSE, a             Issued on the Malawi Stock Exchange
                                            company ought to be incorporated,
 War bonds used by any government to        compliant with laws of the country         Locally, a very good example of a
 raise funds for financing a war            in which it is registered, allowed by      listed corporate bond is one issued
                                            its own memorandum and articles of         by MyBucks Limited and listed on the
 Serial bonds maturing over a period of     association to list, and get appropriate   Malawi Stock Exchange on 9th July,
 time in installments                       consents from its Board of Directors,      2018. The bond listing was part of a
                                            Reserve Bank of Malawi and others.         domestic medium term note program
 Climate bonds issued by any                                                           aimed at gradually raising debt capital
 government to raise funds for              A company intending to list its            up to a maximum of K14 billion over a
 managing adverse changes in climate        debt securities will need to take the      period of 3 years. By the time the bond
                                            following steps:                           was being listed, the first required
 Method of raising finance in Malawi                                                   amount of K4 billion had been raised
 through bonds                              Step 1. Prelisting                         and to date, a total of K12.5 billion has
                                                                                       been realised.
 A company can raise finance by either      Appoint advisors
 directly and privately approaching                                                    The issued bonds offer a floating
 individual or corporate lenders or by      Verification of MSE listing requirements   interest rate that fluctuates with rate
 issuing a bond on the Malawi Stock                                                    ofTreasury bill. Tenor of Treasury bill
 Exchange for the public to purchase.       Due diligence review.                      varies depending on agreement
                                                                                       entered with each investor. Interest
 Why should a company choose Malawi         Pre-verification of application.           is payable quarterly. MyBucks has
 Stock Exchange?                                                                       benefited from low interest cost
                                            Preparation         of      information
                                            memorandum.                                which are only at a rate of a treasury
 There are many reasons why a                                                          bill plus a marginwhile investors have
 company would opt for issuing a bond                                                  benefitted from interest income that
 on the MSE and the following are some      Listing structure set up.
                                                                                       is always guaranteed to be above the
 of many benefits:-                                                                    rate of agreed Treasury bill.
                                            Step 2. Listing
 The issuer benefits from greater                                                      To raise these funds, initial fees and
 visibility and enhanced brand.             Application for provision admission to
                                            trading.                                   costs totaled MK375 million and
 Boosts investor confidence           by                                               included a primary listing fee of
 generating more transparency.              Submit an application for listing.         MK1 million to the MSE. Apart from
                                                                                       interest cost, MyBucks pays to the MSE
 No dilution of company’s shareholding      Pay listing fees.                          annual sustaining fees of 0.05% of the
                                                                                       nominal value as listed on the MSE on
 Capital can be raised at a relatively      Approval    and   registration       of    31st December of every year. These
 cheaper cost.                              information memorandum.                    costs compared to other alternative
                                                                                       costs of debt finance are significantly
 Increased liquidity in a market that is    Granting of listing.                       low while the bond comes with extra
 well regulated.                                                                       benefits some of which have already
                                            Official listing.                          been cited above.
 Improved price discovery.
                                            Trading                                    Conclusion
 A listed security can be more attractive
 to investors.                              Step 3. Post – listing                     There could be many companies out
                                                                                       there struggling with huge costs of
 Improves livelihood of people who          Board declaration of resolution.           debt while a bond listed on the MSE
 are able to earn more from interest                                                   could be a much cheaper alternative.
                                            Financial reporting.                       Some are not in debts at all but have
 income that is usually higher than in
 many other money market investment         Adhoc announcements.                       a desire to grow their business and a
 avenues.                                                                              listed bond offers the needed cheap
                                            Secondary     market          reporting    source of extra capital. I would like
 Interest paid in servicing the bond is     requirements.                              to recommend that these and all
 deductible from taxable income.                                                       other entities in need of debt capital
                                            Annual fees.                               consider raising the needed finance by
                                                                                       issuing bonds on the MSE
                                            Secondary trading of debt securities

Issue 4, 2020                                                                                         MSE Magazine 11

12   MSE Magazine     Issue 4 2020

                                                 CONGRATULATIONS      FOR                      listing at the Stock Market, they
                                                 ADDING ONE MORE MEMBER                        generate an economic benefit for
                                                 TO THE EXCHANGE. ARE YOU                      themselves, society and the economy
                                                 PLANNING TO ADD SOME                          as a whole. The exchange has always
                                                 MORE IN THIS YEAR?                            been attractive as an alternative source
                                                                                               of finance whose cost is far much lower
                                                 Certainly yes, it has always been our         than traditional bank loans and/or
                                                 plan for Malawi Stock Exchange to             overdrafts. For instance, MPICO plc
                                                 increase the number of listed companies       raised MK9 Billion at a cost of 2.7%
                                                 and products especially now that we           when lending rates were around 28%
                                                 have acquired an automated trading            on average.
                                                 platform. In our strategic plan, one of
                                                 the pillars is to increase liquidity in the   WHAT PLANS DO YOU HAVE TO
                                                 market and that is through increase in        GROW THE BOURSE?
                                                 the number of listings.
                                                                                               There are a number of activities that
                                                 WHY HAS IT TAKEN 10 YEARS TO                  we have put on board to propel the
                                                 HAVE NEW ENTRANTS ON THE                      Exchange to greater heights. We would
                                                 MALAWI STOCK EXCHANGE?                        like the MSE to be part of the big
                                                                                               players in the economic development
                                                 Around 2009 to 2010 when the world            of our country through wealth and job
                                                 was affected by a financial crisis, Malawi    creation of the general populace.
                                                 was not completely spared as we also
                                                 experienced a backlash of foreign             One of the activities is to increase
                                                 portfolio investors withdrawing from          issuer awareness through; one-on-one
                                                 our Market in search of cheap stock in        meetings with Directors and Executive
                                                 developed securities market. This led to      Management of potential issuers,
                                                 price reduction in most of the stocks at      production of simplified brochures
                                                 the exchange due to excess supply.            on “going public” and participation
                                                                                               in various corporate exhibitions such
                                                 The end result was that most investors        as symposiums. We would also like to
                                                 lost their wealth which later eroded          utilize the technological infrastructure
                                                 confidence to both investors investing        that we have acquired by introducing
                                                 in our market and issuers in utilising        other asset class of securities such as
                                                 the securities market as source of            Exchange Traded Funds as well as
                                                 alternative finance.                          taking the market to the finger-tips of
                                                                                               our investors where they would be in a
                                                 With the passage of time, we                  position to place orders through mobile
The Malawi Stock Exchange has recently           experienced the bouncing back of our          phones.
been experiencing vibrancy through listings      market with good and high returns.
after a 10 year break. Does this vibrancy mean
anything going forward? Are we going to see      This necessitated us to conduct business      SINCE   YOU    INTRODUCED
many other corporate institutions listing on     clinics on one-on-one meetings with           THE ALTERNATIVE CAPITAL
the exchange? Mr. John Robson Kamanga,           companies on how to best utilise the          MARKETS,    NO   SME  HAS
CEO of Malawi Stock Exchange sheds more          Exchange in capital raising and wealth        BENEFITTED     FROM   THE
light in this interview.
                                                 creation for existing shareholders.           PLATFORM. WHERE IS THE
                                                                                               EXCHANGE OR THE BUSINESSES
                                                 The initiatives have started bearing          GETTING IT WRONG?
                                                 fruits as we have now witnessed the
                                                 listing of ICON and we are very               Through the survey we conducted,
                                                 optimistic that more will be listed in        we found out that most of our SMEs
                                                 the first half of 2019.                       have corporate governance problems
                                                                                               especially in the area of transparency
                                                 DOES IT MEAN THE EXCHANGE                     and disclosure and these are paramount
                                                 HAS NOT BEEN ATTRACTIVE                       in attracting investors. There is also a
                                                 ENOUGH FOR COMPANIES TO                       myth of losing control.
                                                 LIST AND ACCESS THE CHEAP
                                                 CAPITAL?                                      The fact of the matter is that when
                                                                                               a company lists on our Alternative
                                                 The Stock Market has a critical               Capital Market, the percentage to be
                                                 function, which is to raise capital at a      offered to the public is 20% which is
                                                 lower cost.                                   spread to a minimum of 100 people
                                                                                               and the 80% remains with the existing
                                                 It is a platform which drives the             shareholder. You can clearly see that
                                                 economies worldwide, thereby making           control is not lost by going public.
                                                 it the most attractive platform for
                                                 companies to access cheap capital that        We are however engaging potential
                                                 is capable of funding long-term goals.        Medium Enterprises to utilize the
                                                 When corporations do well through             Exchange as a source of raising capital
                                                                                                                        Continued to page 14

Issue 4, 2020                                                                                                   MSE Magazine 13
  Continued from page 13

          I would like to encourage State-owned enterprises such as Malawi Housing
                     ESCOM, EGENCO, and Water Boards to utilize the Exchange to raise
       cheap capital for their various projects.

and very soon we will rebrand the name          adheres to regulatory requirements in all      your company is able to increase its share
to reflect the objective of the creation of     aspects of its business conduct.               capital compared to debt capital thereby
this platform for the SME sector.                                                              improving its overall financial position.
                                                Research has shown that companies with
WHAT     SHOULD    HAPPEN                       high standards of corporate governance         Increase liquidity to shareholders:
TO NECESSITATE A LIVELY,                        principles access capital at low cost.         Listing provides liquidity to shareholders
ACTIVE AND VERY ATTRACTIVE                                                                     by providing a ready market in the event
EXCHANGE?                                       ONE MALAWIAN ASKED HOW                         that the shareholders would like to exit
                                                MALAWI BENEFITS FROM THE                       or realize value from their shareholding.
The MSE will continue to do the                 MALAWI STOCK EXCHANGE?                         Most majority shareholders have used
initiatives that it is already doing to reach                                                  Initial Public Offers (IPOs) as an exit
out to the public through various media         The MSE is a market where companies            strategy.
platforms such as one-to-one business           can raise long term capital and also a
clinics,     symposiums,         exhibitions,   market where investors can buy and             Market determined valuation: Once a
roadshows, print media, social media            sell securities such as shares and bonds.      company is listed, the market value of the
marketing etc.                                  One of its functions is to provide a link      company is determined by the market
                                                between financial raisers (the issuing         through the trading of the company’s
These initiatives have already proven           companies) and financial suppliers             shares on the stock exchange.
to be effective tools of disseminating          (investors).
the information to the public about                                                            Motivation to staff: The company during
the MSE because we have a number of             To an investor, some of the benefits are:      listing may provide shares to employees
potential companies requesting for listing      • Dividend income: A distribution of           through an Employee Share Ownership
proposals, listing requirements and more        a part of a company’s net profits to           Scheme which serves as an incentive to
related information for their decision          shareholders                                   employees to put in best efforts in their
making.                                         • Capital Gains: This is the increase in the   work as it brings a sense of ownership to
                                                share price over time.
So, it may take time, but eventually it will    • Shares can be used as loan security or       them.
bring forth good results. As earlier said,       collateral.
we are working on introducing a mobile          • Liquidity: You can sell your shares          ANY MESSAGE TO THE BUSINESS
trading platform to give an easy access of      anytime to obtain cash                         COMMUNITY           AND/OR
the market to our investors so as to enable     • Diversifying your risk: You have a wide      STAKEHOLDERS?
them put orders through their respective        choice of companies to invest in.
broker(s).                                                                                     The Exchange is a vital player in the
                                                Whereas the       issuer   benefits   from     economic development of the country
WHAT ROLE DOES GOOD                             following:                                     and it is in this cognizance that we are
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PLAY                                                                      taking the Exchange to the Malawian
IN REGARDS TO LISTING ON THE                    Company profile: Listing may improve           citizens to embrace and utilize its services
EXCHANGE?                                       your company’s profile especially              either as an investor or an issuer who is in
                                                considering the publicity that comes           search of long- term finance at relatively
Corporate Governance practices is a vital       with the listing process but also with the     low cost.
strategic decision within an organization       coming in of more local shareholders.
because it shows that a corporation                                                            I would like to encourage State-owned
upholds its business ethics. It shows that      Efficient way to raise capital: A public       enterprises such as Malawi Housing
an organization incorporates the interests      issuance of shares will provide your           Corporation, ESCOM, EGENCO, and
of its stakeholders.                            company with access to large pools of          Water Boards to utilize the Exchange
                                                funds through the numerous investors           to raise cheap capital for their various
A company which follows corporate               who invest in listed instruments.              projects. For the investing public, time
governance, has a high probability of                                                          is now for your hard-earned savings to
getting into partnerships with other            Improve financial position of the              start working for you. Make that right
stakeholders, investors, shareholders etc.      company:                                       decision to start investing on the Malawi
because it shows that that the company          By issuing additional shares to the public,    Stock Exchange

14     MSE Magazine                                                                                                         Issue 4 2020
Issue 4, 2020   MSE Magazine 15

                      The Alternative
                        Next Door
            By Emmanuel Chokani                   FOR LISTING?

Introduction                                     Typically, most asset managers have              market in place, other alternative methods
                                                 pension funds with a longer liability profile    are used to value the asset.
Assets under management (AUM)                    than the liability profile for banks which
continue to grow with assets now crossing        is mostly short term. This mismatch of           As one goes down the valuation pyramid,
the K1.3 trillion mark based on Reserve          liability profiles presents an opportunity       away from the readily available market
Bank of Malawi data, as at 31 December           for institutions (issuers) to raise longer       basis, the discounts get larger and larger
2019 (source:RBM).                               term financing from these pension funds.         implying that the valuation multiple
                                                                                                  reduces. So an asset manager faced with
These assets are pre-dominantly held by life     Asset managers are active in the debt capital    two assets – one listed on the stock
insurance companies and pension funds,           markets. A debt capital market (DCM)             exchange which is a readily tradable market
which account for 79% of the AUM. An             indicates a market in which companies and        where one can price its instruments daily
analysis of the composition of these assets      government can raise funding through the         and another asset which is not listed on the
indicates that 41% of the assets are in          trade of debt securities, including corporate    stock exchange, the inclination is always on
equity comprising of 14 counters listed          bond, government bonds, commercial               the one that is listed as the value can be
on the Malawi Stock Exchange (prior to           papers etc.                                      readily ascertained.
Airtel). That amounts to over K532 billion
of the total AUM. A further K512billion of       A bond is a means of borrowing money             Other reasons come into play including
these funds are in fixed income investments      by issuing the lender with a transferable        stronger governance standards, availability
with a tenor of less than one year.              security in return for the loan, as well as an   of information and easier exit options
                                                 undertaking to pay interest on the loan and      which give more weight to having listed
According to the classification, these           to repay the principal at the end of the loan    assets on the portfolio. Therefore, assuming
include treasury bills and fixed deposits        term. A bond is a means of acquiring loans       a company has two assets, the listed asset
with banks. With the market growing at           from a number of investors in the securities     would have a higher valuation than the
29% annual compound growth for the past          market.                                          asset which is not listed. In addition,
12 years, and close to K8 billion per month                                                       because it is listed, it is easier to trade the
coming in as pension fund contributions          Valuation of assets                              asset on the debt capital markets.
into the sector, a large challenge for various
asset managers is deciding where to allocate     The country currently has five licensed          How to access these funds
their investment portfolio.                      asset or portfolio managers who have
                                                 various portions of the K1.27 trillion           Accessing capital from these pension funds
Banks on the other hand, based on Reserve        AUM. These are the gatekeepers of these          through the debt capital markets is a fairly
Bank of Malawi data, hold K1.8 trillion          funds and Trustees of pension funds              longer process than accessing finance from
of assets as at 30 June 2019. 35% of those       require their recommendations on major           the banks. The advantageto an organization
funds are in loans and advances. 40% is          investments they intend to make based on         of raising funds from the pension funds is
held in short term negotiable securities/        the investment mandates they have.               the longer tenor of the finance, the more
Treasury bills.                                                                                   flexible the terms of the instrument, a
                                                 Mostly on a quarterly basis, the asset           lower cost structure etc.
Accessing funds from pension funds and           managers sit down with Trustees or
life insurance companies                         Directors of an investment committee to          The first step in the process to raise funds
                                                 report back on investment performance            from debt capital markets is to identify
The banks are usually the first point of         of the portfolio they are managing. In           an investment advisor. Asset managers
call for anyone looking to raise finance for     preparing these investment reports, the          are also investment advisors as mandated
working capital or projects. We deal with        underlying investment portfolio has to be        by the portfolio managers directive from
them everyday in accessing our needs and         valued.                                          Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM). Several
they always come to mind when looking                                                             commercial banks are also licensed by
for funding. On the other hand, asset            Accounting standards point to valuing            RBM as investment advisors. Once the
managers sitting with K1.27 trillion are         assets from a fair value point of view and       investment advisor is selected, a non-
also another viable route to access funds.       where one does not have a readily tradable       disclosure (NDA) or confidentiality

16     MSE Magazine                                                                                                             Issue 4 2020
Issue 4, 2020   MSE Magazine 17

“ Key issues being looked at by the asset manager from a credit perspective would be the
      governance structure of the issuer, analysis of the ability to repay, various terms and
      conditions including pricing and redemption conditions.
 agreement is signed with them. The role         Once approval is received from the             terms and conditions including pricing and
 of the investment advisor is to prepare an      institution’s board of directors and           redemption conditions.
 information     memorandum/prospectus,          regulatory approvals are granted (Malawi
 fix the price of the bonds and organize         Stock Exchange and Reserve Bank), the          Conclusion
 placement in the market.                        investment advisor would then take the
                                                 documentation which includes the final         Asset managers prefer listed assets than
 After the NDA is executed, a listing of         information memorandum or prospectus           unlisted assets in their investment portfolio.
 information requirements is provided by         to the asset managers to consider investing    In addition, asset managers are looking
 the investment advisor which will typically     in the bond.                                   for longer term assets rather than short
 cover information on the institution                                                           term assets to enable them to match with
 (governance structures, management and          For a listed instrument, this process can go   their liability profile if they are managing
 director profiles) and financial information    through the sponsoring broker who would        pension funds.
 (historical and projections).                   also be involved in selling the instrument
                                                 to the wider public through an agreed offer    The level of documentation required is fairly
 Once the information is received, the           period. An advantage of having bonds           substantial for a listed debt instrument and
 investment advisor after reviewing the          offered to the public is that it opens the     the process can take longer than accessing
 information will engage management on           widest possible number of investors.           funds from the bank.
 clarifications to understand the business
 better and identify risks.                      Another advantage of offering listed bonds     However, usually the advantage is longer
                                                 is that the investors know that the issuer     tenors, flexible terms and possibly better
 This process helps in determining the           has been complying with the appropriate        pricing. Asset managers are also looking
 appropriate structure of the instrument.        regulations and therefore its affairs are      for strong governance structures and up
 Input can be received from legal advisors       likely to be in order. In addition, the fact   to date financial information including
 on the structure. If it’s a listed instrument   that the Malawi Stock Exchange will also       comprehensive financial projections.
 that is intended to be raised, reporting        oversee the continuing obligations relating
 accountants can also be engaged to sign-        to the particular bond also strengthens the    The regulatory environment for the
 off on any financial information on the         case for investing in listed bonds.            securities market which requires detailed
 structure.                                                                                     disclosures from issuers and continuing
                                                                                                obligations presents a better prospect for
 A trustee can also be appointed and                                                            asset managers to invest in listed debt
 empowered to act on behalf of the bond                                                         securities as compared to unlisted ones.
 holders (investors), in the event that the         Banks on the other
 issuer fails to make a payment. A fiscal or
 payment agent can also be appointed to
                                                    hand,     based    on                       For an institution looking for an alternative
                                                    Reserve Bank of                             to banks for finance, the debt capital
 handle payments to investors.                                                                  markets could be the next destination
                                                    Malawi data, hold
 The investment advisor would then                  K1.8     trillion   of
 prepare a summary term sheet or teaser
 which would then be sent to various asset
                                                    assets as at 30 June
 managers or other potential investors for          2019. 35% of those
 comments. The purpose of the teaser is             funds are in loans
 gauge interest from potential investors            and advances. 40%
 prior to entering into legal agreements.           is held in short term
 This teaser does not form a contractual            negotiable securities/
 offer for the bonds but rather to assess the       Treasury bills.
 likely interest of target investors and fine
 tune the terms of the bond. The investment
 advisor would obtain feedback and amend         For a privately issued instrument,
 the terms where appropriate.                    transaction agreements can be signed
                                                 off. For a listed instrument, after the
 After the teaser terms have been accepted,      application for investment is approved,
 the investment advisor would then work          one would usually get a notification from
 on developing a detailed prospectus             Central Securities Depository register
 or information memorandum. The                  acknowledging the investment placed.
 information memorandum or prospectus                                                                              Author’s profile
 would cover the following areas:                Asset managers would go through a credit       Emmanuel Chokani, CFA, FCCA is the Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                for Bridgepath Capital Limited. He was former Chief Executive
                                                 analysis to determine whether to invest in     Officer of NICO Asset Managers where he managed an investment
 1.        Use of proceeds                       the bond or not. For certain thresholds or     portfolio of over US$500 million assets under management.
                                                                                                He is a CFACharterholder and Chartered Accountant. He is a
                                                 mandates,they would require pension fund       member of the CFA Institute (USA), CFA Society South Africa, ICAM
 2.        Terms and conditions                  trustees approval to invest in the bond.       (Malawi), ACCA and the Corporate Finance Faculty of ICAEW (UK).
                                                                                                Emmanuel has extensive experience in investment management,
                                                                                                corporate finance, real estate development, strategic and risk
                                                                                                management. He previously was the Head of Risk and Compliance
 3.        Issuer disclosures                    Key issues being looked at by the asset        at NICO Holdings Plc and spent at least 5 years with Deloitte
                                                                                                rising to the position of Audit Manager. Emmanuel graduated
                                                 manager from a credit perspective would        with Distinction with a Bachelor of Accountancy degree from the
 4.        Regulatory disclosures                be the governance structure of the issuer,     University of Malawi.
                                                 analysis of the ability to repay, various

 18     MSE Magazine                                                                                                                      Issue 4 2020
Issue 4, 2020   MSE Magazine 19


                         1     2

                         3     4


                         6     7

20   MSE Magazine            Issue 4 2020

                                             2019: A YEAR IN REVIEW

                8                                                                   9

                                       2019 IN REVIEW
                          MSE Chairman, Dr. Winford Masanjala, delivering his open-
                     1    ing address at the Blantyre MSE Bond Market Symposium
                          at Sunbird Hotel.
                          Cross section of participants at Blantyre MSE Bond Market
                     2    Symposium, Sunbird Mount Soche
                          A participant making his contributions during the panel
                     3    and feedback discussion session at Blantyre MSE Bond
                          Market Symposium
                          Finance Manager & Company Secretary, MSE, MrMadalitso
                     4    Mittochi making a presentation during the Blantyre MSE
                          Bond Market Symposium at Sunbird Hotel.
                          Catholic University students during the 2019 Global Money
                     5    Week educational visit at MSE
                10        MSE staff at the MSE Blantyre Bond Market Symposium
                          Guest of Honor, Honorable Dr. Goodall Gondwe during the
                     7    Listing of ICON Properties Plc. and launch of financial sec-
                          tor infrastructure systems at Sunbird Mount Soche.
                          Catholic University students listening to a presentation
                     8    during the 2019 Global Money week educational visit at
                          the MSE
                          MSE Chairman, Dr. Winford Masanjala and Mr Vizenge Kum-
                     9    wenda, CEO, NICO Holdings Plc. after the cutting of the rib-
                          bon during the Listing of ICON Properties Plc.
                          The Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi, DalitsoKa-
                     10   bambe PhD, delivering his remarks at the launch of finan-
                          cial sector infrastructure systems at Sunbird Mount Soche.
                          CEO, Bridgepath Capital, MrEmmanuel Chokani, making
                     11   a presentation at Blantyre MSE Bond Market Symposium
                          Industry Captains during the Listing of ICON Properties
                     12   Plc. and launch of financial sector infrastructure systems at
                          Sunbird Mount Soche.
                          CEO, NICO Holdings Plc. Mr Vizenge Kumwenda, delivering
                11   13   his speech during the Listing of ICON Properties Plc. At
                          Sunbird Mount Soche Plc.

                12                                                                 13

Issue 4, 2020                                                         MSE Magazine 21


                         1                                                             5


                         3                                                             6

                                 Mr. Thomson Kumwenda; MyBucks Banking Corporation,
                             1   making a presentation during the MSE Blantyre Bond Mar-
                                 ket Symposium
                                 Operations Manager for MSE, Ms Kelline Kanyangala mak-
                             2   ing a presentation during the MSE Blantyre Bond Market
                                 Director, Financial Sector Regulation, Mr George Chioza,
                             3   Reserve Bank of Malawi, delivering his opening address
                                 during the 2019 Global Money week at the MSE.
                                 Father Samuel, Lecture at Catholic University delivering his
                             4   remarks during the 2019 Global Money week at the MSE.
                                 Former Operations Manager, MrsEsnat Suleman, making
                             5   a presentation during the launch of Icon Properties and
                                 financial sector infrastructure systems at Sunbird Mount
                             6   MSE, CEO, Mr John Robson Kamanga delivering his wel-
                                 coming remarks during the Blantyre MSE Bond Market
                         4       Symposium.

22   MSE Magazine                                                                  Issue 4 2020
Issue 4, 2020   MSE Magazine 23


         Douglas Nyirenda

T      here are so many investment
       opportunities in Malawi that the
       potential investor and the general
public are not aware of, such as investing
on the stock market. Investing on the
                                             Limited, Cedar Capital Limited,
                                             Continental Capital Limited and
                                             Stockbrokers Malawi Limited. Note that
                                             you can also purchase shares through
                                             an Investment Manager or Collective
                                                                                          hours from your broker of the purchase.
                                                                                          The minimum number of shares you can
                                                                                          buy is one (1).
                                                                                          4. On T+3, (Trade date plus three
stock market means that you become a         Investment Scheme.                           business days), a buyer’s central securities
part owner of the company whose shares                                                    depository account will be credited with
you purchase.                                2. Select the shares you want to buy         shares bought. This is now the case since 7
                                                                                          June 2018 when the Exchange automated
Below are some of the steps and processes    From the companies listed on the Malawi      its trading platform.
to get started investing on the Malawi       Stock Exchange, you select the companies
Stock Exchange.                              whose shares you wish to buy. You can        The automation necessitated the need
                                             solicit the advice of a stockbroker as to    of shares to be held in a more secure
Main Steps                                   which shares to buy depending on your        electronic form as opposed to physical
                                             investment objectives.                       form.The Central Securities Depository
1. Approach a stockbroker                                                                 is housed at Reserve Bank of Malawi
                                             3. Deposit funds into the account
A stockbroker is an agent who facilitates    provided by the broker.
the buying and selling of shares on the
Malawi Stock Exchange. As an individual,     Once you open an account with your
you cannot trade shares on your own          broker, you will be required to deposit
without the services of a registered         funds into an account provided by your
stockbroker.                                 broker and notify them of the deposit. It
                                             is worth noting that the funds an investor
Fill in the forms to open an account         deposits with the broker is only the
with the broker andcentral securities        equivalent to the shares being sought.            Douglas Nyirenda is the Senior
                                                                                               Operations & Compliance Officer
depository, at no fee. You are strongly                                                        at the Malawi Stock Exchange.
advised to ‘shop around’ for brokers         Once the funds reflect in the brokers
as they differ on service even though        account, the broker will proceed to                For more information, contact Malawi
commissions charged once you buy or sell     place an order in our automated trading            Stock Exchange on +265 1 824 233
shares is the same.                          system. Once the shares are available, the         or or you can also
                                             trade is executed, and you will receive a          contact your nearest broker.
There are currently four stockbrokers in     notification (contract note) within 24
Malawi namely Alliance Stockbrokers

24     MSE Magazine                                                                                                     Issue 4 2020
Issue 4, 2020   MSE Magazine 25


     Douglas Nyirenda

T      he    Malawi      Stock      Exchange
       disseminates its trading report on
       trading activity on a daily basis. This
report summarizes the trading activity per
traded company to enable investors make
                                                 3. Previous closing volume weighted average 5. The Indices
                                                 price, Today’s Closing volume weighted
                                                 average price and the volume columns              These show the performance of the
                                                                                                   market for given period(s). The Malawi
                                                 The closing prices are computed as a volume All Share Index (MASI) measures the
informed decisions.                              weighted average price to reflect all trades that performance of all listed companies.
                                                 were executed during the day.
It is important for investors to understand                                                        The movement of the index is therefore
this report as it is a source of key information The previous closing weighted average price influenced by movements in share prices
for investment decision making.                  column shows the last traded price of a company of the various companies in proportion
                                                 in question. This could be the previous day’s to their value composition within the
1. The Daily Range                               closing price, previous week’s closing price or index
                                                 previous month’s closing price depending on
This shows the highest and lowest prices a when the company last traded.
share has traded at on a particular day. It is
useful to investors as it shows the price at The today’s closing weighted average price
which the market is willing to buy a share column as the name suggests, shows the closing
in question.                                     price for a company for trades executed on the
                                                 day in question.
2. MSE Code, the buy and sell columns
                                                 The volume column show the total number
The MSE Code is a unique code assigned of shares traded by a given company on that
to a company at the time of listing. The buy particular day.
column shows the best price an investor is                                                               Douglas Nyirenda is the Senior
willing to pay for a share of a given company 4. Analysis Columns                                        Operations & Compliance Officer
                                                                                                         at the Malawi Stock Exchange.
whilst the sell column shows the lowest
price a seller is willing to sell a share of a The ratios on the far right subsequent to the            For more information, contact Malawi
given company. These can be a good gauge volume column are used by financial analysts                   Stock Exchange on +265 1 824 233
                                                                                                        or or you can also
of demand and supply for each company. when giving financial advice to investors. It                    contact your nearest broker.
Investors are strongly advised to contact is strongly advisable to contact your financial
their financial advisors.                        advisor for an understanding of the ratios.

26     MSE Magazine                                                                                                         Issue 4 2020
Issue 4, 2020   MSE Magazine 27

                                                   SAVINGS AND INVESTMENTS
                         Mary Chipofya
                                                   IN FINANCIAL LITERACY

T       here are two important factors in
        financial literacy because, deciding
        what to do with extra money is
trickier than you might think. There is
                                                 choose to invest in Bonds in order to receive
                                                 a steady and visible flow of income.

                                                 Share ownership affords shareholders rights
                                                                                                 Coordinate and monitor implementation of
                                                                                                 National Financial Literacy Program.

                                                                                                 This activity was conducted because,
no understating the importance of saving         or interests in the management, profits         financial literacy promotes effective
money, with one common recommendation            and ultimately the assets of a company.         management of personal and household
being to save at least 20% of your income        Both instruments may also be attractive to
every month.                                                                                     finances and improved access and utilization
                                                 investors nearing retirement and seeking        of financial services and products among
                                                 passive income to replace their earned          the country’s population. It is probably one
Whether you are saving a lot of your             income.
income or a little, but the question still is,                                                   of the most important things one should be
“what should you do with it?”                    In June 2019, the organization participated     familiar with.
                                                 in the drafting of the 2020-2024 National
Mostly, your current financial situation and     Financial Literacy Program Action               We all live in a world of business and to
what you plan to do with the money is what       Plan together with stakeholders from            narrow that down even more, we all have
your answer will depend on. This is where        the Ministry of Education, Science &            to account for our own finances such that,
we possibly can distinguish between the          Technology, Ministry of Gender, Children,       people need to become self-sufficient so
need to save and invest.                         Disability & Social Welfare, Ministry           that they can achieve financial stability.
                                                 of Local Government, Ministry of
Saving                                           Information, Ministry of Youth and Sports       The Malawi Stock Exchange will continue
                                                 Development, Association of Business            to work with various stakeholders including
Saving money refers to putting your money        Journalist, Media Houses, UN Women,
into cash products that you can withdraw                                                         the Media to promote its financial literacy
                                                 Financial Industry Association and the          initiatives and reaching out to individuals in
from quickly and easily so that you have
your money available if you need it at a         Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM).                   all sectors of the economy in order to spread
moment’s notice.                                                                                 information on how they can invest on the
                                                 The aim was to come up with realistic           MSE so that they enjoy the benefits of
Most people save using bank accounts,            suggestions relating to the plan, task          investing on the stock market and improve
specifically saving accounts. Others usesthe     allocation, timescales, etc., with reference
                                                 to the following 6 pillars of the plan:         their well being for a better Malawi
old shoebox under the bed or the piggy
bank, which is a method not the most
secure and rather tempting to spend it.          Delivering Financial Literacy via Educational
                                                 Delivering Financial Literacy via mass media
Investing is buying something that you
expect to increase in value, with the point      Financial Literacy Program via local and
being to grow your money. Regardless that        religious leaders                                      Mary Chipofya is the Business
there is more riskin investing because your                                                             Development Officer at the Malawi
investment could drop in value, it still         Financial Literacy via strategic partnership           Stock Exchange.
holds advantages over saving. Investing has      and other initiatives                                  For more information, contact Malawi
the growth potential.When considering                                                                   Stock Exchange on +265 1 824 233
                                                                                                        or or you can also
investing; shares and bonds at the stock         Development of resources to support                    contact your nearest broker.
market are a way to go. Investors may            implementation of financial literacy program

28       MSE Magazine                                                                                                             Issue 4 2020
You can also read