Mooroopna Place is open! - Shepparton Villages

Page created by Rafael King
Mooroopna Place is open! - Shepparton Villages

                                                          MARCH 2021 | ISSUE NO. 76                      Post Print Approved No PP: 321998/0029

Residents Olga McDonald (left) and Anne Goicker enjoy a game of scrabble in Campbell Court.   Patricia Hicks was the first resident to move
                                                                                              into Campbell Court at Mooroopna Place,
                                                                                              and was assisted by daughters Monica and

Mooroopna Place is open!

There was much excitement as the               hairdressers saloon up and going,              Meanwhile, plans are well under
first resident - Patricia Hicks – was          and Paulette is now in the swing               way to open Varapodio Way on
moved into her room by daughters               of things and has a steady flow of             April 13 with residents starting to
Monica and Donna. Patricia gave                bookings.                                      move in to the new 40 bed wing.
her new home the thumbs up!                                                                   Newly appointed Care Manager Mel
Meanwhile residents began arriving             Residents are loving the breakout              Thomas will be there to greet them.
by car, taxi and also by bus, with             areas for smaller intimate
family and belongings in tow.                  gatherings, and then also utilizing            Additionally, the Minister for Senior
                                               the wide open bright spaces for                Australians and Aged Care Services,
One resident couldn’t keep his                 group activities. Volunteers - in              Senator Richard Colbeck has
enthusiasm to himself and declared             particular the ukulele group – have            committed to officially opening
Campbell Court “like a resort, I’ve            been providing entertainment and               Mooroopna Place on April 21. While
died and gone to heaven” as he                 music, and Ozzie the blue merle                we would love to throw open the
smiled widely!                                 border collie has been a regular               doors on this day, we are still bound
                                               visitor.                                       by COVID-19 density quotients and
Residents, families and visitors                                                              that will determine the format for
have been settling in well over that           Aneesh Jolly has been appointed                this event.
period, enjoying the north facing              Care Manager for Campbell Court
outlook and gorgeous gardens,                  and has been working with the                  Inquiries for Varapodio Way are
and taking time to peruse the                  staff to bed down systems and                  being taken through Admissions
Lost Mooroopna black and white                 processes – like any new home,                 Coordinator, Helen Mathieson on
photographs adorning the walls.                there are things to tweak to ensure            (03) 58 320 800.
                                               everyone is comfortable.
One of the first points of order
was getting the swanky new
Mooroopna Place is open! - Shepparton Villages

Message from the
CEO                                                        CEO Veronica Jamison catches up wth Banksia Lodge residents Edna
                                                           Harling and Roy Rowan. Photo courtesy Shepparton News.

We have come quite a way in                all 500 staff a free coffee card to        The Shepparton Villages board and
the last few months, but still the         use at Fryers St Takeaway and Café         executive staff will soon begin on
restrictions for aged care as a result     in the Harris Scarfe complex – a           a new strategic plan for the years
of COVID-19 remain more stringent          small measure of our appreciation          ahead, but we already know one of
than anywhere else.                        and a reminder to take a break.            our key focus areas of service will
                                                                                      be home care and our short term
We were thrilled for our residents         The 148 recommendations coming             restorative care program. Both will
and their families when visitor            out of the Royal Commission in to          be key to future service provision for
restrictions were eased, after such        Aged Care were handed down last            assisting the elderly to stay living as
a long time apart and monitoring           month and we are waiting on the            independently as possible in their
numbers, it was great for all to able      government to respond. Importantly,        own home. If you or someone you
to come and go freely.                     this is a fortuitous opportunity           know would like more information
                                           to advocate for the sector and I           on these services, our staff are
However, masks and infection               encourage anyone who has the
control (hand washing etc) still                                                      more than willing to discuss options
                                           means or connections to do so –            and provide you with relevant
remain as mandatory in aged care           aged care is a community concern,
facilities for all staff and visitors –                                               information.
                                           and we applaud those who speak up.
something I think we will see for a                                                   By the time this newsletter reaches
long time to come. We have also            As we print this newsletter, we            your mailbox, we will have celebrated
installed new tracking technology          are still to hear when Shepparton          Easter with all the profusion of
– Zipline – that streamlines the           Villages residents and staff will          wonderful food, celebration and
sign in and temperature checking           receive the COVID-19 vaccination.          activities.
process somewhat, and this will            Not for profit organizations such as
soon be in use by visitors. We thank       ours are awaiting the management           I hope you enjoyed your Easter break.
all our visitors and residents for their   of this process through the Federal        Until next time,
immense patience and good will.            Government. At present it is a
                                           waiting game.                              Veronica Jamison
Additionally, our staff have been
beyond incredible. We recently sent                                                   CEO - Shepparton Villages

Robo Pets                                  towards ensuring there were many
                                           more of the furry animals to keep
The Tarcoola Support Group kindly          residents company. This cat and dog
donated funds to purchase a robo           – both interactive and responsive
cat and dog for Maculata Place.            to touch – have been donated to
After seeing how important the robo        Bertram House, where the residents
pets were to residents during the          there love the company of their
COVID-19 lockdowns, the social             robo pets. A huge thank you to the
                                           Tarcoola Support Group.                    The robo dog and cat purcahsed for Bertram
group decided to donate funds                                                         House.

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Mooroopna Place is open! - Shepparton Villages

                                                                                                 Awaiting COVID-19
                                                                                                 Like everyone, we await instruction on
                                                                                                 when our residents and staff will be
                                                                                                 receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.

Marg Tenace, Gail O’Keefe and Kerrie Clarke     Original Acacia House staff at the farewell      At the time of writing, the roll out of
at the Acacia House farewell.                  from left, Vickie McInnes, Helen Pierce, Gail     the vaccine to consenting Shepparton
                                                 O’Keeffe, Dawn Rogers, Joanne Whennan,          Villages residents has not yet been
Acacia House farewell                                                         George Isles.      scheduled.
Staff gathered for a farewell morning         challenges as many rooms had shared                Shepparton Villages and other private,
tea at Acacia House as residents and          ensuites, and residents and families               not for profit and standalone aged
their belongings were transferred to          are seeking private rooms and single               care facilities fall under the Federal
their new home, Mooroopna Place.              ensuites.                                          Government for the COVID-19
Acacia House was closed in February           Years of history were shared at the                vaccine program. The Government
and most residents and staff moved            morning tea with some great stories of             has contracted ASPEN Medical to
across to the new Campbell Court              fun, laughter and tears over the years.            conduct the vaccination roll out and our
wing at Mooroopna Place.                      The walls were covered in old photos               schedule will be advised by the Murray
                                              and staff enjoyed the walk down                    Primary Health Network.
The decision to close Acacia House            memory lane before the closing the
came on the back of occupancy                 doors one last time.                               In preparation for the rollout to residents
                                                                                                 we have appointed a registered nurse
                                                                                                 clinical lead to manage and coordinate
                                                                                                 the process and we have instigated the
                                                                                                 consent process – much the same as
                                                                                                 we would for the flu vaccinations.
                                                                                                 The vaccination is not mandatory for
                                                                                                 residents and we have encouraged
                                                                                                 residents to discuss consent with their
                                                                                                 family or loved ones and seek further
                                                                                                 information from their GP.
Marjorie Polglaze enjoys the Gum View Cafe    Lesley Treloar with her decorated Easter
service at Maculata Place.                    bunny at Hakea Lodge.

The corellas have been causing havoc at       Noel Rae gets a St Pat’s tatto at Maculata       Ozzie the blue heeler merle collie visits
Tarcoola.                                     Place.                                           Mooroopna Place.

Mooroopna Rotarians Bill Porter, Kelvin       Bob Vincent, Jenni Brittain, Roza Rosegas        Margaret Dempster from Hakea Lodge is
Rogash, and Robert Johnson helped build       and Jim Nicker at the Banksia Lodge              happy with her Easter bunny!
garden beds at Mooroopna Place.               Christmas celebrations last year.             | 3
Mooroopna Place is open! - Shepparton Villages
03.                                                                                                                                                6                                                                                            The park will incorporate some
 TARCOOLA PARKLAND PROJECT                                                                                                                                                                                                                       exercise activities that residents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 can enjoy either on their own, or
               SITE BOUNDARY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with the help of grandchildren or


                                                                                                                                                                                                       CHAS JOHNSON
                                                                                                                                                                                                         RESERVE                                 visiting children from local schools
               TREES                                                                                              OVERFLOW EVENTS SPACE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and kindergartens.
          4    SENIOR WATERPLAY

               NEW BUFFER PLANTING

               JUNIOR WATERPLAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 It is intended the park and

               (Around Junior Playspace)                             1                             MUSIC MOUND                       BBQ SHELTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 barbecue area will be completely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 fenced off, and open during the
               EPHEMERAL RIVER BED

          9    BENCH SEATING                                                                                                                                                    4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 day for schools and young people
               OPTIONAL WATER FEATURE                                                                                                                        SENIOR NATURE
          10   (Ephemeral river beds ends)                               3                                                                                  PLAYSPACE (5-12Y)               5
          11   EXISTING BIKE PARKING                                                                      1                    7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to enjoy as part of Shepparton
               SENSORY PATHWAY                                               EXERCISE ZONE                                                    6
               (rocks/ logs adjacent to
               concrete access path)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Villages’ community engagement,
               EXERCISE EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                                     EXISTING PLANTING
                                                                                 100                                               JUNIOR NATURE     GATED
                                                                                       REST/ REFLECTION                              PLAYSPACE     ENTRY / EXIT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and lifestyle and leisure program.

                                                                                             AREA                                      (2-5Y)





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Shepparton Villages CEO Veronica
                                             EXISTING PLANTING
Spiire has generously come up with a concept design for the proposed Intergenerational                                    11

Activities Park. The final plan will be signed
                                               off by  Shepparton
                                                    MAIN PUBLIC
                                                                  Villages in consultation with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jamison said the benefits of having
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 families with young children visit
                                                    ENTRY  / EXIT
                                                    TO VILLAGES
             South Rotary and stakeholders.
                                  10                                  SHEPPARTON VILLAGES

                                                                                                                                                                                                       0   12.5   25     37.5   50   62.5m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 their loved ones in residential care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 was immense.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       SCALE 1:2500@A3

                                                                                                                                                                      308226 TARCOOLA LANDSCAPE CONCEPT DESIGN              REV A            3

Intergenerational Activities Park                                                                                                                                                                                                                “We know how positive that is for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 residents, but the fact is, families
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sometimes don’t bring young
Plans are coming together nicely       The Rotary Club has secured                                                                                                                                                                               children as aged care homes are
for the Intergenerational Activities   a great deal of in-kind support                                                                                                                                                                           traditionally quite boring for young
Park and barbecue shelter for the      from various people and                                                                                                                                                                                   people.”
Tarcoola site.                         organisations, donations of
            01.                        boulders and equipment and now,         It is hoped that work on the park
This park and barbecue shelter has Spiire is working on the plans in           will start midyear.
            TARCOOLA        PARKLAND
been a long time coming – with        PROJECT
                                       consultation with Shepparton
the idea first  suggested in 2019.                                             Anyone wanting to make a tax
                                       Villages.                               deductible donation towards
Since then, plans have gone from
a traditional playground concept       “Rotary   is proud and excited          the Intergenerational Activities
            PROJECT VISION
                                      “PLAY    SPACES  SHOULD   CATERtoFOR EVERYONE
                                                                               Park can – YOUNG
                                                                                          do so viaAND ourOLD,    FAMILIES
to one that is far more appealing      support
                                      AND        this playground
                                            CARERS,   AND PEOPLE  project
                                                                    OF ALL ABILITIES.
and possibly the first of its kind to  for Shepparton Villages because or by
                                    Design and develop a nature inspired inter-generational
                                    playground, that promotes cognitive, social and physical

be incorporated into an aged care PLAY it willSPACES  SHOULD
                                               encourage   moreBE  WELCOMING
                                                                visits from    contacting
                                    interaction between the residents and staff of Shepparton
                                                                               AND           Jo Breen, EASY
                                    Villages, their families and facilitates engagement with              Executive
                                                                               Manager    Community        Engagement
                                    children and play.

                                       families and especially children,”   SHOULD    OFFER   A RANGE      OF  PHYSICAL
                                      CHALLENGES, A VARIETY OF LANDSCAPEand       SETTINGS    AND58
                                                                                     PR on (03)     PROVIDE
                                                                                                       3200 800.
                                       David Earle said.TO CONNECT WITH OTHERS”.
                                    The Tarcoola Playground Project at Chas Johnston Reserve
                                      OPPORTUNITIES                                    –
Thanks to the incredible passion                                                         EVERYONE CAN
                                    will provide each of the 300 residents residing at the Villages
                                    with the opportunity to connect with their community,
                                                                                                      PLAY NSW GOVERNMENT 2019

and hard work of David Earle and    neighbours, family members and the natural environment.
                                    The inter-generational space will draw inspiration from the

the Shepparton South Rotary
                                    surrounding environment, with water being a central theme
                                    to the sensory experience of the space.

Club, the plans include play areas  Socialisation and physical activity will be promoted through
                                    the seamless connectivity of the Tarcoola residence with

for junior and senior children, all the nature playspaces, music mound, sheltered BBQ area,
                                    outdoor gym and pathway network. Existing and new trees

constructed from natural materials  planting will provide seasonal interest, shade and shelter
                                    and boundary fencing and plantings will ensure all users

– huge logs and boulders, garden
                                    feel safe and secure within the space.

                                    The space will be flexible. Active play areas will meet with
and sensory areas, small water      calming, peaceful and intimate areas for rest and reflection
                                    and when required the space will easily accommodated

features, sand and sculptures.      increased visitation on weekends and for festivities and
                                    events during Easter and Christmas.

The Shepparton Villages board
through its Project Control
Committee is working to
incorporate the park in to the
strategic site plan for the Tarcoola
site, proposed to be located north
of Maculata Place.                                                                                                A number of themes will be incorporated in to the Intergenerational308226
                                                                                                                                                                                          Activities    Park that
                                                                                                                                                                                             TARCOOLA LANDSCAPE CONCEPTwill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DESIGN REV A

                                                                                                                  entice use for young and old. The final list of concepts are yet to be determined but will include
                                                                                                                  some of the above.
Mooroopna Place is open! - Shepparton Villages
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