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CARING FOR CHILDREN AT RISK OF ABUSE /NEGLECT IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE CURRENT HEALTH CRISIS Version 16.04.2020 Author: Belgian Pediatric Coivd-19 Taskforce Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and crisis our current healthcare for (chronic and severe) sick children and their family is temporally reorganized. - Not essential intramural hospital care is cancelled - Some pediatric wards are closed - Respite homes are closed - Less and/or adapted intramural care medical rehabilitation In combination with the Belgian lockdown-light: - More families are now 24/7 caretaker. - Families are isolated at home with less social control, no school, … - There is a higher risk on domestic violence, child abuse/neglect. - Chronic sick children already have a higher risk on child abuse/neglect due to the negative circle. - Negative elements in this circle during the Covid19 crisis can be enhanced due to lack of income/extra financial problems, augmented stress, less social contacts, combining their professional work at home with family life and 24/7 care. è Every situation will be different and depended of every single and unique family. è Families are much more vulnerable. In order to help these vulnerable families who often find themselves in great difficulty during this confinement period, this document: - summarizes a non-exhaustive list of/links to official agencies/organizations; - contains good practices, procedures and actions; - contains the list of the 5 Belgian Liaisonteams for children; - gives tips and hints for you as health care professional. Good practices/protocols are welcome to share. Important introduction: • Based on article 458bis of ‘Strafwetboek/Code Pénal’, professional health care working you are allowed to brake your professional secrecy based on the legal conditions in article 458bis. • If you are confronted with an alarming situation, you can always contact the official agency first for seeking advice or making a referral. This is not the same as making an official notification. • Taking contact in your rol as healthcare professional, you can never keep yourself anonymous. If you call as a private person: you can be anonymous. • Looking after the safety of children is not to condemn and convict parents, but to help a whole family out of a negative circle! A healthcare worker is not a judge. • Child abuse/neglect is not a Federal political responsibility, but lies with the regions. Due to this reason, this document makes a difference in our different political regions. Due to this political complexity in combination with different procedures and good practices in even the same community, this list was difficult to make. We are certain every hospital/organization will have ‘good practice’, but not all is listed in this document.
BRUSSELS (FRENCH SPEAKING PART) AND WALLONIE Official: General Brussels General Wallonie Numéro vert BXL Soutien Numéro vert Wallonie 080035243 1718 8h à 20 h en semaine et de 10h à 18h le WE Website : For Children and parents: 1. In crisis situation and acute danger: 112 2. Government: • SOS Parents o Tel.: 0471/414.333 o 7 days/7 – 08 h à 20 h • Ecoute-enfants o Tel.: 103 o 7 days/7 • Maintenant j’en parle o Chat o • Télé-accueil : o Tel.: 107 o 24/7 • Ecoute violences conjugales o Domestic violence line o Tel.: 0800 30030 • Plateforme citoyenne: o Brussels: o Wallonie: • Web info: o Hospichild: o Réseau Sam : le réseau des aidants https://www.reseau- utiles?search=corona For healthcare professionals: SOS Enfants 14 teams: Brussels: SOS Enfants Saint-Luc 02/764.20.90 Avenue Hippocrate, 10/2090 à 1200 BRUXELLES 2
Good practice: - ULB o The ULB “SOS Enfants Service” (located on the CHU Saint-Pierre site) can still be reached by phone every working day (02/535 34 25). Moreover, its team workers regularly phone all the families in their care to inquire of their welfare. They offer face-to-face interviews when some family situations seem very fraught. These meeting are conducted in well-defined sanitary conditions. o A “respite-house” project, aimed at the children of those vulnerable families, is under serious consideration. The person in charge of the ULB “SOS Enfants” team (Dr Vanthournout, child psychiatrist) has contacted her superiors in the ONE about this “respite-house” project. They are studying it. o We have made 2 special phone numbers available: one aimed at parents who have questions about the COVID-19 (02 5354032), the other aimed at young parents leaving the maternity ward early (02 5354305). Some of those parents might feel somewhat isolated as many midwives are currently not working. Besides, at the moment, the ONE can only check on babies when they are 2 months old and need their first vaccines (that is, in the best cases, as many one centres have temporarily closed). - The SAJ and juvenile magistrates: Were also contacted at the beginning of the health crisis. They were asked to avoid hospitalizations whenever possible. Nevertheless, they were told the hospital remains ready to welcome children in certain critical situations, of course. We haven’t had any yet (is it a good sign ???). - HUDERF o We have made 2 special phone numbers available : one aimed at parents who have questions about the COVID-19, the other aimed at young parents leaving the maternity ward early. Some of those parents might feel somewhat isolated as many midwives are currently not working. Besides, at the moment, the ONE can only check on babies when they are 2 months old and need their first vaccines (that is, in the best cases, as many one centres have temporarily closed). The HUDERF child psychiatrist has also set up a phone line for anxious youngs. o Allo pédopsy : o Les ressources psy de l’HUDERF via le Facebook : Covid19 - Les Ressources Psy de l’Huderf 3
- CHU de Liège (CHU/CHR de Liège & CHC Montlégia) o “La Cellule maltraitance du CHR La Citadelle” (attached to the Pediatric department of the CHU Liège) can still be reached by phone every working day (04/321 54 37). Parents and doctors are welcome to phone if distress, questions,… The group remains, of course, available to manage any urgent/critic situation and to welcome children if required. They currently avoid hospitalizations for planned assessment of chronic situations. o The Pediatric department of the CHU Liège has created phone lines. A pediatrician responds. They are intended for: § Parents who have questions regarding COVID-19, health status of their child, any distress (04/321 52 26 – 04/284 45 93) § Direct line for Doctors/pediatricians who have questions regarding COVID-19, health status of one of their patient, any critic situation (04/321 54 39). o The SOS Enfants ULiège service - Aide et Préventions ASBL located in Liège centre, is still available by phone or e-mails (04/342 27 25) - http://www.sos- Permanence téléphonique, du lundi au vendredi, entre 9h et 12h, relevé régulier de la boîte mail afin de donner suite aux signalements. Contact régulier avec les familles déjà suivies par le service. o La Clinique CHC du Montlegia listed contacts on their website. - The ONE has sent advice to the 14 SOS teams of the French- Speaking Community 14 SOS Enfants teams: des-14-equipes-sos-enfants-durant-la-periode-de-confinement/ 4
Service d’Accueil Spécialisé pour la Petite Enfance (SASPE) de crise à « L’Ile aux Merveilles » Dans le contexte de la crise sanitaire du Covid-19, un service d’accueil spécialisé de la petite enfance temporaire a été créé pour permettre des hébergements d’urgence d’enfants en danger grave de 0 à 6 ans dans le cadre de la crise sanitaire Covid 19, autorisé par l’ONE. Il a obtenu l’autorisation de l’ONE. Capacité d’accueil : 16 places. Public-cible : jeunes en danger de 0 à 6 ans ayant besoin d’un hébergement d’urgence en dehors du cadre familial de vie et placés dans le cadre d’un mandat d’une autorité mandante de l’aide à la jeunesse. Cette structure accueillera, comme les SASPE, des enfants en danger orientés par les conseillers de l’aide à la jeunesse et les directeurs de la protection de la jeunesse, mais également des enfants confiés à la demande de leurs parents pour différents motifs (parents hospitalisés, …). Durée du projet : il est créé du 23 avril au 30 Juin 2020. Ceci implique que le mandant ou la famille qui demande l’accueil de son enfant dans le cadre d’une mesure d’urgence doit tenir compte de cette durée limité et le cas échéant, envisagé dès à présent la suite qui sera réservée à l’accueil futur de l’enfant au-delà du 30 juin 2020. Adresse du SAPE : « L’Ile aux merveilles » (dans les locaux de la crèche du même nom) Site de l’hôpital Civil Marie-Curie Rue de la Marine n° 6 LODELINSART (Hainaut) Tel. : 071/92.39.96 L’accueil des enfants est organisé en deux sections : l’une pour les enfants de 0 à 3 ans et l’autre pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans, avec du personnel qualifié. Inscriptions à effectuer auprès de : Marjorie Henriet - directrice pédagogique - 0471 35 71 86 ou 071/92.39.46 Julie Loriaux, coordinatrice sociale 0478/93.56.50 Pouvoir Organisateur du SASPE: ISPPC Boulevard Zoé Drion, 1 6000 Charleroi Directeur : Monsieur Mullas Alberto. 5
BRUSSELS (DUTCH SPEAKING PART) ! All services active in Flanders are also available in Brussels ! Official: General Brussels Groene nummer Brussel: 080035243 8h à 20 h en semaine et de 10h à 18h le WE For children and parents: 1. In crisis situation and acute danger: 112 2. Government: • 1712 o For children, adolescents and adults (parents and (non)family members who are concerned about a situation. o Anonymous o o Contact: § Tel: 1712 § Chat § Email: contactform website • ‘Nu praat ik erover’ o For children and adolescents o o Contact: § Chat § Email: • Awel o For children and adolescents o o Contact: § Tel.: 102 § Chat § Email: brievenbus@awel.bea • De Opvoedingslijn § Contact: § Tel. 078 15 00 10 • Tele-Onthaal § 24/7 § Contact: § Tel. 106 6
For healthcare professionals: 1. In crisis situation and acute danger: 112 2. Vertrouwenscentra Kindermishandeling Brussel: 24/7 02/669 40 50 1. Jeugdhulp: o In case of an already known problem and file with official agencies: Contact the ‘dossierverantwoordleijke’ and/or follow the given instructions o Most recent official guidelines: 2. Agentschap Opgroeien: • jeugdhulp • Kind & Gezin o Parents with quetsions can be referred to Kind&Gezin phone number: 078 150 100 (each weekday 8h-20h or chat) o Parents who speak a foreign language and choose for K&G or parents in a vulnerable situation and danger to ‘slip through the net’ can be signed up on the number: 02 533 14 34 (answering machine) of The team will then contact you. o Consultaties Kind en gezin: zwangeren en jonge kinderne: en-gezin/consulten/ • Centrum voor kinderzorg en gezinsondersteuning 3. Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid: Goede Informatie rond alarmtekenen op website zorg-en gezondheid: Good practice: Certain organizations contact the families/children on a regular base. No further information/specific details yet. Every hospital/organization will have a procedure. Brussels (Brussel governement French and Dutch) There are 50 hotelrooms at their disposal in case of the situation when refugee homes for women who are a victim of violence are full. 7
FLANDERS Official: Since April 9th: Codeword for domestic violence to juse in Pharmacie: MASKER19 The Pharmacist will then tell this masks is not in stock and ask your contactnumber. 1712 will take contact. For children and parents: 1. In crisis situation and acute danger: 112 2. Flemish government and ‘Vertrouwenscentra Kindermishandeling’: o 1712 § For children, adolescents and adults (parents and (non)family members who are concerned about a situation. § § Contact: • Tel: 1712 • Chat • Email: contactform website o ‘Nu praat ik erover’ § For children and adolescents § § Contact: • Chat • Email: 3. Flemish government o Awel § For children and adolescents § § Contact: • Tel.: 102 • Chat • Email: § Part of WatWat ( a platform of 70+ organizations to inform, advice and seek help for teenagers. o De Opvoedingslijn § For parents § Contact: Tel. 078 15 00 10 o Tele-onthaal § For everyone § Contact: Tel. 106 o Kind&Gezin-Chat: § o CLB-Ch@t § For schoolkids and parents § o JAC § For teens and adolescents § § Chat and region phone number: website 8
For healthcare professionals: 4. In crisis situation and acute danger: 112 5. Vertrouwenscentra Kindermishandeling: o o Contactgegevens per regio via de website 6. Jeugdhulp: o In case of an already known problem and file with official agencies: Contact the ‘dossierverantwoordleijke’ and/or follow the given instructions o Most recent official guidelines: 7. Agentschap Opgroeien: • jeugdhulp • Kind & Gezin o Parents with quetsions can be referred to Kind&Gezin phone number: 078 150 100 (each weekday 8h-20h or chat) o Parents who speak a foreign language and choose for K&G or parents in a vulnerable situation and danger to ‘slip through the net’ can be signed up on the number: 02 533 14 34 (answering machine) of The team will then contact you. o Consultaties Kind en gezin: zwangeren en jonge kinderne: en-gezin/consulten/ • Centrum voor kinderzorg en gezinsondersteuning 8. Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid: Goede Informatie rond alarmtekenen op website zorg-en gezondheid: Good practice: Certain organizations contact the families/children on a regular base. No further information/specific details yet. Every hospital/organization will have a procedure. 9
LIST OF THE 5 BELGIAN LIAISONTEAMS FOR CHILDREN • Focus on: o Chronic sick children o Palliative care • 24/7 • Remarks: o Mostly coördinates homecare between the hospital and first-line. o House visits, not everyday o Dependent on first line (adult) nursing home care (if available) for daily nursing care o Not certain they can accept new care for children not in their network and/or partners. o Not only for child neglect/abuse o Practical: every liaisonteam can be working differently o First contact the liaisonteams before promising their help to parents! • 5 teams: o Brussels: § Interface pédiatrique C.U. Saint-Luc 0474/83 55 83 § Globule’Home (Hôpital Universitaire des Enfants Reine Fabiola) Av. J.J. Crocq 15, 1090 Jette 02/477 37 22 | 0476/35 41 58 o Wallonie: § Centre Hospitalier Régional de la Citadelle à Liège Équipe de liaison pédiatrique en soins continus et palliatifs de la Clinique de l’Espérance à Montegnée Rue Saint-Nicolas 447-449 – 4420 Montegnée o Flanders: § Kites – Team – (kinderen in Thuis-en Supportieve Zorg Kinderziekenhuis UZ Leuven) Herestraat 49 – 3000 Leuven 016/34 33 42 § Koester – liaisonequipe Kinderziekenhuis Prinses Elisabeth UZ Gent De Pintelaan 185 – 9000 Gent 09/332 24 33 10
GENERAL TIPS/ADVICE 1. GENERAL TIPS/ADVICE FOR FAMILIES TO AVOID CONFLICTS AT HOME Structure your day for yourself and family members Structure your day together. Try everyday to wake up and go to sleep at the same hour. Have enough physical movement/sport (walking, riding bike, yoga, …). Have fun things together en take time for yourself. Ask each other how they are doing and if you can help. Express your feelings when you are upset Express you feelings or write them down. Let children express their feelings by drawing or toys. Agree upon who to call when things get out of hand. Talk about problems and conflicts Talk about a quarrel/problems and find solutions What calms you and your family members down? Do you have things to relax ? Press pause / take a time-out Do you feel you are losing control ? Count to 10 – Take a deep breath – Seek some distance – go outside if possible and permitted (if you are not sick) – find a safe place. Seek for support or help Keep in touch with your friends and family. Talk to someone you can trust. Seek professional help (telephone/online). Call you healthcare professional 11
2. TIPS FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS WHEN TAKING CONTACT Some of the measures/good practice mentioned above can be applied all over the country, such as regular phone contact with our most vulnerable families. Other measures probably depend more on local specificities. We need to be creative. A few tips for healthcare professionals when calling to parents: o Always call out of a concern for this difficult situations and focus on a personal concern for them as unique family. E.g.: “I find it very important to contact you and hear how you and your family is doing during this difficult times?” o Listen sincere and objectively, without any prejudice, to what the parents/child are telling. o Ask if they can use help on specific topics, try to find a way together. o Ask further /detail questions and summarize. o Ask further / detail questions about ‘safety’. o Ask how the family is dealing with the above general tips/advice. How they relax, how they are sleeping, … è Don’t be afraid to ask further questions on a specific topic, let them feel you really care. Building trust is important. Don’t let them feel you are just reading questions on a written list. o If you feel a child/teenager is afraid to be honest during the phone call: consider to create easy codewords. o Always make a small report in the patient file. Write down possible actions, what you asked, your concerns, your arrangements with the family, and your actions. Try to get feedback from previous actions. o Example questions you can ask: • “How are you doing?” § What are your daily activities? How does your family manage and gets true the day? § Do you have enough materials for the care of your child? How are material deliveries? § How is your own health? § Do you feel safe? • How do you feel yourself in this situation? § What effect has this situation on you? § Do you need support? Who do you think can help you and your child? • What do you want to do different? What do you want to change? § Is this realistic to change? § What do you need to make this change? § Is it urgent to make this changes? § Can you manage it? • How are you going to do this? § Which actions are you going to take? • Example end-message: “Next week (or sooner, depends) I will contact you again. When you feel the urge to have contact earlier, you can always call me or my colleagues.” è Concrete new moment/follow-up for contact is important! Good practices/protocols are welcome to share. 12
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