Page created by Christopher Lynch
with industry leading purebred genetics

        Monday, MARCH 20, 2023 | 1:00 PM
    Black Angus and Charolais yearling and two - year old bulls
Welcome from By Livestock                            Welcome to the 4th Annual
           Time flies, but the quality of product is constant
           when it comes to this 4th Annual Sale. Flat
           Valley won Grand Champion Pen of Three Bulls
                                                                Simple as Black & White Bull Sale
           at the Medicine Hat Pen show in December for         Another trip around the sun and here we are again, presenting you some of the strongest
           the second year in a row. Simple as Black and        breeding stock in the countryside. It’s hard to believe that we’re going on four years now
           White can be viewed as a path to profitability       building what the Simple as Black & White Bull Sale has come to be. Seems like yesterday it
           in the cattle industry. With the maternal and        was just a couple young cattlemen dreaming of putting on such an offering over a couple
           carcass characteristics bred into an Angus cow       beers.
           base and the hybrid vigour and performance
           of the Charolais, it makes a great combination       In conversation with fellow breeders the analogue came up of “Do you purchase “no name”
           that is in strong demand in the marketplace.
                                                                ketchup to save a couple cents, or do you purchase the go-to brand name?” It is easy to say
           The silver calves do combine the best of both
                                                                that is exactly what we are trying to do, is build the “Simple as Black & White” brand name.
           breeds and are profitable for the cow/calf
t          producer, the feeders and the packers.               A product that is the GO-TO, NEVER MISS, ALWAYS WORTH THE DOLLAR type. With like-
                                                                minded operations, providing bulls that will go out and work as trouble free as possible.
           These four young families are doing a great          We are not selling you just the product but building a reputation that we are all proud to
           job at breeding and developing a product that        stand behind. With that being said, it is a pleasure in welcoming and thanking our guest
           will work at any level of the industry. There are    consigners Snake Valley Farms and Cash Cattle Co. for another and plenty more years to
           some bulls of definite herd bull quality from        come.
           each of the consignors with some solid time
           proven pedigrees. When I pictured the bulls,         With the constant battle of rising costs in the beef industry, one thing remains the same:
he         they were sound made and in nice, not over           the resilience of fellow producers. It is no longer, or maybe never was, a job that everyone
           fed condition. These bulls will go out and get
                                                                longed for. Only the strong hearted and strong willed will prevail. You have to enjoy what
           to work and last.
                                                                you are doing to be in this industry, and we love it! Fall calf prices have kept the wind in our
h          Whether you are looking for yearlings or two-        sails. We pray for everyone to have green grass, healthy cattle, and plentiful feed stacks
-          year olds, you will not be disappointed in           moving forward.
           the quality of any of them. These consignors
           welcome you to their farms anytime to view           If you have any questions or need a hand in selecting your next herdsire, do not hesitate to
is         the bulls and their operations. The bulls will       get in touch with any of the consigners or sales management. We always welcome anyone
           be available for viewing the day before at           to our operations to look beforehand. Once again, we are teamed with the good folks of
           the auction mart if it works better for you. If      DLMS and will be online for your convenience. We hope to see you on sale day to view the
           you can’t make it sale day, you can bid online       tremendous line up of industry leading genetics at the SIMPLE AS BLACK & WHITE BULL
           through DLMS, or someone can have you on             SALE.
           the phone if that works better. We look forward
           to seeing you on sale day.
                                                                We look forward to doing business with you.
           If Candace or I can be of any assistance before      Jamie & Kody
e in       the sale or on sale day, please don’t hesitate to
 ls.       give us a call. We would be happy to find you
           bulls that are right for your program.

           Helge & Candace By
nt.                                                                               Kody & Rachel Traxel
                                                                                    7515 Twp Rd 111,                           Jamie & Amy Ehret & family
                                                                               Cypress County, AB T0K 1Z0                        Box 2, Hilda, AB T0J 1R0
                                                                                      403-502-1915                                    403-504-6265
                                                                                     K Lazy T Cattle Co.                          Flat Valley Cattle Co Ltd
                                                                                                                     Guest Consignors:

                                                                Sale Consultants
           Helge By 306-536-4261                                       Mark Holowaychuk
           Candace By 306-536-3374                                       403-896-4990
                                                                                                                                  Snake Valley Farm Ltd. The Vaages
           124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1                           Kurt Pedersen           Cash Cattle Co. Nolan Cash        Box 369, Champion, AB T0L 0R0
                                      780-209-9999               Cypress County, AB                      403-423-0157
              By Livestock                                                                             403-548-9651                      Snake Valley Farm Ltd.

       2                                               Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
with industry leading purebred genetics

 Monday, MARCH 20, 2023 | 1:00 PM

Sale Day Phones                                                                                   Delivery
Jamie Ehret, Flat Valley Cattle Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  403-504-6265            We will deliver your bulls free of charge within 200 km. Beyond
Kody Traxel, K Lazy T Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  403-502-1915          the 200 km, we will work with you on delivery to centrally located
Justin Vaage, Snake Valley Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403-423-0157             points. Leave delivery instructions and contact information at time of
Nolan Cash, Cash Cattle Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  403-548-9651        settlement.
Helge By, By Livestock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  306-536-4261
Candace By, By Livestock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  306-536-3374       Wintering of Bulls
Danny Skeels, Auctioneer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  403-783-1217        We will winter your bulls. We ask that two-year olds are delivered
JayLee Syverson, Ringman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  403-548-1883          by April 1st. Yearling bulls to be delivered by May 1st. Anything not
Andrew Releeder, Ringman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  403-848-1260           delivered/picked up by deadline will be charged a board fee on a
Medicine Hat Feeding Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  403-526-3129                 daily basis unless prior arrangements have been made. All bulls being
Mark Holowaychuk, OBI Livestock Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403-896-4990                     wintered must be insured.
Kurt Pedersen, OBI Livestock Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  780-209-9999
Bob Toner, Angus Field Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  306-716-5272          Sight Unseen Purchase Program
                                                                                                  If you are unable to attend on sale day but are interested in any of the
Viewing the Bulls                                                                                 bulls offered in the sale, give any one of the consignors a call. We will
All of the bulls will be available for viewing at the sale site the day before                                                               go over the bulls and your
the sale, or at the farms anytime prior to the sale.                                                                                         program, and recommend
                                                                                                                                             the bull that would best suit
                                                                                                                                             your needs. Then we will put
Larry Toner 306-834-7652 (talk or text), with Stockmans Insurance will                                                                       you in touch with a member
be at the sale offering insurance for purchases.                                                                                             of the sale staff to assist you
Lunch                                                                                                                                        in a professional manner. You
Please join us for coffee and bull viewing at 10:00 a.m. sale day,                                                                           have the option of leaving an
followed by lunch before the sale.                                                                order or bidding over the phone.
                                                                                                  DLMS will also broadcast the sale online for your viewing and bidding
Buyer’s Draw                                                                                      convenience.
Thank you to our Buyer’s Draw Sponsor, Cargill Animal Nutrition,
Shane Pender.
                                                                                                  Credit Card Purchases
Hospitality Sponsors                                                                              Visa and Mastercard may be used for payment of purchases. A 4%
Thank you to these sponsors: CW Livestock Supply, Brian Palichuk;                                 surcharge will be applied.
Palliser Sales, Justin Derzaph and Ag-Plus Mechanical.
                                                                                                  Terms & Conditions
                                                                                                  The sale will be conducted under the terms of the Canadian Charolais
                                                                                                  Association and the Canadian Angus Association. Copies will be
                                                                                                  available sale day.

                                                                                                  Semen Rights
                                                                                                  Flat Valley Cattle Company, K Lazy T Cattle Co., Cash Cattle Company
                                                                                                  and Snake Valley Farm Charolais retain the right to draw semen for in-
                                                                                                  herd use on any bull in the offering.

                                                                                                  Charolais Breed Averages
                                                                                                  CE 6     BW .5   WW 45.3     YW 87.3     M 21    TM 43.7

                                                                                                  Black Angus Breed Averages
                                                                                                  CE 3.3    BW 2    WW 57      YW 89     MCE 6.6    M 23

                                                          Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                  3
Welcome to the 2023, 4th annual
    Simple as Black and White Bull sale!
    Proud! We are very proud of our accomplishments; I will say we have
    surpassed my vision of success from my younger dreaming days, but
    we have only gained larger goals and metrics to hit! Last year’s sale
    was an overwhelming success, selling a large group of high selling
    bulls to reputable producers- repeat and new clients- and even
    getting a couple bulls into purebred herds brings us joy! To include the
    feeling of proud we are proud of you! This industry isn’t for everyone,
    economics is a tough one to start and some days just aren’t easy, my
    hats off to each and every one of you, thank you for your passion -
    Our place has seen great change over the last couple years getting
    us even more involved with beef cattle! Last year was the first year
    none of our farmland acres left the place without touching a cow’s
    mouth! Helping our K Lazy T clients by feeding their cattle as well
    other producers in the area offering forage and custom feeding! The
    connections we have gained from the purebred industry have been
    nothing but great for our newfound business venture! MORE COWS             a question about anything in our program, she has the answers! Not
    AROUND is always a good thing from our opinion! It is rewarding to         only have I been blessed with a hard working and dedicated partner,
    be involved in another part of the process getting beef to the plate!      I some how convinced her to say “YES” to forever cow chaos! We are
    K Lazy T is still our focus and passion! What we do is not work, we        very excited to announce our wedding coming in September this year!
    take great pride in being purebred producers and we are committed
    to weathering any storm that comes our way! This resilience is a           The BOYS! Our focus remains on the momma cow, strong structure
    testimonial to prove to you our product is quality, and our handshake      qualities, maternal strength and marketable cattle is our vision! You
    is trustworthy!                                                            will see these strict requirements in the offering this year TOP to
    I am also thrilled to mention the “Cow Boss” is still kicking around       BOTTOM! In this year’s offering we present a very sound set of bulls!
    and taking charge! For the few of you that don’t know Rachel, she          Some new sire groups that we have been putting on test as well the
    has become a true asset to filling a labour void as well as keeping the    proven herd bulls in the mix! Again, we have our bulls on a responsible
    health of our livestock top notch with her RVT experience! If you have     diet formulated by the experts at CVC and implementing a responsible
                                                                               mineral program from Bullseye Feeds. Our bulls do not get pushed,
                                                                               we develop them responsibly for longevity and fairness when you are
                                                                               selecting your next sire. No creep, these boys have nothing to hide,
                                                                               and you will find among the strongest footed bulls the industry has
    If you are looking for cattle with a robust
                                                                               to offer in our pen! Buy with confidence knowing we stand behind
    herd health program that optimizes
                                                                               our cattle!
    longevity and production, look no further
    than K Lazy T Cattle Co. Starting with a                                   If you need a bull or not, we welcome you to stop by the farm for a
    solid foundation within the breeding                                       tour, I am always looking for a reason to get away from the never-
    herd, the females receive preventative                                     ending work and I love showing our cows! A discussion on cattle and
    8-way clostridial, 5-way viral, and scour pathogen vaccination.            visit of some industry challenges sounds like a good time to me!
    This strategy not only protects the cow herd, but also lays crucial
    groundwork for their calves’ immune function. At birth, calves receive     It is also a great pleasure to work along side my great friend Jamie and
    an intranasal pneumonia vaccination, in addition to coccidiosis            his family in this sale! Over the years, we have challenged the task at
    prevention. At spring turnout and weaning, calves are processed again      putting it together and some how made it work with very little stress,
    with a 5-way viral with Mannheimia hemolytica and a 7-way clostridial      we may not agree on the colour of the cattle (yet) but the strong
    with Histophilus somni. This herd health program is combined with          values are shared of bringing the best to the table in our own breeds
    an excellent nutrition and mineral program, ensuring longevity             and strengthening the industry! Again, we have guest consigners Cash
    in legs and feet. Take all of the above and add it to the genetics,        Cattle Co and Snake Valley Farms in the sale bringing bulls that fit into
    conformation, and disposition carefully selected for by the K Lazy T       our vision - QUALITY! Thank you for your help improving the offering
    Cattle team, and you’ve got a decision that’s as simple as black and       as a whole each year!
                                                                               “Our Vision is your Opportunity to grow your herd and profitability”
    Dr. Krista Dayman, DVM                                                     On behalf of the K lazy T Team,
    Badlands Veterinary Services Ltd.                                          Kody Traxel

4                                             Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
Renown Sire
                                                                       Renown Sire Group
In search of an outcross sire to add to the mix JL Renown 7110 was a tremendous addition purchasing semen out of the great JL Dispersal sale! We hand bred 60% of
our heifers to Renown and wow did they stick good! In result we have an outstanding group of smooth bulls from this sire and females that stand at the top of the
pen! Sired back to SAV Renown 3439, “A smoother sided build of SAV Renovation” we are confident to maintain foot quality, add carcass mass and length of body!
Sleep easy calving - look at these heifer-approved future herd sires! You will fall in love with their smooth build, length of body and tidy head structure!

                                                                                                                                                                             YEARLING ANGUS BULLS

   1                         K LAZY T     Renown 4’22                                      BW
                                                                                                  ADJ WW   ADJ YW       CE
                                                                                                                               KAT 4K
                                                                                                                                 BW        WW       YW
                                                                                                                                                          JANUARY 02 2022
                                                                                                                                                                M    MCE
                                      S A V RENOWN 3439                                    77      668       1141       5        1.4        58      107         29     7
                       JL RENOWN 7110 JL DELIA 4389
                                                                                        Angus Ranch on dam’s top side. Smooth made bull, strong performance numbers!
                     K LAZY T RITO 2’20 SBF ANGUS RANCH 8062                            DNA Sire Verified
                                               K LAZY T RITO 179’17

   lot        2296681                 KAT 5K                          JANUARY 02 2022       lot      2296680                 KAT 6K                        JANUARY 02 2022

   2                         K LAZY T     Renown 5’22                                       3                        K LAZY T   Renown 6’22
                                      S A V RENOWN 3439                                                                               S A V RENOWN 3439
                       JL RENOWN 7110 JL DELIA 4389                                                            JL RENOWN 7110 JL DELIA 4389
             K LAZY T ERICA KAY 13’20 K LAZY T PANIC SWITCH 43’16                                    K LAZY T BARBARA 45’20 K LAZY T PANIC SWITCH 43’16
                                               K LAZY T ERICA KAY 19’18                                                               K LAZY T BARBARA 827’18
   BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW       CE        BW        WW        YW         M     MCE        BW     ADJ WW    ADJ YW      CE        BW        WW       YW         M    MCE
   78       629      1192       6.5       0.3        48        90         28      8        79       632      1184        3       1.6        50       92         26   6.5
Back to the great Erica Kay cow family and the calving ease Panic Switch! Longevity,    Tremendous length and tidy shoulders on this bull! DNA Sire Verified.
easy doing bull! DNA Sire Verified.

                                                        Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                            5
YEARLING ANGUS BULLS                                                                Renown Sire Group

                          lot       2296682                  KAT 2K                            JANUARY 02 2022      lot       2296947                  KAT 15K                        JANUARY 03 2022

                          4                          K LAZY T   Renown 2’22                                         5                         K LAZY T    Renown 15’22
                                                                       S A V RENOWN 3439                                                                         S A V RENOWN 3439
                                              JL RENOWN 7110 JL DELIA 4389                                                              JL RENOWN 7110 JL DELIA 4389
                                   K LAZY T BLACKLASS 80’20 SBF ANGUS RANCH 8062                                               K LAZY T OAKLEAF 43’20 K LAZY T RUSH LAKE 43’17
                                                                       TANNAS BLACKLASS 127E                                                                     K LAZY T OAKLEAF 153’17

                          BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW       YW         M      MCE         BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW        YW        M     MCE
                          72       654      1194        3         2          55      105         30      7          75       627      1136        5        1.2         50        90        26    7.5
                       Angus Ranch on dam’s top side. High quality bull! DNA Sire Verified.                      Going back to Oak Leaf 153’17 a K Lazy T herd favorite! Big milk production, maternal
                                                                                                                 qualities! DNA Sire Verified.

                          lot       2294914                  KAT 50K                           JANUARY 13 2022      lot       2294924                  KAT 53K                        JANUARY 14 2022

                          6                         K LAZY T    Renown 50’22                                        7                         K LAZY T    Renown 53’22
                                                                       S A V RENOWN 3439                                                                         S A V RENOWN 3439
                                              JL RENOWN 7110 JL DELIA 4389                                                              JL RENOWN 7110 JL DELIA 4389
                                     K LAZY T ROSEBUD 31’20 JUSTAMERE SUDDEN LOOK 117D                                              K LAZY T LUCY 83’20 MINBURN MINBURN ADDICTION 70B
                                                                       BJ’S 2001 ROSEBUD 617                                                                     FRL LUCY 210Z

                          BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW       YW         M      MCE         BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW        YW        M     MCE
                          77       672      1162        3        2.1         58      104         29      7          76       599      1178        4        1.4         47        91        25     9
                       Angus Bull! Length of body, smooth shoulders and impressive numbers!                      Smooth make, loads of hair, easy doing cow family! DNA Sire Verified.
                       DNA Sire Verified.

  6                                                                       Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
Renown Sire Group
These Renown sired bulls are just a “little more” than our calving ease approved sons of JL Renown. I do think these bulls have the calving ease make to work on the
right heifers, we just pulled them away from heifer approved due to the input of their performance dams! These bulls are all that with correct foot structure, mass
from a thick hip, wide top and wrapping it all up with a tidy head and smooth shoulders! They really do express the great character qualities of Renown and you will
want their style programmed into your calves when they go to market!

                                                                                                                                                                                     YEARLING ANGUS BULLS
   lot       2295078                  KAT 38K                         JANUARY 09 2022      lot         2295125                  KAT 39K                            JANUARY 09 2022

   8                         K LAZY T    Renown 38’22                                      9                           K LAZY T     Renown 39’22
                                      S A V RENOWN 3439                                                                                   S A V RENOWN 3439
                       JL RENOWN 7110 JL DELIA 4389                                                              JL RENOWN 7110 JL DELIA 4389
                   K LAZY T ZARA 73’20 K LAZY T RUSH LAKE 43’17                                               K LAZY T RITO 20’20 K LAZY T RUSH LAKE 43’17
                                                TANNAS ZARA 15E                                                                           K LAZY T RITO 107’17
   BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW       CE        BW        WW          YW      M     MCE         BW        ADJ WW   ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW        YW          M     MCE
   88       662      1290        1        2.9         56      101        27     6          84         682      1204        2        2.2         57        99         27         7
Deep make, great hair and attractive build! DNA Sire Verified.                          Sprung rib, great in his lines and moves very free! This guy will get them covered!
                                                                                        DNA Sire Verified.

                                                                                                                    Reference Sire

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lazy T


   lot       2296960                  KAT 18K                         JANUARY 04 2022                                                GRANDSIRE -
                                                                                                                                     S A V RENOWN 3439
  10                         K LAZY T    Renown 18’22
                                                S A V RENOWN 3439
                       JL RENOWN 7110 JL DELIA 4389

                  FRL QUEEN RUTH 817F BAR DOUBLE M THUNDER 14C                                                        JL   Renown 7110
                                                GEIS QUEEN RUTH 999’09
                                                                                        1967595		                               JLMB 110E                          JANUARY 24 2017
   BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW       CE        BW        WW          YW      M     MCE            CE              BW            WW               YW                M          MCE
   84       630       1112      1.5       2.2         48         90      22    6.5               4            1.2              57             110              7           30
One of the strongest Renown sons on the place! This bull travels SMOOTHLY!
DNA Sire Verified.

                                                        Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                                    7
                                                                                 Three ForksSire
                       New Sire Alert! What an opportunity to gain semen rights on Ellingson Three Forks 8062, a high seller purchased by our friends at JPM Farms, the day 8062 arrived
                       in Canada, Rachel and I were on the road! He was well worth the miles… this bull is your performance up tick! We became fond of this sire’s moving ability on a
                       massive carcass and strong stride! It’s not every day you see a bull with mass in all the right spots show it off in a smooth moving character! We first AI’d some cows
                       to see what the cross would do but now he is the top dog in our embryo flushes. We want more and you will too! We have retained a son (pictured KAT 52K) for

                       our own use and we feel he has a bright future furthering our quality and increasing yield come weigh in day! These guys are among the heaviest of our fleet on
                       weaning, you’re going to want your calves’ weaning weights doing the same!

                          lot       2296986                 KAT 42K                            JANUARY 10 2022      lot       2295143                   KAT 45K                        JANUARY 11 2022

                         11                   K LAZY T     Three Rivers 42’22                                      12                       K LAZY T   Three Rivers 45’22
                                                           ELLINGSON THREE RIVERS 8062                                                                            ELLINGSON THREE RIVERS 8062
                                ELLINGSON THREE FORKS 0252 EA QUEEN DOLLY 3246                                            ELLINGSON THREE FORKS 0252 EA QUEEN DOLLY 3246
                                          K LAZY T RITO 107’17 K LAZY T CHISUM 179’12                                                K LAZY T PRIDE 89’18 JUSTAMERE 1422 CASH IN 461A
                                                                      K LAZY T MS RITO 87’15                                                                      WEST COWAN PRIDE
                          BW     ADJ WW    ADJ YW      CE        BW         WW       YW          M      MCE         BW      ADJ WW    ADJ YW      CE          BW       WW       YW         M          MCE
                          83        692     1263       1        2.9         80       133         24     5.5         89        639      1132       -2         4.4        76      131       21           4
                       Going back to Networth, Chisum and Rito, you have a solid platform! Very long and         Sprung in the rib, wide top, long body! Find this guy traveling with ease as well!
                       thick bull! DNA Sire Verified.                                                            DNA Sire Verified.

                                                                                                                                             Reference Sire

                                                                KAT 52K, A THREE FORKS SON WE HAVE
                                                                             RETAINED FOR OUR HERD

                          lot       2295141                 KAT 47K                            JANUARY 12 2022

                         13                    K LAZY T    Three Rivers 47’22                                                                                DAM - EA QUEEN DOLLY 3246
                                                                      ELLINGSON THREE RIVERS 8062
                                ELLINGSON THREE FORKS 0252 EA QUEEN DOLLY 3246

                                          SIX MILE ADELE 935E ELLINGSON DOMINANCE 2079
                                                                                                                                                    Three Forks 0252
                                                                      DFCC 176W ADELE 9A
                          BW     ADJ WW    ADJ YW      CE        BW         WW       YW          M      MCE                           ELLINGSON
                          78        622      1243         5       0.8      72     124       22         6         2241990		                              IMP 0252H                       JANUARY 3 2020
                       935E Six Mile cow is one of our strongest quality momma cows on the place! Easy to              CE             BW               WW            YW            M             MCE
                       handle, easy doing, easy decision! DNA Sire Verified.                                           -4             4.9              107           184           1              23

  8                                                                       Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
Chisum Sire Group
If you’re looking for a proven calving easy bull that delivers calves with ease the Chisums are just what you need! This pair of bulls on offer are going to inject vigor
in your calves with rapid growth! In the past, it’s been noted to find the Chisum sired calves pressuring the scale come fall, which is always impressive from a calving
ease sire! On the bottom side of this sire’s pedigree, you will find a moderate hard-working female from the great Merit program! This cow always puts it to her
calves while maintaining her condition with her easy fleshing qualities! These bulls are the real deal! 8K being one of the strongest in the offering and 20K reflecting

                                                                                                                                                                            YEARLING ANGUS BULLS
attractive qualities as well!


  14                          K LAZY T   Chisum 8’22                                     BW
                                                                                                   ADJ WW   ADJ YW    CE
                                                                                                                            KAT 8K
                                                                                                                                 BW     WW       YW
                                                                                                                                                          JANUARY 02 2022
                                                                                                                                                             M     MCE
                                      S CHISUM 6175                                      79         634                7         0.4    52       81         21      10
               K LAZY T CHISUM 179’12 MERIT LADY ANN 179X
                                                                                      DNA Sire Verified.
                     K LAZY T LASS 14’19 K LAZY T RUSH LAKE 43’17
                                               ANCHOR R LASS 39B

                                                                                                                 Reference Sire

   lot       2296958                 KAT 20K                        JANUARY 04 2022

  15                          K LAZY T   Chisum 20’22
                                               S CHISUM 6175
               K LAZY T CHISUM 179’12 MERIT LADY ANN 179X
                                                                                                                 K LAZY T   Chisum 179’12
                                                                                       1697179		                            KAT 179Z                      JANUARY 29 2012
         K LAZY T MIDDLEBROOK 36’20 JPM RERIDE 75F                                            CE            BW             WW          YW             M          MCE
                                               BAR 4A MIDDLEBROOK 87C
                                                                                              10            -2              58         95           13            23
   BW     ADJ WW     ADJ YW     CE        BW        WW         YW       M    MCE
   80       695       1125       6        1          53        91     21     7.5
DNA Sire Verified.

                                                       Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                            9
Bloodline Sire Group
                       One of the most complete bulls in our offering this year comes from SAV Bloodline 9578! 11K a member of our show bulls, grabs the attention with his thick
                       build, wide dimension and deep side! Going back to our old Keepsake Flush cow on the bottom side is his dam 243D, This cow is written all over 11K as she is the
                       performance type of cow! Her great milk ability and mother qualities aided bringing this guy to the top end of our bulls! His half brother in the sale has tons of
                       potential as well, going back to another “D” cow shows these mature cows are in their prime when it comes to building a calf! Bloodline progeny are making their

                       mark on sale records and likability - great opportunity to add to your herd!


                         16                        K LAZY T   Bloodline 11’22                                                2294923                 KAT 11K                      JANUARY 03 2022
                                                                                                                 BW        ADJ WW   ADJ YW      CE        BW      WW    YW            M     MCE
                                                              S A V RAINFALL 6846
                                                                                                                 78         664     1239        3         1.7      58   112          21      10
                                         S A V BLOODLINE 9578 S A V EMBLYNETTE 2369
                                                                                                              DNA Sire Verified.
                                   K LAZY T KEEPSAKE 243’16 K LAZY T REBEL 29’13
                                                                      EM KEEPSAKE 10W

                                                                                                                                          Reference Sire

                          lot       2294900                 KAT 17K                         JANUARY 04 2022

                         17                        K LAZY T   Bloodline 17’22
                                                                      S A V RAINFALL 6846
                                         S A V BLOODLINE 9578 S A V EMBLYNETTE 2369                                                       SAV   Bloodline 9578
                        RUNNING STEADY MAYFLOWER 79D SANKEYS JUSTIFIED 101                                    2184241		                              IMP 9578F                    DECEMBER 29 2018
                                                                      WEST COWAN MAYFLOWER 34Z                        CE            BW              WW           YW       M               MCE
                          BW    ADJ WW      ADJ YW     CE        BW         WW       YW        M     MCE              -3            4.3              76          143          9            16
                          92       610      1094       -2       3.7         59       111      17      6
                       DNA Sire Verified.

10                                                                        Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
Angus Ranch Sire Group
Maternal and performance! If you’re looking for that extra bit of weight without giving up eye appeal, the Angus Ranch sons are your go to! Unfortunately, this will
be the last year of progeny on offer from our walking herd sire SBF Angus Ranch 8062! These bulls are extremely attractive, have mass in the right spots and they are
the easy doing type! Featuring 16K - a bull that wows in presence with such an eye-catching make! A half brother sold last year as a high seller to Lance Schamber,
his bull has much the same resume, I should have been more selfish and kept this guy out of the offering I’m thinking! His half brothers in the sale promote all the

                                                                                                                                                                                     YEARLING ANGUS BULLS
qualities of a herd bull, you can’t go wrong with these genetics!


  18                   K LAZY T   Angus Ranch 16’22                                           BW
                                                                                                     ADJ WW    ADJ YW       CE
                                                                                                                                  KAT 16K
                                                                                                                                       BW         WW         YW
                                                                                                                                                                  JANUARY 03 2022
                                                                                                                                                                     M      MCE
                                    S A V ANGUS RANCH 6376
                                                                                              83       530      1290        7         0.9         46         86      24      10
                                                                                           Pen Feature, productive cow family in his pedigree! DNA Sire Verified.
                  ATLASTA MASINE 27E S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035
                                                 ATLASTA MAXINE 67C

   lot       2294894                   KAT 80K                          FEBRUARY 01 2022       lot       2294928                  KAT 90K                         FEBRUARY 20 2022

  19                   K LAZY T   Angus Ranch 80’22                                          20                    K LAZY T   Angus Ranch 90’22
                                    S A V ANGUS RANCH 6376                                                                                  S A V ANGUS RANCH 6376
               SBF ANGUS RANCH 8062 GREENBUSH PRIDE LADY 5B                                               SBF ANGUS RANCH 8062 GREENBUSH PRIDE LADY 5B
              PRIME BARBIE BLUE 29E BAR B INTENSITY 27B                                                      K LAZY T TIBBIE 112’15 BELVIN PANIC SWITCH 2’11
                                                 BAR B BARBIE BLU 28B                                                                       JL TIBBIE 9012
   BW    ADJ WW      ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW       YW         M      MCE          BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW      CE         BW         WW         YW      M      MCE
   96       529       1051       -5        4.6         47       94         21      3           84       701      1250         4        0.8         52        97      26      7
Cow Bull with tons of potential! DNA Sire Verified.                                        Attention grabber! A pen of calves sired by this guy would be profitable!
                                                                                           DNA Sire Verified.

                                                         Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                                11
Angus Ranch Sire Group

                                                                                                                                             Reference Sire

                          lot       2294956                   KAT 95K                        FEBRUARY 27 2022

                         21                              Angus Ranch 95’22
                                                                                                                                             Angus Ranch 8062
                                              K LAZY T
                                                          S A V ANGUS RANCH 6376
                                     SBF ANGUS RANCH 8062 GREENBUSH PRIDE LADY 5B                               2074663		                               DHB 62F                           FEBRUARY 22 2018
                                                                                                                      CE              BW            WW               YW               M           MCE
                                         K LAZY T DAISY 90’19 SOUTH SHADOW 6Y TOMBOY 130B
                                                                        TANNAS DAISY 129E                                4            1.9              61            116              7            28
                          BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW        CE        BW         WW       YW       M       MCE
                          88       676      1173       1         3.1       52      98         24         6
                       Youngest bull on offer, maybe one of the strongest! Confirmation is quality here!
                       DNA Sire Verified.

                                                                                       Reride Sire Group
                  The great JPM Reride has been one of the strongest breeding bulls we have ever walked! From a yearling, this bull was eager to cover cows and grew to be respected greatly by
                  us! His progeny is heavy, consistent and easy doing! We have sold many sons with nothing but positive feed back. The females we have retained are a frame size up but remain
                  attractive and keep their own! Great quality bulls to get your cows covered!

                          lot       2290741                   KAT 70K                        JANUARY 27 2022       lot         2294940                  KAT 76K                           JANUARY 29 2022

                         22                     K LAZY T     Cowboy Up 70’22                                      23                             K LAZY T   Reride 76’22
                                                              HA COWBOY UP 5405C                                                                                  HA COWBOY UP 5405C
                                               JPM RERIDE 75F C A BRILL MISS EVERGREEN 101                                                  JPM RERIDE 75F C A BRILL MISS EVERGREEN 101
                                                   JL LADY 7121 S A V REGARD 4863                                                MERIT SOCIALITE 2050 L T BANDWAGON 3105
                                                                        JL LADY 3101                                                                              MERIT SOCIALITE 18X
                          BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW        CE        BW         WW       YW       M       MCE        BW        ADJ WW   ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW       YW          M      MCE
                          87       693      1178         5        2.5         67       118      23       5         79         590      1146        7        1.5         55       93          26    8
                       Smooth! His dam, JL Lady is a herd favorite, tidy productive udder, great cow!           Strong cow family on the bottom side, half brothers sold in the past as high sellers!
                       DNA Sire Verified.                                                                       Great cross. DNA Sire Verified.

12                                                                          Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
Reride Sire Group

                                                                                                                                                                                    YEARLING ANGUS BULLS
   lot       2294899                   KAT 77K                        JANUARY 29 2022       lot         2294897                  KAT 79K                          JANUARY 31 2022

  24                            K LAZY T   Reride 77’22                                    25                              K LAZY T   Reride 79’22
                                                 HA COWBOY UP 5405C                                                                        HA COWBOY UP 5405C
                         JPM RERIDE 75F C A BRILL MISS EVERGREEN 101                                                 JPM RERIDE 75F C A BRILL MISS EVERGREEN 101
            BAR 4A MIDDLEBROOK 87C ANDERSON FORT ROCK 1002                                            DIAMOND T BARDOLIA 1537 S A V HARVESTOR 0338
                                                 DOUBLE A MIDDLEBROOK 4W                                                                   JL BARDOLIA 8188
   BW     ADJ WW     ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW       YW        M       MCE       BW        ADJ WW   ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW      YW         M       MCE
   77        619      1198        0        3.2         53       95       20         1      109         698      1267        -5        6.4        68      120        24         -2
Smoothest fronted Cowboy Up on offer! Watch him on the move! DNA Sire Verified.          Long bodied, deep sided bull! This guy will make a herd bull! DNA Sire Verified.

                                                                                                                      Reference Sire

   lot       2294922                   KAT 84K                       FEBRUARY 09 2022

  26                                       Reride 84’22
                                                                                                                                 Reride 75F
                                K LAZY T
                                        HA COWBOY UP 5405C
                         JPM RERIDE 75F C A BRILL MISS EVERGREEN 101                     2061477		                               IMP 75F                          FEBRUARY 3 2018
                                                                                               CE              BW            WW               YW              M          MCE
                    MERIT PRIDE 6143D MERIT BIG DAWG 3049A
                                                 MERIT PRIDE 2014                                 7            2.3            73              128             2           21

   BW     ADJ WW     ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW       YW        M       MCE
   84       676       1182        6         2          61      104       21          8
Half brother to a high seller last year sold to the Scholten Ranch! DNA Sire Verified.

                                                         Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                               13
                                                                                   Renown Sire Group
                       Stunning! We find the Stunners easy to market, these cattle are just attractive! We haven’t used Stunner very heavily but instead hand selected a few cows a year to
                       cross this way! It sure worked on these matches! 31K has been a pen favorite from day one, this guy just says “Look at me” with his dimension and thick make in the
                       right spots! Find these two bulls stepping in stride correctly, haired up and ready to go to work on your heifers or cow pen! Universal bulls with calving ease!


                        28                           K LAZY T   Stunner 31’22                                   BW
                                                                                                                         ADJ WW   ADJ YW    CE
                                                                                                                                                 KAT 31K
                                                                                                                                                      BW      WW      YW
                                                                                                                                                                              JANUARY 07 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                 M     MCE
                                                         LD CAPITALIST 316                                      88         612    1255      7        0.5         64   109       30         4.5
                                    MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER MCATL BLACKBIRD 831-1378
                                                                                                             DNA Sire Verified.
                                     K LAZY T PRIMROSE 6’19 K LAZY T CHISUM 179’12
                                                                      K LAZY T PRIMROSE 140E

                                                                                                                                       Reference Sire

                          lot       2295142                 KAT 49K                        JANUARY 12 2022

                         29                          K LAZY T   Stunner 49’22                                                          MUSGRAVE 316   Stunner
                                                         LD CAPITALIST 316
                                    MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER MCATL BLACKBIRD 831-1378                            1995252		                          IMP 1676D                    FEBRUARY 19 2016
                                                                                                                  CE              BW         WW             YW          M            MCE
                                    K LAZY T KEEPSAKE 34’19 K LAZY T CHISUM 179’12                                   6            .1         69             116         -1            35
                                                                      EM KEEPSAKE 10W
                          BW    ADJ WW      ADJ YW     CE        BW         WW       YW        M    MCE
                         86        681      1185        5        1.5        61      103        33    5
                       DNA Sire Verified.

14                                                                        Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
SensationSire Group

                                                                                              YEARLING ANGUS BULLS
   lot      2295073                  KAT 23K                          JANUARY 06 2022

  30                       K LAZY T   Sensation 23’22
                                               A A R TEN X 7008 S A
                                               TANNAS ZARA 32C
   BW    ADJ WW     ADJ YW      CE        BW         WW        YW        M     MCE
   105      694        1147       2        3.3       60       117      33       7
Power House! This pedigree is stacked! One must appreciate the performance coming
from this outcross sire. On the bottom side you find a hard-working cow going back to
Jindra Double Vision! This bull walks on a strong foot with easy movement!
DNA Sire Verified.

                                                        Simple as Black and White Bull Sale          15

                                                                                                      On behalf of Cash Cattle Co., welcome
                                                                                                      to the 4th Annual Simple as Black & White Bull Sale!
                                                                                                      We are so excited to be consigning once again, and would like to extend a big
                                                                                                      thank you to Kody, Rachel, Jamie, and Amy for including us.

                                                                                                      We are a fourth-generation, family-run, mixed beef/grain farm, located outside of
                                                                                                      Seven Persons. We run around 250 cows, including a growing herd of purebred
                                                                                                      black Angus. In addition, we operate a custom feedlot, farm around 2000 acres,
                                                                                                      offer custom farming, and are dealers for Balpaq net wrap and twine, as well as
                                                                                                      Performance Seeds. Our passion lies within cattle and breeding for the highest
                                                                                                      quality genetics. Attention to detail is very important to our program and feet,
                                                                                                      disposition and performance make up the foundation of our purebred herd.
                                                                                                      Through AI, flushing and embryo transplanting, we utilize top angus genetics.

                                                                                                      Thank you for taking the time to look through the bulls, it is an honour to be
                                                                                                      included in a sale next to such successful and well-respected operations.

                                                                                                      Nolan & Beth Cash, Cash Cattle Co.

                          lot       NJC 205K                                                    MARCH 06 2022

                         31                            CASH’S   America 205K
                                                                     S A V PRESIDENT 6847
                                           S A V AMERICA 8018 S A V MADAME PRIDE 0075

                            SOUTHERN T OF D PRINCESS 20F R B TOUR OF DUTY 177
                                                                     SOUTHERN MAX’S PRINCESS 20X
                          BW       ADJ WW         CE         BW         WW         YW          M         MCE
                          103        760          -3         5.8        71         122         25          2
                       The best way to describe 205K is power. He has stood out since the minute he was
                       born, he was always the bull you’d pick out in the pasture and on weaning day
                       smashed down the scale at 800 lbs on nothing but grass and momma’s milk. His mom
                       is a cow that we purchased from Southern Angus and she has worked tremendously
                       well for us. She’s what I call a true working ranch cow as she’s yielded 60% of her own
                       weight in each of her first 3 calves and has bred back first time AI each year. Her first
                       calf was one of the high sellers through this sale to Lyle Freimark and her bull last year
                       was retained for use in our own herd, and she’s done it again with 205K. If you need to
                       add power and pounds to your calf crop, this is the bull for you!

16                                                                        Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
We are pleased to invite you to the 4th annual Simple as Black & White Bull Sale.
In a lot of aspects it is hard to believe, four years running in an ever changing world. Kids are
growing, families are growing, operations are growing and moving forward, yet the enthusiasm
behind this offering has remained constant. We consider it a privilege to be able to host this
sale with our good friends at K Lazy T and consigners Snake Valley Farms and Cash Cattle Co.

It has been a bit of a nail biter this past year with just enough rain, grass, and feed (hopefully)
to get by. Because of the conditions, weights were down across the country, but thankfully
prices were favourable. Of course, with some highlights throughout the year as well. We were
fortunate enough to be able to get out and showcase some cattle this fall, bringing home a bit
of hardware from Farmfair International. Also, for the second year in a row exhibiting the Grand
Champion pen of bulls at the Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede Pen Show. Thank you to all
the organizers, sponsors and volunteers that make that opportunity possible.

Once again, we are more than proud of the offering we put forward. We work closely with all the professionals in the area to grow and develop these
bulls with longevity and performance in mind. They are up to date with vaccinations and in the right condition to go out and work. They are bred with
a no BS attitude. We breed and select matings and genetics to build these critters from the ground up. Good feet, legs, and conformation are first and
foremost and phenotype and performance round out the package. Considering we have no fear mini-mes alongside in the pens and working cattle,
disposition is a very critical part as well. The herd EPDs are a great tool in helping with selecting your next herdsire but we feel they can be skewed
and inaccurate if used as single trait selection.

We encourage you to come and analyze bulls and the entire herd anytime here at home. If we can be of any assistance in selecting the next herdsire
that is right for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us, or any of our more than capable sale team. We look forward to seeing you at the 4th Annual

Jamie, Amy, Luella, Grayson & Joni Ehret

                                                                    DAM - LEO 65E

   lot     PMC832274                3RD GEN PLD        FVC 2K           02-JAN-22
                                                                                    Yarra has done it again. Acquired as a bred heifer, this cow does not disappoint. This will

 32                         FVC   King Yarra 2K                                     be the fourth consecutive bull she has produced that can go out and make an impact
                                                                                    on any herd. Her first we retained to clean up our purebreds and breed commercial
                                          CIRCLE CEE LEGEND 307A                    heifers. Second, to Hudec Farms, who always finds the good ones. Third, to fellow
                      SOS RAGE 128C ALT SIERRA 80Y                                  friends and Charolais breeders Eagle Valley Farms. And now you have the opportunity
                                                                                    to cash in on these no miss genetics. Many saw him as the lead off bull of the Grand
                 CEDARLEA YARRA 65E SPARROWS KINGSTON 139Y                          Champion pen of bulls this year at the Medicine Hat Pen Show. We feel that King Yarra is
                                          CEDARLEA YARRA 11Y                        an all around bull that will work on anything, heifers included. He has acquired many of
                                                                                    his sires great traits including his tremendous rib shape, disposition and conformation.
   BW    ADJ WW    ADJ YW     CE        BW        WW      YW       M       MCE      He has a big front foot with beautiful structure. Clean sheathed. Smooth shouldered.
  100      791      1309      7.4       -0.4      45      87       24       47      Smooth Polled. PLUMB GOOD!

                                                   Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                                     17
                           HC Cindy 206Z is arguably the start of the FVC herd. She was one of the first purchased, as a bred heifer out the the Sterling Collection sale in Saskatoon. That was the start of
                           this dream we now call a reality. Fast forward ten years and the herd you see today is the result of careful selection or genetics and matings that work in our tough country. Cindy
                           has proven herself time and time again. Our embryo transfer program has really snowballed and is enabling us to expand the herd while keeping undeniable consistency. When
                           selecting matings, we strive for maternal aspects and longevity. The results of the flush to PCC Kentucky Rain 836F is just that. Females that are feminine and attractive, yet able to

                           raise masculine breeding stock that are early maturing and packed with red meat. Being this is our only source of income, our herd needs to work for us, not us for them.

                                                       Dam - HC    Cindy 206Z
                                                     PEDIGREE OF THE FLUSHMATES
                           		                                           TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET
                                        PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836F MISS PRAIRIE COVE 407B

                                                     HC CINDY 206Z JWX SILVER BULLET 524W
                                                                        HC WINTER LADY 916W

                           				PEMC840891 HOMO PLD                             FVC 40K                  22-JAN-22

                                                  Kentucky Morning 40K
                                                                                                                           BW    ADJ WW      ADJ YW      CE        BW       WW         YW        M         TM
                             33             FVC                                                                           103       743       1312       5.5      -0.9       31        73        22         38
                                                                                                                       Farmfair International Charolais Jr. Bull Calf Champion. Arguably the lead off bull in the
                                                                                                                       Grand Champion Pen of Bulls in Medicine Hat Pen Show. This guy is a stud. He’s been
                                                                                                                       one of the favourite flushmates right from the get go. Youngest of the flushmate bulls
                                                                                                                       out of a moderate, Angus sired recipient. Great legs and feet, even better on the move.
                                                                                                                       The type of bull that has just enough of everything, and not to much of anything.

18                                                                           Simple as Black and White Bull Sale

                                                                                                                                                                                       YEARLING CHAROLAIS BULLS
   lot       PEMC834567                DBL PLD       FVC 17K                  09-JAN-22       lot       PEMC834933               DBL PLD      FVC 22K                    11-JAN-22

  34                                   FVC   Keith 17K                                       35                               FVC   Kanye 22K

   BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW           CE          BW     WW        YW         M           TM      BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW          CE          BW     WW        YW         M        TM
   94       660       1212       5.6          -0.8   37        74        16           35     112       715      1282       7.6          -1     34        72        24       41
Keith may be the most stylish of the flushmates. Early maturing and very fluid in his      Member of the Grand Champion Pen of Bulls at the Medicine Hat Pen Show.
movements. One of the lightest born.                                                       Kanye is the biggest bull of the flushmates. A bit more bone and structure compared
                                                                                           to the other four, but also maybe a bit longer. Easy doing disposition with phenomenal
                                                                                           testicular development.

   lot                                                                                        lot

             PEMC834939                HOMO PLD      FVC 24K                   11-JAN-22                PEMC834947               HOMO PLD     FVC 33K                    17-JAN-22

  36                                    FVC   Kent 24K                                       37                                   FVC   Kurt 33K

   BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW           CE          BW     WW        YW         M           TM      BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW          CE          BW     WW        YW         M        TM
   94       717       1232       4.4          0.1    41        83        21           42     114       663      1234       5.8       -0.5      35        77        19         37
Also the lightest born. Same style, build, and make up as the rest of his brothers.        Quietest of the five brothers. Didn’t get the extra care and attention in the show pen as
                                                                                           he lost half his ear due to a tag infection and Canadian winter.

                                                        Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                                     19

                              lot       PMC832283                 POLLED/S       FVC 11K                  06-JAN-22        lot       MC832285                  DEHORNED FVC 13K                       06-JAN-22

                             38                              FVC   Kracken 11K                                            39                            FVC   King Kong 13K
                                                                            TURNBULL’S ELITE 322E                                                                       CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P
                                        CEDARLEA GALVESTON 7G CEDARLEA UTAH 53D                                                             PCC BREWITT 929G MISS PRAIRIE COVE 407B
                                                 FVC HIBISCUS 39H SOS RAGE 128C                                                      MISS PRAIRIE COVE 601D PCC ROME 437B
                                                                            FVC FAIRY DUST 35F                                                                          STAUFFERS MADISON 85M
                              BW     ADJ WW     ADJ YW       CE        BW         WW       YW         M        TM          BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW          CE          BW       WW        YW       M        TM
                               89         772       1311       7.5       -1.6      45        91        26        48         109       726       1208      -0.8        3.9      41        78       28        48
                           This picture does not do this bull justice. He is the complete package. Born easy and        If there is one word to describe this bull it would be “ranchy”. His Rome sired dam came
                           small, weaned big and healthy, and pounded down the scale with style come yearling           out of the first Miss Prairie Cove Female Sale from our good friends the Bullicks. One
                           time. He is clean made with great spring of rib. Big quartered with a tail head that lays    of our tack box discussions with Tyler through our travels was “What does “ranchy”
                           in nicely. All traveling on a big foot. Paired with a very decent EPD profile, Kraken will   mean?” Well, around these parts it’s a good thing: good footed, free moving, easy
                           be sure to increase ROI in your herd.                                                        doing, care free calving, packed full of red meat. The kind that makes you money.

                                                                             DAM - HC 8H                                                                               DAM - JIL 170X
                              lot       PMC834563                 POLLED/S       FVC 15K                  07-JAN-22        lot       PMC834570                 POLLED        FVC 20K                  09-JAN-22

                             40                                FVC   Kelvin 15K                                           41                                   FVC   Kruel 20K
                                                                            BHD PERSEUS B65 P                                                                           TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET
                                               DC/CRJ TANK E108 P CRJ MS ZYLEN C1587                                                 PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836F MISS PRAIRIE COVE 407B

                                               HC WHITE GLORY 8H WINN MANS LANZA 610S                                                       JIL CRUEL GIRL 170X BAR DIAMOND HANK 22M
                                                                            HC WHITE GLORY 805F                                                                         JIL CRUEL GIRL 17N

                              BW      ADJ WW ADJ YW          CE        BW         WW       YW         M        TM          BW     SEP 28 WW JAN 22 YW    CE          BW       WW        YW       M        TM
                              84        765      1229      15.7        -6         41       93        22        43          95       882      1200        6.2         -0.2     36        62      22           40
                           Bit of a different pedigree here. Coming out of the infamous Hunter Charolais                Here is a bull with style! Everything about this bull catches your eye. Sleek made
                           program, Kelvin is the result of the bred heifer purchased from the Sterling sale and we     starting with a nice smooth polled skull, great neck extension, clean made shoulders,
                           can’t say we are disappointed. His dam is a very moderate Winn Man Lanza daughter            strong loin, tons of capacity, deep flanked, all carried by a free moving structure.
                           that did a superb job her first go. One of the lightest born calves in the operation that    Unbelievable testicular development at a young age out of a 13-year old dam. We
                           has a BW and Milk EPD that ranks in the 1st percentile for the whole herd. If you are        really do have to thank the great folks of the Future Farm operation. Years ago we
                           looking for a bull to service your heifers and have a maternal result, look no further.      bought a package of bred cows and this will be one of the last from that package
                           Micheal kept telling me that the “Tanks” just keep getting better with time, and this        (guess we didn’t pay too much after all). The proof is in the pudding, help yourself out
                           fella is no exception.                                                                       and get into these genetics that have proven themselves time and time again.

20                                                                              Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
   lot       PMC840887                DBL PLD          FVC 37K                19-JAN-22         lot       PMC840889                 DBL PLD        FVC 38K                  21-JAN-22

  42                                   FVC   Kobe 37K                                          43                            FVC    Knockout 38K
                                      CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P                                                                          CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P
                     PCC BREWITT 929G MISS PRAIRIE COVE 407B                                              PCC BREWITT 929G MISS PRAIRIE COVE 407B
                          FVC EMILY 41E SOS RAGE 128C                                                          JIL DAZZLE 83X BAR DIAMOND HANK 22M
                                                  JIL SNOW QUEEN 72Y                                                                 JIL JAN 64M
   BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW          CE          BW        WW          YW     M        TM           BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW           CE        BW        WW        YW        M        TM
   111      756       1316      -0.4          4         50         91    22        47           113       732      1278      -1.5      5.3        42        77        23        44
Probably the thickest bull in our offering. This bull has a lot of power. He is big topped   A long made bull sired again by the $50,000 dollar Player’s Club Champion, PCC
with excellent spring of rib. A bull with plenty of capacity. His shape and conformation     Brewitt 929G. His Bar Diamond Hank daughter dam lasted in the operation until the
is very similar to his sire. PCC Brewitt 929G was the ACA’s Player’s Club Champion as        ripe age of 13 without skipping a beat. He has a nice big stride while being soft on his
a bull calf at Farmfair International, is now leaving a lasting impact on the world by       pasterns. Smooth polled, clean fronted with EPDs for great carcass traits. His calves
siring progeny shown very successfully down at Denver, and having genetics moving            will be a “Knockout”.
internationally to Australia and around the world. Indexing above average in both WW
and YW, and has an EPD profile that suggests his calves are what your feedlots and
packers are looking for.

                                                                                                                        DAM - FVC 6D

   lot       PMC840890                3RD GEN PLD FVC 39K                     22-JAN-22         lot       PMC840893                 3RD GEN PLD FVC 41K                     24-JAN-22

  44                             FVC   Koleston 39K                                            45                               FVC   Keagan 41K
                                                  RBM FARGO Y111                                                                          CIRCLE CEE LEGEND 307A
           CEDARLEA HENDRICKS 40H CEDARLEA CHICABOOM 18C                                                             SOS RAGE 128C ALT SIERRA 80Y

                   FVC MS PERFECT 14H LHD MR PERFECT Y416                                                             FVC DOLLY 6D LAE AVALANCHE 327A
                                                  HC CINDY 206Z                                                                           GLM LADY MAC 11P
   BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW          CE          BW        WW          YW     M        TM           BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW           CE        BW        WW        YW        M        TM
   72       790       1353      15.2         -4.1       42         84    23        44           99       751       1194       5.6        1.1       54        102      20          47
The first of the LEO Hendricks 40H (aka Jimmy) calves to be offered. To say that we are      Good all around. This bull packs a lot of punch with his length of body, and spring of
excited for what Jimmy will do in our program is an understatement. His calvability          rib. He is clean sheathed and hairy. You have to appreciate his skull structure and the
traits are that of the sleep easy sire; go to bed and count the calves in the morning.       way it ties in smooth all the way to his tail. His dam was the result of a cow purchased
The lightest born bull with a 277 day gestation with plenty of vigour and indexed            from Jordan Rivers dispersal and went on to live here until she was 14. Longevity is
above average both in weaning and yearling weights. He is a frame size taller and long       packed in this pedigree.
as a train. Smooth fronted and finer boned makes Koleston a great candidate to add
pounds to your small framed cross cattle or first calf heifer crop.

                                                          Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                                   21

                                                                                                                              GRANDDAM - ROS 111B
                              lot      PMC840895                  3RD GEN PLD FVC 43K                 26-JAN-22

                            46                         FVC    Kick It Up 43K                                       A ‘Jimmy’ bull that does not disappoint. This bull’s pedigree on the bottom side goes
                                                                                                                   back to the ROSSO 111B cow family, and she sure is making a name for herself. She
                                                             RBM FARGO Y111
                                      CEDARLEA HENDRICKS 40H CEDARLEA CHICABOOM 18C                                keeps on cranking out the good ones and creeping into a spot in our flush program.
                                                                                                                   His dam is a Kentucky Rain daughter with plenty of capacity in a moderate frame. Kick
                                            FVC HARD TO MISS 43H PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836F                            It Up is following in her footprints. Very moderate, yet balanced. Smooth through his
                                                                          ROSSO MS ANGORAGAL 111B                  lines and profiles like none other. Angular in his makeup yet still masculine to make big
                                                                                                                   soggy calves packed with red meat. Beautiful little head and everything behind the
                             BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW            CE        BW      WW        YW      M        TM
                                                                                                                   ears is no different. This bull has style and would make a great candidate in a heifer pen
                             87       733      1226      12.2         -2.7     44        89      22       44       or if you are looking to keep some more moderate made females.

                              lot      PMC840900                   POLLED/S    FVC 47K                27-JAN-22        lot       PMC840912                3RD GEN PLD FVC 54K                       14-JAN-22

                             47                        FVC   Konfigurator 47K                                        48                        FVC   Knack Knack 54K
                                                                          TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET                                                        CIRCLE CEE LEGEND 307A
                                       PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836F MISS PRAIRIE COVE 407B                                                  SOS RAGE 128C ALT SIERRA 80Y

                                                   FVC EVETTA 19F GERRARD ZEPPELIN 3B                                              FVC FELICHA 16F LT WESTERN EDGE 4057 PLD
                                                                          GERRARD EVETTA 1C                                                               FVC DIAMOND 15D

                              BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW           CE        BW      WW        YW      M        TM           BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW          CE        BW        WW         YW         M        TM
                              92       760      1232         8.7       -1.6     40       72      21       41          108       764      1240         3        1.3        52        94        24         50
                           Another Kentucky Rain son that does not disappoint. He is big topped, smooth            Knack Knack, patty whack, give a dog a bone, give this great bull a good new home!
                           fronted, with great neck extension. A moderate made bull built to calve easy and grow   Very stout bull sired by our senior herdsire, Rage. Again, showing great rib shape and
                           fast. Going back to the Evetta cow family of Gerrards, his dam is a moderate, heavy     capacity. Some older type genetics on the bottom side that have been proven over
                           milking, honest cow that keeps on bringing in the good ones.                            and over. We feel this bull will have a knack for siring calves that will be sought after by
                                                                                                                   fellow producers and consumers.

 22                                                                           Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
                                                   GRANDDAM - FVC 20C

 49                                     Kenny 62K
                                                                                        PMC840919              4TH GEN PLD FVC 62K                       23-FEB-22
                                  FVC                                                      BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW           CE       BW        WW        YW         M        TM
                                                                                          104       789       1437       5.1       0.3       50        94        20         45
                                     TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET
              PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836F MISS PRAIRIE COVE 407B                             There is a presence about this particular bull. He has that “look at me” about him. His
                                                                                        pedigree is a showcase of what our program has become. Backed by the Cindy cow
                FVC FOREVER CINDY 39F SOS RAGE 128C                                     family, with Rage being his grandsire and Kentucky Rain sired, he is the best of the best.
                                                  FVC MISS CINDY 20C                    Always a pen favourite and not a surprise, as Kenny is the best performing bull in the
                                                                                        pen, ranking 2nd at weaning and 1st at yearling weighing sessions.

   lot       PMC840918               4TH GEN PLD FVC 61K                    22-FEB-22       lot       PMC840923                3RD GEN PLD FVC 73K                     13-MAR-22

  50                                 FVC   Kirby 61K                                       51                          FVC     Kaptivator 73K
                                   TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET                                                                     CIRCLE CEE LEGEND 307A
            PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836F MISS PRAIRIE COVE 407B                                                  SOS RAGE 128C ALT SIERRA 80Y
                        FVC GRACIE 17G CIRCLE CEE LEGEND 307A                                        FVC FASCINATER 40F SOS RAGE 128C
                                              FVC MISS CINDY 8E                                                                 JIL DAZZLE 83X

   BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW         CE         BW         WW       YW      M       TM           BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW          CE        BW       WW         YW        M        TM
   95       770      1302      9.6         -2.6       39       76      25       45         100       735      1273       3.2       1.7        51        89        20       46
Kirby is the kind of bull that is built for calving without sacrificing performance.    Don’t overlook the youngest bull in the FVC offering. We think very highly of this
 He is long made and very correct in his movements. Beautifully fronted, the way his    individual. He is the right kind. Out of a very attractive Rage daughter that indexed
neck lays into his shoulders and carries down with smooth lines into his finer made     above average in the herd and out of Lot 43’s dam, you can be sure he’s going to
structure below. Strong loin and good quarter. I’ve always used the analogue that it    grow up to be a red meat making machine. He is clean fronted, good footed, smooth
is much easier calving a hundred plus pound noodle than it is an eighty pound brick.    traveling, deep flanked… We could go on and on. Be sure to come sale day to see for
Case and point.                                                                         yourself and this bull will captivate you.

                                                        Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                                  23
Flat Valley Reference Sires

     PEMC751660                HOMO POLLED		              PCC 836F        4-MAR-18 PMC364871                  3RD GEN PLD		                    SOS 128C     5-FEB-15

                         PCC   Kentucky Rain 836F                                                                    SOS    Rage 128C
           CE           BW             WW           YW               M     TM           CE            BW              WW              YW              M     TM
           7             -.3           39            74              20    40           3.6            1.5             58            102              20    49
     Picture perfect conformation & disposition                                     Sr. Herdsire still walking. Used successfully on heifers

     PEMC765106                3RD GEN PLD		              PCC 929G        20-JAN-19 PMC788890                 DBL PLD		                 LEO 40H            21-JAN-20

                                 PCC   Brewitt 929G                                                 Cedarlea    Hendricks 40H – AKA JIMMY
           CE           BW             WW           YW               M     TM           CE            BW              WW              YW              M     TM
          -.5           4.8            49            91              24    49          14.7            -1.9            45             92              24    47

     Half brother to Kentucky Rain. 2019 ACA Player’s Club Campion                  Used heavily on heifers without sacrificing perfromance and style

24                                                  Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
On behalf of all of us here at Snake Valley Farm,

                                                                                                                                                            TWO-YEAR OLD CHAROLAIS BULLS
 we welcome you to the 4th annual Simple as
 Black & White Bull Sale.
 I would also like to take this time to thank our hard working friends at K
 Lazy T Cattle, Flat Valley Cattle & Cash Cattle for the opportunity to once
 again share our genetics in this sale. I believe that the Simple as Black and
 White Bull Sale has been and will continue to be a great asset to the area
 and the cattle industry as a whole.

 On that note, I would also like to thank all the previous buyers and bidders for your confidence and support in our SVC program.
 The Charolais bull has played an integral role in the commercial cow herd for us here at the farm and our goal is to be able to share
 genetics that will be dependable, profitable and an asset to any breed, or type of cows.

 Bulls are weaned off their mothers at 6-7 months and are then fed a balanced, high roughage ration for optimal growth and
 longevity at the forefront. At 12-13 months the bulls are scanned to retrieve ultrasound data and will then summer on grass and
 get plenty of exercise from early June until October. They will return home to the yard where they are assessed and will be wintered
 and fed at a pace we feel will provide customers with a bull that is in sound breeding condition and also achieving their true genetic
 potential. Bulls will come with up to date vaccinations, including Fusogard for footrot prevention.

 As always, I encourage and invite you to stop by to view the bulls at the farm anytime prior to the sale . We would love to answer
 any questions you may have about the bulls as individuals and what bull might fit your breeding needs. if you are unable to attend
 on March 20th, the knowledgeable sales team and staff at By Livestock can be of assistance and the fine folks from DLMS will have
 online bidding available with a live broadcast.

 Thank you for taking the time to view our offering and we look forward to seeing you on March 20!

 Snake Valley Farm Lt d


52                         SVC   Thatcher 1J                                     BW
                                                                                      ADJ WW   ADJ YW   CE
                                                                                                          3RD GEN PLD
                                                                                                                BW        WW
                                                                                                                               SVC   1J
                                                                                                                                     YW    M
                      SCR TRIUMPH 2135                 ULTRASOUND DATA:          89    655     1223     6.5      1        51         101   15        40
      SCX TRIUMPH 50B SCX MISS HILO 128W               Marb 4.50
                                                       Backfat mm 4.30
         SVC MISS 720E SKW PARDNER 78Y                 REA in2 14.78
                        SNAKE VALLEY ZAVIER 20Z 401B   Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.11
                                                       LMY% 66.37

                                             Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                      25

                                lot      PMC814058            3RD GEN PLD		        SVC 3J            23-MAR-21   lot      PMC817965            DBL PLD		             SVC 4J           25-MAR-21

                               53                         SVC    Trifecta 3J                                     54                             SVC   Bold 4J
                                                        SCR TRIUMPH 2135               ULTRASOUND DATA:                                  SCR TRIUMPH 2135                 ULTRASOUND DATA:
                                      SCX TRIUMPH 50B SCX MISS HILO 128W               Marb 3.80                       SCX TRIUMPH 50B SCX MISS HILO 128W                 Marb 4.00
                                                                                       Backfat mm 4.40                                                                    Backfat mm 4.80
                               SVC MISS BAMBINA 702E WINN MANS LANZA 610S              REA in2 15.08                                                                      REA in2 13.29
                                                                                       Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.22           SVC MISS 608D SNAKE VALLEY RUBIO 10A             Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.00
                                                        GLM BAMBINA 26B                                                                  SNAKE VALLEY 60S 108Y
                                                                                       LMY% 66.51                                                                         LMY% 64.64
                                BW    ADJ WW   ADJ YW    CE        BW         WW      YW        M         TM     BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW     CE        BW         WW       YW        M         TM
                                102     658     1162    5.3        1.5        47      99        17        40     105      627    1189    0.2        3.4        52      101       20         47

                                lot      PMC813938            POLLED		             SVC 6J            29-MAR-21   lot      PMC820237            4TH GEN PLD		        SVC 14J            11-APR-21

                               55                        SVC    Crockett 6J                                      56                       SVC    Lawless 14J
                                                        WINN MANS LANZA 610S          ULTRASOUND DATA:                                   WINN MANS LANZA 610S            ULTRASOUND DATA:
                                 SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T              Marb 3.10                   SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T                Marb 3.80
                                                                                      Backfat mm 2.40                                                                    Backfat mm 2.50
                                         SVC MISS 505C ABC ZAVIER Z264                REA in2 15.44               STEPPLER MISS 298A STEPPLER 55Y                        REA in2 15.41
                                                        SNAKE VALLEY 95K 402P         Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.20                            STEPPLER MISS 227Y              Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.29
                                                                                      LMY% 68.84                                                                         LMY% 68.71
                                BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW     CE        BW         WW      YW        M         TM     BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW     CE        BW         WW       YW        M         TM
                                95      647     1181    2.8        1.2        39      90       26         46     104      576    1091    1.9        2.2        39       79       20         40

26                                                                       Simple as Black and White Bull Sale

57                            SVC   Flint 9J                                          BW
                                                                                             ADJ WW ADJ YW
                                                                                                                3RD GEN PLD
                                                                                                                CE      BW      WW
                                                                                                                                       SVC 9J
                                                                                                                                            YW         M
                    WINN MANS LANZA 610S                   ULTRASOUND DATA:           90      596     1115     6.1       0        37        84         22           41
 SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T                    Marb 4.00
                                                            Backfat mm 3.40
             SVC 601D SNAKE VALLEY 20Z 6B                   REA in2 14.55
                       STEPPLER MISS 373A                   Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.22
                                                            LMY% 67.09

lot    PMC818102             3RD GEN PLD		        SVC 16J               10-APR-21      lot     PMC820243             POLLED/S		         SVC 17J               13-APR-21

58                       SVC   Teoscar 16J                                            59                         SVC   Sancho 17J
                       WINN MANS LANZA 610S             ULTRASOUND DATA:                                     WINN MANS LANZA 610S         ULTRASOUND DATA:
 SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T                   Marb 3.30                  SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T             Marb 3.20
                                                           Backfat mm 3.90                                                                Backfat mm 2.90
       SVC MISS 716E SKW PARDNER 78Y                       REA in2 15.08                                                                  REA in2 15.75
                                                           Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.18           SVC MISS 621D SNAKE VALLEY RUBIO 10A         Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.23
                       SNAKE VALLEY 20Z 412B                                                                 SNAKE VALLEY 60S 104Y
                                                           LMY% 67.02                                                                     LMY% 68.58
BW    ADJ WW ADJ YW     CE          BW       WW       YW           M         TM        BW    ADJ WW ADJ YW      CE       BW       WW        YW          M           TM
102    762     1265     3         1.7        46       94          25         48        108     719    1238     -0.3     2.6       45        96         28           51

                                              Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                                  27

                               lot     PMC820248               3RD GEN PLD		        SVC 18J            13-APR-21    lot    PMC820256            POLLED/S		        SVC 19J            14-APR-21

                               60                            SVC   Fantom 18J                                      61                     SVC    Crusader 19J
                                                   WINN MANS LANZA 610S                  ULTRASOUND DATA:                              WINN MANS LANZA 610S             ULTRASOUND DATA:
                                SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T                  Marb 3.50                  SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T             Marb 3.30
                                                                                         Backfat mm 3.80                                                                Backfat mm 3.30
                                       SVC MISS 625D SNAKE VALLEY RUBIO 10A              REA in2 16.54             SNAKE VALLEY 20Z 419B ABC ZAVIER Z264                REA in2 16.13
                                                         SNAKE VALLEY 50U 214Z           Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.36                          SNAKE VALLEY 34P 608S         Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.20
                                                                                         LMY% 68.31                                                                     LMY% 68.49
                               BW    ADJ WW   ADJ YW     CE         BW         WW       YW        M         TM      BW    ADJ WW ADJ YW    CE       BW       WW       YW        M         TM
                               100    686     1180       1.9        2.4        42       88        27        47     107     646    1233    0.5      3.2       40       92       24         44


                               lot     PMC820272               DBL PLD		            SVC 20J            19-APR-21    lot    PMC816463            DBL PLD		         SVC 23J            21-APR-21

                               62                      SVC   Copperhead 20J                                        63                      SVC   Pharaoh 23J
                                                   WINN MANS LANZA 610S                 ULTRASOUND DATA:                                  WINN MANS LANZA 610S         ULTRASOUND DATA:
                                SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T                 Marb 4.20                   SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T            Marb 3.80
                                                                                        Backfat mm 4.30                                                                Backfat mm 2.40
       SNAKE VALLEY MISS ZOEY 808F SKW PARDNER 78Y                                      REA in2 15.07                SVC MISS PATSY 721E SKW PARDNER 78Y               REA in2 14.33              SN
                                                         SNAKE VALLEY 34P 708T          Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.26                           SNAKE VALLEY 95K 801U        Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.23
                                                                                        LMY% 66.60                                                                     LMY% 67.94
                               BW    ADJ WW ADJ YW       CE         BW         WW       YW        M         TM      BW    ADJ WW ADJ YW    CE       BW       WW       YW        M         TM
                               102    666     1180       1.2        2.7        41       87       24         44     107     667    1166    -0.8     3.4       43       90       26         47

28                                                                        Simple as Black and White Bull Sale

   64                              Maddox 22J
                                                                                                  PMC820270        DBL PLD		            SVC 22J              23-APR-21
                                                                                          BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW   CE       BW       WW        YW         M            TM
                              WINN MANS LANZA 610S              ULTRASOUND DATA:          104     631    1228    0.6      3        45        99         22           45
           SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T              Marb 3.70
                                                                Backfat mm 3.30
SNAKE VALLEY ZAVIER 20Z 401B ABC ZAVIER Z264                    REA in2 17.02
                                  SNAKE VALLEY 60S 110Y         Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.29
                                                                LMY% 69.21

     lot      PMC820275           DBL PLD		          SVC 24J              25-APR-21        lot     PMC820299           POLLED		          SVC 25J              28-APR-21

   65                              SVC   Doc 24J                                          66                      SVC   Typhoon 25J
                         WINN MANS LANZA 610S               ULTRASOUND DATA:                                  WINN MANS LANZA 610S         ULTRASOUND DATA:
      SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T               Marb 3.50                      SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T         Marb 3.60
                                                            Backfat mm 2.50                                                                Backfat mm 3.30
SNAKE VALLEY RUBIO 3114A ABC RUBIO MAC ULTRO POLL           REA in2 15.55                                                                  REA in2 11.22
                                                            Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.19
                                                                                                   SVC MISS 711E SKW PARDNER 78Y           Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.00
                            SNAKE VALLEY 95K 629S                                                                SNAKE VALLEY 34P 708T
                                                            LMY% 68.83                                                                     LMY% 64.49
     BW     ADJ WW ADJ YW    CE        BW      WW         YW          M         TM         BW    ADJ WW ADJ YW    CE      BW       WW        YW          M           TM
    114      686    1249     -2        3.8      47        100        28         51         90     653    1132     5      -0.1      36        76         25           43

                                                  Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                              29

                                lot     PMC820283             POLLED/S		         SVC 27J               29-APR-21     lot     PMC820289           DBL PLD		            SVC 28J               30-APR-21

                               67                       SVC   Richmond 27J                                          68                       SVC    Tarzan 28J
                                                        WINN MANS LANZA 610S          ULTRASOUND DATA:                                     WINN MANS LANZA 610S                ULTRASOUND DATA:
                                 SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T              Marb 4.40                       SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T                  Marb 3.60
                                                                                      Backfat mm 2.40                                                                          Backfat mm 2.90
                               SNAKE VALLEY 60S 108Y ABC BERLANISCO                   REA in2 12.59                   STEPPLER MISS 296A SPARROWS SEMINOLE 927W                REA in2 13.74
                                                        MISS SNAKE VALLEY 121L        Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.02                              STEPPLER MISS 233U                  Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.16
                                                                                      LMY% 66.53                                                                               LMY% 66.95
                                BW    ADJ WW   ADJ YW    CE         BW     WW        YW           M         TM       BW    ADJ WW ADJ YW    CE        BW         WW       YW           M         TM
                               105     665     1204     -0.6        3.5    46        90          23         47      107     564    1108    2.2        2.5        39       87          25         44

                                lot     PMC817978             POLLED		           SVC 29J              08-MAY-21      lot     PMC820294           3RD GEN PLD		        SVC 30J              18-MAY-21

                               69                             SVC   Ruger 29J                                       70                        SVC   Reidar 30J
                                                        WINN MANS LANZA 610S           ULTRASOUND DATA:                                    WINN MANS LANZA 610S                 ULTRASOUND DATA:
                                 SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T                  Marb 3.60                   SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T                   Marb 3.70
                                                                                          Backfat mm 2.40                                                                       Backfat mm 2.40
                               SNAKE VALLEY 34P 708T SNAKE VALLEY 97K 34P                 REA in2 13.31             SNAKE VALLEY 50U 105Y ABC RUBIO MAC ULTRO POLL              REA in2 13.95
                                                        SNAKE VALLEY LATINO 220M          Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.04                          BDSC ANGELINA 10R                    Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.21
                                                                                          LMY% 67.11                                                                            LMY% 67.63
                                BW    ADJ WW ADJ YW      CE         BW     WW        YW           M         TM       BW    ADJ WW ADJ YW    CE        BW         WW       YW           M         TM
                               111     710     1287     -1.4        3.5    38        87          25         44       99     597    1159    2.1        2.2        42       90          25         46

30                                                                        Simple as Black and White Bull Sale
  lot       PMC820296            POLLED		           SVC 32J              30-MAY-21        lot        PMC820297                 DBL PLD		        SVC 33J               06-JUN-21

 71                              SVC   Skoal 32J                                         72                                SVC   Denver 33J
                      WINN MANS LANZA 610S                ULTRASOUND DATA:                                            WINN MANS LANZA 610S
                                                                                                                                                     ULTRASOUND DATA:
   SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T                   Marb 4.40                                                                                   Marb 4.00
                                                             Backfat mm 2.90
                                                                                           SPARROWS RIGG 851F WINN MANS MERIT 780T                       Backfat mm 3.40
 SNAKE VALLEY 20Z 404B ABC ZAVIER Z264                       REA in2 11.67                                                                               REA in2 13.55
                                                             Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.12   SNAKE VALLEY RUBIO 301A ABC RUBIO MAC ULTRO POLL                  Adj REA in2/100 lb 1.15
                           SNAKE VALLEY 95K 908W                                                                      SNAKE VALLEY 95K 630S
                                                             LMY% 65.27                                                                                  LMY% 66.29
  BW      ADJ WW ADJ YW     CE         BW      WW       YW           M         TM         BW        ADJ WW ADJ YW         CE      BW       WW       YW           M         TM
 100       662    1119      3          1.3     37       86          25         44         105        673    1258      -0.9        2.6      44       96          30         52

                                                     SnakeValley Reference Sires

PMC756713              3RD GEN PLD		                SB 851F                 4-FEB-18    PMC365296                DBL PLD		               SCX 50B                     24-MAR-14

                         SPARROWS      Rigg 851F                                                                    SCX    Triumph 50B
    CE           BW          WW              YW              M              TM              CE             BW              WW           YW               M              TM
    2.1          1.7            45           103          25                48                  2          2.4             66           130              9              42

                                                   Simple as Black and White Bull Sale                                                                                                      31
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