Dubbo Showground 8th June 2021 - ENTRIES CLOSE 3rd March 2021 - Herefords ...

Page created by Jamie Kelly
Dubbo Showground 8th June 2021 - ENTRIES CLOSE 3rd March 2021 - Herefords ...
  8 June 2021
Dubbo Showground
      3rd March 2021

                                               RETURN TO
                                Herefords Australia Limited
                          Locked Bag 7 Armidale NSW 2350
                                             Fax: 02 6772 1615
                          Email: info@herefordsaustralia.com.au

                                           Online Entries Available

NOTE – there have been changes to the Terms and Conditions for the 2021 Show & Sale.
                             Please read them carefully

                           SATURDAY 5th June, 2021
                    Bulls permitted on showgrounds from 6:00am
                            SUNDAY 6th June, 2021
                                Vendor BBQ - TBA
                            MONDAY 7th June, 2021
                              Inspections from 9:00am
                                Vendor Dinner - TBA
                           TUESDAY 8th JUNE, 2021
                                 Judging – 8:00am
                                  Sale – 1:00pm

                            SELLING AGENTS

                           Nutrien & Elders Ltd

An onsite vet will perform an inspection of all bulls entered in the 2021 Show and Sale.
Inspections will be carried out at the Dubbo Showground from 9:00am to 2:00pm on
Monday 7th June 2021.NOTE: An on property vet inspection is no longer required, however, alll
bulls are still required to pass a crush-side semen evaluation of semen density, wave motion and
motility to be carried out by a qualified veterinarian or technician employed by a licensed A.I.
centre. The test is to be carried out no more than 70 days prior to the sale. Vendors are to
make their own arrangements for the test.

Committee Inspectors will examine all entries for correct tattoos at the time of inspections. The
Exhibitor acknowledges and expressly agrees that the Committee Inspectors and Vet may, in their
absolute discretion and at any time, accept or reject any exhibit submitted by the Exhibitor for
exhibition and sale. The decisions of the Vet and the Committee will be final and no appeal will be

The Chairman of the Committee will be advised of rejections and he in turn will advise the vendor.

Any entry rejected must be removed from the exhibition area prior to the show to an area as
designated by the committee.

All entries must be inspected on Monday 7th June 2021 by 2:00pm.

Unless a genuine problem with transport arises, bulls not presented during the above times will be
ineligible to be shown or sold.

If you experience any unexpected problems getting to the ground before 12:00pm on Monday 7th
June 2021, please phone the Show & Sale Chairman, Andrew Rayner 0429 820 223.

                                SOME IMPORTANT NOTES

           ✓ ONE DAY SHOW/SALE FORMAT – both the show and sale will
             take place on Tuesday 8th June
           ✓ 2021 – all bulls must pass an onsite Vet inspection
           ✓ Bulls must still be semen tested on property prior to the show
             and sale, with appropriate documentation presented at the time
             of inspection on Monday 7th June 2021
           ✓ All bulls to be PI Tested negative
           ✓ All bulls must be sire verified and free from all known genetic
             conditions AT THE TIME OF ENTRY
           ✓ To be a JBAS score 6 or greater
           ✓ Notes can be added to the catalogue
           ✓ Full coloured catalogue with photos to be submitted by 15th April,
             2021. We will contact vendors with photographer options after
             entries close
 1. No animal shall be eligible for showing that has not been catalogued for sale with the agents
     conducting the sale, or for which entries have not been received by the prescribed closing date. (No
     late entries will be accepted if postmarked or faxed after the closing date).
 2. The vendor must be a financial member of Herefords Australia, and shall warrant that he/she is the
     absolute owner of any animal entered by him/her or by his/her authority to the Show and Sale and shall
     indemnify Herefords Australia against all claims on whatsoever ground and whatsoever cause made
     against Herefords Australia in respect of such animals at the insistence of any other person.
 3. No animal shall be eligible for the Show and Sale that has not been correctly registered (to Herd Book
     Register status) with Herefords Australia.
 4. No animal will be eligible for sale if they do not present in the show ring at the time of judging.
5. All registered animals shown and sold must:
    a) All bulls must be sire verified and free from known genetic conditions at the CLOSE OF ENTRIES.
         Any animal that is not sire verified or been tested free of all known genetic conditions by the close of
         entries, will not be permitted entry.
    b) Be identified to their pedigree by Herefords Australia.
    c) Pass the onsite veterinary inspection (carried out by a committee appointed vet at inspections on
         Monday 7th June 2021) covering scrotal circumference, testicles, penis/prepuce, mobility, eyes &
         jaws and tattoo identification
    d) Bulls must always be under control and any bulls that are not under control will need to be
         removed from the showground immediately.
 6. All registered animals must be legibly tattooed with the prescribed Herefords Australia tattoo. If tattoos
     are illegible or incorrect, the animal will fail inspection.
 7. Bulls with scurs will be eligible to compete provided the scurs are loose at the hairline and
     recorded with Herefords Australia. If scurs are detected during the inspections and they are
     not noted as such in the printed catalogue or the Herefords Australia office has not been
     notified before close of business on the Friday before inspections a fine of $500 will incur -
     the fine will be sent from the Herefords Australia Office.
 8. All bulls are be born between the 1st January 2019 and the 1st June 2020. The Young Junior bull
     division (bulls over 12 months of age) has been amended for 2021. Including bulls down to 12
     months of age, these bulls will be shown in the Junior classes and will be sold in catalogue
 9. Entries must have the minimum scrotal circumference: 18-21 months: 32cm, 21-24 months: 33cm,
     over 24 months: 34cm.
 10. All bulls are required to pass a crush-side semen evaluation of semen density, wave motion
      and motility to be carried out by a qualified veterinarian or technician employed by a licensed
      A.I. centre. The test is to be carried out no more than 70 days prior to the sale. Vendors are to
      make their own arrangements for the test. It is not part of the onsite veterinary inspection.
 11. Herefords Australia reserves the right to appoint:
     a) Veterinarians to inspect all animals entered for Show and Sale. The owner of an animal, which in
          the opinion of the vet should not be shown or offered for sale, will be required to remove such
          animal forthwith from the Showground. Any bull inspected on Sunday and is required to have a Vet
          Inspection, will present to the Vet at 8am on Monday morning to be inspected by the appointed Vet
          – the Vet’s decision will be final.
    b) Herefords Australia inspectors will record tattoos and scurs.
 12. Animals must not carry a more advanced dental configuration than that which is defined by the
     Australian Association of Cattle Veterinarians Teeth Eruption Schedule.
 13. Only handlers over 16 years of age are able to handle bulls during Inspection.
 14. All animals are required to be tested PI Negative for BVD (PestiVirus)- a copy of the test results are to
     be included with the Health Paperwork for inspection.
 15. All Vendors MUST BE BREEDPLAN members.
 16. All vendors must have a JBAS Score of 6 or Greater and must be included on the entry form.
 17. Vendors must submit all details and follow points a), b) and c) below. No BREEDPLAN animal shall
     be eligible for Show and Sale unless the following requirements are met:
     a) The vendor has submitted growth figures to obtain Birth, 200 Day, 400 Day and 600 Day
          Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs).
b) The vendor has submitted scans/measurements for EMA, Scrotal Circumference, IMF, Rib
          Fat and Rump Fat scans.
     c) All the required data must be submitted and accepted by ABRI BREEDPLAN for inclusion in the
          March run (cut-off date for data submission is 3rd March 2021.
     d) If your data is not received for inclusion in the March run – your entry will be refused and
          your entry fee refunded.
BREEDPLAN figures will be the latest GROUP BREEDPLAN data accessed directly from the Herefords
Australia database
 18. Bulls will be catalogued in AGE ASCENDING order within their nominated agent’s catalogue. Bulls will
     be sold with Junior Bulls first in ascending order with alternate agents. Vendor of the Grand Champion
     Bull has the option to offer the bull at any sale position. The sectional champions and reserves can
     move to the front of their chosen agent’s section of the Catalogue. Agents will draw for sale positions at
     the committee meeting held after the close of Entries.
 19. Points allocated for Most Successful Exhibitor to animals in the show section that are not sold at auction
     will be forfeited.
 20. Breed uniform must be worn by all cattle handlers when in the show ring. Uniform consists of maroon
     vest, current Herefords Australia shirt, denim jeans, tie for males and either a tie or neck scarf for
 21. No exhibit or person in charge thereof shall be equipped with, wear or display anything which indicates
     ownership of the exhibit whilst being judged.
 22. It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure their Public Liability Insurance covers these activities. At time
     of lodgement of entries, entry forms are required to be accompanied by a “Certificate of Currency”
     issued by the vendor’s insurer confirming that the vendor has current public liability insurance to a
     minimum of $20 million and participation in agricultural shows is not exclusion under the policy.
 23. It will be the responsibility of the vendor to arrange his own fodder requirements.
 24. At the completion of the sale a penalty of $55.00 will be imposed on bulls that need to be retired, or on
     bulls left unattended without a necktie. Failure to pay this fine will result in the Vendor’s entry being
     denied the following year.
 25. Any and all Herefords Australia and Committee decisions are final and no correspondence or
     discussion will be entered into.
 26. All corporate advertising must be approved in writing by Herefords Australia before being displayed.

 READY FOR PRINTING. Please take care when making your entries. Once your entry form is signed and
 submitted you will be bound by these Conditions of Entry.
 2. Bulls that pass both the Herefords Australia inspection and the Veterinary inspection will be tagged with
 a Tag denoting their Lot No.

Performance classes are not going to be included in the 2021 judging schedule as the traditional show
judging will be conducted by the judge with access to all performance data as well as raw data.
Herefords Australia
                                    NATIONAL SHOW & SALE (DUBBO)
                                           “Q and R” BULLS
                                             ENTRIES CLOSE: 3rd March 2021
          Entries & Entry Fees to be returned to: Herefords Australia Limited, Locked Bag 7, Armidale, NSW, 2350
                                    info@herefordsaustralia.com.au / Fax: 02 6772 1615

                                                                                     Scurs S/P/H                   Date Of                                      Fee
   (Indicate                       Name of Exhibit                                                                                         Tattoo
                                                                                                                    Birth                                     $320.00
    Box for
   E      N

Prefix:                                        I have read the Conditions of Entry and hereby apply to enter the foregoing exhibits in accordance with the Conditions of Entry.

Exhibitors Name:                                                                                                          Membership Number:

JBAS SCORE :                                   Signed:                                                    Date:

PRESIDENTS TROPHY: Best Group of three bulls   YES / NO
Herefords Australia
                                                      FEMALES (any age)
                                                ENTRIES CLOSE: 3rd March 2021
              Entries & Entry Fees to be returned to: Herefords Australia Limited, Locked Bag 7, Armidale, NSW, 2350
                                        info@herefordsaustralia.com.au / Fax: 02 6772 1615

                                                                                                                                             Calf at Foot             Entry
 (Indicate Box                                                          Scurs               Date Of Birth                                      Tattoo                  Fee
                              Name of Exhibit                                                                             Tattoo
   for Agent)                                                           S/P/H                                                                                        $320.00
                                                                                                                                             (if applicable)
   E      N

Prefix:                                     I have read the Conditions of Entry and hereby apply to enter the foregoing exhibits in accordance with the Conditions of Entry.

Exhibitors Name:                                                                                                       Membership Number:

JBAS SCORE :                                Signed:                                                    Date:
Herefords Australia
                                      NATIONAL SHOW & SALE (DUBBO)
                                              Semen Entries
                                               ENTRIES CLOSE: 3rd March 2021
            Entries & Entry Fees to be returned to: Herefords Australia Limited, Locked Bag 7, Armidale, NSW, 2350
                                      info@herefordsaustralia.com.au / Fax: 02 6772 1615

                                                                                                            Location         Entry
                                                                                     Number of Straws
(Indicate Box                                                          Tattoo                              of Storage         Fee
                                Name of Exhibit
  for Agent)                                                                                                                $320.00
E       N

                                                           Embryo Entries
                                                                                                  Location of Storage        Entry
                                                                         Number of Embryos
(Indicate Box                                       Dam Tattoo                                                                Fee
                       Sire Tattoo
  for Agent)                                                                                                                $320.00
E       N

                There will be space for comments and colour pictures in the catalogue please email them to Andrew at grathlyn@gmail.com
Herefords Australia
                               NATIONAL SHOW & SALE (DUBBO)


 Vendors Trading Name: ……………………………………………………………………………….

 Stud Prefix: ……………………………………………………………..                  Signed : ………………………………………………………………
 ABN Number: …………………………….
                                                         Member No : …………………… Date: ………………………
 Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
                                                         Qty Head Entered : ………………. X $320.00 = $
 Tel: ………………………………………………………………..

 Fax: ………………………………………………………………                                                                Total = $ ………………….
                                                         PAYMENT DETAILS:
 Email: …………………………………………………………….                          Cheque Enclosed
 PIC - …………………………………..                                    Cr edit Car d
                                                                       Visa    Mastercar d
 JBAS SCORE -_______________
                                                         Name on Card : ………………………………………………………………………………
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