Minutes of the Council Meeting Held on 20 May 2019 in the Community Chambers "Wal Yuntu Warrin" Commencing at 5.00PM
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Minutes of the Council Meeting Held on 20 May 2019 in the Community Chambers “Wal Yuntu Warrin” Commencing at 5.00PM
ALEXANDRINA COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD ON MONDAY 20 MAY 2019 COMMENCING AT 5.00 PM IN THE COUNCIL COMMUNITY CHAMBERS “WAL YUNTU WARRIN” GOOLWA TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM NO. SUBJECT PAGE NO. CONFLICT OF INTEREST ............................................................................................................ 5 1. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES .......................................................................................... 5 2. ADJOURNED DEBATE ....................................................................................................... 5 3. QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE ............................................................................................... 5 3.1 Cr Maidment - Redevelopment of The Strathalbyn Senior Citizens Building ............. 5 4. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ....................................................................................... 5 5. NOTICES OF MOTION ....................................................................................................... 6 6. PETITIONS.......................................................................................................................... 6 6.1 Petition - Excelsior Parade - Mr Bill Galler................................................................. 6 6.2 Petition - Free Green Organic Waste Dumping at Council's Transfer Station ....................................................................................................................... 6 7. DEPUTATIONS/REPRESENTATIONS ............................................................................... 6 7.1 Deputation - South Coast Freight Corridor ................................................................ 6 7.2 Deputation - Middleton and B-Double Trucks ............................................................ 6 8. ENVIRONMENT - REPORTS FOR COUNCIL DECISION .................................................. 6 8.1 South Coast Freight Corridor - Flagstaff Hill/Airport Road Intersection Upgrade .................................................................................................................... 6 8.2 Strathalbyn Community Swimming Pool - 2019/20 Season ...................................... 7 9. GROWTH - REPORTS FOR COUNCIL DECISION ............................................................ 7 9.1 Strathalbyn Deferred Urban Development Plan Amendment - Statement of Intent ......................................................................................................................... 7 9.2 Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism - Funding Agreement 2019-22 ...................................... 7 9.3 Regional Development Australia - Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island - Funding Agreement Extension...................................................................... 8 10. WELLBEING - REPORTS FOR COUNCIL DECISION ....................................................... 8 10.1 Dog Registration Fees 2019-21................................................................................. 8 10.2 Fenchurch Street Goolwa - Odour Problem .............................................................. 9 11. RESOURCES - REPORTS FOR COUNCIL DECISION ...................................................... 9 11.1 Audit Committee Minutes 29 April 2019 .................................................................... 9 11.2 Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2019-20 ................................................... 10 11.3 Adelaide Hills Region Waste Management Authority (AHRWMA) Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2019-20 ............................................................ 10
11.4 Fleurieu Regional Aquatic Centre Authority (Fraca) 3 Year Business Plan 2019-2022 and Draft 2019-20 Budget ..................................................................... 10 11.5 Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority (FRWA) Draft 2019-20 Budget ......................... 11 11.6 The Quarterly Report - January to March 2019 ....................................................... 12 11.7 Goolwa Wharf Precinct Prudential Report ............................................................... 12 11.8 DA455/263/19 - Port Elliot Bowling Club Balustrade - Land Owners Consent 12 11.9 DA 455/92/19 - Proposed Verandah Over a Portion of Footpath (Road Reserve) Adjacent 24 North Terrace Port Elliot ....................................................... 12 11.10 DA 455/73/19 - Parklet at 39 Commercial Road Strathalbyn ................................... 13 12. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER - REPORTS FOR COUNCIL DECISION ......................................................................................................................... 13 12.1 Chief Executive Officer's Report .............................................................................. 13 12.2 Community Donation Request- Milang and District Community Association ........... 13 12.3 Southern and Hills Local Government Association - Proposed 2019-20 Budget .................................................................................................................. 13 12.4 Southern Right Whale Nursery Protection Area ...................................................... 14 12.5 Application for Heritage Agreement for Goolwa Dunes ........................................... 14 13 ELECTED MEMBERS’ REPORTS (INCLUDING VERBAL UPDATES) ............................ 15 13.1 Mayor's Report ........................................................................................................ 15 13.2 Elected Members’ Report ........................................................................................ 15 14. CONFIDENTIAL QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE .................................................................. 16 14.1 Questions With Notice Cr Miadment - Redevelopment of The Strathalbyn Senior Citizens Building (Confidential) 17 15. CONFIDENTIAL NOTICES OF MOTION .......................................................................... 17 15.1 Notice of Motion - Cr Rebbeck - Goolwa Boat Haven Lease Date (Confidential) ........................................................................................................... 17 16. CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS 16.1 DA455/234/19 and Licence - ANZ ATM Cadell Street Goolwa (Confidential) ........................................................................................................... 18 16.2 Goolwa Wharf Precinct Recreational Boating Facility Status Update Regarding Legal Proceedings - May 2019 (Confidential) ........................................ 19 16.3 Barrage Road Marina Request For Expressions of Interest Submissions (Confidential) ........................................................................................................... 21 16.4 Department for Environment and Water - Goolwa Surf Life Saving Club Land Tenure (Confidential) ...................................................................................... 22 17. CLOSURE 23
Alexandrina Council MINUTES OF THE ALEXANDRINA COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE ALEXANDRINA COUNCIL COMMUNITY CHAMBERS "WAL YUNTU WARRIN", GOOLWA ON MONDAY 20 MAY AT 5:00PM PRESENT Mayor Keith Parkes, Councillors Bronwyn Lewis, Karyn Bradford, Craig Maidment, Mike Farrier, John Carter, Margaret Gardner, James Stewart, Melissa Rebbeck, Bill Coomans, Michael Scott and Rex Keily APOLOGIES Nil IN ATTENDANCE Glenn Rappensberg (Chief Executive Officer), Anne Liddell (Group Manager Leadership), Simon Grenfell (General Manager Environment), Kathy Hayter (General Manager Wellbeing), Mark van der Pennen (General Manager Growth), Elizabeth Williams (General Manager Resources) and Sarah Nankivell (Governance Administration Officer). GALLERY MP, Member for Finniss, David Basham, eight members of staff, 60 members of the public and a representative from the Victor Harbor Times. LOCAL GOVERNMENT PRAYER Almighty God, we humbly beseech thee to grant thy blessing upon the works of this Council, guide us in our deliberations for the advancement and the true welfare of the people of the district. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF TRADITIONAL OWNERS The Alexandrina Council and its communities acknowledge the Ngarrindjeri people as the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of our Council district. Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 4 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council CONFLICT OF INTEREST Elected Members are reminded of the requirements for disclosure by Members of any conflict of interest in items listed for consideration on the Agenda. Section 74 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that Elected Members declare any interest and provide full and accurate details of the relevant interest to the Council prior to consideration of that item on the Agenda. Each Member of a Council has a duty to vote at all meetings unless excepted by legislation. The major exception being where a Member has a conflict of interest. 1. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ACM19111 Moved Cr Keily seconded Cr Farrier That the Minutes of the Alexandrina Council meeting held on Monday 15 April 2019, as circulated to members, be received as a true and correct record, amending the spelling of 'Strathalbyn' in Item 10.4. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Amend the spelling of Strathalbyn in Item 10.4 The meeting moved to Item 7 Deputations/Presentations at 5.04pm 2. ADJOURNED DEBATE ACM19112 Moved Cr Coomans seconded Cr Maidment: That the update be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE 3.1 Cr Maidment - Redevelopment of The Strathalbyn Senior Citizens Building Cr Keily declared a perceived conflict of interest as his partner is Chairperson of the Strath Neighbourhood Centre. 4. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE Cr Stewart raised question regarding property 26 New Orleans St. Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 5 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council CEO responded that it can be discussed at a briefing, potentially held in confidence. Cr Rebbeck asked if a briefing could be arranged for tendering and procurement. CEO responded that is planned for a future briefing. 5. NOTICES OF MOTION Nil 6. PETITIONS 6.1 Petition - Excelsior Parade - Mr Bill Galler ACM19113 Moved Cr Stewart seconded Cr Rebbeck: That the petition be received and that a further report be brought back to Council. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6.2 Petition - Free Green Organic Waste Dumping at Council's Transfer Station ACM19114 Moved Cr Coomans seconded Cr Stewart: That the petition be received and a further report be brought back to Council. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. DEPUTATIONS/REPRESENTATIONS 7.1 Deputation - South Coast Freight Corridor Mr Jeff Croser presented at 5.05pm 7.2 Deputation - Middleton and B-Double Trucks Mr Paul Shinkfield presented at 5.13pm Meeting returned to Item 3 in the Agenda at 5.19pm 8. ENVIRONMENT - REPORTS FOR COUNCIL DECISION 8.1 South Coast Freight Corridor - Flagstaff Hill/Airport Road Intersection Upgrade ACM19115 Moved Cr Scott seconded Cr Keily: That Council do not support a South Coast Freight Corridor route that passes through the main street of Middleton. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 6 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council ACM19116 Moved Cr Lewis seconded Cr Stewart: That Council note the resolution of 15 April 2019 to advocate for a bypass around Middleton from the intersection of Airport Road and Flagstaff Hill Road to Waterport Road to build on the South Coast Freight Corridor, thereby supporting regional economic development as well as safety around a key coastal town. That the full plan of the bypass has sufficient research behind it to ensure that our villages are not impacted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8.2 Strathalbyn Community Swimming Pool - 2019/20 Season ACM19117 Moved Cr Keily seconded Cr Gardner: That Council endorse the 2019/20 Strathalbyn Community Swimming Pool season fees and charges. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. GROWTH - REPORTS FOR COUNCIL DECISION 9.1 Strathalbyn Deferred Urban Development Plan Amendment - Statement of Intent ACM19118 Moved Cr Maidment seconded Cr Keily: That Council receives and adopts the Statement of Intent for the Strathalbyn Deferred Urban Development Plan Amendment dated May 2019 and forward the document to the Minister for Planning for consideration. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9.2 Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism - Funding Agreement 2019-22 ACM19119 Moved Cr Farrier seconded Cr Lewis: 1. That Council commit to renewing the funding agreement between Alexandrina Council, City of Onkaparinga, City of Victor Harbor, District Council of Yankalilla and Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism Incorporated for a one year period commencing on 15 July 2019. 2. That Council allocates an additional $3,000 within the 2019/20 budget for the purposes of undertaking a review of the Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism Incorporated, to report back within 6 months subject to the four partner Councils of Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism resolving the same way. Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 7 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council 3. That the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to sign and affix Council’s seal to the 2019 – 2020 Funding Agreement with Fleurieu Peninsula Tourism Incorporated reflecting recommendation one above. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9.3 Regional Development Australia - Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island - Funding Agreement Extension ACM19120 Moved Cr Rebbeck seconded Cr Gardner: 1. That the report be received. 2. That Council enters into an agreement to fund Regional Development Australia - Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island (RDA AHFKI) for a further three (3) years commencing 1 July 2019 ending 30 June 2022. 3. That Council authorise the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to affix the Common Seal to all documentation necessary to give effect to recommendation 2 of this resolution. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. WELLBEING - REPORTS FOR COUNCIL DECISION 10.1 Dog Registration Fees 2019-21 Moved Cr Lewis seconded Cr Farrier: 1. That Council endorse an increase in dog registration fees in line with annual Local Government Pricing Index for the next two financial years, 1 July 2019 - 30 June 2021; and that for the same period Council: a. Reduce the Standard Dog registration concession from 54% to the Dog and Cat Management Board's recommended 50%. b. Maintain the pensioner concession at 75%. AMENDMENT Moved Cr Coomans Seconded Cr Keily: b. Maintain the pensioner concession at 75% and instead distribute the related cost across non-standard dog categories. LOST Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 8 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council Cr Coomans called for a Division Voting in the Affirmative Councillors Coomans, Lewis, Keily Voting in the Negative Councillors Scott, Bradford, Stewart, Carter, Maidment, Gardner, Farrier, Rebbeck The Amendment to the Motion is declared Lost by the Mayor. ACM19121 Moved Cr Lewis seconded Cr Farrier: 1. That Council endorse an increase in dog registration fees in line with annual Local Government Pricing Index for the next financial year, 1 July 2019 - 30 June 2020; and that for the same period Council: a. Reduce the Standard Dog registration concession from 54% to the Dog and Cat Management Board's recommended 50%. b. Maintain the pensioner concession at 75%. CARRIED 10.2 Fenchurch Street Goolwa - Odour Problem ACM19122 Moved Cr Stewart seconded Cr Gardner: That Council receives the report and supports the ongoing corrective actions and commitments. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The meeting moved to Item 12.4 at 6.45pm 11. RESOURCES - REPORTS FOR COUNCIL DECISION 11.1 Audit Committee Minutes 29 April 2019 ACM19123 Moved Cr Coomans seconded Cr Farrier: That Council receives the Audit Committee minutes of 29 April 2019. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 9 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council 11.2 Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2019-20 ACM19124 Moved Cr Coomans seconded Cr Keily: That Council commence public consultation on the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2019-20 and updated Long term Financial Plan as presented. CARRIED Cr Gardner left the chambers at 7.12pm Cr Gardner returned to the chambers at 7.14pm Cr Farrier called for a Division Voting in the Affirmative Councillors Scott, Bradford, Coomans, Stewart, Keily, Carter, Maidment, Gardner, Rebbeck Voting in the Negative Councillors Lewis, Farrier The Motion is declared Carried by the Mayor Cr Scott left the chambers at 7.24pm 11.3 Adelaide Hills Region Waste Management Authority (AHRWMA) Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2019-20 ACM19125 Moved Cr Keily seconded Cr Gardner: That Council approves the draft Adelaide Hills Region Waste Management Authority Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2019-20 and updated Long Term Financial Plan. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11.4 Fleurieu Regional Aquatic Centre Authority (Fraca) 3 Year Business Plan 2019-2022 and Draft 2019-20 Budget Cr Lewis declared an actual conflict of interest regarding a private matter with the FRACA and that she should not be present during discussions regarding the budget for 2019-20. Cr Lewis left the chambers at 7.26pm Cr Scott returned to the chambers at 7.27pm Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 10 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council ACM19126 Moved Cr Rebbeck seconded Cr Keily: 1. That Council approves the draft Fleurieu Regional Aquatic Centre Authority Budget 2019-20. 2. That Council approves the draft Fleurieu Regional Aquatic Centre Authority 3 Year Business Plan 2019-22 (incorporating the 2019-20 Authority Business Plan and 2019-20 Fleurieu Aquatic Centre Business & Marketing Plan). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Cr Lewis returned to the chamber at 7.30pm 11.5 Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority (FRWA) Draft 2019-20 Budget Moved Cr Keily seconded Cr Carter: 4. That Council does not endorse the draft Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority Budget 2019-20 and updated Long Term Financial Plan as presented but endorses a budget in line with 2018-19 indexed by CPI and with an additional $225,000 increase attributable to the impacts of China Sword. Amendment to Motion ACM19128 Moved Cr Farrier seconded Cr Gardner: That Council does not endorse the draft Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority Budget 2019-20 and updated Long Term Financial Plan as presented but endorses a budget in line with 2018-19 indexed by CPI and requests alternate cost saving initiatives be identified by the Board for 2019-20 to reduce the contribution sought from Council. CARRIED Amended Motion ACM19127 Moved Cr Keily seconded Cr Carter That Council does not endorse the draft Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority Budget 2019-20 and updated Long Term Financial Plan as presented but endorses a budget in line with 2018-19 indexed by CPI and requests alternate cost saving initiatives be identified by the Board for 2019-20 to reduce the contribution sought from Council. CARRIED Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 11 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council 11.6 The Quarterly Report - January to March 2019 ACM19129 Moved Cr Maidment seconded Cr Gardner: That the Quarterly Report - January to March 2019 be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11.7 Goolwa Wharf Precinct Prudential Report Cr Keily left the chambers at 7.38pm Cr Rebbeck left the chambers at 7.38pm Cr Coomans left the chambers at 7.38pm ACM19130 Moved Cr Stewart seconded Cr Farrier: That Council receives and notes the BRM Holdich Prudential Management Report for the Goolwa Wharf Precinct. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Cr Rebbeck returned to the chambers at 7.40pm 11.8 DA455/263/19 - Port Elliot Bowling Club Balustrade - Land Owners Consent Cr Bradford left the chambers at 7.40pm ACM19131 Moved Cr Gardner seconded Cr Stewart: That Council grants consent for the Port Elliot Bowling Club to replace the existing iron fence along the foreshore section of their lease area located at Crown Record Volume 5875 Folio 896, Lot 5 The Cutting Port Elliot, with a glass balastrade, in accordance with and subject to development approval of 455/263/19. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11.9 DA 455/92/19 - Proposed Verandah Over a Portion of Footpath (Road Reserve) Adjacent 24 North Terrace Port Elliot Cr Keily returned to the chambers at 7.41pm Cr Coomans returned to the chambers at 7.41pm Cr Bradford returned to the chambers at 7.42pm ACM19132 Moved Cr Maidment seconded Cr Keily: That Council grants consent for a verandah to be placed on a portion of the footpath area adjacent to 24 North Terrace Port Elliot, in accordance with and subject to development approval of DA 455/92/19. CARRIED Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 12 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council Cr Lewis called a Division Voting in the Affirmative Councillors Bradford, Coomans, Stewart, Keily, Carter, Maidment, Gardner, Farrier, Rebbeck Voting in the Negative Councillors Scott, Lewis The motion is declared Carried by the Mayor. 11.10 DA 455/73/19 - Parklet at 39 Commercial Road Strathalbyn ACM19133 Moved Cr Maidment seconded Cr Keily: 1. That Council grants consent to proceed to public consultation on the proposed parklet located on a portion of road adjacent to 39 Commercial Road Strathalbyn, in accordance with development application 455/73/19. 2. That a further report be brought back to the next available Council meeting after close of the public consultation process, inclusive of any submissions received. CARRIED 12. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER - REPORTS FOR COUNCIL DECISION 12.1 Chief Executive Officer's Report ACM19134 Moved Cr Gardner seconded Cr Carter: That the Chief Executive Officer’s Report be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12.2 Community Donation Request- Milang and District Community Association ACM19135 Moved Cr Gardner seconded Cr Farrier: 1. That Council approve a community donation to Milang and District Community Association of $3,000 for the vehicle costs involved in running the Growing Life Connections Program. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12.3 Southern and Hills Local Government Association - Proposed 2019-20 Budget Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 13 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council ACM19136 Moved Cr Rebbeck seconded Cr Maidment: 1. That Council approve the contribution to the Southern and Hills Local Government Association 2019-20 Annual Budget of $15,401.43 (ex GST). 2. That Council endorse the Southern and Hills Local Government Association Draft 2019-20 Annual Budget. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12.4 Southern Right Whale Nursery Protection Area ACM19137 Moved Cr Farrier seconded Cr Lewis: That Council administration write to State Government in support of a motorised vessel exclusion zone for 1 May – 31 October as consulted (i.e. with an exception for emergency services only). CARRIED Cr Farrier left the chambers at 6.47pm Cr Farrier returned to the chambers at 6.48pm Cr Scott called for a Division Voting in the Affirmative Councillors Scott, Bradford, Coomans, Lewis, Keily, Maidment, Gardner, Farrier, Rebbeck Voting in the Negative Councillors Stewart, Carter The motion is declared Carried by the Mayor. The meeting returned to Item 11.1 of the Agenda at 7.05pm 12.5 Application for Heritage Agreement for Goolwa Dunes ACM19138 Moved Cr Gardner seconded Cr Rebbeck: 1. That Council endorses an application being made to the Native Vegetation Council for Heritage Listing over a portion of the Goolwa Dunes as identified in Attachment 12.5 (a) of this report. 2. That Council endorses the Mayor and Chief Executive to sign and seal all necessary documents relating to the application for and execution of the Heritage Agreement for the Goolwa Dunes. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 14 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council 13 ELECTED MEMBERS’ REPORTS (INCLUDING VERBAL UPDATES) 13.1 Mayor's Report ACM19139 Moved Cr Lewis seconded Cr Maidment: That the Mayor's report for April 2019 be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13.2 Elected Members’ Report ACM19140 Moved Cr Keily seconded Cr Carter: That the Elected Members Report for April 2019 be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 15 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council 14. CONFIDENTIAL QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE 14.1 Question With Notice - Cr Maidment - Redevelopment of The Strathalbyn Senior Citizens Building (Confidential) ACM19141 Moved Cr Lewis seconded Cr Rebbeck: Pursuant to section 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that all members of the public be excluded, with the exception of the Chief Executive Officer, General Managers, Minute Taker and the officer responsible for the report on the basis that it will receive and consider Item 14.1 titled Cr Maidment – Redevelopment of the Strathalbyn Senior Citizens Building (Confidential). The Council is satisfied, pursuant to section 90(3)(b) (i) and (ii) of the Act, that the information to be received, discussed or considered in relation to this Agenda Item is information that would disclose section 90(3)(b) (i) and (ii). The Council is satisfied that the principle that the meeting should be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed in the circumstances because of discussion of cost estimates prior to approaching the market. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ACM19142 Moved Cr Rebbeck seconded Cr Gardner: 1. That having considered Agenda Item 14.1 titled Cr Maidment – Redevelopment of the Strathalbyn Senior Citizens Building (Confidential) in confidence under section 90(2) and (3) (b) (i) and (ii) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council, pursuant to section 91(7) and (9) of the Local Government Act 1999, orders that: 1.1 The minutes, audio recording, report of the Council meeting held on 20 May 2019 in relation to Agenda Item 14.1 titled Cr Maidment – Redevelopment of the Strathalbyn Senior Citizens Building (Confidential) are to remain confidential and will not be available for public inspection for the period of 12 months on the basis that disclosure of information would prejudice approaches to the market. 1.2 That this order be reviewed at least once every 12 months. 2. That pursuant to section 91(9) (c) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer the power revoke, in whole or in part, the order made in paragraph 1 of this resolution at any time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 16 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council 15. CONFIDENTIAL NOTICES OF MOTION 15.1 Notice of Motion - Cr Rebbeck - Goolwa Boat Haven Lease Date (Confidential) ACM19143 Moved Cr Stewart seconded Cr Gardner: Pursuant Sections 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that all members of the public be excluded, with the exception of Chief Executive Officer, General Managers, Minute Taker and the officer responsible for the report, on the basis that it will receive and consider Item 15.1 Notice of Motion – Cr Rebbeck – Goolwa Boat Haven Lease Date (Confidential). The Council is satisfied, pursuant to section 90(3)(d) (i) and (ii) of the Act, that the information to be received, discussed or considered in relation to this Agenda Item is information that would disclose 90(3)(d) (i) and (ii). The Council is satisfied that the principle that the meeting should be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed in the circumstances because of commercial leasing arrangements. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ACM19145 Moved Cr Rebbeck seconded Cr Stewart: 1. That having considered Agenda Item 15.1 Notice of Motion – Cr Rebbeck – Goolwa Boat Haven Lease Date (Confidential) in confidence under section 90(2) and 90(3)(d) (i) and (ii) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council, pursuant to section 91(7) and (9) of the Local Government Act 1999, orders that: 1.1 The minutes, audio recording and report of the Council meeting held on 20 May 2019 in relation to Agenda Item 15.1 Notice of Motion – Cr Rebbeck – Goolwa Boat Haven Lease Date (Confidential), are to remain confidential and will not be available for public inspection for the period of 12 months on the basis that disclosure of information would reveal commercial leasing arrangements; 1.2 That this order be reviewed at least once every 12 months. 2. That pursuant to section 91(9)(c) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer the power revoke, in whole or in part, the order made in paragraph 1 of this resolution at any time. CARRIED Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 17 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council 16. CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS 16.1 DA455/234/19 and Licence - ANZ ATM Cadell Street Goolwa (Confidential) ACM19146 Moved Cr Gardner seconded Cr Carter: That pursuant to Sections 90 (2) and (3) (b)(i)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that the public be excluded from the meeting with the exception of the Chief Executive Officer, General Managers, Minute Taker and the officer responsible for the report, on the basis that the Council considers it necessary and appropriate to act in a manner closed to the public in order to receive, discuss and consider information by way of a report and associated documents in relation to agenda item 16.1 DA 455/234/19 and Licence – ANZ ATM Cadell Street Goolwa (Confidential) and the Council is satisfied that the meeting should be conducted in a place open to the public is outweighed in relation to the matter because receiving, considering and discussing the report and associated documentation contains/involves: (b) Information the disclosure of which – (i) Could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council; and (ii) Would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest; Substantiation: Council’s administration is currently negotiating with ANZ to retain an ATM in the main street of Goolwa. The negotiations include financial matters and conditions of licence which are not publicly available until arrangements have been agreed and affected parties consulted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Moved Cr Gardner seconded Cr Stewart: 1. That pursuant to Sections 91(7) and (9) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (Act), the Council orders that the report, minutes, attachments and associated documents of the Council meeting held on 20 May 2019 in relation to confidential item number 16.1 and titled DA 455/234/19 and licence - ANZ ATM Cadell Street Goolwa (Confidential), having been considered and dealt with by the Council on a confidential basis under Part 3 of the Act, are to be kept confidential and not available to the public for a period of twelve months from the date of this confidentiality order, or unless revoked earlier by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with paragraph 2 of this resolution, on the basis that they contain the following information or matter: (b) Information the disclosure of which - Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 18 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council (i) Could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council; and (ii) Would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest; 2. That pursuant to section 91(9)(c) of the Act the Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer the power to revoke the order made in paragraph 1 of this resolution at any time. ACM19147 Moved Cr Gardner seconded Cr Stewart: 1. That pursuant to Sections 91(7) and (9) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (Act), the Council orders that the report, minutes, attachments and associated documents of the Council meeting held on 20 May 2019 in relation to confidential item number 16.1 and titled DA 455/234/19 and licence - ANZ ATM Cadell Street Goolwa (Confidential), having been considered and dealt with by the Council on a confidential basis under Part 3 of the Act, are to be kept confidential and not available to the public for a period of twelve months from the date of this confidentiality order, or unless revoked earlier by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with paragraph 4 of this resolution, on the basis that they contain the following information or matter: (b) Information the disclosure of which - (i) Could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council; and (ii) Would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest; 2. That pursuant to section 91(9)(c) of the Act the Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer the power to revoke the order made in paragraph 1 of this resolution at any time. CARRIED 16.2 Goolwa Wharf Precinct Recreational Boating Facility Status Update Regarding Legal Proceedings - May 2019 (Confidential) ACM19149 Moved Cr Lewis seconded Cr Scott That pursuant to Sections 90 (2) and (3)(h) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that the public be excluded from the meeting with the exception of the Chief Executive Officer, General Managers, Minute Taker Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 19 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council and the officer responsible for the report, on the basis that the Council considers it necessary and appropriate to act in a manner closed to the public in order to receive, discuss and consider information by way of a report and associated documents in relation to agenda item 16.2 titled Goolwa Wharf Precinct Recreational Boating Facility – Status Update Regarding Legal Proceedings – May 2019 (Confidential) and the Council is satisfied that the meeting should be conducted in a place open to the public is outweighed in relation to the matter because receiving, considering and discussing the report and associated documentation contains/involves: Section 90(3)(h) legal advice Section 90(3)(i) information relating to actual litigation involving the council Substantiation: Council administration has sought legal advice regarding the current status of legal proceedings for the Goolwa Wharf Precinct Recreational Boating Facility (Goolwa Pontoons) matter. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ACM19150 Moved Cr Carter seconded Cr Stewart 1. That pursuant to Sections 91(7) and (9) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (Act), the Council orders that the report, minutes, attachments and associated documents of the Council meeting held on 20 May 2019 in relation to confidential item number 16.2 and titled Goolwa Wharf Precinct Recreational Boating Facility – Status Update Regarding Legal Proceedings (Confidential), having been considered and dealt with by the Council on a confidential basis under Part 3 of the Act, are to be kept confidential and not available to the public for a period of twelve months from the date of this confidentiality order, or unless revoked earlier by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with paragraph 2 of this resolution, on the basis that they contain the following information or matter: • Section 90(3)(h) legal advice • Section 90(3)(i) information relating to actual litigation involving the council 2. That pursuant to section 91(9)(c) of the Act the Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer the power to revoke, all or part of, the order made in paragraph 1 of this resolution at any time. CARRIED Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 20 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council 16.3 Barrage Road Marina Request For Expressions of Interest Submissions (Confidential) ACM19151 Moved Cr Keily seconded Cr Farrier: That pursuant to Sections 90 (2) and (3) )(b)(i)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that the public be excluded from the meeting with the exception of the Chief Executive Officer, General Managers, Minute Taker and the officer responsible for the report, on the basis that the Council considers it necessary and appropriate to act in a manner closed to the public in order to receive, discuss and consider information by way of a report and associated documents in relation to agenda item 16.3 and titled Barrage Road Marina - Request for Expressions of Interest Submissions (Confidential) and the Council is satisfied that the meeting should be conducted in a place open to the public is outweighed in relation to the matter because receiving, considering and discussing the report and associated documentation contains/involves: (b) Information the disclosure of which – (i) Could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council; and (ii) Would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest; Substantiation: Council’s administration has undertaken an extensive Request for Expressions of Interest process for the operation of the Barrage Road Marina. The information provided in this report contains financial and business information that if disclosed, may result in damage to a party's commercial interests, intellectual property or trade secrets. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ACM19152 Moved Cr Stewart seconded Cr Carter: 1. That pursuant to Sections 91(7) and (9) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (Act), the Council orders that the report, minutes, attachments and associated documents of the Council meeting held on 20 May 2019 in relation to confidential item number 16.3 and titled Barrage Road Marina, Request for Expressions of Interest Submissions (Confidential), having been considered and dealt with by the Council on a confidential basis under Part 3 of the Act, are to be kept confidential and not available to the public for a period of twelve months from the date of this confidentiality order, or unless revoked earlier by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with paragraph 2 of this resolution, on the basis that they contain the following information or matter: Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 21 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council (b) Information the disclosure of which: (i) Could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council; and (ii) Would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest; AND 2. That pursuant to section 91(9)(c) of the Act the Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer the power to revoke, all or part of, the order made in paragraph 1 of this resolution at any time. CARRIED 16.4 Department for Environment and Water - Goolwa Surf Life Saving Club Land Tenure (Confidential) ACM19153 Moved Cr Keily seconded Cr Bradford: That pursuant to Sections 90 (2) and (3)(b)(i)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that the public be excluded from the meeting with the exception of the Chief Executive Officer, General Managers, Minute Taker and the officer responsible for the report, on the basis that the Council considers it necessary and appropriate to act in a manner closed to the public in order to receive, discuss and consider information by way of a report and associated documents in relation to agenda item 16.4 and titled Department for Environment and Water – Goolwa Surf Life Saving Club Land Tenure (Confidential) and the Council is satisfied that the meeting should be conducted in a place open to the public is outweighed in relation to the matter because receiving, considering and discussing the report and associated documentation contains/involves: (b) Information the disclosure of which – (i) Could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council; and (ii) Would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest; Substantiation: Council’s administration is currently in discussion with the Department for Environment and Water for the transfer of the portion of land that represents the footprint of the Goolwa Surf Life Saving Club and proposed plaza and café, to Council. It is preferable that detail relating to the land transfer not be publicly available until firm arrangements have been agreed upon and executed between Council and Department for Environment and Water. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 22 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
Alexandrina Council ACM19154 Moved Cr Gardner seconded Cr Keily: 1. That pursuant to Sections 91(7) and (9) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (Act), the Council orders that the report, minutes, attachments and associated documents of the Council meeting held on 20 May 2019 in relation to confidential item number 16.4 and titled Department for Environment and Water – Goolwa Surf Life Saving Club land Tenure (Confidential), having been considered and dealt with by the Council on a confidential basis under Part 3 of the Act, are to be kept confidential and not available to the public for a period of twelve months from the date of this confidentiality order, or unless revoked earlier by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with paragraph 1 of this resolution, on the basis that they contain the following information or matter: (b) Information the disclosure of which – (i) Could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council; and (ii) Would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest; 2. That pursuant to section 91(9)(c) of the Act the Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer the power to revoke, in whole or in part, the order made in paragraph 1 of this resolution at any time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 17. CLOSURE The Mayor declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm MINUTES CONFIRMED ………………………….. DATE…………………. MAYOR K PARKES Alexandrina Council Council Minutes Page 23 of 23 Monday 20 May 2019
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