Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives

Page created by Monica Miller
Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives
Ministry Report

Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives
‘The Joy of Disruption’ 				         3

Some Future Looking Reflections 		   5

Ministry Purposes
Magnification                        8
Mission							10
Maturity							13
Ministry							16
Membership                           18

Support to Ministry 			              21

Congregations and Ministries
Kids 								24
Youth 							26
9.00am, 10.30am & Tuesday Church     28
Mandarin Ministry					29
St Ives Family Church                31
6.45pm							33

Safe Ministry						                  35
Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives
The Joy of Disruption
                    Nigel Fortescue
                    Senior Minister

Gospel ministry is constantly disrupted. All of us could             vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will,
share stories of the way our plans to share the gospel               we will live and do this or that.’” (James 4:13–15). 2020
with friends were thwarted or the plans of missionaries              forced us into the opportunity to experience the reality;
were forced to change for various reasons. Such disrup-              to step forth in faith; to really stand firm and hold on to
tions are nothing new—even the Apostle Paul underwent                Jesus. We did not know what the next day would hold,
constant and massive disruptions in his ministry.                    but we always knew that God is good and would prevail
                                                                     no matter what the pandemic brought about.
 “After many days had gone by, there was a conspiracy
 among the Jews to kill him, but Paul learned of their               This of course leads to joy as we find ourselves growing in
 plan. Day and night they kept close watch on the city               confidence in God and his Gospel for, despite the trials and
 gates in order to kill him. But his followers took him by           tribulations of life—like a pandemic—we know the future!
 night and lowered him in a basket through an opening                We also know the God of the past, present and future
 in the wall.” (Acts 9:23–25)                                        and can be confident that he who began a good work in
                                                                     you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ
He speaks of this event again in 2 Corinthians 11:32–33              Jesus (Philippians 1:6).
                                                                     Since we have been able to gather again, I have been
 “In Damascus the governor under King Aretas had the                 overjoyed at the stories of hope and growing faith in the
 city of the Damascenes guarded in order to arrest me.               midst of the pandemic. I have rejoiced at hearing how
 But I was lowered in a basket from a window in the wall             devotional lives were resuscitated, families gathered for
 and slipped through his hands.”                                     worship for the first time in decades, prayer emerged as
                                                                     an essential part of your daily routine. What a joy it has
One minute he was having a powerful and new preaching                been to hear how God has indeed been building his
ministry in Damascus, the next, he was fleeing for his life!         Kingdom even when our plans were thwarted!

In last year’s report I encouraged all of us to “keep building       My prayer is that the benefits of the impact of the pan-
on the Christ Church Gospel legacy so that men and                   demic on our dependence on God might not fade. My
women, boys and girls may hear of Jesus and be saved.”               prayer is that the pandemic might bring true disruption
I started at Christ Church on 24 February full of expectation        to paltry prayer lives and blithe Bible reading—there
for a great year. On 18 March we ceased all church ser-              might be radical change as we have come to see that
vices and activities due to COVID-19. That was a surreal             humans truly are not in charge of the world. I also pray
and bizarre day. We did not get back in the building until           that the miraculously quick arrival of the vaccine does
11 October! Then we were out for another month over                  not cause a proliferation of the humanist lie that humans
Christmas! Now that’s a disruption and it did not feel like          can always triumph over the powers of the world.
there was much building going on in 2020—but indeed
there was and all of this was an opportunity and a joy.
                                                                                       “My prayer is that the
First, it was an opportunity to grow in dependence on
God. We all know the verses like,“Many are the plans in a                           benefits of the impact of
person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails”                             the pandemic on our
(Proverbs 19:21) and,“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today
or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year                                dependence on God
there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do                                        might not fade.”
not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your
life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then

Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives
This leads to the second great opportunity of the disruption           see it as an opportunity to reach more people and build
that has also brought joy—the opportunity to reshape                   wholehearted disciples in our community and beyond.
church life as a whole.                                                There were losses in not being able to gather, but there
                                                                       have been significant gains—who we can reach, access
Carey Nieuwhof, Canadian Christian blogger, wrote in the               to church, and church members gathering for church
middle of last year:                                                   with their ‘not yet Christian’ family members week to week.
                                                                       We are continuing to think through extending this reach
 It’s amazing to me that despite the fact that virtually               and making our online connections profoundly helpful for
 every thought leader and business leader I’ve read or                 building wholehearted disciples. Hearing your stories has
 have personally spoken to believes that the crisis is a               been a great joy.
 disruption, not an interruption, a surprising number of
 church leaders still think of the current crisis as merely            As we look to 2021, we need to acknowledge the greatest
 an interruption. When you consider what’s been set into               danger of a year of disruption—distraction from core
 motion during the pandemic: from working from home,                   business. Our fears and disappointments can easily
 the rush to digital, a damaged economy, massive unem-                 overwhelm us and lead us to forget what we as a church
 ployment, the re-emergence of regional governance,                    are here to do.
 deeply restricted travel, the instability of entire industries,
 and, of course, the virus itself, to think that life is going         Mission is our core business. In the marketplace of life
 to simply go back to the way it was is not a wise bet.                you are told to make sure you are at the centre every-
                                                                       thing, enjoying yourself in every way, because that’s how
There is rarely a time in church life when the trellis (the            you will do life right. Of course, reality is, that if you deem
systems and processes that enable ministry to happen)                  yourself and your experiences and your life as of first
does not need some renovation so that the vine (the                    importance, you will actually miss the very thing, the only
actual work of Gospel ministry) can continue to flourish.              thing, that can guide you to do life properly—the death
When everything went on pause in 2020, the perfect                     and resurrection of Jesus. We are the light on the hill,
opportunity to assess, reshape and reignite the trellis                calling people out from the darkness of self-obsession
emerged. As a staff team we spent time prayerfully eval-               and into the light of Christ.
uating our structures and plans, role responsibilities and
goals. It was brilliant. I loved getting to know the team              Let us allow the year of disruption to reignite the great Gos-
more deeply than I could have otherwise and we have                    pel foundations in our hearts and lives so we can Share
developed strong bonds and great gospel confidence                     Life and hope with a world that still desperately needs it!
in each other. You will see some of the changes to the
trellis Sunday by Sunday and read of others in this report             In Christ,
but it is good to know that church in 2021 is not the                  Nigel Fortescue
same as it was at the end of 2019.

Perhaps the most significant trellis change is in the digital
space. We were forced to go online for church but we did
not see this as something merely to lament but rather we

Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives
Some Future
Looking Reflections
What I have seen...                                                 strong biblical teaching and excellent and attractive
This is an excellent church. The gospel is preached.                Children and Youth ministry.
Unbelievers come to know Jesus. There is a willingness
to serve. Community is being built. People are being                What is also clear is that we are a church that wants to
lovingly cared for. God is being glorified in our gatherings.       build wholehearted disciples. We are a church led by a
Christians are deepening in their faith. Many have been             team who want to work well together and who know that
overwhelmingly generous. Change and flexibility are                 we are stronger together. We will benefit from clarity that
being embraced.                                                     is built together, embraced gladly, spoken about warmly
                                                                    and enacted strongly.
Perhaps, however, much of this takes place with a lack of
known intentionality or coherence. I don’t think all our
church members could articulate the reason we do
church the way we do church. Our vision and mission                 What I have prayed and dreamed
has not permeated our thinking or behaviour. The idea               about...
of working according to purposes is more in the mind of             With all this in mind, I have been praying since February
staff than the mind of the church and carefully planned             2020, that we would build up an army of wholehearted
structures and plans have not been implemented with                 disciples and that God would make it clear to us how we
deep effect.                                                        should embrace this and live it out together for the glory
                                                                    of God. I am eager to see people delighting in God, loving
What is clear to me through reading, discussion and                 our church community and each other, growing deep roots
observation, is that on the basis of our physical, human            in faith, serving with gladness and seeking the lost by
and financial resources, springing from our Gospel DNA,             proclaiming the Gospel—these are the characteristics
we can be so much more than we are—we can have a                    of wholehearted disciples of Jesus.
greater impact, a longer reach, a creative drive, a transfor-
mative gospel-shaped influence that makes waves in St               In the next five years, I would love to see many more people
Ives, Sydney and the World. We have strength in numbers,            in church each week, all of whom are devoting themselves
                                                                    to growing as wholehearted disciples of Jesus.

Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives
In the next five years, I would love to see many more being       •   overwhelming generosity that embraces Gospel-
discipled online as a genuine community who are seeking               driven risks;
to be transformative wholehearted disciples wherever              •   new people visiting because of what members say
God has placed them. For the digital world is no longer a             about church;
tool for ministry, it is a place for mission!                     •   people (lovingly) bustling for opportunities to exercise
                                                                      their gifts;
I long for us to be driven by the love of God in Christ and       •   a constant sending out of people into full-time
the hopelessness of humanity without him so that we do                vocational ministry;
not simply become a community group, social group,                •   a constant striving for best practice in every sphere
religious interest group or an inwardly obsessed family.              of church life.
We are a prayerful fellowship of wholehearted disciples!
                                                                  Activating our five strategic purposes will enable this and
As these disciples grow, I would love to see:                     more. The diagrams below give some visual understanding
• an experience of church that people complain about              to our staff structure and plans in order that we may
    missing;                                                      continue building wholehearted disciples.
• growing, gracious and loving relationships across
    generations and cultures;                                     So let us set our sights on a version of the future that is
• deeper relationships with God for all generations               concrete, risky, exponential, inspiring and memorable.
    and cultures and a thirst to learn from the Word of           Let us trust God that he wants a church that eschews
    God and from each other;                                      half-heartedness and fully embraces the Gospel shaped
• church gatherings that fuel us with the equipment and           life of the wholehearted disciple. Let us set a course to
    encouragement to honour Jesus on Monday morning;              travel, a place to get to, as we seek to glorify our Lord.
• continual prayerful dependence on God to see people
    saved from hell;

                                                      in God

                            Seeking                                              Growing deep
                            the lost                                             roots in faith

                               Loving each                                     Serving
                                  other                                         gladly

Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives

Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives
We are made to worship. To love Jesus and delight in Him.
To magnify the beauty and glory of God as we live our lives
as followers of Him.

Purposes and Priorities for 2020                                  While we all grew weary of endless ‘Zoom calls’, we are
 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you            thankful that God provided technologies to keep us con-
 do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23                                 nected when we could not meet face-to-face.

Whether someone is joining us for the first time or the           Some key initiatives include:
hundredth time, we want each and every gathering to               • Sundays Online & Mandarin Subtitles
lead hearts to love Jesus—to guide the hearts of those            • Growth Group Online
who are new and to guard the hearts of our church family.         • Share Life Digital
For what the heart loves, the will chooses, and the mind          • Livestreaming & Live Mandarin Translation
justifies. And so, as we deepen our love of Jesus, it flows
into everything we do. As we choose Him and his ways,             New Digital Engagement Coordinator
we remember God’s word and His grace for us in Christ.            With Ai Lyn Saunders beginning maternity leave, Georgia
                                                                  Condie was appointed to the role of Digital Engagement
2020 Highlights                                                   Coordinator in December. Georgia has brought new ideas
COVID-19                                                          and energy to the digital space as she forms plans for
While it may be a surprise, COVID has truly shown the             digital engagement in 2021.
resilience and incredible giftings God has blessed us
with here at Christ Church St Ives.                               2020 Challenges
                                                                  No Singing
The season of COVID displayed the ability of our staff            Our greatest lament has been our inability to sing as gath-
team to pivot and respond quickly, to engage and connect          ered people. This has really highlighted the significance
with our church family through online gatherings. We also         of singing as part of our gatherings—particularly for the
saw the servant-hearted nature of so many of our church           music team. Hearing the people of Christ Church St Ives
family that allowed us to get online quickly.                     sing praises to our Lord is a great encouragement. We
                                                                  praise God that we can sing all together again.
What a privilege to serve alongside so many as we bring
                                                                  Significant Team Changes
honour and glory to God—no matter the season!
                                                                  In 2020 we began as a team of five: Anton Marquez
                                                                  (Minister for Worship), Lindy Luger (Sundays Coordinator),
Digital Discipleship
                                                                  Ai Lyn Saunders (Communications Manager), Simon
In the early days of COVID, we pivoted quickly to engage
                                                                  Swadling (MTS Apprentice), and Alex Moyse (Music
and connect people through various digital channels.
                                                                  Teams Director).

Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives
By the start of 2021:                                              Priorities for 2021 & Beyond
• Ai Lyn began maternity leave;                                    Music
• Lindy resigned from her role;                                    A restructured team that will continue to drive our mission
• Simon finished MTS; and,                                         to ‘lead hearts to love Jesus’ through music, and into all
• Anton accepted the invitation to become the Senior               of life.
    Minister at All Saints North Epping.
With these changes, Alex has taken on the role of Magni-           An expanded team that will continue to grow in skill as
fication Director with increased hours and responsibilities.       we work to take both in-venue and online services from
This includes the oversight of the Magnification purpose           good to excellent.
and digital strategy with Georgia.
                                                                   Congregational Identity
Ministry Programs & Initiatives                                    Work with ministry staff, volunteer teams and congrega-
•   Sunday Gatherings (inc. public bible reading & prayer)         tion members to develop congregational identities that
•   Special Gatherings (Easter, Christmas, Share Life              draw existing people together and new people in.
•   Lord’s Supper and Baptism                                      Digital Engagement & Discipleship
•   Music & Audio/Visual (inc. livestreaming)                      Engage our church family to continue to live lives of
•   Digital Engagement (inc. web & video)                          worship and to reach new people in new ways through
                                                                   digital means. A key strategy in 2021 will be continuing
Special Services in 2020                                           to explore how digital plays a part in engaging with new
8 baptisms                                                         people, as well as helping our church members grow as
2 weddings                                                         wholehearted disciples.
1 funeral

Member story:                              I’ve been part of the music team since 2016. A lot has changed in this time

Jo Swadling                                and a lot has changed in me. Over the last year or so, God has used music
                                           ministry to teach me so much—to focus more on Jesus than on myself, to
                                           deepen in my love of Him and to grow in my love for His people.

                                           COVID-19 has been extra strange and different (of course!). God has used
                                           this season to bring many wonderful new ways to connect with our church
                                           family, to grow us as a music team and for us to work together using all our
                                           different gifts to help encourage God’s people through music.

                                           My vision of the role the music team plays at church has really expanded and
                                           I’ve seen the way God uses our music ministry to comfort, uplift, and point
                                           people of all ages to Jesus.

                                           I had the amazing opportunity to lead a team in creating a series of hymn
                                           recordings for the elderly in our church and aged-care. This provided a way
                                           to connect with those who were feeling especially isolated and remind them
                                           to keep their hope in God. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive,
                                           which is a real joy! Being stretched out of my own comfort zone has helped
                                           me to rely ever more fully on God and the work of His Spirit in and through me.

                                           Being involved in music can make you feel exposed and vulnerable, yet we
                                           do it not for our own praise but to bring praise, honour and glory to Jesus.
                                           I’m excited for our next chapter as a team, as we continue to grow, deepen in
                                           faith, and lead hearts to love Jesus at Christ Church.

Ministry Report - Christ Church St Ives
We are a church that is passionate for people to be saved
because we are made for mission. Wholehearted disciples
of Christ help people connect to Christ through repentance
and faith.

Purposes and Priorities for 2020                                     In Africa
    “Go and make disciples of all nations.”                          In partnership with George Whitefield College (GWC),
    — Matthew 28:19                                                  Steve & Susan Rockwell (with Matthew, Luke, Michael
                                                                     & Jonathan), served to equip disciples of Christ in Cape
The Lord Jesus is risen and he deserves the honour                   Town, South Africa. The Rockwells have been serving
of every person everywhere. God promises salvation                   since 2014 when Steve was seconded by Christ Church
for everyone who turns to him as Saviour and Lord. For               St Ives to be part of the teaching staff faculty at GWC.
God’s glory and for the sake of those who are lost to him,
our ambition is to go into the world and make disciples of           In Asia
Christ. We want every member of our church family en-                In partnership with CMS, Dave & Leoni Painter (with
gaged in mission locally, in our city and into all the world.        Joshua and Grace), have served for 20 years to build
                                                                     disciples in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dave teaches at
In 2020, our priorities for mission were:                            the Phnom Penh Bible School and running PTC classes.
• Seek 60 adults to explore the gospel deeply                        Joshua remains in Australia to begin tertiary education.

•     Continue to develop Share Life as a central pillar of          In partnership with The Navigators, John & Ruth Ridgway
      the Christ Church calendar                                     served to build disciples cross-culturally across South-
                                                                     East Asia, from their home base in the USA.
•     Strengthen our small groups at Mandarin Fellowship
                                                                     In partnership with OMF International, Ian & Debbie Farr
•     Relaunch Connect to Church Life to engage new-                 have been serving to enable discipleship and partnership
      comers to become active serving members                        across South-East Asia from the OMF International
                                                                     headquarters in Singapore. Ian will begin handover of his
•     Renew the Mission Policy and maintain care for                 role as International Coordinator for Finance to Stefan
      existing mission partners                                      Zaiss from Germany in September 2021 and plans to
                                                                     return to Australia in early November 2021.
Ministry Programs & Initiatives
•     Gospel Exploration (Evangelistic Courses and 1-to-1            In partnership with OMF International, Richard and Lisa
      programs)                                                      Cho (with Luca, Aidan, Sianna and Jordan), have been
                                                                     serving to enable discipleship and partnership across
•     Community Outreach & Events (Share Life)                       Northern Thailand from their home base in Chiang
                                                                     Mai. The Cho’s are in the process of moving back to
•     Connecting with Newcomers                                      Australia, with Richard, Luca and Ayden still in Thailand
                                                                     for schooling and final projects, while Lisa, Sianna and
•     Mission Partnerships                                           Jordan returned in December 2020.

•     Mission in Sundays and Growth Groups                           In South-West Sydney
                                                                     In partnership with Chester Hill Anglican Church, Paul
•     Local Mission Training                                         Webb (with his wife, Beth, and their children Audrey,
                                                                     Matilda, Silas, Eden & Esther) serve to build disciples
Mission Partnerships                                                 cross-culturally in Chester Hill. In 2020 Chester Hill
In 2020 we continued support for six Mission Partners                Anglican farewelled Assistant Minister Nate Cheung to
around the world and across Sydney.                                  become Senior Minister at Georges Hall. They also
                                                                     combined parishes with Villawood Anglican, where Paul
                                                                     now serves as Senior Minister at both churches.

Mission Partner Care Committee                                        The result was a spike in church attendance, an increase
William Hood continues to oversee our Mission Partner                 in evangelistic conversation and some great stories of
Care Committee, supported by Jacqueline Groombridge                   personal growth. Here are some examples:
and Pip Russell.
                                                                      S professed new faith in Christ. After visiting church
The Christ Church Mission Policy has been significantly               earlier in the year to listen to teaching on Habakkuk she
revised and there are related plans for a new Mission                 expressed that she didn’t understand the sermons, but
Working Group to be established which would be                        having attended Share Life, this was the first time the
responsible for ‘Vision, Strategy, Policy and Finance’ in             Christian message had become clear to her. After a long
regards to Mission Partnerships. As the Archers finished              chat with her Christian friend she decided to accept the
serving with CMS during 2019, and the Cho’s and Farr’s                grace of Christ.
will finish up in the near future, consideration will be given
to establishing a new mission partnership in due course,              P came to the Share Life Course. During the table dis-
and in accordance with the updated Mission Policy. The                cussion it became clear that he had never ever heard of
Working Group will be established as a key next step                  the resurrection and so the table paused to explain this
before appointing new missionaries.                                   fundamental aspect of the gospel of Christ. What a thrill
                                                                      to share good news with those who have never heard.
Funding for Mission Partnerships
Christ Church dedicates 11% of general giving to financial            Share Life Statistics
support for mission. We also pass on any giving that is               •   93 total guests can be named (down from 184 the
directed to a specific Mission Partner or organisation.                  previous year due to COVID and online anonymity)
                                                                      •   30% attended twice or more (up from 20% the
More details regarding the funding of mission is available               previous year)
in the Financial Reports.                                             •   37 guests at Share Life Course (down 10% from
                                                                         previous year)
2020 Highlights
Share Life                                                            Christianity Explored
We ran our third Share Life campaign for the entire church.           2020 started well for Christianity Explored, but due to
It was a change of pace from large events to household                COVID we weren’t able to begin any new courses in homes.
evangelism, with COVID-19 prohibiting large gatherings.               We had 13 people complete Christianity Explored in the

first half of the year, and many of these participants            Priorities for 2021 & Beyond
continued online with follow up courses. It wasn’t until          Share Life
the Share Life Course in October that the restrictions            Continue to transform our church so that we reach more
eased and we were able to meet in person again.                   people, with a focus this year on improving year-round
                                                                  mission celebration communications.
The table below represents the number of people who
have explored the gospel deeply through four or more              Gospel Exploration
weeks looking at Jesus in the Bible in a small group              Find 45 guests to explore the gospel deeply, with a focus
course (Christianity Explored or similar). This was a year        this year on improving the pastoral journey into church
of dramatic downturn. A major factor is that we cancelled         membership.
ESL classes, which is our biggest doorway into gospel
courses.                                                          Mandarin Ministry
                                                                  Relaunch ESL and build smaller Mandarin communities
2020 Challenges                                                   instead of one combined Mandarin Fellowship, with a
Closed doors                                                      focus this year on strengthening leadership
Last year we closed the doors to our church due to
COVID. We were required to pack up our evangelistic               Mission Training
programs like ESL and Playgroup. The front door to the            Review Ministry Grid, and increase coaching for the
auditorium was fixed closed.                                      keen.

But we opened a new front door… online church! And                Mission Partnerships
what a great opportunity to embrace. We have many                 Create a Mission Working Group in order to build new
people who have joined our church online that would               mission partnerships under the Senior Minister.
never have graced the building. My two favourite stories
include a Japanese lady from Melbourne who watched
every week since Share Life and remarked “I think I need
to find a local church now”. The other is a couple who
found Christ through sermons online and joined us in
person late in 2020 asking to get baptised.

We are a church hungry to know God, because we are made
for maturity. Wholehearted disciples of Christ grow to maturity
in Christ through Word and prayer.

Purposes and Priorities for 2020                                      Teaching series in 2020
    “…to equip his people for works of service, so that the           •   Old Testament: Songs of Hope (Psalms), Habakkuk
    body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in            & Haggai
    the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and              •   New Testament: Lord’s Prayer (Matt 6), Matt 26-28, 1
    become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the                  Thessalonians
    fullness of Christ.” —
                         ­ Ephesians 4:12-13                          •   Topical: Summer Playlist – Songs in the Bible, Share
                                                                          Life, Apostles’ Creed
We want every member of our church family to be growing
to maturity in Christ: growing in their knowledge and love            2020 Highlights
of God through Christ; and growing in godliness, through              Growth Groups
their prayerful study of God’s Word both individually and             Alongside weekly services, Growth Groups continue to
in the fellowship of God’s people.                                    be the engine room for growing together in godliness, as
                                                                      members meet together with open Bibles, to pray
In 2020, our priorities for maturity were:                            and encourage one another. The majority of groups used
• Supporting Community Leaders in their supporting,                   the studies provided which complemented the sermons.
    equipping and coaching of Growth Group leaders.
• Growth Group leader training delivered by Communi-                  Whilst this COVID season has certainly created challenges,
    ty Leaders during the leaders’ groups meetings.                   it also pushed us to think creatively. During lockdown
• Continuing to develop pathways for raising up                       when almost all groups met online, some new online-
    Growth Group leaders.                                             only groups were created. This enabled access to groups
                                                                      for members who hadn’t previously been able to get to
Ministry Programs & Initiatives                                       a group in-person. Other groups remain ‘hybrid’ groups,
•      Growth Groups & Teaching materials                             with some people meeting in-person, and others dialing
•      Termly leaders’ groups, and Growth Group visits, by            in online. These various groups are well set-up for this
       Community Leaders                                              online context, both in equipment and the ability of the
•      Together in Prayer: Church-Wide Prayer Meetings                leaders to adapt to this different context.

Growth Group materials                                            Growth Group Leader equipping and supporting
Another positive from this COVID season was the redesign          Approximately 65 Growth Group leaders attended our
of Growth Group materials. With groups forced to meet             2020 Leaders’ Launch on 9 February (with another 27
online during lockdown, the growth group study materials          sending their apologies due to the torrential rain and
were tailored to the online environment:                          flash flooding that afternoon!). It was great for leaders
                                                                  from across all networks to gather for a plenary session,
•   shorter in length (due to the very real ‘zoom fatigue’        and then Network time, to be refreshed and equipped in
    of any online meeting)                                        the ministry of Growth Group leading. Leaders continued
                                                                  to be supported and equipped in their termly Leaders’
•   accessed entirely online, on the GG Online website            groups, where Richard Sweatman’s excellent book,
    (hard copy booklets could still be ordered for those          Being a Small Group Leader (Matthias Media, 2018) was
    who preferred)                                                used as the basis for the equipping topics through the
                                                                  year. For the 6:45 Growth Groups Network, Community
•   1-2 short videos in each study added to the multi-            Leaders Hamish and Nat Osborne ran training for first-
    media feel, and better engaged people with varied             time Growth Group leaders.
    learning styles.
                                                                  Prayer Meetings
Community Leaders                                                 Together in Prayer in February 2020 saw over 150 people
Our Community Leaders are an essential and wonderful              from across our congregations gather to pray. We heard
part of our large system of Growth Groups, as they sup-           from Mission Partners Debbie & Ian Farr on the place of
port, equip and coach the Growth Group leaders. Our 69            prayer in mission and life, and we prayed for our mission
adult Growth Groups with their 126 leaders are orga-              partners and our church ministries. Unfortunately, we were
nized in congregational networks (Morning Church,                 unable to have one in August due to COVID restrictions.
SIFC, 6.45, Tues & Thurs WEB – Women Exploring the
Bible), each with a Network coordinator who oversees
and cares for the Community Leaders, as they care for
the Growth Group leaders. During 2020, the 18 Com-
munity Leaders met together bi-monthly for dinner and
training, and they met in their own Networks on alternate
months. We have continued to develop the Community
Leader role to incorporate a coaching element, helping
Growth Group leaders to grow disciples in their groups,
and to seek to raise up new leaders. We have also been
working to raise up new Community Leaders.

2020 Challenges                                                    Priorities for 2021 & Beyond
COVID disruptions to Growth Groups                                 •   To work with the Ministry purpose to create a plan for
The lockdown in March forced all groups to meet online,                Growth Group leadership development.
with all the frustrations of technology, and the isolation
associated with the loss of in person contact. There               •   To work with the CYF team and the Magnification
were also some groups who couldn’t meet at all over this               purpose to create an excellent whole-church
time, as members weren’t able to operate in the online                 Galatians teaching series & investigate further
environment. However, these groups continued to care                   opportunities to cooperate.
for and encourage each other by phone. The majority
of Growth Groups were meeting online for at least 1.5              •   To work with the Care Ministry to assist church
terms, with some resuming in-person meeting, or hybrid                 members to mature in their understanding &
meetings, from Term 3 onwards, whilst other groups                     response to common life challenges eg. mental
remained online for the rest of the year. A feature of this            health, work, relationships, marriage & parenting.
season has been a longing to meet in person for church
and Growth Group without restrictions! It serves as a              •   To work with the Membership & Mission purposes
good reminder that actually being present with each                    to develop a healthy pathway from initial contact
other is the ideal for both church and Growth Groups—                  (e.g. Share Life, Christianity Explored) to Growth
to learn together from God’s word, pray together, do life              Group membership.
together. However, we can be thankful to God that tech-
nology has provided a ‘next best’ option for gathering.

Member story:                             We joined Christ Church St Ives just as COVID hit. I was incredibly thankful
Frances Schwarz                           that I had met Michelle Temple at the school gate and she invited me to join
                                          her Growth Group.

                                          Having only recently left a church where we had felt incredibly connected,
                                          joining a Growth Group purely via Zoom was intimidating. The experience
                                          ended up being amazing. The women were incredibly welcoming and the
                                          group had a great energy. Even in lockdown we were challenging each other
                                          in our faith and encouraging each other to persevere.

                                          When we met for the first time it was great to put bodies to faces! I love that
                                          our group has people at different ages and stages of life. We all bring different
                                          perspectives and experiences of living the Christian life. I love Thursdays and
                                          look forward to meeting with people who 12 months ago were strangers but
                                          now are friends.

We are a church where everyone has a part to play, because
we are made for service. Wholehearted disciples of Christ
serve Jesus gladly.

Purposes and Priorities for 2020                                      With all that in mind, it would be neglectful not to mention
 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have                       and give thanks for the small team of people who moved
 received to serve others, as faithful stewards of                    us from being a largely analog church to being a digital
 God’s grace.” — 1 Peter 4:10                                         church in a very short period of time. Anton Luger together
                                                                      with Lachlan Mitchell and a broader team of videographers,
 “From him the whole body, joined and held together by                editors, sound engineers, designers and digital commu-
 every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in             nicators ensured that church could go on. Under Anton
 love, as each part does its work.”— Ephesians 4:16                   Marquez’ expert guidance, this team has grown and a
                                                                      whole new swathe of opportunities for serving Jesus gladly
We want to see members of our church family identified,               have emerged. It has been awesome to be a part of it.
equipped and unleashed to serve God’s people and build
new and growing disciples of Christ. We want to see people            Ministry Trainees and Year 13
increasingly grow to serve like Jesus, who didn’t come to             Our MTS Trainees Simon Swadling (trained by Anton Mar-
be served, but to serve (Matt 20:28): joyfully, sacrificially,        quez) and Rach Irwin (trained by Elliot Temple) have had a
dependently, and in a manner that suits their gifts.                  year of immense learning about adaptability and trusting
                                                                      God in the midst of chaos. They both served on Sundays,
Highlights                                                            in Youth, and evangelism and continued to thrive through
The pandemic truncated many opportunities to serve                    a difficult and turbulent year that was not what any of us
Jesus gladly and it has been easy to lament and with                  expected. As part of MTS, they continued their study at
Eeyore, focus on the disappointments. Yes, it is true that            Youthworks College two days per week, which both found
here, more than in any other area of church life, the tap             to be a valuable time to grow in understanding the theology
was turned off for months and we had very few people                  and principles that ground Christian ministry in the Gospel.
serving in the ways they had willingly chosen to at the
start of the year. Even since we have been back in the
building, we have been limited by COVID restrictions and
the coming together of our morning services has meant
less opportunities to serve.

And yet, people have stepped up to gospel shaped service
in thoughtful and creative ways. Our Growth Group leaders
had to learn to navigate online meetings overnight and did
so with thankful hearts. Our Youth leaders had to wade
through the messiness of online relationships with young
people who appear to be online all the time and yet
struggle with discussing matters of the heart online. Our
Children’s leaders turned to low-tech letter writing and
high-tech video production and we have heard of some
children watching programs over and over and over again!

The list could go on for the way people had to adapt and
that is before we speak of the way staff had to learn to
preach to camera and pastor through screens. While our
plans were thrown out the window, God’s plans came to
pass as our church still served Jesus gladly and learnt
new ways of doing so in the midst of disruption.

From 2021 we are opening up new Ministry Training                     2. Providing Training
pathways to encourage more people to experience min-                  We have not yet established a culture of training and
istry in various ways prior to embarking on formal study.             ministry improvement at Christ Church. Over the next 12
                                                                      months we are seeking to make changes to establish such
Aaron Abraham and Taylor Ayres completed the Youth-                   a culture and continue to evaluate and re-evaluate what
works Year 13 program where young adults, following                   we are doing. Through a process of Reflection, Review
the completion of high school, study theology and gain                and Revision in all our ministry settings we are hoping to
ministry experience at church, equipping them for a                   move many Ministry activities from good to excellent.
lifetime of serving Jesus. Despite the disappointment of
the cancellation of the Fiji Mission, they served gladly in           3. Opening Opportunities to Serve
a variety of ways including Scripture and Children’s and              With significant changes in staff over the past several
Youth Ministry.                                                       years, it has been difficult to give consistent priority
                                                                      to investing strategically in identifying, equipping and
Future Challenges and Priorities                                      unleashing members of our congregations to serve
1. Establishing Teams                                                 across the church—though it is an extremely important
Over time, people step off ministry teams, and out of                 aspect of our church life together, it is not always the
particular roles, for lots of reasons; to serve elsewhere, due        most pressing.
to health or family reasons, due to the busyness of life.
There’s an increasing need to encourage more people                   In 2021 we are employing a new staff member who will
in our church family to take up opportunities to serve                have as their main responsibility the Ministry purpose
across an array of areas, whether it’s providing morning              and who will be seeking to ensure we are opening
tea after our Sunday services, leading a Growth Group,                opportunities to serve from both a bottom up and top
leading prayers in church, and many others.                           down perspective. We want church members to discover
                                                                      ways they can serve and be further equipped and then
We are seeking to address this by establishing a teams                to be placed in opportunities to serve. Let’s pray this
approach to service. Rather than just having people on a              appointment can be effective in changing our culture and
roster, we want to see people being part of a team who                opening the door to service for more people.
serve in particular areas and work together to improve and
grow, encourage and enthuse each other. For example,
we are seeking to establish Bible Reading Teams at each
gathering who will work together to improve the way we
do Bible reading in church through training, feedback and
encouraging each other in the work.

We are made to love each other. Wholehearted disciples of
Jesus thrive in community and recognise they belong to each
other and therefore care for each other.

Care Ministry                                                       •   produce resources to equip others to care well.
We are a church who cares deeply for one another                    •   look for ways to help the wider community.
through all seasons of life. Wholehearted disciples of
Christ love God’s people, as part of his church the body
                                                                    Ministry programs and initiatives
of Christ.                                                          •   Triage system and network to make care calls during
                                                                        COVID lockdown
Purposes and Priorities 2020                                        •   Facebook care videos throughout the year
At Christ Church we seek to reflect the generous love of            •   Church-wide domestic abuse focus in May
God shown to us through Christ, by loving and caring for            •   Support for the church’s Viral Kindness initiative and
one another and our local community.                                    St Ives Village Love Local campaign.
                                                                    •   Blue Christmas Service (a service of thanksgiving
Caring well for one another is a key aspect of Christian                and consolation).
community. We are to serve one another prayerfully,                 •   Online care training course—Sally Sims and James
practically and pastorally, and in so doing help one another            Macbeth are filming videos for a course which will be
to know, grow and persevere in following Jesus. The one                 available later in 2021.
another nature of Christian care means that we must not
only be willing to care for others but also allow others to         Highlights
care for us. Growth Groups are the primary means by                 Practical partnership with individuals and Growth
which we do this but all ministries at Christ Church seek           Groups
to foster such a culture of care.                                   The Care Ministry has continued to coordinate and equip
                                                                    volunteers to meet both crisis and chronic needs. Care
The Care Ministry exists as a means of providing additional         has included emotional and spiritual support, home and
care and support in crisis and chronic situations. The min-         hospital visits, prayer, Bible reading, cards, flowers, calls,
istry seeks to equip individuals on matters related to care,        emails and texts. In addition, practical help has been
so that we might be built up as wholehearted disciples of           provided in the form of meals, transport, light housework,
Christ and Christ-like love may permeate all that we do             help with moving, grocery shopping and linking individuals
as a church.                                                        with other support such as health care professionals.

In 2020 our priorities were:                                        Care training and equipping
• to continue working alongside ministry teams,                     The Care Ministry ran four morning training sessions to
    growth groups and individuals to support a culture              equip the care team and church members. Attendance
    of care that is prayerful, practical and pastoral               averaged between 25 and 35 individuals.
• prayerfully ask God to be growing our love for him
    and for one another, and praying for those going                We looked at:
    through a difficult time                                        • Psalm 91 - The God who Protects Us
• review marriage resources and plan how we can                     • Walking in Faith Hope and Love during COVID and
    help strengthen marriages                                           Beyond
• provide a variety of practical and relevant care train-           • The Anxiety Pandemic and what you can do about it
    ing opportunities.                                              • Pursuing Forgiveness

In response to COVID, our priorities from March were:               In addition, in March we ran an evening seminar on
• to put structures in place so that members feel                   Responding Biblically to Conflict with James and Tracy
     cared for and well connected.                                  Nodder. This was a stimulating and practical seminar,
• respond well to the psychological, practical and spir-            which took participants through the biblical logic of
     itual needs of individuals impacted by COVID.                  conflict resolution.

The Team                                                            Priorities in 2021 and beyond
Sally Sims (Care Ministry Coordinator), Jan Smith and Nitia         •   Prayerfully working alongside ministry teams and
Stace have run the Care Ministry this year, with guidance               Growth Groups to continue to equip and promote a
and oversight from James Macbeth and assistance from                    culture of effective and safe, one another care.
Ian Porter, who joined the staff part-time in 2019 (with a          •   Continuing to build community and support networks
particular focus on pastoral ministry with members at                   at 6.45 and Family Church.
9am church).                                                        •   Launching an online care training course.
                                                                    •   Finding a new care coordinator and building the team.
We are deeply thankful to God for Nitia Stace who has               •   Holding an evening Care Seminar on Mental Health.
helped to coordinate the ministry for the past two years.               First Aid Principles with Colleen Hirst, psychologist.
She stepped down from this role at the end of 2020.                 •   Exploring ways of strengthening marriages and run-
                                                                        ning a Building a Strong and Safe Marriage course.
We are also thankful for Lynda Christen and Liz Booth have          •   Equipping parents through a series of Sunday
been looking at ways of developing community and care                   afternoon groups to read Paul Tripp’s book, Age of
among the ‘older adults’ at 6.45. They have organised a                 Opportunity.
couple of gatherings and plan to continue in 2021.
We face the very real challenge of maintaining and grow-
ing our sense of community during this COVID season
and providing good care across diverse ages, cultures
and large congregations. As the church grows, the scale
and breadth of care needs to keep growing. Effective
care requires everyone to be involved in caring for one
another. A challenge for us all is to be willing to go deep-
er with one another and deliberately set time aside to
invest deeply in one another’s lives. This requires us to
be open to allowing others to really know and care for us.

Member story:
Janelle Ayres

                                          The Care Ministry at Christ Church St Ives has provided regular, caring and
                                          loving support to me and our family over a number of years. It is with their
                                          encouragement, prayers and practical assistance I have felt the love of Christ
                                          supporting us throughout life’s challenges.

                                          I am most grateful for the relational aspect of their ministry via regular face-
                                          to-face meetings or phone calls demonstrating empathic listening and
                                          prayer support and the practical provisions such as delicious meals during
                                          particularly difficult periods— these being just a sample of support we have
                                          received. I am immensely thankful to Sally Sims, Jan Smith and the team.

Newcomer Integration

                A word from Garbo Chan
                Connect Coordinator

Our challenge during 2020 was to continually cope as              God has been so good. He continues to work in the lives
changes happened throughout the year!                             of people in new and exciting ways and the kingdom
                                                                  continues to grow. While our newcomer numbers are
During the first half of the year when church was online,         slightly down from 2019, He still is bringing significant
we were faced with trying to care for existing newcomers          numbers to our church—in particular, 6.45 church have
when we could not meet them face-to-face. The Con-                seen large numbers of newcomers.
nect team had a list of people they would call to see how
they were going. This was not easy for our teams, so I            One example is of a family that joined us online in 2020.
would like to commend them for stepping out of their              The husband and wife were from two different Christian
comfort zones for the sake of the gospel!                         heritages and found Christ Church one that they both
                                                                  could agree on, especially for the solid Bible teaching.
With online church, we had a group of new guests who              Later in the year when we started to meet physically
needed to be followed up. It was strange contacting               again, they joined the morning service. They have been
people we had never met physically, but still a great joy.        faithfully coming every week, slowly connecting with
The gospel has reached people we would never have                 people and making friends and have recently joined a
had a chance to reach before: people from Greater Syd-            Growth Group. The husband recently made known that
ney, rural, interstate and those who are unable to go to          he was a Christian at work and experienced some per-
church due to health, or being uncomfortable at church.           secution. How amazing it is to see Christ at work in their
What a blessing! The challenge now is knowing how                 lives in such a time as this and to see them honouring
to care for our online newcomers so that they too can             God at work and as they grow!
grow to be wholehearted disciples of Jesus.

Support to Ministry
                    Anna Richardson
                    Business Manager

The administrative and support staff develop and main-               Ministry, organising the calendar of regular room bookings
tain systems that support the vision and mission of                  for the year, returning to regular patterns of governance
Christ Church. The Wardens and Parish Council are                    meetings and reporting cycles after a January break.
responsible for property and finance, but week-to-week               And ‘ad hoc’ tasks—searching for a cost-effective solution
operations are delegated to the team in the office. Our              to our ageing office phone system’s incompatibility with
goal, as far as possible, is to free up the ministry staff to        the NBN, and welcoming new staff to the team, including
be doing ministry, rather than the myriad administrative             all the joyful fanfare and events related to the arrival of
tasks necessary to keep the church running smoothly.                 our new Senior Minister, Nigel Fortescue, in late February.

In partnership, the responsibilities of the Wardens, Parish          In March things changed dramatically in a very short
Council, administrative and support staff include:                   time. While activity on the church site in its regular formats
• Finances – managing the income and expenditure                     vanished seemingly overnight, admin and support needs
    of the church. This includes overseeing banking,                 did not cease!
    payroll, accounts payable and receivable, insurance
    and management of our various funds.                             We set up systems for our whole staff team to be able
                                                                     to work remotely, and continued to manage required on-
•   HR – ensuring that employment obligations are met                site tasks while the church office was physically closed.
    for our valuable staff team, particularly as new people
    join us, and experienced colleagues depart.                      Rapid ways to cut expenses were investigated and
                                                                     implemented—stopping regular cleaning and rubbish
•   Property maintenance and facilities management                   removal contracts, shutting down and switching off on-site
    – making sure church properties are maintained,                  appliances and automated heating/cooling systems.
    cleaned and that on-site events are well coordinated.            In parallel, we investigated our eligibility and applied for
                                                                     relevant support programs like JobKeeper.
•   ITC – ensuring phones, computers and necessary
    online tools and systems are available to do the                 We set up new ways to communicate with and support
    work of ministry.                                                our church members, including lots of phone calls, and
                                                                     a weekly stack of physical mail for those who could not
•   Communications – website, production of all manner               easily access online ways of connecting.
    of marketing, video, graphics and other written
    communication in our church life.                                We provided platforms for church groups to connect
                                                                     online, including taking care that our ministry to young
•   Event management – administrative support for                    people would continue to be as safe as possible in new
    on-site and off-site events across all ministries.               formats, with resulting administration requirements around
                                                                     parental permissions and leader access accountability.
In a church our size, this is a significant ‘engine room’
where regular processes occur daily, weekly, monthly or              We processed weekly ‘check-ins’ from our online services,
yearly, and ad hoc support needs are ever-present. The               enabling ministry staff to contact and care well for people
church office is usually a vibrant hub with lots of activity         with questions or prayer requests, to follow up those we
throughout each week.                                                hadn’t had heard from for a while, and to celebrate the
                                                                     ongoing progress of gospel ministry even as we longed
2020 began like other years for the support team. With               to see your faces.
‘regular’ tasks—the annual financial audit, administrative
support for Youth’s Summer Camp, extensive database                  We watched in awe and thankfulness as the skilled and
work to set up for a new year of Growth Groups and CYF               rapidly-assembled tech team poured time and energy

into getting our church services and kids programs                  safe and compliant with regularly updated government
online. Later in the year, we upgraded the site internet            requirements. This has included managing site capacities,
connection and purchased a carefully selected suite of              hygiene and cleaning needs, extensive record-keeping
equipment to enable us to begin livestreaming from the              administration, and maintaining a current COVID Safety
Cowan Rd auditorium in time for Share Life Sundays.                 Plan with specific Action Plans for each activity. Our efforts
                                                                    were affirmed by a visit from NSW Health in late 2020,
As the possibility of returning to meeting in-person arose,         who reviewed our safety plans, systems and records, and
we became adept at “COVID compliance” in all its forms.             confirmed that we were compliant in all respects.
It is worth noting here the great benefit of being a part of
the Sydney Anglican Diocese, whose COVID–19 Task                    The cooperation of our church community with these
Force has produced consistent, timely and high quality              ever-changing and often intrusive requirements has
advice and resources for churches during a time when                been a triumph of ‘community over convenience’. This
rapidly changing rules and rumours proliferated.                    has highlighted to us what we have been missing and
                                                                    how good it is to gather with our church family, even in
The administrative team has carried a significant load to           restricted ways, and pointing us to the ultimate heavenly
enable church gatherings, ministries and events to be               gathering of all God’s people!

Staff comings & goings
 January 2020                                                       December 2020
 We welcomed Cathy Young a part-time Pastoral Assis-                Ai Lyn Saunders went on maternity leave, with Georgia
 tant. Cathy was with us until December 2020, while Di              Condie joining us as a part-time Digital Engagement
 Lucas was on maternity leave.                                      Coordinator.

 Elma McErlane joined us as a part-time Administrative              Lindy Luger resigned as Sundays Coordinator.
 Assistant, with particular responsibility for supporting
 the Children’s, Youth and Families ministry.                       Simon Swadling completed his Ministry Traineeship and
                                                                    began full-time study at Moore Theological College
 Rachel Irwin began her two-year Ministry Traineeship.              with a student ministry position at Emmanuel Anglican
                                                                    Church Glenhaven.
 February 2020
 We farewelled John Menear with great thankfulness                  January 2021
 for his service to us as a part-time locum throughout              Di Lucas returned from maternity leave.
                                                                    Rosie Campbell began her two-year Ministry Traineeship.
 We welcomed Nigel Fortescue as Senior Minister,
 with his wife Nicky, and their children Michelle, Megan,           The Marquez family was farewelled as Anton accepted
 Brianna and Brodie.                                                the invitation for the role of Senior Minister at All Saints
                                                                    North Epping from February 2021.

 & Ministries

Children’s and
Families Ministry

                 A word from Lauren Dewhurst
                 Children’s and Families Minister

  I am thankful to God for the way that 2020 provided many new, different and exciting opportu-
  nities for the gospel to reach and grow children in St Ives and beyond. Whilst COVID may have
  interrupted our plans and stretched us all to think about how to minister through distance and
  with limitations, God’s unstoppable Gospel continued to spread and has reached new families
  and children. We have been able to spread the good news using different channels and modes
  which we trust that God will use to strengthen families and make himself known.

Sunday Children’s Ministry
We started the year with our regular Sunday Children’s
Ministry programs at all three morning services. In March
we moved online for Sunday programs which continued
through until October. During this time leaders connected
with children through teaching the Bible Kids Online
segments, writing letters of encouragement to every child
connected to our church and through designing and
producing Share Life Kids Programs.

The return to face-to-face Sunday programs in October
allowed us to design a different and exciting program for
kids and youth at Cowan Rd and at St Ives Park. The goal
was to offer programs so they could come every week.
The program has had many benefits including having
more children together which helps different friendships            ministry impacted the morale of the leadership team
to grow, as well as fostering greater collaboration and             with many feeling disheartened from being away from
teamwork among the leaders. We have noticed families                the children.
who are missing from our programs after the time spent
away and long for the time when they will be able to return.        Best News Ever - 100 days in Mark’s gospel
                                                                    One wonderful initiative we put together during Term 2
Children’s Leaders                                                  was the Best News Ever Bible Reading Challenge. This
We give thanks for the provision of so many leaders in              challenge was designed as a way of connecting with
2020. The leaders were committed to the programs and                our Year 3-5 kids and families when we could not gather.
children in all the versions of delivery of the ministry and        60 children signed up for the challenge to read Mark’s
contributed greatly to growing wholehearted disciples               Gospel over 100 days. The children and families who
of Jesus. One great loss for the year was our annual CYF            completed the challenge loved learning about Jesus to-
training weekend away for leaders. Missing this oppor-              gether in an accessible way. The leaders of the Year 3-5
tunity for training reduced the development of leaders              team designed the Best News Ever videos which were
through training in the year.. The lack of face-to-face             released each Friday afternoon during the term which

You can also read