Through the Seasons & - Boston University Center for ...

Through the Seasons & - Boston University Center for ...
         & Rehab
                       hrough the Seasons

                     Poems and Illustrations
                     by Moe Armstrong


                     CENTER for
                     Sargent College
                     of Health and
                     Rehabilitation Sciences
                     Boston University
Through the Seasons & - Boston University Center for ...

M     oe is one of my favorite people on this planet. I have had the pleasure of working with Moe
for more than six years, and in that time I have come to appreciate him at many levels. Moe is a
tireless advocate, with the kind of focus and energy required for making changes in the mental
health system. He is also a wonderful teacher and devotes many hours each week to helping staff,
consumers, public officials, and community members to understand the nature of psychiatric
disability and the nature of hope and recovery for people with mental illnesses. Moe is also a
historian and willing to share his insights about transitions in American society from the 1960s to
current. In another life, Moe had a rock and roll band that recorded for Warner Bros., promoted
reggae and rock tours in Cuba, had a radio show, marketed records and musical acts, and was
the state twist champion. More important than any of these roles and lives that Moe has had, he
is a friend. Moe is always there with a smile and a kind word to help staff and consumers in the
mental health system make it through the challenges that they face each day. He is the kind of
goodwill ambassador who would strike up a conversation with a needy stranger on the street and
then spend the rest of the day helping that stranger. He is the kind of person that you want to be
with during the best of times and the worst of times.

This collection of poetry is a remarkable body of work. It says more about who Moe is, what he's
done, and what his take on the world is than anything I can say in this foreword. I know that you
will see the spirit, humor, and heart contained in this work and come to appreciate Moe for his
abilities as a teacher, advocate, and all-around helpful person. More than that, I hope that you
come to understand through his words why Moe is such a special friend to those of us who know
him, and why he is one of my favorite people on the planet.



T hese are poems about me. These are writings about my mental illness. I do see things
differently than other people. That was the first question that I used to get asked with these
insanity tests. “Do you see things that other people don’t.” I do. I also think differently.

I have learned to accept and celebrate my difference. There is still a lot of pain in my life. I am
learning how to live with mental illness and teach other people what we have learned together
about our mental illness. I do group, after group, after group. These educational support groups
are my life’s work. These poems are my life. I call them, MoePoe’s. I hope you like them. This is
glimpse of seven some months of my life.

I dedicate this book to Tony Zipple and LeRoy Spaniol. They invited me to Boston. I am grateful
that I am here.

Through the Seasons & - Boston University Center for ...
Living with an Insect

                    Insects in July,
                     flying around,
                      at night

                      I want to,
                       squash the,
                        flying pest

                          Then, remember,
                     we all have,
                    to live

                    Looking closely,
                    I see this insect,
Light Sunshine

Never got,          Could feel,
hot                 the pain,
Stayed cool,        squashed to
into July           death

Lisa complained,    I wouldn’t,                   1
                    want to,                   Poems by
Not hot enough      feel that,               Moe Armstrong
I reminded her
                       I don’t want,
We could be,               to be squashed
in Florida
                              The bug has,
                              flown away
The mornings,
are fresh,             Before I’m,
in Boston           done thinking

Always cool

Even these,
days are,
too hot,
for me

I go through,

Looking for,
perpetual spring

Yet, the seasons,
do change
Moist Heat

                              by my,

                              First dawn,
                              light comes,
              Summer Rain
                              Rays of,
              brought July    Pour,
              There was,      window,
              no way,         fan
              to continue
                              The hum,
              Heat,           of fan,
              so              keeps,
              hot             me,
              in this heat,   Through,
              the rain came   the day
the Seasons
              With big,       Through,
              crash,          the night
              of thunder      When I,
              I rode my,      up,
              bike,           turn on,
              through the,    computer
                              the sun,
              Felt,           get brighter
              drops,          Days get,
              of,             hotter
                              This is really,
              On my,          summer


              Wet face,
              while I,
Splendid Green

                          Never knew,
                          plants could,
                          so green

Shooting in the Capitol   The mixture,
                          of heavy rains,
Where is,                 and bright,
the outrage,              sunshine
lack of,
mental health,            Have brought,
care,                     about,
for red haired,           a green like,
Weston                    I’ve never,
how much care,            Walk out back,
has gone into my,         on porch
to succeed                BAM

I have had,               Full in the face,
every chance,             green everywhere         3
                                                Poems by
to stabilize
                                              Moe Armstrong

And my sanity,
has been,

I’m left to live,
no weird,
no drugs,
no booze,
no guns

Take something,
which calms me

Learn about,
how to live,
with what I got,

Randy Weston,
had none of this,
did none of this
I Go On

              Never had,
              peace of mind

              There were times,
              since the war

              That I went,         Summer Porch
              through life,
              with sometimes,      The roar,
              bliss,               of traffic,
              day after day        goes on,
                                   down below,
              Am I growing,        the porch
              and my uncertainty   There is air,
              creeps in?           freshness,
                                   after hot and,
              I should,            humid days
              have more,
              confidence           The end,
                                   of July
              Left wondering,
              what to do,          More than,
    4         with my life         half way,
the Seasons
                                   the year

                                   Some days,
                                   have gone,
                                   so slow

                                   Then, a week,
                                   goes by
              Finding my way,      Next thing,
              back to sanity,      I know
              and stability
                                   A month has,
              Every day,           passed
              is a struggle
                                   This year,
              Finding peace        1998,
              of mind,             was a time,
              happens in,          of learning,
              moments,             to sit on,
              some days            back porch
              Not all the time,    Feel the breeze,
              forever              on my face,
                                   cool down from,
                                   the heat,
                                   after work
Only a Year Ago

                                 Last year,
                                 at this time

                                 I was huddled,
                                 behind a wall

                                 I had fallen apart

                           Was left to go,
                           walk in the streets
Thinking Mental Health
                           Get my way back,
Morning prayer             to sanity

Let me have,               How did this,
the clarity to see,        happen
what needs to,
be done with,              How did I fall,
mental health              apart,
                           I am still not sure
My mental health,
society’s mental,          Built myself back,
health                     through:                        5
                                                        Poems by
Can things,                1. Some light activity     Moe Armstrong
that work for,
me,                        2. Some time spent,
work for others               in conversation

I have so much             And I am not over,
self doubt,                the emotional,
about my ability,          disorientation
about my sanity
                           I go on
I keep working
                           Living with the new,
My job is,                 person
go out,
meet people,
in the mental,
   health programs

        Try to discover,
        who we are

        What are the,
        needs of people,
     in need

Praying for clarity,
to do this job
With the Rain

              It was a rainy day,
              in July

              Heat had come,
              and gone

              These were days,      A Day Goes By
              that were overcast,
              and still hot         Was alone in a room,
                                    getting ready to go,
              I got through,        out into world
              this summer
                                    Get ready to meet,
              Wasn’t like,          more people
              last summer
                                    Go more places
              by the time,          From Marlboro,
              the early morning,    Massachusetts,
              rain ended            to South Station

              I was kind of,        All through
    6         choked up inside      Boston and,
                                    around the area
the Seasons   Thinking about,
              people I had known    A day of discovery,
                                    and ideas
              Places I had been
              Memories,             riding around,
              on a rainy day        on a bike,
                                    looking into
                                    corners of the city,
                                    meeting people,
                                    from our mental,
                                    health programs,
                                    on the streets,
                                    in the city

                                    driving car out,
                                    on the Mass Turnpike,
                                    for a meeting discussing,
                                    how to get people off,
                                    booze and drugs

                                    The days are,
                                    fast and short

                                    Before I know it,
                                    a week has gone by
Flipped Out

How happy,
I was,
before my,
first break

Kind of a,                      Sometimes Too Much
    fresh kid,
     from the,                  I’ve been,
      midwest                   too sick for,
                                this society
          kind of,              I have,
         guy                    rage

        I still have moments,   Lucky that,
         when I can,            I haven’t,
         be,                    been,
      in my room or,            picked up,
in the country                  thrown in jail

Alone, at peace                 Most people,
                                haven’t been,
Reading,                        ready for me
quiet                                                     7
                                I’m trying,            Poems by
Then, I am,                     to live,             Moe Armstrong
brought back                    in the community

I am Moe                        I’m terrified
I am mentally ill
                                I never know
I have no life,                 what I’m going,
but survival,                   to feel like,
from flipping,                  any given hour
                                Sometimes, any,
Day after day,                  given minute
I live with this
                                I can explode,
Could you?                      or fall apart,
                                in a second

                                I wish all this,
                                would stop

                                It hasn’t

                                What will happen

                                I don’t know
Tanzanian Marriage
              In Cambridge

              The marriage,
              with Tanzanian,
              women singing,
              following the,

              African bright,       Poetry
              cloth of colors,
              wrapped around,       Mind spun,
              their heads           out of control,
                                    now back in synch
              Moving in lines,
              moving in song        Off into,
                                    straight away,
              Bride dressed,        day
              in best white
                                    Straight ahead
              Cambridge style,
              wedding               My life,
                                    is poetry,
              Two different,        short phrases
    8         African cultures
                                    That tumble out,
the Seasons   Africans from there   of my head,
              Africans from here    and on to paper

              I sat,                Fought madness with poetry
              drinking soda,
              pop                   Never knew,
                                    what I had,
              watching the,         never knew,
              ceremony              my mental illness

                                    I just couldn’t do,
                                    what other people did

                                    Would fall apart

                                    Thought this falling apart,
                                    was special about me

                                    Didn’t know,
                                    this is mental,

                                    I got myself,
                                    through poetry

                                    Organizing words,
                                    on paper

                                    Organized words,
                                    in my head
The Way Out

Conversation at,
substance abuse,
on Long Island          What We’re Like
                        and, the Way You See Us
wanted to know
                        Out on porches,
                        reeling out,
About life on,
the outside
                        You see ourselves,
You didn’t realize,
                        as unable to,
you were outside
You could go where,
                        You think that,
you want
                        we stay in the,
Here at Bay View Inn,
                        all day long
to stop drinking,
is freedom
                        Look out windows,
                        only to go back,
Freedom is “inside”
                        to the porch
First,                                                 9
                        Smoking cigarettes,
get inside yourself,                                Poems by
to stop drinking and,                             Moe Armstrong
                        Yet, inside our head,
                        there is a light,
                        burning bright light
This is your chance,
to live
                        Light that is always,
Find out,
who you are
                        Searching for the way,
                        to balance
What you can do
                        We talk
Live your life,
clean and sober
                        We talk about how,
                        to get to saneness
Being in your,
                        The pain of confusion,
is an opportunity
                        that each of us,
To be free
                        Is never seen or,

                        We are seen as only,
                        smoking cigarettes
Gone and Going

              To come so far,
              I wept that morning

              I had been fast,

              To have my head,
              full of dreams
                                          What’s Out There
              At least I’m dreaming,
              these nights in my sleep    Driving through,
                                          the desert
              I have picked myself out,
              of the dust                 Light of the,
              Brushed myself off
                                          Can see the,
              Started going in the,       landscape,
              direction,                  stretched out
              of renewal
                                          There are,
              I wept that morning,        fields of shrubs,
              life is so hard,            and bushes
the Seasons                               Going through,
              Psychiatric breaks,         where there doesn’t,
              can last a long,            seem to be any life
                                          The place is crawling,
                                          with the living

                                          The desert means,
                                          that I can take time,
                                          to see,
                                          I have the space

                                          To see each living thing,
                                          ants and bugs,
              I have come through,        some field mice,
              a lot                       rabbits,
                                          scraggly stray dogs,
              Still got a way to go       and some occasional,

                                          Then I,
                                          just have to,
                                          jump out of the car,
                                          and walk around

                                          See this life up close
Nuts on My Car

                            Horse Chestnut,
Bounced Back                spiny green balls,
                            called seeds
I was left standing,
alone                       Fall on my car

Some people said,           Nature keeps trying,
that I couldn’t have,       to cover me up
gone through,
this schizophrenia,         Imagine, I’ll walk,
                            out someday
Must have been,
something else              And a tree from,
                            the chestnut seeds,
Walking through,            will be growing,
the daily haze              right through my,
                            car roof
Hearing the rattling,
and rustling                The constellation,       Poems by
                            Hercules in the sky,   Moe Armstrong
Seeing the mice,            looks over me
and cockroaches,
which aren’t there,         Sky and earth,
moving off to the side      I walk through,
                            this world
Psychiatrists and,
psychologists,              My mind looking for,
explaining to me            natural meaning

What I have,                Trying to find,
what I experience           my place in nature

What a life this is,        While nature,
what a life this has been   falls on me

People explaining me,
to me

While, my head,
has a storm in it

There is no way,
to get away from the pain

Stood up to face the fury

I’m still standing
Old Hickory Forests

                                          Some day,
                                          I”ll walk through,
              Bog Walk                    these forests,
                                          under the canopy,
              Wish I was out,             of hardwood branches
              walking through,
              broad leafed,               Finding ferns, and
              cattails                    leaves

              Following streams,          Looking for wild flowers,
              bogs and woods,             and screech owls
              with bunchberry
                                          Then, these old opossums,
              Maybe looking hard,         which get into Boston
    12        seeing a brown winged,
 Through      teal,                       I will discover in,
the Seasons   or northern pin tail,       their native home
              lesser duck weed            I will try to come out,
                                          on some abandoned,
              The beauty of the,          fields
              Northeast isn’t,
              the cities                  Looking for moist meadows,
                                          filled with Little Bluestem
              Many forests have,          Grass
              been left and surround,
              these cities                Find some Red Cedars

              Waiting for the day,        Look for songbirds
              people leave
                                          Maybe sing a song,
              Ducks, bogs and streams,    myself
              also poised in wait

              They know how to survive,
              without civilization
Get to Sleep

                     Sleep came,
                     so peacefully,
                     last night

                     Didn’t lay awake,
                     didn’t have,
                     this restless fear

                     That keeps me,
                     awake in,
                     middle of night

Humid and Hot        Came home,
                     so tired,
Last blast,          couldn’t stay up
of summer
                     Went to bed,
Hottest day,         eight thirty
of July
                     Slept through
Wasn’t so hot,       the night till,
as humid             four thirty,
                     in the morning
Sat in the,                                     13
room,                Was with the quiet,     Poems by
made phone calls,    of the morning        Moe Armstrong
all morning
                     Zen music,
Turned on,           by John Singer
air conditioner
                     Some poems
Just to cool,
down                 Feel rested like,
                     I can go on,
Sweating through,    with my day
the day
                     My sanity,
When I went out,     has been a struggle
of the house

There was that,
Boston breeze

No breeze,
all humid,
in my room

Didn’t know,
there was a breeze

till I went out
Fungus Out Front

              Alcohol inky,
              growing at,
              door step
                                   Building Back
              You might,
              walk right,          Better than,
              by them              I have ever had

              I have walked,       Right now,
              right by them        my life is better

              Didn’t notice,       Broken down,
              the living,          and coming back,
              plants,              gained me,
              at my feet           consistency

              Thought to myself,   I gained,
              “Oh, a fungus”       my life back,
                                   by being constant
              Not thinking,
              about how,           Struggle to calm,
              this little plant    the inner me
 Through      Is trying to make,   Struggle to have,
the Seasons   a life for itself,   peace and sleep
              in the flower box
                                   Struggle to keep,
                                   going through,
              Storm Moves Thru     the day

              Woke with,           I take so many
              such a,              herbs to calm,
              bang                 me

              There was,           I need something
              thunder in,
              the night            I am mentally ill

              There was,           Step by step
              crashing             Day by day

              Woke me up           I am building,
                                   myself back
              Then, came,

              Light rustle,
              of rain against,
              the window

              I was back to,
Shooting Holes
                     In the Air

                     Bombs in Kenya,
                     missiles in,

                     Who will be safe

                     How long,
                     before retaliation

Leadbelly            We go on,
                     with killing
Leadbelly,           The United States
song,                talks against
coming,              terrorism,
at                   then, kills many
me                   in sanctioned
                     military action
First thing,
in the morning       When is enough
About a man,
going round,         How much blood,           15
taking names         to feel satisfied      Poems by
                                          Moe Armstrong
Just this one        The missiles are,
guy,                 in the air
on a guitar
                     The bombs are,
What a difference,   on the ground
he made

Made more,
music from,
that voice and

Than, the whole,
wall of sound,
that was to come,
later in music
A Person

              All these people,
              for and about,

              Is a little hard,
              for me to take

              Well, if me,
              feels this good,
              I can’t have,
              schizophrenia                       City Daydream
              No congratulations,                 Wish I was,
              I have gotten,                      walking through,
              through,                            the countryside
              one more day
                                                  Looking for,
              Learning to live,                   American,
              with schizophrenia,                 Elderberry
              has not been easy
                                                  Letting the juice,
              No congratulations                  run through,
    16                                            my mouth
 Through      So I go on,
the Seasons   trying to get,                      Maybe catch,
              through the nights                  some,
                                                  High Bush Blueberrys
              So that I can be,                   Low Bush Blueberrys
              stable during the days
                                                  On a hot day,
              To turn on television,              With my feet going,
                     radio and read books
                                                  I could be on,
                       Find there are,            a trail
                       whole groups of people,
                       making a living out of,    Looking for the berries
                       speaking about us
                                                  Then, I come on to,
                     People with schizophrenia,   the bushes
              can speak for ourselves
                                                  Berries in my hand,
              I am a person with,                 then, in my mouth
                                                  There is so much,
              I can speak for myself              said,
                                                  for learning how,
                                                  to forage

                                                  Getting back,
                                                  to the woods
$120 a Month

                           This hunch,
                           of going,
                           through the day,
                           by getting,
Eats and Thoughts          through the night
Milk and cookies
                           Get up,
                           with a,
Under a tree,
inside a cabin
                           to write down
Looking out,
                           There are times,
a window
                           when I can’t,
This is the kind,
of life
                           I can write
That I want to,
                           Sitting around,               17
                           the morning,               Poems by
                           of late August           Moe Armstrong
Milk and cookies
                           I spend,
Writing some,
                           almost $120,
                           on different herbs,
While listening,
                           To put me to sleep
to music
                           I need to get,
Walking through,
                           knocked out,
the forest
                           from the day
Looking for,
                           I probably always,
plants and animals
The good life,
                           The terror comes,
never escaped,
                           at night
                           The days can be good
       Milk and cookies,
       is how I kept,
                           Still, to be able,
       my sanity
                           to wake up
                           fresh and not flipped,

                           I have to go to sleep

                         Waiting for the,
                        Cabbage White Moth,
                       to come back

                  Signaling the fall
                                              Rainy Moods
              Autumn doesn’t,
              come along,                     The rain from,
              until this moth,                Hurricane Bonnie,
              is out and flying,              came in drizzles
                                              Supposed to be,
              Cabbage White Moths,            the big storm
              filled the kitchen,
              last year,                      Light rain in,
              end of summer,                  the morning
              ate up my hops tea
                                              Thought about,
              They didn’t seem,               when I once had
              as they circled through,        An office in,
              the kitchen and living,         the Marine Corps,
              room                            barracks
 Through      Before the leaves,              Listened to folk,
the Seasons   turn                            music,
                                              and wrote poems,
              Before there is frost,          in 1964
              in the air
                                              There is so much,
              Comes the little,               in my life that,
              Cabbage White Moth              has come and gone,
                                              and come back

                                              I am writing right,
                                              this life I have

                                              About the life I had

                                              About the life I have

                                              In a small room,
                                              writing poems,
                                              listening to folk music

                                              Thirty five years later
Monk Later

                           Bop in,
                           the morning
No Relaxation
                           Thelonious Monk
My head filled,
                           I’m getting sentimental,
with so many,
                           over you
                           “Gallop’s Gallop”
There I was
in the Dharma,
                           Live at the “It”
at the Zen Center
                           1964 Los Angeles
Alone with,
                           When I was,
my mind
                           running around,
I could’ve,
                           Didn’t know what,
                           to look for
Didn’t doze,
while meditating
                           I could’ve,
                           been at,
                           this concert                    19
I went to,
flow                                                    Poems by
                           Years, later,              Moe Armstrong
                           I got a CD,
I thought, again
                           in Cambridge
Why not,
                           In a space,
rest my mind
                           in my head,
                           on Sunday morning
went to,
                           No matter what,
after thought
                           We never miss out
Tried to stop,
the thinking
                           We can always,
                           catch up
Couldn’t go back to flow
                           Like, hear a concert,
So absorbed,
                           on this compact disk,
in my thinking
                           34 years later
That time just went past

With my head still,
full of thoughts

I was beginning,
the relaxing

              Last day in August

              How the summer,
              has gone

              First there was,

              Now there is,

              Light rain sprinkles,            Brought Together
              and overcast
                                               Learn by talking,
              These birds that had,            with each,
              the same nests,                  person sitting,
              all summer                       around the table

              They seem restless               So much said,
                                               in this time
              They might be,
              moving on                        Had to hang,
                                               on every word
    20        One nest,
 Through      at a time,                       This was a,
the Seasons   they build a,                    focus group,
              nest,                            made up,
              and move on                      of mental health,
              They seem,                       about our mental health,
                       to enjoy, the,          programs
                          nest they have,
                          and the birds who,   There were,
                         they are with         conversations,
                                               and ideas
                        My summer ends,
                      not by seasonal,         That I never,
              temperature,                     heard before
                                               Sat here for,
              But with birds,                  hours,
              looking for a,                   listened to,
              new nest                         the discussion

                                               Got to know,
                                               people from,
                                               another point,
                                               of view

                        Natural shapes,
                        have some curves,
                        that let the eye,

Black in the South                Around this
Mance Lipscomb,                     slopping,
bent over a guitar,                       shape,
playing out in front,                     of nature
of Texas feed store
Down by the,                   that there aren’t,
railroad station        sharp corners

Sharecropper,           Houses that
singer                  humans built,
                        stand in contrast,
These stories,          to curves of
and guitar runs,        a snail shell
play on
                        House that,
Down in,                nature built,
Brazos valley           on the back of,                    21
                        the snail                       Poems by
Noasota, Texas                                        Moe Armstrong
                        Looking at,
Living with,            the little,
his family              to understand,
                        the big
After he,
worked in,              Natural world,
fields                  helps me to,
He was able,            authentic nature
to make music

With the money,
from music

Bought him
a mule and,
a better guitar

Mance Lipscomb,
had a story,
to tell
At Home

              Learning to enjoy,
              where I’m at
                                   Bird in Cambridge
              Go for a walk,
              sit on a park,
                                   This little Chimney Swift,
                                   swoops down
              The people,
                                   The shape of,
              are gathered,
                                   the wings
              around Central,
                                   The way the,
              Finding out,
                                   slope back
              who is there
                                   All fits to the,
              Spending time,
                                   character of,
              getting to,
                                   this bird
              know this scene
                                   Fast flying arcs,
              Then, take a walk,
              down by the,
                                   Chimney Swift
              Charles River
                                   back to rest,
                                   at the nest
    22        With a sketch,
 Through      pad,
                                   Wouldn’t be caught
the Seasons   in my hand
                                   on a branch or
              I draw out,
              people I have,
                                   For this bird,
                                   it is only the nest,
                                   or nothing
              A goose waddling,
                                   There, right off,
                                   to my side
              Try to capture,
              the shape of,
                                   This bird swoops,
              a tree,
              on my sketch pad
                                   I am left to wonder
              Life goes by,
              for me
                                   Could I someday,
                                   fly like this

                                   With wings that,
                                   slope back
The Past

The night,
was quiet,
all night

There were,
no stars

When I awoke,
went for a walk
                        Clicking of the Keys
I thought
the lightening,         In front of a computer,
was only from,          I can no longer,
the heat,               remember,
till the rain hit       what typing was,
With a crash,
the sky opened,         Scattered papers,
up                      all over the floor,
                        I still seem to have
Ducking my
head,                   Yet, many of those,
I ran for cover,        written thoughts,
all the way,            are now on,                    23
home                    a computer disk             Poems by
                                                  Moe Armstrong
Not enough,             There were times
rain to,                that I felt lonely
splash up,
my legs,                Used to dread,
my pants                the pain of waking

Enough to sprinkle,     This is no longer,
my head                 the case

I ducked inside,        I feel like I have,
my home,                a job to do
did a little dance,
while I listened,       Rebuild myself
to Emmy Lou Harris,     Rebuild others
                        I’m just recording,
Thought about my past   the changes,
                        that I’m going through
let some other rain,    Sitting in front of,
fall inside my head     a computer,
                        writing words,
                        about the life,
                        I’m living

                        Places I have been
What I Do

              The nights,
              turned crisp

              Beyond cool
              So there I was,
              so comfortable           The Lance,
                                       Leaved Coreopsis,
              In my sleep              flowers,
                                       are withering
              Never thought,
              that I would,            This Tickweed,
              have this experience,    is changing
                                       Summer has,
              Sleeping almost,         come to an,
              through the night,       end
              every night
                                       The flowers,
              Cool air wrapped,        are changing
              around me
    24                                 For those,
 Through      I finally feel,          who take the,
the Seasons   like I am getting,       time to notice
                                       Bright yellow,
              I wake in the morning,   petals,
              say a pray of thanks     are shrinking

              meditate                 The stem,
                                       is still strong
              write this poem
                                       People going,
                                       to work,
                                       might not notice,

                                       Might not understand,
                                       the time to,
                                       harvest is now

                                       Tickweed is changing
Leaving Town

                        The call
                        for “Commuter Rail
                        for Bridgewater,”

                        Clears out the,
Train Station           the South Station,
                        this Sunday night
Two ragged folks,
down and out,           The headlines,
around the railroad,    about the President,
station                 scream out

Nine PM,                Passengers pass by
I’m here again,
at night                On the train,
                        there will probably
These are,              be,
the kind of people,     discarded,
like I used to see,     newspapers
all the time,
in those days of,       Keeping everybody,
the sixties             reminded,
                        about Monica,
Now, in Boston,         Lewinsky                    25
I catch a glimpse,                               Poems by
of new street people,   I’m on my way,         Moe Armstrong
different era           to Washington

They were up,           Heart of the storm
all night,
won’t go to,            What will I see
the shelter             What will I learn

Hang out around,        Talking about,
the railroad station    mental health

They were here,         In the midst,
again,                  domestic,
trying to spend,        and economic,
the night,              uncertainty
South Station,
Boston, Massachusetts   Next train out,
                        my Amtrak train,
They will,              the coast run,
spend this evening,     to Washington, DC
living through,
another night

While I head out,
of town,
on the train
Get Away Day

              About the President
                                           A home for the butterfly
              To censure,
              To impeach                   The butterflies,
                                           didn’t come North,
              I’ll go to the,              this year
              instead of read these,       I get to see their home,
              newspapers                   when they aren’t,
              Catch a glimpse,
              of history longer,           A bird’s nest hidden,
              than today’s headlines       in a wood’s edge,
              I am too early,
              for museums                  Probably small sparrow;
                                           found this place
              Find a garden off,
              to the side of traffic,      There is whole village,
              in the shade of,             of insects and,
              Natural History Museum       birds,
                                           living in this habitat
              Look for butterflies
                                           Carved out in,
 Through      Looking for,                 the middle of the city
the Seasons   butterflies,
              on damp ground               Finding a way to survive

              Here in the heart,           Each plant has distinct,
              of Washington,               defined beauty
              traffic going under,
              Smithsonian Mall Tunnel      Black jack,
                                           bee lites down
              So there is a butterfly
              garden,                      The small pincers
              with no butterflies,         on the front of
              and lots of flowers          head,
                                           wiggles around,
              This is better than,         flower top
              than the newspaper
                                           As I write,
              Surrounded by small trees,   the world’s smallest
              flowers and shrubs           ant,
                                           crawls across,
              The butterfly loves,         my notebook
              the clover,
              the alfalfa                  I blow the ant,
                                           back on the grasses,
              There are sweet grasses      with my breathe

              The Big Blue Stem Grass,     I’m lost in the,
              sprouting out,               flower garden
              in clumps
Capitol Power

                                Thought I,
                                would walk,
                                to the Capitol

                                To see what,
                                all the hoopla,
                                is about
How to Raise a Butterfly?
                                Channel Nine,
Have late blooming,             Eyewitness News,
plants                          parked out in,
                                front                        27
Butterflies need food,                                    Poems by
for long journeys               I read the,             Moe Armstrong
                                Washington Post,
If you want butterflies,        get a feel for,
leave decaying plants           political climate

Butterflies love to,            Start up the,
eat the mulch,                  steps,
from those dead plants          to doors,
                                balconies and windows
Don’t use chemicals
                                Steer to the right,
Butterflies love the natural    walk in to sit,
                                House Chamber
A single flowering
plant like,                     See the House,
Summersweet Clethra,            in action
can go a long way,
to keep butterflies,            Experience,
around                          corridors of power

Make friends with butterflies

Live with plants

Go for walks,
through plants,
and butterflies
George Wallace Died

              In the shadow,                Back into the Union
              of US Grant,
              statue at,                    The old rebel died,
              Capitol steps                 I read about his,
              The day George,
              Wallace died.                 In the shadow of,
                                            Grant’s statue
              On his horse,
              this General                  Under the gaze
                                            of Grant staring out
              Grant fought,                 across the trees
              for the union                 and the mall

              In a stone’s throw,           Washington, DC
              from the Capitol              September 14, 1998

              I’m reading a,
              about the death,              Fought for the Union
              of George Wallace
                                            The bronze soldiers,
              I’m realizing,                of the civil war,
    28        George Wallace,               pulling an artillery field,
 Through      died today                    wagon
the Seasons
              He was part of,               War monument,
              the reverberations,           Washington, DC
              of the Civil War,
              still rolling through,        The memories of,
              this country                  my own combat,
              Grant wanted the,
              war over                      Fighting the other,
              He killed every,              till death
              rebel soldier,
              possible                      Carrying off,
                                            those crying in pain,
              One of the last,              the wounded
              of the rebels,
              died today                    My great grandfather,
              Yet, George Wallace changed   for the Union

              Embracing African,            I always wondered
              for votes                     What was his story

              And, Teachers Unions,         While at this monument,
              for better schools            I say a prayer

              Leading Alabama,              For all soldiers
              back into the,
              nation                        And, for this old soldier,
                                            moe armstrong
Dan Emmett

                                   Diamond of the,
Rialto Theater                     river boats

Gone,                              Playing songs,
the cool dark,                     of,
           of the movie house,     Pelham and,
           of my youth             Gilbert

           Without a care,         Songs of people,
           in the world,           enjoying themselves
           watching the flicks
                                   The master,
             Sitting back,         is gone
while the screen,
story unfolds                      Songs of the carefree,
I watch some,                      not of work
ride across,                       The well dressed,
the sage                           dandies and ladies,
                                   sit in the front,
All lost up,                       rows,
in the moment                      by the stage
The great expanse,                 The humming,                 Poems by
of the desert,                     and strumming              Moe Armstrong
moves across,
the screen                         Going on

I wasn’t in the west               “Double shuffle”

I grew up in,                      “Hoe corn,
Illinois                           dig potatoes”

                                   “Scratching gravel”
Back in 1959,
I was watching,                    Jump up and dance,
these cowboy pictures              like we got all,
                                   the time,
I’m thinking,                      to get our good times in
“someday I’ll live in the west.”
                                   “Pigeon wing,”

                                   While this banjoist,

                                   Pick up the feet,
                                   while we do this,

                                   Pigeon wing

                                   Riding on the river

                                   Double shuffle,
                                   all the way
Washington, DC

              City that is always,
              in the news,
              in the movies,
              on the TV

              Different view,
              the street level

              Northeast architecture,
              Federal Style                 Too Much Hassle

              That now I am familiar,       This town,
              with the buildings            Washington, DC

              I recognize the row houses,   Runs on,
              which have become offices     self importance

              Have same peaked roofs,       Doesn’t think of,
              and rounded,                  the outside world
              window frames,
              as Federal style,             The news from here,
the Seasons
              in Boston                     from Washington,
                                            keeps generating,
              I’m moving through this,      excitement,
              city,                         for itself
              of monuments,
              and old buildings             The rest of us,
                                            are worried

                                            When the power grab starts

                                            Will we have a job
                                            Will we have a home

                                            Washington likes,
                                            the power conflicts

                                            The rest of the country

                                            Doesn’t want this power trip

  The morning,

    I was able,
    to watch,
  the day,

in Washington,
                            It Was Luck
People on top of,
people                      Could I have,
They will be,
working all day,            This path to,
in the office,              wellness,
buildings                   sanity,
Returning home,             sobriety
tired at night
                            If I had lived,
                                                   Poems by
All day long,               another life?
                                                 Moe Armstrong
breathing canned,
air,                        If I had gone,
in those office buildings   down another,
Behind sealed,
plate glass windows         Instead,
                            I was left to,
Imagine,                    flounder,
outdoors for them,          and discover
these city dwellers,
is riding,                  At the same time!
the metro
                            These floundering,
With overcoats,             mistakes,
suits, ties                 I made with my,
Women in heels
                            Were a help,
These are the riders,       in bringing,
on inner city rails         me to stability

                            Lucky I lived,
                            long enough,
                            to find out,
                            a path
Human Safety Net

              The end of,
              this trip,
              to Washington, DC

              September 15, 1998        Boston Bypass

              This group of twenty,     Washington,
              from across the country   DC,
                                        to Boston
              We sat around,
              the table,                I get to town,
              and talked about,         the next,
              long term care,           morning
              for people in need
                                        The Boston,
              Who would we,             morning,
              be working with           commute

              What will mental,         Seen from,
              health look like,         Amtrak
              five years from,
    32        now                       I sit in,
 Through                                the train
the Seasons   This was only,
              the beginning,            Train tracks,
              of understanding,         the Metroliner
              there will be a need,
              for long term care        Riding right,
              The trip had ended,       Route 128,
              that afternoon            traffic

              We asked each other       Boston,
              “How would we,            backed up
              like to be treated.”
                                        Bumper to,
              Should we break,          bumper
              down and
              fall apart                Imagine,
              “Guarantee long term,     go to work,
              compassionate,            every day,
              mental health care,”      through this,
              as the foundation,        traffic
              as a guarantee,
              was the answer            I glide by,
                                        on the train

                                        While, people,
                                        grind to work
Reversed                   Realization

Back in Boston,            We all,
on the all night,          have to,
        Metroliner         get off,
                           our high,
         New England,      horse
         flashes by        We are,
         First light of,   of,
         dawn              every mean,
                           spirited thing,
This train,                possible
going by,
as part of,                There is,
American,                  so little,
landscape                  time

Except,                    To live
I’m on inside,
looking out                To be together

Trying to think,           Be good,
how trains look,           to each,
from the out side          other                      33
                                                   Poems by
I have stood,              Go with,              Moe Armstrong
in a railway crossing      goodness

Watched trains,            Be kind
go by,
seen the people,
inside                     Death

Now, I am the,             Alfredo Russo,
person,                    died
on the inside
                           Built himself,
In my compartment,         back from,
on the pullman train       homelessness

                           From drug addiction

                           From gang warfare

                           From streets of,

                           Raised for decades,
                           on the,

                           He got clean and,
                           to die from,
                           brain cancer
Traveled Alone

              The airport,
              While I waited
                                       The plane,
              Boarded,                 I’m on,
              the plane                keeps going,
                                       to Los Angeles
              The guy who,
              was,                     I could stay,
              to ride with,            on the plane
              on this trip,            No one would,
              to Las Vegas,            know,
              Nevada                   I’m going on to LA

              Guy who was on patrol,   Then,
              with me in Vietnam       get off and walk,
                                       down sunset strip,
              He never came            with a floppy,
    34                                 overcoat
 Through      I was alone
the Seasons                            Pocket full of poems
              On this trip,
              to,                      Looking at bright,
              Third Recon,             lights
                                       Walking through,
              Las Vegas,               Hollywood,
              Nevada                   looking for stars,
                                       just like I used to do
              Logan Airport,
              Six AM                   Instead,
                                       I will get off,
              Remembering the,         this plane,
              war,                     in Ohio
              the people,
              who I served with,       Go to Las Vegas,
              in Vietnam               instead of,
                                       Los Angeles
              Traveling alone,
              this morning,            Walk in the,
              with thoughts and,       bright lights,
              memories,                big city,
              of the war               of Las Vegas

                                       Without the,
                                       movie stars,
                                       of Los Angeles
Under the Lights

                               In the Casinos

                               I’ll be looking,
                               for the new,
                               Sally Rand,
                               in Las Vegas

                               Fan dancer
James Whitcomb Riley Country
                               Like in,
The fields of,                 “Kings of Kings”
are brown                      She held those,
Being harvested                parted them,
                               just a little
this is fall                   Men gasped
We fly low,                    Tonight, a new,
over the farms                 generation of men,
                               are gasping,
Grey barns                     around the casinos
White siding,                  Men in polyester,                         Poems by
on the houses                    checked pants,                        Moe Armstrong
                                        are gasping
This Sunday,                             in Las Vegas
no one is,                                        Seductive dancers,
working                                            are peeking out,
                                                   shaking their
I see the,                                         feathers
life below,
is only seen by,               These dancers used,
the farm work,                 to get men going
                               Now they got Viagra
Not the people,
working                        Wonder if?
Quiet Sunday,                  Because of Viagra,
morning                        show attendance,
                               will go down
slice of life,                 Will men still need the fan dance

Fields, fences,
roads, farm,
houses and barns

Seen from the airplane
Lots of Lights

              The quiet of,
              Las Vegas,
              before dawn

              The clink,
              of change,
              pouring out,
              a slot machine

              Bells ringing,    Watching Vegas
              Lights flashing
                                Too many,
              The mechanical,   new cars
              of the casinos    Too much,
              Slot machines
              Roulette wheels   Too much,
              Keno              high living

              This early in,    Here, you can get
              the morning
    36                          Instant wealth
 Through      More fun to,      In Las Vegas
the Seasons   see casino in,
              action            24 hours a day

              I go out,         Signs flash
              on the floor
                                Bright shiny autos,
              Catch the,        roll by
              gamblers          Down Las Vegas,
              Drink some,
              tea at            The Strip
                                Who has the
              Walk around,      most
              see the lights,
              and the people.   All this glitter,
                                doesn’t buy,
              Dig the scene     peace of mind

                                I’m happy looking,
                                at the cross section,
                                of humanity who comes,

                                I don’t spend a penny
On the Bench

Strike up,
with a woman,
on the stone bench,
outside the Westward Ho,

She didn’t,
strike it rich

Broke and,
drunk in,
the morning

Nice clothes,
no money

A night of,                At the Table
                           She nervously,
She tells me,              strokes her,
there’s a tent,            hair
where she can live         As he plays,          37
                           Poker              Poems by
She can,                                    Moe Armstrong
wait through the,          At the table,
night until she,           the cards,
is sober                   flip over

I say good-bye,            He seems,
walk into the,             to be losing
casino lights,
and street lights          She tugs and,
on to the sidewalk         her hair,
                           over and over

                           As if to say,
                           we must be,

                           They stay,

                           He continues,
                           to lose
On Vacation

              She was,

              He was,
              They came,
                                  Black Leopard
              from Kansas
                                  left alone,
                                  when his master,
              They are here,
              Las Vegas, Nevada
                                  Had to be reached
              They go,
              down the strip
                                  a lone man,
                                  got in the cage
              They go,
              into one casino,
                                  Sat still with,
              after another
                                  the leopard
              I wonder
                                  Until they,
    38                            connected
              Does she keep,
the Seasons
              herself thin
                                  Thought about,
                                  why can’t people,
              So he can
                                  go to where the,
                                  other person is
              Spend what he,
                                  Sit still,
                                  until they connect
              Eat what he wants
                                  Then, spend every,
              While she goes,
                                  waking moment,
              on by his side
                                  with the each other
              Living without
                                  Spending time,
                                  with the each other,
                                  can be,
                                  a sense of enjoyment

                                  Alone, with the,
                                  other person

                                  There is a bond,
                                  that comes over,
                                  of being together

                                  Learned this from,
                                  these animal lovers
Secret Garden

white tiger

Uses the,
to hide,
in the bush

He can run,
after his game

Here at the,
Secret Garden,
Las Vegas, Nevada
                       Life on Streets
The animals have,
everything to eat      Consumer who I met in Vegas

I am a like a small    Here in Las Vegas,
child,                 I pick up cans
filled with wonder
                       I make two hundred
Each living space,     dollars,
for the animals        extra a month, on top,
                       of social security
                                                       Poems by
Filled with trees,                                   Moe Armstrong
and grass              I live around the edge,
                       of the strip
I can get up close,
look them in the eye   My shopping cart,
What a wonderful,      with cans in,
world                  plastic bags

What a way to spend,   I head down,
the afternoon          to get my money

Romping with tigers,   Some social,
lions, elephants and   security
dolphins at,
the Secret Garden      Some cans

                       I have enough,
                       to call this life

Waiting for a Bus

              Three mental health,
              waiting for a bus

              I go talk to them

              They take me,
              down town,
              Las Vegas

              Show me apartment,
              building in stucco,
              balcony out front

              “Corner apartment
              that’s where I live”       Stayed Behind

              “$150 per month”           Dedicated to those who stayed behind

              “I live down below,        We came,
              same rent”                 to town

              “Lived here three years”   Las Vegas
 Through      “Work for tips lifting,    Looking to,
the Seasons   baggage                    get rich
              in the casinos”
                                         We lost,
              Spending free time,        what we,
              at the Salvation Army      had

              “Best substance abuse      I ended,
              program in town”           up,
                                         a drunk
              I go back to the strip
                                         She’s working,
              Meet more people,          in the casinos
              and look around
                                         There is,
                                         a way,
                                         for me
                                         to get out,
                                         of here

                                         But, I never,
                                         seem to find it
Under the Glitter

                      The late night,

                      Still going,

                      In the middle,
                      of the night

                      Going to bed,
At the ATM
                      Waking up,
The look of,          early
in his eyes           People come,
                      to this town,
He lost everything    to get rich
Was at,               Gamble away,
the ATM,              all their money
going for more,                                    41
money                 And spend, extra          Poems by
                                              Moe Armstrong
He thought,           Yet, I don’t have
that getting,         enough,
more money,           money,
would help,           for restaurants
him out
                      I can’t understand
Help him,
out of debt           What do
                      all these,
He was losing         people,
                      do for work?
He lost some more
                      That they can afford,
Everybody is losing   to live like this
If people won

There wouldn’t be,
Las Vegas
Another Life

                                     Two drunks,
                                     on the street

                                     One drunk,
                                     patting the other,
                                     on the back
              Home Before Daylight
                                     Bent over,
              Las Vegas,             a curb
              dawn                   Up all night,
                                     on a bender
              The last lights,
              of the,                Waiting to sleep,
              Starlight Casino       it off

              Cool air,              They have come,
              desert morning         to comfort each,
              Guy and his,
              girl,                  They know that
              walking down,          they can’t sleep,
              the street,            out like this,
    42        in front of me         out on the streets,
 Through                             in the night,
the Seasons   He is slumped,         or they get busted
                                     They just stay
              Hard night             sitting on a curb,
                                     off in the shadows,
              All night              away from the lights,
                                     of Las Vegas
              They are,
              winding,               Looking out for each other
              their way back
                                     Until daylight,
              To a hotel room,       when they can sleep,
              on the strip           in a park

              He walks ahead,
              she walks behind

              As the sun,
              comes up,
              the lights,
              on the strip,
              go down

              Day light happens,
              right in front of,
              Starlight Casino
In Between

In between,
trips to the strip

I hang out,
at the Third Recon,
Vietnam war reunion

Meet guys,
who I might,
have known               Taxi

Look for faces,          I could,
I might remember         have been,
                         driving taxi,
We have all,             in Las Vegas
grown older
                         Driving down,
So much older            through the,
In our time,
we seemed so young       Writing during,
                         the day
I thought that we,
would never age          Making a living,              43
                         driving cab                Poems by
Everytime we get,                                 Moe Armstrong
back together            Writing straight,
We look more tired
                         Maybe, mystery novels,
The war took a lot,      about casinos.
out of us
                         I could have been
We saw too much
                         A taxi driver,
The years have taken,    in Las Vegas
a lot out of us
                         Small apartment,
We are different from,   off to the,
the other people who,    side of the,
never went to Vietnam    strip

                         Keyboard and,

                         Finding characters,
                         for the novels

                         In my rides,
                         and my walking,
                         down the strip

                         In search of a sketch
Carnival in Lawrence

                                             Old fashioned,
                                             ferris wheel

                                              Small merry,
                                              go round

                                               Fills the park,
                                             in Lawrence

                                       Big fair,
                                       “Fall Harvest,
              Back at Work in Boston   for the residents

              I’m coming in,           Guys trying,
              dead tired               to knock over,
                                       milk bottles
              From the road
                                       Get their,
              From Lawrence            girl friend,
                                       a stuffed animal
    44        In the distance,
 Through      just over,               I ride by the park,
the Seasons   the hill,                as the school,
              past Stoneham            across the street,
                                       gets out
              I see the lights,
              of Boston                Parents picking,
                                       up kids
              I realize,
              that I’m part of,        Kids delay,
              big city America         ride home

              Boston skyscrapers,      Kids with eyes,
              just like Manhattan      lit up,
                                       waiting to get,
              I ride my bicycle,       over to the carnival
              through these,
              buildings                Not wanting,
                                       to go home
              Now, I’m in the,
              far distance,            Not wanting,
              over six miles,          to leave,
              from Boston              downtown Lawrence

              Looking at,
              the lights

              “Wow, I live there”
Morning Quiet

                   The stillness,
                   of the mind

                   There is not,
                   a sound

                   At five AM,
                   I wake up

Boston Breeze      the traffic

The wind,          There is,
blew,              a quiet,
the flags          that I have,
Straight out...    to live,
The wind,
off the,           I withdraw,
Longfellow,        first thing,
Bridge             in the morning

Was stiff          Meditate and pray        45
                                         Poems by
I was riding,      So that I can,      Moe Armstrong
my bicycle,        go out,
against,           during the day
this gust
                   I’ll try not to,
There was,         lose myself
than,              I set aside,
a breeze in,       mornings for,
my face            rediscovery

This particular,   The quiet,
day,               lets me think,
I was out,         and reorder,
with full gale,    my mind
pushing against,

this bridge,
and across,
this town
Railroad Days

              Lining track,        Thought why,
              by the,              there can’t,
              railroad             be

              Men working,         More silent,
              in the,              moments
                                   While my,
              The light,           head unwinds
              of lanterns
                                   So, I can,
              Started the,         draw pictures

              Those days,          Conference
              gone                 There is this,
              As I ride,
              the rails,           We sit around,
              to                   discuss,
              Washington           what Medicaid,
                                   should look like
    46        There is nobody,
 Through      left                 Accountability,
the Seasons                        in the system
              by the side,
              of the track         Not enough,
                                   to go around

                                   Alternative Services
              Washington DC Was
                                   I suggest Peer,
              This time,           Education
              in coming here,
              did nothing for,     Teaching those of us,
              me                   with mental illness

              There was no,        What we have
              where to go
                                   How to live,
              Where I had not,     with mental illness
                                   Pull groups of,
              I sat in the room,   people with,
              with crayons         mental illness,
              Finished my,
              pictures             Let us share our,
              I enjoyed the,       and learn from,
              time                 each other
Watching the Capitol

                       From car window,
                       I am reminded,
                       that we are in,

                       Through the,
Hotels                 mist of rain,
More gets done,
by conversations       Across the,
In the hallways
                       The Capitol,
Than at the meetings   can be seen

We spend time,         We are in,
brainstorming          the heart of,
                       American decisions
Trying to figure,
out what we can,       In the distance,
do together            the white rotunda,
                       sticks out,
Advocates and,         as the dusk,
policy makers          comes                       47
                                                Poems by

Implementer of,                               Moe Armstrong

policy                 I am able to see,
                       the light is on
Under one roof,
we have time,          Congressional,
to get together        session,
                       going on,
Maybe, we should,      late tonight
do this more often

Get all the people,
who disagree

Rent a hotel for,
a couple of days

Just spend time,
with each other

Some problems,
might begin,
to iron out

                                          “Voted to inquire,
                                          about impeachment”

                                          while I was in,

                                          My life is,
                                          saving lives
              Down Here
                                          So far removed,
              “There’s these              from Congress
                                          I’m the other side,
              “Blacks”                    of punishment

              “Bad element”               All the mistakes,
                                          I make everyday
              “They live over
              there,                      Things I said,
              just on the outside         never wish I had said
              of Old Alexandria”
                                          Things done,
              “Wouldn’t want              never wish I had done
              to leave your
the Seasons
              car,                        Stabilizing my,
              where they live”            mental illness,
                                          depends on,
              “When they                  forgiveness
              come over here,
              we take them in             I got to let myself,
              the alley”                  be forgiven

              “The police,                Learned to be,
              beat them up”               forgiving

              “We take care               Learn to go on
              of problems”

              Taxi driver was,
              telling me

              Late night in Virginia

              This conversation,
              I called

              “The Alexandria Solution”

              we still treat
              each other
              this way
All Night Drizzle

If this was winter,
we would be,
in trouble

This rain,
doesn’t stop

This could,
be snow

The city would,
stall shut

This fall,
more moisture,        Going Home
and cooler air
                      Bags of stuff
All signaling,        packed as,
get ready for         personal baggage,
winter                on the way out of,
                      Logan Airport
We can plan
ahead,                So much,
all we want           manufactured,
                                             Poems by
If winter hits,       toys,
                                           Moe Armstrong
with the moisture     trinkets,
of the fall           electronics

And brutal cold,      Packed,
of a special winter   as luggage,
                      in the hand,
We are in trouble     over the shoulder,
                      under the seat,
                      in the overhead

                      As duffel bags

                      As cardboard boxes

                      Anyway to get,
                      this stuff on the,

                      they could,
                      was leaving,
                      the United States

                      Going into,
                      the Caribbean
Take Off

              On the tarmac,
              the Boston,
              stands out

              State street,
              buildings,          Questions
              seen from afar
                                  What will,
              The whole,          Cuba,
              skyline seen,       be like
              across the harbor
                                  What faces,
              Shining lights,     will I remember
              in pre dawn hours
                                  Will I know,
              We pull out         how to get,
              Take off
                                  I’m supposed to,
              I’m able to,        meet Alexis,
              look back down      at the airport

    50        See the skyline,    I’m staying,
 Through      of Boston           outside of town
the Seasons
              One last time       I’ll try to get into,
              Before Miami
                                  Find my way,
                                  into town

                                  What will be the,

                                  Will the streets,
                                  still be safe

                                  Will I be able,
                                  to dip into,
                                  the corner store,
                                  and buy something

                                  Can I sit on,
                                  the streets and,
                                  have a conversation,
                                  in Habana
To an Ex Wife

                   I’m sorry

                   Sorry that,
Became in Boston   you got me,
                   after the war
Thinking of,
Boston             After Vietnam

How I have,        Sorry that,
learned to,        I was uptight,
love this city     and angry,
                   when we were,
Ride my,           together
through these,     Years later,
downtown,          I’m with someone,
buildings          in Cambridge

I think that I,    Naomi loves me,
can overcome,      a great deal
                   I love her
Just by riding,                                 51
my bicycle,        She comes from,           Poems by
through,           our generation,         Moe Armstrong
downtown           our times

In Boston,         I’m trying to,
I stay,            make our life,
on the ground      better,
                   here in Cambridge
I keep thinking
about what,        I wanted you to know,
I want to be       that I am doing OK

Who,               I’m continuing on
I have actually,
become.            I’m sorry for what,
                   I put you through
A mental health,
outreach worker,   So many years ago
who writes

Someone who is,
mentally ill,
who works

Somebody who,
enjoys living,
and writing
Ducked Inside

                                    Sun so,

                                    so still

                                    Hard to believe,
                                    tropical storms,
                                    hit this,
                                    Florida coast

                                    These storms,
                                    hit with a wallop

                                    Things can,
                                    cool down,
                                    around here
              Gershwin Special
              On the Airplane       I left Boston,
                                    in the fall air
              Big Broadway,
              show                  Still feels like,
                                    summer here
    52        The splashing,
 Through      rhythms
the Seasons                         The sunlight,
              George Gershwin,      strong
              wrote the music
                                    Can’t find the,
              Ira Gershwin,         shade
              wrote the words
                                    People duck,
              There never was,      inside,
              this kind of mix,     the airport
              of every kind of,
              American music,       Ducking from,
              all together,         sun and heat
              until Gershwin
                                    Just like,
              Rhapsody in Blue,     people duck,
              plays on              from the rain

              100 years since,
              the birth,
              of George Gershwin

              Listening to hours,
              of Gershwin music

              on the plane ride
Musical Daydream

Brush strokes,
on the drums

Hop the bop

Was out on,
a wing

On an,

When I             Bongo Time
got into,
sky groove         Crazy,
Puffs of,          crazy
                   I’m the,
Underneath         last of,
                   the beatniks
Piano music
                   Riding on,
Swings in,         the horse,
my head            of my choice         53
                                     Poems by
I’m all inside,    This big        Moe Armstrong
myself             silver,
My thoughts,
are passing,       Love of life,
This music,        the scene
is letting,
my mind roll       Swinging,
                   through the,

                   Now, don’t,
                   let this get,
                   to you

                   Just about,
                   the time,
                   you thought

                   The beatniks,
                   were gone

                   I pop up

                   Dig it
This Music

              Arturo Sandoval,
              comes on,
              the airplane,
              music channel

              Blowing that horn

              I heard him,
              at the,
              Late Show,
              Hotel Riviera          The Church Is Open

              Habana, Cuba           Late at night,
                                     after Jose Marti,
              Now, he lives,         Airport
              in the United,
              States                 I’m walking,
                                     in Habana
              Blowing his horn
                                     There is,
              Has a Record           a church,
              called,                close to hotel
              “Hot House”
    54                               People praying
 Through      He is playing,
the Seasons   what he could’ve,      Filled with forty,
              been playing,          people
              while in Cuba
              Blow, man, blow        Singing

              You got your ticket,   I thought,
              out of Cuba            how strange,
                                     people come here
              And, you know,         and see,
              how to blow,           the scarcity
              your horn
                                     See the lack,
                                     of material goods

                                     Miss the people,
                                     in the church

                                     The action is,
                                     in the church
Outside Habana

Rush hour,
sweeps by

Not bumper,
to bumper
                         Alexis and I
One by one
                         We discuss,
-I’m out by,             theater by,
the beach                people who,
                         are deaf
                         I will meet,
Trying to work,          the director,
my way,                  in old Habana
into Habana-
More cars,               what is,
bicycles,                being done
than ever before         How deaf people,
                         see themselves,
There is a steady,       through drama                        55
hum of,                                                    Poems by
people going to,         Take Alexis,                    Moe Armstrong
work                     with me
Traffic in the morning   So he can write,
                         plays about,
I sit on a fence,        people who are,
looking across,          mentally ill
the street
                         We need our,
At the all night,        own theater
burger joint,
“Abierto 24 Horas”       People with,
                         psychiatric conditions
I cross the,
street                   We have a story,
                         that is not just,
Take an up,              disaster
close look,
at the burger joint,     We have hopes,
maybe, I’ll end up,      We fall in love,
here tonight,            We are people
eating French fries
                         Alexis and I,
                         meet people

                         Talking mental health theater
Cuban Prayer

                                      The church,
                                      down the,
                                      is open

                                      People come,
                                      to the door

                                      our souls”

                                      The sign outside,
                                      the church,
                                      door reads
              In Cuba
                                      I’m on the streets,
              Pizza Cubana            passing by
              Walked by,              Thinking,
              a person,               I’m in the need,
              eating pizza            of prayer
              Pizza in,               Say a pray,
              Habana                  for the well,
 Through                              being of others
              I thought,
the Seasons
              that I might,           Well being of Cuba
                                      Saying a pray,
              Eat a pizza             that people here,
                                      will rejuvenate,
              What is Cuba,           their health,
              without pizza           and well being
              Stop and get,
              me a bit to eat         And, I will rejuvenate,
              Have a conversation,
              with people gathered,
              around the pizza cart

              Get to know the,
              people of Habana,

              While eating


Drinking,          As I Walk By
soft drinks        Selling plants,
                   by the side,
Smoking,           of the road
cigars             Pushcart,
                   with iron,
Walking in,        metal wheels
streets            Cigarette cart,
                   off to the side
Everything here,
is Cuban           One push,
                   cart passes,
Completely,        another
                   Now, there’s,
                   cold soda,
                   and beer               57
                                       Poems by
                   Being sold,       Moe Armstrong

                   push carts by
                   the side of,
                   the road


                   By the side,
                   of the road
Two Strong Women

                                  They were,
                                  two strong,
              Cubanas y Cubanos
              The world,          stayed behind,
              of Habana           when the revolution,
                                  swept over Cuba
              Dark skinned,
              light skinned,      She was left,
              mixed               with a little,
                                  apartment in,
              People and,         Buena Vista
              more people
                                  Scrambling for food
              Moving into,
              Habana              Occupying,
                                  rebel soldier
              More people
              than,               Took over the,
              ever before         other apartment,
                                  in the building
              The musical,
    58        group Van Van,      Tried to boss,
 Through      sang,               her daughter and,
the Seasons   “Habana can’t       Catalina around
              take any more”
                                  They took no,
              Bicycles,           gruff
              motorcycles         They lived in the,
                                  same building,
              Filled with,        for thirty more years
                                  They saw the,
              On the move         Cuban Revolution,
                                  pass by
              I’m here,
              5:00 PM,            They believed in,
              rush hour           the Revolution

              The streets,        They were,
              are filled,         two strong,
              with traffic,       women
              and people
                                  the daughter,
                                  stayed with,
                                  her mother

                                  was a scientist
Developed medicine,
with Che Guevara

She only got,
paid,                  No transportation,
her salary             at all
Made no extra money    gives most of,
                       her food to,
Gave her time freely   daughter

Isabel,                Isa, grew thinner
grew up,
went to,               Today,
the University,        her daughter,
graduated              has six years

Did her volunteer,     The years,
work in,               of scarcity,
Pinar del Rio          still aren’t,
Came back,
to Habana              Isabel, and,
                       her daughter
Lived with,
her mother             Catalina, and               59
                       her daughter             Poems by
Back in the,                                  Moe Armstrong
small apartment,       Two strong,
Habana, Cuba           women

They were,             Continue,
two strong women       to live with,
                       the Cuban Revolution
One day,
was murdered

Isabel, left,
the apartment

Went to live,
in another house

Had a daughter

They live with,

Material life,
was dismantled,
by the loss,
of the Soviet Union

No food,
at all
Your Tender Eyes

              Your tender eyes
              Your tender care         To live better

              You work in,             Your tender eyes
              Cira Garcia              You see the world

              Healing the,             You are present.
              psychiatrically,         with the people
                                       You are needed
              You pass by,
              you stop                 So, you help

              You spend time,
              in conversation          A Delicious Yellow Fruit

              Healing                  Mango juice,
                                       every morning,
              Your tender eyes,        for all week
              look into the,
              humanity                 Mango juice,
                                       every night,
    60        See how you,             for a week
 Through      touch,
the Seasons   with your words          I could be,
              You ask your,
              questions                El Mangero

              You discover their,
              answers                  Sip some juice,
                                       smoke a cigar
              You are a real,
              doctor                   Watch Fidel,
                                       Castro on,
              You are healing          television

              You see the suffering,
              You intervene,           Start and end,
              You reach out            my day

              As a psychiatrist,       Juice
              you are ahead,           Water
              of your time             Cigar

              You care,
              without pretension

              As a healer,
              you assist,
              the wounded
Cuban World

                    Sat waiting,
                    for a bus

Old Car In Habana   To take me,
                    into Habana
Two guys,
low slung,          The night has,
sitting in,         started,
a fifties Chevy     to come in

Cruises this,       There is a,
avenue,             mist,
in Habana           from afternoon,
They are looking,
for pasajeros       I sit down,
                    Hotel life,              61
They make,          leaves me             Poems by
this route,
                                        Moe Armstrong
several times,      Looking for,
a day               the stars,
                    and rides,
Belching black,     to Habana
oil from,
their exhaust       Out of this,
They are trying,    and into the,
to get,             streets
extra pesos
                    Every face,
While they,         and every,
cruise the,         street corner
                    Different from,
Person on,          the United States
the corner

Holds up a,

They stop

Gave the person,
a ride,
for pesos
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