Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...

Page created by Clinton Yang
Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...
“The Voice of the Waterfront”                                 May 2019 Vol.20, No.5

 Milestone for Blue & Gold                New Proposal Threatens Bay
 Forty Years on Bay Waterways             Clean Water Rules in Jeopardy
 Good News on RM3 Funds                   Ferry Questions Answered
 Ruling May Allow Transit Cash            Overnight Parking Rules Explained

Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...
25 Y E A R S A N D
                   N G
         ANNIVERSARY - MAY 9, 2019
             A Quarter-Century in the Making!
             Celebrate 25 years of biking to work by joining
             thousands of your neighbors on May 9th for the
             25th Anniversary of Bay Area Bike to Work Day!
             Brush up on your biking know-how and find an
             energizer station with snacks and giveaways
             nearby at Let’s roll!
Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...
Great food to celebrate life in the City!
                                             Enjoy a ten minute walk from the Ferry Building or a short hop on the F-Line

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                                                             Validated Parking

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                                                                                                        NIGHT TOUR

                                 Book Your Tour Today!
                                                                                          May 2019   3
Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...
columns                                                     features
    07    WHO’S AT THE HELM?
          Alvin Haymon
                                                                12      COVER STORY
                                                                        Blue & Gold Fleet
          by Matt Larson                                                Celebrates Forty Years of
                                                                        Moving People on the Bay
                                                                        by Joel Williams               guides
    17    BAYKEEPER
          New Federal Proposal
          Threatens the Bay                                     14      GREEN PAGES                    20        BAY AREA FERRY SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                 Be on time for last call
                                                                        Agencies Propose Solutions
          by Sejal Choksi-Chugh                                         for San Luis Reservoir
                                                                        by Bill Picture                22        AROUND THE BAY
                                                                                                                 To see, be, do, know

          Late Spring Diversions                                news                                                 ON OUR COVER
          Abound in the Bay Area
          by Paul Duclos                                        06      WATERFRONT NEWS
                                                                        Good News Surfaces at the
                                                                        Port of Oakland
                                                                        by Patrick Burnson
                                 May 2019 Volume 20, Number 5

               Bobby Winston, Proprietor                        08      FERRY NEWS
                Joel Williams, Publisher
                 Patrick Runkle, Editor
                                                                        Positive Ruling for RM3
                                                                        Funds; Treasure Island Ferry
     Joel Williams, Advertising & Marketing Director
                                                                        Situation Still Murky
              GRAPHICS & PRODUCTION                                     by Dan Rosenheim
      Francisco Arreola, Designer / Web Producer

                   ART DIRECTION
           Francisco Arreola; Patrick Runkle;
                     Joel Williams
                                                                11      FERRY Q&A
                                                                        What Are the Overnight
             Paul Duclos; Patrick Burnson;
           Sejal Choksi-Chugh; Matt Larson;
                                                                        Parking Policies?
                                                                                                       This month, Blue & Gold Fleet is celebrating 40 remarkable years
               Bill Picture; Joel Williams;                             FERRY SHORT TAKES              of ferry and water excursion services on San Francisco Bay. The
                     Dan Rosenheim
                                                                        Modest Fare Increase;          company was founded by Roger Murphy and developer Warren
                   Cindy Henderson                                      Berkeley Ferry Discussion      Simmons at the same time as PIER 39 launched operations in
                                                                                                       1979. The company started by providing pleasure cruises from
                  Advertising Inquiries:
                                                                                                       PIER 39’s West Marina with a passenger vessel. Today, in addition
         (707) 556-3323,
                                                                        Ospreys Make New               to providing numerous excursion services, Blue & Gold operates
          Bay Crossings SF Ferry Building Store
                     (415) 362-0717
            Clipper customer service center
                                                                        Attraction for Richmond        SF Bay Ferry’s fleet of 14 commuter ferryboats.
                     (877) 878-8883
                                                                        Ferry Commuters                Photo by Joel Williams
            For Transit Information – Dial 511

                     Bay Crossings

                                                                18      Sip, Stroll and Celebrate at                          Corrections & Letters
                   Ferry Building, #22
               San Francisco, CA 94111
          A Division of Nematode Media, LLC                             Jack London Square in May         We appreciate the opportunity to publish our readers’ comments, letters or
                                                                                                            requests for corrections, which can be sent to

4    May 2019                          
Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...
T H E E M B A R C A D E R O @ B E AC H S T R E E T   |   415 .9 81. P I E R   |   P I E R 3 9.CO M


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                                                                            Details at
      AND BLUEANDGOLDFLEET.COM                                                       Events are weather permitting and subject to change without notice.

                                                                                                                                 May 2019           5
Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...

Two Good News Stories
  Surface in Oakland
         BY PATRICK BURNSON                  is again being threatened by misguided
                                             politicians who feel that U.S.-flag

                                             shipping is a vestige of the past that
               s this column has recently    should be scrapped.
               documented, the ocean              Countering that sentiment is Steinar
               carrier industry remains in   Nerbovik, Philly Shipyard president and                                                                               Photo courtesy of Matson

               the throes of a seemingly     CEO, who said that the construction of       Oakland-based Matson recently christened the Kaimana Hila, the second of two Aloha class
               unending cycle of rate        the Kaimana Hila, and its earlier sister     containerships. These ships represent the largest vessels to have been built in the United States.

erosion, vacant sailings and dysfunctional   ship, has provided good skilled work for
relationships with shippers and other        nearly 1,500 people at Philly Shipyard
stakeholders.                                over the last three years.                   debt while trying to adhere to stringent to 587,356 during the same period in
     But there have been exceptions               “We are immensely proud to              new energy standards soon to be 2018. That represents a 4.2 percent
to this sorry state of affairs, with one     provide another quality and safe vessel      imposed by the International Maritime increase.
outstanding example here in the Bay          that Matson can be proud of for years to     Organization.                                      Port spokespeople said that there
Area. Rising above the chaos is Oakland-     come,” Nerbovik said.                             Furthermore, with the International has been “some concern” in the shipping
based Matson, a leading U.S.-flag                 Weighing in at over 51,400 metric       Longshore and Warehouse Union industry that a recent import surge
carrier in the Pacific, which recently       tons, the 850-foot long and 3,600            resisting automation at other terminals, has cooled. This thrust was caused by
christened the second of two Aloha class     twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs)          Matson may enjoy a                                            shippers last year trying
containerships, which are the largest        capacity Kaimana Hila and Daniel K.          favored      status     with                                  to get ahead of possible
vessels ever to have been built in the       Inouye are also Matson’s fastest vessels,    dockworkers thanks to                “We are still            new tariffs affecting U.S.-
United States.                               with a top speed of nearly 24 knots,         the fact that it owns a 35                                    China trade.
     The new vessel, named Kaimana           helping ensure on-time deliveries in         percent interest in SSA            seeing a strong               “Though the import
Hila, is the sister ship to Daniel K.        Hawaii from Matson’s three West Coast        Terminals, the leading           consumer      demand         rally has calmed down,
Inouye, which was christened in June         terminals in Seattle, Oakland and Long       U.S. West Coast terminal              in Northern             we are still seeing
and went into service in November            Beach.                                       operator.                                                     a     strong     consumer
2018. “Kaimana Hila” is a Hawaiian                In addition, both Aloha class vessels
                                                                                                                              California and
                                                                                               Daniel Smith, a prin-                                    demand in Northern
transliteration of “Diamond Head,” the       incorporate the latest environmentally       cipal of the Tioga Group, western Nevada,” California and Nevada,”
name of Hawaii’s iconic landmark crater      friendly technology, including dual-         further noted that Mat- — Port of Oakland said Port of Oakland
near Waikiki Beach.                          fuel engines that can be adapted to use      son has not needed au-            Maritime Director Maritime Director John
     The two ships were built for            liquefied natural gas (LNG), double-hull     tomation to date and                                          Driscoll. “The Bay Area’s
Honolulu-based Matson by Philly              fuel tanks, fresh-water ballast systems      probably doesn’t for the
                                                                                                                              John Driscoll.            strong consumer-based
Shipyard, Inc. (PSI), the wholly-owned       and a more fuel-efficient hull design.       near future, as it provides                                   economy has helped the
U.S. subsidiary of Philly Shipyard ASA,           This comes at a time when ocean         terminal and stevedoring                                      Port of Oakland absorb
and comes at a time when the Jones Act       carriers in other trade lanes are mired in   services to carriers at seven key facilities. the impact of the weakening rally better
                                                                                               “Their terminals operations are than other ports.”
                                                                                          simpler and self-contained,” he said,              Last month, Oakland handled
                                                                                          “and do not have truck dwell time issues 213,972 TEUs, compared to 193,341
                                                                                          that others must face.”                       in March 2018. That represents at 10.7
                                                                                                                                        percent increase. Loaded exports also
                                                                                          Port of Oakland Reports Positive grew 7.6 percent last month compared
                                                                                          First Quarter                                 to March 2018.
                                                                                                                                             The port’s communications director,
                                                                                          The Port of Oakland today reported a Mike Zampa, said that while he is
                                                                                          positive first quarter in its cargo volume. encouraged to see a return to growth last
                                                                                          Through the end of March 2019, the month, all bets are off for now.
                                                                                          port handled 612,151 TEUs, compared

                                                                                               Patrick Burnson is the executive editor of Logistics Management.

6     May 2019             
Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...

                             Alvin Haymon
           BY MATT LARSON                    time,” Haymon explained. These factors       comes to transportation,
                                             especially come into play for landing—       Haymon’s covered all the
                                             or, as some would say, “parking”—the         bases. “It’s the freedom of

        s Blue & Gold Fleet celebrates its   vessel at the ferry terminal.                moving from point A to
        40th anniversary, Alvin Haymon            “The landing is where the magic         point B,” he said. “What
        is celebrating his fourth year       happens,” Haymon said. “You want             happens in between,
with the company as a deckhand and           to set yourself up for the best possible     you know, is sometimes
looking forward to his first as a captain.   landing; I go in with an idea of what I      unpredictable.”
He recently completed his captain’s          want to do. As I’m making that approach,          We don’t know
evaluation, so by the time you read this,    if everything is working as I planned it,    whether the founders of
Haymon may be up in the helm already.        then great. If not, then I have to make      Blue & Gold predicted
     According to Haymon, the only           the adjustments.”                            they’d be celebrating 40
downside of his transition from                   Over the years, Haymon has              years, but Haymon has
deckhand to captain is that he won’t get     collected hundreds of photos while           a pretty good idea of
to interact with the commuters as much,      traversing the Bay. He likes to point out    how they did it. “They
which was one of his favorite parts of the   landmarks to the passengers, like the East   strive to be the best at
deckhand job. “Pretty much every day         Brother Light Station. On the way back       everything they do,”
you meet someone different,” Haymon          to Vallejo from San Francisco, he always     he said. “The quality
said. “You get to know people by face,       makes sure to point out the Golden Gate      of service is above and
some by name; I really like that.”           Bridge shining bright between Alcatraz       beyond, in my opinion.
     He plans to come down and greet         and Angel Island. “That’s one of my          And they’re innovative—
                                                                                                                        Deckhand Alvin Haymon during training to become a captain. Blue
the passengers when appropriate, but         favorite spots,” he said. “The views never   coming up with new & Gold has a history of encouraging employees to work their way
for nowCrossings
          he’s looking forward to being      get old.”                                    ideas, new ways, and
                                                                                                                        up the ranks. For more, see our cover story on page 12.
 September 2018toRevised
the  one  responsible     get commuters           Born in Oakland, Haymon grew up         course they stick to the700 W. Harbor Dr., Suite 1805, San Diego, CA 92101
and    tourists10’toX 2.8
 1/4 Page              andColor
                             from their      in Fairfield, which is where he currently    old ways that work.”      Tel: 619-233-2007 E-Mail:
destinations. “Being on the ferry, with      lives. When he’s not working for Blue             According to Haymon, customer                  In addition to top-notch service,
passengers, is like a dream job,” he said.   & Gold, specifically on the Vallejo          service especially is what makes Blue & you’ll find a smooth ride home with
“Seeing them smile brings a smile to         commute run, he’s probably spending          Gold stand out from the rest. “From the some of the best views on earth. “You
my face every day.”                          time with his wife, Michelle, and his        time you walk on to Pier 41, someone’s can’t beat it,” Haymon said. “The ferry
     Haymon said that no day is ever         children, Jaden and Savannah. During         going to approach you if you look like is definitely the best way to travel.
the same working on a ferry out in the       his free time, he may take his 2018          you have a question,” he said. “From As a passenger, you don’t have the
Bay, and the differences are especially      Dodge Charger out for a spin, or ride his    the people who work the gates to those responsibilities of driving.” Leave that
apparent from up in the wheelhouse.          2016 Harley Lowrider down to Pismo           working in the boats, you don’t get up to Haymon. “And when you look out
“The current, the wind, the conditions       Beach or up to Oregon.                       personal experiences like that with other both ways, you’ve got a beautiful scene
change your approach a lot of the                 Cars, motorcycles, the ferry—when it    companies.”                                     on each side.”

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                                                                                                                                        May 2019       7
Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...

                      What Comes Next After Toll Hike Ruling?
           BY DAN ROSENHEIM                     he needed to complete his review of           this year, and subsequent $1 increases         in a statement. But Haggerty declined
                                                the judge’s ruling before making a final      are scheduled for 2022 and 2025. The           to comment further, except to say
                                                recommendation to his board. And              plaintiffs argued the RM3 toll hikes are       his organizations “look forward to

        ast month’s court ruling dismissing     Bittle added he would not rule out filing     actually taxes—not fees—and that they          evaluating next steps.”
        an attempt to block toll increases      an amicus brief in the Whitney case.          failed to receive the two-thirds approval           Asked about the muted reaction,
        on seven regional bridges will likely        For his part, Whitney said in a          from legislators and voters required for       a BATA insider said the agency doesn’t
reopen the spigot for billions of dollars in    telephone interview that attorneys            new taxes under Proposition 13. (RM3           want to say anything that might provoke
Bay Area transportation projects.               for the Metropolitan Transportation           won support from 55 percent of voters          further action by the plaintiffs. “It is
     The money could include upwards            Commission (MTC), a defendant in his          in the June 2018 election.)                    not our style to spike the ball in the
of $100 million in direct funding for           lawsuit, have suggested he “surrender” in          In his ruling on the Jarvis suit in       end zone,” the insider said. Referring
the Water Emergency Transit Authority           view of the judge’s ruling on Jarvis.         April, San Francisco Superior Court            to Bittle’s 90 percent certainty not to
(WETA), the agency that runs the                     But Whitney, a principal in the          Judge Ethan P. Schulman rejected the           appeal, the insider added: “We don’t
SF Bay Ferry system, as well as several         Walnut Creek investment firm Thomas           plaintiffs’ argument, saying a toll increase   want to trigger the 10 percent.”
hundred million dollars in additional           Capital and a member of the Alameda           “to gain entrance to or use of state                Bittle said his reluctance to appeal
ferry boat capital from new bonding             Taxpayers Association, isn’t waving the       property” (like state-owned bridges) is        is based on fears that an adverse trial
power backed by the toll increases.             white flag yet. He said that he, too,         not a tax. The bridges in question are the     outcome might set a precedent for other
     But it will be at least two months,        wants to study the ruling before making       Richmond, Antioch, Benicia, Carquinez,         tax litigation. “Yes, we are concerned that
and possibly many more, before any              a decision on going forward, adding that      Bay, San Mateo and Dumbarton. The              a published appellate decision could have
money is released from the account              he has reached out to the Jarvis group        Golden Gate Bridge District, which also        larger repercussions,” he said. “Anything
where it is currently held in escrow. That      to discuss possible next steps. “I have       recently announced toll increases, is an       you could think of—ambulances, parks,
release is contingent upon two factors:         not had enough time to dig in [to the         independent jurisdiction.                      utility costs—could become a source of
one, a decision by plaintiff Howard Jarvis      ruling],” he said. “But I have to review           MTC, which is charged with                revenue without any rules attached.”
Taxpayers Association not to appeal the         why [the judge thinks] this is not a tax      implementing the seven-bridge toll                  Meanwhile at WETA, the response
ruling within a 60-day window; and,             [and determine] how much strength we          increase and is effectively a defendant in     was more enthusiastic. “Potentially, it’s
two, the resolution of a second lawsuit         have.”                                        both suits, hailed the court ruling, albeit    huge, really exciting,” said Nina Rannells,
filed by East Bay businessman Randall                The parallel lawsuits filed by the       in understated terms. “We are pleased,         WETA’s executive director. “We can
Whitney.                                        Jarvis group and Whitney were intended        of course,” Scott Haggerty, an Alameda         actually start further development of
     Tim Bittle, the Howard Jarvis              to block Regional Measure 3, a ballot         County supervisor and chair of both            our regional ferry system. It gets us out
Taxpayers Association’s director of legal       measure that mandated a series of toll        MTC and the Bay Area Toll Authority—           of the position of looking for funding
affairs, said this week he is “90 percent       hikes on Bay Area bridges. The first $1       MTC and BATA, while statutorily                to advance things and instead focus on
sure” there will be no appeal but said          toll increase took effect on January 1 of     distinct, share staff and boards—said          projects and time frames—and let’s go.”

      Treasure Island Development Agency Plays It Coy
           BY DAN ROSENHEIM                     officials take an oddly elusive tack when     about an eventual agreement between            the island. Ordering a new boat, from
                                                asked to specify exactly what terms they      the two agencies.                              conception to launch, normally takes
                                                are seeking. “We want to continue dis-             “We are here to forge a partnership,”     two years.

             ETA and San Francisco’s            cussion and work on an MOU,” Eric             said Cordoba. He was echoed by WETA                 “Time is working against us,” said
             Treasure Island development        Cordoba, deputy director of capital           Executive Director Nina Rannells, who          WETA Chair Jody Breckenridge.
             agency continue to dance           projects for the San Francisco Transpor-      said: “I’m optimistic we can figure out a           Public transit, including a ferry
around an agreement on launching ferry          tation Authority, said at WETA’s April        way to make this happen.”                      service, is required under plans to build
service to and from the island in 2021—         board meeting. “[But] frankly, we have             But behind the diplomatically             a huge new neighborhood on the island,
and so far, they’re out of step.                our hands full in getting a toll rate ap-     couched optimism lies the stark reality        which has had only a small population
     After months of discussions and            proved.”                                      that, after years of talking, the two          and minimal commercial activity since
public utterances about timing and                   To be sure, the timing and amount        sides have failed to hammer out terms          its naval station was decommissioned
cost, there is still not so much as a           of a toll on vehicles coming to the island    that would allow for ferry boats to be         in 1996. When the Treasure Island
memorandum of understanding (MOU)               is a critical part of its transit finances.   designed, bid, constructed, tested and         development project is completed in
between the two organizations.                  And both Cordoba and WETA staff               launched in time to meet a 2021 target         2035, it will have added 8,000 new
     And Treasure Island development            members express dogged optimism               date for launching service to and from         residential units to the island, along
8     May 2019                
Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...

with 500 hotel rooms and 300,000              behind that earlier date, but the island’s    with a single side for a ferry and a second             As WETA Planning Manager Kevin
square feet of office and commercial          new neighborhood won’t be far enough          side suitable only for a water taxi.               Connolly recently told the board, in
space. The resident population is             along to generate sufficient revenue—              “We had understood we would have              noting the absence of an MOU: “There
expected to hit 25,000—compared to            whether through tolls, parking meters or      a two-sided ferry dock, with a separate            is no [formal] commitment from either
fewer than 2,000 today.                       transit fees—to pay for the ferries. And      discrete facility for taxis,” said one             side. Without that marriage [they] are
     The first ferries were initially         complicating the matter has been initial      WETA official who has been involved in             free to play the field—a private operator
scheduled to run from the island in           resistance by San Francisco supervisors       the planning. “But now it appears not.”            could potentially provide this service.
2023. WETA board members and                  to charge tolls on the island, a resistance        Despite the gap in perceptions and            [But] we are going to continue to work
staff all believed that the development       that is taking time to dissolve.              apparently changing terms, it seems clear          together.”
authority would pay for a ferry boat and           So, in addition to changing the start    that WETA wants a formal MOU that                       But if WETA’s intentions seem clear,
a big chunk of its operations, relying        date for ferry service, WETA directors        will nail down terms and allow it to move          those of the development agency are less
on developer subsidies and monies             say San Francisco’s Treasure Island           forward. The ferry boat agency’s staff             so. Our telephone and email requests to
generated by passengers, new parking          transportation development authority          and directors realize that inflexibility           Cordoba to discuss his agency’s thinking
meters to be installed on the island and      has backed away from paying for the           on their part could push Treasure Island           went unanswered for two days—and then
the toll charged to vehicles entering and     ferry and much of its operation, instead      developers to bypass the public sector             a public affairs spokesperson requested
leaving the island.                           demanding that WETA come up with at           and contract for ferry service from one            a list of questions in writing. When we
     But several water transit sources        least a large part of the money.              of several private firms—an outcome the            reiterated our desire to speak directly with
say that, in the absence of a formal               San Francisco’s apparently evolving      ferry agency is anxious to avoid.                  Cordoba, the agency went silent.
MOU, that equation changed last year          approach to both deadlines and financing
when the island’s private developers,         was recently extended to the ferry dock
thinking that the presence of ferries         itself, which Treasure Island developers         Dan Rosenheim is a veteran Bay Area journalist who recently
would make their real estate offerings        have agreed to underwrite. WETA                  retired after 18 years as Vice President/News for KPIX-5 TV. Prior to
more attractive, demanded that the            officials said they have been working            going into broadcast, Rosenheim worked as a reporter, city editor and
boat service begin in 2021.                   with the development agency on a dock            managing editor at the San Francisco Chronicle. Dan and his wife,
     San Francisco’s Treasure Island          design for some time, but were surprised         Cindy Salans Rosenheim, live in San Francisco.
development authorities have gotten           recently when shown drawings of a dock

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  Power_BayCrossingsAd_2018.indd 1                                                                                                                                           4/25/18 10:00 AM
                                                                                                                                             May 2019        9
Milestone for Blue & Gold - Forty Years on Bay Waterways - Bay ...
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                    Ferry Questions Answered

          erry Q&A is where you can          to posted time restrictions and provided      available. The fleet’s two oldest and most      Berkeley - Mission
          have your questions about Bay      that the duration of time the vehicle is      idiosyncratic ferries (Vallejo and Encinal)
          Area ferry service answered by     parked is paid for. There is no overnight     were retired at the end of 2018 and
                                                                                                                                           Bay Ferry Service
          the professionals who speak        parking in the lots at the Alameda Main       we hope to offer the same comfortable
for the ferry systems on a daily basis.      Street, Harbor Bay, Richmond or South         experience on all of our vessels going              Berkeley Marina-
Thomas Hall is the public information        San Francisco terminals or the garage         forward. We know capacity differences         Pier 1.5-Pier 52 (Mission Bay)
and marketing manager for WETA,              serving the Oakland terminal. We              among the ferries affect queuing and                  Monday-Friday
the agency that runs the San Francisco       recommend those taking a one-way trip         fill-up times (especially on the Vallejo             Free Parking @
Bay Ferry service. Priya Clemens is his      into San Francisco use transit, shuttles or   service), so we are looking at potential            Berkeley Marina,
counterpart at Golden Gate Transit.          other modes to get to the ferry terminal.     solutions.                                      Wifi, Beverage Service &
Their answers to your ferry questions are
                                                                                                                                                 Bikes Welcome
marked with a “WETA” and a “GG,”             GG: We do not have overnight parking          GG: Our ferries are not typically slotted
respectively.                                available at any of our terminals. In         to a certain service every week, as we
     Please submit your questions today      Larkspur, while a ticket is valid for 24      need to maintain flexibility to cover
to                    hours, parking is still not permitted         all our runs when a vessel is out for
                                             overnight.                                    maintenance. We work hard to service
What is the policy on overnight parking at                                                 our commute runs with high-speed
the Ferry Terminals?                         How can I find out in advance which           catamarans to ensure 30- to 35-minute
                                             ferryboats will be providing service at       crossings. We also keep a high-capacity
WETA: Parking at the Vallejo Ferry           specific departure times?                     passenger ferry on the Sausalito route so
Terminal is controlled by the City of                                                      our regular commuters are less impacted
Vallejo. Overnight parking is allowed in     WETA: San Francisco Bay Ferry does            during high tourism months.
Vallejo’s public waterfront lots subject     not currently have a boat lineup page                                                            get tickets at

                                   Ferry Short Takes                                                                                             Charters
Final Fare Increase: The last ferry fare     ride he took to get to the pier site from     Interim Ferry Landing for Chase                      and Events
increase in WETA’s five-year budget          BART, Josefowitz said: “This is a place       Center: A new interim ferry landing
plan takes effect July 1. Fares will rise    that is very far away from everything.”       and ferry service was announced last                Tideline has over
three percent across the board for all       The Berkeley ferry dock is an integral        month for the Mission Bay neighborhood            20 landing locations
runs except Vallejo-San Francisco,           part of WETA’s expansion plans, and it        during special events at Chase Center this     in the Bay including SF,
where monthly passes increase six            isn’t clear how many other directors of       fall. While a permanent ferry landing         Marin, East Bay and Napa.
percent, or $22, to $388 from $366.          the agency share Josefowitz’s concerns.       is scheduled to open to serve Mission
Vallejo’s increase is larger because that    Berkeley officials recently signed a          Bay, it won’t be complete until 2021.
                                                                                                                                         Our fleet can accommodate
run had been heavily discounted when         memorandum of understanding for               The interim landing is expected to be             10-149 passengers.
it was acquired from the city by WETA,       a ferry terminal with WETA, and               operational for special events including       Check out our calendar
and the agency wants to bring it in line     the agreement comes before the ferry          the 2019/2020 Golden State Warriors             for Special Events and
with its other routs. Passengers using       agency’s directors for a vote in May.         basketball season beginning October 1.         Services to Ball Games.
Clipper cards receive a 25 percent                                                         The landing will be located at Pier 48½
discount.                                    New Tideline Service Begins: The              and will consist of one temporary float,
                                             private ferry service known as Tideline       loaned by the WETA. The interim ferry
Berkeley Ferry Future Unclear: WETA          has begun operating at its new                landing will have the capacity for special
Director Nick Josefowitz said he met         landing location in the Mission Bay           event service from regional ferry providers
with City of Berkeley officials to discuss   neighborhood at Pier 52, next to the          including San Francisco Bay Ferry and
plans for a ferry boat landing at a          new Chase Arena. Starting April 1,            Golden Gate Ferry and may serve the
rebuilt municipal fishing pier. Although     Tideline added Pier 52 as a new stop          Oakland-Alameda, South San Francisco
Josefowitz described the meeting as          to its daily Berkeley commute service,        and Larkspur ferry routes. The interim
“great” and “very, very helpful,” he         and the company will also operate             landing is currently in the design process,
said he remained much opposed to the         charters from that location. Tideline         and agency authorization and permitting
project because the terminal is too far      also provides service to San Francisco        is in process. Construction is expected to
removed from business and residential        Giants games.                                 begin in August pending permitting. The
development. Describing the long bike                                                      estimated cost is up to $500,000.
                                                                                                                              May 2019   11

                                     BLUE & GOLD’S REMARKABLE

                                                               40                    YEARS
                                                                                     THE BAY

                                                                                                                                                         Photo by Joel Williams

           BY JOEL WILLIAMS                 co-founder Roger Murphy’s son, Patrick       we started, it really was family
                                            Murphy, who was 12 years old when he         oriented. My father hired three or

                                            boarded the first Bay cruise that Blue &     four maritime people that he had
               his month, Blue & Gold       Gold ran in May 1979. In 1982, at age        met in the industry—but the rest
               Fleet is celebrating 40      15, he started working for the company       were my brothers and their friends
               remarkable years of ferry    as a summer job, mostly working in the       and that family culture remains
               and water excursion          ticket booth. He continued working           today.” Blue & Gold Fleet has
               services on San Francisco    part-time through college, eventually        gone from 20 employees to over
Bay. The company was founded by             becoming a full-time employee in 1989.       250 today. “But I still feel there is a
Roger Murphy and developer Warren                “My father felt like you had to work    family atmosphere,” Murphy said.          Patrick Murphy, now president of Blue &
Simmons at the same time as PIER 39         your way up on to the boats,” Murphy              His father was well known            Gold Fleet, in the wheelhouse with his first
launched operations in 1979.                said. Patrick got his captain’s license in   for promoting from within                 daughter, Caitlin, in 2002.

    The company started by providing        1995 and worked in the wheelhouse            and mentoring his employees,
pleasure cruises from PIER 39’s West        for an additional 10 years until 2005.       particularly encouraging woman
Marina with a passenger vessel, Oski,       Then, he transitioned to the front office,   and people of color to study for captain’s ranks to captain at Blue & Gold Fleet.”
named after the UC Berkeley mascot,         first as an operations manager, moving       licenses. In fact, Blue & Gold Fleet              After years of running pleasure and
and soon grew to three boats. (The Blue     up to director of operations and finally     currently employs more female captains charter cruises, Blue & Gold Fleet began
& Gold name also comes from Simmons’        becoming the president of the company        than anyone else on the Bay.                providing ferry service in 1991 with
alma mater; the main competition at the     in 2017.                                          “We have so many captains that Oakland/Alameda and added the Vallejo
time, the Red & White Fleet, was flying          The family environment is pervasive     have started out as deckhands and ticket route in 1994. These were contracted
Stanford’s colors.)                         at Blue & Gold Fleet even if your last       sellers that have worked themselves onto service by the cities of Alameda and
    To get a true feel for the history of   name is not Murphy. “I’m so proud of         the vessels,” said Murphy. “Even photo Vallejo, as there was no government
Blue & Gold Fleet, Bay Crossings visited    our workforce,” said Murphy. “When           sellers have worked their way up the agency overseeing operations at that time.
12   May 2019             

      In June 1997, Blue & Gold Fleet
made a deal with Red & White Fleet to
take over approximately 70 percent of
Red & White’s assets—including service
to Alcatraz Island as well as ferry services
to Sausalito, Tiburon and Angel Island.
During this period, Blue & Gold was
omnipresent around Fisherman’s Wharf
as it ran extensive operations out of the
Pier 41 offices and docks. Alcatraz service
alone accounted for several thousand
passengers every day.
      Alcatraz Island is run by the National
Park Service, so ferry service to the island
requires a federal contract. When the
Alcatraz ferry operations contract came
up for public bid in 2005, Hornblower
Cruises won the contract over Blue &
Gold Fleet and many changes ensued.
In September 2006, Blue & Gold was
forced to lay off 70 employees, sell a
few of its vessels and move out of its
waterfront office space on Pier 41.                                                                                                                                           Photo by Joel Williams
      There were some silver linings,
                                               Current Blue & Gold Fleet President Patrick Murphy with outgoing Blue & Gold President Carolyn Horgan just before her retirement in 2017.
however. “We began refocusing our
energy back to what our original model
was, which was providing Bay cruise            PIER 39, summed things up like this:               as a Bay cruise tour provider out of                day on its promise to connect riders
services like we did in 1979. And 2007         “I am tremendously proud of how far                PIER 39 to running the largest fleet of             with the incredible beauty of the San
still remains today as our best year as far    Blue & Gold Fleet has come in its 40               vessels on the west coast of the United             Francisco Bay.”
as Bay cruises,” said Murphy.                  years of operation. From its beginnings            States, Blue & Gold Fleet delivers every
      When the Water Emergency Transit
Authority (WETA) was established in
2011, Blue & Gold Fleet won the public
contract to operate all its ferry services.
Blue & Gold now runs the largest fleet
on the West Coast, with seven pleasure
and charter vessels along San Francisco
Bay Ferry’s fleet of 14 ferryboats, which
is expected to grow to 16 by the end of
the year. As a matter of fact, several of
the management staff at WETA now are
former Blue & Gold employees. “It’s a
validation that we are doing a really good
job in my mind,” said Murphy.
      The WETA contract also allowed
Blue & Gold Fleet to return to its
waterfront offices at Pier 41, where the
company remains today. Blue & Gold
is also still affiliated with PIER 39,
which is a big plus as it attracts close
to 15 million visitors a year. “Blue &
Gold carries four million passengers
annually. The operations required to do
that are phenomenal,” said PIER 39 Vice
President of Marketing Sue Muzzin. “It’s
                                                                                                                                                                              Photo by Joel Williams
a fine-tuned machine.”
      Taylor Safford, former Blue & Gold       For 40 years, Blue & Gold Fleet has been providing visitors and locals alike with fabulous opportunities to enjoy adventures on the spectacular waters
                                               of the San Francisco Bay.
Fleet president and current president of
                                                                                                                                                        May 2019      13
GREEN                                                      PAGES

       Agencies Propose Solutions
       for San Luis Reservoir

                                                                                                                                                            Photo courtesy of the Bureau of Reclamationv

The San Luis Reservoir is an artificial lake located in Mercer county. Shown here during drought conditions, it provides water to Santa Clara and San Benito counties.

              BY BILL PICTURE                       counties, including farmers, whenever               District (Valley Water), have two                   to keep water flowing to Valley Water in
                                                    the reservoir’s water level gets low. The           options—treat the water, or find water              the dryer months. The new intake would
                                                    San Luis Low Point Improvement Project              elsewhere that’s not green.                         be closer to the bottom of the reservoir

             hat many drivers traveling             Draft Feasibility Report was released last               “None of those are preferred                   and allow for water to be extracted even
             the Pacheco Pass probably              month and outlines the costs, benefits              methods to deliver water to customers,”             when the level is low—without getting
             don’t realize is that the body         and environmental impacts of four                   said a Valley Water spokesperson.                   any of the algae that’s sitting closer to the
of water they see out their car window as           proposed “action alternatives.”                          The problem with treating the water            surface.
they wind their way between the Central                  The state pumps water to the                   to kill the algae is that the treatment                  A second option, the Treatment
Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area               reservoir during the wet season from the            stinks—literally. And not only does the             Alternative Plan, proposes retrofitting
is more than just some Insta-worthy                 nearby Delta-Mendota Canal, as well as              treated water smell bad, it also doesn’t            Valley Water’s Santa Teresa Water
scenery.                                            the California Aqueduct outside Tracy,              taste great. But finding another reliable           Treatment Plant to include an additional
    The San Luis Reservoir is in fact               and water is stored there until summer.             source of water isn’t easy, particularly            treatment step that uses ozone to kill the
the state’s fifth largest reservoir and a           When the state extracts water from                  when water is as scarce a commodity as it           algae and disinfect the water. Option
significant source of water for many                the reservoir during dryer months and               was during the epic seven-year drought              three, the San Luis Reservoir Expansion
nearby communities. The reservoir                   sends it to nearby pumping stations for             from which California is only now                   Plan, proposes adding fill material to
weathered seven years of drought                    distribution, warmer temperatures and               emerging thanks to recent storms. And               raise the existing dam’s crest and increase
conditions like a champ. Still, the Bureau          the lowering water level create conditions          if you believe in the reality of climate            storage capacity.
of Reclamation and the Department of                that foster algae growth.                           change, plenty more rainless days are in                 The last and locally-preferred option,
Water Resources, which jointly own and                   When the algae blooms get bad (and             store for Californians.                             the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Plan,
operate the reservoir, have some ideas for          they do), the water districts that count                 One proposed option, the Lower                 proposes expanding the reservoir to
ways to ensure uninterrupted service to             on water from the San Luis Reservoir,               San Felipe Intake Alternative Plan,                 increase its storage capacity by knocking
end-users in Santa Clara and San Benito             including the Santa Clara Valley Water              proposes constructing a new lower intake            down the existing dam and building a

14    May 2019                   
GREEN                                                       PAGES
                                                                                                      S AT U R DAY, MAY 1 8
new one a half-mile upstream. (There                  Proposition 1 Water Storage Investment
actually is one more option, and that’s to            Program, a response to a drought that at
do nothing at all. That’s called the “No              the time seemed might never end.
Action/No Project Alternative.”)                           And while the drought is now
     The pro and cons of each option are              technically over, the reservoir’s key
discussed at length in the report. When               stakeholders agree that Californians very
asked to pick its favorite, the Bureau of             much need to continue regulating their
Reclamation responded, “The federal                   water consumption. “It is important
planning process is a non-bias process.”              to conserve water when possible to
     Valley Water, on the other hand,                 maximize the benefits of available water
prefers option four, the Pacheco                      to everyone and the environment,” said
Reservoir Expansion Plan. During the                  a Bureau of Reclamation spokesperson.
year-long public selection process that               “The demand for water in California
preceded last month’s report with the                 continues to grow.”
top four options, Valley Water collected                   Valley Water added that water
more than 70 letters of support for                   conservation        and     environmental
the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Plan                  stewardship continue to be key tenets of
from business associations, agricultural              the agency’s mission. And truth be told,
organizations, labor groups, natural                  they’re just happy that Sacramento and
resources groups, elected officials,                  Washington are working to address the
disadvantaged community advocates,                    challenges Valley Water faces delivering
fellow water districts and other                      clean water to its customers on a
municipalities.                                       consistent basis.
     “From Valley Water’s perspective,                     “It is great to see this project move
[this option] will not impact the                     forward with various solutions,” said
recreational use of the San Luis Reservoir,           Valley Water Board Chair Linda J.
and will provide the highest benefits                 LeZotte in a written statement.
in longer drought conditions,” Valley                      The general public has until May 6 to
Water said.                                           weigh in on the report. As of press time,
     If the state chooses this option,                no public comments had been received.
Valley Water has $484.55 million in                   The report can be viewed on the Bureau
cash to help pay for it. The money was                of Reclamation website:
awarded conditionally last summer from                mp/sllpp/index.html.
funds set aside by the state under the

                                                        Photo courtesy of the Bureau of Reclamation

The San Luis Reservoir is California’s fifth largest reservoir

                                                                                                    May 2019   15

         Ospreys Make
       New Attraction for
     Richmond Ferry Riders
            BC STAFF REPORT                       Rosie laid her first egg of the 2019
                                             nesting season with mate Richmond
                                             on Sunday, March 31. This is the pair’s

                                                                                          The only livestreaming osprey cam in California is located within viewing distance of the new
         ichmond residents now have          third season together and, as far as can     Richmond/San Francisco ferry route.
         an additional attraction during     be determined, Rosie has laid three eggs
         their commutes, as the ferry        total in each of the past two seasons.
passes close to the nest of osprey webcam    Though ospreys can lay up to four eggs,      incubation period for eggs can vary from            community science effort that everyone
stars Rosie and Richmond every day.          they most commonly have three eggs per       36 to 42 days.                                      can join by using the interactive live
     The osprey nest can also be viewed      season.                                           The ospreys will continue to fortify           chat forum to report “deliveries” of fish
24 hours a day at—               After the egg appeared, Richmond        their nest. Biologists refer to this                or manmade items to the nest by the
the only livestreaming osprey nest cam       and Rosie shared incubation of egg duties,   phenomenon as putting in “crib rails,”              ospreys.
in California. The two HD cameras,           though Rosie spent more time on the          as the materials gathered during this                     On the lower half of the live chat
focused on both the nest and the             eggs than her mate. Richmond seems to        period are either very soft lining material         page, all of the aggregate data for fish
surrounding area, switch to infrared after   like sharing incubation responsibilities,    for the bowl of the nest (which aids in             and manmade items is validated and
dark (so there is visibility for watching    however, and occasionally tries to oust      incubation) or large sticks that will be            then recorded in a spreadsheet on the
without disturbing the birds).               Rosie so he can take his turn. The           placed around the edge of the nest and              page. The data can also be downloaded
                                                                                          will serve to help contain the future               in several formats and analyzed, graphed,
                                                                                          offspring.                                          and used for STEM education by school
                                                                                               From this point in the season,                 teachers, or by anyone interested in

     SUPPORT THE BAY.                                                                     Richmond will do most of the fishing for
                                                                                          the two birds. Golden Gate Audubon,
                                                                                                                                              ospreys and San Francisco Bay ecology.
                                                                                                                                              The person who accurately reports the
                                                                                          which runs the osprey cameras, invites              most fish deliveries during the course
                                                                                          everyone to help keep track of which                of the season will win a prize at the end
                                                                                          fish he brings in—and the unfortunate               of the summer. (Each delivery has the
                                                                                          garbage brought to the nest as well. The            first observer’s name recorded in the fish
                                                                                 website facilitates a              matrix spreadsheet).

                                                                                                                               The smart cart for the urban shopper

                                                                                                                                      Available at
     Support San Francisco Baykeeper.
                                                                                                                                  Bay Crossings store
     San Francisco Baykeeper is the pollution watchdog for San Francisco Bay.
     Since 1989, we have been patrolling the Bay for pollution, strengthening                                                    in the San Francisco
     clean water laws, and holding polluters accountable. Baykeeper is dedicated
     to restoring the Bay to a healthy, thriving estuary.                                                                            Ferry Building
     We rely on the support of people like you who care
     about the health of the Bay and its wildlife.
     Visit us online at and
     become a member today.
                                                                                                                                                      $60.00     plus tax


16     May 2019            
New Trump Proposal
        Threatens the Bay
        BY SEJAL CHOKSI-CHUGH                      leeway to dump waste in all of these
                                                   creeks and streams. Developers could
                                                   build right next to these water sources—

         new proposal by the Trump                 and in some cases, right on top of them.                                                                      Photo by Don DeBold, Flickr/CC
         administration poses a big threat              The Clean Water Act, a federal law
                                                                                                The Trump administration wants to make it legal for polluters to contaminate some of the streams
         to San Francisco Bay and to local         passed in 1972, has been a monumental        and creeks that flow to rivers that eventually empty into San Francisco Bay.
drinking water.                                    force of good for the health of San
     If it’s adopted, the rule would erase         Francisco Bay. The quality of the fresh
Clean Water Act protections for streams            water flowing into the Bay from the          nationwide alliance that’s fighting this           we’re working to put a stop to Trump’s
and creeks that flow only when it rains            Delta has been steadily improving since      harmful proposal. We are a founding                destructive plan. And Baykeeper is also
or when the winter snow melts. A                   the law was adopted.                         member of the Waterkeeper Alliance,                working to strengthen local and state
polluter would be free to contaminate                   The Clean Water Act provides extra      one of more than 300 local organizations           protections for the Bay. To stay up to
the water flowing in a creek if that creek,        strong protections because it empowers       working for clean water worldwide.                 date and help protect San Francisco Bay
during another part of the year, usually           nonprofit environmental organizations            Along with our fellow Waterkeeper              from the biggest threats, sign up for our
goes completely dry. Protections would             like Baykeeper to take effective action to   organizations across the United States,            e-news at
also be slashed for marshes that aren’t            hold polluters accountable. The law has
connected above ground to a stream,                been especially significant in reducing
creek or river—even if they connect                visible pollutants in the Bay like raw
underground.                                       sewage, oil and trash.
     How bad would this rule be for                     The Clean Water Act also ushered
San Francisco Bay? I asked Baykeeper               in a shift in how San Francisco Bay
scientist Ian Wren to investigate. He              was perceived—from a dumping
found that over 40 percent of the Bay              ground to a protected natural resource.
Area’s miles of streams would lose                 Before the Clean Water Act, there were
protection under the proposal.                     signs around the Bay that instructed
     Many of those streams flow to creeks          beachgoers and boaters to throw their
and rivers that eventually lead into San           trash in the water. The Bay’s stinky odor
Francisco Bay. Some supply reservoirs              was notorious. Sewage pollution was so
that are the drinking water source for             bad that swimmers would get sick from
millions of people in San Francisco and            spending time in the Bay.
Silicon Valley. Some are the spawning                   Thankfully, most of us now
grounds for endangered fish species,               understand that we need to be better
                                                                                                              DO YOU KNOW WHO CAUGHT YOUR FISH?
including endangered salmon. And                   stewards of our waters. But the Trump                               ... SCOMA’S DOES!
many of the streams and creeks that                administration is only catering to              Local fishermen help Scoma’s to achieve our goal of providing the freshest fish
would lose protection are already                  corporate interests. Its short-sighted new      possible to our guests; from our PIER to your PLATE Scoma’s is the only restaurant
threatened by pollution, development,                                                              in San Francisco where fisherman pull up to our pier to sell us fish!
                                                   rule would reverse a lot of the progress
mining and agriculture.                            that’s been made protecting the water           Whenever our own boat cannot keep up with customer demand, Scoma’s has
     Without       Clean     Water      Act        flowing through the Delta and the Bay.          always believed in supporting the local fishing community. On any given day,
protections, polluters would have more                  Fortunately, Baykeeper is part of a        Scoma’s knows which boat and what captain caught not only our salmon,
                                                                                                   but any other species of fish we serve as well.
                                                                                                                            SCOMA’S RESTAURANT
                                                                                                                 1965 AL SCOMA WAY, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133
  Sejal Choksi-Chugh is the Executive Director of San Francisco Baykeeper.
                                                                                                                          415 771 4383 SCOMAS.COM
  Since 1989, Baykeeper has been defending San Francisco Bay from the
  biggest threats and holding polluters accountable. To report pollution in the                                      WE OFFER COMPLIMENTARY VALET PARKING
  Bay, call Baykeeper’s hotline at 1-800-KEEP-BAY (1-800-533-7229),
  e-mail, or click “Report Pollution” at                                                                          ScomasSF

                                                                                                                                                   May 2019          17
Sip, Stroll and Celebrate at Jack
                                          London Square in May

J    ack London Square is the ideal place
     to sip, stroll, shop and dine this May
     with fun-filled festivals throughout
                                               Mezcal, as well as food and beverages
                                               from Corona, local breweries, authentic
                                               Mexican restaurant Otaez and more. The
                                                                                            shopping for local art from
                                                                                            independent vendors and
                                                                                            live music.
the month!                                     event is free and open to the public, and         On May 25 from 1 to
     Jack London Square’s Cinco de             several Jack London Square tenants will      5 p.m., Drake’s Brewing
                                                                                                                                                      Photo by Lorenzo Fernandez-Kopec
Mayo festival returns to the Oakland           participate in the festivities by offering   Company and Bike East
waterfront on Saturday, May 4 from             specials.                                    Bay present the return of Attendees of the Jack London Square Art and Wine Festival can
                                                                                                                           enjoy tastings from more than 30 Northern California wineries.
noon until 7 p.m. The festival will feature         Next, in celebration of Oakland         Session Fest. More than
Latin performances and entertainment           Art Month this May, the Jack London          30 local craft breweries
including traditional Folklorico and           Square Art and Wine Festival returns         will share a wide range of thoughtfully East Bay in its local advocacy efforts to
Aztec dancing, lowrider cars, dancing          Saturday, May 11 from noon to 5 p.m.         crafted, full-flavored and super refreshing bring about better, safer biking for all.
horses, wrestling, music from local radio      Attendees can enjoy tastings from more       low-ABV brews, perfect for kicking back A free bike valet will be provided for
stations, family-friendly activities and       than 30 Northern California wineries,        on a warm summer day.                            anyone riding in.
more.                                          including Buena Vista Winery, Roth                Attendees will receive one signature            These events are just the beginning
     In addition, there will be vendors        Estate, Cornerstone Cellars, Rosenblum       tasting glass and 10 tickets redeemable of summer fun at Jack London Square.
from Mercado Latinx, the Bay Area’s first      Cellars and Wente Vineyards. Small           for five-ounce pours from the brewery Visit to learn
market showcasing local Latinx artists,        bites, craft beer and cider will also be     of their choice. Entry is free, and in about other events including Dancing
foodies, designers, creators, crafters,        available. General admission tasting         addition to tastings, there will be live Under the Stars, Waterfront Flicks,
builders and dreamers. There will also         tickets are $40, but the festival offers     music, delicious food, family-friendly Second Saturdays, the Jack London
be a tequila garden featuring spirits from     many free events, including interactive      games with prizes and a homebrewing Square Farmers Market operated by
ArteNOM, Cimarron and Don Amado                art works, live painting demonstrations,     demonstration. All proceeds benefit Bike CUESA and more.

                                                                                                                               STEPS FROM THE FERRY
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18Bay Crossings
        May 4.2019
                2019- New.indd   1                                                                                                                            4/19/2019 2:46:23 PM

         A Rich Mix of Late Spring
            BY PAUL DUCLOS                    at
                                                   Beach Blanket Babylon, which began

          merican Conservatory Theater        in 1974, is sadly coming to end at the end
          will continue staging the high-     of this year. If you have not seen this show,
          ly-acclaimed new production of      or wish to revisit Club Fugazi before it’s
Vanity Fair through May 12.                   closed, get down there for the sendoff.
                                                                                                                                Image courtesy of the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco.
     Playwright Kate Hamill’s rollicking           For more information, see www.
new stage adaptation of William                             Rubens’ Head of Medusa.

Thackeray’s classic 19th-century novel
speaks to 21st-century concerns. San Francisco Opera Prepping                                 Baroque master established his career. In     artistic choices that laid the groundwork
Ambitious Becky Sharp may not have Rusalka                                                    approximately 30 paintings and 20 works       for his international fame.
been “to the manor born,” but she’s bent                                                      on paper, the exhibition traces Rubens’s           Approximately 50 works from
on achieving such comfort at any cost. With the San Francisco Ballet having                   early development as a master painter         private and public collections in Europe
Armed with fierce wit and calculating successfully staged its production of                   with a unique gift for depicting seductive    and North America have been brought
charm, Becky forges                                            The Little Mermaid, the        and shocking narratives. Rubens was           together for the exhibition. Many are
her own path through                                           San Francisco Opera is         not only a sought-after artist, but also a    exhibited in North America or on the
London’s high society,                                         preparing to replicate         diplomat, shrewd business man, and a          U.S. West Coast for the first time. The
dealing herself into a                                         the magic in June with         friend to scholars and monarchs.              exhibition is arranged thematically,
game she was never                                             Rusalka, a story about a            Early Rubens explore the artist’s        thereby revealing Rubens’s mastery of a
invited to play.                                               water nymph, inspired          meteoric rise to the first rank of European   broad range of visual styles and subject
     Displaying the cel-                                       by Hans Christian              painters through a series of social and       matter, both historical and mythological.
ebrated audacity and                                           Andersen and featuring
verve that she brought to                                      the popular aria “Song
her adaptation of Sense &                                      to the Moon.”
Sensibility, Hamill seeks                                       We look forward to our
to conjure an inventive                                        interview next month
and lively period drama                                        with Jamie Barton, who
combining a fierce con-                                        will be performing the
                                      Photo by Scott Suchman
temporary edge with the                                        role of the sea witch,
theatricality of Victorian Adam Magill as Rawdon and           Ježibaba. There is an en-
                              Rebekah Brockman as Becky Sharp.
Burlesque. The New York                                        tertaining clip on You-
Times described the play                                       Tube of her performing
as “a gift to actors and a goody bag for its the role at the Met.
     More information at Rubens Exhibit at Legion of Honor

Beach Blanket’s Swan Song                     Finally, now on exhibit at San Francisco’s
                                              Legion of Honor through September 8 is
With the San Francisco skyline coming         Early Rubens.
into sharp relief as your ferry approaches         In 1608, after a period of intense
for docking, one can hardly blame you for     artistic study in Italy, Peter Paul Rubens
thinking how closely this all resembles a     (1577–1640) returned to his hometown
hat designed for Beach Blanket Babylon. All   of Antwerp. He found a city eager to
the elements of the confection are there,     renew its visual culture and ready to
of course, including our TransAmerica         support him, a bold artist who worked
Building and the monolithic Bank of           at a rapid pace and dramatic scale that
America. The jewel box we know as City        could satisfy the demand for religious
Hall can also be seen looming just in front   images while also supplying private
of the Golden Gate Bridge.                    collectors with works of ancient history
     Two years ago, Bay Crossings con-        and mythology.
ducted an exclusive interview with Beach           Early Rubens is the first exhibition
Blanket Babylon producer Jo Schuman           dedicated to the pivotal years between
Silver, which can be found on the website     1609 and 1621 when the Northern
                                                                                                                                           May 2019      19
You can also read