Mike Berg, District Governor 2021 - 2022 - DACdb

Page created by Luis Moss
Mike Berg, District Governor 2021 - 2022 - DACdb
Mike Berg, District Governor
       2021 - 2022
Mike Berg, District Governor 2021 - 2022 - DACdb
District Governor Mike Berg and wife, Jane

Rotary International District 6910 Office

              958 McEver Road
                   Suite D-9
            Gainesville, GA 30504

    Monday - Thursday8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
               (770) 538-0909

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                                              July 13, 2021
Mike Berg, District Governor 2021 - 2022 - DACdb

Shekhar Mehta, Rotary International President                                              4
2020-2021 Rotary International Citation …….………………………………………………………………………. 5
Peter Kyle, 2019-2022 RI Director, Zone 33 …………………………………………….………………………… 6
District 6910 Priorities for 2021-2022 ………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Mike Berg, District Governor, 2021-2022 …………………………………………………………………….......... 8
Gerry Taylor, District Governor Elect ………………………………………………………………………………. 9
The FOUR WAY Test ……………………………………………………………………………………………                                      10
Rotary International Service Staff ……………………………………………………………………………                           11
Regional Rotary Zone 34 Coordinators …………………………………………………………………………… 12
District 6910 Organizational Chart ……………………………………………………………………………                           13
Board of Directors ………………………………………………………………………………............................ 14
Assistant Governors by Area/Map ……………………………………………………………….......................            15
Assistant Governors ………………………………………………………………………………………………                                   16-19
Administrative Committee……………………………………………………………………………………………… 20
Communication & Technology Committee …………………………………………………………………………... 21
Foundation Committee ………………………………………………………………………………………….......... 22
Membership Committee …………………………………………………………………………………………………23
Public Image Committee …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Service Committee ……………………………………………………………………………………….……                                     25
Training Committee ……………………………………………………………………………………………….                                   26
Youth Services Committee……………………………………………………………………………………………… 27
District Conference Team……………………………………………………………………………………………… 28
Environmental Team…………………………………………………………………………………………                                       29
Leadership Team ………………………………………………………………………………………………….                                     30
GRSP (Georgia Rotary Student Program) ........................................……………………………… 32-35
10 Million Meal Challenge …………………………………………………………………………                                     36
Alliance for Smiles …………………………………………………………………………………                                        36
C.A.R.T (Coins for Alzheimer’s Research) ……………………………………………………….                            37
EARLYACT …………………………………………………………………………………………                                                38
ESRAG (Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group) …………………………………….                   38
Gift of Life ………………………………………………………………………………………….                                           39
HANWASH (Haiti National Clean Water, Sanitation, and Health Strategy) …………………….            40
INTERACT …………………………………………………………………………………………                                                40
Laws of Life …………………………………………………………………………………………                                            41
ROTARACT ………………………………………………………………………………………...                                              41
Rotary Means Business ………………………………………………………………………………………….                                  42
Rotary Works …………………………………………………………………………………………….………...                                    42
Rotary Youth Exchange ………………………………………………………………………………………….                                  43
RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) ……………………………………………………………………...                        43
ShelterBox …………………………………………………………………………………………………………                                        44
Toastmasters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...                                     44
World Polio Day …………………………………………………………………………………………………...                                   45
Georgia District Governors (6900, 6910, 6920) ……………………………………………………………….                    47
College of Past District Governors ………………………………………………………………………….….                         48-52
Clubs and Presidents (Name/#, President Contact Info., Meeting Place/Time) ………………………...    53-57
District Governor Official Visit Schedule ………………………………………………………………………                      58
Objectives for District 6910 …………………………………………………………………………………………. 59
Useful Links to Rotary Information …………………………………………………………………………….                          60
2022 Rotary International Convention, Houston, TX ………………………………………………………...                 62
GO GREENVILLE District Conference ………………………………………………………………………...                           63

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                                                                                     July 13, 2021
Mike Berg, District Governor 2021 - 2022 - DACdb
Shekhar Mehta
                           Rotary International President 2021-2022
                           The Rotary Club of Calcutta-Mahanagar West Bengal, India

Shekhar Mehta is only the 4th Indian in 115 years to be nominated as the President of Rotary
International for the year 2021-22.

Shekhar was born in 1959 in Kolkata India. A keen academician, he graduated from St. Xavier's
College, and has the unique combination of Masters in Commerce, a qualified Chartered Accountant,
Cost Accountant and Company Secretary. He heads the Skyline Group engaged in Real Estate
Development in different parts of India, including the largest group housing in the state of Rajasthan.

He is member of many professional, cultural, and charitable organizations. He has served as trustee of
Shelter Box (UK) and he is a trustee of (ii) Operation Eyesight India, a Canada based organization.

Shekhar Mehta joined Rotary in 1985. He is a member of Rotary Calcutta Mahanagar. He served as
District Governor in 1999-2000 and was elevated to the Board of Directors of Rotary International for

He has been Chairman of
  • Joint Partnership Committee of Rotary International
  • Strategic Planning Committee of Rotary International
  • Rotary India Literacy Mission
  • Rotary Foundation India
  • Rotary India Centennial Celebrations
  • Rotary India Humanity Foundation

He will serve as the world leader of 1.2 million Rotarians in 200 countries and geographical areas
in the year 2021-2022. Shekhar Mehta is married to Rashi Mehta. She is a social worker and is a
stage artist having performed in socially relevant plays across India. They have a son Chiraag married
to Geeta, a daughter Geeta and a grandson Veer.

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Mike Berg, District Governor 2021 - 2022 - DACdb

To be eligible for the Rotary Citation, clubs need to begin the year as active clubs in good standing – or having paid each invoice balance in full
upon receipt. To verify that your club is in good standing, check your daily club balance report under Club Administration > Club Finances.You
should have an outstanding balance of $0.00. Invoices are due when they are posted, in mid-January and mid-July.
Rotary club leaders can go into Rotary Club Central and select at least 13 out of 25 goals they wish to apply toward citation achievement. This flexibility
allows clubs to choose the goals that are most relevant and achievable. In addition, many goals will be self-reported by marking “achieved” in Rotary
Club Central.
To achieve the citation:
     •     Go to Rotary Club Central
     •     Review the 25 available goals
     •     Select at least 13 goals (or more than 50% of the available goals)
     •     Achieve those goals
     •     Report achievement in Rotary Club Central
Once you are in Rotary Club Central, navigate to the Goal Center, select the year, and click on the
All tab to see the goals.

  Goal                               Goal Detail
  Club membership                    How many total members does your club want by the end of the Rotary year?
  Service participation              How many members will participate in club service activities during the
                                     Rotary year?
  New member                         How many members will sponsor a new club member during the Rotary
  sponsorship                        year?
  Rotary Action Group                How many club members will be members of at least one Rotarian Action
  participation                      Group (RAG) during the Rotary year?
  Leadership                         How many members will participate in leadership development programs or
  development                        activities during the Rotary year?
  District conference                How many members will attend your district conference?
  Rotary Fellowship                  How many club members will be members of a Rotary Fellowship during the
  participation                      Rotary year?
  District training                  How many of your club's committee chairs will attend the district training
  participation                      assembly?
  Annual Fund                        How much money will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation Annual
  contributions                      Fund by your club and its members during the Rotary year?

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Mike Berg, District Governor 2021 - 2022 - DACdb

Goal                  Goal Detail
PolioPlus Fund        How much money will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation PolioPlus
contributions         Fund by your club and its members during the Rotary year?
Major gifts           How many single outright donations of US$10,000 or more will be made by
                      individuals associated with your club during the Rotary year?
Bequest Society       How many individuals or couples will inform The Rotary Foundation of their
members               plans to leave US$10,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation through their
Benefactors           How many individuals or couples will inform The Rotary Foundation of their
                      estate plans to include the Endowment Fund as a beneficiary or will make an
                      outright gift of US$1,000 or more to the Endowment Fund?
Service projects      How many service projects will your club complete during the Rotary year?
Rotaract clubs        How many new and existing Rotaract clubs will your club sponsor during the
                      Rotary year?
Interact clubs        How many new and existing Interact clubs will your club sponsor during the
                      Rotary year?
Inbound Youth         How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will your club host during the
Exchange students     Rotary year?
Outbound Youth        How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will your club sponsor during
Exchange students     the Rotary year?
RYLA participation    How many individuals will your club sponsor to participate in Rotary Youth
                      Leadership Awards (RYLA) events during the Rotary year?
Strategic plan        Does your club have an up-to-date strategic plan?
Online presence       Does your club's online presence accurately reflect its current activities?
Social activities     How many social activities will your club hold outside of regular meetings
                      during the Rotary year?
Update website and    During the Rotary year, how many times per month will your club's website
social media          or social media accounts be updated?
Media stories about   How many media stories will cover your club's projects during the Rotary
club projects         year?
Use of official       Did your club use Rotary International's advertising and public service
Rotary promotional    materials, such as broadcast videos, print ads, and other official materials
materials             available in the Brand Center, to promote Rotary in your community during
                      the Rotary year?

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Mike Berg, District Governor 2021 - 2022 - DACdb
                           PETER R. KYLE
                           Director 2019-2022 Rotary International

                           Zone 33

                           The Rotary Club of Capital Hill Washington, DC,
                           USA District 7620

 Peter first came to the US from New Zealand in 1973 to pursue post-graduate studies in law at
 the University of Virginia as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar. After a career in private legal
 practice in New Zealand he returned to the US in 1992 to take up a position with the World
 Bank as a senior international attorney. He retired from this position in 2009.

 He was inducted into Rotary in 1976 and has since served the organization in many capacities.
 He has been particularly involved in alumni/Rotary Peace Fellow activities and has chaired both
 the Alumni Relations and Rotary Peace Centers Committees. He has also served as an
 International Assembly Trainer, COL Delegate, RI President’s Representative and WASRAG
 Board member. He currently serves as the Dean of the Rotary Representative Network and will
 be the RI Director for Zones 33 & 34 in

 Peter has received the Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award together with the Service
 above Self Award and the Citation for Meritorious Service. He and his wife, Margaret, live on
 the West River in Maryland in a home designed by Margaret and close to their two children and
 one grandson.

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                                                                                        July 13, 2021
Mike Berg, District Governor 2021 - 2022 - DACdb
      Rotary District 6910 Priorities for 2021-2022

Rotary international President 2021-2022 Shekhar Mehta
“This rotary year we are encouraged to serve to change lives. Literacy programs, school
feeding programs; end polio now, foodbanks; water aid, shoe aid, supporting vaccination
centers; provision of PPE, exchange programs for youngsters- the list goes on and on”

Rotary District 6910 Governor 2021-2022 Mike Berg
This may be the first time in a year and a half that we have the opportunity to restart our
social interaction. A rebirth if you will of what makes Rotary so special. Let’s take advantage
of this opportunity to truly follow the motto of Service Above Self.

Increasing our Membership is so important for the work we do. It should be a priority in
each club. Engagement is essential for a healthy club. It’s the number one recruitment
tool and the best way to keep members engaged in your club.

Rotary International’s new seventh area of focus is “Protect the environment”. I hope
each club takes advantage of this priority to focus on an environmental project in your

The Rotary Foundation is the key program to fund our Service Activities. It provides
financial support for our local and international projects. The eradication of polio is very

Youth activities like Early Act, Interact and Rotaract are the gateway to our future.
The best public image tool is the simplest; wear   your Rotary Pin.
As District Governor, I’m here to serve you. My goal is to leave the Rotary
District, clubs and Rotarians a little be better than when I started.

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                                                                                    July 13, 2021
Mike Berg, District Governor 2021 - 2022 - DACdb
 Mike Berg GOALS
                             District Governor 2021-2022
           The Rotary Club of Dawson County

                             176 Overlook Circle
                              Dawsonville, Georgia 30534

  Mike Berg is a 38-year Rotarian starting with the South Gwinnett Club and President
  (1992-1993) of the Snellville Club, currently the Gwinnett Sunrise Club. He is a major donor,
  a Paul Harris fellow with +12, a GRSP Will Watt fellow, a benefactor, a Paul Harris Society
  member, an RLI graduate and an Area Four Assistant Governor (2017-2020).

  Mike grew up in South Atlanta. He graduated from Sylvan Hills High School and was a multi-
  sport varsity athlete. His first job was selling vegetables to neighbors at the age of 10. During
  his High School years, he worked at Rich’s downtown after hours filing transcripts. He
  Graduated from Georgia State University with a BBA in Management, served in the Army and
  retiring as a Manager with the Georgia Power Company. He now is the principal for Mike Berg
  and Associates, Inc., a government and business strategic planning company. He is also CFO
  for Marketing Incentives, his Wife’s company that sells promotional marketing incentives.

  In addition to his Rotary life, he is Vice President of the Lake Lanier Association, Board Member
  of the Coosa N. Ga. State Water Planning Commission, Board Member of the Civic Foundation
  for the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia, and Board Member for Drawdown
  Georgia (reduce Carbon in Georgia).

  Mike is a former President of the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia
  (2013-2014), Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Dawson County (2005-2017), District
  3 Gwinnett County Commissioner (1985-1989), Institute for Georgia environmental leadership
  board (IGEL), Chairman of the Georgia State Public Defender Council, Board member of the
  State Parent Teacher Association (PTA), Founder and past Chairman of the Gwinnett United in
  Drug Education (GUIDE)

  Mike is married to and works for his wife, Jane Berg. They have two adult children and three
  Grandchildren. They live on Lake Lanier in Dawson County.

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                                                                                            July 13, 2021
           Gerry Taylor
                             District Governor 2022-2023
          The Classic City of Athens Rotary Club
                             1021 Crossing Pt.
                             Bogart, GA, 30622

   Gerry Taylor is a retired Vice President of Resource Development, United Way of Northeast Georgia.
   He has served United Ways for over 30 years beginning in Lexington, KY as Assistant Campaign
   Director, and then moving to Racine Wisconsin as Campaign Director before relocating to
   Birmingham Alabama as Senior Vice President of Resource Development. He began his position with
   United Way of Northeast Georgia in January of 2007. Prior to his career with United Way, he spent
   over eight years in sales and sales management, primarily with office product companies. He is an
   alumnus of the University of Minnesota and has completed various campaign and management
   courses from the National Academy of Volunteerism at United Way of America, including the 4-year
   Management Course.

   Gerry was responsible for United Way of Northeast Georgia’s Annual Campaign and the Planned
   Giving program. During his United Way career, he has been responsible for raising more than ¼
   billion dollars in annual campaigns and over 15 million in Planned Giving assets.

   Gerry decided to become a United Way professional to help improve the quality of life for others after
   experiencing assistance in his young life from a couple of United Way agencies that taught him lifelong
   lessons and provided him opportunities to succeed.

   He is a Past President of the Classic City Rotary Club in Athens Georgia, Past Assistant Governor of
   District 6910, Past District 6910 Training Vice Chair, current District 6910 Awards and Recognition
   Chair, a member of the District 6910 Conference Committee, District 6910 Board Member, current
   District Governor Nominee of Rotary District 6910, a Board Member of Georgia Laws of Life,
   Peachstate PETS, GRSP and C.A.R.T, and Past President of Sales and Marketing Executives of the
   Birmingham Alabama Chapter and the Past President and founder of Professional Sales Association
   of Birmingham. He has spent many years coaching youth baseball.

   Gerry serves his church-Watkinsville First United Methodist as an Usher, a member of the Nominations
   Committee and a Collections Processor.

   Gerry is married to Lisa Landers Taylor, a retired special education teacher. They have two
   sons, Christopher (daughter in law Ashley) and Ryan.

   His favorite pastimes are outdoor sports, model railroading and spending time with his family, including
   his Black Labrador Retriever, Hannah.

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                                                                                                 July 13, 2021
                                       The FOUR-WAY Test
                                 Of the things we think, say or do

                                      1.   Is it the TRUTH?

                              2.   Is it FAIR to all concerned?

                     3.   Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?

                            4.   Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

                                       The Object of Rotary

   The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy
                    enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

           FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;

   SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions;the recognition of the
worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation
                             as an opportunity to serve society;

THIRD. The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarianto his personal, business, and
                                        community life;

FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a
  world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
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                                                                                               July 13, 2021
               Alicia Pijal-Avila,

               Senior Officer Club and District Support, Americas
               One Rotary Center

               1560 Sherman Avenue
               Evanston, Illinois 60201-3698
               Office: 847-866-3487

               Marni Nixon, Senior OfficerClub and District Support
               One Rotary Center

               1560 Sherman Avenue
               Evanston, Illinois 60201-3698
               Office: 847-866-3188

               Bryan Hulscher, The Rotary Foundation Annual GivingOfficer, Zone 33-34

               Office: 847-424-5333

               Audley Knight, Regional Membership Officer,
               Office: 847-866-3095

               Debra Lowe, The Rotary Foundation

               Senior Major Gifts Officer, Zone 34

               Office: 847-424-5315

               Cell: 407-791-5115

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                                                                                         July 13, 2021

             Mike Darragh
             Zone 34 Assistant Rotary Coordinator
             District 6970

             David Cooper
             Assistant Rotary Coordinator Zone 34
             The Rotary Club of Rockdale County

            Pepper Pettit
            Assistant Rotary Coordinator Zone 34
            The Rotary Club of Dawson County

            Scott Yochum
            Assistant Rotary Coordinator Zone 34
            The Rotary Club of Dawson County

            Bill Strickland
            Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator (ARRFC)
            The Rotary Club of Bartow County

            Roger Champion
            The Rotary Club of Tallahassee
            Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator (RRFC)

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                                                                        July 13, 2021

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District Board of Directors - 2021-22

               District Governor:    Berg, Michael L.
                                     Email: mike8berg@gmail.com
                                     Office: 706-216-3132
                                     Home: 706-216-3132

         District Governor-Elect:    Taylor, Gerry
                                     Email: gk6910r@gmail.com
                                     Home: 706.614.0773

District Immediate Past Governor:    Fischlin, DG Tina D.
                                     Email: rotarytina@gmail.com
                                     Office: 404-229-9151
                                     Home: 404-229-9151

               District Secretary:   Epps, Lynn
                                     Email: slepps@icloud.com
                                     Office: 678-493-6475
                                     Home: 678 300 5108

               District Treasurer:   McKenzie, Andrea
                                     Email: amckenziecpa@yahoo.com
                                     Home: 404-247-6260

                        Director:    Bolton, Douglas E.
                                     Email: dougbolton@yahoo.com
                                     Office: 678-858-2080
                                     Home: 770-784-7395

                        Director:    Cammarata, Dianne L.
                                     Email: dlcamma@bellsouth.net
                                     Office: 7705305162
                                     Home: 7705305162

                        Director:    Hendrickson, Jennifer K.
                                     Email: jhendrickson@ggc.edu
                                     Office: 678-407-5363
                                     Home: 770-682-0121

                        Director:    Pettit, Pepper
                                     Email: pepperpettit365@gmail.com
                                     Office: 404-401-8586
                                     Home: 404-401-8586

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Director:   Bingham, Chad
            Email: chad.bingham@binghaminsurancegroup.com
            Office: (706) 684-0040

Director:   McDonald, Clarence (Pete) Jr.
            Email: peteromerotary@gmail.com
            Office: 706-000-0000
            Home: (706) 728-7223

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Mike Berg
District Governor, 2021-2022

          Area 1 – Jackie Killings       Area 10 – Dotti Bala

          Area 2 – Bill Strickland       Area 11 – Steffanie Sorrells

          Area 3 – Patricia Kenney       Area 12 – Brandy Swanson

          Area 4 – Brooke Anderson       Area 13 – Chad Bingham

          Area 5 – Richard Billingslea   Area 14 – Ted Richardson

          Area 6 – Neil Azevedo          Area 15 – Barbara Myers

          Area 7 – Cheryl Legette        Area 16 – Regina Martin

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Rotary District 6910
                                      Area and Club Leadership

                                      District Governor: Berg, Michael L.
                                      (O) 706-216-3132
                                      (C) 404-713-1540
                                      (H) 706-216-3132

                                      District Governor-Elect: Taylor, Gerry
                                      (C) 706-614-0773
                                      (H) 706.614.0773

                                      District Governor-Nominee: Swanson, Brandy
                                      (O) 404-879-3230
                                      (C) 770-540-9292

    Area I             Member Killings, Jackie M.
                       (C) 706-483-6190
    Area 1             (H) 334-319-2983

Club Name

Carpet City (Dalton)



    Area II            District Assistant Governor Strickland, Bill
                       (O) 404-387-8228
    Area 2             (C) 404-387-8228

Club Name

Bartow County

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Etowah Cartersville

    Area III          District Assistant Governor Kenney, Patricia Schaeflern
                      (O) 706-745-9089
    Area 3            (C) 706-897-2302
                      (H) 706-897-2302

Club Name

Blue Ridge


Gilmer County

Lake Chatuge

Union County

     Area IV          District Assistant Governor Anderson, Brooke
                      (O) 706-216-8474
     Area 4           (C) 706-344-9514

Club Name


Dahlonega Sunrise

Dawson County


White County

     Area V           District Assistant Governor Billingslea, Richard M.
                      (C) 706-499-2250
     Area 5           edabc1@gmail.com

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Club Name

Banks County

Habersham County


    Area VI                  District Assistant Governor Azevedo, Neil Allen
                             (C) 7062067321
    Area 6                   (H) 7062067321

Club Name


Franklin County


Madison County

    Area VII                  District Assistant Governor Legette, Cheryl K.
                              (O) 706-548-7297
    Area 7                    (C) 706-255-5193
                              (H) 706-316-2428

Club Name


North Oconee

Oconee County

Oglethorpe County

The Classic City of Athens

    Area VIII                  District Assistant Governor Hildreth, Bobby D.
                               (C) 706-699-1159
    Area 8                     (H) 706-699-1159

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Club Name

Greene and Putnam Counties

Morgan County


   Area IX                    District Assistant Governor Tolen, Ronald
                              (O) 706-303-2970
   Area 9                     rtolen@ymail.com

Club Name

Columbia County

Columbia County West



    Area X                     District Assistant Governor Bala, Dorothy
                               (O) 770-918-2588
    Area 10                    (C) 404-456-1011
                               (H) (770) 483-2872

Club Name



E-Club of the South, District 6910

Rockdale County

    Area XI                    District Assistant Governor Sorrells, Steffanie Rivas
                               (O) 678.390.6053
    Area 11                    (C) 770-815-7961

Club Name

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Social Circle


    Area XII        District Assistant Governor Swanson, Brandy Lynn
                    (O) 404-879-3230
    Area 12         (C) 770-540-9292

Club Name


Gwinnett County

Gwinnett Mosaic


     Area XIII       District Assistant Governor Bingham, Chad
                     (O) (706) 684-0040
     Area 13         (C) (678) 628-3833

Club Name



Hall County


South Hall County

     Area XIV        District Assistant Governor Richardson, Ted L.
                     (O) 770-844-6428
     Area 14         (C) 770-654-7853
                     (H) 770-844-6428

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Club Name

Forsyth County (Cumming)

Johns Creek


North Forsyth-400

South Forsyth County

    Area XV                Member Myers, Barbara Cresswell
                           (O) 678-225-7532
    Area 15                (C) 770-309-0613

Club Name

Buford/North Gwinnett

Gwinnett Sunrise

Peachtree Corners


    Area XVI                District Assistant Governor Martin, Regina C.
                            (O) 4042260982
    Area 16                 (C) 404-226-0982
                            (H) 404-226-0982

Club Name


Cherokee County


Towne Lake


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Area XVII        District Assistant Governor McDonald, Clarence (Pete) Jr.
                    (O) 706-000-0000
   Area 17          (C) 706-728-7223
                    (H) (706) 728-7223

Club Name



Rome-Seven Hills


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District Rotary Foundation Committee - 2021-22

  District Rotary Foundation Chair:    Azevedo, Bruce Allen
                                       Email: azevedo@negia.net

     Foundation - 100% Paul Harris     Gleichman, Peter A.
                Fellow Club Chair:     Email: petergleichman@gmail.com
                                       Office: 678-426-5309
                                       Home: 678-585-0086

       Foundation - District Grants    McDonald, Clarence (Pete) Jr.
                    Service Chair:     Email: peteromerotary@gmail.com
                                       Office: 706-000-0000
                                       Home: (706) 728-7223

 Foundation - Financial Assessment     Blum, James P Jr.
                 Committee Chair:      Email: jim@blumcampbell.com
                                       Office: 470-365-2890
                                       Home: 770-236-0695

 Foundation - Global Grants Chair:     Matthews, Paul H.
                                       Email: paulhmatthews@protonmail.com
                                       Office: 706-542-0892
                                       Home: 706-202-5830

               Foundation - Major      Panyik, Richard L.
     Gifts/Endowment Fund Chair:       Email: rlpanyik051@gmail.com

   Foundation - Paul Harris Society    Salter, John
                             Chair:    Email: john@jbsalter.com
                                       Home: 480-789-9992

     Foundation - Peace & Conflict     St.Clair, William Lauriston
                           Chair:      Email: bstclair@mindspring.com
                                       Home: 678-316-2590

          District Polio Plus Chair:   Strickland, Bill
                                       Email: westrickland3@gmail.com
                                       Office: 404-387-8228

      International Services Chair:    Burr, Edward L.
                                       Email: eburr@uh.org
                                       Office: 706-774-8063
                                       Home: 706-650-8306

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Member Name                   Home Phone       Office Phone    Cell Phone    Email
Azevedo, Bruce Allen                                          706-296-3834   azevedo@negia.net
Blum, James P Jr.             770-236-0695     470-365-2890   770-906-7568   jim@blumcampbell.com
Bray, Cliff                   770-497-4285     770-622-9885   770-789-2209   bray@wmbob.com
Burr, Edward L.               706-650-8306     706-774-8063                  eburr@uh.org
Gleichman, Peter A.           678-585-0086     678-426-5309   770-309-4577   petergleichman@gmail.com
Matthews, Paul H.             706-202-5830     706-542-0892   706-202-5830   paulhmatthews@protonmail.com
McDonald, Clarence
                              (706) 728-7223   706-000-0000   706-728-7223   peteromerotary@gmail.com
(Pete) Jr.
Panyik, Richard L.                                            404-281-8805   rlpanyik051@gmail.com
Parmenter, Scott R.           (770) 382-1707   770-382-0500   770-773-4873   srparmenter@outlook.com
Salter, John                   480-789-9992                   480-789-9992   john@jbsalter.com
St.Clair, William Lauriston    678-316-2590                   678-316-2590   bstclair@mindspring.com
Strickland, Bill                               404-387-8228   404-387-8228   westrickland3@gmail.com
Welch, Renee                  678-947-4290     770-887-3162   404-323-0030   rwelch@bolingrice.com

                                                                                            P a g e 22 | 56
District 6910 Membership Committee 2021-2022
Title                                Name                         Club
Directors                            Pepper Pettit/Scott Yochum   Dawson
New Members                          Pepper Pettit/Scott Yochum   Dawson
RMB                                  Al Trembly                   Hall
Diversity/Equality/Inclusion (DEI)   Lucinda Clark                Martinez-Evans
Retention                            Larry Anderson               Dawson
Innovative Club Advocate             David Cooper                 Rockdale
Alumni                               Cheryl Huffman               Rome-7 Hills
Women in Rotary                      Sonja McLendon               Hall

                                                                         P a g e 23 | 56
District Public Image Team - 2021-22

    District Public Image Program               Swanson, Brandy Lynn
                         Director:              Email: RotarySwanson@Outlook.com
                                                Office: 404-879-3230

               District Web Master:             Lawrenson, Leo J.
                                                Email: leo@lawrenson.com
                                                Office: 678-777-0324
                                                Home: 678-777-0324

Member Name                  Home Phone    Office Phone    Cell Phone    Email
Alewine, James               6782628510     7704279000     6782628510    brettalewine@yahoo.com
Boyles, Sallie                             404-217-3236   404-217-3236   sallie@writelady.com
Das, Shinjini                                             678-697-3439   Book@shinjinidas.com
Hain, Joie S.               770-855-7042                  770-855-7042   JoieHain@gmail.com
Havens, Paige W             678-938-4279                  678-938-4279   paigehavens@bellsouth.net
Lawrenson, Leo J.           678-777-0324   678-777-0324   678-777-0324   leo@lawrenson.com
Petrillo, John                                            912 341-3811   john.petrillo@siemens.com
Reynolds, Kimberly S                       706-272-6118   706-459-0706   kreynolds@hhcs.org
Serrano, Logan                                                           lstubbs@leadershipgwinnett.com
Sorrells, Steffanie Rivas                  678.390.6053   770-815-7961   RotarySteffanie@gmail.com
Swanson, Brandy Lynn                       404-879-3230   770-540-9292   RotarySwanson@Outlook.com
Valentine, Mark M.           7065865725                    7065865725    markvrotary@gmail.com
Zimmermann, Stacey                                        678-860-1116   staceyelm10@yahoo.com

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District Service Leaders (Youth Service Separate) ‐ 2021‐22
                Arrendale Vocational Excellence    Foster, David C.
                                    Award Chair:   Email: dcarpenterf025@gmail.com
                                                   Office: 706-778-2241
                                                   Home: 706-778-0025
District Disaster Relief Co-Chair:                 Ranney, Timothy W.

                                                   Email: twranney@gmail.com

District Disaster Relief Co-Chair:                 Parker, Hoyt Jason

                                                   Email: jparker@daltonga.gov
                                                   Office: 706-5292404
                                                   Home: 706-517-9888

 District Family of Rotary Chair:                  Lee, DD
                                                   Email: dd@skylinepropertiesga.com

            District Feed10Million Chair:                Garrison, Cynthia

                                                   Email: cyndi.garrison@fivepointsservices.com
                                                   Office: 678-856-5559
                                                   Home: 678-488-6683
    District Service Program Director:                   Bolton, Douglas E.

                                                   Email: dougbolton@yahoo.com
                                                   Office: 678-858-2080
                                                   Home: 770-784-7395

                          Literacy Chair:          Leeson, Denise

                                                   Email: fdleeson3177@gmail.com
                                                   Office: 678-513-9396

                    ShelterBox Ambassador:                Freeman, Sollace M.

                                                   Email: smf10740@gmail.com

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Shelterbox Co-Ambassador:                         Azevedo, Neil Allen

                                                        Email: Neil.allen.azevedo@gmail.com
                                                        Home: 7062067321
             Shelterbox Co-Ambassador:                        Lawrenson, Leo J.

                                                        Email: leo@lawrenson.com
                                                        Office: 678-777-0324
                                                        Home: 678-777-0324
             Stubbs Guardian of Ethics Award            Cooper, Jerry W.
                                      Chair:            Email: jwccntymgr@bellsouth.net
                                                        Office: 678-493-6001
                                                        Home: 770-518-6083

Member Name            Home Phone              Office Phone     Cell Phone          Email
Azevedo, Neil Allen     7062067321                             7062067321           Neil.allen.azevedo@gmail.com
Bolton, Douglas E.     770-784-7395            678-858-2080   678-858-2080          dougbolton@yahoo.com
Ciccone, Debby          5708176161                                                  DebbyCiccone@gmail.com
Cooper, Jerry W.       770-518-6083            678-493-6001   678-283-1196          jwccntymgr@bellsouth.net
Foster, David C.       706-778-0025            706-778-2241   706-499-2925          dcarpenterf025@gmail.com
Freeman, Sollace M.                                           770-540-1085          smf10740@gmail.com
Garrison, Cynthia      678-488-6683            678-856-5559   678-488-6683          cyndi.garrison@fivepointsservices.com
Gleichman, Peter A.    678-585-0086            678-426-5309   770-309-4577          petergleichman@gmail.com
Lawrenson, Leo J.      678-777-0324            678-777-0324   678-777-0324          leo@lawrenson.com
Lee, DD                                                        4044375975           dd@skylinepropertiesga.com
Leeson, Denise                                 678-513-9396   404-271-6001          fdleeson3177@gmail.com
Loois, Suchet L.       678-920-3168                                                 pesl1223@att.net
Parker, Hoyt Jason     706-517-9888            706-5292404    706-260-8718          jparker@daltonga.gov
Ranney, Timothy W.                                            678-230-3970          twranney@gmail.com

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Training Committee

District Trainer -Hans Meier, Lanier Forsyth
District Trainer - Joanne Tolleson, South Forsyth
Technology Committee Liaison - Don Martin, Jasper
RLI - Pete McDonald, Rome
PETS - Gene Windham, Union

                                                       P a g e 27 | 56
District Youth Service Leaders ‐ 2021‐22
        District Early Act Chair:             Foster, David C.

                                              Email: dcarpenterf025@gmail.com
                                              Office: 706-778-2241
                                              Home: 706-778-0025
        District Early Act Chair:             Foster, Leslie

                                              Email: lfoster@northgatech.edu
                                              Home: 7068928854

            District GRSP Chair:              McCoy, James

                                              Email: jmccoy@focochamber.org
                                              Office: 770-887-6461
                                              Home: 678-455-3169
         District Interact Chair:             Albright, Mike

                                              Email: albright2231@gmail.com
                                              Office: 678-371-1349
                                              Home: 678-371-1349

     District Laws of Life Chair:             McIntyre, Elizabeth Harden

                                              Email: bmcintyre@prlib.org
                                              Office: 706-367-9399 1180

            District Youth Peace in Action    Swanson, Brandy Lynn
                                   Chair:     Email: RotarySwanson@Outlook.com
                                              Office: 404-879-3230

                   District Rotaract Chair:               Yenerall, Amanda Holcomb Esq.

                                                         Email: amandayenerall@me.com
                                              Home: 706-216-3855

District Youth Protection Chair:              Moore, Garland C

                                              Email: garlandmoore@bellsouth.net
                                              Office: 770-929-3281
                                              Home: 770-760-0944

                                                                                          P a g e 28 | 56
District Youth Service Program          Echuck, Jeremy
                                       Chair:          Email: jeremy@natictaylor.com
                                                       Office: 770-889-3700

                District RYLA Chair:                   Alman, Bob

                                                       Email: bobalman@yahoo.com
                                                       Home: 478-538-4905

             Youth Exchange Chair:                     Blackmar, Burton

                                                       Email: blackmar1@gmail.com
                                                       Office: 678-455-1212
                                                       Home: 770-205-9046

Member Name               Home Phone              Office Phone            Cell Phone   Email
Albright, Mike           678-371-1349             678-371-1349          678-371-1349   albright2231@gmail.com
Alman, Bob               478-538-4905                                   478-538-4905   bobalman@yahoo.com
Blackmar, Burton         770-205-9046             678-455-1212          678-267-0203   blackmar1@gmail.com
Echuck, Jeremy                                    770-889-3700          678-316-3868   jeremy@natictaylor.com
Foster, David C.          706-778-0025            706-778-2241          706-499-2925   dcarpenterf025@gmail.com
Foster, Leslie             7068928854                                                  lfoster@northgatech.edu
McCoy, James              678-455-3169            770-887-6461          770-842-4774   jmccoy@focochamber.org
McIntyre, Elizabeth
                                                706-367-9399 1180       7703666696     bmcintyre@prlib.org
Moore, Garland C          770-760-0944            770-929-3281          404-790-9066   garlandmoore@bellsouth.net
Swanson, Brandy Lynn                              404-879-3230          770-540-9292   RotarySwanson@Outlook.com
Yenerall, Amanda          706-216-3855                                   4704190644    amandayenerall@me.com

                                                                                                       P a g e 29 | 56
District Conference Greenville 2021-2022 Committee
Mike Berg              District Governor         Dawson
Gerry Taylor           District Governor Elect   Classic City Athens
Dianne Cammarata       Chair                     Hall
Debby Ciccone          Co-Chair                  Towne Lake
Becky Carlan           Activities                Banks
Judy Wright            Administration            Office
Tricia Stoeckig        Administration            Office
Phil Ciccone           Audio Visual              Towne lake
Cindy Hadden           Objectives                Oconee
Rick Billingslea       Chaplin                   Banks
Robin Correnti         Decorations               Dawson
Joanne Tolleson        GRSP                      South Forsyth
Brooke Anderson        House of Friendship       Dawson
Mark Valentine         Master of Ceremonies      Banks
Brandy Swanson         Presenter Coordinator     Gwinnett
Amanda Groover         Public Relations          South Hall
Jessica Fleetwood      Registration              Etowah Cartersville
Leo Lawrenson          Registration technology   E Club of the South
Bruce Azevedo          Foundation                Madison
Bobby Hildreth         Sergeant at Arms          Morgan
Don Martin             Service                   Jasper
Pepper Pettit          Sponsors                  Dawson
Andrea McKenzie        treasurer                 Dawson

                                                                        P a g e 30 | 56
2021‐22 Committee to Judge Environmental

Rotarian               Club                Area    Phone #              Email Address
Gary Sullenger         Town Lake            16     404‐354‐6822         gary.sullenger@gmail.com

Gerald Gutenstein      Lake Chatuge          3     706‐835‐5342         gutenstein@aol.com

Keith Taylor           Monroe               11     770‐309‐1957         ktaylor@waltonemc.com

Donald Davis           Columbia West         9     706‐830‐3847         donald2454@icloud.com

                                                               District Governor
                                                                   Mike Berg

                                                                     P a g e 31 | 56
District Clubs and Presidents

           ---- RI 4153 ATHENS ----
       Wed 12:00PM Athens Country Club
     2700 Jefferson Road Athens GA 30607
      PO Box 5951 Athens GA 30604-5951

                Sarah H. McKinney
                (SARAH & JOHN)
                62 Sarah Street
                Athens GA 30607-2790

      ---- RI 82773 BANKS COUNTY ----
    Wed 12:00PM Chimney Oaks Golf Club
    148 Chimney Oaks Dr. Homer GA 30547
         P.O. Box 54 Homer GA 30547

                Michael Housworth
                (MICHAEL HOUSWORTH & BRALEE)
                1953 Homer Road
                Commerce GA 30529

      ---- RI 26775 BARTOW COUNTY ----
    Thurs 12:15PM Cartersville Country Club
1310 Joe Frank Harris Pkwy Cartersville GA 30120
      P.O. Box 1293 Cartersville GA 30120

                Matthew R Womack
                (MATT & CAROLINE)
                716 WEST AVE
                CARTERSVILLE GA 30120

                                                   P a g e 32 | 56
---- RI 61650 BLUE RIDGE ----
               Tues 12:00PM Blue Ridge
        20 Station Ridge Blue Ridge GA 30513
    PO Box 2495 Blue Ridge GA 30513 706-632-0079

                   Laurie McClearen
                   (LAURIE & JIM)
                   P.O. Box 901
                   Morganton GA 30560

---- RI 62881 BRASELTON ----
Thurs 07:30AM Legends at Chateau Elan Clubhouse
5473 Legends Dr. Braselton GA 30517

                   Charm McCall
                   70 Emma Circle
                   Hoschton GA 30548

    ---- RI 30309 BUFORD/NORTH GWINNETT ----
Wed 12:00PM Buford Community Center - Railroad Room
         2200 Buford Highway Buford GA 30518
     PO Box 2154 Buford GA 30515 678-640-3223

                   Katie Milling Benzinger
                   (KATIE & CHRIS)
                   2525 Millwater Crossing
                   Dacula GA 30019

                   Rebecca Shelton
                   217 Hembree Park Ter
                   Roswell GA 30076

                                                          P a g e 33 | 56
---- RI 4155 CALHOUN ----
       Thurs 12:00PM Velo Vineyards
    106 N. Wall Street Calhoun GA 30701
   P O Box 2447 Calhoun GA 30703-2447

             Christopher H. Pierce
             (CHRIS & BRITTANY)
             350 W Belmont Dr
             Calhoun GA 30701

          ---- RI 4156 CANTON ----
 Tues 12:00PM Cherokee Conference Center
   1130 Bluffs Parkway Canton GA 30114
P.O. Box 407 Canton GA 30169 678-493-6001

             Gregory Scott Elder
             (GREG & VIRGINIA)
             Must Ministries P.O.Box 1717
             Marietta GA 30061

 ---- RI 30588 CARPET CITY (DALTON) ----
       Mon 07:00AM The Oakwood Cafe
      201 W. Cuyler St. Dalton GA 30720

             Past President,President
             Christina Renee Davis
             (RENEE & JEREMY)
             1737 Sane Rd. SE
             Dalton GA 30721

             Christina Renee Davis
             (RENEE & JEREMY)
             1737 Sane Rd. SE
             Dalton GA 30721

                                            P a g e 34 | 56
---- RI 4157 CARTERSVILLE ----
        Wed 12:15PM Cartersville Country Club
       1310 Hwy 41 North Cartersville GA 30120
         1310 Hwy 41 Cartersville GA 30120

                   Kathy Hall
                   (KATHY HALL & STEVE)
                   10 Commerce Row
                   Cartersville GA 30120

         ---- RI 73541 CHEROKEE COUNTY ----
Tues 06:30PM Woodstock GA Hwy 92 IHOP Restaurant ---
                    Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m.
         8979 Highway 92 Woodstock GA 30189
 310 Lake Sovereign Ct Canton GA 30114-6893 770-480-

                   Past President,President
                   Mike Dietzel
                   2230 Towne Lake Pky Building 900, Suite
                   Woodstock GA 30189

              ---- RI 4158 CLAYTON ----
   Thurs 12:00PM Email: ClaytonRotary1@gmail.com
Telephone: (770) 861-2400 Covered Bridge Shopping Ctr
 NorthEast Georgia Food Bank....... Clayton GA 30525
   P. O. Box 1088 Clayton GA 30525 (770) 861-2400

                   Jef Fincher
                   (JEF & KATHY)
                   86 Crows Nest Lane
                   Clayton GA 30525-3505

     ---- RI 4168 COLUMBIA COUNTY WEST ----
   Tues 12:15PM St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church
        4921 Columbia Rd Grovetown GA 30813
               Grovetown, GA GA 30813

                   Lynn R. Michael
                   (LYNN & JENNIFER)
                   5722 Tubman Rd.
                   Appling GA 30802
                   H:(706) 760-0195

                                                             P a g e 35 | 56
---- RI 4159 CONYERS ----
Thurs 12:00PM Conyers First United Methodist Church
       921 N. Main St. NW Conyers GA 30012
P.O. Box 81621 Conyers GA 30013 770-785-7855 null

                  Moses G. Kabia
                  20 WISTERIA CT.
                  COVINGTON GA 30016

           ---- RI 4160 COVINGTON ----
     Tues 12:15PM 1st United Methodist Church
     1113 Conyers St. SW Covington GA 30014
        P.O. Box 1063 Covington GA 30015

                  Bryan Fazio
                  (BRYAN & AMELIA)
                  6131 Crestview Drive SE
                  Covington GA 30014

           ---- RI 4161 DAHLONEGA ----
 Tues 12:00PM Lumpkin County Parks & Recreation
       365 Riley Road Dahlonega GA 30533

                  Tom Palmer
                  (TOM PALMER & JUDY)
                  260 Grindle Bridge Rd.
                  Dahlonega GA 30533
                  H:706 344 9753
                  C:706 344 9753

                                                      P a g e 36 | 56
---- RI 67454 DAHLONEGA SUNRISE ----
Thurs 07:30AM University Of North Georgia Banquet Hall
        402 College Circle( off West Main Street)
  University of N. Georgia Banquet Hall Dahlonega GA
          P.O. Box 1388 Dahlonega GA 30533

                   Patrick A. Conarro
                   (PATRICK & GINNY)
                   2128 Yahoola Rd
                   Dahlonega GA 30533

              ---- RI 4162 DALTON ----
      Tues 12:00PM Dalton Golf & Country Club
       333 Country Club Way Dalton GA 30721

                   George S. Barnett
                   (SMITTY & TAMMY)
                   156 Mulligan Dr
                   Cohutta GA 30710-0019

         ---- RI 28702 DAWSON COUNTY ----
   Thurs 07:30AM Professional Development Center
           30 Main St Dawsonville GA 30534
        P.O. Box 1495 Dawsonville GA 30534

                   Jo Brewer
                   (JO BREWER)
                   3365 Montvale Dr.
                   Gainesville GA 30506

              ---- RI 24211 DULUTH ----
            Wed 07:30AM The 1818 Club
        6501 Sugarloaf Pkwy Duluth GA 30097
         Post Office Box 518 Duluth GA 30096

                   C J Graves
                   (C J & NATASHA)
                   1285 Great Oaks Dr
                   Lawrenceville GA 30045

                                                         P a g e 37 | 56
---- RI 84514 E-CLUB OF THE SOUTH, DISTRICT 6910 ---
       Tues 06:30PM 2nd & 4th Tuesdays each month
           https://zoom.us/j/198000194 pswd 6910

      % Rotary District 6910 Gainesville GA 30504

                   Leslie Foster
                   (LESLIE & DAVID)


             ---- RI 4163 ELBERTON ----
         Tues 12:10PM Elberton Country Club
      1101 Country Club Road Elberton GA 30635
          P.O. Box 429 Elberton GA 306335

                   Christopher G Dyal
                   115 Heard St.
                   Elberton GA 30635

      ---- RI 57745 ETOWAH CARTERSVILLE ----
         Tues 07:30AM Noble & Main Coffee Co.
                145 Cartersville GA 30120
           P.O. Box 2221 Cartersville GA 30120

                   Jeff Osborn
                   (JEFF & DENISE)
                   496 Waterford Drive
                   Cartersville GA 30120

    ---- RI 4164 FORSYTH COUNTY (CUMMING) ----
  Thurs 12:00PM New Academies of Creative Education
        1160 Dahlonega Hwy. Cumming GA 30040
              P O Box 57 Cumming GA 30028

                   J.B. Bader
                   (JB BADER & DIANE)
                   3975 Martin Rd.
                   Cumming GA 30028

                                                       P a g e 38 | 56
---- RI 4179 FRANKLIN COUNTY ----
       Tues 12:00PM Royston Housing Authority
        216 Hartwell Street Royston GA 30662

                    Alexander Andrews
                    (ALEX ANDREWS)
                    9654 Lavonia RD
                    Carnesville GA 30521

           ---- RI 4165 GAINESVILLE ----
   Mon 12:30PM First Baptist Church - Banquet Hall
     751 Green Street NE Gainesville GA 30501
         PO Box 382 Gainesville GA 30503

                    Amanda Willis
                    (AMANDA & BOB)
                    2718 High Vista Pointe
                    Gainesville GA 30501

         ---- RI 26599 GILMER COUNTY ----
   Mon 12:00PM Second and Fourth Mondays at the
Piedmont Community Center, 824 Industrial Blvd, Ellijay,
    Piedmont Community Center Ellijay GA 30540
 P. O. Box 1342 Ellijay GA 30540-8279 706-276-8279

                    Jared Arrant
                    (JARED & CAROLINE)
                    928 The Oaks Dr
                    Ellijay GA 30540

Thurs 12:00PM Meetings are being conducted as Hybrid
   meetings. In person is in the main Sanctuary of The
 Lakeside Church. Zoom links are in the weekly bulletin.
   5800 Lake Oconee Parkway Greensboro GA 30642
    The Rotary Club of Greene and Putnam Counties
          Greensboro GA 30642 (678) 462-4573

                    Scott A. Gessay
                    (SCOTT & MARY)
                    1060 Plantation Point Drive
                    Greensboro GA 30642

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