Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast

Page created by Jim Lawson
Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast
Investment Guide
Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast
Portrush                    Ballycastle

                          Scotland                                                            Londonderry

                     Glasgow            Edinburgh                                                                                Ballymena       Larne

Londonderry                                                                                                        Magherafelt
                                                                                                                             Newtownabbey                Bangor

                               Isle of Man                                      Omagh

                         Blackpool                                                                               Dungannon               Lisburn
                                                 Leeds/Bradford       Belleek
            Dublin                           Manchester
                          Liverpool                                                                                          Portadown
     Shannon                                                                    Enniskillen                                                          Downpatrick

     Cork                                       England                                                                                         Newcastle
                                          Bristol         London

                                  Exeter            Southampton

                                                                                      Mid & East

                                                                   Antrim and


Ireland                                                                                                                                         Ards and
                                                                                                                                                North Down
                                                                     Lisburn &

                                                                                               and Down
Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast

     Investment in
     Belfast Region

04   Why invest in the Belfast Region?

06   The Belfast Region City Deal

10   Northern Ireland Market Commentary

14   Regeneration Sites

23   Logistics / Manufacturing Sites

32   Tourism / Leisure / Residential Sites

42   Further Information
Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast
Why Invest in the
Belfast Region?

Excellent Transport                             Competitive
Infrastructure                                  Operating Costs

– Companies can easily do business with        – Salary costs are lower than in the rest
   their customer base around the world.           of the UK, and around 30 per cent lower
                                                   than other European locations such as
– Belfast’s two airports have daily               London, Dublin and Paris.
   scheduled flights to destinations
   across the UK and Europe including           – Operating costs overall are lower
   London, Paris and Amsterdam.                    than the rest of the UK and Europe*.
                                                  *FDI benchmarking.

– Belfast Harbour is the second busiest
   port on the island of Ireland.               – Prime office rents are among the lowest
                                                   in Western Europe and compare very
                                                   favourably with other regions in the UK
                                                   and the Republic of Ireland.

Location                                        – The overall tax burden in Northern Ireland
                                                   is the lowest of all the major European
                                                   economies. Corporation tax (19 per cent)
– Operates in the same time zone and
                                                   is among the lowest in Europe.
   regulatory environment as the rest
   of the UK.

– Easily accessible location. London is
   only an hour away by air, with Dublin only   Excellent Digital
   two hours by rail and road from Belfast.

– Two airports and direct daily flights to a
   variety of European business locations.
                                                – The first region in Europe to achieve
                                                   100 per cent broadband coverage.
– Northern Ireland is the only part of
   the UK that shares a land border with
                                                – A resilient, digital network provides
   a Euro participant (Republic of Ireland).
                                                   high-speed voice and data connections
                                                   throughout the world.

Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast
Highly Skilled                                          Wide Range of
Talented Workforce                                      Development Opportunities

– The Region provides access to over 1 million         – The Region’s strategic location on the eastern
   people - more than half of the Northern Ireland         economic corridor of Ireland, makes it one of
   population. It generates approximately £47,000          the most industrious and ambitious regions
   GVA per head and has a productivity of around           on the island, best placed to take advantage of
   6% higher than the NI average.                          its cross-border location and ports linkage to
                                                           Britain and beyond.
– A total of 61% of all jobs in Northern Ireland are
   based within the Region and it has a high level      – Across the Partner Councils, a whole series
   of educational outcome in comparison to the             of local & regional projects, programmes and
   rest of Northern Ireland.                               initiatives are being driven forward to try to
                                                           transform and regenerate the wider region.
– There is a clear vision of inclusive economic
   growth that delivers more and better jobs.           – Through cooperation, investment has been
   Improved skills aligned to opportunities for            secured to take forward a number of the most
   business growth have been identified by the             strategic flagship projects, but there are many
   Council partners as a key priority to continuing        more opportunities still to be realised across
   investment in our workforce.                            the region.

Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast
The Belfast Region
City Deal (BRCD)

Belfast is home to Northern Ireland’s capital city and home to over
1 million people. The Belfast Region comprises of six local authorities:

The population consists of a young, ambitious and         Targeted Sectors
growing region with more than 550,000 people
under the age of 40. There are two excellent          The Belfast Region City Deal Partners,
universities supporting the education of 45,000       which includes the six local authorities, two
students, as well as four regional colleges, with a   universities and four further education colleges
combined total of more than 110,000 students.         have agreed a programme focused on the
                                                      following main target sectors:
In 2017, 56.8% of Northern Ireland’s active           – Financial, Business and Professional Services
business base was located within the region,
                                                      – Agri-Food
generating a total GVA of approximately
£24,320m and provides critical access and             – Digital and Creative Technologies
transport links for trade and tourism.                –	Advanced Manufacturing, Materials
                                                            and Engineering
                                                      – Life and Health Sciences
                                                      – Tourism
                                                      – Construction and Materials Handling
                                                      -     Clean Growth and Clean Technology

                                                      The Belfast Region has seen considerable
                                                      strengths across these sectors. To maintain
                                                      progress, investment will be needed in research
                                                      and development, innovation and digital
                                                      capabilities, technology, skills and infrastructure.

Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast
                                                  Belfast: Renewed Ambition is a unique
                                                  collaboration between Belfast City Council and
                                                  a number of strategic public and private sector
                                                  partners from across Northern Ireland. The
                                                  initiative launched in October 2020 with the
 What is the Belfast Region City Deal?
                                                  aim of building upon the success that Belfast
The Belfast Region City Deal (BRCD) comprises     and the Belfast city region has enjoyed in real
a £850 million co-investment package for the      estate growth and investment in recent years, by
city region. UK Government has contributed        showcasing the wide range of opportunities here
£350 million and as part of the deal, the NI      for real estate investors, developers and occupiers.
Executive is expected to add at least a further
£350 million and six councils and universities    Belfast: Renewed Ambition has five key
will contribute over £150 million. It is hoped
                                                  pillars; stakeholder engagement, research,
that the deal will create up to 20,000 new
                                                  communications, development of a knowledge
and better jobs alongside delivering a 10 year
                                                  repository and finally, a programme of dynamic
programme of inclusive economic growth –
including an increase of £470m Gross Value        virtual events. The series of events draws upon
Added (GVA).                                      local and internationally-respected experts to
                                                  highlight our sectoral strengths, tell our city
The BRCD partners have agreed four                region’s story of success and draw attention to the
key investment pillars:                           key selling points that set the Belfast city region
                                                  apart from other major cities across the UK and
– Infrastructure                                  Ireland, such as talent, location, connectivity, cost
– Tourism and Regeneration                        of living and quality of life.

– Innovation and Digital

– Employment and Skills

Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast
Innovation & Digital                             Employability & Skills

Innovation & Digital – Investments in            Employability & Skills – The BRCD
innovation and digital capability will deliver   partners, working with the Northern Ireland
projects such as:                                Departments, propose to invest £30 million
                                                 in a package to ensure that the right skills
– The Global Institute (GII)                     are still available to support the growth that
                                                 is going to be created.
– The Centre for Digital Healthcare
   technology (CDHT)
                                                 This package will include establishing an
– The Institute for Research Excellence in      Employability and Skills Partnership, for
   Advanced Clinical healthcare (i-REACH)        the delivery of a transformative, inclusive
– The Advanced Manufacturing Innovation         employability and skills programme, a City
   Centre (AMIC)                                 Deal Apprenticeship Programme and a
– The Screen and Media Innovation Lab            Digital Skills Programme.
– The Regional Innovators Network
                                                 The investment will also include a
– Smart District and Testbeds
                                                 programme that will provide support for
– The Infrastructure Enabling Fund               those who are economically inactive into
– i4C Innovation Centre                          sustainable employment.

Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast
Infrastructure                                    Tourism & Regeneration

Infrastructure – This investment will             Tourism and Regeneration – The Belfast Region
play a crucial role in connecting people living   partners will deliver a number of world-class visitor
in the more deprived areas of the region to key   attractions spread across the region, supported by
employment centres. The planned investments       re-imagined towns and cities to create a stronger,
include, the Southern Relief Road, Phase II       more cohesive tourism experience which inspires
Belfast Rapid Transit and a pedestrian and        people to visit, stay longer and return more often.
cycle-bridge across the River Lagan which         Projects that will be included in this are:
will improve access into Belfast City Centre.
                                                  – Belfast Destination Hub
                                                  – Gateway to the Mournes
                                                  – Hillsborough Castle & Gardens,
                                                     including Hillsborough Village
                                                  – The Gobbins
                                                  – Bangor Waterfront Regeneration
                                                     (see page 34)
                                                  – St. Patricks Barracks (see page 22)
                                                  – Newry City Centre Regeneration
                                                  – Carrickfergus Regeneration

Belfast Region Investment Guide - Invest in Belfast
Northern Ireland
Market Commentary

     1.88m               26%                        28%
     people              aged 16-34                 aged 35-54

The Belfast city region is         The strong digital infrastructure, highly skilled talent pool and the
a compelling investment            resilience of our people who have a unbridled spirit to succeed are
                                   also key reasons to invest. The region has a strong track record in
proposition, perfectly             investment and reinvestment, five years of growth momentum in real
positioned post-Brexit with        estate, and has seen exponential growth in the tourism, hospitality
unique strengths including         and food and beverage sectors in recent years.

the competitive advantage of       In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the
access to EU and GB markets,       global economy. Many sectors have been negatively affected by the
and connections to international   stalled economy and uncertainty, however others have been relatively
                                   insulated or even seen growth (such as online retail). After a five year
markets such as the US.            upward trend, Northern Ireland has seen an inevitable slow down with
                                   reductions in rents and prices in the real estate sector. However, the
                                   Belfast region is well placed with strong investment opportunities as
                                   we adapt and move forward.


                                   In 2019, NI welcomed 5.3m visitors, who spent a record breaking £1bn
                                   (8% more compared with 2018). Overnight trips to Northern Ireland by
                                   external visitors was estimated to be in excess of £3 million.
                                   Tourism in Northern Ireland is set to rebound strongly after 2020
                                   as restrictions lift and the region remains a highly appealing visitor
                                   destination. It is well placed to capitalise on heightened demand for
                                   staycations from the domestic, NI and ROI markets in the short term,
                                   and the return of international visitors.

                                   £1billion £3m
                                   expenditure from                     Overnight visitors
                                   5.3 million trips                    from outside NI


                                                                                       The pandemic has evidenced the
                                                                                       elemental role of the logistics sector
                                                                                       to keep food and goods moving. We
                                                                                       expect 2021 to bring further focus
                                                                                       on building more resilient supply
                                                                                       chains, increasing safety stocks
                                                                                       and diversifying suppliers to prevent
                                                                                       future disruptions. This restructure
                                                                                       of logistics networks will require
                                                                                       additional warehousing space in the
                                                                                       UK and will include additional space
                                                                                       needed in Northern Ireland.

                                                                                       These pressures will be overlaid
                                                                                       on expanding demand from online
                                                                                       retailers who are benefiting from
     Office                                   Investment                               the lasting effects of Covid-19 on
                                                                                       consumer behaviour. Retailers
    After several record years of take-      In 2019 the market has seen an            wanting to preserve market share
    up, 2020 like all global markets,        increase in transaction volumes           will need to continue to secure
    has seen Belfast record a low-           year-on-year, with almost £212 million    warehouse space to expand their
    level of take-up with a total of         being invested across 32 separate         online channels.
    29 transactions for the full year        transactions. Notable investments in
    equating to 13,091 sqm (140,911 sqft).   2019 included Sprucefield Retail Park     Generally, the Industrial market has
    The Belfast region is well placed to     in Lisburn and Crescent Link Retail       seen a strong increase in demand
    accommodate collaberative working        Park in Derry, which were sold for £40    for warehouse space in the past
    spaces that will be in demand for        million and £30 million respectively,     year, limited development over the
    the future of office space. Within       as well as the Gateway Office             past 10 years and the surge in online
    the region, a range of development       Building at Titanic Quarter, which was    retailing has led to competition for
    opportunities exist which are ideal      purchased for over £34 million.           space, with rental levels increasing.
    for new ways of working.                                                           Occupier requirements remain
                                             Investment spend over the year half       strong and as a consequence there

                                             of 2020 by investors totalled £57.3       is demand for future development in
                                             million, with the full year equating      the Industrial sector.
                                             to £136 million, a decrease of 36%
H2 2020 take-up                              from 2019, but the region is well         The most significant transaction
                                             placed as we emerge from pandemic         in 2020 was the construction and

13,091sqm                                    restrictions with a number of assets
                                             that are ready for sale.
                                                                                       occupation by Amazon of their last
                                                                                       mile distribution facility at Titanic
2020 full year take-up                                                                 Quarter. The building totalled
                                                                                       100,000 sqft with a multi storey 479

                                              Residential                              space van car park.
                                             The latest Ulster University Northern
                                             Ireland Quarterly House Price Index       Industrial rents reflect £3.50 - £4.50
Rents psf new build Grade A
                                             Q3 2020 confirms the affordability of     psf for existing stock with new build

                                             the market in Northern Ireland with       £6.00 - £7.00 psf.
                                             an annual increase of 3.5% and a
                                             quarterly increase of 3.4%. The average   The Brexit Opportunity
Rents psf refurbished                        house price is £179,951 with 2,273        - Northern Ireland has the only
                                             transactions in 2020. This growth            UK land border with the
                                             appears to be driven by increased            European Union.
    2019 saw very strong performance
                                             activity in the semi-detached and new     - NI will retain tariff-free access
    performance in Belfast although
                                             build sectors.                               to the EU.
    figures are down on the record
                                                                                       - Northern Ireland remains in the
    breaking total of 2018 which saw
                                                                                          EU’s single market for goods.

    64 deals concluded, equating to
    48,066 sqm (517,380 sqft) of
                                             Annual house
                                             price increase
Antrim and                             Ards and                               Lisburn &
Newtownabbey                           North Down                             Castlereagh
Borough Council                        Borough Council                        City Council
Antrim and Newtownabbey is a           Adjacent to Belfast, Ards and          The Lisburn & Castlereagh City
modern, dynamic and fast-growing       North Down Borough Council             Council occupies nearly 200 sq.
urban borough on the immediate         includes two urban centres Bangor      miles of land, with approximately
periphery to Belfast. As the central   and Newtownards located just           146,000 residents. The area
logistical heartland of Northern       20 minutes from the city. Also         is 9 miles outside Belfast,
Ireland we have an enviable            covering the southern shores of        strategically located on the
reputation as a great place to         Belfast Lough, the scenic Ards         two main north south economic
invest and do business.                Pennisula and Strangford Lough,        corridors, and home to a number
                                       it is an area of outstanding natural   of major employers and FDI
Comprising 710sq kms from the          beauty and wildlife diversity. With    companies. This includes
shores of Lough Neagh in the west      excellent connectivity, a talented     Coca-Cola, ASSA ABLOY,
to the shores of Belfast Lough in      workforce, strong industry base        Montupet, Causeway Aero
the east, our borough provides         and vibrant tourism offering, it is    Group, The Camlin Group,
a key strategic position within        rich in investment opportunities.      Smiley Monroe and Decora Blinds.
Northern Ireland and Ireland.
                                       Number 1 for full fibre broadband      An exciting city centre
With a population of approximately     connectivity in NI, number 2 in        Masterplan has been developed
142,500 people we are home             the UK (Connected Nations 2019-        to drive investment in the city
to Belfast International Airport,      Ofcom). Home to approximately          centre. Popular tourist attractions
owned by worldwide operator            160,900 residents, accounting          in the city include Hillsborough
VINCI Airports, with over 6.2m         for 8.5% of Northern Ireland’s         Castle and Gardens, the official
passengers and 60 destinations         population and a highly skilled        residence of the Royal family
serviced per year.                     workforce. A hub for key sectors       in Northern Ireland; Dundonald
                                       such as Creative Industries,           International Ice Bowl, Northern
The borough includes two very          Agrifood and Advanced                  Ireland’s only indoor ice skating
popular retail areas, namely The       Manufacturing, it is the chosen        facility; Lagan Valley LeisurePlex,
Junction Retail & Leisure Park and     location for global leaders across     regional sports facility and the
The Abbey Centre. There are also       a diverse range of industries          popular regional shopping centre
three higher education facilities      including internationally renowned     Sprucefield Retail Park.
including Ulster University, CAFRE     businesses such as Denman,
Agricultural College (Greenmount)      Denroy, Whale, Mash Direct and
and the Northern Regional College.     Lakeland Dairies.

                                       Key tourist attractions include
                                       National Trust’s Mount Stewart,
                                       Pickie Funpark, Castle Espie,
                                       Ulster Folk and Transport Museum,
                                       Crawfordsburn Country Park and
                                       Scrabo Tower.
Mid and                                 Newry, Mourne
East Antrim                             and Down
Borough Council                         District Council
Mid and East Antrim Borough             Newry, Mourne and Down District
Council has approximately               Council occupies the southeast of
138,000 residents. This area has        Northern Ireland, which includes
ease of access to both Belfast          southern County Armagh and a
International and Belfast City          large part of County Down. The
airports approximately 30 minutes       area is strategically placed, being
away. The area stretches from the       approximately 45 minutes from
River Bann in the west to the Antrim    both Belfast and Dublin on the A1
coast taking in part of the Antrim      Euro Route. This district council
Glens as well as the major towns of     has a population of approximately
Ballymena, Larne (a sea port) and       107,000 people.
                                        It incorporates the majestic
Mid and East Antrim is an               Mourne Mountains an area of
ambitious, forward-thinking and         outstanding natural beauty and has
well-connected region primed for        an extensive coastline stretching
economic growth and international       from Strangford Lough to
investment. The Borough has a very      Carlingford Lough.
strong industrial base and is home
to exceptional talent and significant
retail centres, complemented by
rich tourism. The area is renowned
as the traditional heartland of
manufacturing in Northern Ireland.

Tourist attractions within this
council include, The Gobbins
coastal walkway, Causeway Coastal
Route, The Galgorm Spa and Golf
Resort and the Magheramourne
Quarry that features in Game of

Balloo Road
Type of Opportunity

Former NIE lands,
Balloo Road, Bangor

Council Area
Ards and North Down
Borough Council

Site Size
7.70 acres / 3.1 hectares

Contact Information
Susie McCullough
+44 (0)300 013 3333

Location                                Description
The subject lands are located on        The subject lands consist of
the Balloo Road, approx. 3.2kms         7.7 acres / 3.1 hectares.
(2 miles) from Bangor town centre
and approx. 21kms (13 miles)            The subject lands are zoned as
from Belfast city centre.               existing employment by the
Belfast International Airport is        area plan.
approximately 48kms (30 miles)
and Belfast City Airport                Potential Uses
approximately 16kms (10 miles).         The subject lands would be
                                        suitable for industrial or as an
The Balloo Road is well serviced with   office development. In particular,
public transport with buses running     this location would be suitable
to Belfast Laganside Bus Centre.        for an innovation/light industrial
Bangor train station provides           or business units to support
services running from Bangor to         economic regeneration.
Belfast every half hour at peak

Type of Opportunity

Adjacent Castlebawn
Retail Park, Newtownards

Council Area
Ards and North Down
Borough Council

Site Size
47.0 acres / 19.02 hectares

Contact Information
Richard Steenson - Killultagh Estates
+44 (0)28 9027 8899

Location                                  Description
The subject site is in a highly           Castlebawn comprises a mixture        Additional opportunities are under
prominent location with immediate         of greenfield and brownfield          consideration for example a hotel,
access off the bypass south of the        sites, which are generally level in   showrooms, trade counter retail
town and connecting the main A20          topography, and benefits from         and c. 13,935 sqm / 150,000 sqft
Belfast Road to the A21 Comber            historic and new planning consents    workplace business park and
Road and on to the A20 Portaferry         for a wide variety of uses.           for the creation of a retirement
Road. Located adjacent to the                                                   village, incorporating medical
established Castlebawn Retail Park,       Potential Uses                        facilities, spa and wellbeing
approx. 20-minute drive to Belfast        Former factory site comprising        centre, together with ‘assisted
City Airport and Belfast city centre is   c. 16 acres Historic Bawn Wall        living’ residential development.
accessible within 30 minutes.             and adjacent South Streets sites,
                                          with opportunity for residential
The area is well serviced with public     development of c. 200 units.
transport with regular buses to and       Planning permission has been
from Belfast city centre.                 granted for an 80 bed nursing home,
                                          and coffee shop drive through
                                          restaurants with car parking.

Crepe Weavers
Type of Opportunity

Crepe Weavers,
Comber Road, Newtownards

Council Area
Ards and North Down
Borough Council

Site Size
25 acres / 10.1 hectares

Contact Information
Simon Brien
+44 (0)28 9066 8888

Stuart Draffin
+44 (0)28 9026 9215

Location                               Description
The subject site is located at the     The subject consists of a              plan is currently going out for
top of Strangford Lough on the         brownfield former industrial site      consultation for an updated
Comber Road, approx. 1.6km (1 mile)    which has now been cleared.            mixed-use regeneration scheme
from Newtownards town centre.                                                 on the brownfield site. The site is
The subject site benefits from ease    The subject lands are zoned            seen as a ‘gateway’ into the town.
of access to Belfast City Airport      as existing industry in the            The updated scheme proposes
approximately 14.5kms (9 miles),       area plan.                             industrial, leisure, retail and
and Belfast International airport                                             residential elements.
29kms (18 miles). Belfast Port being   Potential Uses
22.5kms (14 miles) from the subject    Outline planning permission
lands.                                 was granted on 15th June 2015,
                                       for a mixed-use development
Newtownards is serviced with buses     to include residential, nursing
running from Newtownards bus           home, hotel, petrol filling station,
station approx. 1.6km (1 mile) from    neighbourhood centre, leisure,
the subject, running to Belfast        business and light industrial park
city centre and Bangor.                uses. A further outline master

Downpatrick Police Station
Type of Opportunity

Downpatrick Police Station,
Irish Street Site

Council Area
Newry, Mourne and
Down District Council

Site Size
1.93 acres / 0.78 hectares

Contact Information
Conor Mallon
+44 (0)330 137 4000

The subject lands are located just
off Irish Street. The site has ease
of access to road networks with
Belfast (22 miles), Newry (30 miles)              $
and Dublin (100 miles).                                                                                                       IR





The site is well serviced by public                                                                                                                   ET

transport with buses running from

Belfast and Newry.

The subject lands consist of an
existing Council owned car park and
former Police Station site as owed
by the Department of Communities

Potential Uses
The subject lands would be suitable

for a variety of uses given its town

centre location.                                                                                                                    Y       LE
                                                                                                                            N    DO
                                                                                                                                                                                 7815.40 M²

                                                                                                                                                                    1:875        1.93 Acres

                                       This material is Crown Copyright and is reproduced with the permission of Land & Property Services under delegated authority from the Controller of Her Majesty’s   17
                                        Stationery Office. © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 CS&LA156.
Knockbracken Health Park
Type of Opportunity         Location                              Potential Uses
Regeneration                Knockbracken Health Park is           The subject lands have potential
                            situated on land zoned for mixed      uses for key healthcare/life science
Address                     use and major employment.             park, hi-tech business centre, and
Knockbracken Health Park,   The subject lands benefits            residential care and medical or
Saintfield Road, Belfast    from ease of access to the M1         health services.
                            Motorway, with Belfast City Centre
Council Area                approximately 5 miles from the
Lisburn & Castlereagh       subject.
City Council
Site Size                   The subject lands currently
276 acres / 111 hectares    comprise a range of hospital
                            buildings in an attractive parkland
Contact Information         and semi-rural setting.
Hazel King
+44 (0)7711 225 923

Laganbank Quarter, Lisburn
Type of Opportunity

Laganbank Quarter, Lisburn

Council Area
Lisburn & Castlereagh
City Council

Site Size
12.6 hectares
Up to 40,000 sqm office
300 - 400 car parking
4000 - 5000 sqm retail & leisure
600 residential units

Contact Information
Hazel King
+44 (0)7711 225 923

Location                               Description
This opportunity is situated           The Laganbank Quarter comprises
within the heart of Lisburn City       of a number of redevelopment
Centre, in close proximity to the      opportunities in varying sizes,
beautiful River Lagan. Lisburn is      all within the city centre or on
situated approximately 9 miles         the banks of the River Lagan.
from the capital city Belfast,         Development briefs have been
with ease of access to Belfast         prepared for a number of priority
International and Belfast City         sites within the proposed
Airport (both within a 25-minute       development area.
drive). A popular city to work and
live in, Lisburn is well serviced by   Potential Uses
the main road and rail networks        The subject sites have potential for
connecting Northern Ireland and        a number of uses, including office
the Republic of Ireland.               accommodation, retail and leisure,
                                       hotel and residential.

North Street, Newry
Type of Opportunity

North Street, Newry

Council Area
Newry, Mourne and
Down District Council

Site Size
1.8 acres / 0.75 hectares

Contact Information
Conor Mallon
+44 (0)330 137 4000


                                                                                                                 7423.08 M²
The subject site is located on
North Street in the town centre of                                   UE
Newry, adjacent to the Abbey Way                                   EN                        EE T
                                                                 AV                                 TR
junction and the main shopping                              ES
                                                       AR                                           S
area spanning Hill Street. Newry city
                                                 .   CL
                                               ST                                                        HI
centre is positioned approx
37 miles from Belfast city centre
and approx 62 miles from Dublin.

Newry is well serviced by public
transport with bus and the train
stations within walking distance.

Description                                                                      H ST R
The site is a cleared brownfield                                          NORT
space, ripe for redevelopment.

Potential Uses
The subject lands would be suitable
for a variety of uses, including retail,

office accommodation, a hotel or
for housing.

St Patricks Barracks, Ballymena
                                                                                                                                                                                  Type of Opportunity

                                                                                                                                                                                  St Patrick’s Barracks,

                                                                                                                                                                                  Council Area
                                                                                                                                                                                  Mid and East Antrim
                                                                                                                                                                                  Borough Council

                                                                                                                                                                                  Site Size
                                                                                                                                                                                  37 acres / 15 hectares

                                                                                                                                                                                  Contact Information
                                                                                                                                                                                  Karen Hastings
                                                                                                                                                                                  +44 (0)28 2563 3545                    St Patrick’s Barracks
              This material is Crown Copyright and is reproduced with the permission of Land & Property Services under delegated authority from the Controller of Her Majesty’s
 1.83 Acres

                                                                                                                                                                                  The subject lands are located 0.5

                                                                                                                                                                                  miles from Ballymena town centre,
                                                                                                                                                                                  the site has easy access to Belfast
                                                                                                                                                                                  via the M2 Motorway approx 1.4
                                                                                                                                                                                  miles from the site. The subject
                                                                                                                                                                                  site is well serviced with public
                                                                                                                                                                                  transport with Ballymena train
                                                                                                                                                                                  station being approx. 0.8 miles        i4C Innovation Centre
               Stationery Office. © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 CS&LA156.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Description                           Potential Uses
                                                                                                                                                                                  The subject site includes a former    The subject site has an approved
                                                                                                                                                                                  Ministry of Defence barracks with     planning permission for the
                                                                                                                                                                                  military buildings, infrastructure    development of housing, however
                                                                                                                                                                                  and a parade ground, as well as       the land is suitable for alternative
                                                                                                                                                                                  large areas of land suitable for      uses to include an innovation centre
                                                                                                                                                                                  development.                          for technology businesses.

Lisnafillan Lands, Ballymena
Type of Opportunity

Galgorm Road, Ballymena

Council Area
Mid and East Antrim
Borough Council

Site Size
38.5 acres / 15.5 hectares

Contact Information
Karen Hastings
+44 (0)28 2563 3545

Situated in Galgorm village on
the outskirts of Ballymena, the
subject site extends to 38.5 acres
and has significant development
potential for a range of uses. The
site is well connected to the main
arterial routes, ports and airports.
Serviced by bus, it is just 0.3 miles
from Ballymena Train Station with
regular services to the North Antrim
Coast,Londonderry and the greater
Belfast area.

The subject site is made up of          Potential Uses
agricultural lands which border the     The site presents an exciting
Ballymena Development Limit within      development opportunity in close
the Mid and East Antrim Industrial      proximity to existing industrial lands
and Economic Land Monitor 2018.         with any proposed development
The subject site sits alongside         subject to relevant planning
developed industrial lands and is       permission being obtained.
situated within close proximity to
the Galgorm Industrial Estate, which
is zoned for industrial use.

Ballymena Industrial Opportunities
Type of Opportunity
Logistics / Manufacturing

Woodside Road Industrial
Estate, Ballymena

Silverwood Business
Park, Ballymena

Council Area
Mid and East Antrim
Borough Council
                                       Woodside Road Industrial Estate

Site Size
Woodside Road
Industrial Estate
86.5 acres / 35 hectares

100 acres / 40.5 hectares

Contact Information
Karen Hastings
+44 (0)28 2563 3545
                                       Silverwood Business Park

Location                              Description
The subject lands are located         The subject comprises of a mix
within 3 miles of Ballymena town      of greenfield land together with
centre and benefit from ease of       office, warehouse, industrial and
access to the M2 motorway via         manufacturing accommodation.
Junction 11. Belfast is approx 28
miles away, Belfast International     Potential Uses
Airport approx 17 miles and Belfast   The existing lands present
City Airport approx 30 miles. Both    opportunities for new warehouse/
Belfast and Larne Ports are within    industrial accommodation suitable
a 30-minute drive of this location.   for storage and distribution
                                      and manufacturing.

Belfast International Airport
Type of Opportunity
Logistics / Manufacturing

Belfast International Airport

Council Area
Antrim and Newtownabbey
Borough Council

Site Size
100 acres / 40.5 hectares

Contact Information
Craig Mullan
+44 (0)28 9034 0052

Location                                 Potential Uses
The subject lands are located at         The lands at BIA would be suitable
Belfast International Airport (BIA),     for a wide range of uses such as,
18 miles north-west of Belfast. BIA      manufacturing and distribution,
is the main gateway to Northern          aviation related industries,
Ireland and to the north of the Island   including aircraft maintenance
of Ireland. Road access to BIA is        hangars, research and design
provided via the A57, connecting         facilities, offices and call centres,
to Belfast City Centre via the M2        or leisure/hotel use. BIA has
motorway. BIA is well serviced by        recently completed a masterplan
public transport, with buses to and      for the site, which includes outline
from Belfast City Centre, Antrim,        planning permission.
Lisburn and Crumlin.

BIA accommodates approximately
250 businesses with over 5,000
employees, including national and
multinational brands. BIA is the
10th largest airport in the UK with
over 6 million passengers per year.

Carnmeen Lands
Type of Opportunity         Location
Logistics / Manufacturing   The lands are located immediately       and Belfast and their airports
                            adjacent to the Invest Northern         and ports, as well as access to
Address                     Ireland lands at Newry, which offers    potential employees from both
Carnmeen Lands, Newry       opportunities for collaboration,        locations, is a very significant
                            creating synergies and the sharing      advantage of this location for
Council Area                service provision. The lands have       potential occupiers and investors.
Newry, Mourne and           direct access to the M1/A1 Euroroute.
Down District Council                                               Potential Uses
                            Description                             Potential uses for this site include
Site Size                   The subject lands offer a unique        industrial logistics, manufacturing
40 acres / 16 hectares      opportunity to develop a dynamic,       and offices. The current planning
                            employment generating business          application is for B1 office and B2
Contact Information         and education campus on a large         Light Industrial.
Conor Mallon                greenfield site. The land is in a
+44 (0)330 137 4000         strategic location with profile and     direct access onto the Dublin
                            Belfast M1 corridor at Newry. The
                            connectivity to the cities of Dublin

Carrickfergus Industrial Opportunities
Type of Opportunity
Logistics / Manufacturing

South West Carrickfergus,

Kilroot Business Park, Carrickfergus

Council Area
Mid and East Antrim
Borough Council

                                        South West Carrickfergus
Site Size
South West
223 acres / 90.2 hectares

60 acres / 24.3 hectares

Contact Information
Karen Hastings
+44 (0)28 2563 3545

                                        Kilroot Business Park

Location                               Description                         Potential Uses
The subject lands are both within      The combined total area of both     There is potential for new industrial
approx 2 miles from Carrickfergus      sites is 283 acres. In Kilroot      developments for the logistics and
town centre. Carrickfergus is          Business Park there are currently   manufacturing sectors. The sites are
located approx 12 miles from           a mixture of uses including,        zoned for employment in the area plan.
Belfast city centre, approx 21 miles   warehouses, industrial, office,
from Belfast International Airport,    a café and a gym together with
approx 13 miles from Belfast City      potential development lands.
Airport and approx 10 miles from       South West Carrickfergus also
the Port of Belfast.                   includes greenfield land that is
                                       zoned for employment under the
The subject area is well serviced      Local Area Plan.
with public transport with buses
and trains going to and from
Belfast city centre.

Corrs Corner and Global Point
Type of Opportunity             Location                               Description
Logistics / Manufacturing       The subject sites are accessible       The subject lands comprise
                                via Sandyknowes Junction of the        of a range of greenfield sites.
Address                         M2 Motorway at Mallusk, 8.5 miles
Corrs Corner and Global Point   north-west of Belfast. Mallusk         Potential Uses
Business Park, Newtownabbey     is Northern Ireland’s premier          The subject sites are suitable
                                industrial location and provides       for a variety of uses and can be
Council Area                    ease of access to the Belfast/Dublin   divided into smaller plot sizes. The
Antrim and Newtownabbey         corridor or north to Londonderry.      suitable uses are, manufacturing,
Borough Council                 Public transport is provided by        research and design, distribution
                                several buses running to Belfast and   and offices. The sites are zoned as
Site Size                       around the Newtownabbey area.          an area for employment within the
150 acres / 60 hectares         Mosley West train station is located   Local Development Plan.
                                less than a mile from the site.
Contact Information
Craig Mullan
+44 (0)28 9034 0052

Knockmore Lissue Lands
Type of Opportunity              Location                              Potential Uses
Logistics / Manufacturing        Knockmore/Lissue is located           The subject lands have potential for
                                 adjacent to Knockmore Hill            a range of uses to include logistics
Address                          Industrial Estate, close to a major   hub, advanced manufacturing with
Knockmore / Lissue Industrial,   arterial route into Lisburn city.     ancillary office accommodation.
Lisburn                          The subject site is situated approx
                                 2 miles west from Lisburn City
Council Area                     Centre and 9 miles south from
Lisburn & Castlereagh            Belfast City Centre.
City Council
Site Size                        The subject site comprises 32 acres
32 acres / 1 2.9 hectares        of industrial land, with the land
                                 being zoned employment land
Contact Information              under the local devlopment plan.
Hazel King
+44 (0)7711 225 923

Mallusk North and South
Type of Opportunity            Location                               Description
Logistics / Manufacturing      The subject lands are located on       The subject lands comprise of
                               the Antrim Road in Mallusk, which      approx 99 acres of greenfield
Address                        is one of Northern Ireland’s premier   land with access from the
Mallusk, North and South       industrial locations. Mallusk is a     Antrim Road. The lands lie North
Antrim Road, Newtownabbey      long established and favoured          and South of the Antrim Road,
                               location for manufacturing and         with 44 acres north of Antrim
Council Area                   distribution companies due to its      Road and 65 acres south of
Antrim and Newtownabbey        unparalleled access to Northern        Antrim Road. The lands are
Borough Council                Ireland’s motorway network and         zoned for employment use under
                               proximity to Larne (16 miles),         the Local Development Plan.
Site Size                      Belfast Harbour (8 miles), Belfast
99.5 acres / 40.28 hectares    International Airport (9 miles) and    Potential Uses
                               Belfast City Airport (10 miles).       The subject lands would
Contact Information                                                   be suitable for a variety of
Craig Mullan                   Public transport is available in the   industrial/warehouse uses
+44 (0)28 9034 0052            form of buses, which run between       such as manufacturing or
Craig.mullan@                  Belfast and Ballymena via the          storage and distribution.   Antrim Road.

Nutts Corner Commercial Park
Type of Opportunity            Location                                 Potential Uses
Logistics / Manufacturing      Nutts Corner Commercial                  Suitable potential uses for this
                               Park is located at Nutts Corner          site include logistics and
Address                        Roundabout, with ease of access          manufacturing facilities. The site
Nutts Corner Commercial        to the M1 Motorway at Moira              comprises planning permission
Park, Nutts Corner, Antrim     Roundabout. The site is located          for a distribution park, suitable for
                               approx 12 miles from Belfast             design and build opportunities.
Council Area                   city centre. The location also
Antrim and Newtownabbey        provides ease of access to Belfast
Borough Council                International and City Airport as well
                               as, both Belfast and Larne Ports.
Site Size
34 acres / 13.7 hectares       Description
                               The site comprises of 34 acres.
Contact Information            Full planning permission was
Craig Mullan                   granted in 2013 for a 390,000 sqft
+44 (0)28 9034 0052            / 36,232 sqm distribution park.
Craig.mullan@                  A 30,000 sqft warehouse was   completed in 2018 for Cosentino.

Port of Larne
Type of Opportunity
Logistics / Manufacturing

Port of Larne, Larne

Council Area
Mid and East Antrim
Borough Council

Site Size
52 acres / 21 hectares

Contact Information
Karen Hastings
+44 (0)28 2563 3545

Location                                 Description
The subject sites are located            The total site consists of 52 acres
south-east to Larne town centre,         of land and 20 of which are utilised
The Port of Larne is well connected      for cargo operations. The current
to the main arterial routes to           existing accommodation includes a
Belfast and Airports. The subject        mixture of uses, including warehouse,
lands have ease of access to             industrial and retail operations.
Belfast International Airport
approx. 24 miles and Belfast City        Potential Uses
Airport approx. 25 miles.                The subject site has potential for
                                         logistics and manufacturing uses.
The subject lands are well serviced
with the Larne Harbour Train
Station, with hourly trains to Belfast
city centre and a bus stop which
provides regular services
to Larne town centre.

Eikon Exhibition and
Events Centre at Balmoral Park
Type of Opportunity
Tourism / Major Events
and Regeneration

Eikon Exhibition Centre,
Balmoral Park, Halftown
Road, Lisburn, BT27 5RD

Council Area
Lisburn & Castlereagh
City Council

Site Size
65 acres / 23.3 hectares

Contact Information
Hazel King
+44 (0)7711 225 923

Location                             deliver more than £300 million        and all within a 90 minute drive of
Located within the Maze Long         investment and become a global        4 million people, with 4,000
Kesh regeneration site, the Eikon    ‘best in class’ project with social   free car parking spaces.
Exhibition Centre at Balmoral        and economic regeneration
Park is Northern Ireland’s largest   at its core thereby bringing          Potential Uses
events venue.                        tangible benefits to all.             The Eikon Exhibition Centre at
                                                                           Balmoral Park is currently home
The subject site is located          Description                           to The Balmoral Show, Ireland’s
approx. 12.5 miles from Belfast      The Eikon Centre and Balmoral         largest agricultural show,
city centre and 1 mile from the      Park have been designed               attracting crowds of over 100,000
regional shopping hub that is        to facilitate major outdoor           visitors during the annual 4-day
Sprucefield at the junction of the   attractions and demonstrations.       event.
M1 motorway for easy access to       The indoor venues, totalling
Belfast and Dublin. The venue’s      10,600 sqm of flexible space,
ideal location means that it is      are purpose-built for large
accessible for both the urban        scale events with dedicated
and rural communities.               infrastructure including
                                     electricity busbar systems,
The Maze Long Kesh                   pressurised water supply
regeneration site has the            throughout the venue, additional
potential to generate 5,000 jobs,    areas for building structures,

Hillsborough, Co. Down
Type of Opportunity              Location                                 Potential Uses
Tourism / Leisure / Recreation   This Georgian village is an emerging     This location is suitable for a variety
                                 world-class heritage destination,        of different uses including tourism,
Address                          thanks to recent investment in           leisure and recreational schemes.
Hillsborough, Co. Down           Hillsborough Castle and Gardens;
                                 the official residence of the Royal
Council Area                     Family in Northern Ireland. The many
Lisburn & Castlereagh            assets of Hillsborough connects
City Council                     the original with the unique and
                                 the Forest located in the heart of
Contact Information              the village, allows visitors to truely
Hazel King                       immerse themselves in nature.
+44 (0)7711 225 923

Bangor Waterfront
Type of Opportunity
Tourism / Leisure / Residential

Bangor Waterfront
Bangor, County Down

Council Area
Ards and North Down
Borough Council

Site Size
39.22 acres / 15.87 hectares

Contact Information
Susie McCullough
+44 (0)300 013 3333

Location                               Description                        Potential Uses
Bangor is a seaside town located       Bangor Waterfront - 3.3kms         At Bangor Waterfront there is the
approx. 21kms (13 miles) from          (2.1 miles) of prime waterfront    potential to redevelop Pickie Fun
Belfast city centre. Belfast City      regeneration with a unique         Park into a national family visitor
Airport is located approx. 18km        range of leisure and tourism       attraction, in addition to a range of
(11 miles) and Belfast International   opportunities.                     leisure and tourism opportunities
Airport being 48km (30 miles) from                                        including redeveloped marina,
Bangor.                                The subject lands have a total     sailing and water sports centre,
                                       of 39.22 acres / 15.87 hectares,   tourism accommodation and
The subject area is well serviced      which is zoned as town centre      family focused attractions.
with public transport with buses       in the area plan.
from Bangor to Belfast and Bangor                                         Located adjacent to Queens’
Bus Station nearby. Bangor Train                                          Parade premier waterfront
Station provides services running                                         regeneration scheme
to Belfast every half an hour at                                          - see page 35
peak times.

Queen’s Parade
Type of Opportunity
Tourism / Leisure / Residential

Queen’s Parade, Bangor

Council Area
Ards and North Down
Borough Council

Site Size
13 acres / 5.26 hectares

Contact Information
Simon Moon
+44 (0)28 9442 5600

Location                              Description
Bangor is a seaside town located      Queen’s Parade - Premier              Queen’s Parade is located
approx. 21kms (13 miles) from         waterfront regeneration               adjacent to Bangor Waterfront -
Belfast city centre. Belfast City     scheme. Subject lands consist         prime regeneration opportunity
Airport is located approx. 18km (11   of approximately 13 acres (5.26       with a unique range of leisure and
miles) and Belfast International      hectares), zoned as town centre       tourism opportunities - see page
Airport 48km (30 miles) from          in the local area plan. This site     34 for details.
Bangor.                               has two distinct parts; Marine
                                      Gardens, a new vibrant public         Potential Uses
The subject area is well serviced     space which overlooks a 600           Queen’s Parade is suitable for a
with public transport with buses      berth marina, and a development       variety of uses including hotels,
from Bangor to Belfast and Bangor     site that offers leisure, hotel and   residential, commercial, retail,
Bus Station nearby. Bangor Train      retail opportunities.                 restaurants and offices.
Station provides services running
to Belfast every half an hour at      Find out more at
peak times.                 

The Junction
Retail and Leisure Park
Type of Opportunity
Tourism / Leisure /
Retail / Residential

The Junction Retail and Leisure
Park, Ballymena Road, Antrim

Council Area
Antrim and Newtownabbey
Borough Council

Site Size
400,000 sqft / 36,800 sqm

Contact Information
Craig Mullan
+44 (0)28 9034 0052

Location                             Description
The Junction Retail and Leisure      Brands on this site include, Nike,   of McDonalds, Nandos and
Park Antrim is a 75 acre site        Next, B&M Bargains, GAP, Beauty      Starbucks Drive Thru as well
located 2 minutes from the           Outlet, The Entertainer, Asics,      as a new public square and
Junction 1 exit off the M22,         Homebase, LIDL and Trespass          entrance road. When completed
20 minutes from Belfast city         as well as a range of eateries       The Junction will be the largest
centre, 10 minutes from Belfast      including, Jakes Cocktail Bar and    retail and leisure destination in
International Airport and 25         Grill, Costa, Subway and Burger      Northern Ireland.
minutes from Belfast City Airport.   King. Also, on site is a 90 bed
990,000 people or 55% of the         Express by Holiday Inn Hotel and     Potential Uses
population of Northern Ireland       a 10 screen Omniplex Maxx            The Junction Retail & Leisure
are within a 45 minute drive time    Cinema and the largest ASDA          Park is a mixed use site with
of The Junction.                     supermarket in Northern Ireland.     opportunities for enhanced
                                                                          retail experiences, leisure and
Public transport in the form         The Junction Retail and Leisure      alternative uses subject to
of buses, run from Belfast to        Park is currently undergoing a       planning.
Coleraine via the Junction Retail    redevelopment project which
and Leisure Park.                    has recently seen the opening

Glenarm Village and
Drumnagreagh Hotel Site
Type of Opportunity
Tourism / Leisure / Residential

Glenarm village
New Road, Glenarm

Dickeystown Road, Glenarm

Council Area
Mid and East Antrim
Borough Council
                                     Glenarm Village
Site Size
Glenarm Investment Sites
14 acres / 5.6 hectares

Drumnagreagh Hotel Site
2.9 acres / 1.2 hectares

Contact Information
Karen Hastings
+44 (0)28 2563 3545

                                     Drumnagreagh Hotel Site

Location                            Description                              Potential Uses
Glenarm village is situated 7       Glenarm village presents an              The subject sites would be
miles from Larne town centre and    opportunity for investment across        suitable for a variety of uses
is located on the world renowned    three sites, Eglinton Yard, the former   to include tourism related
Causeway Coastal Route. The         Fish Factory and the Old Quarry site.    enterprises, leisure uses and
area benefits from ease of access   The Drumnagreagh Hotel site offers       residential development.
to the Belfast airports and port,   a unique tourism development
which are both within 30mins.       opportunity in a stunning location.
The Drumnagreagh hotel site is      The area is located at the beginning
located just off the Coast Road     of the Causeway Coastal Route
between Larne and Glenarm, less     and has also seen a considerable
than two miles from Glenarm         boost in tourism recently due to the
village.                            success of Game of Thrones.

Mourne Park Estate
Type of Opportunity
Tourism / Leisure / Residential

Mourne Park Estate

Council Area
Newry, Mourne and
Down District Council

Site Size
160 acres / 64.7 hectares

Contact Information
Conor Mallon
+44 (0)330 137 4000

                                           CO  E

The subject premises are located
close to the village of Kilkeel,
approximately 15 miles from Newry.
The subject land is situated approx
39 miles from Belfast city centre,
                                                       Y RO

approx 46 miles from Belfast
International Airport and approx
42 miles from Belfast City Airport.

                                                                                                      RT      A

The subject lands include parklands,
woods, fields and paddocks.
The property is ring fenced by the
Coast Road to the south and a
Kilkeel Golf Club to the east, which
was originally part of the estate.

Potential Uses
Potential uses for this site
include tourism related, leisure
and residential uses.
                                                                         M A NMORE
                                                                 DR UM

Whitespots, Bangor
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Type of Opportunity              Location                               Potential Uses
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Tourism / Leisure / Recreation   The subject site is located on the     The subject site is suitable for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bangor Road between Bangor and         variety of different uses. The uses
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Address                          Newtownards, approximately 23 km       which have been suggested are
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Whitespots, Bangor, Co Down      (14 miles) from Belfast city centre.   to bring economic, health and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     educational, community cohesion
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Council Area                     Description                            and other social benefits. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ards and North Down              The subject site is a former mining    subject site is suitable for tourism,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Borough Council                  area. The site was established as      leisure and recreational use.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Whitespots Country Park in 1995
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Site Size                        with ongoing development. Ards and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             80.55 acres / 33 hectares        North Down Borough Council has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              been developing a long-term vision
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Contact Information              for a Regional Park connecting
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Susie McCullough                 Whitespots to the other locations
                                                                                                                                                                                                             +44 (0)300 013 3333              via greenways linking Belfast
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Susie.mccullough@                through Comber; Newtownards;
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Donaghadee and back to Belfast.
                                         This material is Crown Copyright and is reproduced with the permission of Land & Property Services under delegated authority from the Controller of Her Majesty’s
         551726.89 M²

                         136.33 Acres

                                          Stationery Office. © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 CS&LA156.

                                 YM AG

Mount Caulfield Site, Bessbrook
Type of Opportunity
Tourism / Leisure / Residential

Mount Caulfield Site,

Council Area
Newry, Mourne and
Down District Council

Site Size
3.76 acres / 1.52 hectares

Contact Information
Conor Mallon
+44 (0)330 137 4000

Location                             Description
The Mount Caulfield House is         The site consists of 3.76 acres /                 $
situated in the south-east of        1.52 hectares of land, of which
the village of Bessbrook, just off   the historical Mount Caulfield
Fearons Terrace. Bessbrook is        House sits on.                                        M LOUG
                                                                                                            H PARK

situated c 38 miles from Belfast                                                                                                                                                                                   AD
city centre. The site is situated    Potential Uses                                                                                                                                               MIL

approx a 1-hour drive from both      The subject site would be suitable
Belfast City and International       for a mixed development opportunity,

airports.                            for tourism in the form of a guest

                                     house or hotel with possible

Bessbrook is well serviced           rental holiday cottages or housing
with public transport, with          development.
train and bus services going
to and from Newry.                                                                                         D
                                                                                                                  E    EN
                                                                                                                                R    K

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     15200.36 M²

                                                                                                                                                                                                         1:970 3.76 Acres
                                                                            This material is Crown Copyright and is reproduced with the permission of Land & Property Services under delegated authority from the Controller of Her Majesty’s
                                                                             Stationery Office. © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 CS&LA156.

Further Information
Support Available                                        Northern Ireland
                                                         Investment Fund -
Wrap-around business support programmes                  Eligibility Checklist
available through the different councils include,
Business Growth mentoring, Planning Policy advice
and support, Skills Academies and a Property             These are all eligibility requirements for the Northern
Investment Programme.                                    Ireland Investment Fund.

Invest NI provides support programmes, including         / I s the subject scheme in Northern Ireland? If the
access to mentoring, financing and export markets.         scheme is not in Northern Ireland but provides
                                                           significant economic benefit to Northern Ireland,
There are also strong links with academic institutions     please contact the Fund Managers in the first
including Queens University, Ulster University and         instance to discuss the proposal.
industry focused Regional Colleges.
                                                           lease confirm that you cannot source alternative
                                                          funding that would enable the scheme.
Northern Ireland                                         /P
                                                           lease confirm that the subject scheme meets
Investment Fund                                           one of the following use definitions:

The Northern Ireland Investment Fund is a £100m               Industrial
debt investment fund managed by CBRE. The Fund                Warehousing
is capitalised by the Department of Finance and
managed by CBRE.                                              Logistics R&D
                                                              Hotel, Leisure and Residential as part of
The stated mission of the Northern Ireland                    a mixed-use regeneration development
Investment Fund (NIIF) is:
                                                              Development of employment sites, site
                                                              assembly, remediation, site access and other
“To address market failures and accelerate
                                                              site related infrastructure
and increase investment in private sector led
development, infrastructure and low carbon projects.          Other capital investment in physical
                                                              development and infrastructure that directly
To secure private and / or public sector leverage
                                                              supports economic growth, for example,
to achieve sustainable financial returns, maximise
                                                              tourism or leisure led projects and the provision
the impact of public sector intervention and deliver
                                                              of digital infrastructure
economic growth.”
                                                              Non-domestic and domestic Energy
The purpose of the Fund is to provide debt liquidity          efficiency projects
into the NI market to support development projects            Energy generation projects, including
that will in turn support economic growth. It is not          photovoltaic, wind, hydro and waste to energy
intended to compete with other lenders that might
be active in the market, but for schemes that are             Heat network projects
economically viable and cannot source debt.                   Energy storage projects
                                                              Circular economy projects with a focus on
Loans vary in size from £5-£20m, and can be
                                                              resource efficiency and / or re-use
senior mezzanine, or a “whole loan”. Loans are
made alongside a satisfactory amount of developer             Please confirm that the investment requirement
equity, which will be invested first.                         is in excess of £2m

Andrew Coggins – NI; Origination
028 9043 6915

Robert Ditty – NI; Origination
028 9043 6917

Herbin Duffield – Fund Advisor
020 7182 8381

William Church – Fund Manager
020 7182 2867

Feb 2021

Every effort has been made to ensure
that information included was correct at
time of publication. While every care has
been taken to ensure accuracy, we cannot
accept responsibility for errors, omissions
or changes that may occur after this time.

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