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APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 177AE OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000-2015 for Civic Amenity Site at Gort, Co. Galway. ________________________________ April 2021
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 3 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................... 3 1.2 STRATEGIC OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 5 1.3 AN BORD PLEANALA PLANNING PROCESS...............................................................................6 1.4 NEED FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................. 6 1.5 LIST OF DOCUMENTS ACCOMPANYING APPLICATION ................................................................ 7 2. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION AND CONTEXT .......................................................8 2.1 SUBJECT SITE LOCATION .................................................................................................. 8 2.2 SITE OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT..................................................................................8 3. SUBJECT SITE PLANNING HISTORY ............................................................ 9 3.1 PLANNING HISTORY FOR THE SUBJECT SITE .......................................................................... 9 3.2 PLANNING HISTORY FOR THE SURROUNDING AREA ................................................................. 9 4. SECTORAL GUIDANCE ..............................................................................10 4.1 GOVERNMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICIES AND GUIDANCE ..................................................10 4.2 REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY ............................................................................ 11 5. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY ..................................................... 12 5.1 IRELAND 2040 – THE NATIONAL PLANNING FRAMEWORK ........................................................12 5.2 THE GALWAY COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2015-2021) ......................................................12 5.3 THE GORT LOCAL AREA PLAN (2013) ............................................................................... 14 5.4 OVERALL COMPLIANCE WITH PLANNING POLICY .....................................................................14 6. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................... 15 6.1 EIA SCREENING ........................................................................................................... 15 6.2 APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT...............................................................................................15 7. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................16 7.1 TRAFFIC & TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................16 7.2 SITE SPECIFIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT.............................................................................17 7.3 ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT ……...................................................................................17 7.3 OTHER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ……................................................................................17 8. PLANNING ASSESSMENT AND OVERALL CONCLUSION ...................................19 APPENDICES 2
1. INTRODUCTION This report is part of the planning documents for the development and operation of a Civic Amenity Site at Gort to serve the area of South Galway. In addition to supporting a number of objectives and policies in both the 2015 -2021 Galway County Development Plan and the 2013 Gort Local Area Plan, the proposed Civic Amenity Site is a direct response and realisation of the Galway County Development Plan objective WM-3, which states ; WM-3: Provision of Recycling Centres ; Strive to provide and maintain an equitable distribution of recycling centers throughout the County and support the provision of additional recycling centres in the south Conamara and and south Galway areas of the County. The County of Galway is the second largest in the country and measures 6,149 At present three civic amenity sites operate in the County serving the areas of the North, West and East of the County in Tuam, Clifden and Ballinasloe respectively. The proposed facility would be located in south Galway in the townland of Kinincha, Gort approximately 1km from the town center and the R-458, which is connected to the M18 Motorway to the west of the proposed site. The facility would accept both chargeable and non-chargeable domestic waste streams from the locality. 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The development as described in the public notices is as follows ; A Proposed Civic Amenity Site for mixed household municipal waste streams, with a maximum capacity of 700 tonnes per annum, and comprising the following : A 15 sq.m mobile pay station office / welfare unit, car parking, internal concrete paved roads and lay down areas, surface water collection system, mobile bunded containers, transportable waste skips, cctv, public lighting and landscaping works. In addition all necessary services and utility provisions with associated site works. Coinciding with the proposed development the Road Section of Galway County Council will undertake modifications to the approach road, L-85314, including carriageway widening, passing bays and road signage. Internally the area will be provided with the relevant moveable material containers / skips which will be accessible by the public, and will be served by a dedicated set down area located off the internal access roads. All skips/ containers present on site will be covered to minimise dust emissions, and the operator shall put in place all procedures to comply with the requirements of the EPA licence to ensure all dust, noise and air emissions are within the acceptable minimal limits. The proposed facility will accept various forms of household municipal waste to a maximum capacity of 700 tonnes per annum. The primary focus will be to separate the mixed wastes to enable their effective recycling in order to increase the recovery of reusable materials, and minimising the volume of waste directed towards landfill. This will also allow recyclable materials to be repurposed and reused. No processing will occur on site, and separated/ segregated waste streams will be collected and transferred to authorised facilities, by licensed operators, for appropriate recycling, reuse and disposal. 3
The waste streams identified as being to be received at the proposed development includes the following: Aerosols Untreated Timber Books & Phone Books Mattresses Cardboard Flat Glass CD’s & DVD’s Cooking Oil Engine Oil Household Medicines Hazardous Paint Green Waste Metallic Packaging Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Mixed Paper Light Bulbs Mixed Packaging (Polystyrene) Clothing, Footwear & Textiles Newspapers & Magazines Drink Cans Non-Hazardous Paint Glass Jars & Bottles Oil Filters Fluorescent Tubes & Lamps Plastic Bottles & Mixed Plastics Light Bulbs ( CFL & LED only ) Scrap Metal Small Timber Furniture Solid, Household & Lead Acid Batteries Herbicides & Pesticides Tetra Packs Household Medicines Treated Timber Of the above, the non-chargeable waste streams would be glass and plastic bottles, aluminium and metal cans, textiles, batteries, light bulbs and WEEE (White Goods, Electrical, Electronic). Chargeable waste streams to be received on the site include bulky waste, DIY & plasterboard, household hazardous (paints, medicines, batteries, waste oils, fluorescent tubes etc), timber waste, flat glass, and metal. The construction phase of the proposed development is expected to require approximately 4 months to complete. The proposed development will be subject to a tender process, which will include the contractors Construction Management Plan, which will be subject to the agreement and satisfaction of Galway County Council, prior to any development works commencing on site. Proposed hours of operation are 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m three days a week including Saturday. In terms of management, supervision and security arrangements, the site would be supervised by a full-time attendant who will ensure that materials are presented in a proper fashion and that the site is kept neat and tidy. In this regard, the successful operator shall provide sufficient resources to operate, monitor and secure the facility at all times. The operator’s site staff will be present at each of the chargeable and non-chargeable waste areas in order to assist the public in placing the waste in the correct receptor. The operator shall also provide clear and concise signage in each location to assist with such an operation. All materials would be fully contained or covered so as to avoid nuisance such as rodents, litter and odour. The operator shall implement a Vermin Control procedure throughout the site. Heavy duty security gates and CCTV will be installed on site as a security measure. The facility will be for private (household) use only, and no commercial/industrial waste will be accepted. The L-85314 access road to the proposed facility serves traffic to a large supermarket, a housing estate of 24 no. houses, a bottlebank facility and some commercial businesses. Approximately 300m beyond the bottlebank facility is located Irish Water’s Waste Water Treatment facility for Gort and further on Galway County Council have a materials depot for roadworks, both of which are served by heavy goods vehicles. There are two further residences to the north and the road ends at the last of these houses. Based on 3 years of historic data from a similar Civic Amenity Sites in the county it is anticipated that there will be on average 29 customers per day when operational. 4
Existing public infrastructure services are located in close proximity to the site. Public sewer and water supply mains are located immediately to the west of the site and overhead electricity and telecoms services pass the site perimeters. The facility will require a Certificate of Registration (CoR) license from the EPA which will be obtained upon consent of planning permission and prior to operation. 1.2 STRATEGIC OVERVIEW The Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) (“the WFD”) sets the legal framework for waste management in the European Union. The WFD established a hierarchy of waste management, and was transposed into Irish Law (Section 21A of the Waste Management Act 1996 – as inserted by article 7 of the European Communities (Waste Directive) Regulations 2011 (S.I. No.126 of 2011)). It sets out the basic concepts and definitions relating to waste management, and was introduced in 2008. The WFD places a strong emphasis on optimising resource efficiency, prevention, reuse and the recovery of mixed residual wastes, whilst also introducing the “polluter pays principle” and the “extended producer responsibility”. The WFD imposes on Member States a number of obligations regarding waste management, including: • The application of the waste hierarchy as a priority in waste prevention and waste management legislation and policy. • To ensure that waste is recovered (including separate collection to facilitate recovery where technically, environmentally and economically practicable) or, where it is not recovered, to ensure that waste is disposed of without causing risks to human health and the environment. • To establish an integrated and adequate network of waste disposal installations and of installations for the recovery of mixed municipal wastes – aiming for EU self-sufficiency and for member states individually to move towards self-sufficiency. The principles of self-sufficiency and proximity are also highlighted within the WFD (Article 16), and require that: 1. “Member States shall take appropriate measures, in cooperation with other Member States where this is necessary or advisable, to establish an integrated and adequate network of waste disposal installations and of installations for the recovery of mixed municipal waste collected from private households including where such collection also covers such waste from other producers, taking into account best available techniques. 2. The network shall be designed to enable the Community as a whole to become self-sufficient in waste disposal as well as in the recovery of waste referred to in paragraph 1, and to enable Member States to move towards that aim individually, taking into account geographical circumstances or the need for specialised installations for certain types of waste. 3. The network shall enable waste to be disposed of, or waste referred to in paragraph 1 to be recovered in one of the nearest appropriate installations, by means of the most appropriate methods and technologies, in order to ensure a high level of protection for the environment and public health”. Recovery is defined in the Waste Framework Directive as any operation, the principal result of which is waste serving a useful purpose by replacing other materials which would otherwise have been 5
used to fulfil a particular function, or waste being prepared to fulfil that function, in the plant or in the wider economy. It is within the above context that the development of Irish waste policy and facilities have been set and developed. Section 4 and 5 of this planning report outlines further how the principles and objectives have been incorporated into the various levels of policy (as relevant to the proposed development), and provides a brief indication of how the proposal meets, or seeks to implement, these provisions. The Galway County Development Plan (2015-2021) policies and objectives provide a clear spatial framework for land use planning within the general Gort and wider Galway area. The county development plan acknowledges that there is a need to further develop environmental services throughout the county in order to maintain and improve the protection of the environment. The development plan also identifies that there is a need to ensure the provision of waste management facilities and collection, and to conform with EU, national and regional policy. This goal is supported in the Development Plan by a range of policy statements and objectives – as is noted above, these are further outlined in Section 5 of this planning report. As has also been identified in the Introduction to this Planning Report, the proposed facility is also a direct response and realisation of specific objectives of the Galway County Development Plan (WM-3) and the Gort Local Area Plan. The above planning framework sets a clear and unambiguous context for the support of proposed development to occur within the area in a co-ordinated, sustainable and planned manner. 1.3 AN BORD PLEANALA PLANNING APPLICATION This application for approval is being made in accordance with Section 177AE(3) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 – 2015, which states; ‘Where a Natura Impact Statement has been prepared pursuant to subsection (1), the local authority shall apply to the Board for approval and the provisions of Part XAB shall apply to the carrying out of the appropriate assessment’ This application is being made in accordance with the procedure outlined in Article 249 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2000 (as amended) and Sections 177AE(4)(a) and 177AE(4)(b) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 – 2015. 1.4 NEED FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Galway County Council currently manage three similar civic amenity sites, in Tuam, Ballinasloe and Clifden. It is deemed necessary to construct an additional civic amenity site in the south of the County to provide an equitable distribution of services across the County thereby progressing our obligations under the Waste Framework Directive, reference Section 1.2. 6
1.5 LIST OF DOCUMENTS ACCOMPANYING THE PART 8 PROCESS A number of supporting documents are part of the Part 8 planning process for the proposed development; these include: • A Planning Report (this document) • A Natura Impact Statement • EIA screening • A Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment • Drawings and drawing list (Appendix to this Planning Report) • Original newspaper notice The above documents are made available for inspection at the local authority offices (in Galway) and online on the council’s website. After a brief description of the site location and context of the development, this planning report outlines the relevant planning history for the subject site and in the vicinity, before demonstrating, with reference to the reports listed above, how the proposed development is in full compliance with all relevant planning and development guidance, policies and standards. 7
2. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION AND CONTEXT 2.1 SUBJECT SITE LOCATION The subject site is situated approximately 700 m to the north of Gort town centre on the Kinincha Road ( L-85314 ). Figure 2.1 below illustrates the site’s proximity to the M18 motorway interchange to the west which connects directly with the R-458 ( Crowe St ) which passes through the town center and intersects with the L-85314. The proximity to national and regional routes make this site highly accessible for the surrounding settlements. 2.2 SITE OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The site ( outlined in red below ) is 0.168 hectares ( ha) in size and is located to the south of the Gort Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant. The site, which compromises the entire folio of GY115473F, is in the ownership of Galway County Council and was formerly the site of the old waste water treatment plant which was decommissioned and demolished in the 1980’s. The site is currently planted with trees, residual from an earlier nursery for the town area and is bounded by 2.4m metal palisade fencing. The public road runs along the western site boundary which can be readily widened immediately outside the site boundary by the removal of concrete bollards protecting a hardstand verge. Water and sewer mains are laid adjacent to the site in addition to overhead electricity and telecoms services. The Kinincha stream which is a tributary of the Gort River is 200m to the East bounded by agricultural grazing land. The closest private dwellings are located approx. 280m to the south in The Grove housing estate. 8
3. SUBJECT SITE PLANNING HISTORY This section of the planning report provides a brief description of any relevant planning applications made both on the site itself and in the vicinity of the subject site. As part of the assessment of the proposed development, account has been taken of the planned developments in the area, as well as existing land uses. 3.1 PLANNING HISTORY FOR THE SUBJECT SITE There is no planning history associated with the subject site. 3.2 PLANNING HISTORY FOR THE SURROUNDING AREA A review of all relevant planning applications for development in the vicinity of the subject site was undertaken. Outline details of applications in the area over the last 10 years are as follows ; Applicant Brief Description Reg. No. Status Gort River Walk Construct a River 201625 Application Development Group Walk Trail along the Gort River including a clear span footbridge crossing the river and all other ancillary works necessary for the provision of a footpath and seating at Gort. Bio-Energy Limited Development of a 191812 Appealed Biogas Plant on a 10.01 hectare (ha) site located in the townlands of Ballynamantan, Kinincha and Glenbrack. The proposed development is compliant with the current zoning of the site ( Amenity ) and does not conflict with surrounding land uses/ zoning in the area (primarily industrial and green belt lands). In conclusion, it can be seen that the planning history of the surrounding area does not include any application which would preclude the granting of planning permission for the subject proposed development. 9
4. SECTORAL GUIDANCE 4.1 GOVERNMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICIES AND GUIDANCE There has been a significant evolution in National Waste Management Policies as issued by the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, (previously the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government – DoEHLG) since the mid to late 1990s. Government policy documents have moved from an initial focus on the development of modern, engineered landfill capacity and the promotion of recycling to fiscal measures to influence environmental performance as well as policies promoting and directing the emerging technologies in this sector, such as the development of commercial composting, both hazardous and non-hazardous waste facilities, and public recycling facilities. In addition, Government waste management guidance has been based on a regional approach to waste management and planning, as embodied by the various regional waste management plans. Key waste management policy statements published since the late 1990s include: 1. Waste Management: Changing Our Ways – DoEHLG (1998); 2. Preventing and Recycling Waste: Delivering Change (March 2002); 3. Waste Management: Taking Stock and Moving Forward (April 2004); 4. National Overview of Waste Management Plans (2004) 5. Policy Guidance Notes under Section 60 of the Waste Management Act, 1996 (May 2005); 6. National Strategy on Biodegradable Waste (April 2006); 7. International Review of Waste Management Policy (September 2009); 8. Towards a New National Waste Policy - Discussion Document (August 2011); 9. A Resource Opportunity – Waste Management Policy in Ireland (July 2012) In summary these Government policies indicates a growing emphasis on the need to increase the re- use and recycling of waste streams and also divert waste away from landfill through the improving of Ireland’s waste management system as a whole. This approach includes adopting a more flexible approach to the regional treatment of waste flows which must be seen in the national context of Ireland’s commitments to meeting its waste management policy objectives. It also entails a growing emphasis on the need for greater sustainability as regards waste management, through the provision of better facilities in order to counteract unsustainable waste management practices, and to better facilitate recycling and repurposing endeavours. The proposed development fully accords with the above-outlined government waste management policy approach and would help enable the South Galway area to make a contribution towards helping Ireland meet its national waste policy management objectives. In this respect it would assist in Ireland becoming more aligned with the EU principles of self-sufficiency in waste management, and optimisation of proximity of waste management close to the source of generation. It would also comprise a needed contribution towards the requirement for recycling facilities, through the provision of segregated collection receptacles for easy separation and collection of the different waste streams. 10
4.2 REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY The relevant regional waste plan associated with the proposed development is the Connaught - Ulster Region Waste Management Plan (CURWM Plan). It provides a framework for the safe and sustainable management and prevention of waste. The Plan is a statutory document and was prepared by the local authorities of the region which include Galway, Mayo, Roscommon, Leitrim, Sligo, Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal. The preparation of the CURWM Plan allowed for the local authorities to evaluate the existing waste management practices in the region. This process in turn allowed for the identification of measures which were succeeding and those which were not performing as well as anticipated. The outcome of the evaluation led to the formulation of new policies and measures for the improvement of waste prevention and management in the region. The CURWM Plan sets out policies for infrastructural development in the region which take the findings of market analysis into consideration. The policies are largely relevant and targeted at the lead authorities, local authorities and operators in the waste market. In summary, policies of significance to the proposed development at Gort are as follows: • Policy A3 Contribute to the improvement of management performance across all waste streams through the implantation of policy actions and monitor progress towards national targets. • Policy B1 Local Authorities in the region will ensure that the resources required to implement waste prevention activities are available through the lifetime of this plan. • Policy C2 Optimise the value of recycled and residual waste resources in the system to turn these materials into reliable sources of secondary raw materials for reprocessing and recovery. • Policy E3a The local authorities in the region will maintain and develop their existing networks of bring infrastructure (e.g. civic amenity facilities, bring banks) to facilitate the recycling and recovery of hazardous and non-hazardous municipal wastes. Many of the policies set out within the CURWM Plan have a direct association with the proposed development at Gort. This can be clearly seen in policies which address waste management performance and the provision of additional civic amenity facilities and recycling capacity, all of which are elements of the proposed development. The CURWM Plan clearly states and outlines a number of policies and objectives which present an overall consensus that there is a valid requirement to expand and develop waste facilities. 11
5. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY The following section of this report demonstrates that the proposed development fully complies with the requirements of relevant statutory Regional, County and Local Plans and Policies. The relevant plans considered include: • Ireland 2040 – The National Planning Framework • The Galway County Development Plan 2015 – 2021 • Gort Local Area Plan 5.1 IRELAND 2040 – THE NATIONAL PLANNING FRAMEWORK The National Planning Framework (NPF) is the government’s strategic planning document aimed at catering for an approximate additional one million people living in Ireland in the future. It therefore sets out the likely future change scenario, and the spatial pattern required to best accommodate and support the envisaged change. It will also strongly inform future strategic national investment, including in infrastructure. It is intended that the NPF will be supported by robust tiered regional and local level plans. As such, the NPF establishes the overall framework for lower-order plans and strategies. Within this context the NPF reiterates the fact that “waste planning in Ireland is primarily informed by national waste management policies and regional waste management plans”, and further highlights the fact that planning for waste treatment requirements to 2040 will require (inter alia): “city and county plans will support national and regional waste policy and efficient use of resources”. In addition to the above, and as regards waste infrastructure, the NPF identifies the need to improve sustainability in relation to waste management. It also outlines a “Hierarchy of Settlements and Related Infrastructure” element which identifies “Waste-recycled” as an environmental infrastructure associated with large towns, such as that of Gort. In terms of the effective management of waste (page 122), a national policy objective is provided as follows: “Sustainably manage waste generation, invest in different types of waste treatment and support circular economy principles, prioritising prevention, reuse, recycling and recovery, to support a healthy environment, economy and society”. (National Policy Objective 56) The proposed development represents an efficient use of existing local authority owned land situated within a strategic location to service the wider local area, and will assist in providing the necessary and required appropriate waste transfer and management facilities to facilitate waste recovery and recycling. The proposed development is considered to be in accordance with the provisions, aims and objectives of the NPF. 5.2 THE GALWAY COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2015 - 2021) The Galway County Development Plan 2015-2021 (the Plan) sets out Galway County Council’s policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. The Plan seeks to secure the development and improvement, in a sustainable manner, of the economic, environmental, cultural and social assets of the County. One of the main mandatory objectives of the Planning Acts relevant to the adoption and review of Development Plans, is the provision of infrastructure including transport, energy and communication facilities, water supplies, waste recovery and disposal facilities, waste water facilities, and ancillary 12
facilities. This primary objective sets a basis for policies in respect of waste management within the plan, which support the consideration and development of appropriate waste management facilities within Galway and also support the proposed development. Chapter 6 (Water, Wastewater, Waste Management & Extractive Industry) sets out the sustainable growth of County Galway is dependent on the satisfactory provision of services infrastructure, utilities and communication networks. A plan led approach, in accordance with the County’s Core and Settlement Strategy is required in the provision of such services, in order to ensure that there is adequate availability to support future development. Furthermore, these infrastructure provisions need to be implemented in a manner that protects public health and are environmentally appropriate and economically effective. Strategic aims include ; to minimise the amount of waste creation within the County and promote a practice of reduce, reuse and recycle where possible; and to safeguard the environment of the County by seeking to ensure that residual waste is disposed of in an appropriate and environmentally friendly fashion. The following objectives contained within Chapter 6 , support the need for the proposed civic amenity facility ; Objective WM 3 – Provision of Recycling Centres Strive to provide and maintain an equitable distribution of recycling centres throughout the County and support the provision of additional recycling centres in the south Conamara and south Galway areas of the County. Objective WM 4 – User Friendly Waste Management Services Seek to provide a high standard of customer service provision in regard to waste management and maintain user friendly opening hours at recycling centres throughout the County. Objective WM 5 – Bring Bank Facilities Support the provision of additional bring bank facilities at appropriate and strategic locations throughout the County in an effort to reach the overall regional ratio per head of population target for such infrastructure as set out in the Evaluation Report 2012 of the Replacement Connacht Waste Management Plan for the Connacht Region 2006 – 2011. Chapter 10 ( Cultural, Social and Community Development ) set outs the strategic aim to promote and facilitate sustainable communities through land use planning, by providing for land uses capable of accommodating community, leisure, recreational, amenity and cultural facilities, which is captured by the following policy ; Policy CF 1 – Community Facilities Assist where possible the development of community facilities and services within the County. Encourage and facilitate, where feasible the provision and extension of integrated community facilities to serve the needs of communities in the County. The proposed development fully accords with the Plan policies and objectives in that it would represent a significant step in ensuring that the County has adequate and highly accessible waste management infrastructure to facilitate future growth in the South Galway area. The proposed development is in accordance with EU, National, Regional and Local policies as it represents an increase in the sustainable management of waste through the separation of different waste streams which will allow for greater levels of recycling and also minimise residual waste. As demonstrated through the relevant extracts above, the proposed development is fully compliant with the provisions, objectives and policies of the Galway County Development Plan (2015-2021). The framework policy, as highlighted above within the Plan, and within which this subject proposal is made, is thus supportive of the proposed development. The principle of the proposed development is therefore acceptable. 13
5.3 THE GORT LOCAL AREA PLAN (2013) In addition to the County Development Plan, the policies and objectives outlined in the Gort Local Area Plan 2013 ( LAP ) are also applicable to the proposed development, as the subject site lies within the LAP boundary. Section 3.3, Social & Community Development, sets out the need to provide equitable community facilities for the population and this proposed development will endeavour to achieve this specific policy. Policy CF2 – Community Facilities and Amenities. It is the policy of Galway County Council to support the provision of an adequate level and equitable distribution of community facilities and amenities in the Plan Area that: • Meets the needs of the local community as they arise and resources permit. • Are located in appropriate, accessible locations to serve the residential population in the Plan Area. • Are clustered or linked together wherever facilities and amenities are complementary and it is practicable to do so, to allow for shared and multi-purpose use of facilities. Community facilities and amenities projects will be facilitated in appropriate locations and additionally in the vicinity of all new and existing residential development, following an assessment of each proposal and, where appropriate, subject to co-operation and consultation with the local community and other relevant stakeholders, including the Department of Education and Skills, and available resources. With respect to Section 3.6, Utility and Environmental Infrastructure, the proposed development will support the following Waste Management Policy and Objective of the Plan. Policy UI5 – Waste Management. It is the policy of Galway County Council to support sustainable waste management through the prevention, reduction and recycling of waste and by facilitating the provision of adequate waste infrastructure, such as bring banks, at locations that will not adversely affect residential amenities. Objective UI16 – Bring Bank Facility. Facilitate the installation of bring bank facilities at suitable locations within the Plan Area and where they will not adversely affect residential amenities. 5.4 OVERALL COMPLIANCE WITH PLANNING POLICY A review of the spatial and policy context highlights the fact that the proposed development further contributes to the environmental protection of Galway County. The proposal is also seen to comply with policies set out in the county development plan, which are supportive of such waste infrastructure development and provision. In conclusion, it can be seen that the proposed development for a civic amenity and associated works, fully accords with the overall development principles set out in the relevant planning policy documents. 14
6. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 EIA SCREENING An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening report has been prepared for the proposed development and is provided in Appendix D in observation of Development Management Standard No. 40 ( c) of the County Development Plan. The screening finds that the design of this facility has been chosen to prevent the outflow of any material that might be deleterious to the local environment and especially to the Gort River and Natura 2000 sites downstream and that it would be a simple development to reverse if untoward impacts are discovered or standards become more stringent. In the absence of any likely negative effects on surrounding land-uses, ecology or landscape it is considered that it does not require the further analysis of an EIA and thus no requirement for an EIA report to be prepared. The screening notes there is little doubt that the project will have beneficial effects on the local environment by discouraging fly tipping and promoting the recycling of useful materials. 6.2 APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT Appropriate assessment was introduced by the EU Habitats Directive as a way of determining if a planned project is likely to have a significant effect on the integrity of one of the Natura 2000 sites so far designated (i.e. the candidate SAC’s and SPA’s), or their conservation objectives. Development Management Standard No.40 (a ) requires that an Appropriate Assessment accompanies the planning application. In the first stage of this process the screening concluded ; the development area does not hold any of the habitats or species for which the local Natura 2000 sites are listed and therefore cannot act as a reserve area in case of loss. There are also no rare or protected species on site. The only potential impact would be if deleterious run-off was to enter the Gort River and then affect the ecology of Coole Lough downstream. Since mitigation measures are necessary in the design of the facility, the process was continued to Stage 2, a Natura Impact Statement (NIS). Upon review of the design and operational aspects of the development the statement concludes ; “The project will not have any significant effect on the integrity of the Natura 2000 site network, in particular on the ecology of the Coole-Garryland SAC & SPA. It will not compromise the attainment of their conservation objectives.” The NIS is provided in Appendix E. 15
7. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS In addition to those already mentioned (NIS and EIA Screening), a number of other assessments have been considered below, in line with requirements of County Development Plan Development Standards, with supporting information provided in the Appendices. 7.1 TRAFFIC & TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT In consideration of Development Standard No.24 of the County Development Plan a traffic count was performed on the L-85314 between 22nd February and 1st March 2021 to evaluate the need for Traffic and Transport Assessment (TTA). The annual daily traffic (ADT) calculated was 2,324 vehicles ( both directions ). The anticipated additional number of vehicles visiting the proposed development on a daily basis is not expected to exceed 43 no. This number represents a maximum of the daily averages collected over a three year period for a similar Civic Amenity facility which operates three days a week at Pollboy on the outskirts of Ballinasloe town. Data provided in Appendix G. TII Traffic and Transport Assessment Guidelines May 2014 sets out in Section 2.1 with reference to Traffic Management Guidelines (DoT/DoEHLG/DTO, 2003) , the thresholds above which a Transport Assessment is automatically required. Based on the data above the development is below these prescribed thresholds. The proposed development is not in any category of the advisory thresholds, Table 2.2 or within the subthreshold criteria for set out in Table 2.3. Consequently a TTA is not provided with this application. The roads section of Galway County Council have been consulted and have no objection to the widening of the L-85314 at locations along the approach. The roads section have confirmed that if the development is consented, they will cooperate to their fullest extent in facilitating the realisation of this proposed facility. Looking South from Proposed Entrance Looking North 16
The internal layout of the facility has been designed to accommodate heavy good service vehicles using Autotrack software modelling. 7.2 SITE SPECIFIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT Having regard to Development Standard No.27 (e) of the County Development Plan, a site specific flood risk assessment was carried out by IE Consulting in accordance with DoEHLG Flood Risk Assessment Guidelines 2009 which is included in Appendix F . The report concludes ; In order to ensure sustainable development of the site and to allow for potential future climate change it is recommended that the proposed Civic Amenity Centre is constructed to a minimum 150mm above the 1 in 100 year (1% AEP) flood level of 19.315m OD in the Kinincha River to a level of 19.465m OD. In consideration of implementation of the proposed minimum ground levels within the development site the flood risk to and from the proposed development site is considered to be LOW. Development of the site is not expected to result in an adverse impact to the hydrological regime of the area or increase flood risk elsewhere. The design for the proposed Civic Amenity Site has incorporated the recommended site levels. 7.3 ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT The National Monuments Acts 1930-2004 provide for the protection of archaeological heritage, including the establishment of a Record of Monuments and Places (RMP), which is a national inventory of archaeological sites and monuments. In accordance with Development Standard No.45 (e) of the County Development Plan applicants are advised to consult the Archaeological Constraints Maps in order to ascertain whether their development is located in an area of archaeological potential. A map for this purpose was examined, Appendix H, and indicates that the proposed development is outside the zones of notification and no further assessment was carried out. Furthermore the proposed development is on the site of the former waste water treatment plant. 7.4 OTHER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Landscaping features form part of the site layout with further native species planting proposed in addition to existing site vegetation. The site has a medium landscape value rating. This proposal aims to introduce native hedgerow planting in addition to some tree planting along internal boundary lines in order to ensure long term screening of the proposed facility. The proposed development will not impact on residential amenity as the site is located a sufficient distance from residential areas (c. 0.3 km), and is also screened by existing landscape features in the surrounding environs of the site (e.g. tree lines and hedgerows). To address any potential deleterious runoff the internal paved surface within the facility will consist of 200mm of reinforced concrete, graded to a network of surface water collection gullies. The outfall of the catchment system will connect to a Class 2 oil separator, prior to an attenuation tank sized for a 100 year event, before discharging to the adjacent waste water treatment plant. Paints will be stored in plastic wheeled bins which will be kept in a locked bunded storage container. Oils will also be stored in a separate bunded container. The bund will contain level monitoring equipment and any contents will be disposed by a license contractor – the bund will not connect to the waste water treatment plant. 17
The finished levels on site will range from 19.53 to 20.00m OD, above the minimum recommendation of 19.465m OD per the flood risk assessment. Site investigations have revealed the presence of rock predominately 1m below ground level, reference Appendix I, which will contribute to the formation structure. As the current levels on the site range from 19.2 to 20.4m OD, limited waste and material imports are expected for the groundworks. The construction works will be predominately groundworks, and relatively small in scale and will be contained within the site. Should there be need for additional space for parking, compound or material storage this can be accommodated at the councils yard on the Kinincha Road. Construction method statements and waste management plans will be required for approval before commencement of works. For security and safety purposes, security gates and cctv will be provided at the entrance as a security measure. The scheme also provides for security lighting including the use of programmable part-night dimming function on all lanterns. Road markings, delineated pedestrian walkways, directional arrows and information signage will be provided. They pay station / office will be a secure metal mobile container which will contain welfare facilities and ancillary service connections. In terms of emissions, the operator of the facility will assess all sources of potential nuisance odours on-site and develop an odour management plan which shall detail measures to reduce the risk of nuisance odours from the proposed facility to fully comply with the requirements of the EPA Licence. Measures that are proposed as part of the development proposal in order to assist in reducing any emissions from skips, include self-compacting, self-contained enclosed sealed skips and containers. 18
8. PLANNING ASSESSMENT AND OVERALL CONCLUSION An NIS was carried out and concludes that the project will not have any significant effect on the integrity of the Natura 2000 site network, in particular on the ecology of the Coole-Garryland SAC & SPA. It will not compromise the attainment of their conservation objectives. A Site Specific Flood Risk assessment states development of the site is not expected to result in an adverse impact to the hydrological regime of the area or increase flood risk elsewhere. The site is not within a notifiable area for archaeological assessment and the predicted traffic to the facility is sub threshold for assessment purposes. An EIA screening has been carried out in relation to the proposed development which concludes that an EIAR will not be required for the proposed development. In conclusion, the proposed development is in accordance with strategic planning and policy considerations, and supports the waste management principles set out in the relevant plans, strategy and guidance documents, in that it will: • Address the current deficit in waste management facilities. The proposed development is of strategic environmental and social importance to the South Galway area and the region in which it is situate; • Support the waste treatment scenario adopted in the Connaught - Ulster Region Waste Management Plan which seeks to increase the capacity capabilities of waste management facilities in order for the sustainable recovery of various; • Support EU, national and regional waste policy objectives through its contribution to recycling; • Contribute to the national effort to meet targets set out in Government Waste Management Policy aimed at increasing sustainability within the waste disposal/ management sector in Ireland; • Provide a key physical infrastructure to support continued population and economic growth whilst managing waste arising in the state in a sustainable and self-sufficient way, as favoured by sectoral policy; and, • Provide an appropriately sized waste management facility at a suitable location which is positioned to take advantage of the inter-regional economies of scale required to ensure the most efficient treatment and disposal of waste. Finally, the proposed development has been designed and sited in a highly accessible area adjacent to the R449 and M18 motorway. 19
Appendix Index : Appendix A – Drawings Appendix B – Newspaper & Site Notice Appendix C - Prescribed Authorities Appendix D - Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Report Appendix E - Natura Impact Statement Appendix F - Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment Appendix G - Traffic Count & Customer Data Appendix H - National Monument Service Notification Zones Appendix I - Site Investigations Report 20
Appendix A – Drawings Drawing Schedule : E092020-01 Proposed Site Location Plan E092020-02 Proposed Site Existing Ground Levels E092020-03 Proposed Levels E092020-04 General Arrangement Proposed Site Layout E092020-05 Water Services Layout E092020-06 Landscaping Plan E092020-07 Perimter Fencing Entrance Gate & Signage E092020-08 Proposed Site WEEE Store E092020-09 Proposed Site Buly Goods Storage E092020-10 Office / Pay Station E092020-11 Bunded Storage Oils / Paints /Solvents 22
Appendix B – Newspaper & Site Notice 24
Appendix C - Prescribed Authorities 26
Appendix D - Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Report 28
Appendix E - Natura Impact Statement 30
Appendix F - Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment 32
Appendix G - Traffic Count & Customer Data 34
Appendix H - National Monument Service Notification Zones 36
Appendix I - Site Investigations Report 38
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