Page created by Jill Peterson
First Edition
Information and
Entertainment System
                       ©2018 FCA US LLC. All Rights Reserved.
                       ALFA ROMEO is a registered trademark of FCA Group Marketing S.p.A., used with permission.   Printed in U.S.A.
                                                                                                                                       2 0 1 9 I N F O R M AT I O N A N D E N T E R TA I N M E N T S Y S T E M

                                                                                                                                                                      Information And Entertainment System
INTRODUCTION               ............. 3               SELECTING A FREQUENCY                                 USB/IPOD SUPPORT . . . . . . . . 20
  INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3             BAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   11     USB/IPOD MODE             . . . . . . . . . . . 20
                                                         DISPLAYED INFORMATION . . . .                    11
TIPS, CONTROLS AND GENERAL                               RADIO STATION SELECTION . . .                    12   AUX SOURCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4              PREVIOUS/NEXT RADIO STATION                             AUX SOURCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
  CYBERSECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . 4                FAST SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . .            12
                                                                                                               PHONE MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
  TIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5     PREVIOUS/NEXT RADIO STATION
                                                         SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       12     PHONE MODE ACTIVATION . . . . 21
  AUDIO FILES AND FORMATS . . . 5                        AM/FM RADIO STATION                                     MAIN FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 22
  NOTES ON TRADEMARKS . . . . . . 6                      TUNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     12     DISPLAYED INFORMATION . . . . 23
  EXTERNAL AUDIO SOURCES . . . 6                         SIRIUS XM RADIO — IF                                    PAIRING A MOBILE PHONE . . . . 23
  ANTITHEFT PROTECTION . . . . . . 6                     EQUIPPED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       12     TRANSMISSION OF PHONE DATA
                                                         HD RADIO — IF EQUIPPED . . . .                   14     (PHONEBOOK AND RECENT
  SOFTWARE UPDATES . . . . . . . . . 6                                                                           CALLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
  MAP UPDATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7           SETTING THE PRESETS . . . . . .                  14
                                                         AUDIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    14     CONNECTION/DISCONNECTION OF
  ASSISTANCE FOR USING THE                                                                                       A MOBILE PHONE OR A
  NAVIGATION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . 7                MEDIA MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16               BLUETOOTH AUDIO DEVICE . . 24
  AUDIO SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7             AUDIO SOURCE SELECTION . .                       16     DELETION OF A MOBILE PHONE OR
  DISPLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8      RESTART OR PAUSE A TRACK                                A BLUETOOTH AUDIO DEVICE . 25
  GPS RECEPTION (GLOBAL                                  (PLAY / PAUSE) . . . . . . . . . . . . .         17     SETTING A MOBILE PHONE OR A
  POSITIONING SYSTEM) . . . . . . . . 8                  TRACK CHANGE                                            BLUETOOTH AUDIO DEVICE
  IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON                               (PREVIOUS/NEXT) . . . . . . . . . . .            17     AS A FAVORITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
  COPYRIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9           TRACK FAST FORWARD/                                     DELETION OF PHONE DATA
TURNING THE SYSTEM ON                                    REWIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       17     (PHONEBOOK AND RECENT
                                                         TRACK SELECTION (LIBRARY) .                      18     CALLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
AND OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9                                                                MAKING A PHONE CALL . . . . . . 25
                                                         TRACK INFORMATION DIS-
  RADIO (TUNER) MODE . . . . . . . . 9                   PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18     MANAGING AN INCOMING
  RADIO MODE SELECTION . . . . 10                        PLAYBACK MODE (SHUFFLE) . .                      18     CALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
                                                                                                                 MAKING A SECOND PHONE
                                                       BLUETOOTH SOURCE                      . . . . . . 18      CALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
                                                         PAIRING A BLUETOOTH AUDIO
                                                         DEVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

MANAGING TWO PHONE                                   DRIVING VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
                                         CALLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   27
Information And Entertainment System

                                                                                                ABOUT DRIVING VIEW . . . . . . . .           43
                                         ENDING A CALL . . . . . . . . . . . . .         27     DRIVING VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     43
                                         CONTINUING A PHONE CALL . .                     27     2D / 3D / AERIAL VIEW MAP
                                         ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION OF                             DISPLAY — IF EQUIPPED . . . . .              44
                                         THE MICROPHONE . . . . . . . . . .              27     LANE GUIDANCE . . . . . . . . . . . .        44
                                       SETTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27          DISPLAYED SYMBOLS . . . . . . . .            45
                                         SETTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27        VOICE COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . 46
                                       NAVIGATION MODE — IF                                     INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . .       46
                                       EQUIPPED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39            OPENING AND CLOSING VOICE
                                                                                                SESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   47
                                         SAFETY/LEGAL NOTICE . . . . . .                 39
                                                                                                VOICE SESSION STATUS . . . . . .             47
                                         ACTIVATE NAVIGATION . . . . . . .               40
                                                                                                MULTIPLE CHOICE LIST . . . . . . .           48
                                         SET DESTINATION . . . . . . . . . . .           41
                                                                                                VOICE COMMANDS -
                                         RECENT DESTINATIONS . . . . . .                 41     PRACTICAL USE . . . . . . . . . . . .        48
                                         FAVORITE DESTINATIONS . . . . .                 42     RADIO AM/FM/XM VOICE
                                         POINT OF INTEREST                                      COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       50
                                         DESTINATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . .          42     MEDIA VOICE COMMANDS . . . .                 51
                                         ZOOM MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        42     NAVIGATION VOICE
                                         POINT ON MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . .          42     COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       52
                                         LAUNCH NAVIGATION . . . . . . . .               42     PHONE VOICE COMMANDS . . .                   53
                                         STOP NAVIGATION . . . . . . . . . .             42     GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . .                53
                                         VOLUME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    42
                                         ROUTE MANAGEMENT . . . . . . .                  43
                                         ROUTE PREVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . .           43


                                                                                                                                     Information And Entertainment System
This vehicle is equipped with the Information and Entertainment System designed to the specific features of the passenger
compartment. It has a customized design, which matches the style of the dashboard and the center console.
The Information and Entertainment System is installed to give the driver and passenger easy access. The controls can be
quickly located from the graphical display on the front, making the device easy to use.
To increase protection against theft, the system has a protection system, which only allows it to be used on its originally fitted
The instructions for use are given below; we recommend you read them carefully and always keep them on hand (for example,
in the glove compartment).

TIPS, CONTROLS                            The risk of unauthorized and unlawful           Note:
                                       AND GENERAL                               access to your vehicle systems may still
Information And Entertainment System

                                                                                                                                    FCA US LLC or your dealer may
                                       INFORMATION                               exist, even if the most recent version          contact you directly regarding software
                                                                                 of vehicle software (such as Information        updates.
                                       CYBERSECURITY                             and Entertainment System software)
                                                                                 is installed.                                       To help further improve vehicle
                                       Your vehicle may be a connected                                                           security and minimize the potential risk
                                       vehicle and may be equipped with both                                                     of a security breach, vehicle owners
                                       wired and wireless networks. These                        Warning!                        should:
                                       networks allow your vehicle to send and                                                    – Routinely check
                                       receive information. This information                                                         www.driveuconnect.com/support/
                                                                                      It is not possible to know or to predict       software-update.html (U.S.
                                       allows systems and features in your       all of the possible outcomes if your                Residents) or
                                       vehicle to function properly.             vehicle’s systems are breached. It may be
                                                                                                                                     www.driveuconnect.ca (Canadian
                                                                                 possible that vehicle systems, including
                                       Your vehicle may be equipped with         safety related systems, could be impaired           Residents) to learn about available
                                       certain security features to reduce the   or a loss of vehicle control could occur that       Uconnect software updates.
                                       risk of unauthorized and unlawful         may result in an accident involving serious      – Only connect and use trusted
                                       access to vehicle systems and wireless    injury or death.                                    media devices (e.g. personal mobile
                                       communications. Vehicle software              ONLY insert media (e.g., USB or SD              phones or USBs).
                                       technology continues to evolve over       card) into your vehicle if it came from
                                                                                                                                 Privacy of any wireless and wired
                                                                                 a trusted source. Media of unknown origin
                                       time and FCA US LLC, working with its     could possibly contain malicious software,      communications cannot be assured.
                                       suppliers, evaluates and takes            and if installed in your vehicle, it may        Third parties may unlawfully intercept
                                       appropriate steps as needed. Similar to   increase the possibility for vehicle systems    information and private
                                       a computer or other devices, your         to be breached.                                 communications without your consent.
                                       vehicle may require software updates to       As always, if you experience unusual
                                       improve the usability and performance     vehicle behavior, take your vehicle to your
                                       of your systems or to reduce the          nearest authorized dealer immediately.
                                       potential risk of unauthorized and
                                       unlawful access to your vehicle

TIPS                                             Care and maintenance                           Important notes

                                                                                                                                              Information And Entertainment System
                                                 Observe the following precautions to           In the event of a fault, the system must
Road safety
                                                 ensure the system is fully operational:        only be serviced by an authorized
Learn how to use the various systems                                                            dealer.
and read the instructions carefully
                                                                 Caution!                       If the temperature is particularly low, the
before setting off.
                                                                                                display may take a short amount of
                                                                                                time to reach optimum brightness.
                Warning!                             Only clean the front panel and the         In case of overheating (e.g. excessive
                                                 display with a soft, clean, dry, anti-static
                                                 cloth. Cleaning and polishing products may     outside temperature, prolonged
ALWAYS drive safely with your hands on           damage the surface. Do not use alcohol         exposure to sunlight, etc.), the system
the wheel. You have full responsibility          or similar products to clean the panel         may switch to "protection mode" by
and assume all risks related to the use of       or the display.                                limiting amplification (maximum volume)
the features and applications in this vehicle.       Do not use the display as a base for       and shutting down until the temperature
Only use these features and applications         supports with suction pads or adhesives
when it is safe to do so. Failure to do                                                         of the radio drops to acceptable levels.
                                                 for external navigators or smartphones
so may result in an accident involving           or similar devices.
serious injury or death.
                                                                                                MULTIMEDIA DEVICES:
                                                    The display lens should not come            SUPPORTED AUDIO
Reception conditions                             into contact with pointed or rigid             FILES AND FORMATS
                                                 objects which could damage its
Reception conditions change                                                                     For USB sources, the system can play
                                                 surface; use a soft, dry anti-static cloth
constantly while driving. The presence                                                          files with the following extensions and
                                                 to clean and do not press.
of mountains, buildings or bridges,                                                             formats:
especially when you are far away from               Never use alcohol, gas, or derivatives
                                                                                                   .MP3 (Bitrate 32 – 320 kbps,
the broadcaster, may interfere with              to clean the display lens.
                                                                                                Frequency 8 – 48 kHz)
the radio reception.                                Prevent any liquid from entering the
Note: The volume may be adjusted                 system as this could damage it beyond
when receiving traffic information and           repair.                                          .AAC (Frequency 8 – 96 kHz)

Supported extensions: .ACC .M4A,          NOTES ON TRADEMARKS                        The maximum number of tracks,which
                                       .M4B, and .MP4,                                                                        can be indexed for each single
Information And Entertainment System

                                                                                   iPod, iTunes and iPhone are registered     MSD/MTP device, is 16,000.
                                          .WMA (Bitrate 8 – 320 kbps;              trademarks of Apple Inc.
                                       8 – 48 kHz)                                                                               The system does not support USB
                                                                                   All other trademarks are the property of   hubs connected to the USB port of the
                                         .FLAC (8 – 44.1 kHz)                      their respective owners.                   vehicle. Connect your multimedia
                                       For all USB sources, the system can                                                    device directly to the USB port, using
                                       also play the following Playlist formats:                                              the specific connection cable for the
                                         .PLS                                                                                 device if necessary.
                                         .WPL                                                                                    It is recommended to load only
                                                                                                                              unprotected music files, with
                                                                                   Apple is not responsible for the           supported extensions.
                                       For Apple devices and those that
                                                                                   operation of this device and of its
                                       support the MTP (Media Transfer
                                                                                   conformity with the safety rules and       ANTITHEFT PROTECTION
                                       Protocol), the system can play back all
                                       files, playlist extensions and formats                                                 The system is equipped with an
                                       supported by the device itself and                                                     antitheft protection system based on
                                       presented by the device to the system.      EXTERNAL AUDIO                             the exchange of information with the
                                       Note:                                                                                  electronic control unit (Body Computer)
                                                                                   Other electronic devices (e.g. iPod,       on the vehicle.
                                           It makes no difference whether the      PDA, etc.) can be used on the vehicle.
                                       suffixes are written in capital or small                                               This guarantees maximum safety and
                                       letters.                                    Some of them may cause                     prevents the system from being used
                                                                                   electromagnetic interference. If system    on other vehicles if it is stolen. If
                                          It is recommended to load only           performance worsens, disconnect            necessary contact an authorized dealer.
                                       unprotected music files, with               these devices.
                                       supported extensions.
                                                                                   Note:                                      SOFTWARE UPDATES
                                                                                      The system supports USB                 As soon as the update software for the
                                                                                   formatted as FAT32, FAT16, ExFat,          Information and Entertainment System
                                                                                   NTFS, HFS+, UDF, ISO9660. The              is available, you can contact an
                                                                                   system does not support devices            authorized dealer to perform the
                                                                                   with capacity greater than 64 GB.          update.

MAP UPDATE                                                                                   One Midrange speaker (on
                                                                                          dashboard) of 9 cm (90 mm) in

                                                                                                                                        Information And Entertainment System
To update the maps, contact an                                                            diameter
authorized dealer.
                                                                                             One Eight-channel Amplifier in the
                                                                                          luggage compartment
THE NAVIGATION                                                                               One Subwoofer of 18x27 cm
SYSTEM                                                                                    (180x270 mm) on the parcel shelf
To display further information, go to the
www.tomtom.com/support website.                                            11026S0001EM

                                             Basic Level Audio System Layout

Basic Level Audio System                    Premium Audio System — If
The standard audio system is equipped
                                            The mid-level audio system is equipped
with eight speakers and it is able to
                                            with ten speakers and a 400 W amplifier.
develop a sound power level of 100 W.
                                            The system consists of:
The basic system consists of:                                                                                            11026S0002EM

                                               Four Woofers (Two on front doors              Sound Theater System Layout
   Four Woofers (Two on front doors
                                            and Two on rear doors) of 16 cm
and Two on rear doors) of 16 cm
                                            (160 mm) in diameter
(160 mm) in diameter
                                               Four Tweeters (Two on front doors
   Four Tweeters (Two on front doors
                                            and Two on dashboard) of 4 cm
and Two on dashboard) of 4 cm
                                            (40 mm) in diameter
(40 mm) in diameter

Harman Kardon Premium Audio                                                          GPS RECEPTION
                                       System — If Equipped                                                                 (GLOBAL POSITIONING
Information And Entertainment System

                                       The high audio system is equipped with
                                       14 speakers and a 900 W amplifier.                                                   The GPS is a satellite system, which
                                       The system consists of:                                                              provides worldwide information about
                                                                                                                            time and position. The GPS is
                                          Two Tweeters (on front doors) of                                                  exclusively controlled by the
                                       4 cm (40 mm) in diameter                                                             government of the United States of
                                          Four Woofers (Two on front doors                                                  America, the only body responsible for
                                       and Two on rear doors) of 16 cm                                       11026S0003EM
                                                                                                                            the availability and accuracy of this
                                       (160 mm) in diameter                                                                 system.
                                                                                   Harman Kardon Premium Audio
                                          Five Midrange speakers (Two on front            System Layout                     The operation of this navigation system
                                       doors, One on dashboard and Two on                                                   can be influenced by any change made
                                       parcel shelf) of 8 cm (80 mm) in                                                     to the availability and precision of the
                                       diameter                                                                             GPS or by specific environmental
                                          Two Tweeters (on rear doors) of 4 cm   The system can be equipped with a          conditions.
                                       (40 mm) in diameter                       6.5" or a 8.8" display.                    When navigation is started for the first
                                          One Twelve-channel Amplifier in the                                               time, the system may require several
                                       luggage compartment                                                                  minutes to determine the GPS position
                                                                                                                            and display the current position on
                                          One Subwoofer of 18x27 cm                                                         the map. Afterwards, the position will
                                       (180x270 mm) on the parcel shelf                                                     be found quicker (usually a few
                                                                                                                            seconds are needed).
                                                                                                                            The presence of big buildings (or similar
                                                                                                                            obstacles) may interfere with the GPS
                                                                                                                            signal reception.

IMPORTANT                                    Linotype, Frutiger and Univers are         TURNING THE
INFORMATION ON                               trademarks of Linotype GmbH                SYSTEM ON AND

                                                                                                                                  Information And Entertainment System
COPYRIGHTS                                   registered in the US Patent and            OFF
© 2018 TomTom. All rights reserved.          Trademark Office and may be registered
This material is proprietary and             in certain jurisdictions. MHei is a        RADIO (TUNER) MODE
protected by copyright and/or by             trademark of The Monotype
database rights and/or other rights on       Corporation and may be registered in       The system is switched ON/OFF by
intellectual property of TomTom or of its    certain jurisdictions.                     long pushing the ON/OFF and Volume
suppliers. The use of this material is       Copyright ©2018. Magneti Marelli. All      button.
subject to the terms of a license            rights reserved
contract. Any unauthorized copy or
                                             Magneti Marelli is a registered
disclosure of this material constitutes a
                                             trademark of Magneti Marelli S.p.A..
legally prosecutable violation.
                                             The Alfa Romeo Giulia Infotainment
The software included in this product is
                                             system is protected by copyright and/or
protected by copyright and its use is
                                             other intellectual property rights of
authorized according to a LPG. A copy
                                             Magneti Marelli S.p.A. and/or its
of the license is available in the License
                                             suppliers and/or third parties.
section. After the product has been
                                             Unauthorized use will be prosecuted.
sent, the relevant source code can be
requested within three years. For further    Open source or proprietary modules,                                   11056S0016EM

information go to the tomtom.com/            components and/or libraries of                 ON/OFF and Volume Button
gpl website or contact the nearest           suppliers and/or third parties used by
TomTom customer service from the             Magneti Marelli are subject to the terms
tomtom.com/support website. A CD             and conditions of the respective
with the corresponding source code will      licences.
be sent upon request.

The Information and Entertainment           RADIO MODE SELECTION
                                       System stores the last state (on or off)
Information And Entertainment System

                                       in memory when the engine is turned         To activate "RADIO" mode, proceed as
                                       off. The next time the engine is started;   described below:
                                       the system will resume the previous         Press the MENU (4) button to activate
                                       function.                                   the main menu.
                                       Note: This setting can be changed by
                                       enabling "Auto-On Radio", located in
                                       “System” under the "SETTINGS” menu.
                                       The Volume Control Knob turns                                                                                           0503122930US

                                       continuously (360°) in both directions,                                                               Radio Mode
                                       without stop positions.
                                       Turn the control clockwise to increase
                                                                                                                                Alternatively, in the menu, open the
                                       the radio volume or counterclockwise to
                                                                                                                                Multitasking menu by moving the
                                       decrease it.
                                                                                                                                Rotary Pad upward, turning it to select
                                       The system is equipped with the                                           0503122927US   the    icon, and press it to access
                                       following tuners: AM, FM, and Sirius XM       Radio Tuner Selectable Option              Radio Mode.
                                       Satellite Radio (if equipped).
                                                                                   By turning and pressing the Rotary Pad
                                                                                   (3), select and activate RADIO mode.


                                                                                                                                         Multitasking Menu

SELECTING A                                  The possible options are: AM, FM, or           In The Central Part:
FREQUENCY BAND                               SiriusXM Satellite Radio (if equipped).

                                                                                                                                      Information And Entertainment System
                                                                                            1 - Control Bar:
Within the "RADIO" menu, select the
"Frequency Band" function by rotating                                                             – FAVORITES LIST
and pushing the Rotary Pad. The                                                                   – NEXT
available frequency bands can
                                                                                                  – PREVIOUS
be selected cyclically by pushing the
Rotary Pad.                                                                                       – STATIONS LIST
                                                                                                  – TUNER SEEK
                                                                                                  – FREQUENCY BAND
                                                                                            2 - Name of the radio station being
                                                                                            played and the favorite symbol if the
                                                                             0502123093US   station is stored in the list
                                                         Tuner Options                      3 - Logo Of The Active Frequency Band
                                                                                            4 - Transmitted Program Type
                                             INFORMATION                                    5 - Current Station Frequency
                                             After the desired radio station is             In The Lower Part:
                                             selected, the following information is
         Radio Tuner Mode                                                                   6 - If the station has been stored, the
                                             shown on the display:
                                                                                            number of the preselection.


                                                          Radio Mode
RADIO STATION                             PREVIOUS/NEXT RADIO                            SIRIUS XM RADIO — IF
                                       SELECTION                                 STATION SEARCH                                 EQUIPPED
Information And Entertainment System

                                       You can search in the following ways:        Search Next: briefly push the ON/OFF        The Sirius XM Satellite Radio uses a
                                         Automatically, using the following      and Volume control to the right to   or        direct satellite-receiver broadcast
                                       controls:                                 briefly push    on the steering wheel.         technology to deliver clear digital sound
                                         –       and   buttons on the control       Search Back: briefly push the               anywhere in the country.
                                           bar on the display                    ON/OFF and Volume control to the left          Service subscription is provided by
                                         – By moving the On/Off and Volume       to    or briefly push    on the steering       Sirius XM Satellite Radio.
                                           Control Knob to the positions         wheel.                                         The service offers over 130 channels for
                                                and                                                                             music, sports, news, entertainment
                                         –       and   buttons on the steering   AM/FM RADIO STATION                            and children's programs directly from
                                           wheel                                 TUNING                                         the broadcast studios via satellite.
                                         – By activating the favorite stations   Use the "Manual Search" function to
                                           list                                                                                 Sirius XM and all related trademarks
                                                                                 directly select a radio station. To            and symbols are the property of Sirius
                                                                                 activate the function, select the    icon      XM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries.
                                       PREVIOUS/NEXT RADIO                       on the control bar of the display by           Sirius XM Radio requires a subscription,
                                       STATION FAST SEARCH                       rotating and pushing the Rotary Pad.           sold separately after subscribing for
                                       To move within a frequency band, long                                                    the trial period included in the purchase
                                       push the following controls:                                                             of the vehicle (where available). Prices
                                         Search next, push the ON/OFF and                                                       and programs are provided by Sirius
                                       Volume control to the right to or                                                        XM and are subject to changes.
                                       push    on the steering wheel.                                                           Subscriptions are governed by the
                                         Search back, push the ON/OFF and                                                       Terms and Conditions available on the
                                       Volume control to the left to  or                                                        website sirius.com/serviceterms. The
                                                                                                                                Sirius XM Radio U.S. service is available
                                       push    on the steering wheel.
                                                                                                                                only for adults in the 48 contiguous
                                                                                                                                United States, DC and PR. Service
                                                                                                                                available in Canada. Go to
                                                                                                                 0503122935US   www.siriuscanada.ca.
                                                                                           Tuning The Radio                     This functionality is only available for
                                                                                                                                radios with satellite receiver. To receive
                                                                                 Then turn the Rotary Knob to move on           the satellite radio signal, the vehicle
                                                                                 the frequency bar.                             must be in an open space.
If the display shows “Acquiring signal”,   After the "Sirius XM Satellite Radio"                   Go live
it could be necessary to change the        mode has been selected, the following

                                                                                                                                 Information And Entertainment System
                                                                                        Plays Live content.
vehicle position to receive a signal. In   functions will become available on
most cases, the satellite radio does not   the display:
receive a signal in underground parking                                                            Browse
lots or tunnels.                                                                        You can access the following options:
                                                                                                   Direct tuning
No subscription
Radios with satellite receivers must be
subscribed to the Sirius XM Service.                                                               Channel 01
Without the necessary subscription, the                                                            Channel 0...
only receivable channel is Traffic/
Weather.                                                                                           More

Sirius XM Subscription                                                   0503122944US
                                                                                        You can access the following options:
To activate the Sirius XM subscription,               Sirius XM Radio                              "Main Favorites"
call the toll-free customer service                                                                "Favorite Artists"
number: 1 (866) 635-5027. Then you           Favorites                                             "Favorite Tracks"
will have to provide the Sirius
identification number (SID), which can     You can access the following options:                   "Games"
be found at the bottom of the Channel        Manage favorites                                      "Traffic and weather"
0 page.
                                             Favorite station 01                                   "Delete favorites"
                                             Favorite station 0...                                 "Subscription status"
                                                                                                   "Excluded channels"
                                             Instant replay
                                           Allows you to store and play up to
                                                                                                   Frequency band
                                           22 minutes of music and up to                Allows you to access the various radio
                                           48 minutes of radio speech.                  frequency bands.

HD RADIO — IF                               If you are tuned to a radio station you        AUDIO
                                       EQUIPPED                                    want to store, move the Rotary Pad
Information And Entertainment System

                                                                                                                                  The "Audio Settings" function can be
                                                                                   backwards, turn the Rotary Pad to              found in the Options menu, which
                                       The radio stations broadcast with the
                                                                                   select the desired preset position and         is selected by pushing the Option
                                       HD Radio system are indicated by
                                                                                   push and hold the Pad.                         button.
                                       the “HD” icon and operate on the AM
                                       and FM bands.                                                                              To activate the function, select and
                                       This new transmission system offers                                                        confirm it by turning and pushing the
                                       better sound quality than the traditional                                                  Rotary Pad.
                                       one as well as the ability to convey                                                       You can also access the "Audio
                                       additional information such as the                                                         Settings” function from the main menu
                                       artist’s name and the title of the track                                                   (MENU button) by selecting and
                                       being played.                                                                              activating in sequence the functions
                                                                                                                                  "SETTINGS", "Infotainment" and
                                       SETTING THE PRESETS                                                                        "Audio", by rotating and pushing the
                                                                                                                                  Rotary Pad.
                                       The presets are available in all system                                     0503122937US
                                       modes, listed and accessible by moving                                                     When the function is activated, the
                                                                                           Preset Radio Stations                  following parameters can be set:
                                       the Rotary Pad toward the back of the
                                       vehicle.                                                                                     "Bass" (-9; 0; +9)
                                                                                   The system can store up to seven radio
                                                                                   stations. The stored stations will be            "Treble" (-9; 0; +9)
                                                                                   the first ones displayed in the favorite         "Mid" (-9; 0; +9)
                                                                                   stations list.
                                                                                                                                    "Speed Adjusted Volume" (OFF; +5)
                                                                                                                                    "Surround Sound" (OFF/ON)
                                                                                                                                    "AUX Volume Offset" (OFF; +20)
                                                                                                                                    "Restore Settings"

Bass/Treble/Medium                             Balance/Fader                                 Speed Adjusted Volume

                                                                                                                                            Information And Entertainment System
By turning and pushing the Rotary Pad,         By turning and pushing the Rotary Pad,        By turning and pushing the Rotary Pad,
select the function you wish to change         select the Balance/Fader function.            select the Speed Adjusted Volume
and set the parameter as desired using                                                       function.
the Rotary Pad.
The adjustment can be set to
19 positions: from -9 to +9, "0" is the
balanced position.


                                                    Setting The Balance/Fader                                                0503122941US

                                                                                                  Setting The Volume/Speed
                                               This function allows you to adjust the
                                               balance and fading of the sound               The adjustment can be set to
                                0503122939US   coming from the front and rear                6 positions: "Off", system is turned off,
           Setting The Bass                    speakers. Adjust the balance by turning       and 5 sensitivity levels. The levels
                                               the Rotary Pad, when the desired              can be selected by turning and pushing
                                               position is reached, store it by pushing      the Rotary Pad.
                                               the pad.

Surround Sound                                AUX Volume Offset                             MEDIA MODE
Information And Entertainment System

                                       By turning and pushing the Rotary Pad,        By turning and pushing the Rotary Pad,
                                       select the Sound Surround function.           select the AUX Volume Offset function.        AUDIO SOURCE
                                                                                                                                   This chapter describes the interaction
                                                                                                                                   modes concerning the operation of
                                                                                                                                   Bluetooth, AUX and USB/iPod.
                                                                                                                                   Proceed as follows to activate the
                                                                                                                                   "Media function":
                                                                                                                                     Press the MENU button
                                                                                                                                     Select "MEDIA" mode by turning the
                                                                                                                                   Rotary Pad

                                              Surround Sound Mode                                                   0503122943US

                                                                                         AUX Volume Compensation
                                       This function provides the simulated
                                       surround sound mode. To activate              This function allows the output volume
                                       it, turn the Rotary Pad to ON,                level of the connected device to be
                                       then confirm by pushing it.                   compensated.

                                                                                     Restore Settings
                                                                                     By turning and pushing the Rotary Pad,
                                                                                     select the Restore Settings function.
                                                                                                                                     Media Mode Selectable Option
                                                                                     This function deletes the current
                                                                                     settings and restores the factory

Press the Rotary Pad to activate the       Within the "MEDIA" mode, rotate the         TRACK CHANGE
mode                                         Rotary Pad to "Source" and push             (PREVIOUS/NEXT)

                                                                                                                                     Information And Entertainment System
                                             on the Rotary Pad to select from the list   To pass to the next track, push the
                                             of connected sources. Select the            ON/OFF and Volume control to the right
                                             desired audio source among those            or push the     button on the steering
                                             available (USB devices, AUX and             wheel, or press the     control on the
                                             Bluetooth when a device is connected).      display, which can be selected and
                                             With the source activated, the display      activated by rotating and pushing the
                                             shows the following control bar:            Rotary Pad.
                                                PLAY/PAUSE                               To pass to the previous track, push the
                                                NEXT TRACK                               ON/OFF and Volume control to the
                                                                                         left or push the   button on the
                                                PREVIOUS TRACK
                                                                                         steering wheel, or press the    control
                                                PLAYBACK MODE                            on the display, which can be selected
            Media Mode
                                                 TRACK LIBRARY                           and activated by rotating and pushing
                                                SOURCE                                   the Rotary Pad.
Or, open the Multitasking menu by
moving the Rotary Pad upward, turn it        Note: Going to the     or    control
                                             and moving the Rotary Pad to the right,     TRACK FAST
to select the logo   and press it to                                                     FORWARD/REWIND
activate Media Mode.                         accesses the currently playing Playlist.
                                                                                         To move within a track, long press the
                                                                                         following controls:
                                             RESTART OR PAUSE A
                                             TRACK (PLAY / PAUSE)                           To fast forward the track, push and
                                             To resume a track, when the external        keep pushing the volume control to the
                                             device is connected, push the               right or push the    button on the
                                                 button.                                 steering wheel.

                                             To pause the track currently being            To rewind the track, push and keep
                                             played, push the    button.                 pushing the volume control to the left or
                                                                                         push the    button on the steering

         Multitasking Menu

TRACK SELECTION                               TRACK INFORMATION                        BLUETOOTH
                                       (LIBRARY)                                     DISPLAY                                  SOURCE
Information And Entertainment System

                                       Use this function     to scroll through       If a USB/iPod or Bluetooth device is
                                       and select the tracks on the active           connected, you can display the current   This mode is activated by pairing a
                                       device.                                       track information, according to the      Bluetooth device containing music
                                                                                     information stored about the tracks.     tracks with the system.
                                       On a USB/iPod device, you can also
                                       scroll through the list of artists, albums,   If a device is connected via the AUX     A Activate the Bluetooth function on
                                       tracks, playlists, composers, genres,         socket, no track information can be        the device.
                                       podcasts, and audio books stored              displayed.                               B Press the MENU button, and select
                                       on the device, depending on the                                                          the “SETTINGS” function by turning
                                       information present on the tracks.            PLAYBACK MODE                              and pressing the Rotary Pad.
                                       Note: The "Track Selection" button            (SHUFFLE)                                C Select “Infotainment”.
                                       does not allow any operation on the           Within the Media mode, activate the
                                                                                                                              D Select “Bluetooth”.
                                       device connected through the AUX                  /    button, by rotating and
                                       jack.                                         pressing the Rotary Pad, to play the     E Select "Add device".
                                                                                     tracks on the USB/iPod or Bluetooth      F Search for the Information and
                                       Push the "Track Selection" button to
                                                                                     (where supported by the device) device     Entertainment system on the
                                       activate this function on the source
                                                                                     in a “random”/”defined” order.             Bluetooth audio device (during the
                                       being played.
                                                                                                                                pairing stage a screen is displayed
                                       Turn the Rotary Pad to select the                                                        showing the progress of the
                                       desired category and then push the                                                       operation).
                                       Rotary Pad to confirm the selection.
                                                                                                                              G Select the device to be paired.
                                                                                                                              H When requested by the audio
                                                                                                                                device, enter the PIN code shown
                                                                                                                                on the system display or confirm on
                                                                                                                                the device the PIN displayed.
                                                                                                                              I   If the pairing procedure is completed
                                                                                                                                  successfully, a dedicated screen is

J “Bluetooth” can be reached also by        Select the device to be paired;               “Phone Profile”: allows you manually
  pressing the OPTION button in                                                         connect/disconnect the selected

                                                                                                                                  Information And Entertainment System
                                             When requested by the audio device,
  the PHONE or MEDIA functions. The       enter the PIN code shown on the               device
  MEDIA function can be selected by       system display or confirm on the device          "Audio Profile": allows you to
  turning and pushing the Rotary          the PIN displayed                             select/deselect the device connected
  Pad in the main menu (MENU                                                            as the main device
  button).                                  When the pairing procedure is
                                          completed successfully, a dedicated             "Personal Data": allows you to
                                          screen is displayed                           save/delete the personal data on the
PAIRING A BLUETOOTH                                                                     device
AUDIO DEVICE                                 The Bluetooth function can also be
To pair a Bluetooth audio device,         found by pressing the OPTION button             "Remove Device": allows you to
proceed as follows:                       within the "PHONE" or "MEDIA                  delete a device from the list of paired
                                          functions", which can be selected from        devices
   Activate the Bluetooth function on     the main menu, activated by pushing
the device                                                                              The configuration suggested by the
                                          the MENU button                               system can be changed in this menu.
   From the main menu, activated by
                                          Note: If the Bluetooth connection
pushing the MENU button, select
                                          between mobile phone and system is
the "SETTINGS" function by rotating
                                          lost, consult the mobile phone hand-
and pushing the Rotary Pad
  Select “Infotainment”
                                          The following menu will appear on the
  Select “Bluetooth”                      video once the telephone or device
  Select "Add device"                     is connected to the system via
   Search for the Information and
Entertainment System on the Bluetooth        “Priority device”: allows connection
audio device. During the pairing stage,   to the selected device to be given
a screen is displayed showing the         priority relative to other registered users
progress of the operation                 Note: The priority can be assigned on
                                          both the "Audio" and "Phone” profiles.

USB/IPOD SUPPORT                             The vehicle is equipped with a third           AUX SOURCE
                                                                                    USB port, located in the rear part of the
Information And Entertainment System

                                       USB/IPOD MODE                                central console. This port can only be         AUX SOURCE
                                                                                    used for device charging.
                                                                                                                                   To activate AUX mode, insert an
                                       To activate the USB/iPod mode, insert
                                                                                                                                   appropriate device in the AUX socket
                                       the corresponding device (USB or iPod)
                                                                                                                                   inside the center console.
                                       in the USB ports located on the central
                                       tunnel inside the storage compartment
                                       below the front armrest and under
                                       the climate control panel.


                                                                                         Charge Only USB Location

                                                                                    After having inserted a USB/iPod device               AUX Socket Location
                                                                                    while the system is on, enter “Media”
                                                                                    mode and press Play to start playback.


                                                  USB Locations

                                                                                                 Media Mode
When a device is connected, the                 Note:                                       PHONE MODE
system starts reproducing the AUX

                                                                                                                                               Information And Entertainment System
                                                    The functions of the device
source connected if it is already being         connected with the AUX socket are           PHONE MODE ACTIVATION
played.                                         directly managed by the device itself: it
                                                is not possible to change track/folder/
                                                playlist or control playing start/end/
                                                pause with the controls on the steering
                                                wheel.                                      ALWAYS drive safely with your hands on
                                                                                            the wheel. You have full responsibility
                                                   Do not leave the cable of your           and assume all risks related to the use of
                                                portable player connected to the AUX        the features and applications in this vehicle.
                                                socket after disconnection, to avoid        Only use these features and applications
                                                                                            when it is safe to do so. Failure to do
                                                possible hiss from the speakers.
                                                                                            so may result in an accident involving
                                                                                            serious injury or death.

                                 0503122949US                                               Proceed as follows to activate
               AUX Mode                                                                     "PHONE" mode:
                                                                                              Push the MENU (4) button
Adjust the volume using the ON/OFF                                                            Select "PHONE" mode by turning the
and Volume control or using the volume                                                      Rotary Pad
adjustment control on the connected
If multiple external devices are
connected, to choose the device you
wish to activate, select "Audio source
selection". For further information refer
to "Media Mode".


                                                                                                    Selecting Phone Mode

Activate "PHONE" mode by pushing           MAIN FUNCTIONS                                 DISPLAYED
                                       the Rotary Pad                                                                               INFORMATION
Information And Entertainment System

                                                                                     When this mode is active, you can:
                                                                                                                                    When a phone is connected to the
                                                                                        Compose the phone number (using
                                                                                                                                    system, the display shows various
                                                                                     the graphic keypad on the display)
                                                                                                                                    information (if available):
                                                                                       Display and call the contacts in the
                                                                                                                                    1 - Mobile Phone Name
                                                                                     mobile phone phonebook
                                                                                                                                    2 - Mobile Phone Battery Charge
                                                                                        Display and call contacts from the list
                                                                                     of previous calls                              3 - Mobile Phone Number
                                                                                        Pair up to ten phones/audio devices         When the "PHONE" mode is active, the
                                                                                     to make access and connection easier           display shows the following control
                                                                                     and quicker                                    bar:
                                                                                     The mobile phone audio is transmitted
                                                    Phone Mode                       through the vehicle’s audio system. The        Recent calls: by selecting this option,
                                                                                     system automatically mutes the radio           you can choose between "all calls" and
                                                                                     when the PHONE function is used. The           "missed calls".
                                       Alternatively, in any menu, open the
                                       Multitasking menu by pushing the              microphones (voice commands) are
                                       Rotary Pad upward, turn it to select the      located near the sun visors.                   Favorites: by selecting Edit Favorites,
                                           icon, and press it to access Phone                                                       you can select from “To Favorites",
                                       Mode.                                                                                        “Reorder Favorites", and “Delete

                                                                                                                                    Contacts: shows the list of all contacts
                                                                                                                                    stored on the phone. When you select
                                                                                                                                    a contact with the Rotary Pad, the
                                                                                                                                    phone number and the photo (if any)
                                                                                                                                    linked to the contact appear on the
                                                                                                                                    right of the display.

                                                                                            Microphone Locations

                                                Multitasking Menu
To pair the mobile phone, proceed as         The Bluetooth function can also be
                                           follows:                                  found by pressing the OPTION button

                                                                                                                                    Information And Entertainment System
Dial: selecting this option opens the
"Dial Number" screen where you can            Activate the Bluetooth function on     within the "PHONE" or "MEDIA functions",
dial the number directly by rotating and   the device                                which can be selected from the main
pushing the Rotary Pad.                                                              menu, activated by pushing the MENU
                                              From the main menu, activated by       button
During a call, the following options are   pressing the MENU button, select
enabled:                                   the "SETTINGS" function by turning and    Note: If the Bluetooth connection
                                           pushing the Rotary Pad                    between mobile phone and system is
Disable microphone                                                                   lost, consult the mobile phone hand-
                                             Select “Infotainment”
                                             Select “Bluetooth”
End call                                                                             The following menu will appear once
                                             Select "Add device"                     the telephone or device is connected to
If you receive or make another call                                                  the system via Bluetooth:
                                              Search for the Information and
during a call, the following options are
                                           Entertainment System on the Bluetooth        “Priority Device”: allows connection
                                           audio device (during the pairing stage    to the selected device to be given
  "Switch calls"                           a screen is displayed showing the         priority relative to other registered users.
  "Merge calls"                            progress of the operation)
                                                                                     Note: The priority can be assigned on
                                             Select the device to be paired          both the "Audio" and "Phone” profiles.
PAIRING A MOBILE                              When requested by the audio device,
PHONE                                                                                  “Phone Profile”: allows you manually
                                           enter the PIN code shown on the           connect/disconnect the selected
Note: Only do this with the vehicle sta-   system display or confirm on the device   device
tionary and in safe conditions. The fea-   the PIN displayed
ture is disabled when the car is moving                                                 "Audio Profile": allows you to
                                             When the pairing procedure is           select/deselect the device connected
faster than 3 mph (5 km/h).                completed successfully, a dedicated       as the main device
The pairing procedure for a mobile         screen is displayed
phone is described below: always                                                       "Personal Data": allows you to
consult the handbook for the mobile                                                  save/delete the personal data on the
phone in any case.                                                                   device
                                                                                       "Remove Device": allows you to
                                                                                     delete a device from the list of paired

TRANSMISSION OF                              The phonebook downloaded from the          Select “Phone Profile” or “Audio
                                       PHONE DATA                                   mobile phone can neither be modified     Profile”
Information And Entertainment System

                                       (PHONEBOOK AND                               nor be deleted through the Information
                                       RECENT CALLS)                                                                           Select "Connect"
                                                                                    and Entertainment System: changes will
                                       The system can transmit phone data           be transmitted and updated in the          During the connection stage, the
                                       (phonebook and recent calls) from the        system when the mobile phone is          system will indicate that it is updating.
                                       phonebook via Bluetooth automatically        connected again.                            The device connected is highlighted
                                       when the device is connected.
                                                                                                                             in the list with priority order and will
                                       This setting can be modified at any time     CONNECTION/                              move to the top of the phone list.
                                       in the Bluetooth menu.                       DISCONNECTION OF A
                                                                                    MOBILE PHONE OR A                        Note: The priority is determined accord-
                                       After the first phone data transfer, the                                              ing to the order of connection for
                                                                                    BLUETOOTH AUDIO
                                       procedure for transmitting and updating      DEVICE                                   mobile phones which are not set as
                                       the phonebook (if supported) starts                                                   favorites. The last phone connected will
                                       whenever the phone is reconnected to         Connection                               have the highest priority.
                                       the system.
                                                                                    The system connects automatically to
                                       Whenever a mobile phone is connected         the paired mobile phone with the         Disconnection
                                       to the system, a maximum of                  highest priority.                        To disconnect a specific mobile phone
                                       2000 numbers can be downloaded and                                                    or Bluetooth audio device, proceed
                                                                                    To select a mobile phone or a specific
                                       updated for each phone.                                                               as follows:
                                                                                    Bluetooth audio device, proceed as
                                       Depending on the amount of items             follows:                                    From the main menu, activated by
                                       downloaded from the phonebook, a                                                      pressing the MENU button, select
                                                                                       Activate the Bluetooth function on
                                       slight delay can occur before the last                                                the "SETTINGS" function by turning and
                                                                                    the device
                                       names downloaded can be used. Up to                                                   pushing the Rotary Pad
                                       then the phonebook downloaded                  From the main menu, activated by
                                       previously (if present) will be available.   pressing the MENU button, select           Select “Infotainment”
                                                                                    "SETTINGS" by turning and pushing the      Select the Bluetooth device
                                       The phonebook of the mobile phone
                                                                                    Rotary Pad
                                       currently connected is the only                                                         Select the specific device (mobile
                                       phonebook that can be accessed by              Select “Infotainment”                  phone or Bluetooth device)
                                       the system.                                    Select the Bluetooth device              Select “Phone Profile” or “Audio
                                                                                      Select the specific device (mobile     Profile”.
                                                                                    phone or Bluetooth device)                 Select “Disconnect”

DELETION OF A MOBILE                          Select the device in the paired device   Second procedure
PHONE OR A                                list

                                                                                                                                     Information And Entertainment System
BLUETOOTH AUDIO                                                                          Push the MENU button, turn and
DEVICE                                      Select Priority Device.                    push the Rotary Pad and select the
To delete a mobile phone or a Bluetooth      Select Phone Priority or Audio Priority   "SETTINGS" function
audio device from a list, proceed as      to give this phone priority for these             Select “System”
follows:                                  functions.                                        Select “Clear personal data”
   From the main menu, activated by
                                                                                            Select “Ok”.
pressing the MENU button, select          DELETION OF PHONE
the "SETTINGS" function by turning and    DATA (PHONEBOOK AND                          Note: This procedure deletes all the
pressing the Rotary Pad                   RECENT CALLS)                                data downloaded from the connected
  Select “Infotainment”                   Proceed as follows to delete the phone       device.
                                          data (phonebook and recent calls):
  Select the Bluetooth device
                                                                                       MAKING A PHONE CALL
  Select the specific device (mobile      First procedure
phone or Bluetooth device)                                                             The operations described below can
                                            Push the MENU button, turn and             only be accessed if supported by
  Select “Remove device”                  push the Rotary Pad and select the           the mobile phone in use.
                                          "SETTINGS" function
                                                                                       For all functions available, refer to the
SETTING A MOBILE                            Select “Infotainment”                      mobile phone owner's handbook.
BLUETOOTH AUDIO                             Select the Bluetooth device                With the PHONE function on, you can
DEVICE AS A FAVORITE                          Select the device in the paired device   make a call in the following ways:
To set a mobile phone or Bluetooth        list                                           Selecting “Contacts” or “Recent
audio device as main device, proceed                                                   Calls” on the display command bar
                                            Select “Personal data”
as follows:
                                            Select “Not stored”                             Then selecting a contact from the list
   From the main menu, activated by
pushing the MENU button, select                                                        or
the "SETTINGS" function by turning,                                                      Selecting “Dial” on the display
and pushing the Rotary Pad                                                             command bar
  Select “Infotainment”
  Select the Bluetooth device

Dialing The Phone Number Using           Recent Calls                                Rejecting A Call
                                       The "Keyboard" Icon On The
Information And Entertainment System

                                       Display                                  The list of the last calls made for each    To reject a call, press the "Ignore" or
                                                                                of the following call types can be          “Reject” button on the display.
                                       Enter the phone number using the         displayed:
                                       graphic keypad displayed.
                                                                                  "Missed calls"                            Answering An Incoming Call During
                                       Proceed as follows:                                                                  A Conversation
                                                                                  "ALL CALLS”
                                         Push the MENU button, turn and                                                     To answer an incoming call whilst
                                       push the Rotary Pad and select the       To access these lists, select "Recent       another phone conversation is in
                                       "PHONE" function                         Calls" on the Phone menu main screen.       progress, select "Answer" to put the
                                                                                                                            ongoing call on hold and answer the
                                          On the round keyboard, compose
                                                                                MANAGING AN                                 new incoming call.
                                       the number by rotating and pushing the
                                                                                INCOMING CALL
                                       Rotary Pad                                                                           Note: Not all mobile phones may sup-
                                         Tap Right on the Rotary Pad            Call Controls                               port the management of an incoming
                                                                                                                            call when another phone conversation
                                         When you have composed the             The buttons on the display allow the        is active.
                                       number, select "confirm"                 following phone call functions to be
                                       Dialling The Phone Number Using                                                      MAKING A SECOND
                                                                                  "Answer"                                  PHONE CALL
                                       The Mobile Phone
                                                                                  "Ignore"                                  When a phone conversation is active, a
                                       It is possible to dial a phone number
                                                                                                                            second phone call can be made as
                                       with the mobile phone and continue         “Reject"
                                       using the system (never allow yourself
                                       to be distracted while driving)          Answer A Call                                  From the main menu, activated by
                                                                                                                            pushing the MENU button. Select
                                       When a phone number is dialed with       When a phone call is received on the
                                                                                                                            the "PHONE" function by rotating and
                                       the keypad of the mobile phone, the      mobile phone, the system deactivates
                                                                                                                            pushing the Rotary Pad
                                       audio of the call is played over your    the audio system (if active) and displays
                                       vehicle's sound system                   a screen.                                     Select “Phone Book” or “Recent
                                                                                Push the "Answer" button or the button
                                                                                on the steering wheel controls   to           Select a contact from the list
                                                                                answer.                                     The first call is automatically put on hold
                                                                                                                            and the second call is activated.

MANAGING TWO PHONE                         CONTINUING A PHONE                              SETTINGS
CALLS                                      CALL

                                                                                                                                       Information And Entertainment System
If two calls are in progress (one active   After the engine is switched off, it is still   SETTINGS
and one on hold), it is possible to        possible to continue a phone call.
switch between them by selecting           The call can be closed manually, or             A series of user-programmable
"switch calls" or merge the two calls in   continue up to a maximum time of                functions can be set using the
a conference by selecting "merge calls".   20 minutes, after which the system              Information and Entertainment System.
Note: Check whether the telephone in       turns off and the call is transferred to        To access the user-programmable
use supports the management of a           the phone.                                      settings, open the main menu by
second call and the "Merge calls"                                                          pressing the MENU (4) button, then
mode.                                      ACTIVATION/                                     select SETTINGS by turning and
                                           DEACTIVATION OF THE                             pressing the Rotary Pad.
                                           During a call, the microphone can be
Press the "End" button or the     button
                                           deactivated by selecting "deactivate
on the steering wheel controls to end
                                           microphone" or by highlighting the
a call in progress.
                                           "Mute" button and selecting it by
Only the ongoing call is ended and any     pushing the Rotary Pad.
call on hold becomes the new active
                                           When the microphone is deactivated, it
                                           is still possible to listen to the call in
Depending on the type of mobile            progress.
phone, if the ongoing call is ended by
                                           To reactivate the microphone, repeat
the caller, the call on hold may not
                                           the process above.                                                           0503122977US
be activated automatically.
                                                                                                      Settings Menu

                                                                                           The following menu items can be found
                                                                                                 "Units & Language"

"Clock & Date"                              “Headlight Off Delay”: activates/        Units and Language
                                                                                       deactivates the headlight delay when
Information And Entertainment System

                                              "Safety"                                                                             To access the "Units and Language"
                                                                                       the vehicle is turned off.                  function and the respective sub-menus,
                                              "Driver Assistance"
                                                                                          "Cornering Lights": activates/           select the option by turning the Rotary
                                              "Doors & Locks"                          deactivates the automation that links       Pad and activate it by pressing the
                                         "Cluster"                                     the light beam of the headlight to the      control itself.
                                                                                       steering angle
                                                                                          "Flash Lights with Lock": activates
                                                                                       flashing when the vehicle doors are
                                                                                         "Daytime Running Lights":
                                       To access the Lights function, select it
                                                                                       activates/deactivates the daytime
                                       by turning the Rotary Pad and press the
                                                                                       running lights (DRLs)
                                       Rotary Pad to activate.
                                                                                         "Greeting Lights": activates/
                                                                                       deactivates the courtesy lights
                                                                                          "Interior Ambient Lighting": for                                        0503122977US
                                                                                       selecting the brightness of the interior
                                                                                                                                     Units & Language Menu Option
                                                                                         “Automatic High Beam": activates/
                                                                                                                                   The options available are:
                                                                                       deactivates the automatic main beam
                                                                                       headlights                                    "Units"
                                                                                         "Restore Settings": deletes the             "Language"
                                                                                       current settings and restores the factory     "Restore settings"
                                                                        0503122962US   settings
                                                                                                                                   Selecting the "Units" option activates
                                                Lights Setting Option                  Enter the single functions and adjust       the following submenus:
                                                                                       them by rotating and pressing the
                                                                                                                                     "US" (For North American market
                                       The following settings can be modified          Rotary Pad.
                                       when this mode is selected:
                                          "Headlight Sensitivity": for adjusting
                                       the headlight activation sensitivity                                                          "Custom"

Selecting the "Custom" activates the       Clock & Date                                      "Set Time": allows to manually set
following submenus:                                                                       the time, turn the Rotary Pad to adjust

                                                                                                                                         Information And Entertainment System
                                           To access the "Clock & Date" function,
   "Distance": allows you to select the    select it by turning the Rotary knob           the hours value, press the control to
units of measurement for distance          and activate it by pressing on the knob        confirm it, proceed similarly to set the
("km" or "mi")                             itself.                                        minutes.

   "Temperature": allows you to select
the units of measurement for
temperature ("°C" or "°F")
   "Pressure": allows you to select the
unit of measurement for pressure
(options available: "psi", "kPa", "bar")
   "Fuel Consumption": allows you
to select the units of measurement for
fuel consumption. If the unit of
measurement for distance is "km/l" or                                                                                     0503122955US
"l/100 km" can be selected, while if the
                                                Clock & Date Menu Option                              Clock Settings
unit of measurement for distance is
"mi" (miles), "mpg" is set automatically
                                           The options available are:                       "Time Format": you can choose
Selecting the "Language" option:
                                                                                          between a 24h clock and a 12h clock.
   Allows the system language setting         "Sync with GPS Time": activates/
to be selected                             deactivates the clock synchronization
                                           through the GPS; if it's off, the options
Selecting the "Restore Settings" option:
                                           "Set Time" and "Set Date" are enabled.
  Allows to delete the current settings
and restores the factory settings
Enter the single functions and adjust
them by rotating and pressing the
Rotary Pad.

"Set Date": allows to set the date         Safety                                         Speed Limiter Speed
                                       manually. Turn the Rotary Pad to adjust
Information And Entertainment System

                                                                                     To access the “Safety” function, select it     Lets you set the speed limit value. By
                                       the day, push the control to confirm it,      by turning the Rotary Pad and press            turning the Rotary Pad, the speed
                                       proceed similarly to set month and year.      the Rotary Pad to activate.                    increases by 3 mph (5 km/h), on
                                                                                                                                    rotation, from a minimum of 18 mph
                                                                                                                                    (30 km/h) to a maximum of 111 mph
                                                                                                                                    (180 km/h)

                                                                                                                                    Forward Collision Warning — If
                                                                                                                                    Allows you to select the intervention
                                                                                                                                    readiness for the anti-collision system.
                                                                                                                                    The options available are:
                                                                      0503122956US                                                    "Mode": used to set the following
                                                   Date Settings                                                                    operating modes: Warning-brake,
                                                                                                      Safety                        Warning, Off (where provided)

                                         "Restore Settings": deletes the                                                               "Sensitivity": allows you to select the
                                                                                     The following settings can be modified         intervention readiness for the system
                                       current settings and restores the factory     when this mode is selected:
                                       settings.                                                                                    according to the distance of the
                                                                                                                                    obstacle (near, medium, far)
                                       Enter the single functions and adjust         Speed Limiter
                                       them by rotating and pressing the                                                            Lane Departure Warning
                                       Rotary Pad.                                   This lets you activate/deactivate the
                                                                                     function warning that you have                 This function can be used to select the
                                                                                     exceeded the set speed                         "readiness" of the Lane Departure
                                                                                                                                    Warning system to intervene.
                                                                                                                                    The options available are:
                                                                                                                                       "Sensitivity": allows you to select the
                                                                                                                                    intervention readiness for the system
                                                                                                                                    (early, late)

Blind Spot Monitoring                          The options available are:                  Auto Park Brake

                                                                                                                                          Information And Entertainment System
With this function, you can activate/             “Mode”: the possible options are:        This function allows you to activate/
deactivate the acoustic signal warning         “Sound", the system warns the driver of     deactivate the automatic parking brake
of objects in the blind spot of the            the presence of an obstacle using only      engagement upon switching off the
exterior rear view mirror                      acoustic signals, through the car           engine.
                                               speakers or "Sound and Display", the
Driver Assistance                              system warns the driver of the              Brake Service — If Equipped
                                               presence of an obstacle using acoustic
To access the “Driver assistance”              (through the car speakers) and visual       This function permits the activation of
function, select it by turning the Rotary      signals on the instrument panel display     the procedure to carry out braking
Pad and press the Pad to activate.                                                         system servicing.
                                                  "ParkSense Volume": allows to
                                               select the volume of the acoustic           Access the functions and select the
                                               warnings provided by the ParkSense          setting by turning and pressing the
                                               system, the available options are:          Rotary Pad.
                                               "High", "Medium" or "Low"
                                                                                           Doors & Locks
                                               Backup Camera — If Equipped                 To access the “Doors & Locks”
                                               This function can be used to carry out      function, select it by turning the Rotary
                                               the following adjustments:                  Pad and press the control itself to
                                                 "View": lets you activate viewing the
                                0503122966US   backup camera on the display
  Driver Assistance Menu Option                   "Camera Delay": allows you to delay
                                               switching off the camera by a few
This function can be used to carry out         seconds when reverse gear is
the following adjustments:                     disengaged
                                                 "Camera Guidelines": Allows you to
ParkSense                                      activate the display of the dynamic
                                               guidelines that indicate the route of the
This function can be used to select the
type of warning provided by the
ParkSense system.                                                                                                          0503122967US

                                                                                               Doors & Locks Option Menu

The following settings can be modified      Enter the single functions and adjust             "Phone Repeat" (allows to
                                       when this mode is selected:                 them by turning and pressing the               activate/deactivate the repetition of the
Information And Entertainment System

                                         "Door Lock in Motion": this function      Rotary Pad.                                    phone function screens on the
                                       can be used to activate/deactivate                                                         instrument panel display as well)
                                       automatic door locking when the             Cluster                                           "Restore Settings" (allows to delete
                                       vehicle is moving                           To access the “Cluster” function, select       the current settings and restore factory
                                          "Unlock All Doors on Exit": permits      it by turning the Rotary Pad and press         settings)
                                       the automatic unlocking of the doors        the Rotary Pad to activate.                    To access and set the various
                                       when exiting the vehicle                                                                   functions, turn and press the Rotary
                                          "Passive Entry": permits the                                                            Pad to select and confirm the selection.
                                       activation of the automatic door closing
                                       strategy                                                                                   Infotainment
                                          "Door Unlock on Entry": permits the                                                     To access the “Infotainment” function,
                                       choice of whether to open all doors                                                        select it by turning the Rotary Pad
                                       or driver side door only when the                                                          and press the Rotary Pad to activate.
                                       dedicated button on the key with
                                       remote control is first pressed
                                           "Sound Horn with Remote Start " —                                       0503122969US
                                       If Equipped: permits the activation/
                                                                                           Cluster Menu Options
                                       deactivation of the horn when the
                                       engine is started with the electronic key
                                                                                   The following settings can be modified
                                          "Sound Horn with Lock": permits
                                                                                   when this mode is selected:
                                       the activation of the horn when the door
                                       locking button on the key with remote          "Warning Buzzer Volume" (allows you
                                       control is pressed. The options available   to set the volume of the warning
                                       are "Off", "1st press", "2nd press"         buzzer to low, medium, or high)                                                0503122971US

                                                                                     "Trip B" (allows you to activate/                 Infotainment Menu Options
                                         "Restore Settings": deletes the
                                       current settings and restores the factory   deactivate the function)

The following settings can be modified       Audio                                      Radio
when this mode is selected:

                                                                                                                                    Information And Entertainment System
                                             This allows you to set the following       This allows you to set the following
                                             audio parameters:                          parameters:
Screen Off
                                               “Bass”                                      “Screen off”: allows the screen to be
Allows the screen to be turned off                                                      turned off automatically, all functions
automatically, all functions remain            “Treble”
                                                                                        remain available. Interaction with Rotary
available. Interaction with Rotary Pad         “Mid”                                    Pad turns the screen back on
turns the screen back on.                      “Balance/Fader”                             "Split Screen": allows for a second
Access the function and select the             "Speed Adjusted Volume"                  mode to be displayed within the Radio
setting by turning and pressing the                                                     screen. The parameters that can be
Rotary Pad.                                    "Surround sound"
                                                                                        set are: “Off” (system off); “Audio”
                                               "Aux Volume Offset"                      (to view audio function parameters);
Split Screen                                   "Restore settings"                       “Nav” (to view navigator function
Allows for multiple functioning modes to                                                parameters); “Efficient Drive” (to view
                                             For setting the parameters, see
be displayed on the same screen                                                         fuel consumption reduction parameters,
                                             paragraph "Audio" in section "Switching
(if equipped). The possible options are:                                                function linked to the Alfa DNA
                                             the system on/off".
  "Off": system disengaged
                                             Bluetooth                                     "Seek mode": the available options
  "Audio": displays the audio function                                                  are: “by frequency”; “by station”;
parameters                                   Allows for devices that have the           “favorites”
  "Nav": displays the navigator function     Bluetooth function to connect to the
                                                                                           "Traffic News": allows you to display
parameters                                   system. The possible options are:
                                                                                        the traffic news. The possible options
   “Efficient Drive”: displays the driving     "Add device": allows you to add a        are: “On”; “Off”
style efficiency parameters (function        device
                                                                                           "RDS": allows for the messages
linked to the Alfa DNA selector)                 “Device 01” allows you to select the   transmitted by the radio broadcasters
Enter the single functions and adjust        following functions: “Priority Device";    to be displayed. The possible options
them by rotating and pressing the            "Phone Profile"; "Audio Profile";          are: “On”; “Off”
Rotary Pad.                                  "Personal Data"; "Remove Device"
                                                                                           “HD Radio”: The possible options
                                             Enter the single functions and adjust      are: “On”; “Off”
                                             them by rotating and pressing the
                                             Rotary Pad.

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