Table of Contents
    The Gambia                           4

    Austria                              5

    Belgium                              6

    Canada                               7

    France                               8

    Germany                              9

    Ghana                                10

    Guinea                               11

    Guinea-Bissau                        12

    Italy                                13

    Liberia                              14

    Mali                                 15

    Morocco                              16


Table of Contents
 The Netherlands        17

 Nigeria                18

 Norway                 19

 Senegal                20

 Sierra Leone           21

 South Africa           22

 Spain                  23

 Sweden                 25

 Switzerland            26

 Turkey                 27

 United Arab Emirates   28

 United Kingdom         29

 United States          30


The Gambia                                         APPLICATION STEPS

PASSPORT TYPE                                      a) Once you have all the required
Ordinary Passport                                     documents proceed to the
                                                      nearest ECOBANK branch and
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED                                    deposit the passport fee and get
                                                      a receipt. The current passport
When applying for an ordinary (regular) passport      fee is three thousand and sixty
for Gambian nationals, there are certain              Dalasi (GMD3060).
supporting    documents     required.     These
documents include one or more of the following:    b) Proceed      to   the   Gambia
                                                      Immigration Department in
    a) Birth certificate                              Banjul, passport unit and show
                                                      them your payment receipt in
    b) National identity card (ID card)
                                                      order to get a passport
    c) Copies of old passport (if you are             application form.
       renewing your passport)
                                                   c) Complete       the     passport
    d) National voter identity card                   application form with the
                                                      required information and attach
    e) Alkalo/chief attestation
                                                      your documents.

ADDRESS                                            d) Submit your completed passport
Gambia Immigration Department                         application form with required
21 OAU Boulevard (former Dobson Street)               documents and have your
Banjul, The Gambia.                                   biometric data collected.

Gambia Biometric Identification System             e) After your biometric data,
Semlex Complex,                                       including photo is taken you will
Off MDI Road (Behind GRTS),                            be told when to collect your
Kanifing Industrial Layout                            passport.

                                                   f)   Passports can also be obtained at
                                                        Semlex Complex in Kainifing
Tel: 00220-4228717 or 00220-4227249
                                                        following the same procedure as
Email: info@gid.gov.gm                                  noted above.
Website(s): www.gid.gov.gm or www.moi.gov.gm

Monday – Thursday: 08:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday: 08:00 am – 12:00 pm


  APPLICATION PROCESS                        Austria
   a) Applicants from The Gambia and         TYPE OF VISAS
      others residing in the official          A) Visa C (short stay visa)
      territory of the Austrian Embassy      B) Visa A (airport transit visa)
      Dakar must submit applications         C) Visa D (national visa)
      directly to the Austrian Embassy
      in Dakar.
                                             DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
   b) Attach the required documents          Applying for a Schengen Visa to Austria, there are
                                             two set of requirements. The general conditions
   c) Make a visa appointment with the       are compulsory and applicable on ALL, whilst the
      consular services of the Embassy       varying conditions vary according to the type of
      in Dakar, Senegal. Request             visa   being     applied   for.   The      general
      appointment by email to                documents include:
      dakar-ob@bmeia.gv.at        (the
      request must contain the reason         a) Collect and fill the visa application form,
                                                 download form here: https://www.bmeia.gv.at/-
      and period of travel)
   d) Attend the visa interview in
      person at the Embassy in Dakar          b) Two recently taken passport photos

                                              c) Passport travel document

                                              d) A cover letter

ADDRESS                                       e) Proof of your accommodation
Austrian Embassy in Dakar                     f)   Travel insurance
18, rue Emile Zola, B.P. 3247, Dakar
                                              g) Proof of your flight ticket

CONTACT & HOURS                              There might be other documents required,
Tel: 00221-8494000                           depending on the type of visa you are applying for,
Email: dakar.ob@bmeia.gv.at                  visit [https://www.bmeia.gv.at/oeb-dakar] and
Website(s): www.aussenministerium.at/dakar   download the relevant checklist depending on
                                             which visa you are applying for.
Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Belgium                                                          APPLICATION STEPS

TYPE OF VISAS                                                    Having sought out all the required
A) Short-term visa (such as business visa, sport                 documents depending on the purpose
competition/cultural/film festival visa)                         of your intended visit, proceed to the
B) Long-term visa (such as work visa and study visa)             Joint Visa Application Center website
                                                                 a) Book an appointment online
Applying for a Schengen Visa to Belgium, there are two
set of requirements. The general conditions are                     here: https://www.vfsglobal.com/-
compulsory and applicable on ALL whilst the varying                 belgium/senegal/schedule-an-ap-
conditions vary according to the type of visa being                 pointment.html
applied for. The general documents include:

                                                                 b) Prepare/arrange your documents
    a)   The application form: filled online and download
         from here: [https://visaonweb.diplomatie.be/], fill
         it electronically and then print a hard-copy.           c) Attend your appointment in
    b) 2 passport size photographs.

    c)   Your passport and copies of your previous visas         d) Receive your decision (Note:
         – valid for at least 3 months beyond return date
         – are required. Your passport must have at least
                                                                    Remember to arrange how you
         two blank pages.                                           will pick up your passport)
    d) Flight reservation with dates and flight numbers
       specifying entry and exit from Belgium
    e)   A proof of travel insurance
                                                               Joint Visa Application Centre
    f)   A cover letter stating the purpose of visit to        VFS Global
         Belgium                                               Immeuble ATRYUM Center, Ground floor
    g)   Hotel Booking Reservation for the whole               Km, 8 Route de Ouakam DAKAR.
         duration of the intended stay in Belgium
                                                               Belgian Consulate in Banjul
    h) Proof of civil status (marriage certificate)
                                                               C/O Sangol Farms Limited
    i)   Proof of means of subsistence (Bank Statement         Garba Jahumba Road
         enough to fund your period of stay in Belgium)        Bakau New Town
    g)   Proof of your flight ticket
                                                               CONTACT & HOURS
                                                               Tel: 00221-338606006 or 00220-4497616
There might be other documents required, depending             Email: belgium.sn@vfshelpline.com
on the type of visa you are applying for, visit https://ww-
                                                               Website(s): https://www.vfsglobal.com/belgium/
and download the relevant checklist depending on               senegal/how-to-apply.html
which visa you are applying for.
                                                               Monday to Friday: 08:30 am - 4:30 pm

There might be other documents required, depending on the type
of visa you are applying for, visit https://www.canada.ca/en/immigra-
guides.html and download the relevant checklist depending on
which visa you are applying for.
                                                                        TYPE OF VISAS
                                                                        A) Visitor visas (temporary resident visa)
                                                                        B) Study permits
    APPLICATION PROCESS                                                 C) Work permits
                                                                        D) Travel documents for permanent residents

     a) Once you have submitted all                                     DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
        documents, click here to
                                                                        When applying for a Canada Visa, there are two sets of
        schedule an appointment.                                        requirements. The general conditions are compulsory and
                                                                        applicable on ALL, whilst the varying conditions vary according to
     b) When your appointment is                                        the type of visa being applied for. The general documents include:
        confirmed, you will receive an                                   a)   Visa Application Form: Complete application form for Canada.
        appointment letter, which will                                        Download here [https://visa.vfsglobal.com/sen/en/can/apply-vi-
        provide details of the date, time                                     sa]. You can also apply online, by filling out the visa application
        and location of the appointment,
        along with other relevant                                        b)   Passport photo: Photo must be no older than 6 months
                                                                         c)   Passport: Original Passport or Travel Document with at least
                                                                              6 months remaining validity on the date of travel and have at
     c) Print and bring along the
                                                                              least 2 visa pages clear of any markings.
        appointment letter and all other
        documents to the interview.                                      d)   Cover letter: Cover letter mentioning the details of the
                                                                              applicant, travel and details of the other members travelling
                                                                              with you.
     d) You'll have to arrive at the
        Canada Visa Application Centre                                   e)   Travel itinerary: Travel itinerary (travel reservation to and
        15 minutes prior to your                                              from the country/area in your name, not a ticket)
        appointed time.
                                                                         f)   Hotel bookings: Hotel reservation(s) for the duration of your

ADDRESS                                                                  g)   Bank statement: Applicant's most recent monthly bank
Canada Visa Application Centre                                                statement. The statement must clearly show the applicant's
International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Dakar                        name as the account holder, the balances of the accounts, and
Immbeuble Seydi Djamil First floor                                            the date of the statement. If statements are printed online,
                                                                              then it has to be Authenticated (stamped) by the bank
Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop x Leo Frobenius
Dakar, Sénégal
                                                                         h)   Tax returns: Income Tax Returns
Tel: 00221-8894700 or 00221-338606588
                                                                         i)   Financial documents: Any other financial documents like FD,
Email: dakar@international.gc.ca                                              Shares, Mutual Funds, NSC, PPF, Property papers or any
Website(s): https://visa.vfsglobal.com/sen/en/can/apply-visa                  other financial documents.

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


France                                                              APPLICATION STEPS

TYPE OF VISAS                                                       Visa applicants to France must attend an
                                                                    in-person interview in Dakar, Senegal.
A) Culture, sport, religious activities
B) Student visa
C) Business visa                                                    a) After     completing   the    visa
                                                                       application form, you must book
D) Tourist visa                                                        an appointment to submit your
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED                                                     documents at VFS. Use this link to
                                                                       fix an appointment:
When applying for a Schengen Visa to France, there are                 https://france-visas.gouv.fr/web/
two sets of requirements. The general conditions are                   sn/a-qui-sadresser
compulsory and applicable on ALL, whilst the varying
conditions vary according to the type of visa being                    When you have completed the
applied for. The general documents include:                         b) application, you must print the
                                                                       application form and your receipt
    a)   Complete application form online                              of application. You must bring
         https://rb.gy/w9lspm                                          these documents, together with all
                                                                       supporting documents, when you
    b) Two recently taken passport size photos.                        submit your file at the Visa
                                                                       Application Centre in Dakar,
    c)   A passport that is valid for three months beyond              Senegal.
         the return date.
                                                                    c) Make sure you are on time for
    d) Copy of a booked round-trip flight ticket, instead              your appointment. For those
       of buying the actual flight ticket before obtaining             showing up late there is no
       the visa.                                                       guarantee that the application can
    e)   A one or two-page letter signed by the applicant,
                                                                       be submitted and applicants may
         stating the purpose of your visit to France,                  need    to    reschedule      their
         including the travel program.                                 appointment.

    f)   Proof of a booked accommodation for the period
         of stay in France.
    g)   Marriage certificate, child’s birth certificate,
         spouse’s death certificate, ration card if applicable.
                                                                  France Visa Application Center
                                                                  VFS Global
    h) Proof of sufficient means to cope with the living            Atryum building (ground floor),
       costs during for the period of stay.
                                                                  Km 8, Route de Ouakam,
    i)   A fee applies towards each applicant who submits         Dakar, Senegal
         a French visa application.
    j)                                                            CONTACT & HOURS
         Additional or other specific visa application
         criteria for a French visa might apply.                  Tel: 00221-338606006
There might be other documents required, depending                Email: ambafrance.bjl@gmail.com
on the type of visa you are applying for, visit                   Website(s): http://www.ambafrance-sn.org/ or
https://france-visas.gouv.fr/web/france-visas/ai-je-beso-         https://visa.vfsglobal.com/sen/en/fra
in-d-un-visa and download the relevant checklist
depending on which visa you are applying for.
                                                                  Monday to Friday: 08:30 am - 4:30 pm


  APPLICATION PROCESS                               Germany
   Visa applicants to Germany must attend
                                                    TYPE OF VISAS
   an in-person interview in Dakar, Senegal.        A) Short term visa (such as business, tourist, sport
                                                    competition/cultural/film festival visa, etc.)
   a) After     completing   the    visa            B) Transit visa long term visa (such as study visa,
      application form, you must book
      an appointment to submit your                 work visa, etc.)
      documents at the Consular                     DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
      section. Use this link to fix an
      appointment: https://service2.dip-            Applying for a Schengen Visa to Germany, there are two set
      lo.de/rktermin/extern/choose_-                of requirements. The general conditions are compulsory and
      realmList.do?locationCode=                    applicable on ALL, whilst the varying conditions vary
      daka&request_locale=en                        according to the type of visa being applied for The general
                                                    documents include:
   b) When you have completed the
      application, you must print the                a)   Complete details entered into the visa application form
      application form and your receipt                   which can be downloaded here: https://dakar.dip-
      of application. You must bring                      lo.de/sn-en/service/visa-einreise/-/1802310#content_0
      these documents, together with all
      supporting documents, when you                 b)   One recent passport picture with white background
                                                          (please do not attach to form)
      submit your file at the Consular
      section of the German Embassy in               c)   Valid passport copy with two blank pages for visa grant/
      Dakar, Senegal.                                     previous visas – valid for at least 3 months beyond return
                                                          date – are required
   c) Make sure you are on time for
      your appointment. For those                    d)   Flight Reservation with dates and flight numbers
      showing up late there is no                         specifying entry and exit from Germany
      guarantee that the application can
      be submitted and applicants may                e)   A proof of travel insurance
      need    to    reschedule      their            f)   A cover letter stating the purpose of visit to Germany
      appointment.                                        and itinerary

                                                     g)   Hotel booking reservation for the whole duration of
                                                          intended stay in Germany
                                                     i)   Proof of civil status (marriage certificate)
German Embassy in Dakar
                                                     j)   Proof of means of subsistence (Bank Statement enough
20, Avenue Pasteur                                        to fund your period of stay in Germany. Visit the German
Dakar, Senegal                                            government visa website via https://www.germany-vi-
                                                          sa.org/ for detailed information additional required
CONTACT & HOURS                                           documents depending on the purpose of your intend visit
                                                          to Germany.
Tel: 00221-338894884
Email: rkinfo@daka.auswaertiges-amt.de              There might be other documents required, depending on the
Website(s): https://dakar.diplo.de/sn-en/service/   type of visa you are applying for, visit https://dakar.dip-
visa-einreise/-/1802310#content_1                   lo.de/blob/2230014/5c40a12b8b93d0b4dbde8e276b
                                                    e69e14/checklist-schengen-visa-data.pdf and download
                                                    the relevant checklist depending on which visa you are
Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm                applying for.


Ghana                                             APPLICATION STEPS

TYPE OF VISAS                                     Not applicable
Ghana is VISA FREE for Gambian nationals

Ghana is a member state of the ECOWAS,
therefore all citizens of ECOWAS are            Consulate of Ghana
permitted free movement within the other        Radio 1FM
member countries and do not require a visa      44 Kairaba Avenue
for entry. As a Gambian national you must       Banjul, The Gambia
possess a valid passport of your citizenship,
the ECOWAS passport or the ECOWAS
Travel Certificate.                             CONTACT & HOURS
                                                Tel: 00220-4396075
Additional information such as the following    Email: N/A
may be required:                                Website(s): https://www.ecowas.int/life-in-
 a) You will require a proof of yellow          the-community/education-and-youth/
    fever vaccination record card.
                                                Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
 b) Check the current validity of your

 c) Confirm if transit visa is required for
    any connections.

 d) Have other form of ID card.

 e) Travel allowance, accommodation and

 f) If you are driving, you must have
    complete vehicle insurance, including
    the ECOWAS Brown Card.


  APPLICATION PROCESS                         Guinea
   Not applicable                             TYPE OF VISAS
                                              Guinea is VISA FREE for Gambian nationals

ADDRESS                                       DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
Consulate of Guinea                           Guinea is a member state of the ECOWAS,
Senegambia Junction                           therefore all citizens of ECOWAS are
Kololi, Kanifing Municipality                 permitted free movement within the other
The Gambia                                    member countries and do not require a visa
                                              for entry. As a Gambian national you must
                                              possess a valid passport of your citizenship,
                                              the ECOWAS passport or the ECOWAS
Tel: 00220-4226862                            Travel Certificate.
Email: N/A
Website(s): https://www.ecowas.int/life-in-   Additional information such as the following
the-community/education-and-youth/            may be required:

Monday to Friday: 09:00 am - 12:00 pm         a) You will require a proof of yellow fever
                                                 vaccination record card.

                                              b) Check the current validity of your

                                              c) Confirm if transit visa is required for
                                                 any connections.

                                              d) Have other form of ID card.

                                              e) Travel allowance, accommodation and

                                              f) If you are driving, you must have
                                                 complete vehicle insurance, including
                                                 the ECOWAS Brown Card.


Guinea-Bissau                                        APPLICATION STEPS

TYPE OF VISAS                                        Not applicable
Guinea-Bissau is VISA FREE for Gambian nationals

Guinea-Bissau is a member state of the
ECOWAS, therefore all citizens of                  Consulate of Guinea-Bissau
ECOWAS are permitted free movement                 78 Atlantic Road,
within the other member countries and do           Fajara, Kanifing Municipality,
not require a visa for entry. As a Gambian         The Gambia
national you must possess a valid passport of
your citizenship, the ECOWAS passport or
the ECOWAS Travel Certificate.                     CONTACT & HOURS
                                                   Tel: 00220-4494884
Additional information such as the following       Email: N/A
may be required:                                   Website(s): https://www.ecowas.int/life-in-
 a) You will require a proof of yellow             the-community/education-and-youth/
    fever vaccination record card.
                                                   Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
 b) Check the current validity of your

 c) Confirm if transit visa is required for
    any connections.

 d) Have other form of ID card.

 e) Travel allowance, accommodation and

 f) If you are driving, you must have
    complete vehicle insurance, including
    the ECOWAS Brown Card.


   APPLICATION PROCESS                                           Italy
    Visa applicants to Italy must attend an                      TYPE OF VISAS
    in-person interview in Dakar, Senegal.                       A) Short term visa (such as business, tourist, sport
                                                                 competition/cultural/film festival visa, etc.)
    a) Once you have applied for your
       visa, you need to book an                                 B) Transit visa long term visa (such as study visa,
       appointment      to    have   your                        work visa, etc.)
       fingerprints and photo taken at a
       Visa Application Centre. Book your                        DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
       appointment here: https://visa.vfs-                       When applying for a Schengen Visa to Italy, there
       egal/english/visa-types.html                              are two sets of requirements. The general
                                                                 conditions are compulsory and applicable on ALL
    b) When you have completed the                               whilst the varying conditions vary according to
       application, you must print the                           the type of visa being applied for. The general
       application form and your receipt                         documents include:
       of application. You must bring these
       documents, together with all                               a) Complete details entered into the visa
       supporting documents, when you
       submit your documents at the Visa                             application form which can be downloaded
       Application Centre in Dakar,                                  from the official Italian Government visa
       Senegal.                                                      website: https://www.esteri.it/mae/it/
    c) Make sure you are on time for your
       appointment. For those showing up                          b) 2-3 passport size photographs
       late there is no guarantee that the
       application can be submitted and                           c) Valid passport copy with two blank pages
       applicants may need to reschedule
       their appointment.                                         d) Sponsorship letter          details   and    copy
                                                                     (if applicable)
ADDRESS                                                           e) Bank Statement
Italy Visa Application Center
VFS Global - Atryum Building (ground floor),
Km 8, Route de Ouakam,
                                                                  f) Return ticket copies
Dakar, Senegal
                                                                  g) Proof of citizenship of home country
Italian Embassy in Dakar
Rue Alpha Hachamiyou Tall
B.P. 348, Dakar                                                   i) Proof of health Insurance valid for the
                                                                     intended period.
CONTACT & HOURS                                                  There might be other documents required,
Tel: 00221 338892636 or 00220-4394770                            depending on the type of visa you are applying
Email: ambasciata.dakar@esteri.it                                for, visit https://visa.vfsglobal.com/one-pager/it-
Website(s): https://visalist.io/italy/visa-requirements/gambia
                                                                 aly/senegal/english/visa-types.html           and
or https://www.vfsglobal.com/italy/Senegal/
                                                                 download the relevant checklist depending on
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM                              which visa you are applying for.


Liberia                                          APPLICATION STEPS

TYPE OF VISAS                                     Not applicable
Liberia is VISA FREE for Gambian nationals

Liberia is a member state of the ECOWAS,
therefore all citizens of ECOWAS are            Consulate of Liberia
permitted free movement within the other        Office in Banjul
member countries and do not require a visa      9 Cameroon Street
for entry. As a Gambian national you must       Banjul, The Gambia
possess a valid passport of your citizenship,   West Africa
the        ECOWAS          passport       or
the ECOWAS Travel Certificate.
                                                CONTACT & HOURS
Additional information such as the following    Tel: 00220-4496775 or 00220-4227463
may be required:                                Fax: 00220-4227463
                                                Email: N/A
 a) You will require a proof of yellow
    fever vaccination record card.              Website(s): https://www.ecowas.int/life-in-
 b) Check the current validity of your
    passport.                                   Mon - Fri: N/A

 c) Confirm if transit visa is required for
    any connections.

 d) Have other form of ID card.

 e) Travel allowance, accommodation and

 f) If you are driving, you must have
    complete vehicle insurance, including
    the ECOWAS Brown Card.


  APPLICATION PROCESS                         Mali
  Not applicable                              TYPE OF VISAS
                                              Mali is VISA FREE for Gambian nationals

ADDRESS                                       DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
Consulate of Mali                             Mali is a member state of the ECOWAS,
Office in Banjul                                therefore all citizens of ECOWAS are
26 Rev. William Cole Street                   permitted free movement within the other
Banjul capital                                member countries and do not require a visa
The Gambia                                    for entry. As a Gambian national you must
West Africa                                   possess a valid passport of your citizenship,
                                              the ECOWAS passport or the ECOWAS
                                              Travel Certificate.
Tel: 00220-4228433                            Additional information such as the following
Email: N/A                                    may be required:
Website(s): https://www.ecowas.int/life-in-
the-community/education-and-youth/             a) You will require a proof of yellow fever
                                                  vaccination record card.
Mon - Fri: N/A
                                               b) Check the current validity of your

                                               c) Confirm if transit visa is required for
                                                  any connections.

                                               d) Have other form of ID card.

                                               e) Travel allowance, accommodation and

                                               f) If you are driving, you must have
                                                  complete vehicle insurance, including
                                                  the ECOWAS Brown Card.


Morocco                                                          APPLICATION STEPS

TYPE OF VISAS                                                    Visa applicants to Morocco must
A) Tourist visa                                                  attend an in-person interview in
B) Student visa                                                  Dakar, Senegal.
                                                                 a) Make an appointment at the
When applying for a Visa to Morocco, there are two
sets of requirements. The general conditions are
                                                                    Moroccan Embassy.
compulsory and applicable on ALL, whilst the varying
conditions vary according to the type of visa being              b) Submit the completed Morocco
applied for. The General documents include:                         visa application form alongside
 a)   Entry visa application form into the Kingdom                  the required documents.
      of Morocco
                                                                 c) Pay the visa fee.
 b)   Two identity photographs in colour on white
      background (4 X 3 cm) showing the features
      of the face clearly
                                                                 d) Wait for the Morocco visa to be
                                                                    processed and you will receive
 c)   Identity card or residence permit or any                      your decision.
      document that proves the address

 d)   Valid passport: The validity of the passport or
      the travel document must be longer than the
      duration of stay
 e)   A photocopy of the passport (pages indicating           Embassy of Morocco in Dakar
      the identity & the validity)                            Ave. Chiekh Anta Diop BP 490 Dakar Senegal
 f)   Bank statement

 g)   Or attestation of invitation duly legalized, in         CONTACT & HOURS
      case of family visit, including guarantee of            Tel: 00221-338246927
      covering medical and possible repatriation
      expenses                                                Fax: 00221-338257021
                                                              Email: ambmarocdakar@yahoo.fr
 h)   Or request from an authorized travel agency             Website(s): https://www.consulat.ma/en/-
      or recommendation of the Ministry of                    visitingexploring-morocco or
      Tourism or the representation of the
      Moroccan National Tourist Office.
There might be other documents required, depending
on the type of visa you are applying for, visit https://ww-
                                                              Monday – Thursday: 08.00 am - 04:00 pm
w.consulat.ma/en/ordinary-visas and download the
relevant checklist depending on which visa you are
applying for.


  APPLICATION PROCESS                            The Netherlands
  Visa applicants to the Netherlands must        TYPE OF VISAS
  attend an in-person interview in Dakar,
                                                 A) Short stay visa
                                                 B) Long-stay visa
   a)   Go to the website to apply for your      C) Student visa
        visa online https://consular.mfaser-
                                                 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
   b)   Once you have applied for your visa,
        you       need     to    book      an    When applying for a Schengen Visa to the Netherlands, there
        appointment to have your fingerprints    are two sets of requirements. The general conditions are
        and photo taken at a Visa Application    compulsory and applicable on ALL whilst the varying
        Centre. Book your appointment here:      conditions vary according to the type of visa being applied
        https://visa.vfsglobal.com/sen/en/n-     for. The general documents include:
                                                     a) Application form duly filled, dated and signed
   c)   When you have completed the
        application, you must print the              b) 1 passport size photo (with clear background)
        application form and your receipt of
        application. You must bring these
                                                     c) Passport (at least 3 months valid after expiration
        documents, together with all support-
        ing documents, when you submit your             of requested visa) and passport photocopy (all
        documents at the Visa Application               pages containing information, visas or stamps)
        Centre in Dakar, Senegal.
                                                     d) Photocopy of ID card
   d)   Make sure you are on time for your
        appointment. For those showing up            e) Hotel reservation
        late there is no guarantee that the
        application can be submitted and             f)   Flight reservation
        applicants may need to reschedule
        their appointment.
                                                     g) Medical insurance

ADDRESS                                              h) Company employees: Employer’s statement,
                                                        bank statements/salary slips of the last 3 months,
The Netherlands Visa Application Center                 leave permission signed by employing company.
VFS Global - Atryum Building (ground floor),
Km 8, Route de Ouakam,
                                                 There might be other documents required, depending on the
Dakar, Senegal                                   type of visa you are applying for, visit https://www.vfsglob-
                                                 al.com/netherlands/senegal/english/Visa_Types.html       and
CONTACT & HOURS                                  download the relevant checklist depending on which visa you
                                                 are applying for.
Tel: 00221-338606006
Email: info.nlsn@vfshelpline.com
Website(s): https://www.netherlandsandyou.nl/your-


Nigeria                                          APPLICATION STEPS

TYPE OF VISAS                                     Not applicable
Nigeria is VISA FREE for Gambian nationals

Nigeria is a member state of the ECOWAS,
therefore all citizens of ECOWAS are            Nigerian High Commission in Banjul
permitted free movement within the other        Garba Jahumpa Road
member countries and do not require a visa      Bakau Newtown
for entry. As a Gambian national you must       P.O. Box 630
possess a valid passport of your citizenship,   Banjul
the ECOWAS passport or the ECOWAS               The Gambia
Travel Certificate.

Additional information such as the following    CONTACT & HOURS
may be required:                                Tel: 00220-4495803/4 or 00220-4494305
                                                Fax: 00220-4496456
 a) You will require a proof of yellow
    fever vaccination record card.              Email: marinajamila@yahoo.co.uk
 b) Check the current validity of your          https://www.nigerian-embassy.com/ng/-
    passport.                                   Nigeria-in-Banjul

 c) Confirm if transit visa is required for     Monday - Thursday:
    any connections.                            08.00 am - 04:00 pm

 d) Have other form of ID card.

 e) Travel allowance, accommodation and

 f) If you are driving, you must have
    complete vehicle insurance, including
    the ECOWAS Brown Card.


  APPLICATION PROCESS                             Norway
  Visa applicants to Norway must attend an        TYPE OF VISAS
  in-person interview in Dakar, Senegal.
                                                  A) Short term visa (such as tourist, business, medical,
                                                  cultural, sports visa, etc.)
   a)   Once you have applied for your visa,      B) Long term visa (such as business, wife/husband
        you need to book an appointment to        of Norwegian, student visa, etc.)
        have your fingerprints and photo taken
        at a Visa Application Centre. Book        DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
        your appointment here: https://selfser-
        vice.udi.no/en-gb/Information/Book-       When applying for a Schengen Visa to Norway, there are two
        ing-appointments/                         sets of requirements. The general conditions are compulsory
                                                  and applicable on ALL whilst the varying conditions vary
   b)   When you have completed the               according to the type of visa being applied
        application, you must print the           for. The general documents include:
        application form and your receipt of
        application. You must bring these          a) The completed application form. Fill the form
        documents,     together    with    all        here: https://selfservice.udi.no/en-gb/Informa-
        supporting documents, when you                tion/Filling-in-forms/
        submit your documents at the Visa
        Application Centre in Dakar, Senegal.
                                                   b) Two recently taken passport photos
   c)   Make sure you are on time for your
        appointment. For those showing up          c) Your passport and copies of your previous visas
        late there is no guarantee that the           – valid for at least 3 months beyond return date
        application can be submitted and              – are required. Your passport must have at least
        applicants may need to reschedule             two blank pages.
        their appointment.
                                                   d) A copy of your return-ticket reservation. It is
                                                      not recommended to purchase the ticket before
                                                      obtaining the visa – if not otherwise required.

ADDRESS                                            e) A cover letter stating the purpose of visit to
                                                      Norway and travel itinerary.
Joint Visa Application Centre
VFS Global - Immeuble Atryum Center
                                                   f)   Proof of accommodation for the whole duration
Ground floor                                            of your stay in Norway.
Km, 8 Route de Ouakam
Dakar                                              g) Proof of civil status (marriage certificate, birth
                                                      certificate of children, death certificate of
                                                      spouse, ration card if applicable).
Tel: 00221-338606006                               h) Proof of financial subsistence.
Email: info.nrsn@vfshelpline.com
Website(s): https://www.vfsglobal.com/Norway/     There might be other documents required, depending on the
                                                  type of visa you are applying for, visit https://www.vfsglob-
Senegal/english/contact_us.html                   al.com/Norway/Senegal/english/visa_types.html             and
                                                  download the relevant checklist depending on which visa you
                                                  are applying for.


Senegal                                          APPLICATION STEPS

TYPE OF VISAS                                     Not applicable
Senegal is VISA FREE for Gambian nationals

Senegal is a member state of the ECOWAS,
therefore all citizens of ECOWAS are            Senegalese High Commission
permitted free movement within the other        59 Kairaba Avenue,
member countries and do not require a visa      Kanifing Municipality,
for entry. As a Gambian national you must       The Gambia
possess a valid passport of your citizenship,
the ECOWAS passport or the ECOWAS
Travel Certificate.                             CONTACT & HOURS
                                                Tel: 00220-437375
Additional information such as the following
                                                Email: N/A
may be required:
 a) You will require a proof of yellow          https://www.ecowas.int/life-in-the-
    fever vaccination record card.              community/education-and-youth/

 b) Check the current validity of your          Mondays - Fridays:
    passport.                                   09:00 am - 04:00 pm
 c) Confirm if transit visa is required for
    any connections.

 d) Have other form of ID card.

 e) Travel allowance, accommodation and

 f) If you are driving, you must have
    complete vehicle insurance, including
    the ECOWAS Brown Card.


  APPLICATION PROCESS                         Sierra Leone
  Not applicable                              TYPE OF VISAS
                                              Sierra Leone is VISA FREE for Gambian nationals

ADDRESS                                       DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
Consulate of Sierra Leone                     Sierra Leone is a member state of the
67 Daniel Goddard Street,                     ECOWAS, therefore all citizens of
PO-BOX448                                     ECOWAS are permitted free movement
Banjul, The Gambia                            within the other member countries and do
West Africa                                   not require a visa for entry. As a Gambian
                                              national you must possess a valid passport of
                                              your citizenship, the ECOWAS passport or
CONTACT & HOURS                               the ECOWAS Travel Certificate.
Tel: 00220-4228206
                                              Additional information such as the following
Email: N/A
                                              may be required:
Website(s): https://www.ecowas.int/life-in-
                                              a) You will require a proof of yellow fever
                                                 vaccination record card.
Mondays - Fridays:
09:00 am - 04:00 pm                           b) Check the current validity of your

                                              c) Confirm if transit visa is required for
                                                 any connections.

                                              d) Have other form of ID card.

                                              e) Travel allowance, accommodation and

                                              f) If you are driving, you must have
                                                 complete vehicle insurance, including
                                                 the ECOWAS Brown Card.


South Africa                                                          APPLICATION STEPS

TYPE OF VISAS                                                         Visa applicants to South Africa must
                                                                      attend an in-person interview in Dakar,
A) Study visa                                                         Senegal.
B) Work visa
                                                                      a)   Go to the South African Embassy website to
C) Business visa                                                           apply for your visa online. You can also
D) Corporate visa                                                          download the visa application form,
                                                                           complete it, print the completed form, and
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED                                                         bring it with you to the Visa Application
                                                                           Centre for submission.
When applying for a visa to South Africa, there are two
sets of requirements. The general conditions are                      b)   Once you have applied for your visa, you
compulsory and applicable on ALL, whilst the varying                       need to book an appointment to have your
                                                                           fingerprints and photo taken at Visa section
conditions vary according to the type of visa being
                                                                           of the Swiss Embassy. Book your
applied for. The general documents include:                                appointment here: https://visa.vfsglob-
 a)   Visa Application Form: Completed application form for                book-an-appointment
      South Africa
                                                                      c)   When you have completed the application,
 b)   Two passport photo: photos must be no older than 6                   you must print the application form and
      months                                                               your receipt of application. You must bring
                                                                           these documents, together with all
 c)   Passport: Original Passport or Travel Document with at               supporting documents, when you submit
      least 6 months remaining validity on the date of travel and          your documents at the Visa section of the
      have at least 2 visa pages clear of any markings.                    Embassy in Dakar, Senegal.

 d)   Hotel bookings: Hotel reservation(s) for the duration of        d)   Make sure you are on time for your
      your visit.                                                          appointment; for those showing up late
                                                                           there is no guarantee that the application
 e)   Hotel itinerary                                                      can be submitted and applicants may need to
                                                                           reschedule their appointment.
 f)   Flight bookings

 g)   Employed: A letter from your employer on company
      letterhead, with contact details, stating that a leave of
      absence has been granted, purpose and duration of the
      trip, and that you will be returning to your current job.     Joint Visa Application Centre
                                                                    Immeuble Atryum Center
 h)   Self-employed: Include a copy of your business license;       Ground floor
      company bank statement of the latest 6 months                 Km, 8 Route de Ouakam DAKAR

 i)   Student: Submit an official letter from your school             South African Embassy in Dakar
      indicating that you are in good standing and that you are     Mermoz SUD,
      registered for the upcoming semester. No Object               Lotissement Ecole de Police,
      certificate from School or University.                        P. O. Box 21010,
                                                                    Dakar- Ponty, Senegal
 j)   Yellow fever vaccination card.
                                                                    CONTACT & HOURS
There might be other documents required, depending
on the type of visa you are applying for, visit https://vi-         Tel: 00221-338606006
sa.vfsglobal.com/sen/en/zaf/apply-visa and download                 Email: info.sa.sn@vfshelpline.com
the relevant checklist depending on which visa you are
                                                                    Website(s): https://visa.vfsglobal.com/sen/en/
applying for.

  APPLICATION PROCESS                          Spain
   Visa applicants to Spain must attend an
                                               TYPE OF VISAS
   in-person interview in Dakar, Senegal.      A) Short-stay visas (such as tourist, business visa, etc.)
                                               B) Long-stay visas (such as work, study visa, etc.)
   a) Once you have applied for your
      visa, you need to book an appoint-
      ment to submit your documents.           DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
      Book your appointment here:
                                               When applying for a Schengen Visa to Spain, there are two
      https://senegal.blsspainvisa.com/-       sets of requirements. The general conditions are compulsory
      book_appointment.php                     and applicable on ALL, whilst the varying conditions vary
                                               according to the type of visa being applied for. The General
   b) When you have completed the              documents include:
      application, you must print the
      application form and your receipt         a)   Visa Application Form: Completed application form for
      of application. You must bring
      these documents, together with all        b)   Passport Photo: Photo must be no older than 6 months.
      supporting documents, when you
      submit your documents at the Visa         c)   Previous Passport: Provide a previous passport if any.
      Application Centre in Dakar,
      Senegal.                                  d)   Cover Letter: Covering letter mentioning the details of
                                                     the applicant, travel and details of the other members
   c) Make sure you are on time for                  travelling with you, if applicable.
      your appointment.
                                                e)   Passport: Original Passport or Travel document with at
                                                     least 6 months remaining validity on the date of travel
                                                     and have at least 2 visa pages clear of any markings.

                                                f)   Hotel Bookings: Hotel reservation(s) for the duration of
                                                     your visit.
                                                g)   Flight Itinerary: Embassy recommends not to purchase
Embassy of Spain in Senegal                          tickets until visa is approved.
133, Avenue Lamine Gueye,
Jules Ferry, Immeuble Alyama,                   h)   Bank Statement: Applicant's most recent monthly bank
                                                     statement for 3 months. The statement must clearly
4th floor, Dakar, Senegal                            show the applicant's name as the account holder, the
                                                     balances of the accounts, and the date of the statement.
                                                     If statements are printed online then it has to be
CONTACT & HOURS                                      Authenticated (stamped) by the bank officials.
Tel: 00221-338223303 or 00221-7711616           i)   Travel Insurance
Email: info.dkr@blshelpline.com
Website(s):                                    There might be other documents required, depending on the
https://senegal.blsspainvisa.com/contact.php   type of visa you are applying for, visit https://senegal.blsspain-
                                               visa.com/visa_type.php and download the relevant checklist
                                               depending on which visa you are applying for.
Mondays - Fridays: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Sweden                                                            APPLICATION STEPS

TYPE OF VISAS                                                     Visa applicants to Sweden must attend
A) Student visa                                                   an in-person interview in Dakar,
B) Business visa                                                  Senegal.
C) Tourist visa                                                   a)   Go to the website to apply for your visa
D) Medical visa                                                        online [https://consular.mfaservices.nl/schen-
                                                                  b)   Once you have applied for your visa, you
When applying for a Schengen Visa to Sweden, there                     need to book an appointment to have your
are two sets of requirements. The general conditions                   fingerprints and photo taken at a Visa
are compulsory and applicable on ALL, whilst the                       Application Centre. Book your appointment
varying conditions vary according to the type of visa                  here:     [https://visa.vfsglobal.com/sen/en/n-
being applied for. The general documents include:                      ld/register]

 a)   Visa Application Form: Complete application form for        c)   When you have completed the application,
                                                                       you must print the application form and
 b)   Passport Photo: Photo must be no older than 6                    your receipt of application. You must bring
      months.                                                          these documents, together with all
                                                                       supporting documents, when you submit
 c)   Current Details: Employed: A letter from your
      employer on company letterhead, with contact details,            your documents at the Visa Application
      stating that a leave of absence has been granted,                Centre in Dakar, Senegal.
      purpose and duration of the trip, and that you will be
      returning to your current job. Current bank statement
      of the latest 6 months, income Tax Return (ITR),                 Make sure you are on time for your
      original pay slips.                                              appointment. For those showing up late
                                                                       there is no guarantee that the application
 d)   Self Employed: Include a copy of your business license;          can be submitted and applicants may need to
      company bank statement of the latest 6 months,
      Income Tax Return (ITR).                                         reschedule their appointment.

 e)   Student: Submit an official letter from your school
      indicating that you are in good standing and that you
      are registered for the upcoming semester; No object
      certificate from School or University.                    ADDRESS
 f)   Hotel Bookings: Hotel reservation(s) for the duration     The Netherlands Visa Application Center
      of your visit.
                                                                VFS Global
 g)   Bank Statement: Applicant's most recent monthly bank      Atryum Building (ground floor),
      statement for 6 months.
      h) Travel Insurance                                       Km 8, Route de Ouakam,
 h)   Flight Bookings                                           Dakar, Senegal
 i)   Previous Passport: Provide a previous passport if any.
                                                                CONTACT & HOURS
 j)   Passport: Original Passport or Travel document with at
      least 6 months remaining validity on the date of travel   Tel: 00221-338606006
      and have at least 2 visa pages clear of any markings.     Email: info.nlsn@vfshelpline.com
There might be other documents required, depending              Website(s): N/A
on the type of visa you are applying for, visit https://ww-
Types.html and download the relevant checklist                  Monday - Thursday: 08.00 am - 04:00 pm
depending on which visa you are applying for.


  APPLICATION PROCESS                             Switzerland
  Visa applicants to Switzerland must attend an   TYPE OF VISAS
  in-person interview in Dakar, Senegal.
                                                  A) Short-stay visas (such as tourist, business visa, etc.)
                                                  B) Long-stay visas (such as work, study visa, etc.)
   a)   a) Once you have applied for your visa,
        you need to book an appointment to
        have your fingerprints and photo taken    DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
        at Visa section of the Swiss Embassy.
        Book your appointment here:               When applying for a Schengen Visa to Switzerland, there are
        https://www.swiss-vi-                     two sets of requirements. The general conditions are
        sa.ch/ivis2/#/i210-select-country         compulsory and applicable on ALL, whilst the varying
                                                  conditions vary according to the type of visa being applied
   b)   When you have completed the               for. The general documents include:
        application, you must print the
        application form and your receipt of       a) Visa Application Form: Complete the online
        application. You must bring these             application form for Switzerland, available here:
        documents, together with all support-         https://www.swiss-visa.ch/ivis2/#/i210-se-
        ing documents, when you submit your           lect-country
        documents at the Visa section of the
        Embassy in Dakar, Senegal.                 b) Passport Photo: Photo must be no older than 6
   c)   Make sure you are on time for your
        appointment. For those showing up          c) Bank Statement: Applicant's most                  recent
        late there is no guarantee that the           monthly bank statement for 6 months.
        application can be submitted and
        applicants may need to reschedule               Travel Insurance
        their appointment.
                                                   d) Flight Bookings

                                                   e) Passport: Original Passport or Travel document
                                                      with at least 6 months remaining validity on the
ADDRESS                                               date of travel and have at least 2 visa pages clear
                                                      of any markings.
Swiss Embassy in Dakar
Rue René Ndiaye corner                             f)   Previous Passport: Provide a previous passport if
Rue Seydou Nourou Tall                                  any.
Dakar, Senegal
                                                   g) Cover Letter: Cover letter mentioning the
                                                      details of the applicant, travel and details of the
                                                      other members travelling with you.
Tel: 00221-338230590                               h) Hotel Bookings: Hotel reservation(s) for the
                                                      duration of your visit.
Fax 00221-338223657
Email: dak.vertretung@eda.admin.ch or
                                                  There might be other documents required, depending on the
dakar.visa@eda.admin.ch                           type of visa you are applying for, visit https://www.sem.admin-
Website(s): https://www.eda.admin.ch/dakar        .ch/sem/fr/home/themen/einreise/kurzfristig.html            and
Mon - Fri: N/A                                    download the relevant checklist depending on which visa you
                                                  are applying for.


Turkey                                                        APPLICATION STEPS

                                                              You can apply for eletronic visa if you meet all of
A) Tourist visa                                               the conditions listed below
B) Business visa
C) Study visa                                                 a)   Travelling for the purposes of tourism or
D) Work visa                                                       business.
E) Official visit
                                                              b)   Have a valid Supporting Document (Valid
                                                                   visa OR valid residence permit from one of
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED                                                 the Schengen Countries, USA, UK or
When applying for a visa to Turkey, there are two sets             Ireland). E-visas are not accepted as
of requirements. The general conditions are                        supporting documents.
compulsory and applicable on ALL, whilst the varying
                                                              c)   Have a round-trip ticket with Turkish
conditions vary according to the type of visa being
                                                                   Airlines, Pegasus Airlines, Onur Air or
applied for. The general documents include:
                                                                   Atlasglobal Airlines.
 a)   Biometric photograph
                                                              d)   Hold a passport valid for at least 6 months
 b)   Passport or similar identification card                      from the date intend to enter Turkey.

 c)   Documents providing proof of income or                       Hold a return ticket, hotel reservation and
      savings                                                 e)   at least 50 US$ per each day of stay.

 d)   Flight reservation

 e)   Hotel reservation or invitation                         Otherwise you can apply regular visa at Turkey
                                                              Embassy in The Gambia. Use this website to apply
 f)   Document supporting the return to the home              at the Turkey Embassy in Brufut, The Gambia:
      country (approval from work, etc.)                      [https://www.turkeyimmigration.org/apply-visa]
                                                              a)   Please enter your information into online
 g)   Travel insurance
                                                                   forms to process your e-visa to Turkey at
There might be other documents required, depending                 the link.
on the type of visa you are applying for, visit [https://w-
ww.turkeyimmigration.org/apply-visa] and download             b)   Please double check your information to
the relevant checklist depending on which visa you are             make sure that all of it is correct.
applying for.
                                                              c)   Choose the payment method and fill in the
ADDRESS                                                            secure payment page for our visa service fee.

Turkish Embassy in Banjul                                     d)   After receiving full payment for Visa Service
4th Street Brufut Gardens, Banjul, The Gambia                      Fee and Turkey Government Fee, you may
                                                                   need to provide some extra documents to
                                                                   complete your application form when we
CONTACT & HOURS                                                    require.
Tel: 00220-4410650 or 00220-4410651
Fax: 002203013618 or 002203922875
Email: embassy.banjul@mfa.gov.tr
Website(s): http://www.mfa.gov.tr/


  APPLICATION PROCESS                             United Arab Emirates
                                                  TYPE OF VISAS
   a)   Apply for United Arab Emirates visa       A) Tourist e-visa
        application form online at https://ww-    B) Business e-visa
                                                  C) Business visa
                                                  D) Tourist visa
   b)   Provide all the required information
        (Passport Number, Email ID, Mobile        Please note: E- visas for short term business visas
        No, etc.)                                 are issued as “visitor” visas.

   c)   Upload document required for United
        Arab Emirates visa. Example - Gambia
        passport photo copy, front and back.      DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
        Flight ticket for United Arab Emirates.
        2 Passport size photos.                   When applying for a visa to the United Arab Emirates, there
                                                  are two sets of requirements. The general conditions are
                                                  compulsory and applicable on ALL, whilst the varying
   d)   Pay your United Arab Emirates visa
                                                  conditions vary according to the type of visa being applied
        application fee online.
                                                  for. The general documents include:
   e)   Once visa is ready, it's easily
        downloadable from Track United Arab        a) Passport copy: A clear scan of the information
        Emirates Visa Status. After that you          pages of your valid, signed passport with at least
        can take printout.                            6 months remaining validity.

                                                   b) Passport-type      photograph.     A     digital
                                                      passport-type photograph taken within the last 6
                                                      months. This may be taken using a cell phone
                                                      against a white wall provided if it meets the
ADDRESS                                               standards of a passport-type photograph.
Embassy of The United Arab
                                                   c) Supporting documents. A copy of a permanent
Emirates in Dakar                                     resident card or visa to the Schengen (EU) zone,
Corniche Ouest Mermoz-Rue MZ                          United States, United Kingdom or previous visa
230 15150 Fann, Dakar, Senegal                        to UAE.

                                                   d) Medical Insurance: Valid till your visa duration
CONTACT & HOURS                                       (Required at the time of arrival).
Tel: 00221-338690000 or 00221-338698390
Email: dakaremb@mofaic.gov.ae or
dakar@mofa.gov.ae                                 There might be other documents required, depending on the
                                                  type of visa you are applying for, visit https://www.gdrfad.gov-
Website(s): https://www.gdrfad.gov.ae/en/visa-    .ae/en/visa-information-and-tips and download the relevant
information-and-tips                              checklist depending on which visa you are applying for.


United Kingdom                                           There might be other documents required, depend-
                                                         ing on the type of visa you are applying for, visit
                                                         -d489-4726-b116-4157cfb6a183 and download the
TYPE OF VISAS                                            relevant checklist depending on which visa you are
A) Visitor Visa                                          applying for.
B) Work Visa
C) Business Visa
D) Study Visa
E) Family Visa
F) Settlement Visa
                                                            APPLICATION STEPS
When applying for a visa to the United Kingdom, there
                                                            Applicants for UK Visa are required to attend an
are two sets of requirements. The general conditions        in-person interview at the British High Commis-
are compulsory and applicable on ALL, whilst the            sion on Atlantic Road, Fajara.
varying conditions vary according to the type of visa
being applied for. The general documents include:           a)   The visa application process involves filling in
                                                                 the application form, printing out your form
 a)   Visa Application Form: Complete application                and booking an appointment from the
      form for UK Visa.                                          consulate depending on the availability, log
                                                                 here [https://visas-immigration.service.gov-
 b)   Two passport size photos: Photos must be no
      older than 6 months.
                                                            b)   On the day of the appointment, the
 c)   Passport: Original Passport or Travel
                                                                 applicant has to carry all the original
      document with at least 6 months remaining
      validity on the date of travel and have at least           documents for submission and for the
      2 visa pages clear of any markings.                        biometrics.

 d)   Previous Passport:       Provide    a   previous      c)   After the appointment, it usually takes 14
      passport if any.                                           working days for the consulate to process
                                                                 the visa.
 e)   Residency Proof: Legal residence in the
      country you are applying from, e.g, visa or           d)   If approved, the visa copy will be attached to
      residence permit. Confirmation of legal                    your passport
      residence, if you are not a national of the
      country in which you are applying or your
      right to reside there is not included in your      ADDRESS
      passport. Residence permit should be valid for
      at least 3 months after departure.                 British High Commission in Banjul
                                                         48 Atlantic Road, Fajara
 f)   Proof of Funds: Proof you have enough money
      for your stay and to leave, such as: personal      PO Box 507, Banjul
      bank statements, pay slips from employer,
      proof of accommodation, etc.                       CONTACT & HOURS
 g)   Travel itinerary, including flight reservation.    Tel: 00220-4495133 or 00220-4494508
                                                         Email: UKinTheGambia@fcdo.gov.uk
 h)   Hotel Bookings: Hotel reservation(s) for the       Website(s): https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/
      duration of your visit.
                                                         british-high-commission-banjul or


  APPLICATION PROCESS                            United States
                                                 TYPE OF VISAS
   Applicants for US Visa are required to        A) Tourist visa
   attend an in-person interview at the US       B) Student visa
   Embassy on Kairaba Avenue, Pipeline.
                                                 C) Medical visa

   a)   Fill the application form
                                                 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED
   b)   Create a profile online, use this site
        https://www.ustraveldocs.com/g-          When applying for a visa to the United States of America,
        m/gm-niv-visaapply.asp                   there are two sets of requirements. The general conditions
                                                 are compulsory and applicable on ALL whilst the varying
   c)   Attach the documents                     conditions vary according to the type of visa being applied
                                                 for. The general documents include:
   d)   Schedule an appointment
                                                  a) Original passport with six month’s validity
   e)   Attend the counselor interview               beyond arrival.
   f)   After some time, you will receive a
        decision on your application              b) All previous passports.

                                                  c) One photograph per specification. Both digital
                                                     and hard copy of the photograph are required.

                                                  d) DS160 US Visa application confirmation page
ADDRESS                                              stamped at the Visa Application Center (VAC).
Embassy of the United States of
America in Banjul                                 e) Proof of fee payment, which is a valid receipt.
Kairaba Avenue, Fajara
                                                  f)   Printout of US Interview appointment letter.
P.M.B 19, Banjul, The Gambia
                                                  g) Travel itinerary
                                                  h) Proof of funds (bank statement, copy of
Tel: 00220-4392856
                                                     passbook, any other proof of cash).
Email: ConsularBanjul@stste.gov
Website(s): https://gm.usembassy.gov/visas/       i)   Business card if you have one.
nonimmigrant-visas/ or
https://www.ustraveldocs.com/gm/gm-niv-           j)   Letter of invitation from children or relatives.
                                                 There might be other documents required, depending on the
                                                 type of visa you are applying for, visit https://gm.usembas-
                                                 sy.gov/visas/nonimmigrant-visas/ and download the relevant
                                                 checklist depending on which visa you are applying for.

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