Middlesex District Klondike Derby January 27, 2024 Leader's Guide

Page created by Jeremy Blair
Middlesex District Klondike Derby January 27, 2024 Leader's Guide
Middlesex District
        Klondike Derby January 27, 2024
                          Leader’s Guide

           UPDATED VERSION (9/18/23) – Subject to change by Klondike Committee

Come to Roundtable to get detailed answers to your questions.

       For any questions, or if you want to volunteer, please contact:

        Serge Martynovych– Serge.martynovych@bms.com
              Jeff Rumen - jeffrey.rumen@gmail.com
Middlesex District Klondike Derby January 27, 2024 Leader's Guide
Klondike Derby – Middlesex District
                                Saturday, January, 27, 2024
                                  Quail Hill Scout Reservation
                              56 LaValley Drive, Manalapan, NJ
  Check-in: 7:00 A.M, Lawrence Lodge (SM & SPL or CM (one adult leader) is needed for

              Opening Flag Ceremony: 8:15 A.M., field next to Lawrence Lodge

                        Flag Building Start at approximately 8:30 A.M

 The event will conclude sometime between 3-4 PM. An award ceremony will be held at the
                            conclusion of the day for all events.

            Registration: $10.00 per Scout; $5.00 per adult through January 19, 2024

                        Each Unit must pay for a minimum of 2 adults.

                If other adults want patches, they must pay the registration fee.

Stations: Flag Building, Devil's Canyon, Map Orienteering, Compass, First Aid, Knots, Fire
Building, and Fun Station (Sled/Pack Inspection throughout the event).

Sled Info: All wood – no skis & no wheels are allowed – no bamboo (see attached diagram)

Who: Open to all Scouts, BSA units, Webelos & Arrow of Light Scouts and Scouters.
Everyone should be in Class A uniform for the event!

Klondike Stew: We are encouraging each Scout to bring at least one can of soup for a donation to
a local food pantry on behalf of Middlesex District. We are waiting to determine if we will serve
Klondike Stew this year, if a unit would like to volunteer to run this, please let us know! We are
also hoping to have hot chocolate station for Scouts!!!

Refunds: There are no refunds. Substitutions will be accepted– please note on roster.

Registration: Please complete the on-line registration in Tentaroo from our District webpage.

 At check-in: All units must provide a roster by patrol; Packs must identify ONLY 2 Pack
 Adults who will accompany each den/patrol for the day, the rest of the adults should help
                                       with stations!
The Sled
Each Patrol will be expected to prepare a Klondike sled that they will bring with them
from station to station. Sleds should be prepared before-hand and will not be
assembled at the event. The diagram below provides some basic specifications for the
Klondike sled. Scouts will use their sleds throughout the day and during the “Devil’s
Canyon” and Sled Race Stations.

In addition to a handle to push and steer the sled, one or two long lengths of rope
are recommended so that Scouts can help pull the sled. Sleds are to be constructed
of wood– metal is not acceptable. Runners should be wood as well– no skis or
wheels! Sleds may be lashed together if you so desire.
The Stations
   1 - Flag Building- On field next to Lawrence Lodge.
   2 – Fun Station
   3 – Devil’s Canyon
   4 – Map Orienteering
   5 - Compass
   6 – Fire Building
   7 - Knots
   8 – First Aid
Flag Building
Flag Raising will be the first station of the day for all patrols and will be completed on the field outside of
Lawrence Lodge at the end of the opening ceremony. Scouts will run across the field and find a small flag
to build their flag pole. Scouts will use knots and lashings to construct a flag pole for their patrol flag.
Webelos will compete as well, but with a modified design. The next several pages will detail the plans for
the flag poles. No store-bought poles or Bamboo will be used for this station. You must use trees.

No part of the flag can be assembled prior to the start of the competition. Scouts will be expected to
remove all items for the flag building station from their sled and carry them across the field to a set
Boy Scout Flag Pole Detail #1
Cub Scout Flag Pole
Cub Scout Flag Pole Detail #1

Cub Scout Flag Pole Detail #2
Cub Scout Flag Pole Detail #3
Station Details
    Scouts will be expected to wear their Class A uniform (at least shirt, neckerchief, and slide, uniform pants not
                 required) to check-in at all stations and for the duration of their time at the station!

Devil’s Canyon:
Patrols will work to bring their whole sled, and all members of their patrol, from the bottom of a hill to
the top. This will test a patrol’s teamwork and critical thinking skills…it’s also a whole lot of fun!

Scouts will have to take azimuths (compass readings) on a course that includes pacing. Scouts should
come prepared with an appropriate compass and also know a few patrol members’ paces.

Fire Building:
Scouts will be asked to cook an egg. The Patrol will need to supply the fire material, and everything
required to make and cook their egg. Scouts, BSA Patrols should be prepared to use hot spark, flint
and steel, etc. Cub Scouts may use up to 3 matches for the fire building station.

The patrol will be asked to tie eight knots: Tautline Hitch, Square Knot, Sheepshank, Sheet Bend,
Bowline, Two Half Hitches, Timber Hitch, and Clove Hitch. All Scouts in the patrol will be expected
to participate as equally as possible given the number of Scouts in the patrol. Scouts will be assigned a
knot and they will participate in a relay race. Scouts must run to a designated area and tie a knot with a
pair of gloves on. The patrol is responsible for having 8 pieces of at least 4 feet long. The station will
provide the gloves! Cub Scouts will do the same without the gloves and without the Sheepshank or
Timber Hitch.

First Aid:
This station will be scenario based and cover material from Tenderfoot through First Class. Patrols
should come prepared for anything they encounter!

Fun Station:
Be prepared (for some fun)!

Map Orienteering:

Scouts will be given a map that includes some locations and map symbols. Scouts will need to identify
map symbols, find destinations, and calculate compass readings between destinations. Scouts should
have a pencil, ruler, and flat orienteering compass. Cub Scouts will be identifying map symbols.
Other Information
Station Check-In Procedure:
The patrol approaches the station and asks permission to enter. The patrol leader will salute the station
master and provide their name, patrol name, and unit number. This would also be an appropriate time
to share a patrol cheer.

The total score for each regular station is 100 points. For the flag building station the Scouts, BSA can
earn 170 points and the Cub Scouts can earn 120 points, for a total of 770/720 points (the fun station is
not scored however if you do not attend, 100 points will be deducted from your overall score!). 1st and
2nd place patrols for both the Scouts, BSA and the Cub Scouts will receive a special Klondike award.
Every station will also award a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbon for both levels. All patrols will receive a
participation ribbon.

Adult Participation:
Each Cub Scout patrol is allowed two (2) adults with them for the entire day. If you have more than 2
adults attending they will be assisting at stations. If you’d like, a suggestion is to create a schedule and
have your adults rotate so everyone gets some time with the patrol. They will lose points if more than 2
adults are with the patrol! Adults are not allowed to help Scouts in any aspect of the
competition…they should be volunteering at a station!!!

Scout patrols will not have any adults with them throughout the day or at any station. Points will be
deducted if adults are travelling with the patrol.

            No Pack or Troop should be judging their own patrols at a station!
Each patrol must have their own equipment and own sled to use throughout the day. The Klondike
committee prefers that patrols operate in their natural state, as they do throughout the year. For Scouts,
BSA Patrols, no patrol should be larger than 8 Scouts and requires a minimum of 3 Scouts. For Cub
Scouts, they may exceed the 8 scout limit if necessary, within reason. All Eagle Scouts and Senior
Patrol Members should be volunteering at stations, not participating in the competition.

Quail Hill:
Want to camp on Friday or Saturday night? Please call Marjorie Ramirez at the Council Service Center
and choose your camping spot. The fees are noted on the QH webpage for each site. Campsites and
Cabins are available (Cabins will only be available per current COVID restrictions). First Come, First

All parking will happen by Lawrence Lodge. Units that will be “tailgating” for lunch need to set up
around the edge of the field next to Lawrence Lodge, in a predetermined space to allow for social
distancing between units! The field itself will be used for opening and Flag Building. Cars will not be
able to access the fields by Lass Lodge and units will not be able to set up by Lass Lodge. Firewood
and half-barrels will be provided at the Lawrence Lodge field only!

We are always looking for volunteers to assist with this program, the more help we receive the
smoother the event runs! Please contact Serge Martynovych or Jeff Rumen if interested in lending a
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