Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary

Page created by Jonathan Carlson
Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary
JUNE 2021                   DELIVERED MONTHLY TO 6,800 HOUSEHOLDS

Mid-Sun                                     messages

Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary
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Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary

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                                                                                              MID-SUN I JUNE 2021 3
Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary
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    4. Cost Effective: With advertising rates as low as $0.01 cent per household, advertising in our community maga-
       zines is incredibly affordable.
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       community magazines.

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4       J U N E 2021 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary



10       SUMMER DAY CAMPS 2021



         MONEY — NOW WHAT?



         MOVIE LIST


    10                            13

                                                        Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within any published article, report
                                                        or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to
                                                        reflect those of Great News Media and the Midnapore-Sundance Community
                                                        and/or Residents’ Association. The information contained in this newsletter is
    18                            26                    believed to be accurate but is not warranted to be so.
                                                        Great News Media and the Midnapore-Sundance Community and/or
                                                        Residents’ Association do not endorse any person or persons advertising in
                                                        this newsletter. Publication of any advertisements should not be considered
                                                        an endorsement of any goods or services.
Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE                                          MID-SUN SENIOR’S SOCIAL CLUB
June is the gateway to summer - Jean Hersey
According to worldatlas.com, Calgary is the sunniest
city in Canada. It does feel that way in June, when we
have an average of 16 hours of daylight a day. The early
morning is a great time for dog walking, and I sure
appreciate sitting on our deck or strolling through Fish
Creek Park in the evenings.
Speaking of Fish Creek, in April the Friends of Fish Creek
held an online community information meeting to
                                                                Social Club plans to meet on Thursdays, from 1:30 to
provide information on the Sun Valley Drive vegetation
                                                                3:30pm at the Mid-Sun Community Centre Meeting
management project. This was a fascinating discussion
                                                                Room (main floor, wheelchair accessible). Join us in
regarding invasive species in Fish Creek, specifically along
                                                                some socialization, snacks, and games! Meeting dates
Sun Valley Drive, and the efforts the Sun Valley Drive
                                                                are dependent upon current government restrictions
Group are taking to address this issue. Which include:
                                                                in place affecting the community centre or social group
• The Sun Valley Drive volunteers started mowing the           gatherings. For the most up-to-date information, please
   week of May 10                                               reach out to either of the contacts below:
• The Friends will be leading public weed pull outings
• Limited chemical application will be contracted out to       Joan Trotz (Senior Committee Director)
   a local company                                              trotzj@telus.net | 403-827-8893
• They will most likely be doing a biocontrol release for      Mid-Sun Community Centre
   leafy spurge in the area                                     info@midsun.org | 403-254-8058
• They are working on submitting a proposal to Alberta
   Environment and Parks regarding goat grazing
This is such a beautiful part of our community, so many of
us enjoy walking in the area and I’m sure we are all grateful
for the volunteers in the Sun Valley Drive Group and for the
Friends of Fish Creek, for their work on this project.            Calling All BABYSITTERS
                                                                  Enroll free at mybabysitter.ca and choose the
At the community center, registration is underway                 Calgary communities you would like to babysit in.
for our summer day camps. More info can be found
at Midsun.org. We are also putting together plans for             Calling All PARENTS
landscaping around the community center and will be               Visit mybabysitter.ca and find available babysitters
providing updates on that in the coming months.                   in and around your community.
Just a reminder to give a mention to a local business
on “Shout Out Saturdays” in our Mid-Sun Community
Discussions and Recommendations Group. Businesses
can post in the same group on “Business Wednesdays”.
Every now and then, it feels like we’ve been living under
a dark cloud for over a year. I’m hoping that the sunny
days of June chase those clouds away, and that brighter
times are ahead for us all.                                      Cards are popular for any holiday. You get a present, and
Patsy McNish                                                     with it, you get a card. This is a common tradition, and
                                                                 Father’s Day is no exception. It is actually the fourth
president@midsun.org                                             most popular card-sending holiday in the U.S., coming
                                                                 in after Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Mother’s Day.

6     J U N E 2021 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary

Pickleball Lessons
Drop in Pickleball and Pickleball lessons at the
Community Centre are currently postponed and will
hopefully return in September. All lessons will be taught
by Kevin Doucet, who is a level 5.0 player with 3 National
titles, and Val Calon, who has 4 National titles.
What: 5 week sessions of 1.5-hour lessons
Where: Mid-Sun Gym (3 courts) located at 50 Midpark
Rise SE
Cost: $75 (those with a valid MSCA Membership will
receive a $10 discount).
Maximum: 12 players
Registration: We cannot commit to a registration or
lesson date at this time, but are hopeful to offer our
safe, valued lessons beginning in September, however
we must wait for Government approval.
Current Information: We encourage you to view our
website at www.midsun.org for the most up-to-date
and accurate information
Beginner (level 0.5 – 1.5)
Thursday 11:30am to 1:00pm (East Gym) - Session 1
Friday 10:30am to 12:00pm (West Gym) - Session 2

Advancing Beginner (level 2.0)
Friday 10:30am to 12:00pm (West Gym) - Session 1
Thursday 11:30am to 1:00pm (East gym) - Session 2

Intermediate (level 2.5+)
Thursday 1:15 to 2:45pm (East Gym) - Session 1
Friday 12:15 to 1:45pm (West Gym) - Session 2
Thursday 1:15 to 2:45pm (East Gym) - Session 1
Friday 12:15 to 1:45pm (West Gym) - Session 2

                              MID-SUN I JUNE 2021 7
Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary
Active Living
                                       Active Living Programs
                                          September 2021
                   Monday             Tuesday         Wednesday            Thursday           Friday          Saturday        Sunday
                                      Meditation                                                              Worth The
                                                                                          Pilates for You
                                     Techniques                                                                 Weight
                                                                                          10:15 - 11:15am
                                    9:15 - 10:00am                                                          9:30 - 10:30am
                                                                        Experienced Line    Pickleball
                                      50+ Yoga                                                              Art Workshops
                                                                             Dance          Lessons
                                   10:15 - 11:15am                                                          10:00 - 12:00pm
                                                                         9:15 – 11:00am  10:30 - 12:00pm
                 Beginner Line      Intermediate       Total Body          Beginner         Advanced
                     Dance             Crochet          Workout          Watercolour       Watercolour
                 10:30 –11:30am    10:30 - 11:30am   10:30 – 11:30am    10:30 - 12:30pm   10:30 - 1:00pm
                 Introduction to
                   Bootcamp:                         Acrylic Painting
                     Outside                          11:00 - 1:30pm
                                                                         11:30 - 1:00pm
                  11:00 –12:00pm
                  Walking Club       Zumba Gold       Walking Club
     Lunch       12:00 – 1:00pm     12:00 – 1:00pm   12:00 – 1:00pm
                                                                                          12:15 - 1:45pm

                  Level 2 Line        Pilates for      50+ Gentle           Pickleball
                                                                                                            Art Workshops
                     Dance            Pickleball      Seated Yoga           Lessons
                                                                                                             1:00 - 4:00pm
                 12:15 – 1:15pm      1:30 - 2:30pm    2:00 - 3:00pm       1:15 - 2:45pm

                                                      Intermediate                          50+ Seated
                                                                         Social Seniors
    Afternoon                                         Watercolour
                                                                         1:30 - 3:30pm
                                                      2:00 - 4:00pm                        2:00 - 3:00pm

                                        Youth             Youth
                                       Painting          Painting
                                    4:30 - 6:00pm     4:30 - 6:00pm

                  Yoga at Your                        Yoga at Your
                                   Worth The Weigh
                      Level                               Level
                                    6:30 - 7:30pm
                  6:00 – 7:00pm                       6:00 - 7:00pm

                                     Belly Dance
     Evening                         Introduction
                                    6:30 – 7:30pm

                   Pilates For                       Worth The Weight     Intermediate       Chill-Out
                    Strength                          Getting Started     Watercolour       Workshops
                  7:30 - 8:30pm                        7:30 - 8:30pm      7:30 - 9:30pm    7:30 - 9:00pm

                                      Relax and
                                   Recharge Yoga
                                    8:00 – 9:00pm

                  For current registration information please visit our website at www.midsun.org
                                Phone: 403-254-8058 Email: programs@midsun.org
8      J U N E 2021 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
                      For more information please visit our website at https://www.midsun.org
Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary
We are deeply saddened to announce that our spring 2021 programs at the Mid-Sun Community
Centre have been cancelled due to the return of Step one restrictions in Alberta and an uncertain
reopening timeline. Thank you for your patience and support for our spring programs, and your
                              commitment to an active lifestyle.
With Summer Day Camps occupying the Community Centre in July and August our well-
loved programs are planned to return in September as a celebration of a safe and healthy
community! Please view our Active Living Programs on the previous page highlighting our
                            proposed schedule for fall 2021.

                                       Staying Up to Date
The Mid-Sun Community Association website contains up to date information for all aspects
   of the Community Centre and is available at https://www.midsun.org. Please consider
     signing up for the Programs Newsletter to receive program updates in your inbox.

If you have a credit on your Mid-Sun account we need to return these funds to you before our
fiscal year ends on June 30, as the credits will expire. If you are unsure if you have an existing credit,
check your account online at https://anc.ca.apm.activecommunities.com/midsun and email
programs@midsun.org if you need a login and password to gain access. You are also welcome to
             call the Centre Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at 403-254-8058

                        Programs and Registration Information
We always enjoy hearing for you! Please contact us using the most convenient option listed below:
                             Email: Caroline at programs@midsun.org.
              Phone: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at 403-254-8058.
                    In Person: by appointment only by calling 403-254-8058.
Mid-Sun messages - My Calgary
Summer Day
                    Camps 2021
                   Disclaimer: Information and registration
                   for Summer Day Camps is subject to
                   change in accordance with Alberta
Government COVID-19 Policies and Procedures. For the most
up-to-date information on Summer Day Camps, please visit        they will prepare for the week’s end Mid Sun Olympic
our website: www.midsun.org/daycamps.                           Games by creating team banners and noisemakers to
Mid-Sun Martians (July 5 to 9):                                 cheer their teammates on and practicing their skills
It’s the end of school and the beginning of summer.             through games such as balloon tennis and relay races.
Hoping to let loose and have some fun, camp Jedi                This week will also feature a Jersey Day so that campers
Wallaby and Nemo are planning games, crafts, and                can rep their favourite sports teams. Lace up your
activities to immerse campers in an intergalactic               sneakers, get on the starting line, and prepare to knock
experience. And in a community centre far, far away,            this week out of the park!
campers will travel through space and time to explore           Around the World in 4 Days (August 3 to 6):
stars, planets, and extraterrestrial life. Along their cosmic   Prepare for take off! Campers, please have your boarding
journey, campers will have opportunities to play alien-         passes ready for Flight SDC 2021, as we prepare to
themed games, explore the cosmos through crafts, and            explore the world beyond our borders. Our itinerary
learn about space beyond our home planet.                       includes stops in Australia, China, Russia, and Mexico
Where the Wild Campers Are (July 12 to 16):                     where campers will learn about each unique country
It’s a jungle out there! In this exciting week, campers         through crafts and games. In the art of imagination,
will spend time connecting with the natural world all           campers will travel far beyond the community centre
around them, going on scavenger hunts, and making               (Canada) to playgrounds within the community (other
crafts with objects they find in wild Fish Creek. On top        countries) to explore and itch that travel bug. Pack
of that, campers will learn about the animals and creepy        those suitcases and don’t forget your sunscreen as this
crawlies that walk amongst us through games and                 will be a trip to remember!
crafts. With plenty of chances to learn about the world         Leaders of Tomorrow, Today (August 9 to 13):
around them, as well as have an absolute blast, your            Has your camper been missing out on being a part of
campers are sure to come home with a new love for the           a community? This week’s camp will be filled with feel-
great outdoors!                                                 good, community-building activities that foster passion
Campers of the Caribbean (July 19 to 23):                       and excitement for today and tomorrow. Campers will
Ahoy, me mateys! This week, campers will have                   participate in crafts and activities that explore who
a swashbuckling fun time as they sail the seven                 they want to be when they grow up and will build
seas. Throughout the week, campers will have the                friendships that make everyone around them smile.
opportunity to explore the ocean, as well as learn about        With activities such as painting kindness rocks and
marine life through games and crafts. Campers will also         creating personalized keychains, campers will be sure
embark on an expedition to Midnapore Lake to dig for            to leave each day feeling good about their place and
buried treasure and play loads of water games such as           space in the world!
“Drip Drip Drop” and “Head Dunk Kickball”. Climb aboard         Mid-Sun Einsteins (August 16 to 20):
and chart a course for fun in the sun with Campers of           Put on your lab coat and safety goggles! In this week,
the Caribbean!                                                  campers will be immersed in the wonderful worlds
The 2021 Mid-Sun Olympic Games (July 26 to 30):                 of science and engineering as they conduct science
Go for gold with this fun-filled camp that will have            experiments and put their design skills to the test with
your campers trying out new sports and participating            activities such as an egg drop. Complete with a science
in friendly competitions against other campers and              demonstration of elephant toothpaste, this week is sure
leaders! As campers strive to be “faster, higher, stronger”,    to ignite your camper’s curiosity!

10    J U N E 2021 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
                                                            Fun in the SUN!
                                                            Most of us look forward to spending time in the summer
                                                            sun. The word “SUN” can remind us of ways we can stay
                                                            healthy this summer!
                                                            S: Substance Use
                                                            A cold beverage on a hot day is inviting. Often that
                                                            beverage contains alcohol, our most commonly used
                                                            substance. Alcohol affects us all differently. Knowing our
                                                            limits can keep us safe! When drinking alcohol, plan in
                                                            advance how much you will drink, and how you will get
                                                            home safely. Drinking alcohol is normal in our society.
                                                            It should also be normal to choose not to drink. Act as a
                                                            good role model by using substances safely!
                                                            U: Unplug
                                                            Being outdoors gets us away from screens and gives us the
                                                            chance to connect with others and the environment, learn
                                                            new skills, talk without distraction, and rest our brains.
                                                            Here’s how to reduce screen time during the summer.
                                                            - Limit screens, especially for younger children. Let them
                                                               learn by playing and doing instead. Set time and place
                                                               limits on screen use. No screens at the dinner table or
                                                               during a board game creates space for family connection.
                                                            - Does the TV need to be on all the time? Do we need
                                                               to be on our phones while watching a movie? Be more
                                                               intentional about screen use.
                                                            - Replace screen time with other fun activities like playing
                                                               cards, exercising, cooking, or listening to music.
                                                            - Watch screens with your children to make sure their media
                                                              exposure is positive and reflects your family’s values.
                                                            - Be a healthy role model. Pay attention to your own
Campers, Assemble! (August 23 to 27):                          screen use.
Suit up for fun! In this final week of camp, campers will   N: Nourish
awaken the superhero inside each of them, making            Nourishing means to take action that helps us grow and
their own masks and capes, and even having a day to         be healthy. Consider the “heads, hearts, and hands”.
dress up as their favourite superhero. Campers will train   Our head is what we know. What new things have you
their superhero skills through fun games like capture       learned? What topics would you like to know more about?
the flag and a mission impossible obstacle course. The      This could include cooking skills, history facts, or learning
fun doesn’t stop there, as this week also features a mini   to speak another language or play an instrument.
carnival and a visit to the lake, guaranteeing that your    Our heart is our passions and purpose. Summer can be
campers will have a fantastic end to their summer!          a great time to explore our passions and feel like active
Operation and Registration:                                 participants in our community by doing things that matter.
Mid-Sun Summer Day Camps offers weekly day camps            Our hands are about putting plans into action! Can you
that operate from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday.     take what you know and are passionate about and
Weekly registrations for the summer are now open! To        turn that into actions that create a feeling of support,
                                                            collaboration, and most importantly, fun?
register for Summer Day Camps, please visit our website
at www.midsun.org/daycamps. For exciting details and        Make your wellbeing a priority - remember, we need to
sneak peeks of our summer crafts and games, please          nourish to flourish!
follow us on Instagram at @midsunsummerdaycamps             Community Health Promotion Services Team, Alberta
and like us on Facebook at Mid-Sun Summer Day Camps.        Health Services

                                                                                          M I D - S U N I J U N E 2 0 2 1 11
Tell Me No Lies                                                   4. Our status or power: If we have power over other
                                                                     people, if we have control over their lives, if we have
by Nancy Bergeron, RPsych | nancy@viewpointcalgary.ca
                                                                     something they want, then they may be tempted to lie
                                                                     to us. Sometimes the lying takes the form of sucking
                                                                     up. They act like we’re the greatest person in the
                                                                     world, even if they don’t really believe it, or they try to
                                                                     impress us by lying about their accomplishments and
                                                                     background. We have a say over what will happen in
                                                                     their lives, so they are tempted to say whatever they
                                                                     need to impress us, even if it is a lie.
                                                                  5. We are seen as a scary person: Some people are scary in
                                                                      a bad way on purpose, such as bullies, but other people
                                                                      just have a style that can seem intimidating. We aren’t
                                                                      trying to be mean or off-putting, it’s just the way we are.
                                                                      This can make it hard for other people to tell us the truth
                                                                      when they are worried that we might not like the truth.
                                                                  6. We are in a bad place emotionally: Perhaps we’re
                                                                      seen as a vulnerable person. Perhaps we are easily
                                                                      hurt or maybe depressed. Maybe we are not usually
Ever wonder why people lie to us? Listed below are a                  a vulnerable person, but at the moment we are
few of the everyday situations and scenarios that bring               going through a very difficult time. If we are in a very
out this common trait found in all humans. Yes, we all lie.           vulnerable place and other people know that, they may
It’s just a matter of degrees. And it is a social construct,          be reluctant to tell us something we might not want to
as it would actually be quite offensive if we always told             hear. If they think we can’t handle the truth because we
the truth.                                                            are too fragile, they will be tempted to lie.

Some of the reason why we lie include:                            7. We are in denial, and other people can tell that
1. Our high regard or expectations for the special                   about us: Vulnerable people aren’t the only kinds of
   people in our life: Our high regard is so valuable;                people who don’t want to know the truth. Sometimes
   they just don’t want to disappoint us. When they do                very confident and successful people don’t want to
   something they are not proud of (as all humans do), we             know either. A leader or manager of a company, for
   are the last person they want to tell. So, they lie to us to       example, may make it clear from the way they act that
   maintain our shiny view of them a bit longer.                      they don’t want to hear bad news about their company.
                                                                      When things start to go wrong, the people who could
2. Our high moral standards: When other people see us                give them a heads-up are afraid to do so. Instead, they
   as someone with high moral standards, they don’t want              suppress vital information, or they lie.
   to admit to their own failings, not even the small ones
   we all share. Because we are viewed as such a good             8. We feel that certain truths should not be spoken:
   person, other people are tempted to lie to us when                 Some parents do this in their interactions with their
   they are not so good themselves.                                   children, especially when something truly terrible is
                                                                      happening. When a grandparent or other beloved
3. Our ‘attractiveness’ - not just the physical kind:                relative or friend is seriously ill, or the cherished family
   When other people admire us, they often want to                    pet is at death’s door, parents just don’t want to have to
   impress us. That might mean lying to us, so they seem              tell their kids the awful news.
   more impressive than they really are. They admire us,
   and that makes them want us to admire them. If they            The human condition is complex and curious. Sometimes
   don’t think we will admire them just the way they are,         it really is best to tell the truth, even if it is going to hurt.
   they will be tempted to lie to us so we will be impressed.     This is how we build trust with those closest to us.

12    J U N E 2021 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
                                                                 Come and Play!
                                                                 Reminder of the Awesome
                                                                 New Playground in Sundance

Is Binging the New Smoking?
by Madasyn Kost
We’re all home a lot more these days and if you’re like
me, you’ve become a habitual binge watcher. Gone
are the days of watching one episode per week. Now
that streaming services basically own the world of
entertainment, TV and movies are at our fingertips. With
nothing exciting going on in my life I know I’ve turned to
television for entertainment and an escape.                      Happy June! The days are long and calling for extra
It’s a slippery slope beginning a new show, will you like        outdoor play!
it, will you hate it, or will you become obsessed. Netflix       Playgrounds have incredible developmental benefit for
original shows are dangerously easy to binge. They               children, from developing motor and problem-solving
typically only put out eight to ten episodes per season          skills to learning social norms and imaginative play.
which can easily be watched in an afternoon –or a full           Last fall, a beautiful new playground was built along
weekend if you have more restraint. In the past year, I’ve       Sunlake Road in Sundance. If you’re looking for a biking
watched countless TV shows. On average if a show has             destination or a place to play, the Sundance Explorer
at least 16 episodes, that’s over 12 hours of binging. And       Playground has something for everyone! Spinners,
that’s just one season! I recently watched a show that had       climbing nets, swings, and even a bouncy chipmunk! Try
four seasons, all with at least 18 episodes per season. So       your hand at grounders, race a buddy around a loop, try
basically, over the past two weeks, I’ve spent 36 hours          our custom “Sundance Café” play panel, or snuggle your
watching TV. That’s on top of my full-time job, going out,       little one in the mommy and me swing.
oh and sleeping.
                                                                 You can find the new playground located in the large
There’s a lot of information out there about what binging        green space between Sunlake Road and Sunmeadows
does for your health and let’s just say it’s not good. For one   Crescent.
thing you’re sitting for extended amounts of time, most          We’re so thankful for the Mid-Sun Playground
likely snacking. Don’t lie, I see those chips. And imagine       Committee, along with our donors - the Mid-Sun
the strain you’re putting on your eyes. It’s bad enough          Community Association, the City of Calgary, Parks
that most of us spend our days staring at a computer             Foundation, Pembina Pipeline, Dimension Dentistry,
screen, but to go home and stare at a TV screen for three        and many generous community members - for making
to four hours every night…yikes.                                 this awesome community space a reality.
And if you’re like me, you get a high from the show you’re       All the best!
binging. It becomes part of your life and your routine. Then     Erin Delamont
when you get to that last episode, your high becomes a
                                                                 Mid-Sun Director, Playground Liaison, Mid-Sun
low. For a day or two you mourn the loss of your show
                                                                 Community Association
before quickly moving on to your next binge obsession!
                                                                                            MID-SUN I JUNE 2021 13
Overwhelmed in your role as a caregiver?
Unsure of what to do next or where to go for help?
We help you find the resources, community,
and support you need.

Caregiver Services                              Weekly Caregiver
Monday – Friday I 9:00AM-4:30PM                 Support Community
Get resources, referrals, schedule a coaching   Virtual peer support multiple times a week
session or attend peer support groups and       https://bit.ly/CSCPeerSupport
virtual education programs.
                                                Coaching Sessions Include:
Educational Workshops                           • A discovery process to gather information
We offer the award-winning COMPASS for the        about your caregiving situation.
Caregiver workshop and additional education     • Guidance to help identify your needs and
programs with guest speakers on a variety of      plan next steps.
caregiver related topics.                       • Strategies to stay healthy while being busy
https://bit.ly/CaregiversAbPrograms               and under stress.
                                                *currently being offered in a virtual setting only.

Visit us at www.CaregiversAlberta.ca Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram: @CaregiversAB

                                                                                    MID-SUN I JUNE 2021 15
World Environment Day June 5th
                                                                  Father's Day June 20th
                                                                  International Asteroid Day June 30th

                        Mi     -Sun 2021 Housing Market Review                                 *January 1, 2021 to
                                                                                               April 30, 2021
                       Detached                          Attached                           Condo
     eropan iM

             High   $732,000                  High   $532,000                    High     $242,500
             Low    $310,000                  Low    $272,500                    Low      $137,500
             Avg.   $447,555                  Avg.   $343,617                    Avg.     $187,480
             # Sol 30                         # Sol 16                           # Sol    5
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                    Great Food,
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                   Great Drinks,                 Kilbco offers concrete resealing to help protect and
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      Sip in the Sun on our                      We take pride in using the best sealing products
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                                                                          MID-SUN I JUNE 2021 17
Capture Nature Photography Contest
From beginning photographers, to amateur professionals
and youth, we invite you to submit your best park images
for consideration. We are excited to see how contest
participants will interpret and capture this year’s fun and
challenging themes: Community, Forest for the Trees,
Framing, Leading Lines. Are you up for the challenge?
‘Capture Nature’ runs until July 28, and all submissions
must be images taken in Fish Creek Provincial Park.
Register through Eventbrite. Please be sure to read the
contest rules and regulations prior to registering. Photos
                                                               Through the TD Learning Naturally program, over 4,500
can be submitted at any point during the contest, but
                                                               students between grades K - 6 from economically
the earlier the better! For more information, visit https://
                                                               disadvantaged schools in Calgary are provided an
                                                               unforgettable field trip to Fish Creek Provincial Park. Many
Creekfest – Reimagined! July 17 to 23                          of the students in the TD Learning Naturally program
Free and fun for the whole family!                             are from families that are new to Canada, and their
Experience the Friends of Fish Creek’s signature summertime    visit to the park is their first real introduction to nature
event – Creekfest! We are pleased to bring the magic of        in this country. The Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by
Creekfest to you over the course of one very special week      AltaLink program (BFK) helps to support over 200 local
through live and pre-recorded online presentations by          children’s charities each year between April and August.
partnering community-based organizations. This format          The Friends’ Learning Naturally program has once again
will enable us to reach more people throughout the city,       been chosen as a Birdies for Kids charity and we invite
country, and even internationally, than we could through       you to take advantage of this truly amazing opportunity
a one-day event. The Friends are pleased to welcome back       to stretch your donation dollars even further! Through
Peter Puffin’s Whale Tales to Creekfest – Reimagined! A        BFK, your Learning Naturally donation will be matched
Juno-award winning children’s performer and long-time          up to 50% by the Shaw Charity Classic Foundation. A $20
supporter of the Friends of Fish Creek, Peter will once        donation could translate into an unforgettable field trip
again perform a live concert through Facebook and help         for three children - imagine how many children would
the Friends raise awareness about Creekfest – Reimagined!      enjoy a field trip with a $100 donation.
This virtual format will provide groups the opportunity
                                                               Unfortunately, since the beginning of the pandemic
to explore an issue and provide detailed information and
                                                               there have not been field trips in Fish Creek, however,
insight about nature, wildlife, the environment, and/or
                                                               the Friends are working on delivering educational
conservation. Choose which presentations you would like
                                                               programs virtually to students within their classrooms.
to watch during the week of Creekfest – Reimagined, and
of course it’s all free! Creekfest is an important component   When outdoor learning resumes in Fish Creek Provincial
to the Friends Watershed Stewardship campaign, designed        Park, your donations today will go a long way in helping
to raise awareness about nature, conservation, and             provide unforgettable learning opportunities for children
healthy watersheds, and to invite community members to         in this amazing park. Consider asking your friends,
unite in celebration of Alberta’s protected natural areas.     family, co-workers, and your employer about making
For more information, visit www.friendsoffishcreek.org/        a donation, as even the smallest contribution can have
event/creekfest and Like Creekfest at www.facebook.com/        a significant impact. Please donate before the closing
creekfestinfishcreek.jk.                                       of the Shaw Charity Classic on August 15. To contribute
                                                               to the Learning Naturally program, please contact the
Help Calgary Kids Connect with Nature in Fish Creek            Friends of Fish Creek or visit www.friendsoffishcreek.org/
Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink will match         programs/birdies.
your donation up to 50%.

    18    J U N E 2021 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities

                                                                       L A N D S C A P I N G
                                                                   C U S TO M E R S AT I S FA C T I O N G U A R A N T E E D

                                                                                                     We specialize in all
                                                                                                     forms of landscape
                                                                                                     and Construction
Pandemic Gives                                                                                       · Decorative Concrete
Artist Purpose                                                                                       · Custom Decks
For Tuscany resident Denise Willis, the challenges of                                                · Fences
                                                                                                     · Retaining Walls
COVID-19 presented an opportunity to examine what
                                                                                                     · Irrigation
is most important. When Denise lost her job due to
                                                                                                     · Stamped and
the pandemic, she signed up for a free online class she                                                Exposed Concrete
thought would focus on painting skills. Instead, Denise                                              · Bulk Topsoil Deliveries
found that the class was more of an exercise in self-ex-                                             · Through Tip Top Soil
ploration. As she worked through the exercises led by
Australian artist Gilly Kube, Denise came to realize that
family, wellness, and art are the most important things
in her life. Through the course, Denise was encouraged         GOT A PLAN?
                                                               AFFORDABLE CUSTOM LANDSCAPE PLANS
to let go of limited thinking that inhibits creativity, and
to just paint. She abandoned self-criticism and was ex-
cited by the idea that someone out there might like her
work, even if she didn’t like it herself. Denise has contin-
ued to paint in acrylics and looks forward to expanding
into mixed media in the future. She has just entered a
painting titled Healthcare Heroes’ Dedication Tree into a
competition sponsored by HealthPro Canada that hon-
ours frontline health care workers. The painting depicts
a tree with visible roots. The roots have words describ-
ing heroic attributes. The tree is colourful and uses a
paint pour technique that plays on mixing many col-
ours and creates texture. Black-and-white faces wearing
medical masks emerge from the background. Denise’s
favourite piece is an untitled tryptic, which she created
in a creative acrylic painting class. She used the tech-
niques taught in the class, building up the canvas to
create texture. The technique is juxtaposed with the flat
geometric drawing style depicting a sunset landscape
with mountains in the foreground. In the context of our
current reality, one artist has found the courage to cre-
ate, letting go of all that was holding her back. She has          Free Estimates 403.256.9282
found an artistic purpose: “to spread joy and make peo-            www.jacksonandjacksonlandscaping.ca
ple smile”.
                                                                                              MID-SUN I JUNE 2021 19
RESIDENT PERSPECTIVES                                            CCSD BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                           Why Am I Sick                         www.cssd.ab.ca/BoardOfTrustees | trustees@ccsd.ab.ca

                           and What is the                       Learn more about your Calgary Catholic
                                                                 School District Board of Trustees!
                           by Joan Gitzel, C.H.N.C.
                          When scientists cracked the
                                                                Year-End Wrap Up
                                                                To say that the 2020-2021 school year has been eventful,
                          genetic code in the year 2000,
                                                                would be an understatement. This past school year saw the
                          they thought that it would
                                                                continuation of a variety of significant adjustments needed
                          explain human health and
                                                                to ensure the safest possible environments for students and
                          disease and help us conquer
                                                                staff as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our teaching,
them – especially cancer! Our genes may predispose us to
                                                                learning, and support staff have pivoted between face-to-face
disease, but 80% of our health is determined by our diet
                                                                and online learning. To help meet this challenge, the Calgary
and lifestyle. And the most recent scientific discoveries
                                                                Catholic School District (CCSD) opened St. Isidore School, our
reveal that the gut microbiome plays a critical role in the
                                                                first online school. With almost 6,000 students attending in its
expression of our genes! In fact, the entirety of human
                                                                inaugural year, St. Isidore School, which offers grades 1 to 9,
health starts in our gut!
                                                                has been an incredibly successful initiative.
So, what is the microbiome?
                                                                For our graduating students, the pandemic mandated that
The microbiome is your unique collection of trillions of
                                                                ceremonies held in honour of their achievements look
microbes, living on your body and in your body cavities
                                                                very different. In spite of this, CCSD was able to provide
– most of them in your gut. Your microbiome is 99%
                                                                personal, heartfelt celebrations for our students. Our drive-by
different from that of your family members, even though
                                                                graduations were joyful events that allowed our students to
genetically you may be 99% the same.
                                                                ‘walk the stage’ in a new, yet meaningful way.
Here’s a fun fact. Have you ever wondered why people
kiss? There is speculation among scientists that kissing        For the board, the year has been one of success. Despite a very
may be an unconscious way of sampling a potential               difficult provincial fiscal climate, we were successful in obtaining
lover’s microbiome for compatibility. They do know,             a commitment to fund the expansion and modernization of St.
however, that every time we kiss, we exchange eighty            Martin de Porres School in Airdrie. This critical infrastructure is
million microbes with our partner!                              urgently needed and very much appreciated.

Our microbes help with:                                         Our administrative staff has been very successful in navigating
• Digestion.                                                    a significant change in the provincial funding model. This new
                                                                model, introduced in 2020, has been seamlessly integrated into
• A strong immune system – 70% of the immune system
                                                                district operations and reflects significant effort on the part of
   resides in the gut!
                                                                our administration, especially in the midst of a pandemic.
• Regulating our metabolism and weight.
• Our response to insulin.                                     Your Board of Trustees would like to express our most sincere
                                                                gratitude to our administrative, exempt, teaching, support, and
• Reducing inflammation.
                                                                custodial staff for their heroic efforts during a very challenging
• Hormone balance.
                                                                school year. You have made an incredible difference for the
• Mood. Did you know that 90% of serotonin is produced         students we serve. We would also like to thank our families,
   in the gut; only 10% in the brain?                           whose ongoing support of our staff during this time is most
• Cognition – got “brain fog”? Could be your microbiome!       appreciated.
• The expression of our genes. They determine whether
                                                                As we end one school year and prepare for the next, on behalf
   or not a gene for a disease that “runs in our family” gets
                                                                of the Board of Trustees, we wish each member of our CCSD
   activated or not.
                                                                family, the very best and a restful, peaceful summer break. We
Joan Gitzel is a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant.     look forward to seeing you again in September.

20    J U N E 2021 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
                                                     Abo ut Wine
                                                   by Nik Rasula
                                                   About Wine features wines not typically on one’s shopping radar; unique
                                                   wines with a story - of people, place or style. It tells of artisans making
                                                   reasonably priced wines (under C$50 retail) while demonstrating careful
                                                   Earth consideration.

                           bout the Label: Terms Gorgo,        About Place: Located southeast of Lake Garda in northeastern
                           Bardolino, Chiaretto (key-          Italy, Gorgo vines root in a landscape of rolling glacial moraine with
                           ah-ret-oh), Biologico figure        surfaces that vary between rock fragments, gravel, sand, and clay.
                   prominently on the sleek, modern            Cool northern mountain air, and breezes from Lake Garda provide
                   label. Gorgo is the winery, Bardolino       the Bardolino DOC a microclimate distinct from the others, “in fair
                   the area of Veneto’s Verona Province,       Verona, where we lay our scene.” (William Shakespeare).
                   Chiaretto means pale or rosé,               About the Blend: Traditonale to Veneto, the red grapes of
                   Biologico denotes organic.                  Valpolicella; Corvina, Rondinella and Molinara are used to
                   About Price: $25                            make this chiaretto.
                    About the Backstory: From a long           About Rosé: A hybrid of white and red wine techniques. After
                   line of doctors, Roberto Bricolo set        harvest, grapes are crushed, with the runoff juice (which is
about to carry on the family tradizione. In 1973, he left      white) exposed to its red grape skins. After a few hours, the
medical school and established the 22-hectare Gorgo            resultant pink liquid is fermented into rosé wine.
Winery in the Verona town of Custoza. Thirty-two years         About the Wine: An appealing pale-salmon, notes of white
on, daughter Roberta, then 28, joined, pivoting from life      flowers mix with stone fruits and minerals. On the palate,
as a Bologna lawyer to pursue her true passion, making         creamy flavours of fresh peaches and ripe strawberries
great wine. Bringing perspective and fresh outlook, she        combine with a touch of saline. The finish is fresh, long, stony,
set about transitioning Gorgo to organic. Today, Gorgo         and wonderful.
has expanded to 53-hectares, growing a healthy mix of
both reds and whites.                                          About Pairing: Seafood risotto, summer salads, deck
About Sustainability: In 2018, after an 11-year ordeal,
                                                               About Alcohol Level: 12.5%
Gorgo was certified organic by the EU. The healthier
choice for all stakeholders, Roberta relates significantly     About Availability: Check liquorconnect.com (call the listed
higher operating expenses (+50 per cent) including the         store too) confirming availability.
costs of training, labour, and certification.                  CSPC # 813611

                                       If you are a fan of popular culture, and movies that
                                       have stood the test of time, then June is certainly
                                       a month to note in your calendar. In 1986 ‘Ferris
                                       Bueller’s Day Off’ was released in theatres and it is
                                       still being talked about today!

                                                                                                 MID-SUN I JUNE 2021 21
Park Hours                                                        Chemical Treatment of Weeds in the Lake
Park/Office hours and available amenities may still be            The weeds in the lake will be chemically treated in June.
affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check our               The beach and all water activities will be closed for
website at www.lakesundance.org for current hours and             approximately three days due to the treatment. Dates will
park status.                                                      be announced so please watch for notices and signage.
                                                                  The dates will also be posted on our website and on our
Spring and Summer Activities at the Lake
                                                                  Facebook page.
It may still be a bit cold for a swim, but there are lots of
other free and fun activities to try at the lake. Try Frisbee     Sundance Lodge Rentals
(disc) golf, tennis, pickleball, basketball, soccer, inline       The lower level of the Lodge has three meeting rooms that
skating, beach volleyball, horseshoes, boating, fishing,          are available for members to rent. These rooms are suitable
enjoy the playgrounds, book a cookshack for a barbecue,           for small meetings, birthday parties, skating parties, etc.
or just enjoy a stroll around the grounds. Please note that       The meeting rooms do not have access to the kitchen. The
some of these activities may still be affected by COVID-19        upper level of the Lodge - the “Sundance Room” - is available
restrictions, so please check our website for updates.            for rent by members and non-members. This banquet room
                                                                  can accommodate up to 160 people. For rental rates and
Lake Fees for July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
                                                                  availability, please check our website at www.lakesundance.
Given the circumstances regarding the COVID-19
                                                                  org or contact our office at 403-256-4728.
pandemic, the Board of Directors has again made the
decision that there will be no increase in fees this year. Lake   Contact Us
fees will remain frozen at the 2019/2020 levels.                  Website: www.lakesundance.org
Please remember that fees are due by July 1, 2021 and             Phone: 403-256-4728
they must be paid before members will be allowed into             Email: office@lakesundance.org, board@lakesundance.org
the park this summer.
Invoices will be sent out the first week of June. If you
receive our e-Newsletters, then you should be receiving             Pet Lovers in the Community
your invoice via email. Please check your “spam” folder if
you don’t see it in your inbox. If you haven’t signed up for
our e-Newsletter, then you will be receiving your invoice
via Canada Post. Payment may be made by e-Transfer,
debit, or cheque.
E-Transfer Payments
Did you know that we now accept fee payments by
e-Transfer? You can send your payment to payment@
lakesundance.org. No password is necessary. Please be sure
to include your name and address in the memo section.                   If you have a pet and are struggling to make
Email Notices and Electronic Billing                                    ends meet, “Pet Food Help and Support” can
One of the best ways to keep current on upcoming events,                help you out. This organization is a Facebook
important lake news, and receive your annual invoices                  group that welcomes help to everyone and is
is by email! If you are not receiving regular email notices             dedicated to feeding hungry pets – one pet
from the lake, please leave your email address with us. Sign            at a time. Join this Facebook group today for
up at the office or on our website.                                      assistance. Once you reach out for help, an
                                                                      arrangement can be made to get you a monthly
• Signed up, but aren’t receiving messages? Try adding us            supply of much needed food for your fur babies.
  to your address book so the emails aren’t being rejected
                                                                         Please visit our Facebook page at https://
  as “spam.”
• Don’t forget to notify us if your email address changes!             for more information, and to sign up today!

22    J U N E 2021 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
Summer Is Coming!                                            Annual Fees
We are now looking forward to our summer season.             Please remember that your annual lake fees were due
Please check the website (www.midnaporelake.ca) for          on January 1, 2021. Any accounts with outstanding
current park hours.                                          balances as of January 31, 2021 will be denied access to
                                                             the park.
We continue to strive to do our best to provide a safe
environment and be respectful of all health restrictions.    Midnapore Lake Bookings
We gratefully acknowledge and thank those members            Due to the COVID restrictions that have been in place,
who have been both patient and supportive of our             we have not been accepting any bookings. Please check
actions and ask for your continued support and               our website for up-to-date information concerning
understanding as we attempt to navigate the summer
season with appropriate measures to limit and reduce
                                                                                  SHINY HAPPY
the risk of spread of COVID-19. Our website (www.                                We Bring the happy
midnaporelake.ca), Facebook, and Instagram are your
best sources of up-to-date information.
Tennis Lessons                                                our ServiCeS
Please follow our website, Instagram, and Facebook
                                                                                                       ouse wash
                                                              Window cleaning
pages for upcoming information concerning tennis              Gutter cleaning               gutters & h
lessons this summer for both children and adults. We are      Snow removal
confident that by summer we will be able to safely offer
                                                              Christmas lights                  GetShinyhappy
lessons. Registration should open in June.                                                      WindoWS.CoM
Board of Director - Nominations                                       4.1                 403-265-4769
The Midnapore Lake Resident’s Association is recruiting
community leaders to serve on the Board of Directors.
We are looking for people who have a passion for
our facility, have a vision for the future, and who
enjoy actively effecting positive change in a team-
based environment. We welcome interest, and value
contributions from persons with diverse life experience.
We also have ongoing needs for those with a background
in: Technology, Construction/Trades, Board Governance,
Finance and Administration, Safety, Human Resources,
or Project Management. We also welcome creative
dreamers who can transform an idea into a reality.
Election to the Board of Directors will take place in June
during the annual member meeting. To express your
interest, or for more information, contact Deanna on
behalf of the Nominating Committee at nominations@
We look forward to hearing from you, or from anyone
who you think would be a great addition to our team.
Save the date. Our Annual General Meeting is tentatively
scheduled for June 24, 2021. During these uncertain
times, please follow Facebook, Instagram, and our
website for up-to-date information.
                                                                                          MID-SUN I JUNE 2021 23
Hey Parents! Want a
     week of free fun?
     We are looking for product testers
     for a social, physical, emotional,
     and cognitive development family
     board game for children ages 3-6.

     You’ll have one week to play the
     game with your child(ren) and we
     ask for timely feedback afterwards.

     Learn more

     Get ready for a fun, customizable,
     and easy-to-play board game
     for the whole family!

     “I like that it’s different from your
     typical board games where it brings                      “I think the topics are really important
     out different components of a                            today for kids. It was really easy to play
     child’s learning and development”                        and understand.”

24   J U N E 2021 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities
Heritage Time Out
      We are looking for people to join our                      McDougall United Church,
    volunteer base and lend a helping hand                       8516 Athabasca Street S.E. (No religious
  with community events such as, Stampede                        content, non-denominational)
   Shutdown, Community Clean Up, Annual                          At Heritage Time Out, practitioners of quilting,
  Casino Fundraising, etc. If you would like to                  knitting, crocheting, card making, as well as a
 be added to this list, please visit our website                 “do-as-you-wish” table, meet to learn and practice
and subscribe to our volunteer newsletter. You                   their art at McDougall United Church. Unfortu-
 will find this under the Your Community tab -                   nately, we are not meeting at the current time due
                Community Events!                                to the COVID-19 restrictions. We anticipate that
                                                                 we may not meet again until September 2021,
If you’re interested in volunteering on our                      until we are sure we can meet in a way that is safe
  Association’s Board of Directors, please                       for everybody.
  send an email to our Board President at
           president@midsun.org.                                 Please contact Lori at McDougall United Church,
                                                                 403-252-1620, for further information.

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                                                                                              MID-SUN I JUNE 2021 25
NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified                         LOVING MIDNAPORE DAYHOME: Accepting full-time,
journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in               part-time and before and after school care for children.
Midnapore and Sundance. Upfront pricing. Reliable,                Ages 10 months and up. Over 25 years’ experience
conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00         educating and caring for children. Fully registered.
pm. 24-hour emergency service, call 403-255-7938.                 Smoke-free, pet-free, home-cooked organic meals.
“Showering you with great service.”                               Walking distance from 3 schools. Call Andrea 403-254-
                                                                  0879, lakam@telus.net.
low overhead, excellent warranties, and great rates.              BASEMENT WINDOWS R-US: New or larger window
Specializing in residential service and installs. Services        openings – includes complete install. Digging, concrete
include furnace service and replacement, hot water tank           cutting, material/dirt hauled away. Member of the BBB.
service and replacement, leaks, clogs, gas fitting, and more.     Call 403-201-0317 or cell 403-660-0612.
Licensed and insured. Why wait? Call today and get it fixed
today! Available 24/7, we accept debit/VISA/MasterCard.           CAMPBELL ROOFING - FREE ESTIMATES, REBATES
Call 403-837-4023 or email officialplumbingandheating@            AVAILABLE: Local business serving the community
outlook.com; www.official-plumbing-heating.ca.                    with quality and professional service. Licensed, insured,
                                                                  WCB, BBB, 10-year labour warranty. Emergency service,
MIDNAPORE | SUNDANCE MORTGAGE BROKER: SAVE                        financing, claims welcome. “Keeping a roof over your
A BUNCH OF CASH! As a local mortgage professional,                head is our business”. “Doghouse included.” Call Grant
I have helped your neighbors navigate their purchase,             403-975-1371. Thank you, customers, for the last 30 years.
refinance, and renewal options. If you are looking
expert advice, excellent rates, many options, and                 NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation
better mortgages, Call Anita at 403-771-8771 | anita@             Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no-cost mediation and
anitamortgage.ca | Licensed by Verico Avenue Financial            conflict coaching service that can help you resolve
Real Estate Solutions.                                            problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be
                                                                  neighbours again! www.communitymediation.ca, 403-
ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING, TAX RETURNS: T1,                         269-2707.
T2, trusts, payroll, GST, regulatory compliance, start-
up consulting corporations/sole proprietorships.                  CROWN RENOVATIONS: Beautiful kitchens at affordable
Responsive, professional. We file on time, avoiding               prices. Over 30 years’ experience in quality renovations.
penalties and interest. Produce/file all slips: T4s, T4As,        Full service custom cabinetry. Local, licensed, bonded,
T5s, T3s, T5018s. Review/audit work welcomed. Doing               and insured. Free in-house estimates. Visits to former
business in Sundance since 2003. Call or text Claudia at          clients can be arranged. Discounts for veterans. Check
403-819-0421, email ctiefisher@bowriverbusiness.com,              out our latest before and after renovation at www.
or visit www.bowriverbusiness.com.                                crownrenovations.com. Call Bill at 403-819-8588 or
                                                                  email crownreno@shaw.ca.
BRYAN’S PLUMBING: Local plumber, great prices, and
over 30 years’ experience. Renos and repairs, hot water           LANDSCAPING, WINDOW CLEANING, AND YARD
tanks and humidifiers, and faucet replacements. Free              CARE: Weekly yard care starting at $36. Mulch, rock,
estimates and advice. Seniors discount. No job too                and sod installation. Window and gutter cleaning
small. Call Master Plumber, Bryan, at 403-560-6547, or            starting at $99; interior/exterior/screens. Garden beds,
email brenmak@telus.net.                                          stone patios, walkways, raised beds, rock walls, deck and
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                                                                                           MID-SUN I JUNE 2021 27
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