Metallographic preparation of titanium

Page created by Dave Wise
Metallographic preparation of titanium
preparation of
titanium                                                                         Application
Titanium is a relatively new metal
and expensive to produce, but its
                                         titanium production and processing
                                         is extremely important.
outstanding properties of high
strength to weight ratio and excellent   This is why metallography of
corrosion and heat resistance have       titanium is an integrated part of
made titanium and its alloys well        quality control of titanium, from
established engineering materials.       monitoring the initial production
                                         process, to porosity checks on
Titanium is exceptionally resist-        cast parts and controlling heat
ant to corrosion by a wide range         treatment processes. In addi-
of chemicals. Its high affinity for      tion, metallography plays a role
oxygen results in a thin, but dense,     in research and development of
self-healing stable oxide layer, which   titanium alloys and products.
provides an effective barrier against
incipient corrosion. In addition, it     Titanium is a very ductile metal
is the high strength to weight ratio     and prone to mechanical de-
maintained at elevated tempera-          formation. For the abrasive
tures, which makes titanium and          processes in metallographic
                its alloys attractive    cutting, grinding and polish-
                for many critical        ing, this aspect has to be
                applications.            taken into consideration.

                Titanium and its al-
                loys are widely used
                in the aerospace
and aircraft, chemical and medical
industry, where high safety is essen-                                            on a tub
                                                                                          itic stru
                                                                                                    cture in
                                                                                          e weld.            the heat
tial. Consequently, quality control of                                           Etchant:
                                                                                                                               ed zone
                                                                                                              1000 x

Difficulties during metallographic preparation
Cutting: Titanium can easily overheat    Grinding and polishing:
during cutting and large burrs can       Due to its ductility titanium deforms
occur:                                   and scratches easily:

                                                                                                     Special cut-off wheel
                                                                                                     for titanium.
                                                                                                     Electrolytical polishing.

Fig. 1                                   Fig. 2                                       DIC, 50 x
Metallographic preparation of titanium
Production and                                                                                                                      Fig. 5: Screws and bone
                                                                                                                                    plate electro-chemically

                                                                                                                                    oxidized for colour coding.
                                                                                                                                    The colours are the result
                                                                                                                                    of different thickness
of titanium                                                                                                                         of the
                                                                                                                                    oxide layer.

The production of titanium is a
three-step process:
1. The first step is the manufacture of
titanium sponge and involves the chlori-
nation of rutile ore (TiO2).
Chlorine gas and coke are combined          Fig. 3: Grey oxide rolled into surface of bar.
with the rutile and react to form tita-
nium tetrachloride.                         Secondary fabrication for produc-
This is purified by distillation and then   ing parts from mill products includes
reduced with magnesium to titanium          manufacturing processes such as die
sponge and magnesium chloride.              forging, extrusion, hot and cold forming         Fig. 6: Hip implant with CaP-coating
                                            etc. Hot forming of titanium is not only
2. This titanium sponge is then crushed     a shaping procedure, but a method to             tions, seawater, body fluids, fruit and
into grainy powder, mixed with scrap        produce and control the microstructure.          vegetable juices. Typical products are
and/or alloying metals such as vana-                                                         reaction vessels, heat exchangers,
dium, aluminium, molybdenum, tin and        The high strength/low density of tita-           valves, and pumps; prosthetic devices
zirconium, and melted in a vacuum arc       nium make it a crucial material in the           such as implants, artificial bones, artifi-
reduction furnace to produce titanium       aerospace industry. Its main gas turbine         cial heart pumps and valve parts.
ingots.                                     engine applications include, compressor          The most widely used alloy for these
                                            rings, discs, and spacer casings, ducts          products is Ti-6Al-4V.
3. These ingots from the first melt are     and shrouds. In aeroplane structural
then used in a second melt as consum-       frames titanium alloys are used in under         Its light weight combined with aesthetic
able electrodes. This process is called     carriage parts, engine mountings, and            design has made it a favorite for high
“double consumable-electrode vacuum         control mechanism parts, sheet and fas-          class consumer goods such as jewel-
melting process”. For very pure and         teners for outer body construction.              lery, golf clubs, eyeglasses, bikes and
clean titanium with very homogenous                                                          watches, and in architecture it is used
structures, an additional third melt can    Titanium’s superior corrosion resistance         for decorative façades (Fig. 4)
be carried out.                             and biocompatibility make it an ideal
                                            material for the chemical, medical and
In a first fabrication step, the cast in-   food industry, and for ocean research
gots, either cylindrical and 15 metric      and development. With its passive oxide
tons, or square and 10 metric tons, are     film it has a high corrosion resistance
hot forged into general mill products       against salt solutions, nitric acid solu-
such as smaller billets, slabs, bar and
plate. As cast ingots can have an inher-
ent coarse microstructure, which makes
them sensitive to cracking, close tem-
perature and process control are main-
tained during forging operation.

The finished products consist of forg-
ings for aerospace applications as well
as slab, bar, and other feedstock for
further processing into bar, rod, wire,
sheet or plate. Fig. 3 shows a defect
on a rolled titanium bar, grey oxide has
been rolled into the surface.

                                            Fig. 4: Entrance Experience Music
                                            Project, Seattle,
Metallographic preparation of titanium
Difficulties in the                                                                 Preparation Method

preparation of                                                                      Grinding

titanium                                                                                                  Step                 PG                         FG

                                                                                                          Surface              MD-Mezzo                   MD-Largo

                                                                                                                     Type      Diamond                    Diamond
                                                                                                                     Size      #220                       9 μm

                                                                                                           uspension /
                                                                                                          S                    Water                       DiaPro
The main problem of preparing titanium           The first step is a plane                                Lubricant                                        Allegro/Largo
for microscopic observation is its high          grinding with silicon car-
ductility, which makes titanium difficult        bide Foil. Plane grinding is                             rpm                  300                        150
to cut, grind and polish. In the follow-         followed by a single fine
ing recommendations specific advice              grinding step on a hard                                  F orce [N]/         40 ***                     30
is given how to overcome this typical            surface such as MD-Largo                                  specimen
behavior of titanium.                            or MD-Plan. As abrasive
                                                 either 9 µm diamond sus-                                 Time (min)           Until Plane                5

Recommendations for the                          pension or DiaPro Allegro/
                                                 Largo 9 or DiaPro Plan 9
preparation of titanium and                      are used.                          Polishing
its alloys
                                                                                                          Step                 OP
                                                 When harder titanium such
Cutting: Due to its high ductility, titanium
                                                 as α/β or β alloys are pro-
produces long chips when machined or
                                                 cessed, the plane grinding                               Surface              MD-Chem
cut, which makes metallographic cutting
                                                 with a MD-Piano 120 or
with regular aluminium oxide cut-off                                                                                 Type      Collodial Silica
                                                 220 may be more efficient,                               Abrasive
wheels very ineffective. Heat damage can                                                                             Size      0.04 μm
                                                 especially when unmounted
         occur easily (see Fig.1) and there-
                                                 large samples in high vol-                               Suspension /         OP-S*
         fore special silicon carbide cut-off                                                             Lubricant
                                                 umes have to be prepared.
         wheels have been developed spe-
         cifically for sectioning of titanium                                                            rpm                  150
                                                 Pure titanium, should
         (e.g. 20S30 and 20S35).
                                                 always be ground using sili-
                                                                                                          F orce [N]/         30 per sample
        Cutting titanium also produces           con carbide Foil for plane                                specimen
a characteristic smell that can become           grinding.
pronounced when cutting large pieces                                                                      Time (min)           5 **
or quantities. In these cases it is recom-       The third and final step is
mended to connect a fume extraction to           a chemical-mechanical
                                                                                      Table 1 shows a general, automatic preparation method for titanium and its alloys with 6
the cut-off machine.                             polishing with a mixture of          unmounted samples, 30 mm dia. clamped in a holder. Please be aware that the polishing
                                                 colloidal silica (OP-S) and          time can vary depending on the purity of the titanium and the area of the sample surface.
Mounting: In primary production control          hydrogen peroxide (30%).                * Mix 90 ml OP-S with 10 ml H2O2 (30%).
                                                                                        ** The polishing time depends on the sample area. Very large
labs, which check mainly ingots, billets         The concentration can vary                 samples require more polishing time than small ones.
and slabs, large samples of titanium are         between 10-30%.                      *** Decrease to 25 N to aviod pencil shapes in single sample preparation.
         metallographically processed                                                 Note: during the last 10 seconds of the preparation step with OP-S, the rotating cloth is
                                                                                   flushed with water. This will clean the samples, holder and cloth.
         unmounted. For smaller manu-            Unlike some other colloidal
         factured parts that need to be          silica, OP-S was developed
         mounted, such as wires or fas-          to accommodate chemical                             These reagents may work faster, how-
         teners, hot compression mount-          additions without transform-                        ever, Struers does not recommend to
         ing with phenolic resin (Multi-         ing into a gel-like consistency, and is             use them for polishing, because they are
Fast) or cold mounting with slow curing          therefore well suited for polishing titani-         more corrosive than hydrogen peroxide
epoxy (EpoFix) are recommended.                  um. During chemical-mechanical polish-              and proper precautions have to be ob-
                                                 ing, the reaction product of the hydrogen           served when handling these acids in the
Grinding and polishing: Its extreme              peroxide with titanium is continuously              polishing procedure. When working with
ductility makes titanium prone to me-            removed from the sample surface with                hydrogen peroxide it is recommended to
chanical deformation and scratching,             the silica suspension and leaves the                wear rubber gloves.
which necessitates a chemical-mechan-            surface free of mechanical deformation.
ical polish. The three-step, automatic           References in the relevant literature also          If this chemical-mechanical polish is not
method described in Table 1 is a proven          mention nitric and hydrofluoric acid mix-           used, the surface of the titanium sample
procedure, which gives excellent, repro-         tures for chemical-mechanical polishing             will exhibit a very scratched appearance,
ducible results.                                 of titanium.                                        and it is almost impossible to achieve a
                                                                                                     good polish with diamond only.
Metallographic preparation of titanium
Preparation Method

                                                                   Step                PG                      FG                        OP

                                                                   Surface             SiC Foil #320           MD-Largo                  MD-Chem

                                                                                Type   SiC                     Diamond                   Collodial Silica
Fig. 7: Titanium after 3 µm diamond polish,                                     Size   #320                    9 μm                      0.04 μm
deformation and scratches are not removed.
                                                                   Suspension/        Water                   DiaPro                    OP-S*
Contrary to the usual procedure of using                            Lubricant                                  Allegro/Largo
finer and finer diamond for polishing,
diamond polishing actually introduces                              rpm                 300                     150                       150
continuously mechanical deformation
which leaves scratches and smearing                                Force [N]          15                      20                        20
on the surface (see Fig. 7). Once intro-
duced, this layer of deformation is dif-
                                                                   Time (min)          Until Plane             5                         10-25 (or longer)
ficult to remove even with the colloidal
silica and hydrogen peroxide mixture.
                                                                                                       *80% OP-S + 10% H2O2 (30%) + 10% NH4OH (25%)
Therefore diamond polishing should be         Electrolytic Polishing
avoided, especially with commercially
pure titanium.                                Equipment:           LectroPol-5                          are particularly appropriate for the fol-
                                                                                                        lowing reasons: speed of results, ease
The preparation time depends on the                                                                     of operation, reproducibility. Also, elec-
                                              Electrolyte:         A3
sample area and the alloy.                                                                              trolytical polishing leaves no mechanical
                                                                                                        deformation on the sample surface.
The larger the sample and the purer the       Mask size:           1 cm2                                This could be especially relevant for
titanium the longer the preparation time                                                                research applications. α alloys, which
of the final oxide polishing step, which      Temperature:         Room temperature                     have a homogenous structure, are
                                                                   18-20°C                              particularly well suited for electrolytical
can take up to 10 minutes for commer-
cially pure titanium even up to 45 min.                                                                 polishing, but also α-β alloys can be
                                              Flow rate:           10-15
A properly polished, unetched surface                                                                   polished electrolytically.
of titanium looks white when examined
in the optical microscope, and polishing      Voltage:             35-45 V                              The electrolytical polishing procedure
has to continue until this state of the                                                                 requires a fine ground surface to #1200
surface is reached.                           Time:                20-30 sec.
                                                                                                        or finer. Table 2 shows a general pro-
                                                                                                        cedure for titanium and titanium alloys.
Due to the production process,                Table 2 shows a general, automatic preparation method     After the electrolytical polishing, the
titanium and its alloys are very clean,
                                              for pure titanium with 6 unmounted samples, 30 mm dia.    polished specimen is examined in polar-
                                              clamped in a holder.
which means, that little black dots                                                                     ized light or etched chemically (etchants
appearing on a polished surface are           then dried with ethanol and a strong                      see under “Etching and Interpretation”).
remains from grinding deformation and         stream of air. If after the cleaning step
not inclusions or part of the structure.      residue of OP-S is seen on the surface
                                              of the sample, the cleaning has not been
This artefact needs to be removed with        carried out properly and has to be re-
further chemical-mechanical polishing.        peated. An efficient and repetable clean-
Once the surface is polished sufficiently,    ing method can be done by automatic
the structure can already be seen in          cleaning equipment like Lavamin.
polarised light without etching. (See
Fig. 8).

Note: When working with colloidal silica
(OP-S) it is important to wet the cloth
with water before starting the polishing.
To clean the samples, it is essential to
flush the rotating cloth with water ap-
proximately 10-15 seconds before the
machine stops. The water washes off           As an alternative to mechanical polish-
the OP-S from the samples, holder and         ing, electrolytical polishing can be
cloth. The samples are then cleaned           recommended when fast results are
again individually under tap water, and       required. Electrolytic polishing methods
                                                                                                        Fig. 8: Cross-section of bar, commercially pure
                                                                                                        titanium, electrolytically polished, 100 x, polarized
Metallographic preparation of titanium
Etching and                                                                                              Fig. 9:
                                                                                                         Grain structure of a commercially

                                                                                                         pure titanium, polarized light, 100 x

As mentioned before, the surface of                                                                      Fig.10:
                                                                                                         Structure of a forged α-β
a well-polished titanium sample can                                                                      Ti-6Al-4V, 400 x
already be observed unetched with polar-
ized light. The contrast with this illumina-
tion is not always very pronounced, but
it is ideal for a general check to see if the
polish is sufficient.

The most common chemical etchant for
titanium is Kroll’s reagent:
100 ml water
1-3 ml hydrofluoric acid
2-6 ml nitric acid
The concentration can vary depending                                                                     Fig.11:
                                                                                                         α-β Ti-6Al-4V with a white, brittle
on the alloy and can be adjusted individ-                                                                “α-case” surface layer, 50 x
ually. It colors the β phase dark bown.
Titanium can be colour etched with
Weck’s reagent:
100 ml water
5 g ammonium bifluoride

Metallurgy and microstructures
Commercial titanium grades and alloys
are divided into four groups: commer-
cially pure titanium; α and near α alloys
such as Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo; α-β
alloys, of which Ti-6Al-4V is the most                                                                   Fig.12:
                                                                                                         β Ti-15V-3Al-3Sn-3Cr,
well known, and β alloys that have a                                                                     heat tinted, 50 x
high content of vanadium, chromium
and molybdenum.

Titanium undergoes an allotropic
change from a low temperature close
packed hexagonal structure (α) to a
body centred cubic phase (β), at a tem-
perature of 882°C.

This transformation allows alloys with
α, β, or mixed α/β microstructures, and
the possibility of using heat treatment         Consequently metallo-graphy has an         Fig. 9 shows the grain structure of a
and thermo-mechanical treatment.                important role in ensuring that prod-      commercially pure titanium part that has
                                                ucts have the correct microstructure,      been mechanically deformed through
Consequently a wide range of properties         which in turn reflects the appropriate     bending. Twinning due to mechanical
can be obtained from a relatively small         degree of process control. The relations   deformation is visible.
number of alloy compositions.                   between hot forming, heat treatment,
To ensure the desired combination of            microstructure and physical properties     Fig.10 shows the structure of a forged
microstructure and properties, close            in the production of titanium are very     α-β Ti-6Al-4V of an orthopaedic im-
process control has to be maintained.           complex. In the following only a few       plant in the annealed condition, etchant:
                                                examples of the most common types of       Kroll’s reagent.
                                                titanium microstructures are described.
Metallographic preparation of titanium
Struers A/S
                                                                                                                                     Pederstrupvej 84
                                                                                                                                     DK-2750 Ballerup,
                                                                                                                                     Phone +45 44 600 800
                                                                                                                                     Fax +45 44 600 801

                                                                                             AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND                 JAPAN
Fig.11 shows an α-β Ti-6Al-4V with              Application                                  Struers Australia                       Marumoto Struers K.K.
a white, brittle “α-case” surface layer,        Notes                                        27 Mayneview Street
                                                                                             Milton QLD 4064
                                                                                                                                     Takara 3rd Building
                                                                                                                                     18-6, Higashi Ueno 1-chome
etchant: Weck’s reagent. Although hot                                                        Australia                               Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0015
                                                Metallographic preparation of titanium       Phone +61 7 3512 9600                   Phone +81 3 5688 2914
forming processes are carried out under                                                      Fax +61 7 3369 8200                     Fax +81 3 5688 2927
controlled atmosphere, titanium can             Bill Taylor,                                   
                                                                                             BELGIQUE (Wallonie)                     NETHERLANDS
absorb oxygen already at lower tem-             Struers Ltd, Glasgow                         Struers S.A.S.                          Struers GmbH Nederland
peratures, which results in a surface                                                        370, rue du Marché Rollay               Elektraweg 5
                                                Elisabeth Weidmann,                          F- 94507 Champigny                      3144 CB Maassluis
hardened zone, “α-case”. This is a very                                                      sur Marne Cedex                         Telefoon +31 (10) 599 7209
                                                Struers A/S, Copenhagen                      Téléphone +33 1 5509 1430               Fax +31 (10) 5997201
brittle layer and can only be removed                                                        Télécopie +33 1 5509 1449     
mechanically. (Note: α-case does not                                               
                                                Acknoledgements:                             BELGIUM (Flanders)                      Struers GmbH
show up with Kroll’s etchant, but with                                                       Struers GmbH Nederland                  Zweigniederlassung Österreich
                                                We wish to thank Fa. Aesculap, Tuttlingen,
the bifluoride).                                                                             Elektraweg 5                            Betriebsgebiet Puch Nord 8
                                                Germany, for supplying information on        3144 CB Maassluis
                                                                                             Telefoon +31 (10) 599 7209
                                                                                                                                     5412 Puch
                                                                                                                                     Telefon +43 6245 70567

Fig. 12 shows the β structure of the            titanium, and the permission to reproduce    Fax +31 (10) 5997201                    Fax +43 6245 70567-78
longitudinal section of a Ti-15V-3Al-           Figs 5, 6 and 11.                            CANADA                                  POLAND
3Sn-3Cr alloy plate. It is used in the          We thank Wah Chang North, Albany, Oregon,    Struers Ltd.
                                                                                             7275 West Credit Avenue
                                                                                                                                     Struers Sp. z o.o.
                                                                                                                                     Oddział w Polsce
aerospace industry because of its su-           USA for supplying sample material, and       Mississauga, Ontario L5N 5M9
                                                                                             Phone +1 905-814-8855
                                                                                                                                     ul. Jasnogórska 44
                                                                                                                                     31-358 Kraków
perior mechanical properties. Etchant:          Mr. Paul Danielson from Albany Research      Fax +1 905-814-1440                     Phone +48 12 661 20 60
                                                                                                           Fax +48 12 626 01 46
heat tinting.                                   Centre, Albany, Oregon, USA for the color                                  
                                                micrographs on the front page and Fig. 12.   Struers Ltd.                            ROMANIA
                                                                                             No. 1696 Zhang Heng Road                Struers GmbH
Summary                                         We thank Lindberg, Aabyhøj, Denmark,         Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park                Sucursala Sibiu
Titanium is a very ductile, low weight          for letting us reproduce the image of
                                                                                             Shanghai 201203, P.R. China
                                                                                             Phone +86 (21) 6035 3900
                                                                                                                                     Str.Scoala de Inot, nr. 18
                                                                                                                                     RO-550005 Sibiu
- high strength metal with an excellent                                                      Fax +86 (21) 6035 3999                  Phone +40 269 244 558
                                                the eyeglasses, model Air Titanium, and                      Fax +40 269 244 559
corrosion resistance and biocompat-                                                                                        
                                                Experience Music Project, Seattle, USA for   CZECH REPUBLIC
ibility. Its ductility requires a specific                                                   Struers GmbH                            SCHWEIZ
                                                reproducing Fig. 4.                          Organizační složka                      Struers GmbH
metallographic preparation, using spe-                                                       Havlíčkova 361                          Zweigniederlassung Schweiz
cial cut-off wheels for sectioning and a                                                     CZ-252 63 Roztoky u Prahy               Weissenbrunnenstraße 41
                                                Bibliography:                                Phone +420 233 312 625                  CH-8903 Birmensdorf
chemical-mechanical polish with a mix-                                                       Fax +420 233 312 640                    Telefon +41 44 777 63 07
                                                Metals Handbook, Desk edition, ASM, 1984                Fax +41 44 777 63 09
ture of hydrogen peroxide and colloidal                                                                                    
silica. This polishing method, carried                                                       Struers GmbH                            SINGAPORE
                                                                                             Carl-Friedrich-Benz-Straße 5            Struers Singapore
out with automatic equipment, gives                                                          D- 47877 Willich                        627A Aljunied Road,
consistently excellent and reproducible                                                      Telefon +49 (0) 2154 486-0
                                                                                             Fax +49 (0) 2154 486-222
                                                                                                                                     #07-08 BizTech Centre
                                                                                                                                     Singapore 389842
results.                                                                                                 Phone +65 6299 2268
                                                                                                                                     Fax +65 6299 2661
                                                                                             Struers S.A.S.
                                                                                             370, rue du Marché Rollay               SUOMI
                                                                                             F-94507 Champigny                       Struers Suomi
                                                                                             sur Marne Cedex                         Kalevankatu 43
                                                                                             Téléphone +33 1 5509 1430               00180 Helsinki
                                                                                             Télécopie +33 1 5509 1449               Puhelin +358 (0)207 919 430
                                                                                                         Faksi +358 (0)207 919 431
                                                                                             Struers GmbH                            SWEDEN
                                                                                             Magyarországi Fióktelep                 Struers Sverige
                                                                                             Tatai ut 53                             Ekbacksvägen 22
                                                                                             2821 Gyermely                           168 69 Bromma
                                                                                             Phone +36 (34) 880546                   Telefon +46 (0)8 447 53 90
                                                                                             Fax +36 (34) 880547                     Telefax +46 (0)8 447 53 99
                                                                                             IRELAND                                 UNITED KINGDOM
                                                                                             Struers Ltd.                            Struers Ltd.
                                                                                             Unit 11 Evolution@ AMP                  Unit 11 Evolution @ AMP
                                                                                             Whittle Way, Catcliffe                  Whittle Way, Catcliffe
                                                                                             Rotherham S60 5BL                       Rotherham S60 5BL
                                                                                             Tel. +44 0845 604 6664                  Tel. +44 0845 604 6664
                                                                                             Fax +44 0845 604 6651                   Fax +44 0845 604 6651
Details of a titanium frame for eye- glasses.                                                ITALY                                   USA
The high strength and ductility of titanium                                                  Struers Italia                          Struers Inc.
make screws and solder on these frames                                                       Via Monte Grappa 80/4                   24766 Detroit Road
                                                                                             20020 Arese (MI)                        Westlake, OH 44145-1598
obsolete.                                                                                    Tel. +39-02/38236281                    Phone +1 440 871 0071
                                                                                             Fax +39-02/38236274                     Fax +1 440 871 8188

                                                                                             10.2014 / 62140202 Printed in Denmark
Metallographic preparation of titanium Metallographic preparation of titanium Metallographic preparation of titanium Metallographic preparation of titanium
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