Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020

Page created by Bonnie Flynn
Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020
Mercy Messenger
     Semester 1 Week 18 – Friday 12 June 2020
Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020
Principal .......................................................................... 3
Assistant Principal Curriculum ........................................ 5
Assistant Principal Mission ............................................. 6
Brekky Van Sponsors ...................................................... 7             Fri 26 June…………………………………………… Last Day Term
Teaching Positions 2021 ................................................. 8              2

English Department ...................................................... 9
Science Department ..................................................... 10              Front Cover:
Triton House ................................................................. 13        Year 9 students engaging with
Pindar House ................................................................. 14        questions during Retreat this week.
Leader in Me ................................................................ 15
Indigenous Liaison Officer ............................................ 16
Oraya 6 Homeroom ...................................................... 16
Library ........................................................................... 17
What is Cooking? .......................................................... 18
Community News.......................................................... 20

Existential - Adjective; relating to existence (the

                                                                                          Be inspired….
meaning of life); affirming or implying the existence of a
thing. Concerned with existentialism.

Sentence                                                                                  “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” –
Philosophers talk of a materialist society with little
purpose being an existential vacuum.                                                      FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE
Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020

                             “Going nowhere …… doing heaps”

Picture: Mr Damian Coles – Teacher, Mrs Sandra Bayliss – Teaching & Learning Coordinator & Mr Jim Ford – Principal on the topic of
Lead and Highly Accomplished Teacher application process. Weekly Blog available to staff.

To state the obvious, 2020 is not normal. At this time of the year we are usually scrambling to cope with
multiple demands. Moving toward the end of semester final assessments while staff are often away engaging
in professional development in its many forms. Normally the College just needs to cope as we don’t move
forward without staff training, and co-curricular commitments add to a student’s experience of school in so
many ways.
        Then it just stopped
No staff absences for professional development.
No staff out taking co-curricular sport.
No class or Year group excursions.
No bus trips.
No flights to Brisbane and beyond.
        The new normal
Staff have probably done more professional development this year than in any living memory. Online delivery
skills have improved experientially. On-campus professional renewal continues apace. Other forms of staff
training and reflection have sprung up (see above photo and caption). Last Thursday afternoon staff ran
internal training sessions on Google Classroom, technology based teaching apps and Turn-it-in plagiarism

For the first time, this year all non-teaching staff have goal based professional renewal commitments and a
process to achieve them.

While the ‘busyness’ will ramp-up again, Covid-19 has taught us that there are alternatives and maybe there
exists amongst the staff, the skills to be professionally dynamic without leaving the campus!

Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020
Pause……. Let’s talk about what’s important
Schools are all about academic progress and achievement. If that’s all it is however, there is an
element missing that will eventually undermine everything else. While only dimly aware in the
adolescent stage of development, the unmet need takes on a spotlight intensity as the early years of
adulthood don’t work out in the way a young person anticipated. Deep within all of us is the need for
meaning. That what we do matters and as a person, we have intrinsic value. Difficult concepts or not,
young adolescents like the rest of us are on a search for meaning.

This week our Year 9 students worked with the talented and perceptive educator Michael Fitzpatrick.
He works on group identity, equity and the value in everyone. He puts young people out of their
comfort zone and affirms their courage. Life and every person has meaning and value. Our Year 10
students worked with presenter Glen Guerin on a message of optimism in the future. No excuses,
you have the skills and options to manage your own life and find the passion that sustains young
people. Appreciate what you have and what is unique in you and then put in the work. Once again
Glen’s message and workshop is the antithesis of victimhood and apathy. Life will be what you make

                         Michael Fitzpatrick addressing the P & F members this week

                                                                                      Mr Jim Ford – Principal

Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020
Assistant Principal Curriculum

             Why is plagiarism a big deal in the middle years of schooling?

Most of us are aware of plagiarism and that it can be a big deal, especially at University. But why is it as big a
deal in the early secondary years? Plagiarism refers to the use of another person’s work or idea, without
acknowledging that particular person or source. In another sense, it is taking someone else’s work and
passing it off as your own. In higher education settings, it is regarded as unethical or cheating, and often
results in failure in a particular assessment item or even exclusion from a course.

                                Students today have a much wider range of resources available to them than we
                                ever did as kids. Back in the day, if you needed to complete an assignment you
                                would spend hours in the library finding the right resource, reading the material
                                and then, using the information found, construct the assignment. These days, a
                                student could literally Google an assignment topic and find thousands of similar
                                papers already written. The temptation to cut and paste from the internet to
                                complete a task is strong, especially when a due date is imminent! This is why at
                                Mercy we do pay particular attention in how to research work and most
                                importantly, how to reference other sources.

If the purpose of assessment is to ascertain a student’s level of understanding and ability after studying a unit
of work, then it is vital that the work the teacher marks is the student’s own. There is no advantage to anyone
in submitting work that has been copied from the internet, or another person. In most cases of plagiarism
found at Mercy, the child has had no intention to cheat, it is just they didn’t understand the importance of
referencing information they have found on the internet. Occasionally, and this is rare, a student may copy
another child’s work. Usually they do this because they either did not understand the task or commenced it too
late. When this happens we do treat it as a serious matter and would involve the parent in the conversation.

Generally speaking, teachers are very capable at recognising what is a student's work and what is not. To
make this more consistent, and more importantly to give students better feedback on their drafts, the school
uses Turnitin Feedback Studio. Turnitin is an online plagiarism checker that can identify work that has already
been published or has been submitted previously. The database of information that it compares a student’s
work to is astronomical and therefore works to a high degree of accuracy. You will find that when your child
studies one of the Humanities subjects, that they will be asked to submit their work to Turnitin. We will
eventually be using this in all subject areas. This way they can get feedback on where to reference or what to
paraphrase better before final submission. Turnitin will
give a percentage of what is ‘non-original’ content and will
highlight the section of text. This does emphasise the
importance of completing drafts, as once final submissions
occur and work is found to be copied, the non-original
work cannot be graded and may result in the child not
passing the assessment.

So a few pointers for parents/guardians in supporting the children completing a written assignment at home:

       Do not be ‘too helpful’! It is important for the teacher to see what your child can do, not you! Otherwise,
        all grading a feedback will be inaccurate and we will not know where to help them moving forward.
       Reinforce the importance of paraphrasing. Upon reading a piece of text, as “Now how can you put that in
        your own words…”
       Remind them to reference their work. We are beginning to teach all students how to do this from Year 7,
        but to be on the safe side the author’s name and the year published at the end of a paragraph containing
        information found from another source eg. (McSherry, 2020).
       A bibliography at the end of the assignment is necessary if the task involved any research at all.
       Drafting is critical in getting accurate feedback.
       Remember that a child’s best effort in their own work, will always get a better result than using someone
                                                                      Mr Scott McSherry - Assistant Principal Curriculum

Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020
Assistant Principal Mission

                                 Let’s look at some Trivia
Each week we are fortunate to receive, from Dr Laurie Woods (Senior Lecturer in Theology at the Australian Catholic
University), reflections for the coming Sunday readings. Last week along with the reflection Laurie shared some Hebrew
trivia that I thought might change the way you look at some things:

❖       The Hebrew for love is ahavah and it is used in the statement of Deuteronomy 6:5. You will love the Lord with all
        your heart and all your inner being, with all grit and all your strength and all your mind. Notice this is a word of
        action and not emotion. The ancient Hebrew idea is that love is best shown in action not in feelings.
❖       The Hebrew verb to listen is hiqshiv which actually means to prick up or stiffen the ear. So, to really listen you have
        to make a positive move in taking the initiative to give full attention to what someone is communicating by word or
        action. You cannot truly listen and be passive.
❖       The word commandment in the verse: 'If we diligently observe this entire the Lord has
        commanded us, we will be in the right.' (Deut 6:25). Commandment here is mitzvah in Hebrew, which comes from
        the root tzavah, meaning 'direct' or 'point in the right direction' i.e. God is not the sergeant major yelling orders but
        is showing us the path. Likewise, the verb to keep these directions is shamar, which means not so much 'to
        observe' but rather to guard and preserve what is honourable.
❖       In Deuteronomy 31:20 God speaks of unfaithful Israelites who break the covenant. The verb used here is parar,
        which means 'to trample underfoot'. These words address actions that express attitudes and state of mind. The
        options are to guard and protect divine directions and pathways or show contempt by trampling them underfoot.
        We can't be accidental Saints we have to undertake a contract. Similarly, we cannot be accidental sinners we have
        to trample the good underfoot. Remember the expression 'fall into sin'. We can't FALL into sin, we make the
        decision to jump in and then be responsible.

As you can see, the wrong perspective can easily be conveyed by translations that are not quite on the money. The
ancient Hebrews did not express themselves in the kinds of abstract ways that the ancient Greeks did, so many of our
translations come from translators thinking Greek-ly rather than thinking in the original wavelengths.

                                                                                                  Shalom meod (much peace)
                                                                              Mrs Jeanette Refalo - Assistant Principal Mission

Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020
Brekky Van Sponsors

 Our Generous

Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020
Teaching Positions 2021

                                MERCY COLLEGE MACKAY

                                       A Catholic Co-educational Secondary College
                                           Specialising in the Middle Years 7-10

We invite applications from enthusiastic educators with relevant tertiary qualifications and current QCT registration for the
following two full-time continuing positions to commence January 2021 –

       Teacher of Science & PE
       Teacher of Manual Arts / Technology

**Please indicate in your application which of these two positions you wish to be considered for**

Supporting the Religious Ethos of our College is an important consideration.

We offer generous incentives including -
       Competitive salary structure for Teaching staff
       Access to additional Employer Superannuation Contributions of up to 12.75%
       Access to salary packaging options to maximize employee benefits and salaries
       39 weeks of term time for a school year
       Access to relevant and interesting professional learning opportunities
       Access to a free Employee Assistant Program (24 hour counselling service)
       Access to corporate health schemes with either Bupa or Westfund Health Insurance

Please forward a covering letter with your current CV including 3 referees to –
Email -

For Position Description and further details please visit our website

Applications close Monday 6 July 2020

Catholic Education is committed to best practice in student protection
policies and procedures, and is an equal opportunity employer.

Existing not to be different, but to make a difference.

Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020
English Department

Year 8 students studied the novel ‘I am Number Four’. They were required to investigate the themes
within the novel and how they were created through narrative, dialogue and characterisation. The
culmination of skills led to students producing an analytical essay. Below is an exemplary example of
what students at Mercy are able to achieve.

                               Published in 2010, I Am Number Four, a science-fiction novel written by Pittacus Lore, is
                               the first novel of a seven-part series. The young adult fiction novel is centered around
                               the conflict between the Loric and the Mogadorians, two extra-terrestrial races. The
                               protagonist, John Smith, narrates his fight for survival as the Mogadorians hunt him
                               down to kill him. Lore utilises narration, dialogue and characterisation to recount John’s
                               story throughout the novel, as well as employing the themes of Conflict and
                               Environmental Sustainability, necessary themes for the development of the story.

The theme of conflict is introduced in the prologue, opening with the assassination of two aliens who were hiding from
their rival alien species, the Mogadorians. The reader discovers quickly that there is an ongoing conflict between the
two alien races that is happening on Earth, ending with the annihilation of either species. This is demonstrated in
Chapter 8, when Henri informs John about the start of the war and the destruction of Lorien, saying, “We got careless,
John. That is how we were defeated so easily” (Page 69). The Loric were brought to the brink of extinction and the few
left must overcome the Mogadorians that decimated Lorien. This fight will be arduous, however, with Henri stating that
the Mogadorians are “brilliant strategists when it comes to war” (Page 78). Therefore, Conflict is a fundamental theme
throughout the book, for the conflict between the Loric and the Mogadorians will take place on Earth, ending with the
demise of one of these extra-terrestrial species, one beneficial, one detrimental to Earth and humanity.

Environmental sustainability is an essential theme throughout the novel as it is the reason why the Mogadorians
ravaged Lorien and are now plotting genocide. Further in the novel, the reader learns that Mogadore (the planet in
which the Mogadorians originate from) started to deteriorate, causing the Mogadorians to take extreme actions to
prevent their extinction as a species. This is evident when Henri tells John his thoughts about the Mogadorians' purpose
on Earth, saying, “I think they’re planning to kill the humans. I think they want to make Earth their permanent home”
(Page 78), indicating that the Mogadorians, despite obliterating and raiding
Lorien, are still desperate as they prepare to decimate all of humanity. They
eradicated their own planet because they did not respond and now they are
taking drastic measures to ensure their race’s survival. This also reveals the
difference between the Loric and the Mogadorians, as while the Mogadorians
continued with their negligent ways, the Loric altered their ways many years
beforehand to ensure their survival. Lore may have used the Mogadorians’
actions as a reference to the real life world, with climate change being a
defining issue in our time. The Mogadorians have already shattered any hope
of environmental sustainability on Mogadore, destroying Lorien beyond
restoration and now they continue to take desperate measures, fighting for
their survival to get out of the hole they have dug.

I Am Number Four portrays the themes of war and environmental
sustainability efficiently while following the journey of John and Henri,
depicting their struggle of life and death. Narration, dialogue and
characterisation has been executed effectively by Lore to narrate the story.
This science-fiction novel is loved by many due to its themes and has been
made into a film, starring well-known actors such as Alex Pettyfer, Timothy
Olyphant and Dianna Agron. Despite major adjustments made in the film,
both adaptations of I Am Number Four are notable experiences for audience

                                                                                     Miss Ashlea Bonnell – HOD English

Mercy Messenger Semester 1 Week 18 - Friday 12 June 2020
Science Department

      olarBuddy is an organisation concerned with providing an alternative to a
      sustainable light source. Each night, more than 800 million people are plunged
      into complete darkness since they don't have equal access to clean energy. They
depend on primitive forms of energy like charcoal and firewood to ignite their way through the night. These forms
of energy have a devastating impact on the health and well-being, economic stability, educational outcomes and
the environment they live in (SolarBuddy, 2020). Their goal is to unite a global community to gift 6 million solar
lights to children living in energy poverty by 2030, to help them to study after dusk and improve their education
outcomes (SolarBuddy, 2020).

             Year 10 Geography students recently built SolarBuddy solar lights to give to those less fortunate in
             least developed countries. Below are students’ reflections on this activity.

Evie - I was most excited to write to the person the light is going to be sent
to. Sharing information about myself was great but also my living
conditions, why I’m grateful for it and asking about the future plans. I am so
glad to be able to make a small difference in someone’s life.

Hannah – I not only had a lot of fun putting together the solar lights, but I
was able to think that these lights are going to people overseas in countries
that experience light poverty and I am able to help out those in need.

Kaden - Making the light was fun doing and it made me feel good because I
knew it would help out a less privileged person in a poorer part of the

Ryan – I felt privileged to help out the people who are less fortunate and we were really changing a less fortunate
person’s life.

                                             Nick - The solar buddies created by our Year 10 Geography were a
                                             source of giving to those who are less fortunate than us.

                                             Grace - Creating a SolarBuddy was worthwhile as it helped those who
                                             needed it and created a sense of achievement and connection, because I
                                             had the knowledge that someone in another country was receiving
                                             something I had created, connecting me to them.

                                             Kyra - Knowing that those lights are now going to people who are able to
                                             study and learn better, makes me want to help more and I feel we should
                                             do this more in school.

Tom – I think making these lights was worthwhile, as the lights are used to
study and you need study to achieve well and get a good job. I think it is nice
to help people with something we take for granted.

April – It makes me happy to know I helped a kid who is less privileged. Not
only that it’s a nice thing for me to do, it also helps bring smiles to kids’ faces.

Tom – I believe that I was affecting someone’s life in a positive way, by giving
them light so that people would be able to study at night. I believe I have
made someone’s life better.

Mikaela - For me, making solar lights for the less fortunate was very
rewarding. As a student there isn’t a lot we can do to better the lives of others,
however this activity allowed us to contribute to the development of others’
lives. This activity also made me very grateful for the basic necessities I have
in my life that I often take for granted. This activity was very worthwhile.

Jordan – Putting together the SolarBuddy felt fulfilling and we were
                                               doing something that actually matters. I hope more activities like
                                               this are included at Mercy.

                                               Kate – It was an eye opening experience, as I felt very privileged to
                                               give and build a light for someone who doesn’t have the commodity
                                               of light after sunset. It made me realise how much some people in
                                               the world go without.

                                               Ashton – The light making was enlightening (pun intended) and
                                               enjoyable. I felt happy knowing it was going to a good cause.

                                               Emma - Making the
lights was honestly a really fun experience! Knowing that they
were going to children in need was really heart-warming and
made me grateful for all the simple things like light and electricity
that I take for granted in my everyday life. At the end of the
process of making a solar buddy we got to write a letter to the kid
receiving the light we made. This was the best part of the
experience as we were able to tell them a little bit about ourselves
and give them a message of hope.

Jackson – The SolarBuddy light was a great activity to participate
in. I especially loved writing the letter knowing someone on the
other side of the world was going to read it.

                                                                              Mrs Cecelia Gauci – Science Teacher
                                                                                  Ms Tania Attard – HOD Science

Triton House
We would like to take the opportunity to welcome each student back to school and hope everyone
handled the challenging, unprecedented disruption to our school year well. As the Captains of Triton
we wanted to welcome each one of the Triton students back into our great House. There are many
things that make Triton a House that everyone wants to be a part of. Every single member of the house
is always encouraged to show up and participate in College and House events. We strive to be an inclusive, fun and a relaxed House
where winning isn’t the main priority. We win as a House when we have everyone participating, having fun and enjoying themselves. It
is always great to see students engaging with activities that are played as a House or in Homerooms. Everyone is always willing to
lend a helping hand whenever and wherever it is needed, showing that proactivity and initiative shines within our wonderful students.

Triton House was given the opportunity to organise and host a student-led House barbecue to welcome back the students of Triton and
                                                                                                               help    get everyone
                                                                                                               settled back to school.
                                                                                                               The        idea      was
                                                                                                               brainstormed during our
                                                                                                               weekly          Captain’s
                                                                                                               meetings that were held
                                                                                                               via Zoom and much
                                                                                                               planning was involved in
                                                                                                               order to achieve a fully
                                                                                                               student-led BBQ. Our
                                                                                                               main goal was to
                                                                                                               welcome the students
                                                                                                               back with an engaging
                                                                                                               event in order to
                                                                                                               maintain and restore our
                                                                                                               House Spirit and to
                                                                                                               reconnect with our
                                                                                                               fellow Triton peers after
                                                                                                               a challenging time
                                                                                                               away.       Jobs    were
                                                                                                               delegated, games were
                                                                                                               organised and a running
                                                                                                               sheet was made to
                                                                                                               ensure       a    smooth
                                                                                                               running barbecue. Each
                                                                                                               student received a
                                                                                                               sausage on bread and a
                                                                                                               drink, Year 9 students
                                                                                                               were also asked to bring
                                                                                                               in some snacks like
                                                                                                               biscuits and chips, and
                                                                                                               the House did multiple
activities. There were also three lucky door prizes ($20 Canelands’ gift vouchers) for students who were at the barbecue in their House
Shirt. Overall, the barbecue was a successful and engaging event and the students and staff thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

The Year 10 students were lucky enough to have a passionate and motivating guest speaker from The Hopefull Institute, Glen Guerin,
to lead our Reflection days. His two-day seminar called The Day of Hope and Addiction, enlightened each one of us with hope for our
future. He motivated us to start working towards our dreams and futures now because the longer we wait to do something the harder it
will be.

These are some of the powerful sayings that Glen used throughout our Reflection;
   “The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it.”
   “To succeed you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality.”
   “Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour.”
   “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
   “Fail early, fail often, fail forward”.
   “Not every follower is a friend”.
                                                                       Indiana Brough, Abby Matsen - Triton House Captains
Pindar House
After our extended time apart, it was wonderful to see our Panthers come
together for our first House Assembly this term. Our student leaders
organised a ‘Welcome back’ BBQ and activities on the oval. It was also a
great opportunity to welcome Miss Barrow as the new Pindar House
Coordinator and show her what an awesome House she is joining. There was a sea of
blue on the oval as staff and students enjoyed a sausage sizzle and some yummy
desserts provided by the Year 9s. Games and challenges helped students reconnect with
their fellow Panthers and was the perfect way to start our day

                                                         Jasmin Pace-Pindar House Coordinator

Leader in Me

The ‘Learn Today Lead Tomorrow’ painting is inspired by the foundations of the Leader in Me program. I feel
that it’s really important to learn as much as you can and find your passion in life. When you believe in yourself
and develop your passion you are more likely to lead others by helping them find what they love and how to
gain confidence doing it, and eventually you could be a leader in what you love, teaching those who wish to be
better at what they adore and dream about.

The pink centrepiece represents Leadership, the directional arrows and footprints indicate how your journey
will go in different directions. The centre piece (swirls/dots) represent your set of core values which drives your
leadership decisions. This is surrounded by people who are the influences in your life.

Connected to this centrepiece are the 5 green fundamentals of leadership:
 Everyone can be a leader;
 Everyone has potential;
 Change starts with me;
 Taking ownership of learning;
 Growing in wisdom and knowledge.
                                                                                                        Charli Bliss
                                                                                         Year 9 Indigenous Student

Indigenous Liaison Officer

Do you have footy boots that no longer fit or are no longer used? Mercy College Indigenous
Committee and Justice@Mercy are working together to provide an opportunity for students and staff
to donate football boots that are either new or no longer needed. They can be dropped off into a
box either outside Student Reception or the House Coordinators’ office. Donations will be taken
until the end of Week 3 Term 2 (Friday May 8) when they will be delivered to Lockhart River.

The boots will assist both youth and adults in the chosen remote community of Lockhart River in
owning a pair of football boots, which will assist with their health and well-being. Please
bring your boots in and ‘Boot it Up’ to help others.

                                                                                    Mrs Melissa Russell,
                                                                              Indigenous Liaison Officer

Oraya 6 Homeroom
During the home isolation period in Term 2, Oraya 6 students participated in some Kahoot and
Categories games to boost morale during our Zoom sessions. Each student was awarded points for
participating and winning the various games. Eden Falconer was the overall winner and was
presented with a certificate for her prize of a free Tuckshop lunch or Homeroom lunch paid for by her
Homeroom teacher Mr Brett Comerford.

                                                                                    Mr Brett Comerford
                                                                            Oraya 6 Homeroom Teacher


National Reconciliation Week in the library
                              The Library display for National Reconciliation Week marks twenty
                              years of Australia’s journey towards a more just, equitable and reconciled
                              nation. A journey that champions unity and mutual respect, as people come
                              together and connect with one another. Thank you to the Indigenous Committee
                              for the loan of the artefacts.

The Write Stuff
First introduced in 2004, The Write Stuff is a practical
reference document intended for students, teachers and
parents of Mercy College. It is designed to assist in
researching and responding to learning tasks, and to
provide access to a standardisation of formats and genres
across the Departments.

2020 is the latest updated version containing valuable
material ranging from how to construct an email correctly
to a teacher, how to reference in an assignment, and how
to complete tasks in the various genres like annotating a
poem or writing an essay.

The Write Stuff can be found in print in every classroom
around the school, in pdf format on the school intranet
(student resources page) as well as on the school’s
website under the Academic drop down box.

It certainly is a valuable document and one I encourage
both parents and students to make full use of.
                                                                     Mr Stephan Crocker – Teacher / Librarian

What is Cooking?

INGREDIENTS                                       Icing
250g butter                                       1 cup icing sugar
2 cups self raising flour                         2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 cups crushed Weet-bix                           1 tablespoon water
1 cup caster sugar                                or 375g milk chocolate melted
¼ cup cocoa powder
1.      Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease and line a slice tin with baking paper.
2.      Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl.
3.      Melt butter in a microwave safe jug in a microwave for about 1 minute and pour over dry ingredients.
4.      Mix together well.
5.      Press into pan firmly with the back of a spoon.
6.      Bake for 18 minutes.
7.      Sift icing and cocoa powder together in a bowl, add water and stir until smooth.
8.      Ice with chocolate icing while warm and refrigerate.
9.      Remove from pan when cool and cut into squares.
10.     Wash up and put away utensils.

250g low fat mince                              MILKSHAKE
½ egg                                           500 ml low fat milk
pinch cajun seasoning (optional)                2 tablespoons flavouring
1 teaspoon oil                                  2 scoops low fat ice-cream
½ onion
½ tomato
⅓ carrot
2 lettuce leaves
2 hamburger buns
2 milk shake cups, lids and straws
2 tablespoons BBQ or tomato sauce

1.    Break egg into a bowl and beat with a fork. Add mince and seasoning. Mix well. Divide into even sized patties.
2.    Peel and slice onion
3.    Place oil into frying pan and cook meat patties for 5 minutes on each side. Lightly fry onion at the same time. Set
      aside on a paper towel.
4.    Cut bun and toast under grill if required.
5.    Prepare salad ingredients. Wash and slice tomato (5mm slices), peel & grate carrot and shred lettuce.
6.    Assemble hamburger with patty, top with sauce then salad ingredients.
1.    Blend all ingredients together in a milkshake maker/ blender. Serve in a take-away cup with a straw.

¼ cup boiling water                     200g butter-chopped
180g dark chocolate-chopped             2 tablespoons cocoa
powder                                  1 cup caster sugar
4 eggs-separated
2 cups almond meal

1.  Preheat your oven to 180°C and grease and line 2 x 20cm round cake tin.
2.  Place butter, chopped chocolate, cocoa powder and boiling water into a medium
    saucepan over low heat. Cook stirring until chocolate and butter are melted. Set aside.
3.  Beat egg yolks and sugar, using an electric mixer, for 5 minutes or until thick. Set aside.
4.  Using your electric mixer, beat egg whites until soft peaks form.
5.  Add the chocolate mixture and almond meal to the egg yolk mixture. Mix until
    combined. Gently fold the egg whites into chocolate mixture. Pour into the prepared
    pans. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes. Cool cake completely in pan. Serve with cream and

Fortnightly Volunteer Roster
Group 1
Monday 15 June           Jill Sands, Carmel Deguara
Tuesday 16 June          Fiona Jones, Suzanne Martin
Wednesday 17 June        Narelle Amos, Catrina Simpson
Thursday 18 June         Michelle Bath, Maree Sturdy
Friday 19 June           Michelle King, Tara Sleep, Kellie Horne

Group 2
Monday 22 June           Elizabeth Kennedy, Jeanette Camilleri, Mel Holdsworth
Tuesday 23 June          Rania Heke, Amanda Zammit
Wednesday 24 June        Debbie Chimes, Melissa Poole
Thursday 25 June         Kelly Collis, Tania Higgs, Bini Varghese
Friday 26 June           Michelle Martin, Elizabeth Meende, Kirsty Hoani

                                                                                 Mrs Margaret Floyd

Community News

Friday, 29 May 2020

                                      Notification of Vacancies
                       Catholic Education is committed to equal opportunities in employment

Job Reference                                            Vacancy                                    Closing Date
   T2015        Relief Kindergarten Teachers – Casual                                               31 May 2020
                St Joseph’s Kindergarten, Biloela Click here and apply today
   T2022        Secondary Teacher (Jnr Science & Maths) - Semester 2 Contract                       3 June 2020
                Holy Spirit College, Mackay Click here and appl today

   T2019        Classroom Teacher – Full Time Contract                                              5 June 2020
                Star of the Sea, Gladstone Click here and apply today
   T2018        Secondary Teachers – Full Time Continuing                                           15 July 2020
                Marist College, Emerald Click here and apply today

   T2020        Relief Primary Teachers – Casual and Part Time                                         Opened
                Gladstone Region Click here and apply today

   T2021        Relief Secondary Teachers – Casual and Part Time                                       Opened
                Gladstone Region Click here and apply today

   T1938        Graduate and Experienced Teachers – 2021                                               Opened
                All locations – Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Click here and apply today

   T1923        Teaching Vacancies – Various Subject Areas – Full Time 2020                            Opened
                St Patrick’s College, Mackay
                Click here and apply today

   T1001        Relief Teachers – K – 12                                                               Opened
                All Regions Click here and apply today

   T2005        Relief Teachers – Casual                                                               Opened
                Monto and Biloela Click here and apply today

  NT2026        Indigenous Education Liaison Officer – Term Time Contract                           1 June 2020
                Chanel College, Gladstone
                Click here and apply today

  NT2028        Children’s Services Worker (Disability) – Casual up to 15HPW                        3 June 2020
                Click here and apply today

  NT1816        Children Services Workers – Casual (Kindergarten and OSHC)                             Opened
                All Regions
                Click here and apply today

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