Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker

Page created by Doris Pearson
Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker
Volume 19 Issue 3

Vicki Baker   Editorial Spread:         College
  Retires     Gov’t Shutdown          Consolidation
   Pg 4           Pg 20-21               Pg 24
Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker

                                                                         Kevin Amenta           The Current is the offficial
                                                                                    Editor:   student publication of Three
                                                                         Abigail Moran         Rivers Community College.
                                                                          Front Cover:            The Current is written,
Vicki Baker     Body Art       Easy Recipe Narcan Event                  Cheryl Gibson        edited, and designed solely
   Pg 4           Pg 7            Pg 10       Pg 12                                             by students and is free of
                                                                           Journalists:                 charge.
                                                                       Ashley Hanson
                                                                      Catalina Anzola
Black History    Club          “The Post”   Editorial                 George Simones                  Find and Like us on
   Month        Carnival         Pg 23       Spread                    Mark Dunning                       Facebook!
   Pg 15         Pg 17                      Pg 20-21                  Katherine Collins              www.facebook.com/
                                                                       Cheryl Gibson                    TRCCTheCurrent
                                                                       Abigail Moran
   Taiko    College     Basket Raffle        Nursing
 Drumming Consolidation    Pg 26             Program
   Pg 22     Pg 24                             Pg 29
                                                          Trinity COMPLETE
        Bonus Movie Review: “Jumanji” Pg 31!
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Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker
A Bittersweet Exit for Vicki Baker
   Jack of all Trades and Master of all Leaving TRCC After this
                                                                                                                                                             Throughout her time here, Mrs.
                                                                                                                                                             Baker has had many other roles.
                                                                                                                                                             She spent three years as chair of
                           Semester                                                                                                                          the Governance Council, served
      Writing and Photography by Cheryl Gibson                                                                                                               as Institutional Research officer, has
                                                                                                                                                             served as Title IX coordinator and
                                                                                                                                                             she was the TRCC representative
                                                                                                                                                             on the board of trustees for the Otis
A slayer in the realm of office machines is        time, run a household and go to school”, she
                                                                                                                                                             Library and an adjunct professor.
taking her final bow. Vicki Baker, a part of the   says.
fabric of this institution is one of four known
                                                                                                                                                             During the consolidation, Mrs.
upcoming soon to be retirees occurring
                                                                                                                                                             Baker made an off-the-cuff
at Three Rivers, sometime after the current
                                                                                                                                                             suggestion to move the stained-
semester ends, according to college’s
                                                                                                                                                             glass window from the gallery at
human resources department.
                                                                                                                                                             the former Mohegan campus. It is
                                                                                                                                                             now located on the second floor of
Before we could sit down to talk, the phone
                                                                                                                                                             the E wing where it meets with the
rings as it does many times during any given
                                                                                                                                                             A wing.
day. It’s the cafeteria calling for an update
on their printer, whose toner cartridge had
                                                                                                                                                             The TRCC has been her second
come apart while Vicki was changing it.
                                                                                                                                                             home. Her office is filled with
                                                                                                                                                             mementos, achievements and
For the past 30 years, Baker has been a
                                                                                                                                                             artwork acquired over the years.
constant presence on campus. Her focus
                                                                                                                                                             On the floor is a dehumidifier and
has always been on supporting the school,
                                                                                                                                                             on the desk hanging from the walls
faculty, staff and students. It takes constant
                                                                                                                                                             are family and pet photos, a horse
dedication to keep the plethora of office
                                                                                                                                                             calendar and a billboard full of
machines of a busy campus working, and
                                                                                                                                                             trinkets, mementos and accolades
she has the tenacity to see each problem
                                                                                                                                                             accumulated over the years. On
that arises gets resolved.
                                                                                                                                                             the back wall hangs artwork by
                                                                                                                                                             Roy Tookes.
Getting a good education was important
to her even though she already had skills as
                                                                                                                                                              She is proud of her involvement
a programmer. She strongly felt a degree
                                                                                                                                                              with the Otis Library in Norwich. A
would allow her a more secure future.                                                                      Vicki Baker and her husband                       crystal clock representing her focus
She earned an Associate’s degree on this                                                                   Tim St. Jean performing at a            on time and transparency is a treasured
campus in 1987, when it was known as                                                                              Renaissance fair.                memento of her sixteen years as chair of
Thames Valley State Technical College.
                                                        Vicki Baker stands in front of the                                                         the Otis Library building committee which
                                                                                                  Mrs. Baker began her career at the college
                                                         stained-glass windows which                                                               oversaw major renovations there.
She earned her bachelors and master’s                                                             in 1986 and has, through mergers and
                                                          were once at the Mohegan
degrees from UCONN while working full-                                                            consolidations, worked at other campus
                                                                    campus.                                                                        In addition to her talent for business
time. An avid writer since childhood, she                                                         locations as the college needed her since
                                                                                                                                                   machines, Mrs. Baker is an avid
naturally chose English as her major. “Which                                                      that time. She is responsible for many of the
                                                                                                                                                   photographer and musician who plays the
I think when I’m teaching, gives me a real                                                        business machines situated throughout the
                                                                                                                                                   guitar, recorder and penny whistle.
insight into what my students are dealing                                                         campus in classrooms, offices, the library and
with because I know what it’s like to work full                                                   even the cafeteria.

                                            4                                                                                                         5
Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker
Life after TRCC will include more time
with her parents in Massachusetts
and South Carolina. She wants to
                                                                            Lets Get Naked...And Paint!
start her own tutoring business and                                        Twenty-five artists challenge the ordinary by moving their
spend more time writing poetry and                                          art from paper to bare skin for showcase to the public.
fiction.                                                                    Photography and Writing by Katherine Collins and Mark
Mrs. Baker’s retirement doesn’t mean
she’s going to                                                            Coming back for the second year in
take it easy,                                                             a row, the Naked Canvas art gallery
she’ll just be                                                            is an event that occured on Febru-
doing, as she                                                             ary 1st inside the Crocker Ballroom in
says, “other                                                              New London.
                                                                          As an event hosted by Hygienic Art
                                                                          in New London, Naked Canvas was
                                                                          meant to turn heads. The 25 artists
                                                                          have four hours to paint their hu-
                                                                          man canvas however they please
                                                                          from head to toe, and the top three
                                                                          models and artists would get a handsome
                                                                          prize for their efforts.

                                                                          Hosting Naked Canvas this year is the
                                                                          owner and President of Creative Sounds
                                                                          Entertainment, Lavondia D. Carter. He
                                                                          loves the idea of combining several dif-
                                                                          ferent art forms into one area, and that
                                                                          is exactly what he was inspired to do for
                                                                          Naked Canvas, which he also hosted last
                                                                          year, According to Carter, “One of my
                                                                          favorite things about Naked Canvas is the
                                                                          showcasing of art. We had musicians as
                                             The stain-glass windows      well, but I think the body art is just some-
                                          originally from the Mohegan
                                         campus that sit proudly on our   thing new to the area; It’s been around
                                                 campus today             for a while, but it’s kind of cool,”.

                                   6                                                                                7
Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker
The host hopes there will be an even    Unfortunately, Samara’s canvas           Although the Naked Canvas is
                                  greater turnout next year, as the       had to drop out last minute due          newer to the area, the turnout this
                                  turnout this year was phenomenal,       to going into labor, so McDonald         year was great, and compared
                                  and the event was much more             swooped in to save the day, stating      to last year, has gained significant
                                  organized compared to previous          “Samara called me, and it was an         popularity. For a small $10
                                  runs.                                   amazing experience last year, so         suggested donation, Naked Canvas
                                                                          of course i’ll do it again!”. Although   is definitely something that anybody
                                  Among the 25 models who                 David and his artist did not win a       can, and should, attend if they
                                  participated this year was third        prize this year, had fun, like always,   have the time.
                                  place winner Crystar Azor, who had      during the event and will have
                                  the theme of “Changing Faces”           great memories to go along with it.
                                  as her canvas design, which was
                                  created by artist Joe Monroe.

                                  Decorated in florals and rhinestones,
                                  she felt the main message of her
                                  art piece was that “people {can
                                  change} the world with their smile,
                                  but not letting the world change
                                  their smile.”

Along with mostly female models
who worked during the Naked
Canvas event remain several men,
as well. David McDonald, painted by
artist Samara Margolis, celebrated
and performed during Naked
Canvas for the second time this year.

                                  8                                                                                  9
Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker
Crockpot Chicken Pot Pie                                                             Directions
       Recipes for the Busy Student                         Step 1:
                                                                Pour the carrots, onion, peas, and corn into the slow
    Writing and Photography by Ashley Hanson                    cooker. Add the chopped chicken breast, as well as the
                                                                soup and water. Season the mixture with garlic powder,
                                                                salt, and pepper to taste and stir.

1 cup carrots, diced
1 medium onion, diced
1-10 oz bag of frozen peas
                                                            Step 2:
1-10 oz bag of frozen corn
                                                                Cover the crock pot and cook on high for
2 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts,
chopped                                                         4 – 5 hours or on low for 6 – 8 hours.
3 cans cream of chicken soup                                Step 3:
3 cups water                        Prep Time: 15 minutes       With 15 minutes left, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Once
1 tsp. garlic powder                Cook Time: 4-5 hours        preheated, turn off the slow cooker and place the biscuits
Salt                                     Serves: 6-8            pieces side by side on top of the chicken mixture. Remove the
Freshly ground pepper                                           ceramic inner part of the slow cooker and place it in the oven
1 tube refrigerated biscuit dough                               for 15-17 minutes, or until the tops of the biscuits are golden
                                                                brown. Ladle the mixture into bowls and serve hot.

                            10                                                                   11
Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker
Lang Teaches Narcan
      The nasal spray that could save a life
 Writing and Photography by Katherine Collins
              and Abigail Moran

On February 8th in Room B127,       “Describe people as abstinent not
there was a special event that      clean”, she described because that
many would consider close to        goes with the stigma that all with
their heart. It was an opioid       Substance Use Disorder (SUD) are
lecture and Naloxone, a form of     for some reason dirty.
over-the-counter Narcan, training
by Shawn Lang who is the
Deputy Director of Aids CT, or
ACT. Naloxone is a nasal spray
(or injection in some cases)
that can save those that have                                            She discusses the fact that out of      life. Naloxone, like stated earli-
overdosed on opioids.                                                    reported statics, around 26-30%         er in this article, is a nasal spray
                                                                         of youth have been offered/sold         that you spray into a user’s nasal
Lang recommends half of a                                                drugs during High School. As            passages during an overdose case
dose in each nostril, but then                                           well, within the years 2009-2016,       where CPR does not work. You
another half if the person is                                            there have been greater than 2,500      cannot get high off of Naloxone,
still unresponsive. She spoke                                            deaths in Connecticut, and of           and works for about 20-90 min-
about the nature of opioid                                               those deaths, about 70% of those        utes after spray is used. Nalox-
addiction as well in a way to                                            deaths involved the use of Opi-         one works by taking away a high,
end the terrible stigma that is                                          oids.                                   which will result in the user hav-
associated with addiction.                                                                                       ing withdrawl symptoms after use,
                                                                         Last but not least, she discuss-        such as grogginess, aggravation,
                                                                         es what Naloxone is and how to          and/or sudden alertness.
                                                                         properly use it to help save a user’s
                                  12                                                                               13
Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker
The down side to Naloxone is that people to walk away with is that if
                                                                          Black History is History
the expiration dates do matter;   you see someone passed out from                          Black History Month
                                                                                        Writing by George Simones

the nasal spray only lasts about  an overdose to please call 911. Try
                                           to give them CPR first by
                                           rubbing your knuckles
                                           along their sternum to
                                           stimulate breathing.
                                           If that doesn’t work,                                                     An article entitled The
                                           try to do some chest                                                 Staying Power of Black History
                                           compressions, with the                                                  Month by Jeffrey Snyder
                                           last resort being to lay the                                            from prospect.org, gives
                                                                                                                 many pieces of information
                                           person on their side.
                                                                                                                   regarding the role of the
                                                                                                                  month in modern society.
                                              Use half of the spray in                                          “Carter G. Woodson created
                                              one nostril and then the                                           Negro History Week in 1926.”
                                              other half in the other.                                              This was the first case of
                                              When calling 911, make                                               African-American history
18 months after manufacturing,       sure to give them your current                                            getting a designated title. “The
and it will become less effective    address, along with stating if the                                          week turned into a month in
                                                                            Black History Month (February       the mid-1970s, and Congress
the more expired it becomes.         person is breathing or not, if you       and October) gives many             passed a joint resolution
Naloxone can easily be picked        gave them CPR, and if you gave       people the predisposed notion        designating February as Black
up at a local pharmacy, but          them Naloxone/a form of Narcan.        that African-American history           History Month in 1986.”
you can also buy it from a                                                 is more important during those
manufacturer, and one can even                                            designated months. However, is
get a prescription from a medical                                          the title really necessary given
provider as well.                                                           that many African-Americans
                                                                            express their pride and history
                                                                              throughout the entirety of
The major advice that Lang wants                                           their lives and not just during a
                                                                                   designated month.
                                    14                                                                          15
Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker
Letting the Good Times Roll at Club Carnival
Black History Month can be viewed from a multitude of perspectives.
On one hand, it can be argued that Congress may have passed the
                                                                                    Student Programs Enriches College Life
joint resolution designating February as Black History Month because
 they felt it was a necessary form of apology for the history between
                                                                        Photography and Writing by Cheryl Gibson and Catalina Anzola
                   Caucasians and African Americans.                    A place to get sweet and salty             explained that this event has
                                                                        kettle corn, Italian ices and              replaced the ice cream scoops
    Additionally, it can be argued that Black History Month is an       baked potatoes with all the                theme as a recruitment activity
  important part of African American history in of itself and should    toppings are lined up outside              for clubs. This type of event
                                                                        the multipurpose room where                allows clubs to interact more with
                                                                        student programs held an event             students. Each club has activities
                                                                        showcasing the clubs available             that fit their mission and purpose.
                                                                        on campus.
                                                                                                                   “It’s statistically proven that
                                                                        Alycia Zeigler, the educational            involved students are successful
                                                                        assistant for student programs,            students and we want all of our
                                                                        worked                                          students here at Three Rivers
                                                                        a table                                          to be successful students. So,
                                                                        where                                            we get them in, we get them
                                                                        students                                         involved, and we get them
                                                                        stopped                                          graduated,” said Zeigler.
                                                                        to get
                                                                        their                                          The event was coordinated
                                                                        activity                                       by Student Programs. Zeigler
                                                                        card                                           adds, “We could not do
                                                                        and                                            what we do without the
                                                                        some                                           great Rhonda Spaziani,
                                                                        Mardi                                          she’s the director of student
                                                                        Gras                                           programs. Without her these
  be taken as a positive thing. But a designated month shouldn’t        beads                                          events literally wouldn’t be
overshadow the fact Black History is history that should be common      before                                         possible.”Inside, there were
                       knowledge to society.                            going           Students Roy Colebut and Zay   a variety of games at each
                                                                        inside.         Wilson play the whack-a-mole   club table, a DJ, a whack-
                                                                                            game at Club Carnival.
                                                                        Zeigler                                        a-mole game and a photo
                                16                                                                                     17
Volume 19 Issue 3 - Vicki Baker
The Post: Government

                                                                     Students inquire about a club
                                                                                                                                                    vs. The Free Press.

                                                                            at the carnival
                                                                                                                                                 A Movie for the Present Time.

                                                                                                                                                   Writing by Catalina Anzola
                                                                                                                                                information          The Post addresses
                                                                                                                                                about the            the importance of
                                                                                                                                                progress of the      the first amendment
                                                                    Meeting                                                                     Vietnam War.         in our society as a
                                                                    new people,                                                                 This was the         Democracy. Would
                                                                    building                                                                    first time in U.S.   the film have the same
                                                                    relationships                                                               history that the     impact if the release
                                                                    and                                                                         court system         was two years prior?
                                          making lasting connections are                                                                        tried to stop the    We will never know,
Benjamin Coombs and Morgan                important to personal and professional
Quintanilla from Voices of the River, a                                                                                                         free press from      but its relevancy is
                                          development. In today’s job climate,                                                                  doing their job:     what makes this film so
club that focuses on boosting musical     knowing someone who’s already on                               Courtesy of DreamWorks
activities, sat at a table greeting                                                                  Pictures, and Twentieth Century
                                                                                                                                               reporting the         appealing.
                                          the inside gives an advantage over
students. Benjamin plans to sing the                                                                               Fox.                news.
                                          other candidates.
national anthem at commencement                                                                        The Post tells the story
this May.                                                                                                                              Overall, the movie
                                                                                                       of the leaked classified
                                                                                                                                       was entertaining.
                                                                                                       documents in 1966
“I think it’s a great idea,” said                                                                                                      The talent of the
Benjamin Coombs about the club                                                                         to a reporter from The
                                                                                                                                       star-studded cast
promotion carnival that is held early                                                                  New York Times, Daniel
                                                                                                                                       delivers with Streep’s
each semester.                                                                                         Ellsberg (Matthew
                                                                                                                                       superb portrayal of a
                                                                                                       Rhys), about the US
                                                                                                                                       woman faced with
Students who participated received                                                                     involvement in the on-
                                                                                                                                       difficulties from her
free baked potatoes, kettle corn and                                                                   going war in Vietnam.
                                                                                                                                       male counterparts. The
Italian Ice. When they completed
four activities they got a ticket for                                                                                                  release of this movie
                                                                                                       The movie focuses on
a free lunch. For eight completed                                                                                                      during a time when
                                                    Many were excited to see the                       the battle between
activities, they were entered into a                                                                                                   the media is being
                                                     rows of kettle corn popcorn                       the free press and the
drawing for prizes.                                                                                                                    undermined is on
                                                       near the entrance to the                        White House’s struggle
                                                               carnival                                                                point.
                                                                                                       to contain classified
Most importantly, student clubs
provide networking opportunities.
                                        18                                                                                                              19
Should Senators be Paid Duri ng Government Shutdowns?
                                     On January 20,                                              Senators being
                                     2017, United                                                 paid during the
                                     States federal                                               government
                                     government was
                                     under a shutdown
                                     that ended on
                                                          Yes!                   No!              shutdowns is the
                                                                                                  absolute epitome
                                                                                                  of inequality.
                                     Monday evening                                               Those that are
                                     January 22. While                                            considered
                                     the government                                            “higher up” are
                                     shutdown occurred, thousands of         given their due salary during a
                                     government employees all over United    government shutdown, but other
                                     States went without any pay until the   staffers that work just as hard (if not
                                     situation in Washington is resolved.    harder) are skipped during these
                                     However, Senators and House             times.
members of Congress continue to get paid during the government
shutdown. Under Article 1, Section 6, the Constitution states, “The          Supposedly, this can be excused because there are portions of the
Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their          Constitution that have been in place supporting this. However, the
Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the      Constitution has been revised numerous amounts of time to change
United States.” It is also stated in 27th Amendment that, “No law varying    when it is deemed unfair – it’s time to do so yet again. We cannot
the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives        provide salary to one group of people, deprive another group of
shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have           their salary, and then claim that everything is fair and just.
intervened,” meaning that Congress cannot change its own salaries
between elections.                                                           If senators are going to be paid during these government
                                                                             shutdowns, then at the very least pay the other staffers. These
U.S. Congress members are the ones who impact and influence our              people have to make a living just as much as their superiors and
daily lives as American citizens. There are 535 members of Congress          there is no reason to deny them pay unless their superiors are
members who dictate where our country is progressing, and at times           being denied pay as well during those times. Regardless, with the
such as the shutdown, the U.S. does need these Congress members              current state of matter being that these staffers are not paid during
to figure out a solution to end the shutdown, so that the federal            government shutdowns, then government superiors should not be
government figure out a way to come up with new ideas to make our            paid in these times. ~Abigail Moran, Student
country greater.These members deserve their paycheck for making sure
everything is still in place when frustrating conflicts happens such as a
government shutdown. ~Mark Dunning, Student

                                   20                                                                                  21
The event included a mix of            Anthropology Professor William
   A Powerful Night of Taiko                                                performance and presentation
                                                                            which showcases the history of Taiko
                                                                                                                    O’Hare, and sponsored by the
                                                                                                                    Community College Foundation.
                                                                            and Kameda’s experiences as he          O’Hare accompanied Shoji on
   Shijo Kameda Shows his Drumming Skill                                    works to diversify the artform. Taiko   stage, playing several instruments
                                                                            gets its power from body movement       including Irish Flute and Taiko drum.
  Writing and Photography by Cheryl Gibson and                              which is why the drummer stands         This created a piece that showed
                  Abigail Moran                                             when playing. Kameda explained          how beautiful music can be when
                                                                            that Taiko is played using simple       multiple cultures come together.
Around seventy-
five people
gathered in the
                                                                                                                    Kameda gets inspiration from other
                                                                                                                    drummers and percussionists, such
room for a special
                                                                                                                    as Pharoah Sanders, and a jazz
performance by
                                                                                                                    trio known as The Bad Plus. In fact,
Taiko drummer,
                                                                                                                    much of his musical influences are
Shoji Kameda, a
                                                                                                                    rooted in his love of jazz, as the
fourth generation
                                                                                                                    experimental and improvisational
                                                                                                                    form appeals to him and inspires his
                                                                                                                    creativity when performing Taiko.
Kameda stood at
the three drums
                                                                                                                    Kameda joyfully talks about how he
and started his first
                                                                                                                    learned to play the Taiko at 8 years
number. Making
                                                                                                                    old and how he remains dedicated
gentle hand
                                                                            patterns and rhythms allowing           to his craft. He’s passionate about
movements using
                                                                            players the time to swing, jump and     the artform and has made it his
his fingers on the                     The Taiko drum was introduced        move around expressively.               goal to help bring Taiko to other
center and edges of the drumskin,      to America in 1960’s Bay area of     His techniques have been                cultures around the world to fulfill
he creates a gentle rumbling sound     California. Early on people who      developed over time through             his desire to preserve Taiko tradition
like thunder in the distance.          were interested in playing formed    practice, improvisation and             and expand its influence. He says, “I
                                       groups and helped each other         experimentation.                        want to see Taiko turn into a world-
As the piece progresses the            learn to play. Taiko performances                                            wide thing.”
drum beats get louder and more         grew in popularity and in 1996
rhythmic. He picks up his Bachi sticks the first North American Taiko
                                                                            Kameda is made available
and escalates the rhythms. The         Conference was held attracting the   through the Booker T. DeVaughn
audience is engrossed in the sound largest group of Taiko players in the
                                                                            lecture series, the efforts of
of the drum watching his full body     world.
movements as he almost leaps to
create the force put on the drum.

                                  22                                                                                  23
College Consolidation Coul d Do More Bad Than Good.
 “College Consolidation Would Cut Nearly 200 Jobs Over Five Years” – Hartford Current, Kathleen Megan, Contact Reporter.
                                                                  Maribel La Luz, spokes-
                                                                  woman for the CSCU sys-
                                                                  tem (Connecticut State
                                                                  Colleges & Universities),
                                                                  states that they have two
                                                                  primary sources of income,
                                                                  one is state funding and the
                                                                  other is tuition fees. Both
                                                                  have been in decline over
                                                                  the past few years. – cou-
  Writing by George Simones                                       rant.com. However, Erika Steiner,
                                                                                                          following two years, the budget is
                                                                                                          back in the black, but then returns
                                                                  the system’s chief financial officer
                                                                                                          to the red in 2022 with a deficit
The consolidation of              positions such as student       said that even with the cost-saving
                                                                                                          of $13 million.’ Risk factors are
Connecticut’s community           advisers or counselors that     plan in place, the systems projects a
                                                                                                          also in play. Steiner explained that
colleges refers to the merging    deal directly with students.    deficit of $13.2 million in 2019. The
                                                                                                          the plan assumes that state fund-
of the state’s 12 community       Instead the cuts would
                                                                                                             ing will remain flat after 2019
colleges into a single entity     come in areas that do not
                                                                                                             and that enrollment, which has
known as the Connecticut          affect students directly such
                                                                                                             generally been on the decline,
Community College.                as administrative services,
                                                                                                             will be flat. – courant.com This
                                  finance, human resources,
                                                                                                             shows that the plan in place isn’t
Mark Ojakian, president           and information technology.”
                                                                                                             looking fully into the future. The
of CSCU said, “The plan           – courant.com. This claim
                                                                                                             fact that many people will be
to merge the state’s 12           attempts to defend the
                                                                                                             losing their jobs and that there
community colleges into a         actions of the consolidation.
                                                                                                             is already a projected deficit of
single Community College of
                                                                                                             a substantial amount of money
Connecticut would not cut
                                                                                                             shows that this is an idea that
faculty positions or any other
                                                                                                             needs to be rethought, and re
                                 24                                                                       25    evaluated.
and helped to raise

           Five Students Win                                                                                                                    $210 for improving
                                                                                                                                                the program. Among
                                                                                                                                                those who donated,

             Basket Raffles                                                                                                                     were fifteen people
                                                                                                                                                who dug deep and
                                                                                                                                                donated $10 or
                                                                                                                                                more in support of
                       Writing by Ashley Hanson                                                                                                 the program and
                                                                                                                                                for their chance
Every semester the students in             Students and faculty were asked to                                                                   to win a basket.
Publication Practice head up               donate to the cause and received                                                                     Congratulations to the
a fundraiser which supports the            a ticket in return to enter into any of                                                              winners of the basket
improvement of The Current and             the five gift basket drawings. Many                                                                  raffle; Steven Matile,
provides funds for new equipment.          who donated expressed their desire        The candy basket              didn’t go unnoticed          Alana Gregor, Kenzie
In the Fall of 2017, the editor at that    to win, stating “it only takes one”!      was by far the most           either, the baking           Costello, Samantha
time, Chelsea Ahmed, ran a gift            There were five baskets to choose         popular, with 19              basket was packed            Zod, and John
basket fundraiser from November            from, each filled to the brim with        different varieties of        with all the essentials      Raymond II.
27, 2017 – November 29, 2017 that          various prizes of a certain theme.        candy from M&M’s to           for a culinary expert
brought in $210 and five winners.                                                    Twizzlers. Those who          in the making.
                                                                                     were looking for a cozy       Finally, keeping
                                                                                     night on the couch            the busy student
   Good for the student on                                                           watching a movie,             in mind, the spa
   the go who needs some
     caffeine, the coffee                                                            chose to put their            basket provided
  basket featured Starbucks                                                          tickets in the running        the winner with
  coffee and other delicious                                                         for the movie basket,         an experience of
      accompaniments.                                                                which was complete            relaxation and self-
                                                                                     with two thriller flicks, a   care thanks to the
                                                                                     blanket, and snacks.          facial masks, bath
                                                                                     For the coffee lover,         items, and aloe
                                                                                     there was a coffee            infused socks that
                                                                                     themed basket with            were included.
                                                                                     Starbucks ground
                                                                                     coffee, snacks to             The students
                                                                                     accompany it, and all         running The Current
                                                                                                                                                A favorite among the
                                                                                     the essentials for any        this semester would       students, the candy basket
                                                                                     busy caffeine fiend on        like to thank all          contained an assortment
                                                                                     the go. Aspiring cooks        who participated          of over 19 different types of

                                          26                                                                                       27
Students on the Current this
                                                                          TRCC Nursing Program is a
      semester are planning two
 fundraisers for the Spring semester.
                                                                             Career Jump Start!
  Fundraisers are open to students,                                       Writing and Photography by George Simones
  alumni, and the public. Professor
  Kevin Amenta, the advisor of the                                                                         From state of the art equipment
 Graphic Design program, believes
   “it’s important to support these                                                                          that you’ll find used at actual
students because as staff members                                                                          hospitals, to an enthusiastic and
  of the Current, they are the eyes                                                                          well-educated staff, the Three
 and ears of the study body.” Keep
                                                                                                             Rivers Nursing students have
an eye and an ear open for details!
                                                                                                             all the benefits of becoming a
                                                                                                           registered nurse for a fraction of
                                                                                                             the cost of most universities.

                                         A baking basket from the
Special Thanks For                        raffle sits on the table to
                                                                        The Three Rivers Nursing Program began in the 1970s and has been
                                         release any inner bakers.
Donating $10 or More:                                                   highly successful since then. The staff measures their success by
                                                                        analyzing specific outcomes. One way
                                                                        they measure their success is by their
   Rhonda Spaziani                         Tracy Dickson
                                                                        licensing exam pass rates. The national
   Alana Gregor                            Dawn Bertocki                first attempt pass-rate percentage of
   Mark Dunning                            Allana Allik                 the nursing exam is 83.59%, according
   Vicki Baker                             Irene Kleemann               to results from the first-quarter of the
                                                                        2016 National Council of State Boards
   Linda Mossberg                          Israel Lizardi
                                                                        of Nursing. However, the Three Rivers
   Steven Matile                           Ana Gonzales                 nursing program is “consistently above
   Kumar Appadwedula                       Sheila Skahan                the national average.” – Edith Ouellet
                                                                        MSN, RN.

                                    28                                                                     29
Jumanji, Welcome
                                                                                    to the Jungle.
                                                                                 Writing by Catalina Anzola

                                                                             As I went to see          video game,
                                                                             Jumanji: Welcome to       teleporting
                                                                             the Jungle, I was not     Alex into the
                                                                             sure if the movie was     game to
                                                                             a remake or a sequel.     never be
                                                                             It attempts to creates    heard from
                                                                             a connection with         again.
                                                                             today’s generation
                                                                             as it introduces the      The movie
                                                                             viewer to the Jumanji     script is
“I believe that                                       eligible for the       video game, complete      likeable                      Courtesy of Sony Pictures.
the experiential                                      national license       with avatars that the     with a few funny
learning that                                         exam to practice       characters turn into as   moments. Watching
                                                                             they get sucked into      the actors play their      to the first Jumanji
our program                                           as a registered                                                             movie, somewhat of
                                                                             the game.                 roles as insecure high-
offers is the most important part     nurse anywhere in the country.”                                  schoolers keeps the        a disappointment. If
of what is so great about us. Our     – Edith Ouellet MSN, RN.               The movie begins in       movie afloat. The title,   you are looking for a
students are out in the community,                                           1996 when teenager        Jumanji: Welcome to        movie with spectacular
                                                                             Alex Vreeke receives      the Jungle, was what       special effects, save
in healthcare setting, learning in    It’s clear to see that there are       the Jumanji board                                    your money and wait
                                                                                                       peaked my interest
the patient caring environment. By    many options as far as nursing         game from his father      in this movie, as I had    for it to be released on
the time they finish, our students    programs go, Three Rivers is an        after the game is         enjoyed the special        TV.
have 810 clinical hours on the        efficient, affordable alternative to   discovered on a           effects of the animals
                                                                             beach. Uninterested in    in the first Jumanji
field.” Edith Ouellet MSN, RN.        many other programs. If you are        the board game, Alex      movie released twenty
                                      interested in nursing, don’t miss      sets it aside. The game   years ago. Twenty
“At the end of the program, once      this opportunity.                      senses Alex disinterest   years later the special
they’ve successfully completed all                                           and magically             effects in the second
                                                                             transforms into a         movie are very similar
of the required hours, learning
activities and objectives, they are                                                                                    31
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