Membership Guide - Bupasalud
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ADMINISTRACIÓN INDEX AGREEMENT ................................................ 2 BENEFITS.........................................................6 Schedule of benefits ............................... 7 Policy provisions ...................................... 8 EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS ...... 14 ADMINISTRATION .................................... 16 DEFINITIONS ............................................. 22 SPANISH VERSION.................................... 29 3
BUPA GROUP AGREEMENT BUPA INSURANCE COMPANY (herein- ELIGIBILITY: This policy can only after referred to as the “Insurer”) agrees be issued to Employers and their to pay to the “Certificate Holder”, the Employees residing in Latin America benefits provided by this policy. All or the Caribbean who work a minimum benefits are subject to the terms and of thirty hours (30) per week for the conditions of this policy. Employer. To be eligible for this insur- TEN (10) DAY RIGHT TO EXAMINE THE ance, the group must have a minimum POLICY: This policy may be returned of fifteen (15) employees. The Employee within ten (10) days of receipt for a must have a minimum of eighteen refund of all premiums paid less an (18) years of age (except for eligible administrative fee of seventy-five dollars dependents) through a maximum of ($75) and thirty-five dollars ($35) for seventy-three (73) years of age. There each certificate issued. The policy may is no maximum age for coverage under be returned to the Insurer or to the the same terms and conditions of this agent through whom it was purchased. policy for those Insureds renewing a If returned, the policy is void as though policy. The Employer must contribute at no policy had been issued. least twenty-five percent (25%) towards the payment of the premium. IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT THE APPLICATION: This policy is issued Eligible dependents include the based on the application and payment Certificate Holder’s spouse, natural of the premium. If any information born children, legally adopted children, shown on the application is incorrect or step-children, or children to whom the incomplete, or any information has been Certificate Holder has been appointed omitted, the policy may be rescinded, legal guardian by a court of competent cancelled, or coverage may be modified, jurisdiction, who have been identified on at the sole discretion of the Insurer. the application and for whom coverage is provided for under the policy. 2
AGREEMENT Dependent coverage is available for the spouse ceases to be married to the Certificate Holder’s dependent children Certificate Holder by reason of divorce or up to their nineteenth (19th) birthday, annulment, coverage for such dependent if single, or up to their twenty-fourth will terminate on the next anniversary (24th) birthday, if single and full-time date of the policy. (minimum twelve (12) credits per Any insured person whose coverage semester) students of an accredited terminates after three (3) years of college or university at the time that consecutive and continuous coverage the policy is issued and renewed. under this policy, and who has never Coverage for such dependents continues submitted any claim during the lifetime through the next anniversary date of of his/her coverage under this policy, the policy, following the attainment and meets other policy requirements, of nineteen (19) years of age, if single, shall be eligible for an individual Bupa or twenty-four (24) years of age, Secure Care or Bupa Essential Care if single and a full-time students. policy offered by the Insurer without If a dependent child marries, discon- underwriting, with the same conditions tinues being a full-time student after and/or restrictions in existence under the nineteenth (19th) birthday, moves this policy. to another country, or if a dependent 3
BUPA GROUP COMMENCEMENT AND ENDING OF COVERAGE Coverage begins at 00:01 hours Eastern Standard Time (U.S.A.) on the policy’s effective date and terminates at 24:00 hours Eastern Standard Time (U.S.A.): (a) On the expiration date of the policy; (d) Upon written request from the or Certificate Holder to terminate a (b) Upon non-payment of the premium; dependent’s coverage; or or (e) Upon written notification from the (c) Upon written request from the Insurer, as allowed by the conditions Certificate Holder to terminate the of this policy. Certificate Holder's coverage; or REQUIREMENT TO NOTIFY THE INSURER The Insured must contact Bupa Insurance Company's Claims Administrator, USA Medical Services, at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of receiving any medical care. Emergency treatment must be notified within forty-eight (48) hours of commencement of such treatment. If the Insured fails to contact USA Medical Services as stated herein, the Insured will be responsible for thirty percent (30%) of all covered medical and hospital charges related to the claim, in addition to the plan's deductible and coinsurance (if applicable). USA Medical Services can be contacted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at the following telephone numbers: In the U.S.A.: (305) 275-1500 Free of charge from the U.S.A.: 1-800-726-1203 Fax: (305) 275-1518 Visit My Bupa in our display options: Outside the USA: Phone number can be located on your ID card, or at 4
YOUR HEALTHCARE PARTNER ONLINE TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER! Log in to, search for "My Bupa" in our display options and follow the registration steps with your email to manage your policy from the comfort of your home or office. Enjoy our online services: • Access to your policy documents and ID cards • Payments • Changes request • Claim request and update information • Pre-authorization services request • Costumer Service • Virtual Care (Telemedicine) You are responsible for checking all documents and correspondence online. 5
BUPA GROUP BENEFITS • See applicable sections of the policy for details, limitations, and restrictions. • The plan Bupa Group policy provides coverage in the Preferred Provider Network only. No benefits are payable for service rendered outside the Preferred Provider Network, except under the emergency medical treatment provision. • Maximum coverage is five million dollars ($5,000,000) per insured, per lifetime for all covered medical and hospital charges while the policy is in force, subject to the limitations herein. • The insurer, USA Medical Services, and/or any of their applicable related subsidiaries and affiliates will not engage in any transactions with any parties or in any countries where otherwise prohibited by the laws in the United States of America. Please contact USA Medical Services for more information about this restriction. 6
BENEFITS SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS Coverage (per Insured, per Policy Year) Maximum benefit Private or semi-private hospital room and board No limit Intensive care room and board No limit Maternity care benefit (Except Plans IV, V and VI) $2,500 (No deductible or coinsurance applies) Newborn coverage (No deductible or coinsurance applies) $25,000 Congenital and hereditary disorders: • Manifested before age 18 $100,000 • Manifested on or after age 18 (per Insured, per lifetime) $5,000,000 Organ transplant (per Insured, per lifetime) $250,000 Air ambulance transportation (per Insured, per lifetime) $25,000 Ground ambulance transportation (per incident) $1,000 Repatriation of mortal remains $5,000 Emergency treatment outside the Preferred Provider $25,000 Network (per incident) Disclosed pre-existing conditions (Lifetime maximum, per Insured after twenty-four (24) months of continuous $25,000 coverage) DEDUCTIBLE the insured submits claims or requests for reimbursement for eligible expenses • All insureds under the Certificate have that occurred during the first nine (9) a deductible responsibility per policy months of the policy year, the benefit year according to the plan selected by will be reversed, and the insured will the Certificate Holder. When applicable, be responsible for the following policy the corresponding deductible amount year's deductible. is applied per insured, per policy year before benefits are paid or reimbursed to the insured. All deductible amounts COINSURANCE paid accumulate towards the corre- sponding maximum deductible per • The Insured is responsible for twenty Certificate, which is equivalent to the percent (20%) of approved charges for sum of two individual deductibles. the first five thousand dollars ($5,000) All insureds under the Certificate after satisfaction of the applicable contribute to meeting the maximum deductible (except plans IV, V and VI). deductible amount of the policy. Once • One (1) coinsurance per Insured, per the maximum deductible amount policy year. of the Certificate is met, the insurer will consider all individual deductible • In the event of an accident involving multiple members of an Insured family responsibilities as met. on the same certificate, a maximum of • Any eligible charges incurred by an two (2) coinsurances will be charged insured during the last three (3) for this incident. Other coinsurance months ofthe policy year will apply may be applicable for the members to that policy year’s deductible and who were not charged coinsurance, for will also be carried over to be applied other illnesses or injuries not related to towards that insured’s deductible for the accident. the following policy year, as long as there are no expenses incurred during • If USA Medical Services is notified in accordance to the policy require- the first nine (9) months of the policy ments, then coinsurance will not apply year. If the benefit is granted to carry to medical services in the country of over the insured's deductible to the residence (except Mexico). following policy year, and subsequently 7
BUPA GROUP POLICY PROVISIONS 1. ANESTHESIOLOGIST FEES: Cover- 3. HOME HEALTH CARE AND OUT- age for anesthesiologist fees must PATIENT PHYSICAL THERAPY: be approved in advance by USA Coverage for this care or treatment Medical Services and is limited to must be approved in advance by USA the lesser of: Medical Services, including any and (a) One hundred percent (100%) all extensions. In all cases, evidence of the usual, customary and of medical necessity and a treat- reasonable fee for the anesthe- ment plan must be received by USA siology charges; or Medical Services. (b) Thirty percent (30%) of the 4. EMERGENCY DENTAL TREATMENT: usual, customary and reason- Only emergency dental treatment able principal surgeon’s fee for that takes place within ninety (90) the actual surgical procedure; or days of the date of a covered acci- dent will be covered under this policy. (c) Thirty percent (30%) of the fee approved for the principal 5. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREAT- surgeon for the surgical proce- MENT: The Plan Bupa Group policy dure; or provides emergency medical treat- ment outside of the Preferred Pro- (d) Special rates established for an vider Network in those cases where area or country as determined the emergency treatment is required by the Insurer. to avoid loss of life or limb. Covered 2. ASSISTING PHYSICIAN/SURGEON charges related to an emergency FEES: Assisting physician/surgeon admission to a non-network pro- fees are covered only when an vider will be paid up to twenty-five assisting physician/surgeon is medi- thousand dollars ($25,000) with the cally necessary for that operation normal plan deductible and coin- and approved in advance by USA surance (if applicable). The Insured Medical Services. Assisting physi- will be responsible for thirty percent cian/surgeon fees are limited to the (30%) of all covered medical and lesser of: hospital charges that exceed the (a) Twenty percent (20%) of the benefit of twenty-five thousand usual, customary and reason- dollars ($25,000) on services per- able surgeon’s fee for the actual formed outside the Preferred Pro- surgical procedure; or vider Network. (b) Twenty percent (20%) of the 6. EMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION: fee approved for the principal Emergency transportation (by surgeon for the surgical proce- ground and air ambulance) is only dure; or covered if related to a covered condi- tion for which treatment cannot be (c) If more than one assisting physi- provided locally and transportation cian/surgeon is necessary, the by any other method would result maximum coverage for all in loss of life or limb. Emergency assisting physicians/surgeons transportation must be provided by a shall not exceed twenty percent licensed and authorized transporta- (20%) of the principal surgeon’s tion company to the nearest medical fee for the actual surgical proce- facility. The vehicle or aircraft used dure; or must be staffed by medically trained (d) Special rates established for an personnel and must be equipped to area or country as determined handle a medical emergency. by the Insurer. 8
BENEFITS (a) Air Ambulance Transportation: the effective date of coverage i. All air ambulance trans- for the respective insured portation must be pre- mother. approved and coordinated (d) There is no maternity coverage by USA Medical Services. for dependent children. ii. The maximum amount (e) Those Certificate Holders that payable for this benefit were previously a dependent is twenty-five thousand child under another policy with dollars ($25,000) per the Insurer must have main- insured, per lifetime. tained their own individual iii. The Insured agrees to hold policy for a minimum of twelve the Insurer, USA Medical (12) months to be eligible for Services, and any company this maternity care benefit. affiliated with the Insurer (f) The twelve (12) month waiting or USA Medical Services period for maternity coverage by way of similar owner- always applies regardless of ship or management, harm- whether or not the ninety (90) less from any negligence day waiting period for coverage resulting from such services, under this policy has been or for delays or restric- waived. tions on flights caused by There is an optional rider avail- mechanical problems, by able (except plans IV, V and VI) governmental restrictions, to cover newborn and maternity or by the pilot, due to oper- complications. ational conditions, or from any negligence resulting 8. NEWBORN COVERAGE: from such services. (a) If born from a Covered Preg- (b) Ground Ambulance Transpor- nancy: tation: The maximum amount i. Provisional coverage: If payable for this benefit is one born from a covered preg- thousand dollars ($1,000) per nancy, each newborn will incident. automatically be covered 7. MATERNITY CARE (Except plans for complications of birth, IV, V and VI): and any injury or illness for the first ninety (90) days (a) There is a maximum benefit after birth up to a maximum of two thousand five hundred of twenty-five thousand dollars ($2,500) for each preg- dollars ($25,000) with no nancy with no deductible or deductible or coinsurance. coinsurance. ii. Permanent coverage: For (b) Pre and post-natal treatment, permanent coverage of a required vitamins during preg- child born from a covered nancy, childbirth, complications pregnancy, a “Notification of pregnancy or delivery, and of Birth” consisting of the well baby care are included in newborn’s full name, gender the maximum maternity benefit and date of birth must be listed in this policy. submitted within ninety (c) This benefit shall apply for (90) days of birth. Effec- covered pregnancies. Covered tive as of the date of birth, pregnancies are those where coverage with applicable the actual date of delivery is at least twelve (12) months after 9
BUPA GROUP deductible and coinsurance Certificate effective date, will then be up to the policy occurring on or after August limits. 1, 2003; Policy limits for complica- ii. Twenty five thousand dollars tions of birth relating to a ($25,000) per person up to newborn are limited to the the insured’s eighteenth maximum benefits described (18th) birthday, including in provision 8 (a) i. any benefits already paid The premium for the addi- on an existing Certificate or tion is due at the time of the rider, for insureds born from notification of birth. If such a covered pregnancy only, notification is not received when the congenital and within 90 days of birth, then hereditary disorders initially an application for insurance manifest themselves prior, is required on the addition to your policy anniversary and will be subject to under- date and/or your Certificate writing. effective date, occurring on or after August 1, 2003. iii. Well baby Care: Only covered as stated in the “Maternity (b) The lifetime maximum benefits Care” provision of this policy. for any congenital and heredi- tary disorders that manifest (b) If NOT born from a Covered themselves on or after the Pregnancy, there is no provi- insured’s eighteenth (18th) sional coverage for the newborn. birthday and subsequent, to To add a newborn to the policy, your policy anniversary date payment of the premium and and/or your Certificate effective submission of a completed date, on or after January 1, 2000 application for insurance which are equal to the maximum policy is subject to underwriting by the limits herein, after deductible Insurer, are required. and co-insurance (if applicable). 9. CONGENITAL AND HEREDITARY 10. CONTINUOUS GROUP INSUR- DISORDERS: Coverage under this ANCE COVERAGE (NO GAIN NO policy for congenital and hereditary LOSS PROVISION): This provision disorders is as follows: applies to all active groups that had (a) The lifetime maximum benefits continuous prior group coverage for any congenital and heredi- with another Insurance Company. tary disorders that manifest Insureds with disclosed pre-exist- themselves before the insured’s ing conditions and pregnancies eighteenth (18th) birthday are: covered under another group plan i. One hundred thousand will still be covered under this policy; dollars ($100,000) per however, the policy with the lesser person, including any benefit will apply for a period of benefits already paid on twelve (12) months, beginning on an existing Certificate or the effective date of this policy. rider, after deductible and After twelve (12) months, the ben- co-insurance (if appli- efits of this policy will apply. Under cable), for any congenital this provision the twelve (12) month and hereditary disorders waiting period for maternity and the that initially manifest them- two (2) year waiting period for dis- selves on or after, your policy closed pre-existing conditions will anniversary date and/or your not be applied. For this provision to be effective, all employees covered 10
BENEFITS under the previous group plan must after the transplant procedure, be transferred to this policy. New whether a direct or indirect employees added to the group policy consequence of the transplant. after the effective date of this policy (e) Any medication or therapeutic are NOT subject to this provision. measure used to ensure the 11. ORGAN TRANSPLANTS: Coverage viability and permanence of the for transplantation of human organs transplanted organ. and tissues is provided only within (f) Any home health care, nursing the Insurer’s Organ Transplant Pro- care (e.g. wound care, infusion, vider Network. There is no cover- assessment, etc.), emergency age outside the Organ Transplant transportation, medical atten- Provider Network. The maximum tion, clinic or office visits, trans- amount payable for this benefit is fusions, supplies, or medications two hundred fifty thousand dollars related to the transplant. ($250,000) per insured, per lifetime. This organ transplant benefit begins 12. PREFERRED PROVIDER NETWORK: once the need for transplantation The Plan Bupa Group policy provides has been determined by a provider, coverage in the Preferred Provider has been certified by a second surgi- Network only, regardless of whether cal or medical opinion and has been the treatment is in your country of approved by USA Medical Services, residence or outside your country and is subject to all the terms, pro- of residence. There is no cover- visions and exclusions of the policy age outside the Preferred Provider and Certificate. Network, except for emergencies. This benefit includes: (a) In order to ensure that the provider of medical services is in (a) Pre-transplant care, which the Preferred Provider Network, includes those services directly all treatment, except emergen- related to evaluation of the need cies, must be coordinated by for transplantation, evaluation USA Medical Services. of the Insured for the transplant procedure, and preparation and (b) In those cases where the stabilization of the Insured for Preferred Provider Network is the transplant procedure. not specified in your country of residence, there is no restriction (b) Pre-surgical work-up, including on which hospitals may be used all laboratory and X-ray exams, in your country of residence. CT scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI’s), ultrasounds, 13. PRESCRIPTION DRUGS: Prescrip- biopsies, scans, medications and tion drugs are only covered if first supplies. prescribed during a hospitaliza- tion or after outpatient surgery (c) The costs of organ procurement, and for a maximum period of six transportation, and harvesting (6) months after hospitalization or up to a maximum of twenty- surgery, unless the Insurer approves five thousand dollars ($25,000), an extension. In all cases, a copy of which is included as part of the the prescription from the attending maximum organ transplant physician must accompany the claim. benefit. 14. SPECIAL TREATMENTS: Prosthesis, (d) Post-transplant care including, orthotic devices, durable medical but not limited to any follow-up, equipment, implants, radiation medically necessary treatment therapy and highly specialized drugs resulting from the transplant, (e.g. Interferon, Procrit, Avonex, and any complications that arise Embrel, etc.) will be covered, but 11
BUPA GROUP must be approved and coordinated Coverage is limited to only those in advance by USA Medical Services. services and supplies necessary to Special treatments will be pro- prepare the deceased’s body and vided by the Insurer or reimbursed to transport the deceased to his at the cost that the Insurer would country of residence. Arrangements have incurred if purchased from its must be coordinated in conjunction providers. with USA Medical Services. 15. PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: Pre- 18. REQUIRED SECOND SURGICAL existing conditions fall into two (2) OPINION: If a surgeon has recom- categories: mended that an Insured undergo any (a) Disclosed at the time of appli- non-emergency surgical procedure, cation: Disclosed pre-existing the Insured must notify USA Medical conditions unless specifically Services at least seventy-two (72) excluded by an amendment hours prior to the scheduled pro- to the policy or Certificate are cedure. If a second surgical opinion covered after two (2) years from is deemed necessary by either the the effective date of the certifi- Insurer or USA Medical Services, it cate, up to a lifetime maximum must be conducted by a physician lifetime coverage of twenty-five chosen and arranged by USA Medical thousand ($25,000) per insured. Services. Only those second surgi- cal opinions required and coordi- (b) Not disclosed at the time of nated by USA Medical Services are application: Pre-existing condi- covered. In the event the second tions not disclosed at the time surgical opinion contradicts or does of the application will never not confirm the need for surgery, the be covered during the lifetime Insurer will also pay for a third surgi- of the policy. Furthermore, cal opinion from a physician chosen the Insurer retains the right to by USA Medical Services. rescind, cancel or modify the policy or Certificate based on If the second or third surgical opin- the Insured’s failure to disclose ion confirms the need for surgery, any such conditions. benefits for the surgery will be paid according to this policy. 16. ILLNESS OR INJURY IN A PRIVATE AIRCRAFT: Any illness or injury sus- IF THE INSURED DOES NOT OBTAIN tained as a passenger in a Private A REQUIRED SECOND SURGICAL Aircraft is covered up to a maximum OPINION , THE INSURED WILL BE of two hundred and fifty thousand RESPONSIBLE FOR THIRTY PER- dollars ($250,000) per Insured, per CENT (30%) OF ALL COVERED lifetime. MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CHARGES RELATED TO THE CLAIM IN ADDI- There is an optional rider available TION TO THE PLAN DEDUCT- to cover private pilot and crew IBLE AND COINSURANCE. (IF members. APPLICABLE). 17. REPATRIATION OF MORTAL 19. OUTPATIENT SERVICES: Coverage REMAINS: In the event an Insured is only provided when medically dies outside of his/her country of necessary. residence, the Insurer will pay up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) 20. MAXIMUM HOSPITAL STAY: The toward repatriation of the deceased’s maximum hospital stay for any spe- remains to the deceased’s country cific illness or injury or any related of residence if the death resulted treatment is one hundred and eighty from a condition which would have (180) days during the next three been covered under the terms of hundred and sixty five (365) days the policy had the Insured survived. after the first admission 12
EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 21. NOSE AND NASAL SEPTUM DEFOR- 22. TREATMENT AT URGENT CARE MITY: When nose or nasal septum FACILITIES OR WALK-IN CLINICS: deformity is induced by a trauma in Treatment at urgent care facilities or a covered accident, surgical treat- walk-in clinics in the United States of ment will be covered if authorized America are covered at a hundred in advance by USA Medical Services. percent (100%) with a fifty-dollar The evidence of trauma in the form (US$50) co-payment. These treat- of fracture must be confirmed radio- ments are not subject to deductible. graphically (X-rays, CT scan, etc.) 13
BUPA GROUP EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS This policy does not provide coverage or benefits for any of the following: 1. Treatment of any illness, injury, or any 6. Elective or cosmetic surgery or charges arising from any treatment, medical treatment which is primar- service or supply which is: ily for beautification, unless neces- (a) not medically necessary; or sitated by injury, deformity or illness which first occurs while the Insured (b) for an Insured who is not under is covered under this policy. This also the care of a physician, doctor includes any surgical treatment for or skilled professional; or nasal or septal deformity that was (c) not authorized or prescribed by not induced by trauma, except as a physician or doctor; or provided for in this policy. (d) custodial care. 7. Any charges in connection with pre- existing conditions, except as defined 2. Any care or treatment, while sane or and addressed in this policy. insane, received due to self inflicted illness or injury, suicide, failed suicide, 8. Any treatment, service or supply that alcohol use or abuse, drug use or is not scientifically or medically rec- abuse, or the use of illegal sub- ognized for the prescribed treatment stances or illegal use of controlled or which is considered experimental substances. This includes any acci- and/or not approved for general use dent resulting from any of the afore- by the Food and Drug Administration mentioned criteria. of the U.S.A. 3. Routine eye and ear examinations, 9. Treatment in any governmen- hearing aids, eye glasses, contact tal facility or any expense if the lenses, radial keratotomy and/or Insured would be entitled to free other procedures to correct eye care. Service or treatment for which refraction disorders. payment would not have to be made had no insurance coverage existed. 4. Any medical examination or diagnos- tic study which is a part of a routine 10. Diagnostic procedures or treatment physical examination, including vac- of mental illnesses and/or psychiat- cinations and the issuance of medical ric, behavioral or developmental dis- certificates and examinations as to orders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the suitability for employment or sleep apnea and any other sleep travel. disorders. 5. Chiropractic care, homeopathic 11. Any portion of any charge that is in treatment, acupuncture or any type excess of the usual, customary and of alternative medicine. reasonable charge for the particular 14
EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS service or supply for the geographi- illegal activity, including resultant cal area. imprisonment. 12. Any expense for male or female ster- 23. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syn- ilization, reversal of sterilization, sex drome (AIDS), HIV positive or AIDS change, sexual transformation, birth related illnesses. control, infertility, artificial insemi- 24. An elective admission more than nation, sexual dysfunction or inad- twenty-three (23) hours before a equacies and sexually transmittable planned surgery, unless authorized disease. in writing by the Insurer. 13. Treatment or service for any medical, 25. Treatment of the upper maxilla, the mental or dental condition related jaw or jaw joint disorders, including to or arising as a complication to but not limited to jaw anomalies, mal- those medical, mental or dental ser- formations, temporomandibular joint vices or other conditions specifically syndrome, craniomandibular disor- excluded by an amendment to or not ders or other conditions of the jaw covered by the policy or Certificate. or jaw joint linking the jaw bone and 14. Any expense, service or treatment the skull and complex of muscles, for obesity, weight control or any nerves and other tissue relating to form of food supplement (unless that joint. necessary to sustain life in a criti- 26. Treatment by the spouse, father, cally ill person). mother, brother, sister or child of 15. Podiatric care to treat functional dis- any insured under a Certificate in orders of the structures of the feet, this policy. including but not limited to, corns, 27. “Over the counter” or non-prescrip- calluses, bunions, Hallux valgus, tion drugs, prescription medications hammer toe, Morton’s neuroma, flat which are not first prescribed while feet, weak arches, weak feet or other the Insured is admitted in a hospi- symptomatic complaints of the feet, tal and prescription medications including pedicures, special shoes which are not prescribed as part of and inserts of any type or form. follow-up treatment after outpatient 16. Treatment by a bone growth stim- surgery. ulator, bone growth stimulation 28. Personal or home based artificial or treatment relating to growth kidney equipment, unless authorized hormone, regardless of the reason in writing by the Insurer. for prescription. 29. Treatment for injury sustained while 17. Treatment for injuries resulting traveling as a pilot or crewmember from participation in any hazardous in a private aircraft. activities. 30. Cost relating to the acquisition and 18. All treatment to a mother or to a implantation of artificial heart, mono newborn related to a non covered or bi-ventricular devices, other artifi- pregnancy. cial or animal organs and all expenses 19. Any voluntarily induced termina- of any cryopreservation of more than tion of pregnancy, unless imminent twenty-four (24) hours duration. maternal demise is apparent. 31. Injury or illness caused by, or related 20. Any congenital or hereditary disor- to ionized radiation, pollution or con- der or illness, except as provided for tamination, radioactivity from any under the provisions of this policy. nuclear material, nuclear waste, or 21. Any dental treatment or services the combustion of nuclear fuel or not related to a covered accident nuclear devices. or beyond 90 days from the date of 32. Treatment for or arising from any epi- such accident. demic and/or pandemic disease, and 22. Treatment of injuries resulting while vaccinations, medicines, or preven- in service as a member of a police tive treatment for or related to any or military unit or from participation epidemic and/or pandemic disease in war, riot, civil commotion or any are not covered. 15
BUPA GROUP ADMINISTRATION 1. AUTHORITY: No agent has the 4. OTHER INSURANCE COVERAGE: authority to change the policy or When another policy is in existence to waive any of its provisions. After which provides benefits also covered issue, no change in the policy shall be by this policy, benefits will be coor- valid unless approved in writing by an dinated. All claims incurred in the officer or the Chief Underwriter of the country of residence must be made Insurer and such approval is endorsed in the first instance against the other by an amendment to the policy. policy. This policy shall only provide 2. CHANGES OF COUNTRY OF RESI- benefits when such other benefits DENCE: The Insured must notify the payable under the other policy Insurer in writing of any change of have been exhausted. Outside the the Insured’s country of residence country of residence, Bupa Insur- within thirty (30) days of its occur- ance Company will function as the rence. Changes of residence outside primary Insurer and retains the right the Insured’s stated country of resi- to collect any payment from local or dence will, at the Insurer’s discretion, other insurers. result in modification of coverage or 5. ENTIRE CONTRACT/CONTROLLING cancellation of the policy or Certifi- CONTRACT: The policy, the Certifi- cate. Changes of residence to the cate, the application, the Certificate U.S.A. will result in non-renewal of of Coverage and any riders or amend- the policy or Certificate. Failure to ments thereto, shall constitute the notify the Insurer of any change of entire contract between the parties. the Insured’s country of residence The Spanish translation is provided may result in cancellation of the policy for the convenience of the Insured. or modification of coverage on the The English version of this policy will next anniversary date, at the Insurer’s prevail and is the controlling contract discretion. THE INSURED’S COUNTRY in the event of any question or dispute OF RESIDENCE CANNOT BE THE regarding this policy. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 6. GRACE PERIOD: If premium is not 3. COMMENCEMENT OF INSURANCE: received by the due date, the Insurer Subject to the provisions of this will allow a grace period of thirty policy, benefits begin on the Effec- (30) days from the due date for the tive Date of the policy and of each premium to be paid. If the premium Certificate and not on the date of is not received by the Insurer prior application for insurance. to the end of the grace period, this policy and all of its benefits will be 16
ADMINISTRATION deemed terminated as of the original when requested by the Insurer, shall due date of the premium. Benefits are sign all authorization forms necessary not provided under the policy during for the Insurer to obtain such medical the grace period unless the policy is reports and records. Failure to coop- renewed. erate with the Insurer or failure to 7. INSOLVENCY: The insolvency, bank- authorize the release of all medical ruptcy, financial impairment, volun- records requested by the Insurer may tary plan of arrangement with credi- cause a claim to be denied. tors or dissolution of the Employer’s 12. POLICY CANCELLATION OR NON- business shall not impose upon the RENEWAL: The Insurer retains the Insurer any liability other than that right to cancel, modify or rescind the specifically stated within this policy. policy or a Certificate if statements on 8. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: It is the Insur- the application are found to be mis- er’s policy to make payments directly representations, incomplete or that to physicians and hospitals world- fraud has been committed, leading wide. When this is not possible, the the Insurer to approve an application Insurer will reimburse the Certificate when, with the correct or complete Holder the contractual rate given to information, the Insurer would have the Insurer by the provider involved issued the policy or Certificate with and/or in accordance with the usual, restricted coverage or declined to customary, and reasonable fees for provide insurance. that geographical area, whichever The Insurer retains the right to cancel is less. Any charges or portions of or modify a policy or certificate in charges in excess of these amounts terms of rates, deductibles or ben- are the responsibility of the Insured. efits, generally and specifically, if the If a Certificate Holder is not living, the insured changes country of residence, Insurer will pay any unpaid benefits regardless of how many years the to the estate of the deceased Certifi- policy has been in force. cate Holder. If an insured resides in the U.S.A. on The insurer, USA Medical Services, a continuous basis for more than one and/or any of their applicable related hundred and eighty (180) days during subsidiaries and affiliates will not any three hundred and sixty five (365) engage in any transactions with any day period regardless of the type of parties or in any countries where oth- visa issued to the insured for that pur- erwise prohibited by the laws in the pose, the certificate will automatically United States of America. Please con- terminate on the next renewal date. tact USA Medical Services for more Submission of a fraudulent claim is information about this restriction. also grounds for rescission or can- 9. CURRENCY: All currency values cellation of the policy or certificate. stated in this policy are in U.S. dollars. The Insurer retains the right to cancel, 10. PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS: The non-renew or modify a policy on a Insurer, at its own expense, shall have “class” basis as defined in this policy. the right and opportunity to examine This policy is subject to underwrit- any Insured whose illness or injury ing evaluation on each anniversary is the basis of a claim, when and as date, and the insurer retains the right often as considered necessary by the to cancel or non-renew the policy, Insurer during the pendency of the modify the coverage, or change the claim. In the case of death, the Insurer premium. has the right to request an autopsy at a facility of its choice. 13. NON-RENEWAL OF GROUP POLICY: Coverage of this policy can be ter- 11. DUTY TO COOPERATE: The Insured minated either by the Insurer or the shall make available to the Insurer Employer only on the group policy all medical reports and records and, anniversary date. 17
BUPA GROUP 14. POLICY ISSUANCE: This policy received in currencies other than U.S. cannot be issued or delivered in Dollars will be in accordance with the the U.S.A., except as may be spe- official exchange rate, as determined cifically permitted under the laws by the Insurer, on the date of service. of the State of Florida. The policy Additionally, the Insurer reserves the is deemed issued or delivered upon right to issue the payment or reim- receipt of the policy by the Employer bursement in the currency in which in its country of residence. the service or treatment was invoiced. 15. POLICY MODE: All policies are 19. REFUNDS: If the Employer, an Insured deemed annual policies. Premiums or the Insurer cancels the policy or are to be paid annually, unless the Certificate after it has been issued, Insurer authorizes other modes of reinstated or renewed, the Insurer payment. will refund the unearned portion 16. PREMIUM PAYMENT: Payment of the of the premium, less administra- premium on time is the responsibil- tive charges and policy fees, to a ity of the Employer. The premium is maximum of sixty-five percent (65%) due on the renewal date of the policy of the premium. The policy fee, USA or other due dates if authorized by Medical Services fee and thirty-five the Insurer. Premium notices are pro- percent (35%) of the base premium vided as a courtesy and the Insurer are non-refundable. The unearned provides no guarantee of delivering portion of the premium is based on premium notices. If an Employer has the number of days corresponding to not received a premium notice thirty the payment mode, minus the number (30) days prior to the due date and of days the policy or Certificate was the Employer does not know the in force. amount of the premium payment, 20. REINSTATEMENT: All policies or Cer- the Employer should contact its agent tificates reinstated after the thirty or the Insurer. Payment may also be (30) day grace period are deemed made online at new policies or new certificates with 17. PREMIUM RATE CHANGES: The no antiquity or credit being afforded Insurer retains the right to change to the Insured. All medical conditions the premium at the time of each existing prior to the date of reinstate- renewal date. ment of the policy or Certificate shall be deemed and treated as pre- 18. PROOF OF CLAIM: Written proof existing conditions under this policy. of loss must be furnished to USA No reinstatement will be authorized Medical Services at 17901 Old Cutler ninety (90) days after the date of ter- Road, Suite 400, Palmetto Bay, mination of the policy or Certificate. Florida 33157, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the treat- 21. CLAIMS APPEALS: In the event of any ment or service date. Failure to do so disagreement between the Insured will result in the claim being denied. and the Insurer regarding this Insur- Original itemized bills must be sub- ance Policy and/or its provisions, the mitted with the properly completed Insured, before commencing any Insurer’s claim form and medical arbitration or legal proceedings, shall records. Standard claim forms from request a review of the matter by the U.S.A. providers may be accepted, but “Bupa Insurance Company Appeals the Insurer reserves the right to have Committee”. In order to begin such the claimant complete the Insurer’s a review, the Insured must submit a claim form. Claim forms are furnished written request to the Appeals Com- with the policy or may be obtained by mittee. This request shall include contacting your agent or USA Medical copies of all relevant information Services at the address shown herein sought to be considered, as well as an or through our web site (www.bupas- explanation of what decision should Exchange rates for bills be reviewed and why. Said appeals 18
ADMINISTRATION shall be sent to the attention of the any legal action arising directly or Bupa Insurance Company Appeals indirectly from this policy. the insurer Coordinator, c/o USA Medical Ser- and the insured further agree that vices. Upon the submission of a each party will pay their own attor- request for review, the Appeals Com- neys’ fees and costs, including those mittee will determine whether any incurred in arbitration. further information and/or documen- 23. SUBROGATION AND INDEMNITY: tation is needed and act to timely The Insurer has a right of subrogation obtain such. Within thirty (30) days or reimbursement from an Insured to thereafter, the Appeals Committee whom it has paid any claims to or on will notify the Insured of its decision behalf of, if such Insured has recov- and the underlying rationale. ered all or part of such payments from 22. ARBITRATION, LEGAL ACTIONS, a third party. Furthermore, the Insurer AND JURY WAIVER: Any disagree- has the right to proceed at its own ment that may persist upon comple- expense in the name of the Insured, tion of the claims appeal as deter- against third parties who may be mined herein, must first be submitted responsible for causing a claim under to arbitration. In such cases, the this policy or who may be responsible Insured and the Insurer will submit for providing indemnity of benefits for their difference to three (3) arbiters: any claim under this policy. Each party selecting an arbiter, and 24. TERMINATION OF COVERAGE the third arbiter to be selected by the UPON TERMINATION OF POLICY: arbiters named by the parties herein. In the event a policy or Certificate In the event of disagreement between terminates for any reason, coverage the arbiters, the decision will rest with ceases on the effective date of the the majority. Either the Insured or termination and the Insurer will only the Insurer may initiate arbitration be responsible for treatment covered by written notice to the other party under the terms of the policy that demanding arbitration and naming took place before the effective date its arbiter. The other party shall have of termination of the policy or Cer- twenty (20) days after receipt of said tificate. There is no coverage for notice within which to designate its any treatment that occurs after the arbiter. The two (2) arbiters named by effective date of the termination, the parties, within ten (10) days there- regardless of when the condition after, shall choose the third arbiter first occurred or how much additional and the arbitration shall be held at treatment may be required. the place hereinafter set forth ten (10) days after the appointment of the 25. CHANGE OF PLAN OR DEDUCTIBLE: third arbiter. If the other party does Through the Employer, at any anniver- not name its arbiter within twenty sary date, the Certificate Holder can (20) days, the complaining party may request to change plan or deduct- designate the second arbiter and the ible. Some requests are subject to other party shall not be aggrieved underwriting evaluation. The follow- thereby. Arbitration shall take place ing conditions apply: in Miami-Dade County, Florida, U.S.A. (a) The benefits earned by seniority or if approved by the Insurer, in the of the insured will not be Insured’s country of residence. The affected as long as the new expenses of the arbitration shall be product or plan contemplates shared equally between the parties. them. If the previous product The insured confers exclusive juris- or plan did not include a benefit diction in miami-dade county, flor- included in the new product or ida for determination of any rights plan, the specific waiting period under this policy. the insurer and any established in the Benefits Table insured covered by this policy hereby of the Policy Cover must be met. expressly agree to trial by judge in 19
BUPA GROUP (b) During the first ninety (90) days will be limited to the lesser of from the effective date of the the benefit provided by either change, benefits payable for the new plan or prior plan. any illness or injury not caused (e) The benefits with insured by accident or disease of infec- amounts per lifetime that have tious origin, will be limited to the already had claims paid under lesser of benefits provided by the coverage of the previous the new plan or the prior plan. product or plan, will be reduced (c) Benefits related to maternity, in the proportion of the expense maternity complications and already paid. When the total coverage of the newborn that benefit in the new product or occur during the ten (10) months plan is less than the amount following the effective date of already paid under the benefit the change, will be limited to the in the previous product or lesser of the benefit provided by plan, the benefit is considered either the new plan or prior plan. exhausted and coverage under (d) Benefits with insured sums per the new product or plan will no lifetime that occur during the longer apply. six (6) months following the (f) Nevertheless, the insurer reserve effective date of the change, the right to to carry out standard underwriting procedures. 20
BUPA GROUP DEFINITIONS 1. ACCIDENT: An unfortunate inci- 6. APPLICANT: The individual who dent that occurs unexpectedly and executed the application for suddenly, provoked by an external coverage. cause, always without the insured's 7. APPLICATION: Written state- intention, which causes injury or ments on a form by an Appli- bodily trauma and requires immedi- cant about themself and/or their ate ambulatory medical attention dependents, used by the Insurer to and/or patient's hospital admission. determine acceptance or denial of The medical information related to the risk. Application includes any the accident will be evaluated by medical history, questionnaire, and the insurer, and the compensabil- other documents provided to or ity will be determined under the requested by the Insurer prior to general policy's provisions. the issuance of the policy. 2. AIR AMBULANCE TRANSPORTA- 8. ASSISTING PHYSICIAN/SURGEON TION: Emergency air transportation FEES: Charges made by a physician from the hospital where the Insured or physicians who assist the princi- is admitted to the nearest suitable pal surgeon in the performance of hospital where treatment can be a surgical procedure. provided. 9. CALENDAR YEAR: January 1st 3. AMENDMENT: A document added through December 31st of any by the Insurer to the policy or Cer- given year. tificate that clarifies, explains or modifies the policy or Certificate. 10. CERTIFICATE: The document issued to the Insured person for 4. ANESTHESIOLOGIST FEES: whom coverage has been approved Charges made by an anesthesiolo- by the Insurer. gist for the administration of anes- thesia during the performance of a 11. CERTIFICATE HOLDER: The named surgical procedure or for medically Employee in the application for necessary services for pain control. health insurance. The person enti- tled to receive reimbursement for 5. ANNIVERSARY DATE: Annual covered medical expenses. occurrence of the effective date of the policy. 12. CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE: Document of the policy that speci- fies the commencement, conditions, 22
DEFINITIONS extent and any limitations of the coverage does not mean that they coverage, and lists each covered do not apply the corresponding risk person. assessment procedures. 13. CLASS: The Insureds of all policies 18. COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE: The of the same type, including but not country: limited to, benefits, deductibles, age (1) where the Insured resides the group, country, plan, year groups majority of any calendar or or a combination of any of these. policy year; or 14. COINSURANCE: The portion (2) where the Insured has resided of the covered medical bills an more than one hundred and Insured must pay in addition to the eighty (180) continuous days deductible. during any three hundred and 15. COMPLICATION OF BIRTH: Any sixty five (365) day period while disorder related to the birth of a the policy is in force. newborn, not caused by genetic 19. COVERED PREGNANCY: Covered factors, manifested during the first pregnancies are those where the thirty-one (31) days of life, including actual date of delivery is at least but not limited to hyperbilirubine- twelve (12) months after the effec- mia (jaundice), cerebral hypoxia, tive date of coverage for the respec- hypoglycemia, prematurity, respira- tive insured mother. Plans IV, V and tory distress and birth trauma. VI do not have covered pregnancies. 16. CONGENITAL AND HEREDITARY 20. CUSTODIAL CARE: Services pro- DISORDERS OR ILLNESSES: Any vided that do not require the skills disorder or illness existing before of a professional and are generally birth, regardless of its cause, provided on a long term basis, that whether or not manifested or diag- include but are not limited to room, nosed at birth, after birth or years board and personal assistance. later. 21. DEDUCTIBLE: The individual 17. CONTINUITY OF COVERAGE (NO deductible is the amount of covered LOSS-NON-GAIN): Continuity of charges that must be paid by each coverage ensures that there is no insured each policy year before coverage period when changing policy benefits are payable, except from one product or plan to another when otherwise stated. The family within the same company or for deducible is the maximum deduct- transfers between Bupa group ible amount per policy for covered companies. However, changes charges equivalent to the sum of and transfers are subject to a non- two individual deductibles per loss-no-profit provision, whereby policy year. the least of the benefits payable between the products or plans 22. DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL CENTER: involved in the exchange or transfer Medical facility licensed to perform are applied during a given period comprehensive medical physical in advance. The benefits earned by examinations. seniority of the insured will not be 23. DUE DATE: The date on which the affected as long as the new product premium is due and payable. or plan contemplates them. If the 24. EFFECTIVE DATE: The date on previous product or plan did not which coverage under this policy contemplate a benefit included in begins and which is stated in the the new product or plan, the spe- Certificate of Coverage. This date cific waiting period of that benefit will only be effective after deliv- established in the Benefits Table ery of the insurance policy to the must be met. Granting continuity of 23
BUPA GROUP Employer and the expiration of the 32. GROUND AMBULANCE TRANS- Ten (10) Day Right to Examine the PORTATION: Emergency trans- Policy. portation to a hospital by ground 25. EMERGENCY: A medical condition ambulance. manifesting itself by acute signs or 33. HAZARDOUS ACTIVITIES: Any symptoms which could reasonably activity that exposes the partici- result in placing the Insured’s life pant to any foreseeable danger or or physical integrity in immediate risk. Examples of hazardous activi- danger if medical attention is not ties include but are not limited to: provided within twenty-four (24) Aviation sports, rafting or canoe- hours. ing involving white water rapids in 26. EMERGENCY DENTAL TREAT- excess of grade 5, tests of velocity, MENT: Treatment necessary to scuba diving at a depth of more restore or replace sound natural than 30 meters, bungee jumping, teeth, damaged or lost in a covered participation in any extreme sport accident. or participation in any sport for compensation or as a professional. 27. EMERGENCY TREATMENT: Medi- cally necessary treatment due to 34. HOME HEALTH CARE: Care of an emergency. the Insured in the Insured’s home, which is prescribed and certified 28. EMPLOYEE: Insured person who in writing by the Insured’s attend- has been working a minimum of ing physician, as required for the thirty (30) hours per week for the proper treatment of the illness or Employer who contracted this injury, and used in place of inpa- policy. tient treatment in a hospital. Home 29. EMPLOYER: The legitimate reg- Health Care includes the services istered business who contracted of a skilled licensed professional with the Insurer to provide coverage (nurse, therapist, etc.) outside of under this policy for its employees, the hospital and does not include pays the premium, and is entitled Custodial Care. to receive reimbursement of any 35. HOSPITAL: Any institution which is unearned premium. legally licensed as a medical or sur- 30. EPIDEMIC: The occurrence of more gical facility in the country in which cases than expected of a disease it is located a) which is primarily or other health condition in a given engaged, in providing diagnostic area or among a specific group of and therapeutic facilities for clinical persons during a particular period, and surgical diagnosis, treatment and declared as such by the World and care of injured and sick persons Health Organization (WHO), or the by or under the supervision of a Pan American Health Organization staff of physicians; and b) which is (PAHO) in Latin America, or the not a place of rest, a place for the United States Centers for Disease aged or nursing or convalescent Control and Prevention (CDC), or home or institution or a long term a local government or equivalent care facility. body (i.e. local ministry of health) 36. HOSPITAL SERVICES: Medically where the epidemic is developing. necessary treatments or ser- Usually, the cases are presumed vices ordered by a physician for to have a common cause or to be the Insured who is admitted to a related to one another in some way. hospital. 31. GRACE PERIOD: The period of time 37. ILLNESS: An abnormal condi- of thirty (30) days after the policy tion of the body, manifested by due date during which the Insurer signs, symptoms and/or abnormal will allow the policy to be renewed. 24
DEFINITIONS findings in medical exams, which and physicians in the Organ Trans- makes this condition different than plant Provider Network is available the normal state of the body. from USA Medical Services and may 38. INJURY: Damage inflicted to the change at any time without prior body by an external cause. notice. 39. INSURED: An individual for whom 45. OUTPATIENT SERVICES: Medical an application has been completed, treatments or services provided the premium paid, and for whom or ordered by a physician for the coverage has been approved by the Insured when the Insured is not Insurer and commenced. The term admitted at a Hospital. Outpatient “Insured” includes the Certificate services may include services per- Holder and all dependents covered formed in a hospital or emergency under this policy. room. 40. LABORATORY AND X-RAY SER- 46. PANDEMIC: An epidemic occurring VICES: Medically necessary X-ray over a widespread area (multiple services and laboratory testing countries or continents) and usually used to diagnose or treat medical affecting a substantial proportion conditions. of the population. 41. MEDICALLY NECESSARY: A treat- 47. PHYSICIAN OR DOCTOR: A person ment, service or medical supply who is legally licensed to practice which is determined by USA medicine in the country where Medical Services to be necessary treatment is provided and while and appropriate for the diagno- acting within the scope of their sis and/or treatment of an illness practice. “Physician” or “Doctor” or injury. A treatment, service or shall also include a person legally supply will not be considered medi- licensed to practice as a dentist. cally necessary if: 48. POLICY YEAR: The period of twelve (a) It is provided only as a conve- (12) consecutive months beginning nience to the Insured, the on the effective date of the policy Insured’s family, or the provider; and any subsequent twelve month or period thereafter. (b) It is not appropriate for the 49. PRE-EXISTING CONDITION: A Insured’s diagnosis or treatment; condition: or (a) Which was diagnosed by a (c) It exceeds the level of care which physician prior to the effective is needed to provide adequate date of the certificate or its rein- and appropriate diagnosis or statement; or treatment. (b) For which medical advice or 42. NEWBORN: An infant from the treatment was recommended moment of birth through the first by or received from a physician thirty-one (31) days of life. prior to the effective date of the certificate or its reinstatement; 43. NURSE: An individual legally or licensed to provide nursing care. (c) For which any symptom and/or 44. ORGAN TRANSPLANT PROVIDER sign, if presented to a physician NETWORK: A group of hospitals prior to the effective date of the and physicians contracted on behalf certificate would have resulted of the Insurer for the purpose of in the diagnosis of an illness or providing organ transplant benefits medical condition. to the Insured. The list of hospitals 25
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