Melton South Primary School

Page created by Jamie Bishop
Melton South Primary School
Melton South Primary School
                                            PO Box 2043
                                            Melton South, 3338
                                            Tel: (03) 9743 2922
                                            Fax: (03) 9743 0986
THURSDAY 20TH SEPTEMBER 2018                Website:
                             Melton South Primary School Mission:
             Melton South Primary School is a progressive community who lead the way.
            Together we create motivated, respectful learners who achieve excellence.

    This newsletter is available from our school website or
                         the Melton South Primary School Skoolbag App.

Thursday 20th September            Last day of After School sports
                                   Sausage Sizzle 3.15pm in quadrangle
Friday 21st September              Football Colours Day
                                   Student of the Week Awards Awarded at Footy Parade

                               FRIDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER
                                 LAST DAY OF TERM 3
                              SCHOOL FINISHES 2.15PM
Saturday 6th October               Platypus Festival, Tamar Drive, Melton South 12.00pm to 4.00pm
Monday 8th October                 First day of Term 4
Tuesday 16th October               Regional Athletics
Wednesday 24th October             2019 Prep Transition 9.30am to 10.3am
Monday 29th October to Friday 2nd November       Grade 5/6 Canberra Camp
Wednesday 31st October             Grade Prep to 2 Mini Athletics Carnival
Friday 2nd November                Last day for payment for Grade 3/4 Weekaway Camp
Tuesday 6th November               Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday
Saturday 10th November             Djerriwarrh Festival—parade 11.00am
Wednesday 14th November            Grade 3/4 MPSSA Basketball
Thursday 15th November             2019 Prep Transition 2.00pn to 3.00pm
Wednesday 28th November            Let It Shine—School Expo
Thursday 29th November             Grade 3/4 Kanga Cricket Gala Day
Monday 3rd December                Grade 6 Graduation Evening
Wednesday 5th to 7th December      Grade 3/4 Weekaway Camp
Monday 10th December               Curriculum Day—STUDENTS NOT TO ATTEND SCHOOL TODAY
Tuesday 11th December              Grade 6 transition to secondary college
                                   2019 prep transition 9.30am to 10.30am
Thursday 20th December             Whole School Breakfast
Friday 21st December               Last day of school for 2018
Melton South Primary School
                               MELTON SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL.
                              EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO LEARN

END OF TERM: Another busy term draws to a close—there have been many sporting achievements, successful
grade 1/2 camps, excursions, school discos, Literacy and Numeracy Week activities amongst many other things. I
hope all staff and students have a well deserved break and come back refreshed ready for term 4 on Monday 8th

PORTABLES: Yesterday I was advised by the Department that we will not only be receiving the double storey
portable but another Mod 5 portable (2 classrooms) as well. They will both be sited next term ready to be used at
the start of the 2019 school year.

NAPLAN RESULTS: Reports for students in grade 3 and 5 are now available for parents to collect from the school
office. Parents are advised that we cannot send these home with the students. The grade 3 data showed
significant improvements in reading, numeracy, spelling, punctuation and grammar.

THE SCHOOL BREAKFAST program at Melton South Primary
School has provided the following free, healthy, nutritious
breakfast foods:
 Vita Brits = 362 kilograms
 Wholegrain Cheerios = 108 kilograms
 Milk = 2,961 litres
 Oats = 421 kilograms
 Muesli = 70 kilograms
 Baked beans = 504 kilograms
 Canned fruit = 1,090 kilograms
 Fruit cups = 369 kilograms
 Apples = 1,020 kilograms
That's an estimated 24,861 healthy breakfasts for students. Thanks to Tina and our wonderful volunteers who
make this possible!

GRADES 2019: Teachers devote many hours to the development of new grades, taking many factors into
consideration. If you have any specific requests, please put them into writing to the Principal marked Confidential
and hand into the office by Friday 2nd November. All requests will be given due consideration. Please note that
only requests received by this date will be considered.
To assist with this process, we ask any families/students who are moving to another area and not returning to
Melton South Primary School in 2019 to notify the school office as soon as possible. This information is critical for
class structure and staffing.

PREP 2019 ENROLMENTS: If you have a child turning 5 on or before the 30th April 2019
please return a completed enrolment form to the office immediately with a copy of your
child’s birth certificate and immunisation record. We look forward to seeing our 2019 prep
students on Wednesday 24th October for the first prep transition. When enrolling your child,
please bring birth and immunisation records.

Melton South Primary School
                               MELTON SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL.
                              EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO LEARN

PERSONAL PROPERTY: Personal property is often brought to school by staff, students and visitors. DET does not
hold insurance for personal property brought to school and it has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such
property. If your child brings a bike or scooter to school please also send a lock so it can be secured in the bike

DOGS POLICY: Melton South Primary School has a dog policy. Dogs are not permitted on school
grounds at all with the exception of specially trained dogs to enhance mobility or disability. We do
promote Responsible Pet Ownership to educate students in the knowledge and understanding needs
for responsible pet ownership and animal care.

PARKING AROUND THE SCHOOL: As the school is growing larger every term, we ask all parents and carers to be
very cautious when dropping and picking students up. We are aware of the congestion in the streets and the car
park around the school and ask that everyone obeys the road rules and is patient with others.

Mrs Marilyn Costigan,
Melton South Primary School
                                       SAUSAGE IN BREAD
                                      CANS OF SOFT DRINK

                                        FRIDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER
                                            LAST DAY OF TERM 3
                                        SCHOOL FINISHES AT 2.15PM
                                 FOOTY DAY PARADE - FRIDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER
A reminder that the last day of term 3, Friday 21st September is our Team Colours Day. Students are asked to
come to school dressed in their favourite team colours. There will be activities running throughout the day for
students to participate in. We will be having a parade in the gym in the morning at 9.10am.

SCHOOL HATS: Melton South Primary School is an accredited member of The Australian
Cancer Foundation and therefore follows the required regulations in regard to SunSmart
behaviour. As part of our school’s SunSmart Policy, all students and staff are required to wear
school broad brimmed sunhats from 1st September through to April 30th next year. Hats are
available from the school office for $12.00 each.

DREAM BIG FESTIVAL: On Friday 14th of September, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from
Melton South Primary School attended the Dream Big Festival at Mt Carberry Reserve. The students
performed in the opening ceremony with The Big Dreamers band. They watched performances from
students in the local community such as choir groups, circus skills and short movies made by students.
We really enjoyed the final performance of a Drum Big Finale, which include about 50 students playing
the drums together.

CANBERRA CAMP 2018: Students from our school will soon be undertaking an
education tour of the national capital. They will be leaving on Monday October 29 th
2018 and returning on Friday November 5th. Students will be given the opportunity to
participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history,
culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national
capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the
Australian Government is contributing funding of $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education
Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
Melton South Primary School
Saturday 6 October – 12pm – 4pm

This great family event includes heaps of fun activities for the whole family. The Art Team from our school is
running a work shop making Mexican Eyes. As we have a few student experts from our talented school it
would be great to come along and show everyone how to do it!
There will be a parade where the children will follow the giant platypus and dress up themselves as a platypus
to win a prize! Come and learn all about the platypus and their natural habitat while enjoying cultural activities,
jumping castle, face-painting and the animal farm.

                                                        Attending school every day
                                                        is vital for students of all ages
                                                        to fully achieve.
                                                        As a parent/guardian:
                                                           Commit to sending children to
                                                            school every day.
                                                           Make sure children arrive at
                                                            school on time.
                                                           Inform the school when they
                                                            are away, sending medical
                                                            certificates and other evidence
                                                            of genuine absence.
                                                           Consider catching-up on missed
Melton South Primary School
                                 LI—Learning Intentions
                                   SC—Success Criteria
 Year                Reading                               Writing                                 Maths
Prep     LI: Good readers read aloud         LI: Good writers can summarise           LI: Good mathematicians can
         using expression in their voice     events in a story.                       use basic addition.
         and reading fluently.               SC: I can identify characters in a       SC: I can add two groups
         SC: I can read a book like I am     story. I can explain what happened       together to find a sum.
         talking. I can change my voice      in the story.
         to make the book sound
Year 1   L.I: Good readers are able to       LI: Good writers can compare and         LI: Good mathematicians
         self-correct when their reading     contrast toy cars from the past and      understand what half means.
         does not make sense.                present.                                 SC: I can find half of a shape.
         SC: I can self-correct when         SC: I can write about how two            I can fold paper into halves.
         reading does not make sense         objects are similar or different.
         by using pictures, clues from
         the text and stretching out
         words that I do not know.
Year 2   LI: Good readers know how to        LI: Good writers are able to plan        LI: Good mathematicians are
         improve their reading.              and write a camp recount.                able to collect and graph data.
         SC: I can practise my reading       SC: I can plan and write a recount       SC: I can record data about my
         goal. I can use strategies to       about my camp experience. I can          grade’s favourite footy teams. I
         achieve my reading goal.            write about my camp experience at        can create a pictograph to
                                             school.                                  show my grade’s favourite footy
Year 3   LI: Good readers make               LI: Good writers write a narrative.      LI: Good mathematicians are
         considered inferences taking        SC: I can write a paragraph that         learning to understand the
         into account a character’s likely   includes a topic sentence and a          relationship between
         actions and feelings.               resolution paragraph that shows          multiplication and division.
         SC: I can infer how a character     how the main character solves the        SC: I can use my knowledge of
         is feeling based on their           problem.                                 multiplication facts to solve
         actions.                                                                     division problems. I can draw
                                                                                      an array / equal groups to solve
                                                                                      division problems.
Year 4   LI: Good readers can                LI: Good writers understand what a       LI: Good mathematicians know
         understand that authors such        synopsis is.                             how to complete their own
         as CS Lewis - create different      SC: I can discuss the themes from        teacher directed lessons and
         themes and morals in stories        TLWW and write a paragraph about         tasks on Mathletics
         they write.                         friendship, betrayal and sacrifice in    SC: I can complete my
         SC: I can view, read and            the book. I can use an interesting       scheduled lessons on fractions
         identify the message moral in a     topic starter to begin my paragraph.     and decimals and mental
         story by CS Lewis looking at a      I can write compound and complex         computation to improve my
         particular character, how they      sentences with correct tense and         mathematical skills.
         acted, what traits they have and    noun groups.
         what they may have learnt.
Year 5   LI: Good readers use visual         LI: Good writers write a detailed        LI: Good mathematicians can
         evidence and schema to make         complication paragraph that              use the split strategy to solve
         inferences.                         describes other steps the main           addition problems.
         SC: I can look at an image and      character takes to resolve the           SC: I can partition my numbers
         find clues as justify my            problem.                                 by place value, add each
         inference.                          SC: I can write a complication           section up and record my
                                             paragraph.                               answer.
Year 6   LI: Good readers can explore        LI: Good writers plan, draft, edit and   LI: Good mathematicians can
         some of the main message of a       publish imaginative texts.               identify and explain rotational
         narrative text.                     SC: I can use my plan to help me to      symmetry.
         SC: I can identify the main         write a resolution to the                SC: I can rotate an irregular
         ideas/message in the text. I        complication.                            shape accurately. I can find the
         can explain how a text has                                                   order of rotational symmetry of
         entertained and/or informed                                                  an irregular shape.
Melton South Primary School
Congratulations to the following students who have received awards this week. These awards are made to students in recognition
 of achievement and will be presented at the footy parade tomorrow Friday 20th September at 9.10am in the school gymnasium.

  CLASS     Name                      Reason for Award

    PB      Elli Taha                For writing the sounds that she hears in words and using capital letters and full stops in her

    PD      Joshua Tennie            For recording different ways to make 10 using Unifix blocks in Numeracy.

    PE      Kaylee Heuser            For great listening and following instructions while doing her Words Their Way activity.

    PF      Aja Neilson              Having a good understanding of addition; showing different ways you can add to make 10.

    PG      Rose Cooke               For her great sounding out in Words Their Way activities!

    1A      John Kenchy              For his fantastic effort in mathematics when learning fractions.

    1B      Samara Lyons             For a fantastic improvement in knowing her sight words.

    1C      Dimitri Morgan           For extra effort in using class time for learning.

    1D      Adrian Mizzi             For an awesome job in mathematics showing halves.

    1E      Carlos Tupuivao-Lemoa    For working so hard to improve his writing and reading. Fantastic effort Carlos.

    2A      Tyler Briggs             For his collaboration and team work while at Camp Sunnystones.

    2B      Skylar Szymansky         Displaying our school values throughout Grade 2 camp.

    2C      Aleesha Johnstone        For always participating in classroom discussions.

    2D      Angela Chionis           Creating a detailed recount plan. Great work!

    3A      Ruby Sonerson            For working diligently in writing times to complete an interesting sci-fi narrative text.
            Mango Tucker             For her kind and caring attitude towards her classmates.

    3D      Rosa Rupa                For showing respect to others by listening to her peers in small groups.

    4A      Kara Wilson              For writing an excellent character description of Mr Tumnus from The Lion, The Witch and
                                     The Wardrobe.

    4B      Timothy Moore            Demonstrating his understanding of equivalent fractions by making them in different ways.

    4C      Adrianna Hoy             For working independently without distracting others.

    4D      Kyla Matenga             For her attention to detail when submitting an entry into the Maths Talent Quest. Well
                                     done Kyla.

    5A      Yvanna Dehal             A fantastic job revising her work when writing a narrative.

    5B      Danielle Gordon          Showing persistence with short division.

    5C      Marissa Ginders          Making a great start at MSPS in grade 5.

    5D      Talank Srikumar          For consistently showing the school values to teachers and students.

    6A      Hannah Braima            Efficient, creative face painting at the Mini-Fete.

    6B      Amber Peterson           Her resilient attitude to learning by overcoming challenging situations.

    6D      Bianca Sta Cruz          For showing a Growth Mindset when facing a challenge.

    PE      Reazyn Leaupepe Ahwai    For identifying space and leading to receive the ball and score.
            Benjamen Piltung         For demonstrating a correct technique when guiding a football to be kicked.

    PE      Zaki Noori               For having a positive attitude and competing hard all day at the Western Ranges Athletics.
            Don Davis                For competing hard at the Western Ranges Athletics. and placing first in long jump.

    ICT     Gemma Reid               For her excellent work following instructions to code a recycling catch game.
Melton South Primary School Melton South Primary School Melton South Primary School
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