Melt pool manipulation - Electromagnetism aids dissimilar metal welding - INSIDE - Laser Systems Europe

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Melt pool manipulation - Electromagnetism aids dissimilar metal welding - INSIDE - Laser Systems Europe

  LASER                           AND USERS OF LASER SYSTEMS

  SYSTEMS                                                    INSIDE
   ISSUE 52 AUTUMN 2021
                                                            CO2 Lasers

                                             Melt pool
                                               aids dissimilar
                                               metal welding                  Supported by
Melt pool manipulation - Electromagnetism aids dissimilar metal welding - INSIDE - Laser Systems Europe
Melt pool manipulation - Electromagnetism aids dissimilar metal welding - INSIDE - Laser Systems Europe
LASER                                                                                                                                                  Lasers continue
                                                                                                                                                       forging a path towards

SYSTEMS                                                                                                                                                a greener future

      EUROPE                                                                                                                                                                 Matthew

News:                                                      4    Analysis: Investment                                                         28        The continual mention of green
Deep learning augments laser cutting l Efficient                Andrew May describes how ES Precision’s recent                                         topics in our industry’s news and
bifacial solar cells produced l New hybrid                      investment in new laser technology will unlock                                         conference proceedings reveal that
cladding process developed l 3D-printed                         exciting application sectors                                                           materials processing lasers show
components installed in nuclear reactor l Bosch
                                                                Analysis: Additive manufacturing                                             30        no signs of slowing down in helping
supplying equipment for battery production l
Laser structuring increases hydrogen production                 Manuel Henn, Matthias Buser and Volkher                                                realise a carbon-neutral future. Such
efficiency                                                      Onuseit combine additive and subtractive laser                                         topics include e-mobility, vehicle
                                                                processes to unlock manufacturing possibilities                                        lightweighting, hydrogen production/
Feature: CO2 lasers                                        8
Greg Blackman on where CO2 lasers excel in                      News from AILU                                                                32       storage and increasing solar cell
materials processing                                            Dave MacLellan on how laser materials                                                  efficiency, all of which are covered within
                                                                processing will help achieve 2050 carbon                                               the folds of our Autumn issue.
Analysis: Dissimilar metal welding                         12   emission goals                                                                            In the news section on page 4, half
Jennifer Heßmann, Marcel Bachmann and Kai
Hilgenberg explain a promising joining process                  LIA News                                                                     34        the featured stories cover battery
that could help reduce the weight of vehicles                   Eliana Fu, of Trumpf and formerly SpaceX, shares                                       manufacturing for e-mobility, the
                                                                how additive manufacturing can aid humanity’s                                          development of highly-efficient
Feature: Shipbuilding                                      14   cosmological journey
Keely Portway looks at how laser technologies
                                                                                                                                                       solar cells, and improved hydrogen
are optimising welding and cutting for shipbuilding             Application focus:                                                           36        production. On page 12 we see batteries
                                                                Process monitoring                                                                     will be powering electric vehicles with
Analysis: Micromachining                                   18   Florian Furger, Markus Danner and Roland                                               lighter chassis, thanks to dissimilar
Daniel Holder shares how new USP laser                          Mayerhofer discuss how combining real-time
technologies could facilitate the rapid                         readings from multiple sensors enables better                                          metal joining enabled by a new welding
micromachining of silicon wafers                                control of high precision welding                                                      process. On page 24 we are given
                                                                                                                                                       a comprehensive overview of laser
Analysis: Steel welding                                    20   Products                                                                     39
Rabi Lahdo and Stefan Kaierle describe a                        The latest equipment for industrial laser
                                                                                                                                                       technologies in e-mobility production,
process that promises big benefits for heavy                    processing                                                                             with TUM researchers having evaluated
industry                                                                                                                                               their readiness for serial manufacturing.
                                                                Suppliers’ directory                                                         42           Battery technology is not the only
Analysis: Beam shaping                                     22   Find the suppliers you need
Joerg Volpp and Adrien da Silva investigate new                                                                                                        contender for providing electrical
beam shaping possibilities for high-power laser                                                                                                        energy however, with hydrogen also
materials processing                                                                                                                                   showing great promise. In addition to the
Analysis: E-mobility                                       24                                                                                          improved hydrogen production we learn
Christian Geiger and Tony Weiss evaluate the                                                                                                           of in the news, on page 28 Andrew May
readiness of current laser technologies for the                                                                                                        shares with us his ambitions to put ES
mass-production of electric vehicles                                                                                                                   Precision’s newest investment to work
                                                                               Supported by the LIA                                                    in cutting components for hydrogen
                                                                                                                                                       fuel cells. The new 100W fibre laser was
                                                                                                                                                       purchased using a government grant
                                                                                                                                                       following slowed business during the
                                                                                                                                                       pandemic, so May is keen to get the
Editorial and administrative team                               Subscriptions: Free registrations available to qualifying individuals. Subscriptions
                                                                                                                                                       laser involved in new projects.
Editor: Matthew Dale                                            £120 per year for four issues to readers outside registration requirements.
                                                                Enquiries to Europa Science, 4 Signet Court, Cambridge CB5 8LA, UK.
                                                                                                                                                          In June, AILU delivered a webinar on Tel: +44 (0)1223 221047
Managing editor: Greg Blackman
                                                                Tel: +44 (0)1223 221030. Fax: +44 (0)1223 213385.
                                                                ©2021 Europa Science Ltd.                                                              many of the above topics, highlighting Tel: +44 (0)1223 221042         While every care has been taken in the compilation of this magazine, errors or         their importance on the approach to the
                                                                omissions are not the responsibility of the publishers or of the editorial staff.
Advertising team
Advertising manager: Jon Hunt
                                                                Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers or editorial staff.
                                                                All rights reserved. Unless specifically stated, goods or services mentioned are not
                                                                                                                                                       UN Climate Change Conference COP26 Tel: +44 (0)1223 221049              formally endorsed by Europa Science Ltd, which does not guarantee or endorse or
                                                                accept any liability for any goods and/or services featured in this publication. US
                                                                                                                                                       in Glasgow in November. On page 32
Production manager: David Houghton Tel: +44 (0)1223 221034
                                                                copies: Laser Systems Europe is published by Europa Science Ltd and distributed
                                                                in the US by DSW, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville PA 17318-0437. Periodicals
                                                                                                                                                       Dave MacLellan shares the highlights.
Corporate team
                                                                postage paid at Emigsville PA.
                                                                                                                                                          It’s been a privilege as LSE editor to
Managing director: Warren Clark                                 Postmaster: Send US address changes to Laser Systems Europe, PO Box 437,                                  Emigsville PA 17318-0437.                                                              see lasers help address the challenge
Laser Systems Europe is published by Europa Science Ltd,
                                                                Cover: Andrey Suslov/Infinity32829/Shutterstock                                        of reducing CO2 emissions, and I look
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Tel: +44 (0)1223 221030 Fax: +44 (0)1223 213385                 Subscribe online for FREE at
                                                                                                                                                       forward to how they develop as we
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Melt pool manipulation - Electromagnetism aids dissimilar metal welding - INSIDE - Laser Systems Europe
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Melt pool manipulation - Electromagnetism aids dissimilar metal welding - INSIDE - Laser Systems Europe
ULO+LBP Optics
      Free webcast
            Working together toavailable           now
                                create integrated optical solutions                                                               VIEW
      Sign up to watch on demand                                                                                                  FREE*

      Webcast: Dynamic Beam Laser technology
                      LBP+ULO Optics
      opening new possibilities in laser welding

                       Working together to create integrated optical solutions

cs             LBP Optics
ate            Working together to create
      Laser beam welding offers many advances compared to                  Presenters
ons            integrated optical solutions
      conventional welding processes due to evaporation of the
                                                                           Florian Hugger
      material and the formation of a keyhole. Using state of the art
                                                                           Head of R&D at BBW Lasertechnik
      laser systems the keyhole is inherently unstable and the origin of
      welding failures like pores and blow outs. Dynamic Beam Lasers       Talk Topic: Enhancing keyhole stability
      based on Coherent Beam Combining enable full control of the          by beam shaping
      keyhole shape and dynamics by finetuning evaporation and thus        Florian Hugger studied mechanical engineering at the Technical
      opens new possibilities for increasing welding quality, speed, and   University of Munich and afterwards worked as research assistant
                                                                           at the Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH from 2011 to 2017. His
      new welding applications.
                                                                           research focused on keyhole phenomena like evaporation of
                                                                           volatile elements and high-speed keyhole dynamics. Since 2017
      This webcast will present some of the current challenges in laser    he is Head of R&D at BBW Lasertechnik GmbH and addresses
      welding and the theory for using beam shaping and steering           problems of laser welding.
      to overcome these challenges. The second part will focus on
      presenting the new Dynamic Beam Laser and its capabilities
      of beam shaping, shape frequency, shape sequence and focus           Dr. Eyal Shekel
      steering.                                                            CEO Civan Advanced Technology

                                                                           Talk Topic: Dynamic beam shaping for laser welding
                                                                           Dr. Shekel is the founder and CEO of Civan Lasers – the first
                                                                           company to develop industrial lasers based on Coherent Beam
                                                                           Combining. Prior to Civan, Dr. Shekel founded Cielo, a leading
                                                                           company in the manufacture of Fiber Optical Gyros and navigation
                                                                           systems and Founder and general manager of Chiaro Networks
                                                                           which developed the largest optical switch in the world. Dr. Shekel
                                                                           received his PhD in physics at NYU.

                                                                                            Sponsored by

                                                                                                                              LASER                                                                                     SYSTEMS
Melt pool manipulation - Electromagnetism aids dissimilar metal welding - INSIDE - Laser Systems Europe


The University of South
                                     Deep learning material sensing platform
Australia is working on
technology to underpin
                                     augments laser cutting
the next generation of
high-powered lasers in

                                                                                                                                               MIT CSAIL
Australia, bringing the              MIT scientists have developed      speckle sensing, which uses
country’s laser building             a smart material sensing           a laser to sense a surface’s
capabilities up to speed             platform for laser cutters         microstructure.
with other developed                 powered by deep learning.             ‘By augmenting standard
nations.                                The platform could protect      laser cutters with lens-less
                                     users from hazardous waste,        image sensors, we can easily
Hamamatsu Photonics
has built a pulsed laser             provide material-specific          identify visually similar materials
system that produces                 knowledge, suggest subtle          found in workshops and reduce
what the firm says is the            cutting adjustments for better     overall waste,’ said Mustafa
                                                                                                              The SensiCut smart sensing
world’s highest pulse                results, and allow items to        Doga Dogan, PhD candidate             platform distinguishes between
energy among laser-                  be engraved with multiple          at MIT CSAIL. ‘We do this by          visually similar materials
diode-pumped lasers:                 materials (such as garments        leveraging a material’s micron-
                                     or phone cases).                   level surface structure, which        a design file in the interface
Fraunhofer ILT’s 13th                   Laser cutters can process a     is a unique characteristic even       and used a pinpoint function
International Laser                  variety of materials including     when visually similar to another      to get the laser moving to ID
Technology Congress,                 metals, woods, papers and          type. Without that, you’d likely      the material type at a point on
AKL’22, is in Aachen on              plastics. However, users can       have to make an educated              the sheet. The laser interacted
4 to 6 May next year.                face difficulties distinguishing   guess on the correct material         with the very tiny features of
The institute’s second
                                     between stockpiles of visually     name from a large database.’          the surface and reflected off it,
AI for Laser Technology
Conference takes place               similar materials, which can          The team trained SensiCut’s        arriving at the pixels of an image
online on 28 and 29                  result in the wrong material       deep neural network on images         sensor to produce a unique 2D
September.                           processed. This can cause          of 30 material types across           image. The system could alert
                                     messes, bad odours and the         38,000 images, where it could         or flag the user that their sheet
BluGlass has                         release of harmful chemicals.      differentiate between things like     was polycarbonate, which would
demonstrated tunnel                     The scientists, from            acrylic, foamboard, and styrene,      release potentially highly toxic
junction laser diodes
                                     MIT’s Computer Science             and even provide guidance on          flames if cut by a laser.
that leverage remote
plasma chemical vapour               and Artificial Intelligence        power and speed settings.                The speckle technique was
deposition. This could               Laboratory (CSAIL), have              In one experiment, the             put in a laser cutter with low-
enable higher power                  developed SensiCut, a smart        team built a face shield, which       cost, off-the-shelf-components,
and more efficient                   material-sensing platform for      required distinguishing between       such as a Raspberry Pi Zero
lasers for additive                  laser cutters.                     transparent materials from a          microprocessor board. To make
manufacturing and
                                        Conventional ID approaches      workshop. The user selected           it compact, the team designed
                                     have been known to                                                       and 3D printed a lightweight
Evosys Laser is offering             misidentify materials, while                                             mechanical housing. They will
an ‘advanced quasi-                  sticker tags (like QR codes)          “Augmenting                        present the work at the ACM
simultaneous welding’                used to identify individual                                              Symposium on User Interface
plastic joining process.
                                                                           standard laser cutters
                                     sheets can be accidentally cut                                           Software and Technology in
It combines two                      off in processing. Also, if an
                                                                           with lens-less image               October.
wavelengths that are                                                       sensors enables
                                     incorrect tag is attached, the                                              Beyond laser cutters, they
alternately guided over
the welding zone in a                laser cutter will assume the          the identification                 believe SensiCut’s technology
controllable pattern,                wrong material type.                  of visually similar                could be integrated in other
and improves process                    But SensiCut uses a more           materials commonly                 fabrication tools, such as 3D
times compared to                    nuanced fusion. It identifies                                            printers. For additional nuances,
single-laser plastic
                                                                           found in workshops”
                                     materials using deep learning                                            they plan to extend the system
                                     and an optical method called                                             by adding thickness detection.

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Melt pool manipulation - Electromagnetism aids dissimilar metal welding - INSIDE - Laser Systems Europe

Hybrid cladding cuts processing costs
Researchers have developed a          titanium carbide was used as a      the researchers with a basis       possibilities for using the
hybrid additive manufacturing         hard phase. Even the addition       to develop the hybrid LMD          process in the production of
process that combines wire-           of small amounts of titanium        process and imbue other            graded coating systems. They
based and powder-based laser          carbide led to coating hardness     material systems with special      want to increase the titanium
material deposition (LMD), also       increases of up to 30 per cent.     properties.                        carbide content of the material
known as cladding.                       Positive results have provided     Currently they are testing       mixture as much as possible.
   The process is significantly
more cost-effective than a pure
powder process, while offering
greater material flexibility than a
pure wire process.
   In LMD, a laser beam focuses
on the component surface
while a filler material – usually
a powder or wire – is fed and
melted. LMD is well suited for
applying protective coatings to
heavily stressed components,
repairing damaged areas and
changing workpiece geometry.
   Fraunhofer IPT scientists,
together with the partners
of the MatLaMed project,
have developed a hybrid
LMD process in which wire
and powder are processed
simultaneously. The partners
say the tool coatings produced
using the process are more
wear-resistant, resource-
efficient and cost-efficient than
those from other methods.
They plan to use it in a variety
of applications, such as the
machining of forming tools or
the treatment of friction wear
layers of hydraulic components.
   By combining wire and
powder, they are able to flexibly                                                                     MACHINES
adjust the material composition
– and thus the applied coating
properties – with each                                                                                From medical devices to
application of the process.                                                                           electronics, automotive to
   ‘With the new process, we                                                                          packaging, consumer goods to
can now respond quickly and                                                                           jewelry—our turnkey laser
flexibly to different thermal,                                                                        machines enable you to achieve
chemical and mechanical loads,
                                                                                                      greater efficiency, higher speed,
as we can adjust toughness
and hardness with pinpoint                                                                            and reduced cost of operation.
accuracy,’ said project manager
Marius Gipperich.
   In developing the process,
the scientists tested numerous
materials. For the wire, these
included a hot-work tool steel
with good structural stability
and a low-alloy steel that                     Learn more at
can be welded well. For the
                                               +1 800 367 7890
powder, chromium was used
as a carbide-forming and
grain-refining element, while

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Melt pool manipulation - Electromagnetism aids dissimilar metal welding - INSIDE - Laser Systems Europe

Bosch to supply automated battery assembly lines

Bosch is to supply automated                                                                                                 cells. For this purpose, the
assembly lines for battery                                                                                                   various functions of module
production that include laser                                                                                                production are combined:
welding technology.                                                                                                          cell cleaning with incoming
   It aims to increase vertical                                                                                              inspection, the stacking
integration in mechanical                                                                                                    process as well as a special
engineering and, by 2025,                                                                                                    laser-welding process, and end-
generate annual sales of around                                                                                              of-line inspection for quality
€250m with equipment for                                                                                                     assurance.
battery production.                                                                                                             Thanks to a sophisticated
   The firm will also deploy                                                                                                 line concept, no particle
battery technology in its                                                                                                    contamination occurs
own plants, investing around                                                                                                 during processing. Robots
€70m this year to expand                                                                                                     automatically assemble the cell
manufacturing operations.            Bosch supplies automated assembly lines for welding and gluing battery cells            stacks in a two-step procedure
In Eisenach, Germany, it is                                                                                                  consisting of dispensing
launching full-scale production      Meeting the demand                        responsible for industrial                    technology and laser welding.
of second-generation 48V             According to experts, demand              technology. ‘Bosch is doing its               With a comprehensive safety
batteries for the hybridisation of   for lithium-ion batteries will            part to meet this demand.’                    concept, it is then possible to
passenger cars. Such batteries       rise from around 200GWh in                   One of Bosch’s customers                   establish the battery module’s
reduce fuel consumption and          2019 to more than 2,000GWh                is Webasto, a pioneer in the                  electrical connection using a
CO2 emissions in vehicles with       by 2030 (source: BMWi, 2021).             production of battery packs.                  highly dynamic and precise
combustion engines by up to 15       Currently, more than 60 per               The firm has been involved in                 laser-welding process.
per cent, especially in cities.      cent of that demand stems from            electromobility since 2016 and,                  Bosch now develops
   The firm’s solution portfolio     electromobility (source: VDMA,            as well as high-voltage heaters               equipment, machinery,
ranges from the 48V batteries        2020).                                    and recharging solutions, also                hardware and software for
for mild hybridisation to full          ‘Our assumption is the global          focuses on battery systems for                manufacturing battery
electric drives and fuel cells. It   battery market will grow up to            electrified vehicles.                         modules and packs that are
has also developed batteries for     25 per cent each year,’ said                 Bosch is supplying the firm                built from cylindrical, prismatic
vehicles, e-bikes, power tools       Rolf Najork, the member of the            with automated assembly lines                 or pouch cells and used in
and kitchen appliances.              Bosch board of management                 for welding and gluing battery                electric vehicles.

Laser structuring to increase efficiency of hydrogen production

                                                                                                                                                                  Fraunhofer HHI
A research project aims to           Leibniz University Hannover,
increase conventional water          TU Braunschweig, TU Clausthal,
electrolysis efficiency by more      University of Oldenburg, DLR
than 75 per cent with the help of    Institute for Networked Energy
laser structuring.                   Systems, and the Institute for
   Water electrolysis – splitting    Solar Energy Research in Hameln
water into hydrogen and oxygen       ISFH.
using an electric current – is the     The partners are developing a
most common way to produce           novel catalyst unit to reach their
green hydrogen. The process is       75 per cent target.
very energy-intensive, however,        In addition, they will be
meaning hydrogen-powered             creating a toolbox of modelling
technology will only ever be         and characterisation components
environmentally friendly if water    that can be employed for all
electrolysis can be optimised.       three relevant water electrolysis
   The InnoEly (Water Electrolysis   technologies: alkaline
Innovation Laboratory) project,      electrolysis (AEL), acidic proton         Femtosecond laser structuring can functionalise different materials for
running to April 2024, aims to       exchange membrane electrolysis            electrocatalysts such as nickel foams and support plates
do just this while also reducing     (PEMEL), and high temperature
electrolysis costs, to allow         electrolysis (HTEL).                     different materials for                        hydrogen obtained with minimal
hydrogen to be a widely usable         For AEL, Fraunhofer HHI                electrocatalysts, such as nickel               optimisation of the existing
energy carrier of the future.        researchers are working on               foams and support plates.                      system to be increased.
   The project has received          electrodes already used in                  The structuring optimises the                 In a second step, the electrode
initial funding of €1.2m from        electrolysis, as well as new             effect of the electrodes. With                 components produced in this
the Lower Saxony Ministry of         electrode components developed           this, the so-called overvoltage –              process are characterised. The
Science and Culture, with its        by the project partners. Using a         the amount of energy loss – can                obtained measurement data
partners including Fraunhofer        femtosecond laser structuring            be reduced by up to 20 per cent.               serves as a case study for testing
Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI),      process, they are functionalising           This enables the amount of                  and validating the modelling tool.

6 LASER SYSTEMS EUROPE AUTUMN 2021                                                                 @LASERSYSTEMSMAG | WWW.LASERSYSTEMSEUROPE.COM
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‘Record-breaking’ bifacial solar                                                                                    More Flexibility for
                                                                                                                    More Flexibility for
cells produced by laser doping                                                                                      Packaging and Textiles –
                                                                                                                    Packaging and Textiles –
                                                                                                                    powerSCAN II

                                                                                 Eric Byler/The Australian
                                                                                       National University
Researchers at The Australian
National University have                                                                                            powerSCAN II
produced a more efficient solar
cell using laser doping, setting
what they say is a world record.
   The cells are dual-sided, so
front and back create power.
   Principal investigator Dr Kean
Chern Fong said the ‘bifacial’
                                        The new solar cells achieve a front
solar cells exceed single-sided         conversion efficiency of 24.3 per cent
silicon solar cell performance.         and a rear efficiency of 23.4 per cent
   ‘We have developed a true
bifacial solar cell, as it has nearly   increase electrical conductivity
symmetrical power generation            in a material. ‘It’s a low-cost,
capacity on both surfaces,’             industry-compatible process
he said. ‘When deployed on              for boosting efficiency,’ said Dr
a conventional solar farm, a            Marco Ernst, chief investigator.
bifacial cell absorbs direct               This allowed the team to
incoming light, while also              achieve a front conversion
taking advantage of ground              efficiency of 24.3 per cent and
reflection, which can contribute        a rear conversion efficiency of
an additional 30 per cent power         23.4 per cent. This represents
generation. Bifacial solar cells        an effective power output
are becoming increasingly               of around 29 per cent, well-
important in the rollout of solar       exceeding the best single-sided
farms and are expected to have          silicon solar cell, according to
a market share of more than 50          the researchers. ‘This is a world
per cent in the next five years.’       record for selectively laser-
   The team used laser doping           doped solar cells and among
technology to make the cells,           the highest efficiency bifacial
which uses lasers to locally            solar cells,’ said Ernst.

3D-printed components installed
in nuclear reactor
Four 3D-printed fuel assembly           basic and applied science and
brackets have been installed            technology to deliver tangible
and are in routine operation at a       solutions that show how
nuclear reactor facility in Athens,     advanced manufacturing (AM) can                                      3D Scan System for Industrial Laser Cutting
Alabama.                                transform reactor technology and                                     3D Scan System for Industrial Laser Cutting
   The brackets, channel fasteners      components.’                                                         • Designed for high-power CO2 lasers
for French nuclear reactor firm            The current focus of the TCR                                      • Designed for high-power CO2 lasers
Framatome’s boiling water reactor       programme is to further mature                                       • Perfect cutting results thanks to smallest laser spots
fuel assembly, were installed at        and demonstrate industry-
Tennessee Valley Authority’s            ready technology informed by
                                                                                                             • Perfect cutting results thanks to smallest laser spots
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant. They        AM, AI, integrated sensing and
                                                                                                             • Variable scan field enabled by FLEX option
will remain in the reactor for six      deployment of a digital platform                                     • Variable scan field enabled by FLEX option
years, with regular inspections.        for informed certification of                                        • Light weight mirrors for highest cutting speeds
   Developed at the US                  components.                                                          • Light weight mirrors for highest cutting speeds
Department of Energy’s                     The channel fasteners’                                            • Compact, sealed housing
Manufacturing Demonstration             straightforward, though non-                                         • Compact, sealed housing
Facility at Oak Ridge National          symmetric, geometry was a
Laboratory (ORNL), the                  good match for what the ORNL
brackets represent a significant        says is ‘the first-ever advanced
milestone, according to the lab’s       manufacturing application for use
Transformational Challenge              in a nuclear reactor’.
Reactor (TCR) programme                    ‘We are trying to help create
manager, Ben Betzler.                   and certify the next generation
   ‘It shows it is possible to          of nuclear components,’ said
deliver qualified components in         Ryan Dehoff, leader of the                                  
a highly-regulated environment,’        ORNL’s Deposition Science and                               
he said. ‘This programme bridges        Technology Group.

Melt pool manipulation - Electromagnetism aids dissimilar metal welding - INSIDE - Laser Systems Europe

               THE WORKHORSE OF
               LASER PROCESSING

                              Greg Blackman on where
                              CO₂ lasers excel in
                              materials processing

                              In the world of laser processing, it’s
                              the fibre laser that grabs the headlines.
                              The laser processing subcontractor, ES
                              Precision, is about to buy its eighth laser
                              system, a high-power fibre laser that will
                              extend the firm’s metal cutting capabilities,                                                                                         Trotec’s GSL1400
                              among other uses (more on page 30).                                                                                                    digital laser label
                                                                                                                                                                  converting machine
                                 As a specialist in laser marking, however,
                              ES Precision has to work with various
                              different materials, and for that it requires        One job its 200W CO2 laser machine is            data can be placed on a small label; they
                              different lasers. The firm runs five different       used for is to mark, cut and perforate           are tamper evident, in that, once placed,
                              types overall: fibre, CO2, vanadate, YAG and         Beiersdorf’s Tesa labels, the kind used for      the label cures in air in 12 hours and the
                              frequency tripled vanadate (a UV laser).             automotive vehicle identification number         only way to remove it is to destroy it;
                              Two of its seven – soon to be eight – galvo          (VIN) labels. The marks are made by              and they’re weather and UV resistant, so
                              laser workstations are CO2 machines.                 ablating the top layer of the tape, revealing    suitable for outdoor use.
                                 Andrew May, a director at ES Precision,           the layer beneath in a different colour. The       The same laser machine also cuts
                              highlighted the flexibility of its CO2 lasers.       marks are high resolution, meaning a lot of      the label – as far as the backing layer,
                                                                                                                                    akin to kiss-cutting in conventional label
Beiersdorf and ES Precision

                                                                                                                                    production, but it’s a digital process so
                                                                                                                                    changing the shape of the cuts is easy to
                                                                                                                                    do. It also perforates the web, both the
                                                                                                                                    label and backing material, so that sets of
                                                                                                                                    labels can be torn off. The three discrete
                                                                                                                                    processes all happen on a reel-to-reel
                                                                                                                                    spooling workstation.
                                                                                                                                      ‘The world of CO2 lasers continues to be
                                                                                                                                    dynamic,’ May said. ‘Fibre lasers haven’t
                                                                                                                                    really impacted the low-power CO2 laser

                                                                                                                                        “CO₂ lasers haven’t
                                                                                                                                        had to evolve…
                                                                                                                                        they’ve still got a
                                                                                                                                        very healthy market
                                                                                                                                        and they’re the right
                                                                                                                                        tool for the job”
                              Beiersdorf’s Tesa labels marked by CO2 laser

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                                                                                                                                Labels can be laser
                                                                                                                            marked on a reel-to-reel
                                                                                                                              spooling workstation

market. In one sense CO2 lasers haven’t          with the result,’ she said. Synrad is one of     ‘CO2 is more or less gone for metal
had to evolve over the last two decades;         the Novanta brands.                              processing in the kilowatt power range,’
they’ve still got a very healthy market and        On the other hand, solid-state lasers          Fazeny confirmed.           Labels can be laser
they’re the right tool for the job.’             have replaced CO2 lasers in the field of                                marked on afor
                                                                                                    In addition to being preferable  reel-to-reel
                                                                                                                           spooling workstation.
   Stephen Fazeny, CTO for laser sources         sheet metal processing, where the 1µm            processing metals, fibre lasers have a
at Trotec, added that the CO2 laser market       wavelength is better absorbed by metals.         factor of 10 smaller spot size than CO2         g
is still growing at a rate faster than GDP
and faster than the standard machine
tool market. ‘The CO2 market has a future
because CO2 laser applications are
replacing some mechanical non-laser
                                                 CHALLENGES OF BAND-SELECTED CO₂ LASERS
applications,’ he said.
   Working with ceramics is another area         Standard CO2 lasers              In any case, the optics used       mirrors can depolarise
                                                 emit at 10.6µm, but other        in the laser cavity to select      circular polarised light,
where CO2 lasers are used and, May said,
                                                 CO2 wavelength bands             the wavelength have to be          whereas isolation mirror
‘they’re frankly the only obvious choice         are available that might         carefully chosen.                  solutions are lambda
for nearly all organic materials.’ Jobs like     prove advantageous for              Band-selected cavity            specific.
cutting leather trim for cars or thin plastics   processing thin films, for       optics need robust coatings           At 9.3µm, especially at
for automotive dashboards. The longer            instance. Luxinar offers         with a high flux density,          high powers, lens effects
10.6µm wavelength of CO2 lasers is better        10.6, 10.25 and 9.3µm            proximity to RF discharge          due to absorption distort
absorbed by organic materials than the           sealed CO2 laser sources         and the ability to suppress        the beam; these can be
1µm fibre laser wavelength, which results        ranging from 80 to 450W.         the neighbouring branch            removed by nitrogen
in a cleaner cut.                                   In thin films less than       without reducing gain at the       purging or by moving dry
                                                 100µm, processing speed          required wavelength.               air.
   Kristen Hill, senior product line manager
                                                 can be enhanced using               Polarisation, absorption           Loss per surface on
at Novanta, recalled a customer that came
                                                 the correct wavelength,          in air and loss are the main       standard 10.6µm AR or
to them after trying to cut foam with a          while the heat-affected          integration challenges for         AR transmissive optics is
fibre laser, which had severely burned the       zone can be the decisive         wavelength band-selected           approximately 3 to 5 per
material. ‘We were able to cut the material      factor for moving to a           CO2 lasers, Luxinar advises.       cent at 9.3µm operation, and
with a Synrad CO2 laser with very minimal        different wavelength on             The firm states that            can cause back reflections
discoloration, and the customer was happy        films greater than 250µm.        standard 10.6µm dielectric         or heating of optic mounts.

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                                                                                                                 “As long as there
                                                                                                                 are materials that
                                                                                                                 need to be marked
                                                                                                                 or cut, we anticipate
                                                                                                                 continued growth”

                                                                                                          g lasers, and are therefore good for micro-
                                                                                                             processing. But for all other materials in the
                                                                                                             macro range – plastics, laminate, acrylic,
                                                                                                             textiles, wood, paper – Fazeny suggests
                                                                                                                The larger spot size from a CO2 laser
                                                                                                             can be an advantage for applications like
                                                                                                             marking, engraving or cutting, because
                                                                                                             it makes the process more forgiving.
                                                                                                             The focus position, for instance, is less

                                                                                                             sensitive to disruption with a larger spot.
                                                                                                                Trotec provides laser machines for
                                                                                                             engraving, cutting and marking. One
                                                                                                             example is a dedicated workstation for
                                                                                                             processing paper and cardboard for the
                                                                                                             printing industry, along with a machine for
                                                                                                             marking and cutting roll-to-roll labels. ‘In
                                                                                                             these machines you want to use several
                                                                                                             hundred watts, because these processes
                                                                                                             are high speed,’ said Fazeny. ‘This is a
                                                                                                             growing market for CO2 lasers. Traditionally
                                                                                                             the printing industry used die-cutting for
                                                                                                             high-volume batches. But now, with the
                                                                                                             laser and the digital workflow from design
                                                                                                             to part, it’s cost effective even for just
                                                                                                             one piece. That’s a big driver for lasers, in
                                                                                                             general, and also for CO2 lasers.’
                                                                                                                Other markets include marking sell-by
                                                                                                             codes on food labels and perforating food
                                                                                                             packaging, along with PCB marking where
                                                                                                             a CO2 laser can mark the board’s surface
                                                                                                             without damaging the copper circuitry

                                                                                                             underneath. May added that fading and
                                                                                                             patterning jeans ‘has been massive’.

                                                                                                             Further technology development
                                                                                                             CO2 lasers are considered the workhorses
                                                                                                             of the industry because they’ve been
                                                                                                             around for so long. But the technology
                                                                                                             is still progressing. Novanta’s Hill noted
                                                                                                             a number of advances that the company
                                                                                                             is working on, including: a smaller laser
                                                                                                             footprint; smaller, integrated RF drivers;
                                                                                                             more efficient operation and higher output
                                                                                                             power; longer lifetimes and increased
                                                                                                             reliability; and more wavelengths in the 9 to
                                                                                                             10µm band.
                                                                                                                There’s also been progress made in
                                                                                                             academic research with chalcogenide
                                                                                                             fibres for CO2 laser transmission. This
                                                                                                             work, if it comes to light, would open up
                                                                                                             fibre delivery for CO2 laser systems, which
                                                                                                             at the moment isn’t possible.
     The CO2 laser wavelength is suited to working with materials such as acrylic, paper and textiles           Hill said Novanta’s R&D teams are

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optimising Synrad lasers for different            lasers, Novanta also provides CO2 laser        the case with fast-flow CO2 lasers, which
materials and processes, and that the             sub-assemblies that include Cambridge          have high gas consumption.
biggest driver is increasing throughput,          Technology scanning optics. Hill said: ‘In        The first generation of sealed metal
as well as requests for processing larger         addition to defining the right peak power      lasers have lifetime issues because their
fields of view or larger materials. She said      or wavelength for a given application, we’re   gas mix deteriorates slowly, which means
there are several opportunities to replace        focusing R&D efforts on optimising the         power is lost over time – it is a slow drop,
manual or contact-based processes,                entire beam delivery sub-assembly.’            Fazeny explained, and typically the laser
whether that’s replacing ink with laser              Trotec’s Fazeny said that, in the low-      requires a gas refill after a few years. This
marking or blades with laser cutting.             power CO2 field, the biggest push forward      has now improved with the advent of the
   Novanta’s CO2 laser portfolio ranges           in the last decade has been to make the        ceramic core resonator, as opposed to the
from the 5W Synrad 32-1 with integrated           sealed technology very reliable. All power     traditional metal resonator. The O-rings
RF for marking, to the Synrad i401 with           levels less than 1kW are typically sealed      in a metal resonator are a weak point that
400W average power for high-speed                 lasers. They are shipped with a gas fill,      can fail and leak gas over time. Also, there
cutting and drilling. In addition to Synrad       meaning there are no running costs, as is      is interference from metal particles, which

                                                                                                    “This work would
LASER PRAYERS ANSWERED FOR                                                                          open up fibre
TIBETAN STONE CARVING                                                                               delivery for CO2
                                                                                                    laser systems, which
                                                                                                    at the moment isn’t

                                                                                                 collect on the optics, making the resonator
                                                                                                 mirrors blind after a number of years.
                                                                                                   ‘At Trotec we are now using the ceramic
                                                                                                 core lasers from Iradion in the US,’
                                                                                                 Fazeny said. ‘There is no metal inside the
                                                                                                 resonator, even the electrodes are external.
                                                                                                 This overcomes the lifetime issue of the
                                                                                                 metal core resonator; Iradion has brought
                                                                                                 the sealed CO2 lasers to perfection.
                                                                                                 There’s no need for any refill anymore.’
                                                                                                   In addition, the ceramic resonator has
                                                                                                 75 per cent less thermal expansion than
                                                                                                 a metal body, Fazeny noted. Therefore,
A mani stone engraved by a Luxinar CO2 laser                                                     during the first 10 minutes of operation
                                                                                                 there is much less power, mode and
Buddhists practice the            is to work by hand, but in         May added the effect        pointing fluctuation.
ancient tradition of mani         the last decade mechanical      does depend on the type          Also, the Iradion CO2 lasers are driven by
stone carving in Tibet,           tools, such as small electric   and composition of the         RF power and use a single-chip design. The
using hammer and chisel           drills and grinders, have       stone, with the process
                                                                                                 RF driver uses the same power transistors
to inscribe mantras or art        been used to produce larger     working better with some
                                                                                                 used for mobile communication base
into stone, traditionally         volumes of the carved           stones than others. ‘Laser-
the six-syllable mantra of        slabs. The laser speeds         induced localised heating      stations, which are simpler and much more
Avalokiteshvara, Om mani          up this process, with the       can cause vitrification of     reliable. ‘The chance of failure is definitely
padme hum.                        advantage of no tool wear,      certain minerals in the        less,’ Fazeny remarked.
   Now, stone carvers in the      no need to pre-line or          rock, resulting in poor          In terms of price, CO2 lasers are
Yushu area are turning to         outline the slabs, and the      engraving with a glass-        comparable to fibre lasers, Fazeny
lasers to do the engraving.       ability to inscribe precise     like appearance,’ she said.    continued. ‘Fibre laser price has dropped
   Chinese laser                  designs and patterns.           However, if these glass-       dramatically over the last 10 years, but it
provider CKLaser began               ‘Characters are carved       forming elements are not       settled somewhere in the range of the CO2
investigating using CO2           by scanning the laser beam      present, there is material
                                                                                                 laser,’ he said. ‘You don’t need to decide by
lasers to engrave stone           across the stone with a         removal to produce a deep
when it approached                galvo scanner,’ Dr Louise       engraving effect. Initial
                                                                                                 price, you can decide by application.’
Luxinar’s China office in         May, senior applications        demand from CKLaser was          Hill noted that Novanta’s order volumes
2012. Luxinar makes CO2           engineer at Luxinar, said.      for Luxinar’s SR 25i and SCX   for Synrad CO2 lasers are higher than
lasers, and CKLaser wanted        ‘Depth can be controlled        35 sealed CO2 lasers – 250     ever at the moment, with many customers
to use the laser source as        by adjusting the intensity      and 350W respectively –        exceeding pre-pandemic levels. ‘As long as
an alternative to mechanical      of the beam as it passes        but Luxinar now also has       there are materials that need to be marked
processing.                       across the substrate to         demand for its 450W OEM        or cut, we anticipate that we’ll continue to
   The traditional method         produce 3D effects.’            45iX laser source.             see growth,’ she concluded. l

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An electromagnetic approach to
dissimilar metal welding

                                                                              Jennifer Heßmann, Marcel
                                                                              Bachmann and Kai Hilgenberg, of
                                                                              BAM, explain a new joining process
                                                                              that could help reduce the weight
                                                                              of vehicles

The automotive industry is
facing the necessary reduction
of CO2 emissions. Due to
increasing safety requirements,
customer demands in comfort
and motor performance, as well
as the use of heavy batteries
in e-mobility, the weight of
vehicles has grown rapidly in
recent years. To save weight
without affecting the functional
properties of vehicles, heavy
materials must be replaced with
lighter alternatives. Modern
                                         Figure 2: a) Example of a spot-shaped lap joint, b) formation of intermetallic phases at the
lightweight concepts have                interface between steel and aluminium alloy after melt displacement
therefore been developed,
featuring multi-material designs
that require the joining of              processes, is a challenge to             of brittle intermetallic phases.          the melt pool due to its own
dissimilar materials.                    overcome. Issues are caused              These phases reduce the load              weight.
   Besides steel, aluminium              by different material properties         capacity of the joint and often              One new possible approach
is one of the most important             such as melting temperatures             act as crack initiation points. It        for the joining of dissimilar
construction materials for               and thermal expansion                    is therefore still necessary to           metals is based on laser
the mass production of                   coefficients. Furthermore,               develop joining technologies to           welding and melt displacement
automobiles. The joining of              steel and aluminium are not              reduce these problems.                    by contactless induced
this material combination,               dissolvable within each other,              Electromagnetic melt                   electromagnetic forces. This
especially by thermal                    thus leading to the formation            pool manipulation offers                  joining technology is still in
                                                                                  many possible ways of                     the experimental stage but
                                                                                  optimising laser welding.                 has already shown promising
                                                                                  At the Bundesanstalt für                  results. The process steps
                                                                                  Materialforschung und-prüfung             are illustrated in figure 1. The
                                                                                  (BAM) in Berlin, many possible            joining partners, in this case
                                                                                  use cases were investigated.              steel and aluminium sheet
                                                                                  For example, supporting the               metal, are placed in an overlap
                                                                                  mixing process when using filler          configuration whereby the
                                                                                  materials in thick plate welding          upper joining partner needs to
                                                                                  or the degassing of pores while           have the higher melting point,
                                                                                  welding aluminium die cast.               as well as a hole leading to the
                                                                                  Another application is melt pool          lower joining partner. The laser
Figure 1: Single process steps of the new approach for joining dissimilar         support, when welding thick               beam melts the lower sheet
metals based on laser welding and melt displacement by induced                    plates to avoid the drop out of           through this hole. An oscillating
electromagnetic forces

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                                                                                                                      results show the effective
                                                                                                                      range of magnetic field power
                                                                                                                      is between 600W and 2kW for
                                                                                                                      a complete melt displacement.
                                                                                                                      With higher magnetic field
                                                                                                                      power, the displacement
                                                                                                                      needs less time compared to
                                                                                                                      lower magnetic field power.
                                                                                                                      By increasing the magnetic
                                                                                                                      field power to around 2kW,
                                                                                                                      the displacement process can
                                                                                                                      be shortened to 100ms (see
                                                                                                                      figure 3b). The experimental
                                                                                                                      results confirm the numerical
                                                                                                                      predictions of the required
                                                                                                                      process time and effective
Figure 3: a) Results of the numerical analysis of the effective range of the magnetic field power and the             range of the magnetic field
required time for a completed melt displacement, b) experimental results of shortened process time of                 power.
100ms in the case of 2kW magnetic field power
magnetic field, placed below             lower joining partner according                                              This work shows it is possible
the overlap configuration,               to the skin effect. This limitation         “This joining                    to create a spot-shaped
induces an electromagnetic               should minimise the influence               technology                       lap joint between steel and
force. This Lorentz force FL is          of the ferromagnetic steel on                                                aluminium by electromagnetic
directed upwards and works               the induced electric currents.              is still in the                  melt displacement. The
against the gravity force Fg.
Thus, the molten material is
                                         Therefore, a frequency of
                                         3.75kHz was chosen. The
                                                                                     experimental                     numerical analysis improves
                                                                                                                      the understanding of this
pushed upwards into the hole             magnetic field power was varied             stage but has                    new joining technology and
and results in a material- and
form-fitting joint.
                                         from 0W to around 2kW.
                                            The experiments were
                                                                                     already shown                    shows a good agreement to
                                                                                                                      the experimental results. The
   For this joining technology           supported by numerical analysis             promising                        numerical analysis helps to save
no auxiliary elements are
necessary, and it can be used
                                         to improve the understanding
                                         of the new joining technology,
                                                                                     results”                         experimental time and find the
                                                                                                                      required time for a complete
for spot-shaped or line-shaped           especially to reveal the                                                     melt displacement, so the laser
joints. However, a controlled            temperature distribution of the                                              beam can be shut down as early
heat input delivered via laser           joining partners and to find the         below the steel sheet. The steel    as possible to minimise the heat
beam is needed to reduce the             optimal moment for the laser             sheet is heated by the displaced    input in the joining partners.
formation of brittle intermetallic       to shut down, to minimise the            melt, leading to the formation      The calculation of the thermal
phases.                                  heat input. For this, a 2D model         of a heat-affected zone. The        distribution improves the
   At BAM, it was possible to            of the overlap configuration             formation of intermetallic          understanding of the formation
successfully create a spot-              was created with Comsol                  phases is exemplary, shown in       of the intermetallic phases.
shaped lap joint between steel           Multiphysics FE software.                figure 2b for the same process      These results are a first step
and aluminium by using the                                                        parameters.                         for the further development of
presented new approach. The              Results                                     Analysis by scanning             this new joining technology. In
lower joining partner was an             The experimental results of              electron microscope shows           ongoing research, the focus lies
aluminium wrought alloy (EN              the presented approach show              an intermetallic phase seam         on the creation of line-shaped
AW 5754) with a thickness of             promise. An example of a                 at the interface of steel and       joints and the analysis of the
2mm, while the upper joining             created spot joint is shown in           aluminium, with an average          mechanical properties of test
partner was a ferromagnetic              the cross section in figure 2a.          width of about 7µm. This width      joints.
steel (DC01) with a thickness            Here, a laser power of 2.5kW,            is lower than the critical value    This research was
of 1mm. In the steel sheet a             a laser duration of 200ms, a             of 10µm for laser beam joining      funded by the Deutsche
hole with a diameter of 1.6mm            frequency of 3.75kHz and a               of steel and aluminium reported     Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG,
was drilled and the specimens            magnetic field power of around           in literature. Next to this seam,   German Research Foundation),
were fixed mechanically to               2kW were used. Reproducible              further needle-shaped phases        grant number HI 1919/2-1;
ensure a technical zero gap.             joints can be generated                  grow into the aluminium melt.       646941. Financial funding is
An IPG ytterbium fibre laser             although cracks or process               Some micro cracks were              gratefully acknowledged. l
was used with a wavelength of            pores are formed in a few                detected in the intermetallic
1,070nm and a spot diameter              cases. When the aluminium                phase seam caused by the
                                                                                                                        Jennifer Heßmann is a research
of 570µm. A laser power of               melt moves upwards, the                  shrinkage of the aluminium melt       assistant at BAM’s additive
2.5kW and a laser duration of            reduced heat conduction in               during solidification.                manufacturing of metallic
                                                                                                                        components division. Marcel
up to 200ms were used with               the steel layer results in heat             The calculated required time       Bachmann is the team leader
argon (20l/min) as shielding gas.        accumulation in the aluminium            for the melt displacement and         of welding simulation at BAM’s
The penetration depth of the             melt. The changed heat flow              the occurring temperatures of         welding technology division. Kai
                                                                                                                        Hilgenberg is the head of BAM’s
oscillating magnetic field was           results in an increasing width of        the joining partners are shown        additive manufacturing of metallic
limited to the thickness of the          the aluminium melt pool directly         in figure 3a. The numerical           components division

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                                                 of decline last year and the shipbuilding            single-mode laser, you can perform quickly
Keely Portway looks                              industry is becoming more reliant on quality,        and accurately, even on thick materials.’
                                                 efficiency and accuracy than ever before.            He added that the narrow beam of such a
at how new laser                                 Enter stage-left, the laser! Laser cutting and       laser enables it to efficiently weld the very
technologies are                                 welding are known for their high-precision           shallow angles of T-joints.
                                                 and efficiency, so it’s little surprise that they       The company recently launched its
optimising welding                               are a mainstay of the shipbuilding industry.         100kW single-mode, continuous-wave (CW)
and cutting for                                  100kW shipbuilding laser
                                                                                                      coherent beam combining (CBC) fibre laser,
                                                                                                      which Shekel said lends itself well to this
shipbuilding                                     Eyal Shekel, CEO at Civan Lasers, believes           purpose. The CBC technology is based on
                                                 there is room to increase the use of lasers          parallel amplification of a single seed signal
                                                 for cutting and welding in the sector, due to        that allows for coherent recombination,
After a relatively slow period between           their ability to increase process efficiency.        ramping the output power to a degree
2019 and 2020, the market for shipbuilding       ‘It’s beneficial, for example, to be able to         unobtainable by in-series amplifiers. Its
is steadily picking up, and, according to        weld an outer panel just from the outside,           dynamic beam shaping technology offers
research firm Statista, is likely to grow from   instead of having to go both inside and              the ability to control beam shape, frequency,
this year onwards, surpassing $160bn in          outside. Being able to produce a high-               sequence and focus steering.
2023.                                            quality, relatively fast weld on one side is a          Power is a key point for Shekel, who
   And the Ship Building Global                  very big advantage,’ he said.                        highlighted 10kW or higher as the standout
Market Report 2021: Covid-19                         In terms of some of the most common              power needed for shipbuilding applications.
Impact and Recovery to 2030 from                 uses for lasers in shipbuilding, Shekel              ‘We now have 30kW and also 100kW would appear              highlighted the structure as a key area.             available,’ he said. ‘The advantage is mainly
to agree, predicting that the market will        ‘Particularly the T-joints and sealing welds,’       in quality, because the more power you
reach $186.6bn by 2025, thanks largely to        he said, ‘they present opportunities for laser       have, the faster you can go but when you’re
companies rearranging their operations and       welding. In general, we feel that with laser         trying to go faster without the higher power,
recovering from the impact of the pandemic.      welding, and particularly with a high-power          you get the lower quality welds.’
   Other factors include the increasing                                                                                                                     Messer Cutting Systems
seaborne trade, rising population, surging
purchasing power of consumers and the
improving standards of living increasing
the demand for consumer goods. In terms
of markets, Europe is cited as crucial
for the production of cruise vessels,
however it is East Asia that is dominant in
shipbuilding, with China, Japan and South
Korea being the largest shipbuilding nations.
According to Statista, China alone received
48 per cent of global shipbuilding orders in
   The industry has certainly had its
challenges over the last few years,
pandemic-aside, with a shortage of
skilled workers and various environmental
regulations and policies changing the way        Steel processing firm Otto Klostermann uses a LaserMat II system from
that ships are built. Add to this the period     Messer Cutting Systems for XXL formats

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                                                                                                                                                  Nightman 1965/
    “Being able to
    produce a high-
    quality, relatively                          technology now being used for cutting and
                                                 for welding.’
                                                                                                 hardness peaks for the types of steels used
                                                                                                 in shipbuilding industries.’
    fast weld on one                                Schäfer has noted a particular shift in         In terms of wavelengths, Schäfer
    side is a very big                           the shipbuilding industry towards laser-gas
                                                 metal arc hybrid welding, a combination
                                                                                                 explained that Laserline generally produces
                                                                                                 infrared lasers for welding in shipbuilding.
    advantage”                                   of gas metal arc (GMA) welding and laser        ‘We produce diode lasers up to a very high
                                                 beam welding. ‘Despite the higher welding       power, up to 45kW or even more, but of
                                                 speed that laser GMA welding offers, there      course, for the shipbuilding industry we
                                                 is less distortion in comparison to the old     have the special 60kW laser. It depends on
   A particularly important use-case for         fashioned processes, which can help reduce      the volume and thickness of the sheets that
laser welding in shipbuilding, stressed          production costs,’ he said. ‘It’s not going     the customer demands.’
Shekel, is in the joining of dissimilar metals   to be used for short seams or traditional
together, for example in panel building. ‘You    GMA mouldings, but it can be useful for long    Developing lasers for the maritime sector
should not need a separate filler material or    seams, section weldings around different        The 60kW power for lasers in shipbuilding
component,’ he said, ‘because with deep          thicknesses, so around 5mm up to 15mm           is the focus of a research project in which
penetration laser welding, the coupling          and special joints.’                            Laserline has been involved for several
can go directly from one part to another.           He explained that diode lasers are           years. Based in Germany, Thick Metal
Another important part of the laser is the       different to other laser systems for            Sheet Welding by High-Power Diode
low heat-affected zone. A high quality of        shipbuilding, in that the combination of high   Lasers for Maritime Applications (DIOMAR),
metal is required for shipbuilding, and you      power output and comfortable spot sizes         involves a consortium of experts working
want to keep that quality with the weld.         can allow for optimal gap bridgeability. In     to develop new diode laser beam sources
With a low heat-affected zone there is less      addition, the energetic homogeneity of          with a maximum output of up to 60kW in
residual stress on the weld.’                    the spot and the high absorption capacity       continuous-wave mode.
                                                 of a typical wavelength mix generate               This is with the aim of ensuring high-
The power of diode lasers                        unusually calm melt pools, leaving almost       quality laser welding processes for steel
Johannes Schäfer, technology and                 no impurities on the areas adjoining the        sheet thicknesses of up to 30mm are
strategic key account manager at diode           seams. As combined diode laser systems          available for use in shipbuilding and other
laser manufacturer Laserline, sees               can reach powers of up to 60kW today,           maritime applications.
shipbuilding as a relatively conservative        even ships’ sides of 50mm thickness can            Laserline has been responsible for the
market, but one gradually taking on new          be welded with two welding runs (layer and      development of the new high-power laser
technologies. ‘We see that there are still a     opposite side). ‘That has an influence and      diode sources. Other organisations in the
lot of processes which have been used in         impact on the properties like hardness,’ said   group include German research institute
the past, such as submerged arc welding          Schäfer. ‘Typically, the hardness peaks in      Laser Zentrum Hannover, shipbuilding firm
– a laborious process that can involve           the heat-affected zone, that’s a normal point   Meyer Werft, and electronics manufacturer
workpiece distortion – but there is also laser   of welding. And we can decrease those           Held Systems. DIOMAR is funded by the          g

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                                                                                                                                                                      MEYER WERFT/M. Wessels
g German Federal Ministry for Economic
               Affairs and Energy.
                  The overarching aim of the project is
               to establish new laser welding processes
               based on high-power lasers in the maritime
               sector. It is hoped that, by achieving high-
               quality joints with high welding speeds,
               costs can be reduced for edge preparation,
               as well as the amount of additional material
               compared to existing joining methods.
               The application development has been
               taking place in both a laser laboratory and
               in a shipyard-like test environment for the
               past three years. This makes it possible to
               quickly test, evaluate and optimise the new
               processes, which the group says could
               complement, or replace, existing processes.
                  The consortium is particularly keen to
               ensure laser safety for very high laser
               outputs, including the handling of expected      The latest laser welding processes can make the welding of thick
               large quantities of emitted hazardous            materials in ship building more efficient
               substances. The release of hazardous
               substances from the laser processing zone        have to do a qualification which is done by
               is also being thoroughly investigated under      a third party – here in Germany, that’s an
               the project.                                     organisation which controls the welders for
                                                                                                                         “The laser machine
                  The metal sheet thickness is an important     the shipbuilding industry. When they are                 is totally loaded all
               issue, as the project demonstrates.              looking at the paperwork, we introduce the
               Schäfer went on to detail the sheer variety      laser processing and we give some samples
                                                                                                                         year round”
               of thicknesses used in shipbuilding. ‘It         for analysis.’
               depends on the construction of the ships,
               the rudders and the lower bottom of the          Cutting on the XXL scale                             source (resonator) additionally means that
               ships have some very high thicknesses up         The use of lasers for cutting in the maritime        plates up to 4.5m wide and up to 30m long
               to 15mm, or sometimes even more. Every           industry is equally well recognised for              can be processed. Klostermann explained:
               ship is different, and some use thinner          the high-quality, high-precision results             ‘These are exactly the XXL sizes which
               material, but when you’re going upwards on       achieved, not to mention its green                   we had in mind. To achieve this, we were
               the ships, the thicknesses also decrease, so     credentials. With steel plates used as the           happy to extend the length of the vibration
               it’s mostly a range of 5 to 15mm.’ In terms      main raw material in shipbuilding, laser             damped foundations of the old laser system
               of the material itself, Schäfer explained that   cutting plates can replace some die-cutting          by 4m.’
               there is a high quantity of sheets used. ‘That   methods that require large moulds, thereby              An optical beam path length
               sheet material is mostly plex steel,’ he said.   reducing production times and costs.                 compensation keeps the length of the
                  Laserline has been supplying and                 Steel processing firm Otto Klostermann            laser beam constant during transverse axis
               developing lasers for maritime for some          has realised the benefits as a specialist            movements and ensures the highest laser
               years now, and Schäfer offered some insight      processor of ‘XXL’ formats for its                   beam and cut quality over the entire cutting
               into how manufacturers can get involved in       shipbuilding clients, as well as the vehicle         area. The high positioning and repetitive
               shipbuilding projects. ‘The industry has its     construction, waggon production, bridge              accuracy of the system is achieved by a
               own qualification process,’ he said. ‘They       construction and crane manufacture                   series of harmonised functional factors
               have to qualify the process and they have        sectors. The company recently invested in            such as a track construction suitable
               to make sure that the process and the weld       a LaserMat II machine from Messer Cutting            for laser and robust linear guidance. In
               is secure. That’s the point at which they        Systems, which is available with either a            addition, accelerations of up to 0.5g and a
                                                                4kW or 6kW CO2 laser. ‘Our old laser cutting         simultaneous positioning speed of 100m/
                                                                system was getting on in years,’ said Philipp        min also ensure high levels of performance
Civan Lasers

                                                                Klostermann, managing director of Otto               and speed. There is no need for a full
                                                                Klostermann. ‘It was no longer state of the          enclosure with the CO2 laser, as an on-
                                                                art, and there were no spare parts available         board laser beam protection hood complies
                                                                for it any longer. As the laser machine is           with class 1 laser safety, with the additional
                                                                totally loaded all year round, it was clear that     benefit of easy access for loading and
                                                                we needed a new one.’                                unloading, even during operation.
                                                                   The new cutting machine was selected                 ‘What is more,’ said Klostermann, ‘the
                                                                because it is specifically designed for              infinitely rotating bevel head enables us
                                                                large plate processing, being capable of             to perform continuous bevels from -45° to
                                                                processing large steel sheets weighing               +45°. Furthermore, we cannot only prepare
                                                                many tonnes. The company is now able                 countersinks with the highest surface
                                                                to cut components out of mild steel up               quality directly during the cutting process,
               Civan’s 100kW single mode, continuous wave
               coherent beam combining fibre laser offers       to 25mm thick, or from stainless steel up            but we can also cut and mark with the same
               advantages for shipbuilding                      to 20mm thick. The on-board laser beam               tool – a saving in costs and time.’ l

               16 LASER SYSTEMS EUROPE AUTUMN 2021                                                           @LASERSYSTEMSMAG | WWW.LASERSYSTEMSEUROPE.COM
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