#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival

Page created by Carlos Stephens
#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival
#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival
How to book

                                        Book tickets and explore
                                        our discount packages
                                        at melbournejazz.com

Access Information                      Arts Centre Melbourne,            Free Events
Melbourne International Jazz            Hamer Hall & The Channel          Bookings are not required for most
Festival is committed to improving      Bookings through venue            free events but we recommend
access for all. If you have specific    1300 182 183                      that you pre-register for The Cave
requirements, please notify venue       The Coopers Malthouse             and Close Encounters events at
staff when booking so that suitable     Bookings through venue            melbournejazz.com. Entry is still
arrangements can be made.               03 9685 5111                      possible without registration but
                                                                          may be subject to availability.
                                        Melbourne Recital Centre
Wheelchair Access:
                                        and Salon
Additional assistance from                                                “No surprises” ticketing fees
                                        Bookings through venue
venue staff may be required                                               You may notice that we’ve
                                        03 9699 3333
at Bennetts Lane Jazz Club                                                included a lot more detail about
(please call 03 9663 2856),             Forum Melbourne                   booking fees for our events this
the Italian Institute of Culture        Bookings through Ticketmaster     year. Our new “no surprises”
(please call 03 9866 5931)              1300 723 038                      approach to ticket pricing outlines
and Forum Melbourne                     Italian Institute of Culture      up front the fees that are usually
(please call 03 9299 9800).             Bookings through venue            added at the end of your purchase
There is no wheelchair access           03 9866 5931                      by each venue’s box office. These
at Uptown Jazz Café.                    Footscray Community Arts Centre   are the same fees you have paid
                                        Bookings through venue            previously, and may vary depending
Companion Card:                         03 9362 8888                      on your payment and delivery
The Festival offers a second ticket                                       method. Full transaction fees are
                                        Bennetts Lane Jazz Club
at no cost to Companion Card                                              outlined on each venue’s website.
                                        Bookings through venue
holders for all Festival-managed
                                        03 9663 2856
events – phone or in-person                                               Book a Jazz Package and save
bookings only.                          Dizzy’s Jazz Club                 Make the most of your Festival
                                        Bookings through venue            experience; save 10% or more for
For further information, please visit   03 9428 1233                      shows at Hamer Hall, MRC and the
‘Festival Info’ at melbournejazz.com    Uptown Jazz Café                  Malthouse when you book more
                                        Bookings through venue            than three shows.
                                        03 9416 4546                      melbournejazz.com/packages

#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival
Martin Foley MP                 John Stanhope                Michael Tortoni               Lord Mayor Robert Doyle
Minister for Creative           Chairman                     Artistic Director             City of Melbourne

From iconic arts venues         On behalf of the Board,      In 2016 we celebrate the      Melburnians will be
to public gathering             I am thrilled to welcome     ongoing evolution of jazz.    swinging in the streets
spaces and intimate             you to the 2016 Festival.                                  as the 18th Melbourne
clubs, jazz in all its guises   This year’s program          This year we present          International Jazz festival
will ring out across our        offers an amazing range      artists who have been         permeates our iconic
city, and beyond, during        of performances to           defining and redefining       venues, concert halls
the 2016 Melbourne              delight those with a deep    jazz for generations,         and bars. The festival
International Jazz Festival.    love of jazz, as well as     including Gary Bartz,         will showcase our city’s
                                entice those who are new     Eddie Palmieri, Mulatu        thriving jazz scene.
In a city recognised as         and curious about this       Astatke and Tomasz            Festivities will kick off
one of the live music           ever-evolving artform.       Stańko. Chief amongst         with a free public concert
capitals of the world                                        them is living legend         at Federation Square,
there is no better place        Along with headline          Wayne Shorter and his         providing a preview of
to stage Australia’s            performances by              Quartet, who represent        what’s to come over the
foremost jazz event. In         Australian and               the absolute pinnacle in      jam-packed ten days.
line with its international     international artists,       virtuosic music-making.
moniker, this year’s            the Festival also fosters                                  The City of Melbourne
program brings artists          collaborations between       I am especially delighted     is proud to once again
from Ethiopia, Israel, Italy,   artists and showcases        to welcome Esperanza          support this vibrant
Poland and the USA to           the creation of new works.   Spalding to the Festival      festival. This year’s
Melbourne to share the                                       for the first time. Along     program features talented
bill with local jazz talent.    Importantly, the Festival    with artists such as          local and international
                                includes a broad range of    Robert Glasper, Marcus        acts, with jazz artists
The Victorian Government        free events and provides     Strickland, Snarky Puppy      coming from Australia,
is proud to support             opportunities for emerging   and Hiromi, she is the        USA/Puerto Rico, Italy,
and partner the Festival        and aspiring young jazz      perfect illustration of       Ethiopia, Poland, Japan
through Creative Victoria.      musicians.                   the current and future        and Israel.
In the spirit of jazz,                                       directions of jazz.
prepare to be free, to          I would like to thank our                                  From the infectious
improvise, experiment,          fantastic sponsors and       We are also proud             rhythms of Latin
interpret - and above           patrons, the dedicated       to showcase many              Jazz, traditional and
all enjoy - the world of        Board and Festival           outstanding Australian        contemporary jazz, there’s
jazz at the Melbourne           team, and our wonderful      artists this year, with new   sure to be something to
International Jazz Festival.    volunteers.                  works by Kristin Berardi,     get your toes tapping at
                                                             Stu Hunter, Barney McAll      this year’s festival.
                                                             and Joe O’Connor.

#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival

Esperanza Spalding presents:   date

                               Friday 3 June at 9:30pm

                               Doors at 8:30pm

                               Forum Melbourne

                               price             full          concession

                                                 $89           $81
                               plus $8.75 Handling Fee per order (not applicable
                               for in-person bookings at The Regent or Princess
                               Theatre box offices) and 1.95% Payment Processing
                               Fee. A Delivery Fee of $4-$15 may also apply.

Proudly supported by

#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival

“Spalding has made her mark not just as a          “Emily is my middle name and I’m using           personnel

  virtuoso jazz bassist or an effortlessly nimble     this fresh persona as my inner navigator.       Esperanza
  singer but as an exotic hybrid of the two.          This project is about going back and            Spalding
                                                                                                      bass / vocals
  The very nature of her talent is exceptional”       reclaiming un-cultivated curiosity, and using   Matt Stevens
— New York Times                                      it as a compass to move forward and expand,     guitar
                                                      says Spalding.                                  Justin Tyson
Grammy Award-winning, singer-composer-
bassist Esperanza Spalding will make her            “My hope for this group is to create a           Emily Elbert
Australian debut, opening the 2016 Festival           world around each song… We will be              Corey King
with her groundbreaking new project and               staging the songs as much as we play            vocals
persona, Emily’s D+Evolution.                         them, using characters, video and the           Shawan Corso
                                                      movement of our bodies.”                        vocals
Originally conceived the day before her
birthday – during a “sleepless night of full
moon inspiration” – Emily’s D+Evolution
will perform all-new material that Spalding
says “unfolds as live musical vignettes.”

#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival

Wayne Shorter

                               Sunday 12 June at 7:30pm

Quartet                        venue

                               Arts Centre Melbourne,
                               Hamer Hall
featuring                      price              full          concession

                               Premium            $149          –
Danilo Pérez, John Patitucci   A Reserve          $129          $119
                               B Reserve          $99           $89
and Brian Blade                plus $7.95 Transaction Fee per order (not applicable
                               for in-person bookings) and 2.3% Credit Card fee.
                               A Delivery Fee of up to $5.50 may also apply.

Proudly supported by

#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival

“The most skilful, mutually attuned and         For over 50 years composer and saxophonist        personnel

 fearlessly adventurous small jazz group         Wayne Shorter has shattered the limitations       Wayne Shorter
 on the planet… (the quartet) celebrates         of jazz with his transcendent musicality.         saxophones
 humanity’s hope for harmony”                    His iconic body of work as a solo artist          Danilo Pérez
— The Guardian                                   – as a key member of Art Blakey and the           John Patitucci
                                                 Jazz Messengers and Miles Davis’ Second           bass
Responsible for some of the most revolutionary   Great Quintet, and co-founder of fusion           Brian Blade
jazz of the 20th century, Wayne Shorter takes    pioneers Weather Report – has defined             drums
to the stage with three of the world’s finest    and redefined jazz for generations.
jazz musicians – Danilo Pérez, John Patitucci
and Brian Blade – for an evening of unrivalled   Compositionally unmatched, winner of
virtuosity on the closing night of the           a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award,
2016 Melbourne International Jazz Festival.      musical icon. No matter what superlatives
                                                 are thrown Shorter’s way, nothing compares
                                                 to experiencing this icon and his quartet live.

#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival
Modern                                               Gary Bartz                                                 USA /

Masters                                                                                                         Australia

date                                                 At the forefront of jazz for nearly six decades,           personnel

Friday 3 June at 7:30pm                              Gary Bartz has helped create jazz as we know               Gary Bartz
                                                     it today.                                                  saxophones
venue                                                                                                           vocals
Melbourne Recital Centre                                                                                        Barney McAll
price              full          concession
                                                     With a career ranging across post-bop, jazz-funk           piano
A Reserve          $79           $71
                                                     and free jazz, Bartz is counted amongst the pantheon       James King
                                                     of jazz greats, having shared the stage with Art Blakey,   bass
B Reserve          $69           $61
                                                     Miles Davis, McCoy Tyner, Pharaoh Sanders,                 Special Guest
plus $5.50-$8 Transaction Fee per order (not                                                                    drums
applicable for in-person bookings). A Delivery Fee   Charles Mingus, Max Roach and many more.
of up to $5.50 may also apply.
                                                                                                                opening act

This performance will be broadcast live              Renowned for his legendary, non-stop live performances,    Andrea
from 8.15pm on ABC Jazz, presented                   Bartz’s compelling blend of earthiness and elegance        Keller’s
by Mal Stanley. Tune into digital radio              infuses decades of experience into every note, creating    Transients I
or abc.net.au/jazz.                                  a “furnace of power and passion”.                          Australia


                                                     Melbourne’s very own Barney McAll will be amongst          Andrea Keller
                                                     the stellar quartet joining Bartz on stage to open the     piano
                                                     2016 Festival, performing his latest project – Coltrane    Julien Wilson
                                                                                                                bass clarinet
                                                     Rules, Tao of a Music Warrior – honouring the icon with    tenor saxophone
Proudly supported by                                 classic renditions that would make him proud.              Christopher Hale

#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival
Modern                                               Robert                                                         USA

                                                     Glasper Trio

date                                                 Having spent the past decade reinterpreting and                personnel

Saturday 4 June at 7:30pm                            reimagining modern jazz, Robert Glasper has firmly             Robert Glasper
                                                     cemented himself as a master of a new generation.              piano
                                                                                                                    Vicente Archer
Melbourne Recital Centre                                                                                            bass
price              full          concession
                                                     A prodigiously talented pianist, Glasper rose to               Damion Reid
A Reserve          $79           $71
                                                     prominence through his striking combination of acoustic        drums

B Reserve          $69           $61
                                                     jazz, hip-hop and R&B and his ground-breaking Black
plus $5.50-$8 Transaction Fee per order (not         Radio albums. Yet, it was his desire to perpetually reinvent   opening act
applicable for in-person bookings). A Delivery Fee   himself that gave rise to his Grammy-nominated record,         Ross
of up to $5.50 may also apply.
                                                     Covered – his ode to those that have influenced him.           McHenry
                                                     In a long-awaited return to an acoustic trio format,           Australia / NZ
                                                     Glasper has reunited long-term collaborators                   personnel

                                                     Vicente Archer and Damion Reid to reconfigure                  Ross McHenry
                                                     the music of John Legend, Radiohead, Harry Belafonte           bass
                                                     and Joni Mitchell – alongside jazz standards and a             Matthew Sheens
                                                     number of Glasper originals.                                   Myele Manzanza
                                                     Having played alongside Herbie Hancock,
                                                     Wayne Shorter, Kenny Garrett and Esperanza
                                                     Spalding and contributed to the records of hip-hop
                                                     luminaries Kendrick Lamar, Q-Tip and yasiin bey,
Proudly supported by
                                                     Glasper is without doubt one of the most versatile and
                                                     influential artists in jazz today, with a style that is at
                                                     once familiar and entirely unique.

#melbjazzfest - Melbourne International Jazz Festival

Eddie Palmieri

                       Friday 10 June at 7:30pm

Latin Jazz Septet      venue

                       Arts Centre Melbourne,
                       Hamer Hall
                       price              full          concession

                       Premium            $119          –
                       A Reserve          $101          $91
                       B Reserve          $79           $69
                       plus $7.95 Transaction Fee per order (not applicable
                       for in-person bookings) and 2.3% Credit Card fee.
                       A Delivery Fee of up to $5.50 may also apply.

Proudly supported by


“This music is so vital and joyous... a totally   Starting out with the orchestras of Eddie         personnel

  celebratory sound, bouncing, shuffling,          Forrester and Tito Rodriguez in the 50s,          Eddie Palmieri
  weaving and grooving along on a beat so          he founded the seminal band La Perfecta           piano
  mesmeric and soul-wrenchingly right that         in the 60s, before creating an entirely new       Jonathan Powell
  you want it to go on forever”                    sound in the 70s that merged salsa, funk,         Louis Fouche
— Time Out London                                  soul and jazz. Palmieri’s lifelong innovation     alto saxophone
                                                   was recognised in 2013 with the National          Luques Curtis
                                                   Endowment of the Arts Jazz Master award           bass
A living legend renowned for his electrifying
performances, Eddie Palmieri is a titan of         – the highest honour an American jazz artist      Vincente
                                                                                                     “Little Johnny”
Latin jazz.                                        can receive.                                      Rivero
Skilfully fusing the rhythms of his Puerto         In turns playful, subtly tender and ferociously   Camilo Molina
Rican heritage with the complexity of his          brilliant, Palmieri’s charismatic exuberance      Nicky Marrero
jazz influences – Thelonious Monk, Horace          is matched by a first-rate lineup of leading      bongo / timbalitos
Silver and McCoy Tyner – Palmieri has been         Latin jazz musicians. Their thrilling solos and
blazing new paths for nearly six decades.          exhilarating interplay will light up Hamer Hall
                                                   and leave you breathless.



                       Thursday 9 June at 7:30pm

The Trio Project       venue

                       Arts Centre Melbourne,
                       Hamer Hall
featuring              price              full          concession

                       Premium            $119          –
Anthony Jackson        A Reserve          $101          $91
                       B Reserve          $79           $69
and Simon Phillips     plus $7.95 Transaction Fee per order (not applicable
                       for in-person bookings) and 2.3% Credit Card fee.
                       A Delivery Fee of up to $5.50 may also apply.

Proudly supported by

Japan /

“One of jazz piano’s most brazenly            A completely original improviser and composer      personnel

  virtuosic players”                           who turns each piece into a thrilling journey,     Hiromi
                                               Hiromi takes the notion of jazz into entirely      piano
— JazzTimes
                                               new territory – a roller-coaster ride of musical   Anthony Jackson
                                                                                                  contra bass guitar
Following three sell-out performances during   pyrotechnics that veers between breathtaking       Simon Phillips
her Australian debut at the 2012 Festival,     displays of flat-out swing and the power of        drums
the dazzlingly talented Hiromi makes her       high-energy rock.
long-awaited return to Melbourne.
                                               Her electrifying stage presence is matched
Dominating the next wave of jazz superstars,   by her equally formidable Trio, bassist
her credits include a gig with the Czech       Anthony Jackson (Paul Simon, Steely Dan,
Philharmonic Orchestra at age 14, a personal   Chick Corea) and drummer Simon Phillips
invitation to play with Chick Corea at 17      (Toto, The Who, Judas Priest) – proclaimed
and a mentorship with Ahmad Jamal at           by Downbeat Magazine as “one of the most
the Berklee College of Music – all before      exciting groups working in any genre today.”
launching her professional career.

Explorations                                        Snarky                                                   USA

in Jazz

date                                                “A barnstorming, groove-centric instrumental act with
Thursday 9 June at 9:30pm                             a rabid fan base and a blithely unplaceable style”
Doors at 8:30pm                                     — New York Times

Forum Melbourne                                     Brooklyn-based jazz-funk collective Snarky Puppy make their
price             full          concession          much-anticipated return to Melbourne for an exclusive Australian
                  $69           $61                 performance.
plus $8.75 Handling Fee per order (not applicable
for in-person bookings at The Regent or Princess    Since making their Australian debut at the 2013 Melbourne
Theatre box offices) and 1.95% Payment Processing
Fee. A Delivery Fee of $4-$15 may also apply.       International Jazz Festival – before shooting to global stardom
                                                    on the back of their 2014 Grammy win – this audacious ensemble
                                                    has enjoyed an unstoppable rise from underground cult secret
                                                    to global phenomenon.

                                                    Inspired as much by Herbie Hancock as by Björk, James Brown
                                                    and Radiohead, Snarky Puppy delivers a super-crisp, finely honed
                                                    brand of jazz fusion which has garnered an audience of die-hard
                                                    fans who will stop at nothing to hear the band play live.

Proudly supported by

Modern                                                 José James:                                               USA
                                                       The Music of Billie Holiday

date                                                   “James’ sound, like Holiday’s, is utterly unique …
Saturday 11 June at 7:30pm                               his instincts … are, in a word, flawless”
venue                                                  — JazzTimes
Arts Centre Melbourne,
Hamer Hall                                             In celebration of the great Billie Holiday’s centennial, one of the
price              full          concession            hottest young singers on the scene, José James, returns with music
Premium            $99           –                     from acclaimed Blue Note release, Yesterday I Had the Blues, his tribute
A Reserve          $89           $81                   to the songs of Lady Day.
B Reserve          $79           $71
plus $7.95 Transaction Fee per order (not applicable   Skilfully reimagining benchmark Holiday standards including Good Morning
for in-person bookings) and 2.3% Credit Card fee.      Heartache, Strange Fruit and Body and Soul, James brings his own
A Delivery Fee of up to $5.50 may also apply.
                                                       inimitable phrasing and nuanced stylings while remaining exceptionally
                                                       close to the spirit of her original work.

                                                       With his smoky baritone and magnetic stage presence, James will
                                                       deliver an evening of unforgettable Holiday classics, in what he
                                                       describes as a personal tribute to his “musical mother and the woman that
                                                       inspired him to be a jazz singer.”

Modern                                               Van Morrison’s                                             Australia


date                                                 featuring
Friday 10 June at 7:30pm                             Vince Jones and the
venue                                                Astral Orchestra
Melbourne Recital Centre
price              full          concession
                                                     After the sold-out success of Here Comes The Night:
A Reserve          $79           $71                 Songs from the Van Morrison Songbook, Australia’s
B Reserve          $69           $61                 foremost jazz vocalist Vince Jones leads a celebration
plus $5.50-$8 Transaction Fee per order (not         of one of rock music’s greatest performers.
applicable for in-person bookings). A Delivery Fee
of up to $5.50 may also apply.
                                                     Effortlessly blending genres from jazz to Celtic-rock,
                                                     Van Morrison is beloved the world over for enduring
                                                     classics such as Gloria, Brown-Eyed Girl and
                                                     Have I Told You Lately.

                                                     A remarkable interpreter of jazz songs, Vince Jones will
                                                     lead the specially formed seven-piece Astral Orchestra,
                                                     spearheaded by Musical Director Matt McMahon, as
                                                     they bring to life two of Van’s most cherished albums:
                                                     Astral Weeks – a poetic, mercurial blend of jazz,
                                                     blues and folk – and Moondance, his seminal soul-jazz

Modern                                          Tomasz Stańko                                                Poland /

Masters                                                                                                      Finland

date                                            At the heart of the European jazz scene since the            personnel

Thursday 9 June at 6:30pm & 9:00pm              fiery, radical days of the 1960s, Tomasz Stańko has          Tomasz
                                                been hailed as “one of the world’s most original and         Stańko
venue                                                                                                        trumpet
Merlyn Theatre,                                 inventive jazz trumpeters” (The New Yorker).                 Alexi
The Coopers Malthouse                                                                                        Tuomarila
                                                A pioneer of experimental and avant-garde jazz,              piano
price              full     conc.   under 30s
                                                his distinctive career traverses a milestone partnership     Slawomir
                   $75      $69     $30                                                                      Kurkiewicz
Plus $3 per ticket booking fee                  with famed Roman Polanski film-composer                      bass
                                                Krzysztof Komeda and explorative cult albums and             Olavi
                                                collaborations with the likes of Lee Konitz,                 Louhivuori
                                                Ravi Coltrane, Bobo Stenson and Jan Garbarek.

                                                Featuring a formidable lineup from the vanguard
                                                of European jazz, these tautly lyrical sessions
                                                will contrast ballad-like expressivity and modern
                                                spaciousness, underpinned by Stańko’s finely-honed
                                                harmonic sensibility.

                                                “Stańko’s tone, with its characteristic grit, speaks of a
                                                  lifetime of experiences good and bad; and his ability
                                                  to levy visceral moments almost instantly contrasting
                                                  with passages of revealing vulnerability remains
Proudly supported by
                                                  unparalleled to this day”.
                                                — All About Jazz

Modern                                                                                                            Ethiopia /
Masters                                                                                                            Australia

                                                Mulatu Astatke and
                                                Black Jesus Experience
date                                            Witness the world premiere of The Cradle of Humanity,       personnel

Wednesday 8 June at 7:00pm & 9:00pm             the latest collaboration between the legendary              Mulatu Astatke
                                                Mulatu Astatke and the Melbourne-based                      vibraphone
venue                                                                                                       Wurlitzer piano
Merlyn Theatre,                                 Black Jesus Experience.                                     congas
The Coopers Malthouse
                                                Hailed as the “father of Ethio-Jazz”, Astatke infuses       Bob Sedergreen
price              full     conc.   under 30s                                                               keyboard
                   $69      $61     $30         traditional Ethiopian melodies and rhythms with Latin       Enushu
Plus $3 per ticket booking fee                  jazz, soul and funk. His influence continues today,         vocals
                                                with his work sampled by the likes of Kanye West,           Liam ‘The Monk’
                                                Nas and Damien Marley. Astatke’s enduring creative          Monkhouse:
PBS106.7FM will broadcast live                                                                              MC
from The Coopers Malthouse from                 relationship with Australia’s Black Jesus Experience        Tibor Bacskai
5pm to 7pm with ‘The Afterglow’                 has given rise to three landmark albums and sell-out        MC
host Lyndelle Wilkinson and special             performances from New York to Nairobi.                      Peter Harper
                                                                                                            tenor saxophone
Festival guests.
                                                Drawing inspiration from the very beginnings of Astatke’s   Ian Dixon
                                                Ethio-Jazz repertoire reimagined through new forms          Zac Lister
                                                and compositions, The Cradle of Humanity reflects           guitar
                                                the eclectic, exploratory nature of the Black Jesus         Chris Frangou
                                                Experience and Astatke’s unmistakable sound.                bass
                                                                                                            James Davies
                                                                                                            Nui Moon
Proudly supported by

Explorations                                              Australia    Explorations                                           Australia
in Jazz                                                                in Jazz

Kristin Berardi                                                        Stu Hunter:
Band                                                                   the migration
“If you have not heard Kristin Berardi         personnel              “A breath-taking musical roller-coaster        personnel

  sing, rush to do so. She is probably          Kristin Berardi          of hard grooves and multiple                  Stu Hunter
                                                voice                                                                  piano
  the finest jazz singer Australia has                                   sound textures, challenging the
                                                Greg Coffin                                                            Phil Slater
  produced”                                     piano                    notion of jazz and contemporary               trumpet
 — Sydney Morning Herald
                                                Carl Morgan              improvisation.”                               Matt Keegan
                                                guitar                 — AustralianJazz.Net                            saxophones /
Winner of the International Vocal               Brett Hirst
                                                bass                                                                   Julien Wilson
Competition at Montreux Jazz                                           Met with an instant standing ovation            saxophones /
                                                Tim Firth
Festival, and two-time Bell Award               drums                  at the 2016 Sydney Festival, the                clarinet
winner, modern-day chanteuse                                           migration is a soul-searching response          James Greening
                                                                                                                       trombone /
Kristin Berardi possesses flawless                                     to life, love and cultural complexity.          pocket trumpet /
musicality, an exquisite voice and a                                                                                   tuba
luminous stage presence.                                               The third in a series of acclaimed              Carl Dewhurst
                                                                       suites by Stu Hunter, the migration’s
                                                                                                                       Cameron Undy
See her perform original material                                      lush sonic grooves and deeply                   bass
and masterfully interpreted                                            emotive melodies are direct from                Simon Barker
standards alongside Australia’s                                        the exhilarating frontier of modern             drums /
foremost jazz musicians.                                               Australian jazz.
                                                                                                                       Declan Kelly
                                                                                                                       percussion /
date                                                                   date                                            drums
Friday 10 June at 9:00pm                                               Friday 10 June at 6:30pm                        Tina Harrod
venue                                                                  venue

Merlyn Theatre,                                                        Merlyn Theatre,
The Coopers Malthouse                                                  The Coopers Malthouse
                                                Proudly supported by
price              full     conc.   under 30s                          price              full     conc.   under 30s

                   $45      $39     $30                                                   $55      $49     $30
Plus $3 per ticket booking fee                                         Plus $3 per ticket booking fee

Explorations                                              Poland /     Explorations                                              Australia
in Jazz                                                   Australia    in Jazz

Monash Art                                                             Peter Knight’s
Ensemble                                                               Way Out West
featuring                                                              Led by Peter Knight, Way Out                    personnel

Tomasz Stańko                                                          West is at the vanguard of an                   Peter Knight
                                                                       important musical movement that                 trumpet /
“One of the world’s most original                                     engages with Australia’s place in               Satsuki
  and innovative jazz trumpet players”                                 Asia to produce a unique hybrid                 Odamura
 — The New Yorker                                                      form of jazz.                                   koto
                                                                                                                       Paul Williamson
Experience a world-premiere collaboration between                      Their fascinating new project,                  Lucas
the Monash Art Ensemble – a project of Monash                          featuring Sydney-based koto                     Michailidis
University’s Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music and                      virtuoso Satsuki Odamura, builds on             guitar
the Australian Art Orchestra – and European jazz                       the band’s long history of seamlessly           Ray Pereira
icon Tomasz Stańko.                                                    combining Asian instrumentation                 Howard Cairns
                                                                       and approaches with irresistible                bass
Together they will explore the music of Krzysztof                      West African-influenced grooves                 Rajiv Jayaweera
Komeda, the legendary Polish film composer and                         and jazz-inflected melodies.                    drums
jazz musician who was Roman Polanski’s composer
of choice, creating scores for such iconic films as
Rosemary’s Baby and Knife in the Water.

date                                                                   date

Saturday 11 June at 6:30pm                                             Saturday 11 June at 9:00pm
venue                                                                  venue

Merlyn Theatre,                                                        Merlyn Theatre,
The Coopers Malthouse                                                  The Coopers Malthouse
                                                Proudly supported by                                                   Proudly supported by
price              full     conc.   under 30s                          price              full     conc.   under 30s

                   $45      $39     $30                                                   $45      $39     $30
Plus $3 per ticket booking fee.                                        Plus $3 per ticket booking fee.

Modern                                                     USA     Explorations                                                 USA
Masters                                                            in Jazz

Children of                                                        Marcus Strickland’s
the Light Trio                                                     Twi-Life
Individually celebrated as some of          personnel              After four sold-out shows with                personnel

the finest jazz musicians in the world,     Danilo Pérez           Chris Dave and the Drumhedz                   Marcus
Danilo Pérez, John Patitucci and            piano                  at the 2014 Festival, multi-reedist           Strickland
Brian Blade have been three-quarters        John Patitucci         /beatmaker Marcus Strickland
                                            bass                                                                 Keyon Harrold
of the extraordinary Wayne Shorter          Brian Blade
                                                                   returns with his acclaimed                    trumpet
Quartet for more than a decade.             drums                  Meshell Ndegeocello-produced                  Mitch Henry
                                                                   release Nihil Novi (Blue Note /               keyboard /
In 2014 they stepped forward as                                    Revive Records).                              Kyle Miles
Children of the Light Trio (a nod                                                                                bass
to Shorter’s “Children of the Night’).                             Assembling the talents of America’s           Charles Haynes
This evolution in their relationship                               most innovative and unpredictable             drums
revealed a finely-attuned trio imbued                              artists, Twi-Life combines fluid
with imagination, precision and                                    improvisation and deep grooves to
fearlessness.                                                      create a genre-defying synthesis of
                                                                   soul, jazz-funk and R&B.
Don’t miss the opportunity to
experience these musical soulmates
in an intimate club setting.                                       date                      doors     show

                                                                   Saturday 11 June          7:00pm    7:30pm
date                      doors     show                                                     9:30pm    10:00pm
Friday 10 June            7:00pm 7:30pm                            Sunday 12 June            7:00pm    7:30pm
                          9:30pm 10:00pm                                                     9:30pm    10:00pm
venue                                                              venue

Bennetts Lane Jazz Club                                            Bennetts Lane Jazz Club
                                            Proudly supported by                                                 Proudly supported by
price                     full      conc.                          price                     full      conc.

                          $79       $71                                                      $55       $49
Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee                                  Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee

Explorations                                            USA /      Explorations                                           Australia
in Jazz                                               Australia    in Jazz

Lionel Loueke                                                      Confrontations
+ The Vampires                                                     World premiere of the 2016 PBS
                                                                   Young Elder of Jazz Commission.
Guitarist Lionel Loueke has                 personnel

enjoyed a meteoric rise in the jazz         Lionel Loueke          Multi-award winning pianist and              personnel

world, collaborating with seminal           guitar                 composer Joe O’Connor has                    Joe O’Connor
jazz figures including Wayne Shorter,       Nick Garbett           created Confrontations, a stunning           piano
Esperanza Spalding and Herbie                                      set of six dialogues exploring conflict      Marty Holoubek
                                            Jeremy Rose                                                         bass
Hancock, who has praised Loueke             saxophones /           and multiplicity in improvisation.           James McLean
as “a musical painter”.                     bass clarinet
                                            Jonathan Zwartz        Inspired by and performed
                                            bass                                                                Scott Tinkler
Sydney’s The Vampires are                                          in collaboration with Australian             trumpet
                                            Hamish Stuart
renowned for their blend of                 drums                  jazz luminary Scott Tinkler,
soulful jazz, old-school reggae,                                   Confrontations balances tonal and
exotic Balkan melodies and all-out                                 non-tonal harmony, regular and
funk-laden Afrobeat. Their risk-taking                             irregular rhythm, delicate lyricism
improvisational style and exhilarating                             and impressive density.
interplay meet Loueke’s musical
mastery and deep knowledge of                                      The PBS Young Elder of Jazz
                                                                   Commission is generously supported
African folk forms in a must-see                                   by Mark Newman

date                      doors     show

Saturday 4 June           7:00pm 7:30pm                            date                       doors     show

                          9:30pm 10:00pm                           Friday 3 June              7:00pm 7:30pm
venue                                                              venue

Bennetts Lane Jazz Club                                            Bennetts Lane Jazz Club
                                            Proudly supported by                                                Proudly supported by
price                     full      conc.                          price                      full      conc.

                          $55       $49                                                       $30       $25
Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee                                  Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee.

Club                                           Australia                                    USA

                                               A Tribute to                                 Robert
                                               Allan Browne                                 Glasper Trio

Jazz Club
                                               The Australian jazz world lost               “Intuitive, brilliant, playful and
Join us for one last                           one of its great lights last year,             ultimately very moving”
stand of soaring gigs                          with the passing of drummer /                 — London Jazz News
                                               poet Allan Browne.
and late night jams at                                                                      Recorded around Nat King Cole’s
‘old Bennetts’, a jazz                         Join Allan’s long-term                       Steinway at Capitol records in
                                               collaborator, colleague and                  Hollywood, the Robert Glasper
institution in the heart                       friend Paul Grabowsky as                     Trio’s latest album Covered
of Melbourne.                                  he leads a heartfelt tribute to              reimagines the music of Glasper’s
                                               one of our most fearless and                 idols and peers, including Kendrick
All bookings at Bennetts Lane Jazz Club
attract a $2.50 per ticket booking fee up to
                                               inventive souls.                             Lamar, Radiohead and Joni Mitchell.
$10 per order.

                                               Paul Grabowsky piano                         Experience the evolution of jazz
                                               Mirko Guerrini saxophone                     first-hand, in this up-close encounter
                                               Niko Schäuble drums                          with modern jazz royalty.

                                                                                            Robert Glasper piano
                                                                                            Vicente Archer bass
                                                                                            Damion Reid drums

                                               supported by

                                               date                       doors     show    date                       doors     show

                                               Monday 6 June              7:00pm 7:30pm     Sunday 5 June              9:30pm 10:00pm
Proudly supported by
                                               price                      full      conc.   price                      full      conc.

                                                                          $35       $30                                $84       $78
                                               Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee.           Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee.

Australia                                    Italy / Australia                            Israel / USA

Songs of                                     Voyage to                                    Shai Maestro
Friends                                      Sardinia                                     Trio

Join acclaimed Australian vocalist           This unique blend of Australian              A creator of moods, a shaper
Josh Kyle and pianist and                    and Italian jazz is inspired by              of atmospheres and a sculptor
bandleader Sam Keevers as they               traditional Sardinian folk tunes,            of sound – Israeli pianist
present Songs of Friends — a                 yet always innovative.                       Shai Maestro is blazing a bold
collection of instrumental jazz                                                           new path in jazz. Alongside
compositions by Australian artists           Spontaneous improvisations                   Peruvian bassist Jorge Roeder
Daniel Gassin, Sean Coffin and               open up a treasure trove of sonic            (Gary Burton, Miguel Zenon),
Kristin Berardi, re-imagined with            possibilities, showcasing Angeli’s           and Israeli drummer Ziv Ravitz
original lyrics by Kyle.                     specially adapted Sardinian guitar,          (Lee Konitz, Esperanza Spalding),
                                             which features intricate mechanical          this prodigious composer/
                                             and electronic extensions.                   performer creates music that
                                                                                          is “gripping, exhilarating and
                                             This performance marks the launch            gorgeous” (All About Jazz).
                                             of the ensemble’s Jazzhead album.

Josh Kyle voice                              Paolo Angeli Sardinian guitar                Shai Maestro piano
Sam Keevers piano                            Rob Burke saxophones, bass clarinet          Jorge Roeder bass
                                             Mirko Guerrini saxophones                    Ziv Ravitz drums
                                             Jordan Murray trombone
                                             Stephen Magnusson guitar
                                             Dave Beck drums

                                                                                          date                       doors     show
date                       doors     show    date                       doors     show    Tuesday 7 June             6:30pm 7:00pm
Sunday 5 June              6:30pm 7:00pm     Friday 3 June              9:30pm 10:00pm                               9:00pm 9:30pm
price                      full      conc.   price                      full      conc.   price                      full      conc.

                           $30       $25                                $42       $36                                $49       $42
Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee.           Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee.           Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee.

USA                                          Australia / USA                              Australia

Keyon Harrold                                Angus / Anning /                             Late Night Jams
featuring Twi-Life                           Hoenig                                       with the Hue Blanes Trio

Hailed by Wynton Marsalis                    In a world premiere trio format,             Join us at Bennetts Lane for
as the “future of the trumpet”,              multi-award winning New York-                the Festival’s Late Night Jam
Keyon Harrold is the go-to                   based Australian guitarist                   sessions. Led by the remarkable
trumpeter / producer / arranger /            Quentin Angus joins forces with              Hue Blanes Trio, Late Night Jams
songwriter for the likes of D’Angelo,        rhythm magician Ari Hoenig and               are all about losing yourself in the
Maxwell and Erykah Badu.                     2015 National Jazz Award winner              spontaneity and excitement of
                                             Sam Anning.                                  these improvised sessions.
Named one of Billboard’s
5 Artists To Watch at NYC Winter             Along with original compositions,            “Hue Blanes has a transcendent
Jazzfest 2016, Harrold brings                this globe-trotting trio will present          voice, perfect timing and an angelic
his mid-tempo grooves and smoky              modern takes on jazz standards                 touch on the piano, he’s a star”
balladry to Melbourne for the                and the works of artists from                 — Deborah Conway
first time.                                  Wes Montgomery to Oasis via
                                             the Goo Goo Dolls.

Marcus Strickland saxophones                 Quentin Angus guitar                         Hue Blanes piano
Keyon Harrold trumpet                        Sam Anning bass                              Ben Hanlon bass
Mitch Henry piano                            Ari Hoenig drums                             Danny Fischer drums
Kyle Miles bass
Charles Haynes drums
                                             supported by

date                       doors     show    date                       doors     show    date

Wednesday 8 June 6:30pm 7:00pm               Thursday 9 June            7:00pm 7:30pm     Friday 3 - Sunday 12 June,
                 9:00pm 9:30pm                                          9:30pm 10:00pm    11:00pm ‘til late
price                      full      conc.   price                      full      conc.   price                      full      conc.

                           $55       $49                                $55       $49                                $15       $10
Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee.           Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee.           Plus $2.50 per ticket booking fee.


                                         Jazz Café
From modern world grooves
to hard-driving bebop,
                                         Mark Fitzgibbon                          Paul Williamson
and everything in between,               Trio                                     Quartet
this year’s program at
Uptown Jazz Café features                Dynamic, impeccable grooves.             The music of Thelonious Monk.
some of Australia’s
most dynamic jazz artists.               Mark Fitzgibbon piano                    Paul Williamson trumpet
Full dinner is available each            Tom Lee bass                             Sam Keevers piano
night. Doors open half an hour           Danny Fischer drums                      Marty Holoubek bass
prior to the start time.                                                          Scott Lambie drums

                                         date                                     date

                                         Friday 3 June at 8:00pm                  Friday 3 June at 9:30pm
                                         price              full     concession   price              full     concession

                                                            $35      $30                             $35      $30
                                         Includes all booking fees                Includes all booking fees

                                         Hetty Kate                               Andrea Keller’s
                                         Quintet                                  Transients IV
                                         Divine jazz vocals.                      Exquisite contemporary jazz.

                                         Hetty Kate voice                         Andrea Keller piano
                                         Jon Hunt saxophone                       Eugene Ball trumpet
                                         Mark Fitzgibbon piano                    Tamara Murphy bass
                                         Ben Robertson bass
                                         Danny Fischer drums

Presented by      Proudly supported by   date                                     date

                                         Saturday 4 June at 8:00pm                Saturday 4 June at 9:30pm

                                  price              full


                                                                                  price              full


                             Includes all booking fees                Includes all booking fees

Stephen                                  Ross McHenry                             Ithaca Bound
Magnusson Trio                           Trio                                     The music of the
                                                                                  Allan Browne Quintet.
Jazz standards reimagined.               Australian jazz innovation.
                                                                                  Eugene Ball trumpet
Stephen Magnusson guitar                 Matthew Sheens piano                     Phil Noy alto saxophone
Frank Di Sario bass                      Ross McHenry bass                        Geoff Hughes guitar
Dave Beck drums                          Myele Manzanza drums                     Nick Haywood bass
                                                                                  Lewis Humbert drums

date                                     date                                     date

Sunday 5 June at 8:00pm                  Sunday 5 June at 9:30pm                  Monday 6 June at 9:30pm
price              full     concession   price              full     concession   price              full     concession

                   $35      $30                             $35      $30                             $35      $30
Includes all booking fees                Includes all booking fees                Includes all booking fees

Bopstretch                               Tal Cohen                                Jamie Oehlers / Paul
                                         Trio                                     Grabowsky Quartet
Melbourne’s premier bebop outfit.
                                         Inspired by Jewish folk and              Majestic jazz from Australian greats.
Eamon McNelis trumpet                    classical music.
Phil Noy saxophone                                                                Jamie Oehlers tenor saxophone
James Sherlock guitar                    Tal Cohen piano                          Paul Grabowsky piano
Mark Elton bass                          Phil Stack bass                          Phil Stack bass
Sam Bates drums                          Danny Fischer drums                      Ben Vanderwal drums

date                                     date                                     date

Wednesday 8 June at 8:00pm               Thursday 9 & Friday 10 June at 8:00pm    Thursday 9 June at 9:30pm
price              full     concession   price              full     concession   price              full     concession

                   $35      $30                             $35      $30                             $35      $30
Includes all booking fees                Includes all booking fees                Includes all booking fees

Jamie Oehlers                            James Muller                              Sam Keevers’
Quartet                                  Quartet                                  “Red Fish Blue”
Hushed ballads to                        Vibrant, warm jazz.                      Hip rhythms with Latin percussion.
high-speed workouts.
                                         James Muller guitar                      Sam Keevers piano
Jamie Oehlers tenor saxophone            Mat Jodrell trumpet                      Javier Fredes percussion
James Muller guitar                      Sam Anning bass                          Brett Hirst bass
Phil Stack bass                          Ben Vanderwal drums                      Simon Barker drums
Ben Vanderwal drums

date                                     date                                     date

Friday 10 June at 9:30pm                 Saturday 11 June at 8:00pm & 9:30pm      Sunday 12 June at 9:30pm
price              full     concession   price              full     concession   price              full     concession

                   $35      $30                             $35      $30                             $35      $30
Includes all booking fees                Includes all booking fees                Includes all booking fees


                                                                           Enjoy some of Melbourne finest

                                                                           vocalists and jazz instrumentalists
                                                                           over drinks in the heart of Richmond.
                                                                           Full dinner service available each

Jazz Club
                                                                           night from 6.30pm.


                                      Tribute to                           Sarah Maclaine
                                      Blue Note                            in Concert
                                      A tribute to famed jazz record       Indulge in the rich, velvety voice
                                      label Blue Note, including classic   of jazz chanteuse Sarah Maclaine
                                      numbers from hard bop pioneers       as she effortlessly moves
                                      such as Thelonious Monk,             between jazz, pop, blues, R&B
                                      Art Blakey, Herbie Hancock           and beyond, accompanied by
                                      and more.                            the Roger Clark Quartet.

                                      Roger Clark alto saxophone           Sarah Maclaine vocals
                                      Christophe Gannaux tenor saxophone   Roger Clark alto saxophone
                                      Simon O’Neil trumpet                 Rory Clark piano
                                      David Hardy trombone                 Paige Smith bass
                                      Rory Clark piano                     Brian Abrahams drums
                                      Paige Smith bass
                                      Brian Abrahams drums

Presented by   Proudly supported by
                                      date                                 date

                                      Friday 3 June at 9:00pm              Saturday 4 June at 9:00pm
                                      price    $30                         price    $30
                                      Includes all booking fees            Includes all booking fees

Wilbur Wilde’s                      Adam Dunning                        Dizzy’s
Blowout                             with the                            Big Band
Hey Hey It’s Saturday’s legendary
                                    Roger Clark                         Vocalists Peter Hearne and
saxophonist come comedian           Quartet                             Andy Dowell front Dizzy’s
Wilbur Wilde blows up a                                                 outstanding 16-piece Big Band
rock-infused jazz storm,            Seductive vocalist Adam             for an evening of timeless classics
in his relentlessly grooving        Dunning heats up the stage          and modern show-stoppers
and swinging style.                 with his charismatic blend          from the likes of Duke Ellington
                                    of surf jazz, bossa originals       to Gordon Goodwin.
Wilbur Wilde tenor saxophone        and soulful standards.
Sam Keevers piano
Phil Rex bass                       Adam Dunning vocals
Mike Jordan drums                   Roger Clark alto saxophone
                                    Rory Clark piano
                                    Paige Smith bass
                                    Brian Abrahams drums

date                                date                                date

Monday 6 June at 8:00pm             Tuesday 7 June at 8:00pm            Wednesday 8 June at 8:00pm
price    $30                        price    $25                        price    $30
Includes all booking fees           Includes all booking fees           Includes all booking fees

David Rex                           Craig                               Nichaud
Quartet                             Schneider Trio                      Fitzgibbon Quartet
Fiery saxophonist David Rex leads   With inspiration from the           Sultry singer Nichaud Fitzgibbon
a lively programme of sparkling     swinging style of Oscar Peterson    bubbles with charisma,
grooves from one of Melbourne’s     to the sizzling Latin rhythms of    offering a sophisticated mix
best new jazz quartets.             Michel Camillo, acclaimed pianist   of Great American Songbook
                                    Craig Schneider presents            standards, from sultry swing to
David Rex alto saxophone            a compelling mix of original        bossa and blues.
Mark Fitzgibbon piano               compositions and jazz standards.
Tom Lee bass                                                            Nichaud Fitzgibbon vocals
Sam Bates drums                     Craig Schneider piano               Mark Fitzgibbon piano
                                    Lawson Kennard bass                 Hugh Harvey drums
                                    Daniel McKoy drums                  Phil Rex bass
                                                                        Hugh Stuckey guitar

date                                date                                date

Thursday 9 June at 8:00pm           Friday 10 June at 9:00pm            Saturday 11 June at 9:00pm
price    $25                        price    $30                        price    $35
Includes all booking fees           Includes all booking fees           Includes all booking fees

Explorations                                                 Australia /    Jazz Out                                            Australia
in Jazz                                                           USA       West

Monash University                                                           Jazz-a-Bye
Jazz Futures                                                                Baby
featuring Eddie Palmieri Latin Jazz Septet featuring Mister Ott
With a career that spans over six decades,                                  In this exclusive Melbourne               personnel

Latin jazz pianist, bandleader, arranger and composer                       International Jazz Festival edition       Matthew
Eddie Palmieri will be Artist-In-Residence at                               of PBS 106.7 FM’s popular                 Ottignon
Monash University during the 2016 Festival.                                 Rock-a-Bye Baby sessions,                 Ellen Kirkwood
                                                                            Sydney Ethio-funksters Mister             trumpet
The culmination of a series of intensive rehearsals                         Ott bring their irresistible and          Ben Pannuci
with students and staff from The Sir Zelman Cowen                           infectious grooves to Footscray.          guitar
School of Music, will see the Eddie Palmieri Latin                                                                    Daniel Pliner
Jazz Septet take to the stage with Australia’s next                         In a show for adults and kids of all      Eden Ottignon
generation of jazz musicians in a salsa-infused                             ages, Ethio-jazz rhythms go head          bass
celebration.                                                                to head with seriously solid funk         Dan Kenedy
                                                                            grooves to get you out of your            drums
                                                                            seats and onto the dancefloor.

                                                                            Noise is welcomed, crawling is
                                                                            encouraged and dancing is expected.

Thursday 9 June at 6:00pm
                                                                            Sunday 5 June 10:00am and 12:00pm
Melbourne Recital Centre                                                    venue

                                                                            Footscray Community Arts Centre
price              full          concession

                   $35           $30                 Proudly supported by   price               full    concession    Proudly supported by
                                                                                           $23.30 $17.30
plus $5.50-$8 Transaction Fee per order (not
applicable for in-person bookings). A Delivery Fee                          Children under 2 free. Groups of 4+ $17
of up to $5.50 may also apply.                                              Includes all booking fees

Jazz Out                                                                                                                 Italy /
West                                                                                                                   Australia


                                                           Experience suburban soundscapes,
                                                           inspired neo-soul, contemporary
                                                           improvisation and hypnotic grooves
                                                           with these free events in downtown

Jazz Out West
30/70 Collective                                           Soundwalk
Join Melbourne’s original beat disciples 30/70 as they     Listen to boats, birds, other Soundwalkers and guest
curate an evening of gritty and soulful tunes at beloved   musicians on a surprising, spontaneous listening
Footscray local, The Reverence.                            journey through the waterways and secret spaces of
                                                           Footscray, led by Anthony Magen.
date                         venue

Saturday 4 June at 8:00pm    The Reverence Hotel           Please note this is a walking tour – sensible shoes are recommended.
                                                           Spaces are limited – arrive 10 minutes early to register your place.

Wallace                                                    date                                  venue

                                                           Sunday 5 June at 2:00pm               Meet at Footscray
Rising future-soul superstar Wallace brings                                                      Community Arts Centre
her distinctive brand of blues-inflected jazz to
the Festival for the very first time.
                                                           Paolo Angeli                                                      Italy
date                         venue

Saturday 11 June at 2:00pm   The Dancing Dog               Sardinian master musician Paolo Angeli performs
                                                           his uniquely modified guitar in the beautiful acoustic
                                                           of the Bluestone Church Arts Space.

                                                           date                                  venue
Proudly supported by
                                                           Sunday 5 June at 4:00pm               Bluestone Church
                                                                                                 Arts Space

Free                               Transitive

date                               Home-grown jazz piano luminary Barney McAll is back from New York
Saturday 4 June at 12:00pm         and celebrating with two specially-commissioned new works for the
venue                              Federation Bells.
Federation Bells, Birrarung Marr
                                   The riverside installation of 39 upturned bells will come alive with dynamic
                                   interplay between the bells and musicians, in a spectacle featuring
                                   members of the Australian Symbiotic Improvisers Orbit and
                                   McAll’s self-made instrument Chucky.

                                   Listen for whispers of melodies from other prominent Australian
Proudly supported by               composers amongst the abstract sonic puzzles. Playing every hour on
                                   the hour for the duration of the Festival, the Federation Bells will come
                                   alive like never before.

     Federation Bells                                     Opening Celebration Concert

                                   Opening Celebration
date                               Enjoy a tantalising taste of what’s on offer at the 2016 Festival. This free
Saturday 4 June at 1:30pm          open-air concert will have first-time concert goers and seasoned jazz
venue                              lovers dancing in the square as we showcase a sample of the Festival’s
Federation Square – Main Stage     most exciting acts.

                                   The top-secret lineup will be announced in May – subscribe to the
                                   Festival’s eNews at melbournejazz.com to be the first to know.
Proudly supported by

                                   The afternoon continues with big band performances brought to you
                                   by Australia’s best and brightest emerging jazz musicians.

                                   Monash University Brazilian Jazz Ensemble            director Jordan Murray

                                   Monash University Latin Jazz Ensemble                director Sam Evans

Free                                                                Special                                            Australia
Events                                                              Events

   Eddie Palmieri                    Tomasz Stańko

Artist Workshops at Los Cabrones at the
Monash University Winter Night Market
Witness the fascinating process of Festival headliners              The Melbourne International Jazz Festival and Queen
working with the rising generation of jazz musicians                Victoria Market have joined forces to light up the historic
during these free two hour workshops.                               market sheds with the irresistible sounds of Australia’s
                                                                    premier Afro-Cuban Latin jazz group Los Cabrones.
Eddie Palmieri                                              USA
Latin Jazz Septet                                                   Combining tunes from the masters — Tito Puente,
                                                                    Eddie Palmieri and Poncho Sanchez – with their
date                                                                own original grooves, this 14-piece powerhouse will
Thursday 9 June at 11:00am                                          warm-up the Winter Night Market with their anthemic
                                                                    brass and heart pounding rhythms.

Tomasz Stańko                                          Poland /     personnel

Band                                                   Finland      Greg Spence         Ben Gillespie        Ryan Menezes
                                                                    Paul Williamson     trombone             drums
                                                                    trumpet             Paul Williamson      Felipe Cornejo
                                                                    Phil Noy            baritone             Javier Fredes:
Friday 10 June at 10:00am                                           alto saxophone      saxophone            percussion
                                                                    Julien Wilson       Sam Keevers          Leo Salvo,
                                                                    tenor saxophone     piano                Luis Poblete
                                                                                                             vocals /
                                                                                        Craig Fermanis       percussion
                                                                                        Christopher Hale

                                                                                                             Proudly supported by
                                             Proudly supported by
venue                                                               Wednesday 8 June from 6:00pm
Monash University Music Auditorium                                  venue

price   Free                                                        Queen Victoria Market

Free                                               Australia   Free                                                 Australia
Events                                                         Events

Soundwalks                                                     Sound
Listen to the aural diversity of Melbourne’s CBD on            What would you sound like as a jazz tune?
these surprisingly simple Soundwalks led by Landscape          Jazz artists Mirko Guerrini (saxophone) and
Architect and Acoustic Ecologist, Anthony Magen with           Niran Dasika (trumpet) use a unique “source code”
special guests on selected nights. Walk and listen             to create melody from your facial features, harmony
to your body, buskers, cars, birds, trams and other            and rhythm from your astrology, and mood from
Soundwalkers. Join these active adventures through             your emotional presence. Hear your Sound Portrait
the city’s open spaces, laneways and secret places.            composed live and keep a copy on CD.

Please note this is a walking tour – sensible shoes            Locations will be announced at melbournejazz.com
are recommended. Spaces are limited – meet 10
minutes early, near the stage, to register your place.

                                                                  Riverside Jazz Club
                                                                  Perched on the river’s edge inside Hamer Hall,
                                                                  the Riverside Jazz Club is the perfect accompaniment
dates                                                             to an evening of sublime entertainment on the main stage.
Friday 3 June, Wednesday 8 June, Friday 10 June,                  Explore this stylish pop-up venue pre or post-show,
and Saturday 11 June at 6:00pm                                    or make it a destination to catch up with friends and
                                                                  enjoy some live music.

Meet at Federation Square                                         dates

                                                                  Thursday 9 June 5:00pm - 12:00 midnight
date                                                              Friday 10 June 5:00pm - 1:00am
Saturday 4 June at 11:00pm                                        Saturday 11 June 5:00pm - 1:00am
                                                                  Sunday 12 June 5:00pm - 12:00 midnight

Meet at the Cave; location to be announced                        venue

at melbournejazz.com                                              Riverside Bar, Arts Centre Melbourne

Free                                               Australia   Free
Events                                                         Events


Juilliard Free                                                 The
Lunchtime Jazz                                                 Cave
Celebrate the spirit of jazz! This series of three free        A late night hideaway featuring a cacophony of musical
lunchtime concerts presented by Juilliard will put a           performances, experiments and unhinged ideas.
spring in your step and a smile on your face.
                                                               Held in a yet-to-be-disclosed location, The Cave
                                                               will come alive through the darkest hours in the
Monash University                                              middle of winter.
Australian Jazz Ensemble
Emerging Australian jazz talent                                Featuring sounds from local legends and unknown
                                                               radicals, this experiential mixtape is curated by
date                                                           Wondercore Island and played live, loud and fearlessly.
Friday 3 June 12:00 – 2:00pm
                                                               Dancing with strangers is encouraged.
                                                               Improvisation is demanded.
Rising future-soul superstar                                   Stay tuned for venue details at

Thursday 9 June 12:00 – 2:00pm
Friday 10 June 12:00 – 2:00pm

venue                                                          dates

St James, 555 Bourke Street                                    Friday 3 and Saturday 4 June, 10:00pm ‘til late

                     Proudly supported by                                           Proudly supported by

Special                                        Australia   Special                                                      Italy
Event                                                      Event

Vocal                                                      An Evening with
Adventures                                                 Paolo Angeli
Looping, beatboxing multi-instrumentalist Mal Webb         A virtuoso of the Sardinian guitar, Paolo Angeli is one
joins forces with violinist and vocalist Kylie Morrigan    of Europe’s most innovative musicians.
to make music that is intricate and playful. Imagine
Einstein, Dr Seuss and Paganini making pancakes.           Hailed as “one of jazz’s best-kept secrets” (BBC
Children must be accompanied by an adult.                  Radio 3), Angeli will perform incomparably beautiful,
                                                           multi-layered music using a unique 18-string guitar
date                                                       of his own devising. Angeli will also discuss the
Sunday 5 June 2:00pm to 3:00pm                             creation of this extraordinary instrument and how
date                        price                          it has inspired the likes of Pat Metheny.
ArtPlay, Birrarrung Marr    $10 per child
                                                           Talk will take place in English and Italian. Ticket price

Beatbox                                                    includes a glass of wine and appetiser on arrival.

& Beyond
Vocal explorer and songwriter Mal Webb takes you on
a lip to lung journey through the physics, physiology
and frivolity of all the sounds a face can make.
Ages 9 to 12.

date                                                       date

Sunday 5 June 10:30am to 12:30pm                           Monday 6 June at 6:30pm
date                        price                          venue

ArtPlay, Birrarrung Marr    $15 per child                  Italian Institute of Culture                 Proudly supported by

                                                           price              full        concession
Presented by
                                                                              $45.30      $38.30
                                                           iic members        $38.30      $32.30
                                                           Includes all booking fees.

Free                                         Close

                                             Experience a close encounter with the world’s leading jazz artists in our series
                                             of intimate conversations, inspiring workshops and live demonstrations.

Shai Maestro                        Israel   Ari Hoenig                       USA     John Patitucci                   USA
piano                                        drums                                    bass

date                                         date                                     date

Monday 6 June at 4:00pm                      Thursday 9 June at 4:00pm                Saturday 11 June at 1:00pm

Kristin Berardi               Australia      Marcus Strickland                USA     Mulatu Astatke                Ethiopia
voice                                        & Keyon Harrold                          vibraphone / voice
                                             saxophone / trumpet

date                                         date                                     date

Saturday 11 June at 5:00pm                   Sunday 12 June at 2:00pm                 Sunday 12 June at 4:00pm

                                                                                      Proudly supported by
Arts Centre Melbourne,                       Presented in association
The Channel                                  with Arts Centre Melbourne

price   Free
Pre-register at melbournejazz.com

supported by                                 Discussion Panel:
                                             What’s in a festival?
date                                         Hosted by Paul Grabowsky AO (past Artistic Director, Adelaide Festival),
Sunday 12 June at 12:00pm                    join Adrian Jackson (Artistic Director, Wangaratta Jazz and Blues Festival),
venue                                        Chelsea Wilson (Artistic Director, Stonnington Jazz), Michael Tortoni
Arts Centre Melbourne,                       (Artistic Director, MIJF) and Jennifer Kerr (General Manager, MIJF) for a
The Channel                                  fascinating insight into the inner workings of three of Australia’s leading
price   Free                                 jazz festivals and how they are each working to develop and strengthen
Pre-register at melbournejazz.com            jazz in Victoria.

The City of Melbourne

   What IS
                                           is proud to support
                                           major and emerging
                                           arts organisations

                                           through their 2015–17
                                           Triennial Arts Grants

                                           Arts Access Victoria
                                           Australian Centre for

                                           Contemporary Art
                                           Blindside Artist Run Space
                                           Chamber Made Opera
                                           Circus Oz
                                           Emerging Writers’ Festival
                                           Ilbijerri Theatre
                                           Koorie Heritage Trust
                                           La Mama
                                           Little Big Shots
                                           Lucy Guerin Inc.
                                           Melbourne Festival
                                           Melbourne Fringe

  “Melbourne’s creative                    Melbourne International
                                           Comedy Festival

   future is being
                                           Melbourne International
                                           Film Festival

   an international
                                           Melbourne International
                                           Jazz Festival
                                           Melbourne Queer Film Festival

   destination for jazz,                   Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

  the most important
                                           Melbourne WebFest
                                           Melbourne Writers Festival

   artform of the 21st
                                           Multicultural Arts Victoria
                                           Next Wave Festival

                                           Polyglot Theatre
                                           Poppy Seed
                                           Songlines Aboriginal Music
                                           Speak Percussion
   Michael Tortoni Artistic Director
                                           The Wheeler Centre
   Melbourne International Jazz Festival
                                           West Space
                                           Wild@heART Community Arts

Juilliard Group
Free Lunch Time
Jazz Series
Held most     See page 35 Keep
weekdays      for more    watch for
during the    details     upcoming
festival                  events
                          the year!

T 9613 9999
                          PREMIUM CARE PROGRAM

All new Yamaha pianos sold in Australia come with between 1 and 20 free in-home tunes, to assist the new instrument to
settle-in to its new surroundings. Other pianos may be less expensive, but only Yamaha can provide an in-home servicing
program included in the purchase price of your instrument.

                          PIANO TYPE                                                     COMPLIMENTARY
        Upright Pianos, GB1K & GC1M Grand Pianos                                            Single Tune
                   C1X 161cm Grand Piano                                             2 Tunes (1 Year of Tuning)
                   C2X 173cm Grand Piano                                            4 Tunes ( 2 Years of Tuning)
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                   C6X 212cm Grand Piano                                            12 Tunes ( 6 Years of Tuning)
                   C7X 227cm Grand Piano                                            14 Tunes ( 7 Years of Tuning)
        S Series / CF Series Premium Grand Pianos                                   20 Tunes (10 Years of Tuning)

Yamaha Music Australia is proud to provide pianos for the Melbourne International
Jazz Festival, including the acclaimed Yamaha CFX concert grand piano.

                                                                              Building brands through design,
                                                                              strategy, and technology.


                                                                              Major partner of the
                                                                              Melbourne International Jazz Festival
When improvisation
                                                      is not an option.
                                                      Brand Partners
                                                      — helping our clients
                                                         hit the right note.

                                                      Proud partners of Melbourne International Jazz Festival
                                                      and the Australian Jazz Bell Awards

                                                                        “I wanted to major in Jazz
                                                                        music and I knew WAAPA
                                                                        was the best place to study”
                                                                        “The foundation I received at WAAPA gave
                                                                        me the opportunity to further my studies in
                                                                        New York City and now I am working with
                                                                        musicians I used to listen to and study while I
                                                                        was at WAAPA - Dave Douglas, Joe Lovano
                                                                        and Kenny Barron. Studying at WAAPA gave
                                                                        me a solid foundation for jazz, and gave me
                                                                        a good understanding of playing in different
Photo. Vincent Soyez

                                                                        Linda Oh
                                                                        Freelance Jazz Bassist and Teacher
                                                                        Manhattan School of Music
                                                                        Bachelor of Music (Jazz Performance)

                       For more information contact ECU Student Recruitment
                       Tel: 134 328 or go to: waapa.ecu.edu.au
                                                                                                      Western Australian
                                                                                                      Academy of Performing Arts
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                 ABC Jazz brings you the best
                 in jazz from Australia and
                 around the globe.
                 Just jazz. 24/7.

                    TV (channel 201)
                    Digital radio
                    ABC Radio App

                                Images: Dee Dee Bridgewater with members of the New
                           Orleans Jazz Orchestra (top & bottom). Hamilton de Holanda
                       (middle). 2015 Melbourne International Jazz Festival ©ABC Jazz.
            BAYS FROM

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