Meeting Speaker - David Mullins - DACdb

Meeting Speaker - David Mullins - DACdb
April 5, 2021

              Meeting Speaker -- David Mullins                                        The Four Way Test

                                                                                      1. Is it the TRUTH?
  (In person in hotel Ornate Ballroom with RSVP and online via Zoom)                  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
                                                                                      3. Will it build GOODWILL and
                                        David Mullins has enjoyed a 41-year           BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
                                        career in public and commercial               4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all
                                        broadcasting. For the past 13 years focus     concerned
                                        has been on station management, fiscal
                                        oversight and fundraising with large-,
                                        medium- and small-sized stations and          Inspiration
                                        with both community-licensed and
                                        university-licensed organizations.
                                                                                      April 6:
                                                                                      Allen DeWolf
                                        As General Manager of WFSU Public
                                        Media's $16 million/120 employee              April 13:
                                        enterprise, Mullins leads the operations of   Bill Jones
                                        PBS stations WFSU and WFSG and NPR            April 20:
stations WFSU-FM, WFSQ-FM, and WFSW-FM, which serve the Tallahassee                   Randy Nicklaus
and Panama City markets; The Florida Channel, which produces and delivers             April 27:
state-wide 24/7 live and archived coverage of Florida�s Governor, Cabinet,            Linda Nelson
Legislature and Supreme Court; the FL satellite operations center; 4FSU - the
university�s educational access cable channel on Comcast; and the Florida             May 4:
Center for Interactive Media, which partners with organizations to develop custom     Betty Jensen
technologies and media.                                                               May 11:
Mullins is Board Chair of The Digital Convergence Alliance located in                 May 18:
Jacksonville, FL and of The Programming Service for Public Television, serves as      Open
board member and Treasurer for Florida Public Media, and is Board Chair for
                                                                                      May 25:
The Boys and Girls Clubs of The Big Bend.

Mullins and his wife, Clara, a super-volunteer for the Leon County Extension          June 1:
office, have two daughters, Rebecca, and Katherine.                                   Open

Here is the information to connect:
Topic: Rotary Sunrise Time: March 30, 2021 07:30 AM Eastern Time (US and
Canada)                                                                               Gale A. Workman Ph.D.
                                                                                      April 5

Join Zoom Meeting:                                        Colleen Castille
                                                                                      April 9

Meeting ID: 817 821 039                                                               Dave Fiore
                                                                                      April 19

Find your local number:                                   Christopher Campbell
                                                                                      April 30
                                                                                      Randy Nicklaus
                                                                                      April 30
Meeting Speaker - David Mullins - DACdb
Justin Bryce Peel
            Congratulations to Palmer Williams!                                          May 5
                                                                                         Elizabeth S McInvale
Palmer received his PHF+8                                                                May 6
pin (three rubies) March 30 at                                                           Laurie J Jordan
Sunrise. It was the first of two                                                         May 11
recognitions Palmer will                                                                 Scott McLuckie
receive for his $25,000 Major                                                            May 16
Gift to The Rotary Foundation.                                                           Gregg B. Patterson
Stay tuned for Palmer's Major                                                            May 22
Donor recognition!                                                                       Rachel Hill Borntreger
                                                                                         June 1
Palmer chose for his Major                                                               Bob Gosselin
Gift to go to PolioPlus, which                                                           June 4
the Gates Foundation                                                                     John Welden
matched 2-to-1. That means                                                               June 6
Palmer's gift pays $75,000                                                               Todd Hallowell
into the fight to End Polio                                                              June 14
Now.                                                                                     Deborah Ann Keck
                                                                                         June 16
We are "this close" to ending polio worldwide. Just think: Palmer's gift might End       Crystal Curvey
Polio Now. Way to go, Palmer!                                                            June 20
                                                                                         Robert Cole Amtmann
                                                                                         July 8
                                                                                         French Brown IV
 Rotary 6940 District Conference Service Project                                         July 17
                                                                                         William E. Jones
                                                                                         July 18
                                                                                         John Kraft
                                                                                         July 23
                                                                                         James Z. Ross
                                                                                         July 25
                                                                                         Dan D Nelson
                                                                                         July 27
                                                                                         Dan Campbell
                                                                                         August 9
                                                                                         Sharon L Ofuani
                                                                                         August 16
                                                                                         T. Bo Schmitz
                                                                ???????                  August 20
                                                                                         Bill Reardon
The service project for the 2021 District 6940 Conference will support the food          August 29
pantry at the Fellowship of Christians United in Service (FOCUS)                         Mark Xenophon
( in Harris County, Georgia. During the event, Rotarians        September 11
will participate in sorting food items donated by the clubs in District 6940, boxing     Pamala Doffek
like items, and loading boxes for delivery to the pantry.                                September 15
                                                                                         Daniel N. Shrine
Sunrise Rotarians can donate any item from this following list, but should focus         October 18
on canned meats like tuna and chicken: Mac-n-cheese, mayo, ketchup, mustard,             Doug Fisher
pickle relish, jelly, soup; and toiletries like toothpaste, toothbrushes, hand lotion,   October 25
sanitizer, toilet paper, etc.                                                            Melanie Quinton
                                                                                         November 5
Cash donations can also be made at If               Elise P. Smith
donating by credit card, please add �Rotary 6940� in the note block on the               November 5
online application form (write on your check if mailing donation).                       Rick Owen
                                                                                         November 18
                                                                                         Valerie J. Hubbard
Meeting Speaker - David Mullins - DACdb
November 21
     Donation Drive to Restock the Rotary House                                     Alex F. Falb
                                                                                    December 13
                       Pantry!                                                      Robert Knight
                                                                                    December 19
              Hosted by IMS Business & Sunrise Rotary                               Sean Martin
                                                                                    December 30
IMS Business, in conjunction with                                                   Linda Nelson
Sunrise Rotary, is calling for donations                                            December 31
to provide food and cleaning supplies
for the Rotary House. Donations
accepted include non-perishable goods
as well as cleaning products to help
sanitize the house. A full list of donation
items and instructions can be found on
our Sign Up Genius, along with an
Amazon Wishlist to facilitate shipping!
Access our Sign Up Genius here:, and our
Amazon Wishlist here:

Donations may be directly shipped to Rotary House, 330 Stadium Drive,
Tallahassee, FL 32304. If you'd like to drop off your donations, please contact
Charmel Walker 850-933-3244. If you have any questions, please feel free to
email us at or message us through our social media

               Rotary 6940 District Conference
         Callaway Resort and Gardens, Pine Mountain, GA
                         May 14-16, 2021

1. Register for Conference or paste this link into your browser:

   Please read the notes that follow:

         If you are logged into the DACdb Calendar, scroll to the bottom & select
         the yellow Register button. This is NOT a link -- just a sample.

         If you are a guest, you must first select "1. Register"
         You will then need to select "Guest," complete the form, and select
         Register. You're on your way!
Meeting Speaker - David Mullins - DACdb
2. Make hotel rservations.
3. Paul Harris Celebration May 13, 2021 (Separate Registration Required)
4. Conference Registration

        Registration $210
        Non-Registered Banquet Guests $80
        Registration Closes April 30, 2021
        *Last Day for Refund April 15, 2021

Conference Assistance
Paul Harris Foundation Celebration: David Rauch,, 850-
Dietary and Special Needs: Dee Medina,, 850-545-6724
Registration & Technical Support: Linda Nelson,,
Sponsorships & Payments: Betty Roberts,, 850-572-

Here's the 2021 District 6940 Conference video:

                          Be Part of CART
                Coins for Alzheimer�s Research Trust

Thank you, Sunrise, for funding
U.S.-based research seeking a cure
for Alzheimer�s and other
dementia. Please continue to toss
your change into the blue bucket on
your table at each Tuesday Sunrise
meeting. Your small change can
make a big difference.

CART started in 1996 with Rotarians
voluntarily emptying their pockets and purses of change at weekly meetings. As
of May 2020 CART had awarded $9.2 million in 55 grants to recognized US
research institutions.

CART collection 3/30/21: $18.92
Sunrise CART total 2020-2021: $315.72

                   Sign up for an Inspiration
Have something inspiring to share? Sign up for your day here:

                Sponsor of the Month
       Scott McLuckie, WestScott Construction
The vision for what would become
WestScott Construction began in 1976
when president Scott McLuckie became a
basic carpenter�s helper in high school.
Scott went on to become a site
supervisor while in college at Florida
State University. Continuing in his
passion for construction, Scott became a
licensed General Contractor.

Those who do business with WestScott
Construction know that we communicate
often concerning the status of each
project. We work hard to be
accommodating to any project changes that come up during the course of a
construction project. With years of experience, there isn�t a request out there
big or small we haven�t already handled.

WestScott Construction only hires professional employees and subcontractors
with a proven track record that reflects WestScott�s reputation.

WestScott Construction provides the talent to incorporate innovative ideas with
regard to design and space into each project.

Scott McLuckie�s passion and pride of the construction trade is the cornerstone
of WestScott Construction. Additionally, his strong belief in giving back to the
community through volunteer works is one of the many reasons why Tallahassee
residents and business owners trust WestScott Construction Inc. as their
preferred General Contractor and construction service provider.

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