Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren

Page created by Lillian Le
Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren
f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany

             Media to the
             global baking industry
             M E D I A DATA 2 0 1 8
Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren
++ Content                                         ++ Introduction
Portfolio national and international 3            f2m food multimedia gmbh
Magazines and e-papers               4            f2m food multimedia gmbh is a publishing house operating at an
Competencies and topics              5            international level and specializing in researching and editing
Reviews and specialist books         6            technical information for the baking sector. The specialist infor-
Archive7                                          mation is presented in a wide variety of forms, comprising
Newsletter and info portal           8            specialist journals in German, English and Russian and their
                                                   electronic editions, also called e-papers, and extending to
baking+biscuit – features 2018               10   specialist books and purely digital media such as newsletters,
baking+biscuit – advertising rates 2018      11   blogs and a digital archive.

brot+backwaren – features 2018               12   Our readers include managing directors, production managers,
brot+backwaren – advertising rates 2018      13   product developers, master bakers and bakery technologists,
                                                   as well as specialist and management staff from the whole of
chleb+wipetschka – features 2018             14   the baking industry. Professionals throughout the world have
chleb+wipetschka – advertising rates 2018    15   appreciated our media for many decades as a soundly-based,
                                                   independent source of information for production-oriented
Job Classified                               16   management in industrial and chain-store based bakeries.

Advertising in the newsletter                18
Advertising on the websites                  19

Professionals prefer specialist journals!    20

Technical notes                              21
Contact persons and addresses                22
General Terms & Conditions of Business       23

Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren
++ Portfolio national and international

               O F F I Z I E L L E S O R G A N D E S V E R B A N D E S D E U T S C H E R G R O S S B ÄC K E R E I E N E . V.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Журнал по хлебопекарной и кондитерской технике и технологии

                                                                                                                                                                    f 2m                                                                        Журнал по хлебопекарной и кондитерской технике и технологии

                                                                                          PRINT                                                                                                                                                               D I G I TA L

                                Journals                                                                                                                                                                            Websites                                  E-papers                    Newsletter


  GER                                  EN                                   RUS                                         GER           EN                    INT                         GER                               EN         RUS                                                        GER

  brot+                       baking+                               chleb+                                                                                                                                          baking+         chleb+                                                   back-
                                                                                                                 Yearbook         Review              Dictionary                        f2m
backwaren                    biscuit int.                         wipetschka                                                                                                                                       biscuit int.   wipetschka                                                spiegel

  Aryzta                            interpack                              Veit, Toronto                            03                   Premiere Moisson    AIBI Congress             Raw materials                     03           Rondo                     Miwe               Haas                           03
                                                                                                                Specialist       External                                              back                         backwelt
  Expansion am                      Neue Ideen rund                        Klare Linie,                                              A high level            The new elected           Durum wheat                                    Модульная система для     Перспектива        Новые идеи
  Standort Eisleben                 ums Verpacken                          klare Ziele                           17                  of flexibility          President of the AIBI     comes into focus               17              круассанов                с обзором 360°     для снеков                     16
                                                                                                                 books           objects                                                 

                                                                                                                  External                                                             brot+
                                                                                                                  objects                                                            backwaren

                                                                                                                                                                                     backwelt                                         brot+                    baking+             chleb+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DE                         EN                RUS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   backwaren                 biscuit int.       wipetschka

Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren
++ Magazines and e-papers
brot+backwaren is the official publication of the German Indus-         Journals in e-paper form
trial Baking Association. It is a specialist journal concentrating on   The number of readers is growing steadily since the publishers
production professionals in large companies in the industrial           began making current issues available to download as e-papers.
and chain-store sectors. The range of topics extends from raw
materials supply and process technology to packing, logistics           Archive
and IT. A soundly-based, comprehensive overview of the current          An extensive library of topics relating specifically to baked
state of the technology and of the baking sector emerges from           products is available to readers in the shape of our Archive (in
practical operations reportage, research and development re-            German, English and Russian), because all the articles published
ports, market analyses and company profiles. brot+backwaren             in our issues can be found in it. The Archive dates back to 2001
is published six times a year with a circulation of 4,000 copies,       (Russian), 2003 (German) and 2005 (English) respectively.
and is read by the technical management of large and medium-
sized baking sector companies in Germany, Austria and Switzer-
land, and sector specialists in research institutes and in the
supply industries.

baking+biscuit international is brot+backwaren’s English language
sister publication, and also appears six times a year with a circula-
tion of 5,000 copies. It supplies information to its readers in
Europe, Australasia, Arabia, Africa and Latin America.

chleb+wipetschka makes the worldwide pool of collected infor-
mation available in the Russian language. The specialist journal
is published four times a year with a circulation of 4,000 copies.
It reaches production companies in Russia and the surrounding

Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren
++ Competencies and topics

                                                                   proofing plant                                                                                                                                                                                             sustainability

             international                                        career product development                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        production

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  kneading technology
                                                                   Modern bakery
          instore ovens Bakery China
                                                           logistics lamination quality dough yield                                                                                                                                                                                                                          values                                                                    pastry

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                packaging technology
  freezers                                                  O F F I Z I E L L E S O R G A N D E S V E R B A N D E S D E U T S C H E R G R O S S B ÄC K E R E I E N E . V.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Журнал по хлебопекарной и кондитерской технике и технологии


          slicing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Журнал по хлебопекарной и кондитерской технике и технологии

   conveyor belts

                                industry 4.0


  oven technology
                dough divider
                    IT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  company

                                               Aryzta                            interpack                              Veit, Toronto                            03           Premiere Moisson   AIBI Congress                    Raw materials                     03       Rondo                   Miwe                 Haas                           03
                                               Expansion am                      Neue Ideen rund                        Klare Linie,                                          A high level       The new elected                  Durum wheat                                Модульная система для   Перспектива          Новые идеи
                                               Standort Eisleben                 ums Verpacken                          klare Ziele                              17           of flexibility     President of the AIBI            comes into focus                  17       круассанов              с обзором 360°       для снеков                     16

        wafer technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  tunnel ovens           sponge doughs              snacks-to-go

                                                                                                                                                                                        mixing technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         reports from the world of practice
                                                                                                                                                                            digitalization                                                                                     regionality transparency
                          bread rolls
                          quality assurance

The majority of the articles and reports appearing in f2m’s                                                                                                                                                        It is supplemented with current topics, for example dealing with
specialist journals and on its web pages are researched and                                                                                                                                                        current market developments or new developments in machine
authored by our own editorial staff. The range of articles is                                                                                                                                                      and plant construction, and novel applications technologies, to
complemented with contributions from selected external authors                                                                                                                                                     which in most cases we obtain quick access. The mix allows to
on specific issues and scientific topics. An annual subject schedule                                                                                                                                               use capacities sensibly, while allowing room for spontaneity at
helps with medium and long-term planning.                                                                                                                                                                          the same time.

Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren
++ Reviews and specialist books
The baking sector needs both highly-specialist professionals              The following have appeared up to now in our Focus Backwaren
and well-trained staff who have gained competence for their               documentation series:
particular job through training within the company. f2m offers            + Focus Backwaren – The new labelling law for baked products
specifically prepared expert knowledge for both groups. Our               + Food Compliance – Designing and managing foodstuffs com-
Review series provides in-depth analysis of clearly defined issues,         panies in conformity with the law
whether this involves market analyses or deals with a comprehen-          The multilingual f2m dictionary helps clear away problems of
sive, informative presentation of the state of the art in process         understanding.
engineering. A topic of the Review in the past two years has been
developments in European baked product markets. A subject with
which the editorial department will be deeply occupied in 2018,
the iba trade fair year, will be the development of engineering and
technology in the manufacture and marketing of baked prod-
    f2m food multimedia Gmbh

                                                                                                              Dictionary of Bakery Engineering and Technology
                                                                                                                                                                Dictionary of
                                                                                                                                                                Bakery Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                and Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                Dictionary of Bakery
                                                                                                                                                                         Engineering and Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                           English    ENG
    ++ The european Bakery MarkeT ++

                                                                                                                                                                                     Wörterbuch der
                                                                                                                                                                    Bäckereitechnik und -technologie
                                                                                                                                                                                                           German     DEU

                                                                                                                                                                 Dictionnaire des termes techniques et
                                                                                                                                                                   technologiques pour la boulangerie
                                                                                                                                                                                                           French     FRA

                                                                                                                                                                 Diccionario de ingeniería y tecnología
                                                                             Publishing house
                                                                             · baking+biscuit international
                                                                                                                                                                  para el sector de panadería y bollería
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Spanish    SPA
                                                                             · brot+backwaren (German)
                                                                             · chleb+wipetschka (Russian)
                                                                                                                                                                         Словарь по хлебопекарной
                                                                                                                                                                              технике и технологии
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Russian    RUS
                                       ++ The european Bakery MarkeT ++
                                                                                                                                                                                          Ordbog for
                                                                             f2m food multimedia gmbh
                                                                             Ehrenbergstrasse 33
                                                                                                                                                                           bageriteknik og -teknologi
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Danish     DAN
                                                                             22767 Hamburg
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Japanese   JPN


Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren
++ Archive

Wasn’t there something somewhere? Yes, but where? The f2m             the Archive and searching in it are free of charge, whereas down-
Archive offers help when searching. All the news items and articles   loading the whole issue in which the article appeared requires a
that have appeared in the f2m in past years have been stored and      small financial contribution that can be transferred by PayPal or
prepared to allow full-text searches. The required information        credit card, after which the download is available.
can be found and verified with one, two or perhaps three clicks,
without needing to leaf through mountains of journals. Accessing

Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren
++ Newsletter and info portal
The backwelt info portal                                              The backspiegel E-mail newsletter
Nothing is older than yesterday’s news – that’s also true for the     Anyone who has no time to look them up him or herself can
baked products market, and it’s why we ensure that readers using      have all the news from the sector sent to them by E-mail once a
our information portal can find up-to-date news       week. Our backspiegel Newsletter is published every Friday, and
from the industry. Freshly researched, every day.     reaches more than 5,000 registered subscribers in Germany,
also supplies users with information about raw materials markets      Austria and Switzerland.
and current key topics.
                                                                      The blog (German and English)
                                                                      Our blog rounds off our offering. In the baking world blog at
                                                             (English) and
                                                                      (German) we publish entertaining reports marginalia when
                                                                      travelling, and reports of experiences and news from the net, as
                                                                      well as about markets and sales concepts.

                                                           Every Friday,   5.018        registered backspiegel subscribers read about
                                                           what’s new in the baking sector.   (backspiegel subscribers, status: September 2017)

                                      backspiegel plus are a platform for job adverts that is widely used and
                                      recognized by the industry. Our customers confirm to us that they receive very good
                                      responses to their advertisements.

Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren
++ Newsletter and info portal

Media to the global baking industry - f2m food multimedia gmbh, Hamburg, Germany - - brot+backwaren
++ baking+biscuit international – features 2018

+ Issue 1		 Publication date    19.01.2018        + Issue 4		 Publication date 29.06.2018
		 Advertising deadline 02.01.2018                		 Advertising deadline 11.06.2018
        + Ovens I                                 		 A preliminary report issue about the iba trade fair
        + Sponge Doughs and Sourdoughs                    + iba I
        + Raw Materials Logistics                         + Turnkey
                                                          + Ovens II
+ Issue 2		 Publication date   28.02.2018
		 Advertising deadline 08.02.2018                + Issue 5		 Publication date        17.08.2018
		 Bakery China                                   		 Advertising deadline 30.07.2018
        + Dough Sheeting                          		          The iba trade fair edition
        + Cooling and Freezing                            + iba II
        + Round and Long Molding                          + Process Monitoring
                                                          + Pastry
+ Issue 3 Publication date 30.04.2018
		 Advertising deadline 10.04.2018                + Issue 6 Publication date       31.10.2018
		     + Dough Make-up                            		 Advertising deadline 11.10.2018
		     + Lamination                                       + Bread and Bread Rolls
		     + Pizza                                            + Trays and Pan Clusters
                                                          + Slicing and Packing

++ baking+biscuit international – advertising rates 2018

                        format          non-bleed                                                                 bleed            Anschnitt
                                        width x height    4 colors       3 colors      2 colors        mono       width x height   4 colors
                                        in mm                                                                     in mm

                        double page
                                         396 x 265       8,468 EUR     8,027 EUR      6,704 EUR     5,822 EUR      420 x 297*       8,468 EUR

                        whole page       184 x 265       3,969 EUR     3,528 EUR      3,087 EUR     2,646 EUR      210 x 297 *      4,234 EUR

                        junior page      137 x 184       2,718 EUR     2,277 EUR      1,836 EUR     1,395 EUR      142 x 210 *      2,858 EUR

                                         184 x 130                                                                 210 x 142 *
                        half page                        2,169 EUR     1,887 EUR      1,605 EUR     1,323 EUR                       2,302 EUR
                                          90 x 265                                                                 102 x 297 *

                                         184 x 87                                                                  210 x 99 *
                        third page                       1,728 EUR     1,446 EUR      1,164 EUR      882 EUR                        1,817 EUR
                                          59 x 265                                                                  71 x 297 *

                                         184 x 63                                                                  210 x 75 *
                        quarter page      43 x 265       1,259 EUR     1,060 EUR       861 EUR       662 EUR        55 x 297 *      1,326 EUR
                                          90 x 130                                                                 102 x 142 *

                                         184 x 30
                        1/8 page          43 x 130       928 EUR        729 EUR        530 EUR       331 EUR
                                          90 x 63

Circulation: 5.000 (print) + e-papers                                                                      * Please add 3 mm bleed on all sides.
6 issues per year                                                    Vital advertising matters should be kept within 5 mm from trim on all sides.

++ brot+backwaren – features 2018

+ Issue 1		 Publication date    07.02.2018   + Issue 4		 Publication date       20.07.2018
		 Advertising deadline 22.01.2018           		 Advertising deadline 02.07.2018
		 A preliminary report issue about the                  A preliminary report issue about the iba trade fair
		 Internorga trade fair, Hamburg/Germany            + iba I
        + Ovens I                                    + Turnkey
        + Sponge Doughs and Sourdoughs               + Ovens II
        + Raw Materials Logistics
                                             + Issue 5		 Publication date 05.09.2018
+ Issue 2		 Publication date 03.04.2018      		 Advertising deadline 13.08.2018
		 Advertising deadline 12.03.2018           		 The iba trade fair edition
                                                     + iba II

SP EC IA L IS SU E                                   + Process Monitoring
                                                     + Pastry
		 Market makers and Success stories
                                             + Issue 6 Publication date       21.11.2018
+ Issue 3 Publication date 24.05.2018        		 Advertising deadline 01.11.2018
		 Advertising deadline 02.05.2018                   + Bread and Bread Rolls
		     + Dough Make-up                               + Trays and Pan Clusters
		     + Lamination                                  + Slicing and Packing
		     + Pizza

++ brot+backwaren – advertising rates 2018

                        format          non-bleed                                                                 bleed            Anschnitt
                                        width x height   4 colors        3 colors      2 colors        mono       width x height   4 colors
                                        in mm                                                                     in mm

                        double page
                                         396 x 265       8,006 EUR      7,565 EUR     6,242 EUR      5,360 EUR     420 x 297*       8,006 EUR

                        whole page       184 x 265       3,759 EUR      3,318 EUR     2,877 EUR      2,436 EUR     210 x 297 *      4,003 EUR

                        junior page      137 x 184       2,673 EUR      2,232 EUR     1,791 EUR      1,350 EUR     142 x 210 *      2,808 EUR

                                         184 x 130                                                                 210 x 142 *
                        half page                        2,064 EUR      1,782 EUR     1,500 EUR      1,218 EUR                      2,186 EUR
                                          90 x 265                                                                 102 x 297 *

                                         184 x 87                                                                  210 x 99 *
                        third page                       1,659 EUR      1,377 EUR     1,095 EUR      813 EUR                        1,741 EUR
                                          59 x 265                                                                  71 x 297 *

                                         184 x 63                                                                  210 x 75 *
                        quarter page      43 x 265       1,206 EUR      1,007 EUR      808 EUR       609 EUR        55 x 297 *      1,267 EUR
                                          90 x 130                                                                 102 x 142 *

                                         184 x 30
                        1/8 page          43 x 130       902 EUR         703 EUR       504 EUR       305 EUR
                                          90 x 63

Circulation: 4.000 (print) + e-papers                                                                      * Please add 3 mm bleed on all sides.
6 issues per year                                                    Vital advertising matters should be kept within 5 mm from trim on all sides.

++ chleb+wipetschka – features 2018

+ Issue 1		 Publication date    09.02.2018   + Issue 3		 Publication date       15.08.2018
		 Advertising deadline 19.01.2018           		 Advertising deadline 25.07.2018
		 Modern Bakery, Moscow/Russia              		          iba trade fair, Munich/Germany
		      + Ovens I                                    + Dough Make-up
        + Sponge Doughs and Sourdoughs       		      + Lamination
        + Raw Materials Logistics            		      + Pizza

+ Issue 2		 Publication date   14.05.2018    + Issue 4		 Publication date       15.11.2018
		 Advertising deadline 20.04.2018           		 Advertising deadline 25.10.2018
        + Dough sheeting                             + Bread and Bread Rolls
        + Cooling and Freezing                       + Trays and Pan Clusters
        + Round and Long Molding                     + Slicing and Packing

++ chleb+wipetschka – advertising rates 2018

                        format          non-bleed                                                                 bleed            Anschnitt
                                        width x height    4 colors       3 colors      2 colors        mono       width x height   4 colors
                                        in mm                                                                     in mm

                        double page
                                         396 x 265       8,468 EUR     8,027 EUR      6,704 EUR     5,822 EUR      420 x 297*       8,468 EUR

                        whole page       184 x 265       3,969 EUR     3,528 EUR      3,087 EUR     2,646 EUR      210 x 297 *      4,234 EUR

                        junior page      137 x 184       2,718 EUR     2,277 EUR      1,836 EUR     1,395 EUR      142 x 210 *      2,858 EUR

                                         184 x 130                                                                 210 x 142 *
                        half page                        2,169 EUR     1,887 EUR      1,605 EUR     1,323 EUR                       2,302 EUR
                                          90 x 265                                                                 102 x 297 *

                                         184 x 87                                                                  210 x 99 *
                        third page                       1,728 EUR     1,446 EUR      1,164 EUR      882 EUR                        1,817 EUR
                                          59 x 265                                                                  71 x 297 *

                                         184 x 63                                                                  210 x 75 *
                        quarter page      43 x 265       1,259 EUR     1,060 EUR       861 EUR       662 EUR        55 x 297 *      1,326 EUR
                                          90 x 130                                                                 102 x 142 *

                                         184 x 30
                        1/8 page          43 x 130       928 EUR        729 EUR        530 EUR       331 EUR
                                          90 x 63

Circulation: 4.000 (print) + e-papers                                                                      * Please add 3 mm bleed on all sides.
4 issues per year                                                    Vital advertising matters should be kept within 5 mm from trim on all sides.

++ Job Classified within the print media                            ++ Job Classified online
JOB CLASSIFIED                                brot+backwaren        2 publications within the newsletter “Backspiegel” as text data
                       Column       Width      baking+biscuit       (backspiegel appears weekly), approx. 1,200 characters
                        Width      in mm     chleb+wipetschka                2 x 1 week | Cost 720 EUR*

mm cost for           1 Column          43      2.16 EUR
                                                                    Job classified:
                     2 Columns          90      4.32 EUR            on the homepage of und
                                                           as a PDF
                     3 Columns         137      6.48 EUR
                                                                              Min. booking: 4 weeks | Cost 370 EUR*
                     4 Columns         184      8.64 EUR
                    i.e. Color logo                                 together with job classified on the homepage of
4 Color Package     or color element          120.00 EUR   und as a PDF
                                                                             Min. booking: 4 weeks | Cost 980 EUR*
Box Fee                                        10.00 EUR

JOB SEARCH                                    brot+backwaren
                       Column       Width      baking+biscuit         * If you book your job advertisement in our print and online
                        Width      in mm     chleb+wipetschka         media, we will grant you a discount of 30 % of the online
                                                                      prices. This offer applies to job advertisements whose
mm cost for           1 Column          43      1.77 EUR              advert size is at least 1/3 of a page.
                     2 Columns          90      2.94 EUR

Cost examples       1/4 page = 90 mm x 130 mm         2   Columns   4.32   EUR    x 130 mm wide     561.60   EUR
JOB CLASSIFIED      1/2 page = 184 mm x 130 mm        4   Columns   8.64   EUR   x 130 mm wide    1,123.20   EUR
(black and white)   1/1 page = 184 mm x 265 mm        4   Columns   8.64   EUR   x 265 mm wide    2,289.60   EUR
                    90 mm x 180 mm                    2   Columns   4.32   EUR   x 180 mm wide      777.60   EUR
                    137 mm x 200 mm                   3   Columns   6.48   EUR   x 200 mm wide    1,296.00   EUR

++ Job Classified

                                                                                    R E I E N E . V.
                             ORGAN DES

                                                                                               ckwa ren.d e
                                                                             www. brotu ndba

                                                                                               You want
                                                                                                to find a
         Expansion am
         Standort Eisleben
                                    Neue Ideen rund
                                    ums Verpacken
                                                              Veit, Toronto
                                                              Klare Linie,
                                                              klare Ziele                    German Baker?

                                                                                                               Try our job classifieds in the
                                                                                                              backspiegel E-mail newsletter
                                                                                                                  and on our web pages.

++ Advertising in the newsletter
We provide advertisements in the newsletter backspiegel in two   Linking to your Web pages
formats.                                                         It goes without saying that we can link your specials, banners or
                                                                 advertising messages in the Newsletter to your web pages. Our
Prices for ads in the newsletter backspiegel                     service extends even further: we will gladly link adverts booked
184 mm wide, 63 mm high                                          in the print media in the digital e-paper edition of the issue to
1 Insertion 350 EUR                                              your web pages or additional information that you make available
10 Insertions 300 EUR each                                       to us.
26 Insertions 275 EUR each
52 Insertions 225 EUR each                                       Price: A simple link is free of charge. Additional information re-
                                                                 quiring editorial and technical processing will be invoiced on an
184 mm wide,    40 mm high                                       expenditure basis.
1 Insertion     300 EUR
10 Insertions   275 EUR each
26 Insertions   250 EUR each
52 Insertions   200 EUR each

++ Advertising on the websites
Special on the German language website of                             Banner advertising on the websites
       +                  per month 1,000 EUR         Sky banner (max. 468 x 60 px):         500 EUR per month
       with subsequent transfer                                       1/2 skyscraper (max. 200 x 300 px):    500 EUR per month
       into the special archive                                       Skyscraper (max. 200 x 600 px):        850 EUR per month

Special on the websites
       +              per month 500 EUR

Format of lead-picture for the special: 468 x 250 px

In the event of multiple bookings on a single banner location, the
banners will be displayed in rotation.

You can book banners in the following formats and positions on
the following websites of f2m:

+                                                                      Sky banner 468 x 60 px

                                                                                                                            Skyscraper 200 x 600 px

The web format, positioning, format and prices for these remain
valid for four weeks. In the event of multiple bookings on a single
banner location, the banners will be displayed in rotation.

++ Professionals prefer specialist journals
Every year the Verein Deutsche Fachpresse (German Association            Use of B2B information sources by
of Business Media) arranges for research into the usage behavior of      professional decision-makers, in %
professional information users, clearly demarcated from the private
                                                                         Specialist/trade media, print+digital, total (net)                                   71         94
media usage behavior of German citizens. According to the B2B
                                                                             Specialist/trade journals/magazines (print)                            55              81
Decision-Maker Analysis 2015/16, trade journals are the most im-
                                                                              Digital* offerings by specialist/trade media                     44              76
portant professional information source for professional decision-­
makers. 94 % of professional decision-makers use specialist/trade                         Digital* offerings by companies                     41               74

media (print+digital). Overall, the B2B core target group is reached          Events (congresses/conferences/seminars)              24                    66

almost completely through digital and printed specialist media.                   Field sales representatives/sales visits           26                  61
Specialist/trade journals are still ahead of digital specialist media                                           Trade fairs         23              55
in terms of usage intensity, and manufacturers’ digital offerings are                         Direct advertising (by post)          24              53
only in third place. 71 % of B2B decision-makers see specialist/
                                                                                         Companies’ customer magazines        14                    52
trade media as the most important information source for pro-
ducts and suppliers in the purchasing process. Specialist magazines              regular usage in the past 12 months               at least occasional use (total)

are still in the lead. In general, specialist/trade media remain the
most important information source, followed by trade fairs and           The importance of information sources for continuous
events. Manufacturers’ digital offerings are of secondary import-        information about products and suppliers
ance in this phase of the decision-making process. In the opinion
                                                                         Specialist/trade media, print+digital, total (net)                                   71
of the decision-makers who were questioned, companies that
                                                                             Specialist/trade journals/magazines (print)                             58
advertise in the specialist and trade media strengthen their
                                                                              Digital* offerings by specialist/trade media                    40
positive image. 81 % agree that this is true. 79 % regard advertising
                                                                                          Digital* offerings by companies                 36
in trade media as a useful component.
                                                                              Events (congresses/conferences/seminars)                         44
     Credible, reliable/reputable, create market transparency, provide
                                                                                  Field sales representatives/sales visits               32
     valuable stimuli in the purchasing process and strengthen one’s
                                                                                                                Trade fairs                    46
     own professional competence – these are the attitudes of pro-
                                                                                              Direct advertising (by post)    13
     fessional decision-makers towards the specialist/trade media.
                                                                                         Companies’ customer magazines        15

Basis: n=607, Source: B2B Decision-Maker Analysis 2015/16,
Verein Deutsche Fachpresse (German Association of Business Media)        * Web sites, social media, newsletters, apps

++ Technical information
Magazine format:                                                     Data delivery for online media:
210 mm wide x 297 mm high, DIN A4                                    Banner: JPEG, (Animated) GIF, Flash
Type area: 184 mm wide, 265 mm high                                  Vacancies: one-sided PDF

Printing and binding methods:                                        Payment conditions:
Sheet-fed offset in accordance with Euroscale (CMYK, ISO 2846)       20 days net cash
with saddle stitching.                                               We allow 3 % discount for direct debits

Print documents:                                                     Delivery address for inserts and supplements:
Delivery date for advertisement data – two days after closing date   We ask that inserts and supplements be sent directly to our prin-
for advertisements, at the latest. Supply one proof or one press     ting works, carriage paid home, at the latest two days after the
proof for comparison and checking of the data.                       closing date for adverts:

Adverts with trim:                                                   Leinebergland GmbH & Co. KG
Additional bleed 3 mm all round; elements relevant to content at     Industriestr. 2 a
least 5 mm separation distance relative to side edges.               31061 Alfeld/Leine
Delivery of data:                                                    Phone: +49 51 81 84 64 0
High-resolution, printable PDF (PDF X-3), no RGB data!               Email:
Medium, version/edition and company name must be stated.
                                                                     Publisher/technical contact person:
For a data volume up to 20 MB:                                       f2m food multimedia gmbh
Email:                                      Wilfried Krause
                                                                     Ehrenbergstr. 33
Alternatively you are welcome to make the advertisement data         22767 Hamburg
available on a server for download (FTP/HTTP).                       Germany
                                                                     Phone     +49 40 38 61 67 94
CD-ROM and proof or press proof (for color adverts)                  Fax       +49 40 39 90 12 29
by post to the publisher                                             Email:

++ Contact
f2m food multimedia gmbh            Editorial staff:                             Advertising:
Ehrenbergstr. 33
22767 Hamburg                       Hildegard M. Keil                            Dirk Dixon
Germany                             Telefon: +49 (0) 40 380 94 82                Telefon: +44 (0) 14 35 87 20 09
                                    E-Mail:               E-Mail:
Telefon:   +49 (0) 40 39 90 12 27
Fax:       +49 (0) 40 39 90 12 29   Bastian Borchfeld                            Wilfried Krause
E-Mail:   Telefon: +49 (0) 40 39 90 12 28              Telefon: +49 (0) 40 38 61 67 94
Website:    E-Mail:          E-Mail:

                                    Helga Baumfalk
                                    Telefon: +49 (0) 40 39 90 30 61              Distribution:
                                                                                 Viktoria Usanova
                                    Silke Liebig-Braunholz                       Telefon: +49 (0) 40 39 90 30 62
                                    Telefon: +49 (0) 40 38 61 67 92              E-Mail:

                                                                                                 Images: f2m,,

++ General terms and conditions for newspapers and magazines
1.   The term “advertisement order“ as used in the following General Terms                 not on other ads – on at least three sides. Advertisements which for example
     and Conditions refers to the contract concerning the publication of one or            are not recognizable as such because of their editorial layout shall be
     more advertisements of any advertiser or any other space buyer in a                   clearly identified as such by the publisher for instance by marking it with
     printed publication for the purpose of circulation.                                   the word “advertisement”.
2.   Unless stated otherwise, advertisements should be released for publi­            8.   The publisher shall reserve the right to reject advertisement orders, in-
     cation within one year of the signing of the contract. If the right to release        cluding any individual advertisements under the terms of a contract and
     individual advertisements is included as part of the contract, the order              insert orders on grounds of content, origin or technical format under its
     should be processed within one year from the appearance of the first ad-              own standard, factually justified principles, if their content infringes legal
     vertisement where the first advertisements are released and published                 or regulatory stipulations or if their publication is unacceptable for the
     within the timeframe stated in clause.                                                publisher. This shall also apply to orders submitted to branch offices,
3.   Upon contractual signing, the customer shall be entitled to release further           receiving offices or representatives. Orders for insert shall become binding
     advertisements in addition to the volume stated in the order within the               for the publisher only after a sample of the insert has been submitted and
     agreed timeframe or that stated in clause 2.                                          approved. Inserts which, due to the format or appearance, may appear to
4.   In case an order may not be executed due to circumstances for which the               the reader to be part of the newspaper or magazine, or which contain
     publisher cannot be held responsible, the customer, without prejudice to              third-party advertisements, shall not be accepted. The customer shall be
     any other legal obligations, shall pay the publisher the difference between           notified immediately about the rejection of an order.
     the discount granted and the discount which corresponds to the actual            9.   The customer shall be responsible for timely delivery of the advertise-
     volume. This reimbursement shall not take place, if the non-fulfillment is            ment text and accurate printing data and inserts. The publisher shall re-
     due to force majeure in the publisher’s area of risk.                                 quest replacement for any recognizable inaccuracies or damaged printing
5.   In the calculation of advertisement volumes, text millimeter lines are con-           data without delay. The publisher guarantees print quality normal to that
     verted according to price into advertisement millimeters.                             of the title concerned within the scope of the possibilities of the printing
6.   Orders for advertisements and thirdparty inserts to be published spe­                 data.
     cifically and exclusively in specific issues, specific publications or in spe-   10. In the event of totally or partially illegible, incorrect or incomplete printing
     cific places in the publication must reach the publisher in sufficient time           of the advertisement, the customer shall be entitled to a reduction in pay-
     so that the customer may be informed before the advertisement deadline of             ment a corrected replacement advertisement, but only to the extent that
     whether the order can be executed in the manner specified. Without being              the purpose of the advertisement is affected. If the publisher allows an
     subject to any explicit agreement, classified advertisements shall be printed         appropriate period of time given for this purpose to elapse or if the replace­
     in the appropriate category.                                                          ment advertisement is still incorrect, the customer shall be entitled to a
7.   Textual advertisements are advertisements which border on the text – and              reduction in payment or cancellation of the order. Compensation claims

from positive breaches, faults upon contractual signing or non-permitted               made and demand advance payments for the remaining advertisements.
     acts are excluded. This also applies to contracts concluded by phone.                  Where there is established doubt over the customer’s ability to pay, the
     Compensation claims from impossibility of provision or delay are limited               publisher shall be entitled, even during the term of an advertisement con-
     to compensation for foreseeable damage and to the fee due for the adver-               tract, to make the publication of further advertisements dependent on
     tisement or insert concerned. This does not apply to intent and gross neg­             advance payments of the amount due and the settlement of outstanding
     ligence on the part of the publisher, its legal representative or its vicarious        invoices, regardless of the payment terms originally agreed.
     agents. Liability of the publisher for damages arising from the absence of         15. If requested, the publisher shall provide an advertisement record to-
     assured qualities and properties shall remain unaffected. Furthermore, in              gether with the invoice. According to the type and scope of advertising
     accordance with the principles of sound commercial practice, the publisher             contract, advert extracts, record pages or full record numbers will be pro-
     shall not be liable for gross negligence on the part of its vicarious agents;          vided. If a record can no longer be created, it will be replaced with a legally
     in all other cases, liability to business people for gross negligence shall be         binding certification from the publisher of the publication and distribution
     limited, according to the extent there of, to the foreseeable damage and               of the advertisement.
     up to the amount of the payment for the advertisement in question. Com-            16. The customer shall bear the costs of the production of ordered printed
     plaints must be made within four weeks of submission of invoice and                    documents and of considerable changes arising or requested by the cus­
     receipt, except in the case of defects that are not obvious.                           tomer to the specifications originally agreed.
11. Press-proofs shall only be provided if specifically requested. The customer         17. In the event of reduction in circulation, a price reduction may be claimed
     shall be responsible for the correctness of the press-proofs returned. The             for contracts for a series of adverts if, in the overall average of the insertion
     publisher shall observe all error corrections made known to it within the              year of the first advert, the average circulation stated in the price list or
     period of time specified upon sending the pressproof.                                  stated any other way or, if a circulation figure is not given, the average
12. In case no particular specifications have been made concerning the size,                number of issues sold (for trade magazines, where appropriate, the average
     the amount charged shall be calculated based on the print size that is                 actual distribution) in the previous calendar year is not exceeded. A re-
     normal for the type of advertisement.                                                  duction in circulation is only deemed as a deficiency eligible for a price
13. In case the customer does not make any advance payment, the invoice shall               reduction if it amounts to
     be sent immediately or within a maximum of fourteen days after publication             – 20 per cent for circulation of up to 50,000 copies
     of the advertisement. The invoice must be paid within the period given in the          – 15 per cent for circulation of up to 100,000 copies
     price list, starting from the date of receipt of the invoice, unless a different       – 10 per cent for circulation of up to 500,000 copies
     payment period has been agreed upon in individual cases. Any discounts                 – 5 per cent for circulation of up to 500,000 copies.
     for advance payments shall be granted according to the price list.                     Added to this, claims to price reductions for contracts are excluded, if the
14. In the event of delay or deferral in payment, interest and recovery costs               publisher has given notice of the reduction in circulation to the customer
     shall be charged. In the event of delayed payment, the publisher may with­             in sufficient time for the customer to be able to cancel the contract before
     hold further publication under the order concerned until payment is                    the publication of the advertisement.

18. With box number advertisements, the publisher shall exercise the due              c)   The publisher reserves the right to agree on special rates or special formats
     care of a responsible businessman for the keeping and timely forwarding               for advertisements in special issues or similar dependent on specific situ-
     of the offers received. Registered and express letters as response to box             ations.
     number advertisements shall be forwarded with regular mail only. Reply           d)   Advertising agencies and agents are obliged to adhere to the publisher’s
     letters to box number advertisements will be stored for four weeks. Mail              rates in their offers, contracts and settlements with customers. The com-
     not collected within this period will be destroyed. The publisher shall re-           mission guaranteed by the publisher may not be transferred either wholly
     turn valuable documents without being obliged to do so. The publisher                 or partly to the customer.
     reserves the right, in the interest and for the protection of the customer,      e)   In case of insufficient printing quality, the customer is not entitled to a
     to open incoming offers in order to eliminate misuse of the box number                claim if the defects in the original copy or artwork provided by the cu-
     service for investi­gation purposes. The publisher is not obliged to pass on          stomers were not immediately recognizable. The same applies to errors in
     business promotions and agency offers.                                                repeat advertisements if the customer fails to inform the publisher prior
19. Print document shall only be returned to the customer if specifically requ-            to the printing date of the next advertisement about the error.
     ested. The obligation to keep these ends three months after expiry of            f)   In the case of disruption of operations or in case of force majeure (indus-
     ­contract.                                                                            trial dispute, confiscation, traffic disturbances, general raw material or
20. Place of fulfillment is the registered office of the publisher. Place of juris-        energy shortage and the like) – in both the publisher’s establishment
     diction is the registered office of the publisher. If claims by the publisher         and/or external businesses used by the publisher for fulfillment of its
     may not be settled by way of enforcement proceedings, the court of juris-             obligations – the publisher is entitled to demand full payment for the
     diction for non-traders shall be determined on the basis of their domicile.           published advertisements provided that 80 % of the guaranteed circula­
     If the place of domicile or usual place of residence of the customer at the           tion (or in case of lack of a guaranteed circulation the normally sold circu-
     time of the raising of proceedings is unknown or the customer has relocated           lation) of the publisher’s publication has been distributed. In the case of
     its domicile or usual residence since the contractual signing to some-                lower distribution by the publisher, the invoice amount is to be reduced in
     where outside the geographical scope of the law, the registered office of             direct proportion to the extent to which the guaranteed (or normally) sold
     the publisher shall be agreed as the place of jurisdiction.                           circulation has been reduced.
                                                                                      g)   Provided that no other agreement has been explicitly made, the customer
Additional Terms and Conditions of the Publisher                                           bears sole responsibility for the content and legal permissibility of the text
a)   Provided that no other agreement has been expressly made, new rates                   and graphics material submitted. The customer exempts the publishers
     arising due to price adjustments also immediately apply to current orders.            from all claims possibly made by third parties in this context.
     In the case of non-traders this does not apply to orders which are to be         h)   Online dispute resolution in accordance with Article 14 Para. 1 of the ODR-VO
     carried out within four months following conclusion of contract.                      (European Online Dispute Resolution Regulation): The European Commission
b)   For more than 30,000 mm advertisement space, an individual calculation                provides a platform for Online Dispute Resolution (OS), which you can find
     is possible.                                                                          at

++ Notes

++ Notes

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