Media Pack - Women & Golf

Page created by Erik Moreno
Media Pack - Women & Golf
Media Pack

                  I n t r o d u c i n g t h e UK’s l e a d i n g
                    a u t h o r i t y o n w o m e n ’ s g o lf.
            The established, 30-year-old brand is on a mission to grow the game and help women
                        of all ages and abilities get the best out of the game they love.
        Since October 2020, W&G has been a purely digital offering allowing us to interact with our
                                 audience in a more timely and targeted way.
Media Pack - Women & Golf
Ed itorial o v e r v i e w
  News                                     Instruction                                    Equipment

We bring the perfect mix of breaking       Handy videos from our expert instructor;          From reader reviews to new
 news, topical debates, in-depth             designed to help our audience get            releases, we provide the ultimate
   interviews and local updates.                the most out of their game.               guide to golf gear and accessories.

                          Fashion                                                 Travel

                        Our team showcase the hottest looks                      Those looking for some golf break
                         for the course, including shoes, wet     inspiration, whether in the UK, Europe or further afield, will find
                              weather gear and reviews.             everything they need in our reviews, features and itineraries.
Media Pack - Women & Golf
Monthly audience

Website              Traffic               Social                 Subscribers          Members

    22,700+              46,300+              21,100+                 11,300+               1,800+
   Unique Users          Page Views            Social Followers          Newsletter           Members
    (50% female)                                                        Subscribers         (97% female)
                                                                       (85% female)

     Items of note                              57%                                   67%
                                         Playing between                     Take 1 – 2 golf
               96%                          1-15 years                        holidays pa

          Active member
             of a club                £46,717                                   £8.1m
                                      Average HHI                     Spend on overall golf
                                                                        travel per annum
Media Pack - Women & Golf
H o m e p ag e

Ad v e rt                  Rate
                           (pe r m o n t h )

Large leaderboard               £500
– (970 x 250 pixels)

Section – mid page
large leaderboard banner        £390
– (970 x 250 px)

Section leaderboard
– (970 x 90 px)
Media Pack - Women & Golf
Section pages

Ad v e rt              Rate
                       (pe r m o n t h )

Large leaderboard           £350
– (970 x 250 pixels)

Double MPU
– (300 x 600 px)

– (300 x 250 px)
Media Pack - Women & Golf
C r e ative s o l u t i o n s
                                           (pe r m o n t h )

Editor's blog                                   £595
Bespoke sponsorship of
blog with customised story.

Section advertorials                           £500
Content written & designed in W&G
style to promote a specific brand,
product or service.
Includes social media posts.

Show me your collection                         £595
Editor conducts live interview to
showcase client apparel/ hardware
Includes social media posts.

 Programmatic Advertising
 As well as finding new customers we
 can reach out to users who have already
                                                £ poa
 visited your website and entice them
 back to the site to engage further.
Media Pack - Women & Golf
Bi-w eekly newsletter                           S o l u s broadc ast
- Email subscribers: 11,300                     - Email subscribers: 11,300
- Average open rate: 29.8%                      - Average open rate: 28.8%
- Average click through rate: 8.7%              - Average click through rate: 4.7%

Horizontal banner                        £395   Solus broadcast                        £595
Positioned below Editor intro &                 A bespoke message designed in client
above news articles (600 x 200 pixels)
Media Pack - Women & Golf
Social m e d i a
Social media for W&G Twitter,             £55 per post
Facebook and Instagram
Article can be supplied to be shared to   max 2 per month
Media Pack - Women & Golf
Got a n o t h e r idea?
We have the flexibility to create and develop alternative promotional tools for you.
          We still do bespoke print supplements. We have live events.
                                     Talk to Jane                     +44 (0)7958 907674
Media Pack - Women & Golf
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