Briefing - The Police ...

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Briefing - The Police ...

             briefing                                                          Series 3, Edition 1 –                June 2014

© incamerastock/Alamy             ©                               © Chris Howes/Wild Places Photography/Alamy

             Police use of social media
             This Police Foundation Briefing looks at the current use of social media by the police
             and examines some of the key issues.

            Social media – a growing form of internet-based            examples of where it has been used to positive
            communication interfaces with all areas of                 effect, and looks at the challenges of employing
            policing. It offers the police a way of connecting         this new technology. It focuses on the police
            and engaging with the public, it enables                   service’s use of social media rather than the
            important information to be distributed quickly            policing of social media or the use of social
            and easily, and it can assist in intelligence              media by Police and Crime Commissioners.
            gathering. With its growing impact and reach,
            social media presents real opportunities but               What is social media?
            also poses challenges and is increasingly seen
            as a game changer for the police.                          Social media is a method of communicating
                                                                       using websites that allow people to ‘post’
             This Briefing discusses the ways in which                 public information, chat with others, send
             social media can help the police, provides                messages, and share photographs or videos.

                                                             The briefing – Police use of social media                            1
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The tool is used by organisations and                 information. According to research by Ofcom
individuals keen to establish a connection with       (2014), 83 per cent of adults now go online and
millions of other users. Unlike traditional           55 per cent of the adult population has a
unilateral communications channels, such as           current social networking site profile. 96 per
television advertising, social media provides an      cent of adults who use social media have a
opportunity to establish a two-way dialogue           profile on Facebook, while three in ten have a
with audiences, actively engaging people in           profile on Twitter. 60 per cent of social media
conversations rather than simply providing            users, and 83 per cent of those aged 16-24,
them with information.                                visit social media sites more than once a day.

There are many different forms of social media,       Social media therefore provides the police with
including social networks such as Facebook            a new way to connect with the public. In a
and LinkedIn, where users have public profiles        consent-based policing system engagement is
and network or connect with other users; micro        crucial in building public trust and confidence;
blogging sites such as Twitter, which enable the      social media enables the police to engage
public sharing of short updates; and photo or         better and to build relationships, as well as to
video sharing sites, such as Instagram or             gather information and intelligence. To take
YouTube, which enable the public dissemination        advantage of this opportunity, it is becoming
of photos and videos (Association of Police and       increasingly important for the police to
Crime Commissioners, 201 2). This Briefing            understand and make use of the different
focuses primarily on Facebook and Twitter, as         tools available.
these are the most relevant to policing, although
many of the issues raised here also relate to           “An online presence in a modern world
other forms of social media.                            is as important as traditional policing
                                                        methods such as walking the beat”
Any person or organisation can set up a ‘page’
                                                        Nick Keane, Digital Engagement
on Facebook or a ‘profile’ on Twitter in order to
                                                        Adviser, College of Policing (2014a)
post information. Facebook users choose whom
to ‘friend’ and Twitter users whom to ‘follow’
                                                      Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)
and in this way can keep up to date with news
                                                      guidelines on the safe use of social media
from these individuals or organisations.
                                                      recognise that social networking sites assist
Establishing a relationship on social media is
                                                      the police in engagement, allow officers to
important as users must friend or follow a profile
                                                      respond in real time to incidents, and help the
in order to see updates or messages. Wider
                                                      police to demonstrate greater accountability
exposure and additional friends and followers
                                                      and transparency (ACPO, 2013). In particular,
are potentially gained by people passing on
                                                      social media may enable the police to engage
(‘re-tweeting’) or ‘favouriting’ updates (‘tweets’)
                                                      with ‘hard to reach’ groups, reaching a
on Twitter or clicking the ‘like’ button below
                                                      different demographic from those who
posts on Facebook, whic h allow a wider
                                                      traditionally attend public meetings.
audience to view the original post.
                                                      Younger people, for example, have
                                                      expressed an interest in contacting the
Why should the police                                 police online (London Assembly, 2013).
use social media?                                     It may also be a positive way of connecting
                                                      with members of the community who might
Social media represents a major shift in the          otherwise be uninterested or antagonistic
way the public are sharing and using                  (Knibbs, 2013).

 2        The briefing – Police use of social media
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Joint guidance issued by the National Policing
   “I go to public meetings and have the
                                                                         Improvement Agency (NPIA) and ACPO sets
   same usual suspects, which is great but
                                                                         out how police forces can optimise their use of
   social media is a chance for me to
                                                                         social media (NPIA and ACPO, 2010) and
   engage with potentially younger people
                                                                         further guidance has been issued by ACPO and
   who don’t normally come to resident
                                                                         the College of Policing on the safe use of social
   meetings” Chief Inspector Blakeman,
                                                                         media and on the principles of online
   West Midlands (Sommers, 2013)
                                                                         engagement and how to manage online
                                                                         communities.3 But despite the widespread
Social media sites, unlike traditional forms of
                                                                         adoption of social media by the police in
engagement, provide a means for the public to
                                                                         England and Wales, there is as yet no national
raise concerns while remaining anonymous.
                                                                         strategy that sets out how the service should
Many users have ‘handles’ – names which are
                                                                         use social media (Sommers, 2013). As a
not their own – and this layer of protection
                                                                         consequence, each force uses its own
enables them to contact the police without
                                                                         discretion, so both content and capability vary
revealing their identity. A survey by Accenture
                                                                         significantly between forces.
(2012) found that 69 per cent of respondents
would interact with the police more if they                              The police service’s use of social media can be
could remain anonymous, so in this respect                               broadly divided into three related areas:
social media may provide an opportunity for the
police to receive information from people who                             1. Providing information – enabling
would not otherwise have contacted them.                                     specifically-targeted information to be
                                                                             shared quickly, easily and cheaply.
Current police use
                                                                          2. Engagement – providing the police with a
of social media                                                              way of connecting and building
                                                                             relationships with local communities and
UK police forces began experimenting with
                                                                             members of the public.
social media in 2008. Its use was often initiated
by individual officers, with varying degrees of
                                                                          3. Intelligence and investigation – allowing
official support (Crump, 2011). Since then the
                                                                             the police to listen to what their
police service’s use of social media, including
                                                                             communities are saying and to build
Twitter and Facebook, has grown substantially.
                                                                             evidence for investigations by monitoring
All police forces in England and Wales, including
                                                                             social media content.
the British Transport Police, now have Twitter
accounts and all but two are on Facebook,
                                                                         Providing information
while more than 2,050 officers currently have
individual Twitter accounts. Police force pages                          Social media gives the police a new way of
in the UK have a total of 1,567,759 followers on                         sharing information with the public, beyond
Twitter and 825,243 ‘likes’ on Facebook. 1                               conventional mechanisms such as distributing
Greater Manchester Police now has 72,409                                 leaflets or through the traditional news media.
‘likes’ on Facebook, the most for a police force                         Posts can provide safety advice to the public,
in England and Wales, while the Metropolitan                             encourage people to be alert to criminal activity
Police Service has 195,487 followers on Twitter.2                        in their area, and counsel them on how to
                                                                         minimise risk. The information can be published
1 These may not be discrete users, however. One person may
  follow more than one police force on Twitter, for example.             3 See:
2 Figures correct as of 5 May 2014.                                        engagement-and-communication/communications.

                                                               The briefing – Police use of social media                        3
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Figure 1

                                                                                         (Payne, 2011)

in real time and directly communicated to a            Internationally, there are a number of examples
ready audience in those who have signed up to          of the police utilising social media effectively
receive news from the account. This audience           during large scale disturbances. For example the
can read the information instantly and share it at     Vancouver Police Department (VPD) used Twitter
the click of a button, disseminating the material      extensively when disorder broke out during a
to a large number of people at little cost.            major sporting event in 2011. The social media
                                                       officer for the VPD used HootSuite (the social
Social media is particularly useful during critical    media management dashboard) to monitor
incidents, such as disorder, demonstrations and        public sentiment from the moment trouble broke
protests. One notable example of this was the          out. The police team used Twitter to continually
summer riots of 2011, when police forces and           engage with the crowd, as a result of which the
neighbourhood officers used the tool to calm           force’s Facebook ‘likes’ grew by 2,000 per cent.
the public and refute ill-founded rumours of
disorderly incidents (Crump, 2011). A good             Social media use can also extend beyond
example of this is when Mark Payne, a                  traditional policing areas to broader disaster
Superintendent in West Midlands Police, used           management and was employed in 2011
Twitter to reassure citizens that there was no         during the New Zealand earthquake and the
riot activity taking place in his area (see Figure     flooding in Queensland, Australia, where it
1). When used in this way social media can             became the primary means of communication
control the spread of rumours and                      (Knibbs, 2013). More recently, the police in
misinformation during protests and large scale         Calgary in Canada gained an international
incidents of disorder. Indeed this approach was        award for their innovative use of social media
recommended by the Home Affairs Select                 during severe weather. After the event, the
Committee in their report following the August         public expressed their gratitude to all the
2011 riots (House of Commons Home Affairs              emergency response teams via Twitter, which
Select Committee, 2011).                               helped to boost police morale (Elliott, 2013).

 4         The briefing – Police use of social media
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Figure 2

Arguably the most high profile example of the             sites provide an opportunity for officers to show
police using Twitter during a major incident              the ‘human’ side of policing and discuss the
occurred following the Boston marathon                    day-to-day incidents that make up an average
bombings in 2013. At every stage of the search            day at work (Webster, 2013), as well as to build
for the suspect, the police kept the public               relationships with communities. Posting
informed using social media. The first official           interactive content such as polls and videos
announcement that the suspect had been                    sparks dialogue, while innovative use of social
apprehended came from a Tweet (Figure 2)                  media broadens the conversation on policing.
(Keller, 2013). In their review of how the
                                                          One of the most notable early uses of social
Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) can make
                                                          media by the police was Greater Manchester
better use of technology, the Budget and
                                                          Police’s ‘Twitter Day’, held during 2010, during
Performance Committee of the London
                                                          which every incident notified to their control
Assembly noted that the key to the success in
                                                          room over a 24-hour period was posted on
Boston was that the police already had
                                                          Twitter. The idea behind it, according to their
protocols in place on how to use social media
                                                          Chief Constable, was to “raise awareness of
in this situation (London Assembly, 2013).
                                                          the diverse and complex role of policing,
                                                          explaining how much time officers spend with
Engagement                                                non-crime matter” (Fisher, 2012). The results
The use of social media can go beyond the                 were eye-opening and the force was able to
one-way provision of information to enable                demonstrate to a wide audience that much of
two-way engagement with the public.                       the contact they received concerned very minor
Engagement is a fundamental part of policing              incidents or events which were not strictly
and social media allows the police to connect             police-related, such as a report of cows at
with citizens; giving the public an opportunity to        loose and a phone call from a man reporting
communicate with the police and feel that they            that his television was not working. As a result
are accessible as an organisation. Social media           of the experiment, Greater Manchester Police

                                                The briefing – Police use of social media              5
increased their number of Twitter followers from         had been ‘retweeted’ 8,500 times and viewed
3,000 to 17,000 4 (Crump, 2011).                         4.3 million times (Denef et al, 2013).

In addition to official force tweets, many                 In 2012 a post about a missing dog
officers tweet individually, primarily as a form of        made by Barnet MPS on Twitter was
public engagement. For example, Sergeant Ed                ‘retweeted’ 52,820 times and the dog
Rogerson uses Twitter to discuss his life as a             was subsequently returned as a result
community officer in Harrogate, North                      (ITV News, 2012).
Yorkshire. He uses Twitter to increase his
visibility, having been inspired to do so after          In addition, social media can provide
being repeatedly told by members of the public           intelligence to inform deployment decisions and
when he was a PC that he was the first officer           improve the effective allocation of resources
they had seen in months (Laville, 2012).                 (HMIC, 2012a). To this end, as well as using
                                                         their own pages and profiles to gather
Social media is also useful for internal
                                                         information, the police follow the use of social
purposes: to engage police staff members or
                                                         media by others, gaining an insight into their
boost morale. Following the summer riots in
                                                         local communities, picking up leads and
2011, Staffordshire police posted a ‘word
                                                         preparing for potential incidents. Sir Peter Fahy,
cloud’ which collated the words most
                                                         Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police,
frequently posted by Staffordshire police
                                                         stated that social media channels played a
followers. The word cloud celebrated the
                                                         crucial role in intelligence gathering about
positive feedback the force had received for the
                                                         community tensions following a fatal police
way it dealt with the disorder.
                                                         shooting in Cheshire (Fahy, 2012).

Intelligence and investigation                           The police also regularly visit and monitor sites
Social media can assist the police in                    known for potential criminal or antisocial activity
intelligence-gathering, with its speed providing         to gather information and sources (COMPOSITE
a crucial advantage when appealing for                   Project, 2012). These include sites on the ‘Black
witnesses or information or looking for missing          Web’ (an unofficial list of sites that criminals use
persons. It can be used during ongoing                   to communicate), sites that propagate hate
incidents; for example in the case of Joanna             propaganda and chat rooms used by sex
Yeates, who went missing in December 2010,               offenders to target vulnerable victims (Taylor,
Avon and Somerset Police used Facebook to                2011). Every interaction with the internet leaves a
call for anyone with information to come                 trace and trawling through an individual’s social
forward. Footage from CCTV cameras was also              media profiles can give the police information on
posted on YouTube.                                       his or her circle of friends or their location at a
                                                         specific time. Partnership working can assist in
It can also be used to obtain information after
                                                         this area: Facebook, for example, works with the
the event. For example, in order to identify
                                                         police to help identify images of child sex abuse,
suspects in the wake of the summer riots the
                                                         freezing a user’s data to assist investigation.
police posted CCTV footage and photos of
                                                         Police officers from various forces across Europe
suspects on the website Flickr as part of
                                                         report that in many cases criminal information
Operation Withern. The MPS used Twitter to
                                                         can be found online that without social media
promote this and within hours the Flickr images
                                                         would have required a much greater investigative
4 They had 151,236 followers on 5 May 2014, the second
                                                         effort or would not have been available at all
  highest number for a force in England and Wales.       (COMPOSITE Project, 2012).

  6        The briefing – Police use of social media
The challenges                                               last week’. The research concluded that the
                                                             MPS’s more formal style reduced the force’s
of social media                                              ability to connect as effectively with the public
                                                             as GMP’s approach, although the Twitter feed
Getting the tone right                                       was found to be easier to maintain and less
Information placed by the police on social                   prone to negative feedback.
media needs to be relevant and useful.
Posts which appear to be of limited practical                  “Our data indicates that choosing an
benefit can leave the public with the                          instrume ntal versus an expressive
impression that the police could be spending                   strategy may lead to different
their time more fruitfully (PSI, 2012). The                    relationships between police and public.
                                                               Given the dependence of police on
tone in which information is presented is
                                                               public cooperation, the choice may well
also important, affecting the likelihood that it
                                                               impact police performance in the short-
will be read and passed on and the way in
                                                               and long-term.” (Denef et al, 2013)
which the sender is viewed.

Research has shown that different forces use                 Engagement, not just giving information
social media differently (Denef et al., 2013).               The art of effectively using social media is
In an analysis of Twitter communication by                   arguably to balance information provision with
the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and                    posts that are entertaining and fun. If followers
Greater Manchester Police (GMP) during the                   enjoy reading police updates, and trust the
summer riots, the MPS adopted a more                         tweets or posts as good sources of
formal approach, keeping its distance from                   information, they will be more inclined to
the public, while GMP was more informal,                     engage and come forward with information
connecting with the public using a more                      themselves. In this way information provision
‘expressive’ style of tweet. The MPS, for                    and intelligence-gathering can overlap with
example, would post the following: ‘New                      engagement, which to be effective, needs to be
CCTV images of people police need to                         two-way. Studies have shown that open
identify on our Flickr page             communication can improve the levels of trust
Pls look and RT’, whereas GMP’s post stated:                 citizens have in their forces (COMPOSITE
‘Can you help identify these people? Check                   Project, 2012; Ruddell and Jones, 2013), while
our Flickr gallery of wanted suspects and                    an online presence which is interactive, rather
call 0800 092 0410’.                    than one which simply provides information,
                                                             can create a personal connection with users
The study found benefits and challenges in both              and promote positive attitudes (Briones et al,
approaches. GMP’s more informal style created                2011). A survey by Accenture (2012) found that
a closer relationship with the public, but as a              over half of UK respondents (58 per cent)
result boundaries were more fluid and easier to              would like to see the police using social media
over-step. This can lead to a negative response              to engage with the community, rather than
from followers. For example GMP tweeted:                     simply to provide information. In practice
‘Mum-of-two, not involved in disorder, jailed for            however, the police often use social media
FIVE months for accepting shorts looted from                 platforms merely to give or ask for information,
shop. There are no excuses’. This triggered                  rather than to engage in a dialogue with the
critical responses such as: ‘T hat last @gmpolice            public (Crump, 2011). This pattern appears to
tweet: wrong sentence, wrong tone, wrong                     be reflected across Europe, with police most
everything. Pissing away goodwill collected over             commonly using social media for informing the

                                                   The briefing – Police use of social media                 7
public about recent crimes, traffic accidents,        risk for the police if, due to the volume of data
missing people, stolen vehicles, suspects or          that is potentially available to them, they miss
arrests made (Denef, et al, 2012).                    important information on social media that
                                                      could help them prevent a crime or apprehend
Engagement through social media is not                a suspect more quickly.
without risks. There is potential for mistakes to
be made if the right information is not given, or     During the summer riots, the systems for
inappropriate detail is disclosed. By its nature      developing intelligence from large flows of
social media is fast moving and difficult to          social media data were not always sufficient to
control and any mistakes that occur are               cope with the demand to process it rapidly
immediately exposed to the wider public. Thus         enough to usefully inform strategies and tactics
for example in April 2014, the New York Police        on the ground. Tim Godwin, acting
Department asked the public to tweet pictures         Commissioner of the MPS at that time,
of themselves with police officers using a            subsequently stated that many UK police
specified hash tag. The response was                  forces were still playing ‘catch up’ in their use
dominated by pictures that showed the police          of social media (Mason, 2012).
in a negative light (Tran, M., 2014).
                                                      Police have to assess the value and accuracy
Publicising a police presence                         of any intelligence they obtain. The House of
If the police are to disseminate information          Commons Home Affairs Select Committee
widely or engage with citizens effectively online,    (2011) recognised that the task of
public awareness around police use of social          distinguishing credible information from rumour
media needs to be increased. The opt in nature        and speculation was challenging due to the
of the tool means that the police have to make        volume of information involved, and the speed
sure the public is aware of, and will follow, their   of interaction. HMIC has recommended that an
social media pages. A large and diverse               ‘all source’, public order intelligence hub should
audience will enable a police force to                be developed to analyse trends in community
disseminate public information and engage             tension, including through monitoring social
more widely. However a survey by Accenture            media (HMIC, 2011).
(2012) found that less than a fifth of UK
respondents were aware that the police are              “For information to be considered
currently using digital channels. If members of         ‘intelligence’ it needs to meet certain
the public are not a ‘friend’ or ‘follower’ of the      thresholds of how it is gathered,
police on Facebook or Twitter, opportunities for        evidenced, corroborated, verified,
social media engagement may be lost.                    understood and applied. To be able to
                                                        inform important decisions, either
Identifying useful information                          strategic or operational, [social media
                                                        intelligence] must establish its own
Sir Denis O’Connor, former HM Chief Inspector
                                                        approach to secure these evidentiary
of Constabulary, described social media as a
                                                        thresholds.” (Bartlett et al, 2013)
‘game changer’, but said that currently the
police were ‘not geared’ to make use of the
data it provided (House of Commons Home               The police need to develop ways to better
Affairs Select Committee, 2011). Due to the           access and interpret the information that is
volume of information that is shared through          available through social media. In the US,
social media, there are significant challenges in     recent research has shown that using Twitter
processing it and there may be a reputational         data improved crime predication rates of

 8        The briefing – Police use of social media
stalking, criminal damage and gambling by 6.6                        behaviour on personal accounts and that nine
per cent in Chicago compared to a standard                           forces did not monitor staff use of social media
crime prediction approach (Gerber, M., 2013).                        at all. The report recommended further training
In the UK, a range of tools are becoming                             should be given to those using social media,
available, such as ‘Redknight’, which was used                       identifying six forces who had not carried out
during the 2012 Olympics.5 Similarly, the                            any training or awareness raising activity
Collaborative Online Social Media Observatory                        (HMIC, 2012b).
(COSMOS), developed by researchers at Cardiff
University, is researching the potential link                          “Police forces and PCCs should ensure
between social media updates and crime. The                            they have appropriate mechanisms for
COSMOS team has partnered with the MPS to                              monitoring and managing the
see if they can gauge and perhaps even predict                         reputational risks which the
crime in certain London Boroughs.6 Elsewhere,                          inappropriate use of social media
social network analysis is being explored as a                         present” (HMIC, 2012a).
tool for supporting the investigation of child sex
trafficking in the UK (Cockbain et al, 2011).
                                                                     Following the controversial suspension and
                                                                     reinstatement of the @mentalhealthcop Twitter
Managing police use of social media                                  account of Inspector Michael Brown of West
Police officers and staff of all ranks and levels                    Midlands Police, it has come to light that
of experience are able to use social media,                          officers using Twitter on behalf of their force
which presents considerable management                               must make their usernames and passwords
challenges. Content placed on social media by                        available to their employers should they deem
police officers and staff must be appropriate for                    it necessary to remove inappropriate material
public consumption and use the right tone and                        or take control of an account. The police
style. Where this is not the case, processes                         service’s national lead for digital engagement,
must be in place to address this.                                    Deputy Chief Constable Ian Hopkins, has
                                                                     stated that police forces must exercise ‘proper
A 2012 HMIC report identified 357 instances of
                                                                     control’ over what officers publish on their
potentially inappropriate behaviour by police on
                                                                     social media accounts (Sommers, 2014) and at
social media over a nine month period, 71 per
                                                                     least 10 forces are known to use monitoring
cent of which were on Twitter. HMIC
                                                                     software to scrutinise their officers’ use of
categorised this behaviour as:
                                                                     Twitter (Iszatt, 2014). The College of Policing’s
●    offensive language or behaviour (132                            Code of Ethics clearly states that standards
     instances)                                                      that apply to the management of information
●    comments on police protocol or procedure                        offline are equally applicable to social media
     (119 instances)                                                 (College of Policing, 2014b).

●    negativity towards work (70 instances); and                     One aspect of social media that is particularly
●    extreme opinions on the government (36                          difficult to manage relates to ‘cross-over
     instances)                                                      accounts’. These accounts, which are
                                                                     particularly prevalent on Twitter, see police
The report also found that only nine forces                          officers posting about work but also about their
had the capacity to check for inappropriate                          personal life. A degree of humour, frivolity or
                                                                     human detail can help attract followers, who do
5 See
6 See:
                                                                     not always want to read serious, dry tweets.
    academicstaff/T-Z/dr-matthew-williams-overview.html.             However, occasionally an extreme opinion is

                                                           The briefing – Police use of social media               9
tweeted, or one user engages in an
inappropriate debate on Twitter with another
user. It is important that forces have effective      Social media provides the police with new
processes in place to respond proportionately         opportunities to engage with the public; to
when these incidents occur.                           collect and impart information; and to gather
                                                      intelligence. However, these opportunities
Resources                                             come with challenges which are yet to be
The growth of social media has come at a time         fully addressed.
of austerity, when police budgets are being cut.
It may also have raised expectations. If the          Currently, there is no national strategy on
public comes to expect immediate responses            police use of social media and every force is
to requests for information or updates on the         left to develop its own approach. In March
progress of investigations, it may be difficult to    2013 Deputy Chief Constable Gordon Scobbie
find the time and manpower to resource this.          called for the College of Policing and ACPO to
                                                      produce joined-up policy to embed the use of
The use of social media in its current guise is,      social media into policing (Sommers, 2013).
however, not particularly resource intensive; it is   However there are some potential changes in
being absorbed into the duties of serving             the pipeline: a Digita l Communications
officers and communications departments as            Steering Group has been set up by the MPS to
an addition to their workload. But to use it          focus on key strategic social media issues –
operationally, beyond it being an information         ranging from identifying the correct technology
tool, is likely to require significant investment.    to deciding appropriate standards of usage –
As Peter Fahy suggests, “it can be a really           and the resultant report may help to clarify
useful tool, but you need to put a lot of             issues in this area.
resources into your control room” (Fahy, 2012).
                                                      Work remains to be done on developing
Deploying sufficient personnel is one such            systems and strategies that help embed the use
investment. The police need to be able to             of social media into everyday working practices,
analyse and manage the information they               and ensure that lessons are learnt in terms of
receive quickly and effectively. This is of           what constitutes best practice. Research into
particular importance in relation to critical         the public perception of the police’s use of
incidents, when there is a need to analyse            social media may be of benefit, particularly if it
information at speed. But it takes time to            helped to pin down what the public wants from
manage information effectively. Setting up            a police social media account, how they view
systems to mine and scrape social media for           different types of tweets or posts and what
intelligence purposes might assist the police in      impact social media has on public confidence in
monitoring community tension levels and               the longer-term. With 87 per cent of young
anticipating behaviour, but it only comes at          peopl e using social media, it represents a
considerable additional expense.                      crucial form of communication now and in the
                                                      future and could become a vital element in
The extent to which these resources are               helping to build trust and confidence and
made available may depend on whether there            improve policing in years to come.
is sufficient understanding of the value of
social networking at a strategic level. Some
senior officers are familiar with the use of
Twitter and Facebook for operational policing,
others less so.

10        The briefing – Police use of social media
References                                                        Denef, S. Petra, S. Kaptein, N. (2012) Cross-
                                                                  European Approaches to Social Media as a Tool for
Accenture (2012) Are Police Forces Maximizing                     Police Communication. European Police Science
Technology to Fight Crime and Engage Citizens? The                and Research Bulletin. Issue 6, Winter. Hampshire:
Accenture Citizen Pulse Survey on Policing. [pdf]                 European Police College (CEPOL)
Accenture. Available at:  [Accessed 5 June 2014]                       September. Available at:  [Accessed 5 June 2014]
internet and social media by police officers and
police staff. London: ACPO.                                       Fahy, P. (2012) quoted in, The role of social media
                                                                  in policing. Police Product Insight, No. 2, June-July.
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