Media Kit Your Gateway into the Food Industry 2023 - The Food Institute

Page created by Jean Floyd
Media Kit Your Gateway into the Food Industry 2023 - The Food Institute

Media Kit

Your Gateway into the
Food Industry
Media Kit Your Gateway into the Food Industry 2023 - The Food Institute
The Food Institute is a multimedia company
providing insights-driven content for key decision-
makers in the food and beverage industry. With a
farm-to-fork reach since 1928, The Food Institute
delivers business news, data and trends for its
global readership. Through its daily newsletters,
articles, research reports, podcasts, webinars,
videos and other digital content, members receive
insights quick enough to respond to real-time
issues and opportunities in the marketplace.

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                     2   2023 MEDIA KIT
Media Kit Your Gateway into the Food Industry 2023 - The Food Institute
Sponsorship Opportunities
The Food Institute offers four annual levels of sponsorship that allow your
business to develop professional contacts, showcase your products and
services, and take advantage of an array of promotional opportunities.
Choose the level that is right for you.

                                                                Bronze             Silver     Gold    Platinum
                                                                $10,000           $20,000   $30,000   $40,000

             Number of Webinar Sponsorships                         1                2         3         4

             Number of Podcast Sponsorships                         1                1         2         3

     Number of “FI LIVE” Livestream Sponsorships                                               1         2

                Written Article Sponsorship                         1                2         3         4

           Number of Banner Ads in Rotation on
                                                                                    12        24        36
           Food Institute Platforms for One Year

            Number of Webinars as Participant                                        1         2         3

          Logo in Food Institute Report (2 issues)

     Food Institute Report Guest Column (2 issues)

     Full Page Ad in Food Institute Report (2 issues)

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                             3                              2023 MEDIA KIT
Media Kit Your Gateway into the Food Industry 2023 - The Food Institute

The Food Institute Report          Online Portal                          Today In Food                    Events and Reports
Monthly reports highlighting the   Research library on your desktop       E-newsletter delivered to your   Monthly and annual webinars,
most important industry news       available anytime                      inbox daily                      seminars and industry reports
and trends

                                                                 Join Today

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                     4                                                            2023 MEDIA KIT
Membership Options
A Food Institute membership will deliver insights on new products,
crop markets, legislation, customer demographics, mergers, food industry
statistics, competitors, market trends and more!

                                  Today in Food            E-Member            Professional    Corporate         Enterprise
                                   $149 / year             $599 / year         $995 / year    $8,995 / year    $19,995 / year
                                      Individual             Individual          Individual   Up to 20 Users    Up to 50 Users

      MEMBER BENEFITS                Join Plan               Join Plan           Join Plan      Join Plan         Join Plan

         TODAY IN FOOD
          ACCESS TO


          ACCESS TO
          ACCESS TO FI
          NUMBER OF
                                                                                                    2                 4

  PROMOTIONAL BANNER ADS                                                                           12                24

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                          5                                              2023 MEDIA KIT
Over 70% of
                                                           Subscribers are Key

Subscriber Demographics                                          President

                          Food Manufacturers         33%          17%
                          Financial/Law/Accounting   12%

                          Suppliers                  8%

                          Brokers/IMEX                7%

                          Distributors/Wholesalers    7%

                          Retailers                   7%          28%
                          Ad Agencies/PR             5%          Manager
                          Growers/Processors         5%

                          Trade Association - U.S.   4%

                          Education                  4%

                          Food Service Operator       1%
                          Other                       7%          Other

FOODINSTITUTE.COM          6                                                 2023 MEDIA KIT
Standard Pricing
The Food Institute is your portal to the food industry. Our various
offerings extend an exclusive opportunity for your organization to
increase exposure, build relationships and enhance your company’s
image with industry decision makers.

        ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES                    Dimensions           Format    Length            Price

                    Article Sponsorship                Full Page           PDF     500 words        $250/day

                Webinar Sponsorship                      N/A               N/A       N/A           $7,500/each

                Podcast Sponsorship                      N/A               N/A       N/A           $2,500/each

        “FI LIVE” Livestream Sponsorship                 N/A               N/A       N/A           $2,500/each

             Digital Video Sponsorship                   N/A               N/A       N/A       $2,000 - $4,000/each

      E-Blast to Food Institute’s Readership             N/A               N/A       N/A           $1,500/each

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                     7                                       2023 MEDIA KIT
Ad Specs and Pricing
                       TYPE                        Desktop Dimensions           Mobile Dimensions   Format    File Size    Price / Day

             Daily Newsletter – Full Ad                 600 x 300                        N/A         PNG       150 Kb         $250

             Daily Newsletter – Text Ad                     N/A                          N/A         Text    50-75 words      $200

                                                                                   300 x 100 or
      Food Institute Homepage Banner Ad                 580 x 190*                                   PNG
Advertising/Sponsorship Benefits
Sponsors will receive:                                                                    Advertisers will receive:

Webinar: 1 hour webinar as a sponsor or presenter/co-presenter. The Food Institute        Daily Newsletters: Monthly report of ad impressions and clicks with a full list of
will provide sponsor with a monthly report of webinar registrants (includes contact       company and job title for all readers that clicked on your ad.
information), along with a final list webinar registrants post release date.
                                                                                          Food Institute Focus: Monthly reports of ad impressions and clicks.
Average Registrants: 300 – 500
                                                                                          Food Institute Report: Monthly reports of downloads and views.

Audio Podcast: 15 – 20-minute interviews in Q&A format with sponsor on
desired topics. The Food Institute will feature sponsor (Logo, company description,
verbal mention during podcast intro + close). We’ll also provide the sponsor with
the contact information of podcast listeners post release date.

Average Reach: 10,000+

Digital Video: 2–5-minute promotional or content video produced by The
Food Institute’s dedicated production team. Our video production team will work
closely with sponsor’s staff to design each video.

Average Reach: 10,000+

Sponsored Article: Full page article featuring specific topics related to sponsor’s
impact in the Food & Beverage industry. Articles are published across all Food
Institute newsletters.

Average Reach: 10,000+

E-Blast: A marketing email sent to all FI’s daily newsletter platforms.

Average Reach: 10,000+

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                                     9                                                                           2023 MEDIA KIT
Content Calendar Overview
                                                                               FI INTERACTIVE
           MONTH                              REPORT                                                 FI PODCAST   WEBINAR

          January                                                                          2x            2x         2x

         February                                                                          2x            2x         2x

           March                                                                           2x            2x         2x

            April                                                                          2x            2x         2x

             May                                                                           2x            2x         2x

            June                                                                           2x            2x         2x

             July                                                                          2x            2x         2x

           August                                                                          2x            2x         2x

        September                                                                          2x            2x         2x

          October                                                                          2x            2x         2x

        November                                                                           2x            2x         2x

        December                                                                           2x            2x         2x

Additional Content: Hot Topics news videos (weekly), FI Fast Break news podcast (weekly)
*Calendar and topics are subject to change

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                                               10                          2023 MEDIA KIT
FI Webinar Calendar
 January                                     February                               March                                  April

 Health & Wellness Trends in the             Category Level Food Trends –           State of Mergers and Acquisitions in   The Evolution of Alt. Protein
 Food & Beverage Market                      The Latest IRI Data & Insights         the Food Industry (I)
                                                                                                                           What’s the Future of the Restaurant
 Food Labeling – Top New                     Food Inflation – Where are we          How Retail Media Networks are          Industry (QSR, Fast Casual, Fine
 Developments in 2023                        headed in 2023?                        Transforming the Food Industry         Dining, etc.)?

 May                                         June                                   July                                   August

 Latest Developments of Vertical/In-         How LATAM is influencing the US        State of VC Funding in the Food &      Latest Developments of Food
 door Farming                                Food Industry                          Beverage Industry                      Innovation (i.e., taste, ingredients)

 The Psychology of the                       Future of Food Retail                  Latest in Food Tech (AI, Robotics,     Impact of Strategy & Design
 Food Consumer                                                                      AR, VR)                                for the Food Industry

 September                                   October                                November                               December

 FI’s Inaugural Global Food                  2023 Food Labeling Summit:             The Latest in Upcycling/               What’s Ahead In 2024?
 LATAM Conference                            Training Session with OFW              Food Waste Trends

 State of the Wine/                          How the World is Snacking              The Rise of International Cuisine
 Beer Industry in the US

 State of Mergers and Acquisitions
 in the Food Industry (II)

*Calendar and topics are subject to change

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                              11                                                                        2023 MEDIA KIT
FI Podcast Calendar
 January                                          February                                                    March                                            April
 Food Trends 2023                                 Rise of West African Cuisine                                Best Retail Practices for Boomers                Growing Food at School
 Exploring new food trends for the year with a    Taking a look at the rise of West African                   What’s the best strategy for meeting Baby        Targeting to bring Stephen Ritz back on the
 food industry expert on the topic.               fast casual concepts, and how these flavors                 Boomers in today’s high-tech world? Retailers    show, talking about his efforts with Green
                                                  are growing in importance for American                      will share their perspectives on this genera-    Bronx Machine to grow food at schools and
 New Year, New Diet                               consumers.                                                  tion’s buying habits at the retail level.        teaching children to do so.
 What diets are the most popular heading into
 the start of 2023, and which ones could take     International Impact of Food Retail                         Where Are Baby Boomers                           Where Are Consumers Eating
 a more prominent role in 2023?                   From the emergence of German retailers like                 Eating Out?                                      in 2023?
                                                  Lidl and Aldi to the growing importance of                  Taking a look at what restaurants and            The pandemic, rising inflation, and supply
                                                  Asian-themed grocers like H Mart, food retail is            concepts are most popular with this aging        chain challenges shifted eating patterns the
                                                  growing increasingly international in the U.S.              generation, and what that could mean for         past few years, but where are consumers
                                                                                                              future generations.                              eating today?

 May                                              June                                                        July                                             August
 Beyond the Pump                                  How Recession-proof is Food?                                Food Allergens and Resulting Diets               Fight for $15+
 As convenience stores move into foodservice      It’s often said that food is recession-proof                With sesame being recognized by FDA, the         Employees are demanding higher wages, and
 and better-for-you products, will they be        since we all have to eat, but how true is this              focus on food allergens has never been higher.   some governments are backing their calls. Is
 landlocked to gas stations or move into other    mantra? A financial expert will explain the                 What are food brands doing to communicate        there a business case to embrace higher pay
 parts of the American experience?                pitfalls of this type of thinking.                          their allergy-free status to consumers?          for employees?

 Does Delivery Trump Convenience?                 How to Provide Value to Consumers                           Low FODMAP Interview                             Employees React to Robots
 With delivery companies increasingly offering    Amid rising inflation and darkening economic                The Food Institute will interview a low FOD-     Rising labor costs are causing companies to
 services from grocers and convenience            indicators, how can companies still present                 MAP food producer, much like the interview       turn to robotics, but how is that impacting
 stores, is the entire dynamic of “convenience”   a value proposition to the cost-conscious                   with Gourmend in August 2022.                    employee morale? The Food Institute inves-
 being changed?                                   consumer?                                                                                                    tigates.

 September                                        October                                                     November                                         December
 An Interview with Olipop                         Purchasing Power of Parents                                 State of Plant-Based Podcast 2023                2023 In Review
 Following up on a 2020 episode, The Food         While Generation Alpha is coming into its                   The Food Institute will speak with plant-based   Recapping the biggest food industry trends for
 Institute will speak with Olipop’s Ben Good-     own, Millennials and Gen Z are the ones                     insiders for the first annual State of Plant-    2023, ranging from foodservice to food retail.
 win on developing classic soda flavors with      raising them. How does this dynamic impact                  Based podcast, taking a look at the year in
 functional benefits.                             their food choices?                                         review and what trends will lead the category    2024 Preview
                                                                                                              moving forward.                                  What’s coming for the food industry in the
 Rise and Thrive                                  Gen Alpha Dive                                                                                               coming year? We’ll take a look at major
 Energy drinks are all the rage, but which        What food trends (i.e. authenticity, sustainability,        Cellular Meat Deep Dive                          trends the food industry could face in 2024.
 ones are actually providing energy and other     etc.) are really pushing this generation forward?           While still a nascent category, how much of
 functional benefits?                                                                                         a threat does cell-cultured meat represent to
*Calendar and topics are subject to change
Additional Content: FI Fast Break news podcast (weekly)

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                                                        12                                                                                      2023 MEDIA KIT
FI Report Calendar
 January                                            February                                            March                                               April
 Issue: 1/17 | Ad Deadline: 1/1                     Issue: 2/21 | Ad Deadline: 2/1                      Issue: 3/21 | Ad Deadline: 3/1                      Issue: 4/18 | Ad Deadline: 4/1
 Trends to watch in 2023                            Revisiting the Rise                                 Baby Boomer Preferences                             Victory Gardens 2.0
 The Food Institute will present expert analysis    of International Cuisine                            The Food Institute will examine the changing        Amid inflation, we’re seeing a slow but steadily
 on which trends loom large as the calendar         Ethnic, or global cuisine, is growing in            nature and demographics of consumption              increasing movement of consumers choosing
 turns to the year ahead.                           popularity; We’ll analyze some of the latest        patterns pertaining to the sizable elderly          to grow their own gardens. What’s behind the
                                                    trends in this segment, like birria tacos           generation.                                         movement, and how could it impact businesses
                                                    and Cuban sandwiches, and examine their                                                                 like retailers?
                                                    growth potential.

 May                                                June                                                July                                                August
 Issue: 5/16 | Ad Deadline: 5/1                     Issue: 6/20 | Ad Deadline: 6/1                      Issue: 7/18 | Ad Deadline: 7/1                      Issue: 8/15 | Ad Deadline: 8/1
 Convenience Stores’ Evolution                      Tips for preparing your business                    A Look at Low-FODMAP Foods                          Examining Employee Wellness
 Gas stations without gas represent an increasing   to survive a recession                              Examining which types of companies are              A closer look at mental illness among
 trend, plus upscale C-stores are becoming more     The Food Institute will share experts’              focusing on low-FODMAP foods, which cater           employees, especially at restaurants.
 prevalent in cities like Chicago. We’ll examine    advice on how to brace for the predicted            to consumers dealing with issues like IBS.          What’s causing workers to abuse drugs
 what’s inspiring the trend, such as the auto       recession ahead.                                                                                        like fentanyl, for example?
 industry’s shift toward electric vehicles.                                                             Additional content: webinar
                                                    Additional content: webinar
 Additional content: webinar

 September                                          October                                             November                                            December
 Issue: 9/12 | Ad Deadline: 9/1                     Issue: 10/17 | Ad Deadline: 10/1                    Issue: 11/21 | Ad Deadline: 11/1                    Issue: 12/19 | Ad Deadline: 12/1
 A Deep Dive into Functional Drinks                 A Look at How Impactful                             Charting the Progress of the                        Trends to watch for in 2024
 The pandemic inspired many consumers               Gen Alpha Will be                                   Plant-Based Segment                                 The Food Institute will present expert insight
 to focus more on exercise and to strive            Children born from 2010 or more recently            With innovations like “fishless fish” captivating   regarding which trends appear likely to
 for an active lifestyle in general. Beverage       are a unique group of evolving consumers,           many consumers, The Food Institute will look at     shape the food and beverage industry over
 manufacturers have taken note and are              especially in the respect that the pandemic         a few forms of alternative protein that appear      the next 12 months.
 seizing the opportunity to meet demand.            accelerated their push toward digital games         to have the most staying power.
                                                    and the metaverse.

*Feature Topics are subject to change                                       Regulatory, Legal and Markets covered                               Additional forms of content:
*Ads should be received no later than noon EST by then end of the           in every issue.                                                     Weekly: Hot Topics News Videos, FI Fast Break Podcast
1st week of the issue month
**Contributing authors should send their finished articles to Executive     Departments include: Sales, Mergers &                               Bi-Weekly: Webinar, FI Livestream Conversations,
Editor no less than seven days before Issue date                            Acquisitions, Business Buzz, and Foreign Deals.                     FI Podcast

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                                                  13                                                                                          2023 MEDIA KIT
FI LIVE Calendar
 January                                     February                                  March                                April
 2023 Trends/Flavors with                    Supply Chain Issues: Where Are We?        AI In Restaurants: What’s It Like?   Sweet Treats (Belgian Boys / Do)
 Melanie Bartelme
                                             Global Food LatAm Related Topic           VIP Guest: Indra Nooyi               Aldi/ Trader Joe’s: Secrets to
 Lab Grown Coffee (Atomo, etc)                                                                                              Grocery Success

 May                                         June                                      July                                 August
 Mental Health and Food                      Baby Food And Innovation                  Where Are We In Fine Dining?         Taking A Brand Global
 Industry (Ag)
                                             Latest In Fast Food                       Inspiring Employees In Crisis        How Companies And Unions Can
 Dairy: A Thing Of The Past?                                                                                                Work Together

 September                                   October                                   November                             December
 Businesses And Locally Sourcing             The Sweet Spot On The                     Dealing With Hunger                  Generational Businesses:
                                             Candy Industry                                                                 A Dying Breed?
 Inflation/Shrinkflation Update                                                        Dealing With Amazon
                                             Lab Developed Foods                                                            1 Year After FAST Legislation

*Calendar and topics are subject to change

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                                 14                                                                    2023 MEDIA KIT
Fancy Food Livestream Sponsorship
The Food Institute (FI) has partnered with the Specialty Food Association (SFA) in 2023 to bring the
Winter Fancy Food and Summer Fancy Food shows to a global virtual audience via a 3-day livestream
for each event. Sponsors will now have the opportunity to reach a 100,000+ specialty food industry
audience via a state-of-the-art media production platform.

                                       Title Sponsor               Platinum Sponsor                Gold Sponsor    Silver Sponsor
                                          $25,000                       $10,000                       $5,000           $2,500
 SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS                   1x available                  2x available                  3x available    5x available

           AT SHOW

           MEDIA BOOTH


            (30 SEC)


           BANNER ADS

*Sponsorship tiers can be customized

               To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Paola Garcia at

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                          15                                                 2023 MEDIA KIT
Written Content Sponsorship
Research Report / White Paper Sponsorship
                                                                                                                                                                                        CONFIDEN TIAL & PROPRIET
                                                                                                                                                                                                          TAR Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                 PRO PRIE
                                                                                                                                                                                        NTIA L &      CONFID ENTIAL &
                                                                                                                                                                             CON FIDE                                 PROPR IETARY

                                                                                                                           Walma rtetSup
                                                                                                                              Targ       ercenters
                                                                                                                                      /Sup er Target                                                                                 , AR.
                                                                                                                                                                                                first Walma rt in 1962 in Rogers
                                                                                                                                                                Sam Walton opened the                         ed both domestically
                                                                                                                                702 SW 8th    Nicollet Mall,     Since then,  the compa ny has expand                                   tes
                                                                                                                                Bentonville,      72716-6209
                                                                                                                                             ARapolis                     Targe                      more than 2.3 million associa
• The Food Institute can produce a white paper-style research report on a specific
                                                                                                                                        Minne         , MN 55403-253  globally.  t was
                                                                                                                                                                                It now   employ
                                                                                                                                                                                        creat   ed sas
                                                                                                                                                                 and0 Comp                              a disco unt tops
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     retailthe  Fortune
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            er by
                                                                                                                                                                                   andin clubs
                                                                                                                                                                                         1962 in  worldw  ide and                 The Dayton
                                                                                                                                                                 in 3,570sales                      Minneapolis, nies.       is known  for
                                                                                                                                         612.304.6073                            for
                                                                                                                                                                                of   the
                                                                                                                                                                                    Americ   a’s
                                                                                                                                                                                          first   largest
                                                                                                                                                                                                 time      compa MN. ItIt achie   ved  $1 billion is
                                                                                                                                                                 500 ranking                           in 1979.low
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Toda  y, Target operates
  topic of interest for your company.
                                                                                                                                                                          50 stateslarge
                                                                                                                                                                 massive   stores, and the        Distrns and
                                                                                                                                                                                            selectio                                        in all
                                                                                                                                 walmartarge                             employees. Its taglin ict of Columbia and has 400,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                    e of “Expe ct More
                                                                                                                                                                         in use since 1994.                              . Pay Less” has been

• The report can be co-branded (e.g., The Food Institute & your company)                                                                                                                                                             Total Number of Outlets

  and can incorporate commentary from your company’s research analysts.                                                              Estimate d Annual Revenue
                                                                                                                                                 ated Annual Reven
                                                                                                                                                      (Total) ue
                                                                                                                                              Billion (Total)
                                                                                                                                   $209$17       (Grocery)
                                                                                                                                            Billio                                                Supercenters:                           Total Number of Outlet
                                                                                                                                                  n (Grocery)                                                                                     273

• The Food Institute will help and conduct research on your company’s desired                                                                                                                       Y OsF
                                                                                                                                                                                                O Rtact
                                                                                                                                                                                         Buyer Con

                                                                                                                                                                               A D I Buy
                                                                                                                                                                                              er Contacts
  topics. Research report to be featured on your company’s and The Food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Specialty & Natural Foods

                                                                                                                                       .S. S

                                                                                                                                    p U
                                                                                                                                Groce                                                                       Jony Farfan,

                                                                                                                                       ery                                  Delires Acco, global sourcing
  Institute newsletters.                                                                                                                                senior buyer
                                                                                                                                              ie, vice, president                                           director global sourcing

                                                                                                                                              d Buyers
                                                                                                                                 Kimberl  y Levitsky
                                                                                                                                   Liz Nordl                                      a
                                                                                                                                                                                  walmar  old, senior buyer
                                                                                                                                 klevitsk              nacco@
                                                                                                                                                                           kristina.mangold@targe               Specwalmar
                                                                                                                                                                                                            jfarfan@     ialty &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Natural Foods
                                                                                                                                          dlie@target    .com                              

                                                                                                                                    Chains an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tiffany Trombley, senior
                                                                                                                                                            buyer       Gerardo    Guerrero, senior buyer      tiffany
                                                                                                                                    Chris Hoffm
                                                                                                                                 Tommy                                     Mike Aamot, senior                Dawn
                                                                                                                                                         director       gguerre   ro@walmart.combuyer
                                                                                                                                 treed@w     almart.c
                                                                                                                                    chris.hoffm         om
                                                                                                                                                                               merchandising director
                                                                                                                                                                                                   m           Linds
                                                                                                                                                                                                             dnorvel      Miller,
                                                                                                                                                                                  Sostrin, senior buyer
• Frequency: can be written and published quarterly                                                                                SarahWindha
                                                                                                                                                   m, buyer
                                                                                                                                                    senior buyer
                                                                                                                                                                          Dereck Furlong,
                                                                                                                                                                         msostri  n@walm senior buyer
                                                                                                                                                                                                              senior sourcing mana
                                                                                                                                                                          dereck.furlong@target.cute for PrNatalia
                                                                                                                                                                                         od Instit om
                                                                                                                                                                                                              lindsa   e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Kubants    eva,
                                                                                                                                                                          by The Fo                           senior manager sourcing
                                                                                                                                  Joseph    Pao-Wu
                                                                                                                                         Pryor        ,         Prepared Wine
                                                                                                                                                                         Wine                                 Sara
                                                                                                                                                                                                              nkuban Jones   ,
                                                                                                                                               , buyer                    Tammy Patton,    buyer   
                                                                                                                                  sam.p    categor
                                                                                                                                   seniorryor@      y manager            Keith  Luehmann,
                                                                                                                                                                                            senior buyer
                                                                                                                                 Produce                                  Dex McCreary, buyer
                                                                                                                                 Sam Hinton, senior                     Ryan   Pandl , buyer         m

Sponsorship Written Articles
                                                                                                                                                                                    Matt Theisen, buyer

                                                                                                                                                   O N A L R E TA I L E RS
                                                                                                                               U. S. U. S. IN
                                                                                                                                     N AT     N AI L R E TA I L E RS

• Full page article written by your company will be published on The Food                     The Outlook for
  Institute website and distributed to all Food Institute members (10,000+
  food executives).
                                                                                              Are plant-based analogues a
• Summary of article will be published across all of The Food Institute’s newsletters.        trend or a mandatory evolution
                                                                                              for the food industry?

• The full article will be published on The Food Institute website.                           THIS REPORT IS POWERED BY

• The contact information of your company will be featured at the end of the article.
• The sponsored article will be marketed across The Food Institute’s social                                               Storm:
  media platforms.                                                                                                        The Food Industry’s Response
                                                                                                                          to Extreme Weather Patterns

                                                                                                                          This report is powered by

*Pricing is dependent on the size and scope of project.                                                   Custom reports written and designed by The Food Institute

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                                        16                                                                                                                                                                         2023 MEDIA KIT
Contact the Team
Partner with us. For advertising/sponsorship inquiries, or to submit a press
release or story pitch, reach out to one of the people below.

Business Partnerships
Managing Partner/CEO
855.791.5570 ext. 700

Editorial                                 FI Podcast
KELLY BEATON                              CHRIS CAMPBELL
Chief Content Officer                     Senior Content Manager  
855.791.5570 ext. 703                     855.791.5570 ext. 702

Webinar/Advertising                       FI Interactive Livestream
PAOLA M. GARCIA                           SUSAN CHOI
Business Development Director             Director of Digital Content  
855.791.5570 ext. 706

FOODINSTITUTE.COM                                                              17   2023 MEDIA KIT
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