Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital

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Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital
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              P RICE   LIST   N O 31 • VALID   AS OF   N OVEMBER 2021
Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital
EH     Who we are                                                                                            2/9                Media Kit Print 2022

     EUROPEAN HOSPITAL - understanding the
     challenges of healthcare in Europe
     We are 100 % healthcare.                                                  Whether it´s print or online - European
                                                                               Hospital brings together visionaries and
     Publishing the quarterly newspaper EUROPEAN HOSPITAL (EH), we             experts who are passionate about their
     have been successfully providing up-to-date information and pro-          common goal to enhance our quality of life and
     found insights into the scientific and economic developments in the        are willingly prepared to work in a highly
     European healthcare sector for 30 years now. Our main topics are          regulated industry that impacts us all in this
     Diagnostic Imaging, Laboratory, Pathology, Surgery, and Health IT.        challenging times more than ever.

     European Hospital is delivered straight to the desks of those who         We provide you with the news and the audience you need for your
     apply and enforce live-changing innovations in healthcare. They are       network efforts in the European Healthcare community.
     CEOs, presidents, CFOs, in-house counsels, head physicians, IT spe-
     cialists, medical directors, and all the others who are creating change
     in the European healthcare system.

     With we publish daily updated news for the
     European healthcare sector in German and English.

                                                                                                                                Mareike Scholze
                                                                                                                                Publishing Director
Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital
EH      Statistics                                                                     3/9              Media Kit Print 2022

Circulation by country
country            copies    % in total
Austria                733       2,53   %
Belgium                530       1,83   %
Bulgaria                90       0,31   %
Croatia                225       0,80   %
Czech Republic         451       1,55   %
Denmark                256       0,88   %
Estonia                343       1,18   %
Finland                240       0,83   %
France               4.322      14,88   %
Germany              6.803      23,43   %
Great Britain        4.734      16,31   %
Greece                 188       0,65   %
Hungary                443       1,52   %
Iceland                 30       0,10   %
Ireland                171       0,59   %                                                                                               33,5%
Italy                2.435       8,39   %      Breakdown by                                                              32,0%
Latvia                 118       0,40   %
                                 0,05   %
                                               job title
Liechtenstein           15                                                                                  24,4%
Lithuania               48       0,15   %
Luxembourg              91       0,31   %
Malta                   33       0,11   %                              4,3%
Montenegro              24       0,08   %                                        2,6%         3,2%
Netherlands            729       2,51   %
Northern Ireland        18       0,06   %
Norway                 118       0,42   %
                                 1,30   %                              Others   Hygiene       Head          Medical      Head           CEO/CIO/
Poland                 378
                                                                                Management    Nursing       Directors    Physicians     COO
Portugal               145       0,50   %
Romania                126       0,43   %
Russia                 430       1,48   %                                                                                                          23,3%
                                 0,68   %
                                            Breakdown by                                                                                  20,0%
Serbia                 197                                                                                                 14,3%
Slovakia                73       0,25   %   speciality                                           10,4%        11%
Slovenia                65       0,22   %
Spain                2.583       8,90   %                                           8,6%
Sweden                 320       1,10   %                                7,4%
Switzerland            664       2,29   %                  3,0%
Turkey                 315       1,08   %
Ukraine                 13       0,04   %
Others                 556       1,94   %
                   29.029       100 %           Others   Orthopedics      ICU       OB/Gyn/      Internal      Surgery     Cardiology     Lab      Radiology
                                                                                    Uro          medicine
Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital
EH                      Editorial calendar                                                                                  4/9                 Media Kit Print 2022

EDITORIAL 14.02.          AD PDF 24.02.
                                                     ISSUE   2
                                                     EDITORIAL 17.05.          AD PDF 30.05.
                                                                                                        ISSUE   3
                                                                                                       EDITORIAL 10.08.            AD PDF 20.08.
                                                                                                                                                               ISSUE  4
                                                                                                                                                               EDITORIAL 17.10.            AD PDF 28.10.
BOOKING 18.02.            PUBLISHING 01.03.          BOOKING 23.05.            PUBLISHING 07.06.       BOOKING 13.08.              PUBLISHING 27.08.           BOOKING 21.10.              PUBLISHING 04.11.

                                              News and in-depth reports on hospital management and healthcare politics with special focus on

Diagnostic imaging: Ethics & governance for          Diagnostic imaging: Breast imaging, molec-        Diagnostic imaging: AI in oncologic imaging,            Diagnostic imaging: Multiparametric ul-
AI, machine learning in MRI, novel tracers for       ular imaging, 3D/4D imaging, Update on lung       CEM, teleradiology, update intervention, dose           trasound, neuro imaging, potentials of EEG in
imaging, PSMA/PET, Nano-MRT, Hyrid Imaging           screening, Photon counting detectors              management                                              dementia diagnosis, AI in ultrasound, QA in ra-
                                                                                                                                                               diation therapy, patient management, contrast
IT: Data biases (in AI), IT protection, GDPR, EPR,   IT: Cybersecurity, interoperability, health-      IT: IT security, patient security, secure inter-        agents
VNA, IT networks for hospital groups                 care networks, access control, smart medical      faces, risk assessments, archiving & documen-
                                                     devices                                           tation                                                  IT: IT security, patient-centered IT, secure
Surgery: surgical robotics, remote surgery, 3D                                                                                                                 wearables, Data sharing, digital solutions for
models for surgery preparation, patient safety       Surgery: Minimally invasive surgery (MIS), per-   Surgery: Transplantation, organ donation,               patients
and process optimization                             formance-guided surgery, efficiency and quality     rapid recovery
                                                     in OR planning, protection of OR personnel,                                                               Surgery: Robotics in lung, thymus gland,
Pathology: Tissue handling, slide preparation,       digital laparoscopy (keyhole surgery)             Pathology: Organoids, holistic approach in              thorax and gastroenterology, AI in OR planning,
interdisciplinary work, scanning speed, pattern                                                        DP, image analysis, image analysis in nephrop-          patient positioning and monitoring during sur-
recognition                                          Pathology: Glass slides and deep learning,        athology                                                gery, postoperative complications
                                                     cancer classification, 4D imaging in pathology,
Lab: AI-driven lab diagnosis, standardized tests     POC pathology, enterprise imagin                  Lab: Update on diagnostic tests, infectious dis-        Pathology: Regulatory challenges of AI in
in mass spectrometry, IVDR, microRNAs in clin-                                                         ease surveillance in Europe, molecular diagnos-         digital pathology, multiplexing, digital cytopa-
ical diagnostics, (safe) blood collection, POCT      Lab: Patient-Based Real-Time Quality Control      tics, modern urine analysis, IVD blood tests            thology, cancer survival prediction with deep
and clinical pathways                                (PBRTQC), therapeutic drug monitoring, cardiac                                                            learning
                                                     markers, needlestick injuries, POCT in low and    Infection prevention: Management of antibi-
Infection prevention: Sepsis prevention,             middle income countries                           otic and multidrug resistant pathogens, clean-          Infection prevention: Compliance and
(early) sepsis detection, efficacy testing of disin-                                                     ing, disinfection, sterilization – state of the art,    improving hand hygiene, clinical and technical
fectants and antiseptics, outbreak management        Infection prevention: Invasive procedures         disinfection robots, fracture-related infections        hygiene, hygienic safety of medical devices
in Europe                                            and infections, prevention of nosocomial infec-
                                                     tions, surgical site infection (SSI)

                      Additional topics will be covered along with events and latest trends in areas such as cardiology, oncology, intensive care and many more.

     F AIRS & C ONGRESSES                                 F AIRS & C ONGRESSES                              F AIRS & C ONGRESSES                                    F AIRS & C ONGRESSES
 •   ECR  •  ECCMID   •   EAU   •   DMEA              •   IFCC •   AACC  •  ECDP   •   HIMSS            •   ESC  •  ECP  • ISUOG                                •   MEDICA    •  RSNA
Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital
EH                     Publication format & subscription                                                              5/9               Media Kit Print 2022

                  Publication                                                                                                                      Subscription

                           Trim Size                                                                                                                   €    32       + postage
      297 x 420 mm / 11.69” x 16.5”
                                                                                                                                                       4 EH issues (1 year)
                           Live Area
        265 x 380 mm / 10.43” x 15”

                          5 columns
                                                                                                                                                      €    40        + postage

                  50 x 380 mm each                                                                                                                     4 EH issues (1 year)
                                                                                                                                                     + 3 EH@Medica issues

Advertising material                                          • In files created in Illustrator or Freehand the fonts have to   • Please make sure to deliver images and fonts embedded in EPS
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  tone/HKS) converted to CMYK or define a mandatory CMYK
  value (in percent) for any special colour.                  • TIFF, EPS and JPEG are suitable formats.                       • Open data: Include all fonts that have not been converted to paths.
Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital
EH             Advertising sizes & rates              6/9             Media Kit Print 2022

                             1/2 A3                                                     1/1 A4

     1/1 A3                                       1/3 A3

                             265 x 188 mm                                               210 x 297 mm
                             10.43" x 7.40"                                             8.26" x 11.69"

     300 x 426 mm            5,955 €              265 x 127 mm                          6,972 €
     11.81" x 16.77"                              10.43" x 5"
     11,135 €                                     4,205 €
                                                                             103 x 70 mm
                                                                             4.05" x 2.67"
                                                                        S1   525 €
                                 1/2 A4

         1/2 A4                                      1/4 A4

                                                                                               55 x 70 mm
                                 103 x 297 mm
                                                                                               2.17" x 2.67"
                                 4.05" x 11.69"
                                                                                        S2     370 €
         210 x 148 mm            3,535 €              103 x 133 mm
         8.26" x 5.82"                                4.05" x 5.23"
         3,535 €                                      2,070 €
Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital
EH                    Special advertisements        7/9         Media Kit Print 2022

Special advertisements
& reprints
EUROPEAN HOSPITAL offers several                               Bellyband
opportunities to realise your individual ad
format. Reprints of articles published in
EH are available in any format and printrun.

                                               Loose insert

                                                                                           Cover flap


Please contact us for more
 information and prices.
Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital
EH                       Contact                                                          8/9   Media Kit Print 2022
Editorial team                                        Media team

             BERND MÜLLER                                          GAVIN HUA                                     RALF MATEBLOWSKI
             Managing Director                                     China                                         Germany, Austria, Switzerland
              +49 9221 949 219                                     +86 0755 8132 4036                           +49 6735 912 993
                                                                 

                 MAREIKE SCHOLZE                                   ERIC JUND                                     JANE PARK
                 Publishing Director                               France, Italy, Spain                          South Korea
                  +49 201 87 126 852                               +33 493 58 77 43                             +82 2 7301234
                                                      

                 SONJA BUSKE                                       MARIA KAISER                                  HANNA POLITIS
                 Editor                                            USA, Canada                                   USA, Canada
                  +49 201 87 126 850                               +1 250 726 4007                              +1 301 869 6610
                                                                     

                 DOROTHEA FLEISCHER                                SIMON KRAMER                                  HANNAH WIZER
                 Administrative/Circulation Manager                GB, Scandinavia, Benelux                      Israel
                  +49 201 87 126 853                               +31 180 62 00 20                             +972 3 6955367
                                                   

                 WOLFGANG BEHRENDS                                 INGA KUHLOW                                   CHARLES YANG
                 Online Editor                                     Germany, Austria, Switzerland                 Taiwan
                  +49 201 87 126 849                               +49 228 919 37 31                            +886 4 23 22 36 33
                                                        

                 SASCHA KEUTEL
                 Project Manager
                  +49 201 87 126 550
Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital
EH                                   General terms & conditions                                                                                                                         9/9                         Media Kit Print 2022
1   Advertising order                                                          7   Reimbursement of discounts                                               11   Warranty                                                                    13.2 In case of gross negligence by ordinary performance agents,
1.1 An advertising order in terms of these General Terms and Conditions        7.1 If an order is not fulfilled for reasons beyond the control of mgo FV     11.1 mgo FV warrants within the context of predictable requirements the               the vicarious liability toward enterprises limited to the scope of
    is a contract to place advertising in one or more forms with informa-          then the principal is obliged to reimburse mgo FV in the amount               best possible reproduction of the advertising material in compliance             predictable damage. This does not apply to the breach of
    tion and communications services, esp. the internet, for the purposes          of the difference between the discount granted and the discount                with the respectively applicable technical standard. However, the                material contractual obligations.
    of distribution, concluded between the principal and Mediengruppe              actually utilised, without prejudice to any other legal duties.               principal takes notice of the fact that it is not possible to produce
    Oberfranken - Fachverlage GmbH & Co. KG ("mgo FV").                                                                                                          a programme fully free of errors given the state of the art.                14   Media data
                                                                               7.2 If not otherwise agreed the principal is entitled to claim
1.2 The advertising order is subject solely to these General Terms and             retroactively his discount of his actual advertising utilised within          The warranty does not apply to immaterial errors. An immaterial             14.1 The media data published in the internet at the time of order
    Conditions, the media data as well as the technical specifications, all         one year, if he concluded a contract at the beginning of the time             error in the presentation of the advertising material is given                   placement shall apply. The right to change is reserved with respect
    of which constitute essential contractual elements. Any general terms          limit which entitles him to an discount based on the media data.              in particular if it is caused by                                                 to enterprises. However, price changes are only valid for orders con-
    and conditions of the principal or other advertiser are deemed ex-                                                                                           » use of unsuitable depiction software and or hardware                           firmed by mgo FV if they have been announced at least one month
                                                                               7.3 The claim for the discount lapses if it is not asserted within three
    pressly inapplicable to the extent they deviate in any way from these                                                                                           (e.g. browser) or                                                             prior to publication of the advertising material. In the case of a price
                                                                                   months after the deadline year expired.
    General Terms and Conditions. Analogously orders for advertising                                                                                             » disturbances of the communications network of other providers or               increase the principal is entitled to withdraw from the contract.
    placement pertaining to online media or other media are subject                                                                                              » computer loss due to system failure                                            The right of withdrawal must be exercised within 5 working days
                                                                               8   Data delivery
    to the respective general terms and conditions of the relevant media.                                                                                        » offerings on so-called proxy servers (interim memory) that are                  after receiving notification of the price increase.
                                                                               8.1 The principal is obliged to supply proper advertising material,
                                                                                                                                                                    incomplete and/ or have not been updated or                              14.2 Discounts are determined according to the respective valid media
                                                                                   in particular conforming to mgo FV technical specifications in a
2   Advertising                                                                                                                                                  » by a failure of the ad server of duration not exceeding 24 hours               data. In order to qualify for group discounts, the capital holding in
                                                                                   timely manner prior to publication date. The principal bears the
2.1 Advertising in terms of these General Terms and Conditions                                                                                                      (continuous or cumulative) within 30 days after the contractually             group companies must comprise at least 50%. The claimant has the
                                                                                   risk for transmission of the material designated for publication, in
    may be composed of one or more of the following elements, e.g.:                                                                                                 agreed placement begins.                                                      burden of proving that such a corporate relationship exists.
                                                                                   particular the risk of data loss. Data media, photographs or other
    » an image and/ or text, sound and/ or moving images                                                                                                         In the event of ad server failure for a substantial period (more than       14.3 Advertising agencies and other advertising brokers are obliged to
                                                                                   documents belonging to the principal will be returned to him upon
       (among other things banners/ buttons),                                                                                                                    10 percent of the period booked) in the context of a time-based                  comply with the mgo FV media data in their offers, contracts and
                                                                                   demand at his own expense and risk.
    » a sensitive surface that establishes a connection to other data                                                                                            fixed booking, the principal is not obliged to pay for the period of              invoices with those advertisers.
                                                                               8.2 The duty of mgo FV to retain the advertising materials ends                   the failure. All other claims are precluded.
       when activated (clicked) via an online address designated by the            three months after their last publication.
       principal, subject to the control of the principal (e.g. a link),                                                                                    11.2 In case of inadequate reproduction quality of the advertising               15   Payment default
                                                                               8.3 The principal is to bear the costs incurred by mgo FV for changes             material, the principal is entitled to claim a payment reduction or         15.1 In the event of payment default or deferral interest in the
    » text placed in a newsletter.
                                                                                   to the advertising materials desired or caused by him.                        a substitute advertisement free from defects, however only to the                amount of 4.5% above the respective base rate and collection costs
2.2 Advertising that cannot be immediately recognised as such by
    virtue of its design will be conspicuously identified as advertising.                                                                                         extent that the purpose of the advertising material is impaired.                 will be computed. mgo FV can postpone further performance of the
                                                                               9   Refusal authority                                                             In the case of miscarriage or unreasonableness of the substitute                 current order and demand pre-payment for the remaining
                                                                               9.1 mgo FV reserves the right - even in individual call-ups in the                advertisement, the principal is entitled to payment reduction or                 placement in the event of payment default.
3   Conclusion of contract
                                                                                   context of a contract concluded - to reject or block advertising              cancellation of the order.                                                  15.2 Justifiable doubt as to the principal’s liquidity entitles mgo FV to condition
3.1 Subject to individual agreements to the contrary, the contract                 orders at any time, if
    is only deemed concluded by means of confirmation rendered in                                                                                            11.3 If any defects in the advertising documents are not obvious then                 the publication of additional advertising material, even during the term
                                                                                   » their content violates the law or government regulations or                 the principal has no claims arising from insufficient publication.                 of the contract, notwithstanding any payment target originally agreed,
    writing or by e-mail message or distribution of the order on line.             » their content is subject to a complaint before the German
    The General Terms and Conditions also apply to confirmations                                                                                                  The same shall apply in the case of errors in repeated advertise-                on prepayment of the amount and settlement of outstanding invoices.
                                                                                       Advertising Council (Deutschen Werberat) or                               ment placements if the principal does not give notice of the error
    rendered orally and by telephone.                                              » their publication is unreasonable for mgo FV due to the content,                                                                                        16   Bankruptcy, judicial administration, litigation
                                                                                                                                                                 prior to publication of the next advertisement placement.
3.2 To the extent orders are issued by advertising agencies, the                       origin or technical form.
                                                                                                                                                            11.4 The principal is to review without delay whether the advertisement               In the event of bankruptcy or judicial administration, any
    contract is concluded with the advertising agency, subject to other        9.2 In particular, mgo FV can withdraw advertising material already                                                                                                discount is deemed expired. In the event of litigation the claim in
    written agreements. If an advertiser is to be the principal, then he                                                                                         is published free of error and to give notice immediately of any
                                                                                   published if the principal subsequently changes the content of the            possible defects. mgo FV assures that immediately after receipt of               dispute is again subject to the discount granted.
    must be identified by the advertising agency. mgo FV is entitled to             advertising material or subsequently alters the data to which the
    demand evidence of an engagement from the advertising agency.                                                                                                a defect complaint the reported defect is removed. The principal
                                                                                   link refers and thus satisfies the conditions of paragraph 1.                                                                                              17   Order cancellation/amendments, writing
                                                                                                                                                                 only has a claim for damage compensation in the case of intent or
3.3 Advertising for goods or services from more than one advertiser            9.3 If the principal is warned or has already rendered a cease                                                                                                     Cancellation or amendment of the order including ancillary agree-
                                                                                                                                                                 gross negligence. The principal has the option of either a reduction
    within the same advertisement (so-called association or collective             and desist undertaking pertaining to certain advertising content,                                                                                              ments and amendments to this clause must be in writing and are
                                                                                                                                                                 in payment or publication of a substitute placement in the amount
    advertising) requires the conclusion of an additional agreement                he is obliged to inform mgo FV of this in writing without delay.                                                                                               possible until 5 working days prior to the agreed placement date.
                                                                                                                                                                 of cost for the defective advertising. Any further liability on the part
    either in writing or via e-mail message.                                       If the principal fails to comply with this duty, mgo FV may refuse any        of mgo FV is precluded.
3.4 No exclusion of competition is possible.                                       and all co-liability for damage arising from a repeated publication of                                                                                    18   Data protection
                                                                                   the objectionable advertising.                                           12   Interruption of performance                                                      The advertising order will be handled in accordance with the data
4   Placement                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     protection laws currently in force.
                                                                                                                                                                 If an order cannot be performed for reasons beyond the control
4.1 If the principal does not express a placement preference for the           10    Legal warranties                                                            of mgo FV (such as software conditions or other technical reasons),
    advertising, the contract is deemed concluded by confi rmation of                                                                                                                                                                         19   Place of performance/court of jurisdiction
                                                                               10.1 The principal warrants that he holds all the rights required                 esp. computer failure, force majeure, strikes, due to statutory provi-
    the scope defined in the order. The advertising is placed with the               for placement of the advertising material. The principal indemnifies                                                                                      19.1 The place of performance is Düsseldorf.
                                                                                                                                                                 sions, interruptions for which third parties are responsible (e.g. other
    agreement of the principal. Should this not be possible, mgo FV                 and holds mgo FV harmless for all third party claims in the context          providers), network operators or service providers or for comparable        19.2 To the extent permissible, the court of jurisdiction is Düsseldorf.
    decides exercising reasonable discretion and giving the greatest                of this advertising order that might arise due to violation                  reasons, the publication of an advertisement may be prevented or                 If the principal is not a merchant then the court of jurisdiction is
    possible account to the interests of the principal.                             of statutory regulations.                                                    postponed without prior notification of the principal. Every obligation           governed by the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, to the
4.2 Only spaces stated in the respectively valid price list, resp. technical        Furthermore mgo FV is released from the costs of any legal defence           of mgo FV to perform the contracts and render compensation for                   extent that the domicile or usual place of residence of the principal
    guidelines will be used for placement of advertising.                           that may be necessary. The principal is obliged to support mgo FV            damages expires, in particular no compensation for damages will be               is unknown at the time suit is filed or the principal has not relocated
                                                                                    in good faith with information and documents for legal defence               rendered for advertising not published or not published on time.                 his domicile or usual place of residence outside the jurisdiction of
5     Completion deadline                                                           against third party claims.                                                                                                                                   the law after conclusion of the contract.
      If when concluding the contract the principal is granted the right to    10.2 The principal assigns mgo FV all the copyrights, licenses, service      13   Liability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             20   Applicable law
      call-up individual advertisements then the order is to be completed           protection and other rights required for use as advertising in          13.1 Claims for damage compensation arising from active breach of
      within one year after the contract is concluded.                              online media of any kind, including the internet, in particular to                                                                                            The contractual relationship is subject exclusively to German law.
                                                                                                                                                                 claims; defective contract and tortuous actions arise only if intentional
                                                                                    reproduce, distribute, transmit, send, draw from a database and              and grossly negligent on the part of mgo FV, its representatives or         21   Separability
6     Extension of order                                                            call-up, for the time and content required to execute the order.             agents. This does not apply to warranted properties and the breach               Should a provision of the contract or these General Terms
      When concluding contracts, the principal is entitled to call up               In all cases the foregoing rights will be transferred free of                of material contractual obligations; in cases of the latter liability is         and Conditions be or become invalid the validity of the remaining
      additional advertising beyond that stated in the order within the             restrictions as to location and authorise placement by means                 limited to predictable damage. In cases of slight negligence, claims             provisions shall not be affected. The invalid provision is to be
      agreed period and/ or the time limit stipulated under No. 5, subject          of all known technical methods as well as for all known                      for damage compensation due to impossibility of performance and                  construed by such a valid provision that most closely approximates
      to available capacity.                                                        forms of online media.                                                       default are limited to compensation of the predictable damage.                   the economic purpose of the invalid provision.
Media Kit Print 2022 - European Hospital
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