Brand Publishing Snapshot: Q2 2023

Page created by Joel Kelley
Brand Publishing Snapshot: Q2 2023
Brand Publishing Snapshot:
Q2 2023
Five key trends that will shape the quarter

                                                       questions about what wide ranging use of AI could
Introduction                                           do to humanity.

Uncertainty characterized the first quarter of 2023,   Meanwhile, privacy continues to have wide-
driven by a shaky economy, new technologies, and       ranging effects on the media and publishing
widespread cost-cutting across the technology          industries, affecting consumer attitudes and
sector.                                                potential legislative changes. The middling
                                                       performance by TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew in front
Economic instability looks set to continue into the    of U.S. lawmakers has served to ensure privacy
second quarter, which will fuel further uncertainty    remains top of mind for most American consumers,
for brand publishers. The next few months will be      even if it’s not quite clear which side of the aisle
marked by a sense of “waiting and watching,” as        they end up on. A federal privacy law appears to
brand publishing teams gauge how the discipline        be a growing possibility. That, along with the ever-
will evolve and how to ensure their survival.          present crumbling of the third-party cookie means
                                                       more emphasis on first-party data, and how to
At the beginning of the year, companies awaited        gather it from consumers.
a recession with bated breath. For marketers –
who often operate on sentiment as much as they         Against this backdrop, we expect the second
do on actual financial results – that meant slashed    quarter to be marked by a handful of key trends:
spending and a pause on new hires and initiatives.
Fast-forward to the second quarter, and economic
concerns have led to a rallying cry of efficiency      1. Artificial intelligence will become an
across industries. What Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg          existential concern.
termed as the “year of efficiency” has resulted
                                                       2. AI will offer new opportunities for efficiency
in layoffs, belt tightening, and closer scrutiny of
                                                          and content generation.
                                                       3. Economic concerns will keep brand
Critically, that means that all companies are now         publishing endeavors on edge.
looking for cheaper, faster and easier ways to drive
growth, which will be a resounding theme during        4. Companies will attempt to connect
the second quarter.                                       publishing initiatives with revenue

Another macro trend is the specter of AI, which        5. Distribution will become priority No. 1
will continue to take shape over the next few
months. As Bill Gates wrote in his GatesNotes
newsletter, “the age of AI has begun” – and brought    We’ll explore these trends in this snapshot report,
with it excitement about how AI can help free          and run down the biggest news events that shaped
humans from humdrum tasks, but also existential        the quarter that was.
Brand Publishing Snapshot: Q2 2023
1. Artificial intelligence will                           2. AI will offer new
become an existential concern                             opportunities for efficiency
Companies began the year worrying about the               and content
economy. Now, a new threat looms over them:
The advent of AI.                                         Despite the hand wringing over AI and what it
                                                          means for the future of brand publishing, there’s
Generative AI’s effects are going to be wide              also enthusiasm and excitement about how brand
ranging, and although it could help boost efficiency      publishers can integrate AI into their processes.
(more on that below) it also threatens to upend
publishing strategies entirely. For brand publishers,     In most cases, humans are better than Bard or
the rising popularity of AI and its possibilities could   ChatGPT at creating engaging content, at least
increasingly feel like the rug is being pulled out        for now. But AI does present opportunities to add
from under them. In recent months it’s become             efficiency to the content generation process. For
clear that AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google’s          example, AI can quickly put together frameworks,
Bard will use publicly available web information in       gather research and data from around the web,
order to inform their responses.                          freeing up writers’ time to add original interviews
                                                          and reporting to arrive at well-rounded content
Many brand publishers based their entire content          that probably took less time than if the writer had
strategies on providing unique insight, knowledge         begun with a blank page. AI acts as an augmented
and expertise. But generative AI changes the              expert, able to supercharge internal expertise, and
game. It’s unclear how chatbots will use or source        do it quickly.
third-party websites, but during these early days,
many are already able to replicate brand publisher        In other cases, AI has some implications for SEO-
content, particularly SEO-friendly content that           driven publishing strategies, where it can, with the
answers queries, which may render brand offerings         right prompts in place, put together suggested
useless.                                                  keyword clusters or descriptions to help content
                                                          rank higher.
For many editors and publishers inside
                                                          An arms race is already underway to help brand
brands, the focus in the next few months will
                                                          publishers with a host of creation tasks. They range
be to lessen dependence on “expert” content               from production efficiencies (putting together
and focus more on original report and analy-              outlines, doing research, or suggesting headlines
sis.                                                      and text for social media) to distribution help (SEO
                                                          suggestions) to idea generation. Brand publishers
Executives we spoke with say that the mandate             say they are getting inundated with pitches for new
for differentiation has never been as critical as it      tools everyday, and the next few months promise to
is now. Many brand publishers are trying to figure        bring more.
out how they can build more reporting into their
processes, so they can create original content that       Over the next quarter, the market will contin-
audiences crave – and chatbots can’t replicate.
                                                          ue to be flooded with new tools, each claim-
                                                          ing to solve different pain points, and each
There are other tactical concerns brand publishing
teams have as well. For one, many brand publishers        doing so to varying degrees of success.
are beginning to experiment with putting content
behind paywalls or registration walls, in an effort       Brand publishers will also need to decide how
to either eke out revenue or to gain valuable             much they will rely on AI, and where they’ll keep it
information and insight about who their audiences         at arms length. As traditional publishers have been
are. Like traditional media publishers, there is          discovering, AI makes mistakes, albeit it stands to
some concern from brands around if generative             reason that it appears that the technology will only
AI chatbots can “scrape” content from behind              continue to improve. Brands are also beginning to
                                                          use AI for marketing copy, or campaigns. Brands
regwalls, or if it will sometime in the future.
                                                          will have to figure out what their risk tolerance is for
                                                          AI in publishing, and to what degree they will use it.
                                                          The legal question will also remain top of mind. The
Brand Publishing Snapshot: Q2 2023
copyright problems are a potential minefield – who      cognizant that brand publishing is at high risk of
owns what AI produces? And is it possible that two      being cut during uncertain times, particularly if
publishers could independently publish the same         it’s measured against other performance-related
material, because they used similar prompts for AI?     marketing.
It’s unlikely any of this will be sorted out any time
soon, but anyone producing content on the web is        By no means are brand publishers out of the woods.
beginning to think deeply about these issues.
                                                        CFOs will continue to scrutinize any and all
                                                        expenses, and publishing teams that don’t
                                                        demonstrate their impact on the bottom line
3. Economic concerns will                               will find themselves at risk.

keep brand publishing                                   The ongoing bloodshed in traditional media
                                                        shows how competitive and cutthroat the race for
endeavors on edge                                       audience attention has become.

As they entered 2023, many brand publishing
operations underwent significant belt tightening,
leading to teams that were a lot smaller than before,
fewer resources to go around, and more pressure         4. Companies will attempt to
to perform. And those were the lucky few. Tech
companies, which happened to be some of the             connect publishing initiatives
most enthusiastic proponents of brand publishing
out there, slashed their headcounts during the first
                                                        with revenue
quarter, and content people were laid off in droves.
                                                        One of the fundamental challenges for brand
                                                        publishing operations is demonstrating how their
But even as advertising and marketing spend declines,
                                                        contributions benefit the companies they work
brand publishing teams remain hopeful for the second
                                                        for and – ultimately – how to justify their own
half of the year. Because brand publishing is a
                                                        existence. Progress is often gauged using metrics
relatively cost-efficient initiative, many teams have
                                                        oriented around traffic, net promoter scores and
found themselves spared from wider cost-cutting

For many brand publishing executives, lean times        The reality of a tighter economic situation
are actually a chance to prove their worth to           – and the threat it poses to any business
the C-suite and the CFO, and punch above their          activity that doesn’t show a return – means
weight. There are signs that for companies that do      brand publishing teams have begun thinking
have clear audience propositions, maintaining or        more deeply about what their role means for
increasing investment in brand-building activities      a business.
may pay off handsomely.
                                                        Per Wordpress VIP’s annual content report, despite
In the coming months, publishing teams will focus       brand awareness remaining the top purpose for
on tightening up their processes even further to        creating content, generating revenue and sales
demonstrate their worth – focusing even more            jumped from #5 to #2 in this year’s survey.
tightly on their core audience propositions, and
cutting out extraneous, nice-to-have projects.          This can take a few different forms. For one,
                                                        more sophisticated metrics and measurements
In some cases, that’s meant a renewed interest          are being put in place at some brand publishers.
in original articles and stories, and more focus on     Editorial directors who want to ensure their work
quality than quantity. In other cases, video and        “gets credit” are working to ensure that basic
audio projects have been shelved in favor of less       mechanisms are in place to track audience behavior
resource-intensive mediums.                             so that it’s clear how their work influenced a final
                                                        sale, or even lead.
“Leanness” is the biggest priority for not just the
coming quarter but the year for Meghna Rao, who         In other cases, tactics are changing. More brand
heads editorial at Mercury Bank. Rao said she’s         publishing teams are looking to email-gates and
Brand Publishing Snapshot: Q2 2023
other such mechanisms, putting content behind            so many brands moved towards owned media
walls, so that they can more clearly show how their      channels that they could control. Wordpress VIP’s
work is driving real business leads.                     annual content report found that owned channels
                                                         continue to top the distribution list for brand
And in some rare cases, brand publishers are turning     publishers for the second year running.
their own initiatives into true revenue streams for
companies. For some, that’s meant going all the way      “What really excites me…is this large owned and
and selling ads and sponsorships on their pages. In      operated channel, we don’t have to go through a
other cases, brand publishers are testing whether        filter of PR, of media, of the interpretation of third
they can create content that people have to pay to       parties, we can work directly with our executives
access.                                                  to get out the messages that are going to be
                                                         important for our customers to hear, and that are
And there are also other opportunities at play,          going to help them grow their businesses and
such as affiliate links, or event revenue. But media     help them think differently about how they’re
businesses are notoriously difficult to run. As Brad     approaching marketing,” said Natalie Zmuda, head
Wolverton of Hubspot said, “sometimes it doesn’t         of global content at Google.
feel worth chasing the [media] dollars,” particularly
if the brand itself is selling a much more expensive     For brand publishers, the challenge now is in
product, like Hubspot is.                                weaning themselves away from a reliance on
                                                         platforms as the only way to draw eyeballs.
More companies are trying to tie their brand
publishing operations to tangible business               Some of this is an internal challenge; with more
outcomes.                                                brand publishing executives reporting that
                                                         they’re spending more time on educating internal
More of these efforts will come to light in the next     stakeholders on how to rely less on social platforms
few months. But underlying them is a sense of            and funnel resources to owned properties.
existential crisis for brand publishers, who know
that now is the moment they must prove their             More brand publishers are carefully considering
worth. While the idea of making money directly           what levers they can pull in order to draw audiences
from content will probably remain mostly a rarity for    and keep them. An increasing number are
now, publishing teams across sectors are trying to       beginning to experiment with email newsletters and
be more sophisticated about how they think about         emailed content as a key way to reach audiences
their roles in the wider business.                       directly in their inboxes.

                                                         “Relying on one distribution channel is like putting
                                                         all of your eggs in one basket,” said Hone Health
                                                         editorial director Tracy Middleton. “Google will
5. Distribution will become                              change its algorithm and social media platforms
                                                         can come and go. Publishers of all types need
priority No. 1                                           a diversified distribution strategy to make sure
                                                         they’re hitting their audience in multiple places—
For many brand publishers, the last couple of            and tailoring the messaging in each.”
years have been focused on doing the hard work
of putting in place solid editorial strategies,          Paid social media and paid search ads are also
understanding their audiences’ desires, and              expected to be two areas in which brand publishers
figuring out the formats necessary to present            will look at more closely, and an increasing number
information in the most powerful and effective way       of brands are now trying to figure out earned
possible.                                                media strategies to spotlight their own publishing
But an increasing number of brand publishers are
now turning their attention to the thorny issue of
distribution: How to get their content in front of the
right people.

Tenuous arrangements with social platforms like
Twitter and Facebook have been part of the reason
Brand Publishing Snapshot: Q2 2023
Events that shaped brand publishing in Q1

JPMC’s Frank mistake                   Robinhood launches                    Trust in news media hits
Brand publishing isn’t immune to
                                       Sherwood                              all-time low
scams. In January, news broke
                                       Robinhood Markets Inc.                Audiences are trusting traditional
that Frank – a financial planning
                                       announced in January that             sources of information less and
and financial content website
                                       it was going to launch a new          less. This January, Edelman’s
that JPMorgan Chase acquired
                                       subsidiary to house its content       annual Trust Barometer research
in 2021 for $175 million – had
                                       and publishing initiatives.           found businesses are now the
artificially inflated its audience
                                       Sherwood Media will be headed         only trusted institution in the
numbers. The acquisition was an
                                       up by former Bloomberg                world, more trusted than NGOs,
effort by the bank to shore up
                                       executive Joshua Topolsky,            the government, and the media.
its consumer base among young
                                       and will build on Robinhood’s
adults – use Frank to lower
                                       popular Snacks newsletter,            As Richard Edelman, global CEO
customer acquisition costs by
                                       which it bought in 2019. (At that     put it, “company newsletters
building and owning an audience
                                       time, the newsletter was called       are now more trusted than any
among that valuable cohort.
                                       MarketSnacks.) Robinhood              other [media],” ahead of search,
                                       Snacks will be the foundation         social or other. Some of this,
It turned out many of Frank’s
                                       of Sherwood, which also plans         wrote Edelman, is the effect
“customers” weren’t real – after
                                       to launch new newsletters and         of the COVID-19 pandemic
sending marketing emails to
                                       social-first content, all featuring   and a factitious presidential
400,000 Frank email addresses,
                                       analysis and original reporting.      election cycle, which found that
70% of them bounced back.
                                                                             people began to see media as
Frank had allegedly invented
                                       Sherwood will also look for           increasingly politicized. (That
millions of fake accounts, faking an
                                       advertising partners for Snacks       data is backed by other reports:
audience that simply didn’t exist.
                                       in an effort to turn the publishing   A Gallup and Knight Foundation
                                       operation into a full-fledged         survey in February 2023 found
Inflating audience numbers isn’t
                                       media company – and perhaps           that only 35% of Americans think
new in media circles but the
                                       make some money off it as             national news organizations are
net result was that Frank, which
                                       well. Sherwood will also – in a       reliably reporting the news fairly
was supposed to hand JPMC
                                       departure for Snacks – cover          or accurately.)
an audience of 4.25 million
                                       Robinhood where appropriate
students, instead gave them one
                                       as well. It’s an example of how       Edelman is now recommending
that looked a lot smaller, leading
                                       quickly the content landscape is      to clients that they “go direct”
the bank chief, Jamie Dimon,
                                       shifting, and how much gaining        to end users – audiences – with
to call the entire proceedings a
                                       audience trust now matters to         important information, as a
“huge mistake.” In March, Frank
                                       brand publishers.                     way to supplement what other
founder Charlie Javice fired
                                                                             sources are offering. Chief
back, saying that the bank’s
                                                                             communications officers must
fraud allegations are false,
                                                                             work in this new reality and work
and said the company is trying
                                                                             to support mainstream media,
to shift the blame for a failed
                                                                             but also make their own case
acquisition onto her.
                                                                             as “adjacent sources” of quality
                                                                             information, said Edelman.
Brand Publishing Snapshot: Q2 2023
Mutual of Omaha                     The limits of artificial            Penn completes Barstool
relaunches Wild Kingdom             intelligence                        acquisition
For all that’s new in brand         CNet was one of the few major       Faced with extremely high
publishing, there is evidence       publishers that went headfirst      customer acquisition costs in
that much of it has existed for     into AI-generated content. In       a highly competitive market,
years, if not decades. A case in    January, the site began quietly     sports bettors have been
point is Mutual of Omaha’s Wild     publishing stories that were        enthusiastic about trying to build
Kingdom, the documentary TV         generated entirely by AI. Most      content operations that will help
program about wildlife that was     of these were commoditized          them attract audiences.
originally produced from 1963       fodder, such as explainers about
until 1988. In January, it was      compound interest and how           Penn Entertainment’s acquisition
revived as Mutual of Omaha’s        much money people should keep       of Barstool, which completed
Wild Kingdom: Protecting the        in CDs.                             in February, is a textbook case
Wild. The new iteration features                                        of this trend. The acquisition,
host Peter Gros, and will air on    Out of the 77 stories CNet          which was first announced in
RFD-TV and online.                  published using AI, corrections     August, cost Penn $388 million
                                    were issued on more than half –     for the 65% of Barstool it didn’t
For the financial services          44 of them. Following the errors,   already own. Penn and Barstool
provider, the show has been an      a disclaimer was posted at the      first partnered in 2020, when
enormous investment, making         top of all AI-written stories:      Penn bought 36% of the media
up a third of its total spend and   “We are currently reviewing this    company for approximately $164
half of its overall reach. The      story for accuracy. If we find      million.
company says it’s been a huge       errors, we will update and issue
differentiator for the brand,       corrections.” The AI written        Barstool says it now reaches
and is produced in a very lean,     articles are SEO plays, designed    200 million followers across
efficient way.                      to work with Google’s algorithm     platforms and its audience has
                                    so affiliate ads can go on those    grown 195% in the three years
                                    stories.                            since Penn first bought a stake
                                                                        in the company. That being
                                    After a lengthy review and          said, the acquisition is already
                                    debate, CNet paused AI-             proving to also come with a
                                    generated content entirely,         heavy helping of controversy.
                                    but said it plans to continue to    Already, Barstool personalities
                                    explore and test how AI will be     (a key reason for the media
                                    used to help its content teams.     brand’s extreme popularity) are
                                                                        beginning to run afoul of state
                                                                        and government regulations,
                                                                        such as promoting violence or
                                                                        excessive gambling.
Brand Publishing Snapshot: Q2 2023
NYC’s mayor “goes                          A brand publication wins               Layoffs hit brand
direct”                                    a journalism award                     publishing
In an effort to cover what he              The Edge, an online publication        Over the course of the first
deems useful – and a retort to             owned by health startup Hone           quarter, layoffs rollicked the
local press – NYC mayor Eric               Health, won a public health            tech industry – at least 150,000
Adams launched a newsletter,               journalism award from the              layoffs happened across the
“Hear from Eric,” that will speak          Association of Health Care             sector since the beginning of
directly to New Yorkers.                   Journalists. The year-old              the year. Among those at risk
                                           publication won for “The Enemy         were brand publishing teams,
Local news has covered Adams               Within,” an editorial package          who found their roles eliminated
extensively during his first term          that told stories of army veterans     and their departments gone as
in office. Not all that coverage           and the risk of low testosterone       companies tried to slash costs.
has been rosy; it’s included               – and the challenges they face
Adams’ issues with his Brooklyn            getting treatment.                     Brand publishing often falls
residency, his handling of asylum                                                 under marketing at companies,
seekers and his policy priorities.         The publication was competing          and during costcutting times,
                                           in against established media           marketing teams are often cut
According to Adams, this has               brands, including the New York         heavily in an effort to reduce
resulted in a “distorted” version          Times, and winning in that             overall operating costs. In other
of what he does and says.                  category is a notable step for a       cases, the problem was that
The result is Hear from Eric,              brand – and perhaps proof that         brand publishing wasn’t carefully
which launched with $75,000                quality content can pay off for        defined inside some companies,
in funding, and covers news                brands.                                and didn’t have clear metrics
about policies, events and                                                        and goals that made it seem
progress on city initiatives. The          The package was born out               critical. In some cases, brand
City of New York also plans to             of editorial director Tracy            publishing was largely left to
build out a full fledged content           Middleton’s work on how                be an awareness play, which
operation that is targeted to              many of Hone’s customers               meant that when CFOs began
specific neighborhoods, and will           were veterans, and featured            crunching the numbers, it was
distribute this via text and email.        original reporting and analysis.       difficult to draw a line between
                                           Middleton said it was a success        what the publishing team was
                                           from an editorial and a business       doing and how it affected the
                                           perspective: “Our email with the       company.
                                           package had an open rate of
                                           60%, higher than others. And
                                           we used it to re-engage people
                                           in the funnel, such as in the
                                           cart abandoned stage, or those
                                           who bought a kit but hadn’t
                                           registered it,” she told Toolkits.

Toolkits is a business media company that provides insight and intelligence for
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Brand Publishing Snapshot: Q2 2023 Brand Publishing Snapshot: Q2 2023
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